The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL tWl'EU OK DAM.KS CITY. AND WASCO COUNTY. auHscnii'TioK hates. BY MAIL, rOSTACK riMtTAlU, IN ADVASCCK. Weelclv. 1 vcr M 0 T.t 0 ) C 00 S 00 0 60 TRANSATLANTIC LINERS. Pahihian thieves hnve been detected stealing boots from a boot shop by moans of a llshhip-roil ami lino. At St. Mnlo there is un omnibus con ductor who is a marquis, a count who earns his livhtf by mnkinp mmisotrups and a bathing' man who rejoices in n ddublo title Count Snoul tie In Ho race, aiurquis tie Clintnbery. THEY CAN HANDLE WHIPS. Itormirliiihlo Trrrlalou mill 81(111 of tho I'sqiilniuu Drlvorn. Tins skill of this Kpqulmnu do? drivers with the whips, by lilt i tl jy control tholr unruly teats, is wilil to bo something sfjfcrvelous. The hip consists of u rnwhldo lnsh aboi forty foot long, fastened to a h.-udlc not i over six inches in lonijth. A contest wn's arranged among them in thu pros-1 6 month? 3 " Dally, 1 yen. " o niomns :? l " . .. :.,., r ,, ...i,-.,- per" Amoxo tlie latest entinisiasts tor ui- v," . .jj ii .. r,.ii., ii Tltv I'lnm. i viiltiirr in 1lrimsilK Ik Mnio. l.nm. t " lHCHOl WHS HlO ICLK." The Dalles, Oregon. ' bort do Rothschild, who goes rccularly i l'ost-OtlWo. OFHCK HOURS (tneral Delivery Window ...... .S a. in. to 7 p. m. Money Order " 8 a. m. to 4 j. m. Bumlny U 1) " yn. m. to 10a. in. CLOS1NO OF MAILS trains going East 9 p. m. and 1U4& a, m. " " West 9 p.m. and a:nop. m. Stage for Goldendale . . . .7:30 a. m. " " l'rincvlllo S:S0a. m. ' "Dufuraud Warm Springs ..ft:S0a. ru. " fLeaTing (or Lvlo & Hartland. .5:30 a. m. " " " jAntelope 6:S0a. m. Except Sunday. rTri-weekly. Tucsdav Thursday and Saturday, t " Monday Wednesday and Friday. SATURDAY, OCT. 21. 1893 The senate are paving the way for the initiative and referendum, which this country will surely see before many years. The people would have passed upon the Sherman repeal bill long ago, and it would not bring with it the con demnation of any one. In confirming Van Alen the senate has again over stepped the bounds of decency, the ac tion being totally unexpected. A balloon ascension was scheduled in The Dalles for this afternoon. These sort of events invariably draw the larg est crowds of people. And yet there is no scientific principle involved other than the simple law discovered by New ton, now so plentifully apparent in the falling leaf. There is still less of amuse ment about it. The magic lantern and panorama of childhood is far its super ior. What, then, constitutes its inter est, in that gaping crowds will follow the aeronaut in his wild flight into space, bending their necks until it would seem the cord would snap from weariness? The answer cannot be guessed, unless there is a delight in the fascination of possible impending death. The sight of a human being falling through space with ever increasing ve locity until it reaches the earth a shape less, bleeding mass, would indeed be a sight most rare, and this it must be, at tracts. There is much of barbarity in us yet, and civilization is not yet per fect. Take away the crowds and there would be fewer balloon ascensions and the misfortune that sooner or later overtakes all balloonists obviated. Honesty is not so rare as may be sup posed by the following, from the Tele gram, which shows that, notwithstand ing the distress and hard times in Port land, a chanre to take other people money is despised. "On Third and Al der streets, at 3 o'clock yesterday after noon, a bank messenger alighted from car, carrying with him a canvas sack containing about $0,000. Half way down Alder, between Second and Third streets, the sack burst, and its golden contents of double eagles, eagles and half eagles rolled along the wooden side walk. A look of despair was depicted on the messenger's face as lie saw dozen or more Chinese and a few idl white men scramble for the coin. For fully five seconds he was unable to ar ticulate a sound, but at lust he implored the crowd to act honestlv with him and his earnest pleading request met witl the desired response. He removed his sack coat, laid it upon tiie sidewalk and Chinese and whites alike dropped what money they picked up on the coat When the messenger eventually bal anced cash, he found himself f j short only, and that coin most probably rolled into a crevice." We have a vivid recollection of that part of the national campaign that was engineered last fall by the Dalles demo cracy, says the Sentinel. In the big howling procession, there marched through mud and slush a little, old short-legged Dutchman, bearing aloft a banner with a motto something like this: A vote for Grover means 20 cents a pound for wool. llie banner waved victorious over Wasco county'fi democracy and all suckerdom Grover was elected and democracy seated in uncontrolled au- thoritv. Seven months have passed and today wool, instead of being worth 20 cents a pound, is practi cally worth nothing and hard to sell at that price, while the condition of the wool growers of Wasco county is thus described by an Oregon contemporary "Sheep buyers who have traveled through Waeco county report that nearly every flock of sheep owned in that county is mortgaged for about all it is worth. The owners can't sell their wool." to the Hois de la Cambro to practice. Hicyclo riding has created quite i furore in the city among the gentler sex. A ritlKxn of the labor movement has taken to the hortse of commons and left in the hands of the attendants a black leather bag. engraved with an inscription to John Hums in gold let prize. It was buried in the ground, witu just enough , of the edge showing to allow it t- bo 1 seen. The contc-tnut styod in iv lino I the length of tholr whips' away from It i and about eight foot apart. The most. export whip was u little man not j more than four fc t higu. with slaut i ing eyes and a spiky -.ttle beard that j made him look ver? Japan A I movement of his writ rout the forty tors: "To John Hums, in memory of 1 f.out " curv "g bu.k in a stu .ght j the groat dock strike, 18SD." Hue like a long snake. , ,h A , . Another movement and it came for- 1 , 'lHK teapot wlMoh the princess of wml uoiselesslV) 8UOotlng through the ttnles invariably uses every day at n,r jlwt nb(mj t,u BUpfnce of the Sandrmgham is exceedingly curious, j BP0Ullll until, with a loud report, the and is said to be of priceless value. It ti ,, . ,.,, .,, v, is very old, in the shape of a stout Dutchman sitting astride a barrel of wine. The old man's cap serves for a lid and a gold tap in the barrel lets out spot where the coin lay buried, dug it from the ground, and brought it spin ning back to the Esquimau urtist. Such precision and such force are Take A Thief in the Wight, Consumption conies. A slight cold, with your Bystom in thu NorofuloiiH condition that's caused by impure blood, is unotifjli to fast en it upon you. That is tlio timo when negluot and delay arc full of danger. Consumption is Lung -Scrofula. You can provont it, and you can euro it, if you haven't waited too long, with Dr. Picrco's Golden Med ical Discovory. That is the moHt potent blood - cleanser, Rtrongth - re storer, and Hush-builder that's known to medical Hoiencu. For overy dis ease that has to bo reached through tne mood, iiKo consumption, tor ' - izjoa Tho poot unquestionably .had reference to the tiie lavorite nve o ciock oeverage. ' .,rfni,,i,: ..,. ,..i.i ' acroiuia in uu its ionus. hok i ... vte 1 t'1 world. One of these fellows I'"B. Bronchitis, , Asthma, and all L.t. ii.iioii jote. snvnro. liiitrerinir CoupIih. it is tlm wives of Siamese noblemen cut, 1 T. , " ' i ' .i , Tf u ir hair so that it will stick straight w'l'' " " "M io- , ""V j. x I VIUV.IIII V U1.HVHU V. WHIU, J T V. , your inonoy uacK. Tlie tho up from their heaiU. '1 lie average length of it is about an inch and n half. For tho drew of women in hot climates nothing is comparable to the Sandwich island holaku and mtirau. Tlie mumu Tho proprietors of Dr. Sage's Ca tarrh Reined v know that thotr mudi- case is, they'll pay you $500 in cash. Ktui Francisco Park Policemen. The park policemen of San Francisco use tho lariat to stopVunaway horses, and all are experts with tho rope. Tlie is an ordinary shift with a deep ilounce i captain of the Golden Onto park squad , c'm(J perfectly and permanently cures at tho bottom, anil the holaku is noth- , saVs his men "can stop a horse within I Q.itarrj ', prove it to you thov ing more than tho garment known as distance of fifty yards, without tho ' fc ,;, ff If , J a "Mother Hubbard. slightest danger to themselves.' and . ' . llhnilllil.. ah he ,loc8n,t ,listinot. your Catarrh, no matter what your Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish. ! s-v so- without danger to the runa- away or its rider. A Great Liver Medicine. ! Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills are ' . NowTryThU. a sure cure for sick headache, bilious It will cost you nothing and will sure complaints, dyspepsia, indigestion, cos- lv do you good, if you have a cough, tiveness, torpid liver, etc. These pilis c"oU1 or any trouble with throat, chest insure perfect digestion, correct the .... , t.., v. . 1V liver and stomach, regulate the bowels, . or hmKs' . Dr' Km 8 ,w D'-cc-vcry for purify and enrich the blood and make 1 consumption, coughs and colds is guar the skin clear. They also produce a anteed to give relief, or inonov will be good appetite and invigorate and paid back. Sufferers from la uripjic strengthen the entire system by their found it just the thing and under its tonic action. They only require one pill use had a speedv and thorough recov- eav. lry a sample bottle at our ox- ip-0i a i I- at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rat MIOHKLUACH HUIOK, - . UNION ST. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Wort, Tin Repairs m mil MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. for a dose Sold at 2o Houghton. and cts. never gripe or sicken, a box bv Hlakelev & pe'nse, and learn for yourself just how good a thing it is. Trial bottles free at Snipes & Kinersly's drug store. Iirge size 50c and $1. John Pashek, Tho tetat Tailo 76 Coupt Stnaot, Next door to Wasco Sun Office. Notice! All notes duo and becoming due and all accounts owing us must be settled on or before November 1st, 1803, either in wheat, oats, barley or cash. Accounts and .notes remaining unpaid after that date will have to undergo costs of col lection. We mean business and must positively have'money. Respectfully, davrlm Twc Dallks Mbkoantimj Co, MauM far Heat. BiX'room house to rent. Apply to Centrally II. Glknn. Has just received the latest styles in Suitings for Gentlemen, and hs n larjro ii'-sortment of Fon isn nml Amer lean Cloths, which ho can tlnlsh To (inler for those that favor him. Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty. Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, Lame Back, &c. i ru ur.u fLOnsr liottlo. Ol rp.i rntcll noaweiicst.Sore 7iuu:it -riiup riimptlv; relieves v. Jionpini.ijiiii anC A'llimu. 'V r Contun-.tlo.. It hai nn rival; ha3firotl lhauaiulniT icrcnll othcis fjilcl; irillcUKE vou if taken intnr.' fioi'J by DruL'irlra on n-nnrnntj. F'-Iar.j"Ili!;. or Chest, uso nUtLOU'ri 1'l.ASTai;. Z eu. iiii70.von i.uBu'rn; in"remeiv isimrttr.. tevti to cure vim. Prleo'OCH. lultetor lr--. CAT.RRK 'REMEDV. This Is the Season Of the Year Ulhen Judieibus Advertising Pays. SUjVIN-IONS. Kir mil by Hnlpn Klnrrl. D.ri. SANDEH'S ELECTRIC BELT With Electro-Magnetic SUSPENSORY. i.aieil raicniai jit.i improremenii i Will cure without inwllclno all IHttoMireBUltlncfror.) over.taxAtioa of brain nerve forces exctwcdor iridic crc-tJon. as nervous debility. lep!ewmess, Untruor. rbmmntwn, Icldner, liver and bladder complaints, larnc beclc. lumtao, cclatlca, all female complaint general III bmlth, etc. This elcctrlo llelt contains Vioa-lrrfs! iM.roieueais over oil Glner. current is Jnttintlyfeltby wearer or vro forfttt J,0OU,O'J. and wlllcuieallof tho aliovo (Ureases or Do pay. Thou. nds have been CJred bv this rnirvelou.i invention after all other remwlien failed, and we trlvo bundxed; of testimonials In this and every other state. Our IWrfal lapra.ed EUlTItlC SCfcl'K.'SSOIlY tho preatew: boon sver oirered weals men, UKK ultlisll lipll.. lin.llhsa'l llcrias(imsrlliei'lUi!ITEZIIInC'lta !WiU;n Bend for Iilut'd i'amphlet, muled, staled, fctxj 8ANDEN BLEOTRIO CO., tko. X7J4 A'lrst Htreet, J'OUTt,AA'il OU. THL DALLES. OK. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. VIGOR MEN le, W. ; W. If. iilantJ. J V. S. Imni Officj;, The ilallen, Or., Oetolwr 17, WJJ. i Notice is herebj' Klven that the follouliiK namiil eettler Jia illeil notiee of his intention to muko liual vroof in iiiiort of IiIh claim, anil mat ham yrixn mil uu uiune ix.'loro tnu Easily, Qulckl;, Pcrmanenll Rctto;ed. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and all tho train of r in from early errors or later excesses, tlio results of overwork, s Idleness, vforry.etc. Fullttrenxib, development ami tonn given to eery organ and portion of tho iKKly. Simple, natural inethodi. Iimnertlatolmprriveiiirnt aeen. ValluralmuosslLlr. 2.0JU references lk)lf, oxplaustlon ami pruifi mailed (scaled ) free. ERIE MEDICAL CC. OUFFALO. U. Y. reirlster nml receiver of the L'. 8. Ijiml ollieo at 'flic Dalles, Or,, on Monday, Nov. L'7, 18ttJ, U: Iiimeit At. l'atlsou. SUMMONS, in tuo uifruit i-ouri oj mo ntan; 01 Oregon, ior tnu eouiiiy 01 um'u. V. A. Miller. l'Utlntijr, Ho names tho iolIoivliiK wltiicsnes to prove his I ... , mtiniious retideneo uiion and cultivation of ! ' Itv iipmu, Homestead npplicatlon No. '."J12 for SKJ-. i-cctlon I 1,'ip. i s., u h i:v.m. I 4 con xal'l land, viz Fen Hatty. Huith ChrUman. W. K. Corhon anil E. N. Chamller, all of The Dalles. Or. lO-'JIUt JOHN W. LEWIS, Kcitcr. Taken Up. One eorrel KeWIng about twelvo years old, ami branded thus p on left shoulder. Tlio owner cmi have the unlmal hy payini; for this notice I). J. COOi'EIi. August 13, ISK.-wtf Assignee's Notiee to Creditors. W. K. Garretson. of Tho Dalles. On win . tmv. Ins ustiKned his property lor the benefit of Ml his creditors, ull nervous iiavinir claims uviiinut him are hereby notified U present them to mo under oatb, at Tho Uallen, Orexou, within three inonins irom dale. A. It. TIIOIII'SON, AMlunev. August G,isa3..w0t NOTICE. In the County Court of the Hiute ol Orexou, for ivwco uounty, In thu Matter of the Kstatu of i William Hamilton Wilson, Doceuseil.j Notice Is hereby Klven that tho underslgael, by an order of tbe County Court of the HUteof Ort-Kou, for Waaco County, made and entered Ueptember 7. VMS, Mr a appointed executor of the but Mrlll aud testa uieut of the said William i 1 1..... ii'i i .......... . . .ii Kn i I. . .miliAii vriiawsii uwshwi ail ymiwiia liavil( Claims ajralnat said estate are hereby nolllled to present toe same wnn tue uroiwr vouctiers lierefor to mo nt tho office ol Mays, Huntington i Wilson. Tho Dalles. Oreiron. wlililii sly mouths from tho outo of tills notice. Dated The Dune, or., Kept. 7. wxt. It. Hi IIUNriN'flTON, Executor of Will of Wni, II. Wilson, deu'd l-n3l I JHJtmlant. ) To ;, . JleuMliU, the alxvc-naviat tlraidant, in ino namu oi mo nuiio oi wreKou, ou ire hereby required toupjiear iilid answer tho Com plaint llleii iiKulut you In tlio above eutltkd suit wunin ten oays from tnu uaio oi tnu H-rvleunf l.lU L Z. II . .......... .. I.t.t.. ...I . county; or If herved within any other couiityof this state, then within twenty da)s from tlio uaio oi me hervlco oi mis suiiiinous uikjii you or ii fcervcu upon you oy puoiication, men you are rcjuircd to appear nml answer Mild Com plaint on tho first day of the next term of mild court, inter six weens iiuoiicaiiou oi tins hum- nions, io-wic on Jionaay, inc I Ifitli day Nuvemliur, IHDll, . and If you fall to so answer, the plalutlll' will apply to the court for the. relief praved for in I laid complaint, to-wlt: for the foreclosure of tho iiioriKdKuuescnoca in aia compiiiiil, ami for tho sab-of tho urcmlses therein ili-crilMl. to. mi: mo soiiin nan oi wio oinnwesi iUurter. tin. iKitthi.ufct inrF .if Irlm uiii I Ii t. ..wt ....u...... and tho southwest quarter of the southeast ouurier, oi bcciioii -as. lownsniii one north, ItaiiKu thirteen East. Willamette Meridian, eon tabling ouo hundred and sixty acres, and situ ated In Wasco county, Oregon. Also, tho north half of tho northeast quarter, (lie northeast quarter of the northwest quarter, and tho south, east quarter of the northeast qusrter of Hectlou ?.,.!.T"t',"U' nc North, Itiiugo thirteen East, Willamette Meridian, containing ouo hundred and sixty acres, and situated In Wasco county, Oregon; according to law and the practice of In the Circuit Court of the Htate of Oregon for the County of Wnseo. A. I) Ilolton, 1 rialutlll, vs. Krimk I). (illleple i uiiiiiiu liiiuntde, vt ( I.. Hunt ami i Under, Dcfuni Til Frank V. (HUciilc cni'i 'Jtluvln llilkiitic, of the dtMi'C-7iinieil tirjtmianu' i In the name of the statu of Oregon, you nml i eneli of you are herebv reoiilrtd to aniK-ar nml , answer tho comiilaiut II In I against you In the ubovu entitled suit on or bcfuiu thu first day of the regular term of tho Circuit Court of the Kin to of Oregon for Wasco County, next following the i uaio ncrcoi, to-wit, on or heloro tlio I tilth day of Novoinliiir, lHlCI, ami If vim fall mi to answer, for want thereof the plalntlir will apply to tlie Court for the relief praeil for In hli comiiliilut. to-ult for uilccrct'of toreclotutoof tlintcertalluuiott gage deeil iiiaile ami executed by you to the ulMve named phi lit 1 on t ho' th day of .vivcm , ln-r, lil, iiion the quarter of teetlon II in towiifliln - (-on tli raug 1 1 ent, W. M.. In WaK'o county, Oregon, and that Mild preiiiUiw I b' koIiI under Mieii forecloviiro deerio In the i milliner provided by Inw and n':e ddlng to the pMPtleoof i-ald Court, that from theproeeeilKof licit Miie tmi planum unwauii receive inn sum 'of live hiimlred ( t.M sj ) dollars mid Interest on I mid sum siueu Novemtier fth, IS'JO, at the rate of l 10 per cent, per niiiiiiiu. nbo a further sum of ' sixty ifW) dollarx as it redsouable attorney'! fee 1 lorinituuiliig huh sun to iiwiom! sain niort I gage and collect thu unto thereby hccureil ami herein tiled iiioii, together with plalutlll k eoitx and dlkbursi'iiieutH uiiide tml exiieuded in this suit, including accruing coit and oxeiiioof snie, ami mat iiaiuiiii iiavu n judgment against you, tho said Knink D. (illlesple, for any dell- ciency in tno proceeds oi sum to satixtv iiiuv nil said nuns; that iixm such foreclosure salo all of tne rignt, tine, intercut auuciaim oi you ami your co-Ucfcmiiiuls, each ami all of you ami them, ami all other ersous claiming or to claim by, through or under you or them, or eituer, in umi to ram mortgaged premises ami overy part thereof lie foreclosed ami forever barnd from the equity of redemption. Thai thu philutlir Iw allowed to bid atNlid foreclosure saie and purcliawj said uiortgaged preinhes, nt hlsopllon, ami that upon thu salo of said mort gaged premises tho purchaser bo let Into the possession thereof, anil everv uart thereof. Im mediately, and for such Other ami further relief as to the Court may seem equitable and Just. lliU summons is served upon you . tint said ruin a, iiiiiespioiiuu itiiooii uiiiespi", ny liuu iicatlou In 'Hid Dalles ciihoniclk, u newspaer liuoiisuui wvcaiy in wanes i;ity, yyiisco comity, Oregon, for six consecutive weeks, by order of Hon. W. h. Ilradshaw. ludgc of said Court. which order was duly mudu and entered at eimiilbers on tlioWth day of Heptemucr, IH'J.I. DUKlJK Si MENEKEE, Attorneys for l'liilntlfl', this court, and that thu proceeds of said sale bo applied in iiayiiient of the amount secured by SMid mortgage, aud still unpaid, to-wlt: tho sum of I2U0.UQ, and Interest thereon at tho rate of eight per cent r annum from Beptember Wil, IWS, and thu further sum of tt.iOO.OO, and Inter est thereon ut thu rate of eight per cent per an numsjiico March 'JO.VHO, and for uu uttoriieyn' fee of Gianni, and for the costs mid disburse ments made uud exiieuded herein. And that tho plalutlll' will apply to thu court for u Judg ment against you for any deficiency there may be remaining after the application of the pro ceod of said saloaa aforesaid. i on will further take notlco that lliu hum id on In this suit la served ilon you by publi cation, by older of the Honorable W. L llrad shnw, Judge of said Court, add order being dated Ueppfinber 27ib, li93. , . XAVij, HUNTINUTON A WII.HON, fi,7tv Atonic) s (or I'bimtlf Executor's Notioe. has been appointed by thu County Court of thu Hlato of Oregon for Wanco Coinity, executor of tlio estate of Catherine Wlgle, deceased, and all iiersons having claims against aald estate are hereby notified and required to present the same, with the proper vouchers, to inu at thu omce oi Mays, iiuniingwn v wnson, ino Dunes, uaseo county, iiregoiii wiiiiin six inonins irom the date of this nc-Ucc, W. II. TAYUHt, Executor of aald estate. The Dalles, Or,, July 'ii, im.-w Two Matrimonial Pennsylvania Ladies. eutlemeiil Two fine-look Ing I'dinsylvanla lies, excellent reputations. Iiiilustrious. snlen. did housekeepers, agea 18 and 'JO, worth ;),0ou.ui esch. Parents dead, want to go west this fall. ami wou'dllko to tvurespond uith nice, resiHctablo m... Object; happy western If you uro mnlrlmonlally ton, names ami addresses of tlieio young lajles. i rannsylvauia Adv, Oo,, 10 i:iwlin ilox lxsk Haven, Vu, gentlemeii under t. '.. .... I. ...1A-. liicliuvd, seudfl bill In common letter forpho uiiuu uu xiixiu uwcuv, iiu-vii uinu wool ui I OUDC ( Knir iiiacKBmiin onop. SHOE FACTORY For Sale at a Bargain. 'Pi.. i,v..,.: a i..,: i l tr i.: .. A. UU U11UUI OlUllUU s llll All 47IjV1.1J. bsVlJ IIIUVjIIIUIH V iLl iixturoK ot wliiit, wiiK lnroiuK'd uw a tirswiluHK Klum tiiiunrv ,..;n it ill j t vi lu jtaii& t.v a.. iiii uuitn . t vy im a umwiiivj UilU in i r oi 'iti-finri iwvki n iw r. ntin n mrfn limnuin, m Hiinn llliluililMJl a iun(.Oa iiuiv oiiiuutiiui iniiiv yni uuiiniii. iiv mil- nis almost u coniploto Hhoo factory. otitwr ii (iiitnvv i i.hiu L-iiirl ii lu iriniifl in fnuntrir sv a a w v a i - - v w 'viiiii v Write lor lartunilarH at oncu, to IMii Tla.o Dallos, Or. H DALLES - - - - - - THE CHKONJCLE was established for tho ex press purpose of faith fully roprosontiug Tho .Dalles and the surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a largo part of Crook, Morrow and Grant countios, as woll as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalles, honce it is tho best medium for advertisers in tho Inland Empire. Tho Daily Oiiuoniclh is published overy ove ning in the week Sunday excepted at $0.00 per annum. Tho Wkkkly (JhkonicIiK on Fridays of each weok at $l.f)0 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc.. adAtess . aA THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING Tlie ZAlley Orecon. Familiar Faces in a New Place. j. is. BARNBTT TU' rs i r't i - ..uannnr C. ED. BAYARD, i Late Special Agent General Land Ojjict:. COLLECTION AGENCY. 1ST O T Jk. DEL Y PUBIfX0 Kent, AUitmct of Titlo furniHlKid, will find it to 'thotr udvuntugo to .1 I T1II muko a upocialty of tho proBOcution of UlauiiH " buforo tho Unitop -Stutos Land Oilico. THE DALLES, OB. Wo shall 85 Washington St. mmm J Sss A. m - A A MWt a . r Is now open, and its proprietor will sell Iub lou: prices in the roach ,ol evoryiv rirA iinnf AAi nn of. IUUUUWUU If AilV Ml V AAA VilU A j4 Also, best Poanuts to bo found. Goods guarun to bo Pure and First-Class in ovory respoot Thompson's Addition. c BECHl it' n I