The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAl'KU OK 1UI.1.K8 CITY. AND WASCO COUNTY. suiiscKirrtoK kates. 11Y MAIL, rOSTAOK rilKPAtD, IN ADVANCE. Woekly, 1 year 1 K " 0 months 0 7S 3 ' 0 fiO Uilly, 1 yenr fi IM " C months 3 00 ' cr " 0 50 AdJrcs all communication to " THE 01IKOX ICLK," The Dulles, Oregon. rout-omen. orricK nouns Utucrsi Delivery lndow .s u. m. to T . IlamiMtrmtfir dui Nut Uot Foe HncU. Thu following letter line been received byjCupt. Lewis in response to an Inquiry from tlntt Kentlenuui, wlioso purport nmy bo easily gathered from the an swer : Dki'aktmkxt of tup. Intkihok,), Land Uppick, f Gi:nku. Wasiiixhtos. D.O.. Oct. 14. 1S03. UcKtsteriuul liwctver, Tim Halles, Or. Itkxti.kmkx: ueiorrmg 10 your iui- Money Order Sunday ii I) . ..S a. m. to 4 . in, ,..n. m. tolOu.m. CLOStNO OF MAILS trains going East 9 p. m. anil 11:45a. m. " " West 9y. m. anil 5:ft)V. m. Stage (onGoldcntlale :so a.m. " " Prlnevllle 6:80 a. m. " "Dufunuunarni8yirhiKs ..5:lWa.iu. " tLeavlug for Lvlo & Ilartlaud. ,5:80a. m. " " " JAlltelope 5:30 a. ru. Except Sunday. Tri-nrcckly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday, t " Monday WcdncMlay and Friday. FRIDAY, OCT. '.'0, 1S93 The average wheat yield per acre in the United States for 1S93 is about 11.3 bushels. The greatest yield per acre of any one state is in Montana, which re cords 22 bushels. The lowest is that of Georgia, 7.2. Oregon records a yield of 19.4 and Washington 20.5, while Cali fornia is 11.2. The Dakotas yield aver ages a shade of 11 bushels per acre. THE WORLD OF LONDON. In Shakespeare's day thero were throe private and four public theaters in London. Km:cthic lighting spreads gradually over London. Now llainpstead plans its adoption. Ovkk n thousand children nro nit nually suffocated in bed with their parent.- in London. London music halls nro more pros ier of 2d inst.. transmitting application ,,,-rous than ever. Theaters droop, tun of for repayment of foi'f and lxxxxsx halls Hourish. commissions paid on Homestead entry iplti: ,mtional portrait gallery has at No. , yon aro advised that said en- , prospect of taking possession try was canceled upon relinquishment of itsmnv h0,ne. Vart of the building Tleconis'oUhis office show no con-, now being erected will be lit for use by ilict; nor was the entry erroneously ill- next spring. , lowed, but it appears that the relin- It is seriously proposed to bring Lon quishment was a voluntary act on the ,l0n and Kdinburgh-a distance of tlvo part of the entrvnian. 1 hundred miles within six hours rido The law governing the return of fees f KiXCx other. The locomotive with and commissions does not provide (or yVx,,x u is hoped to achieve the feat is in progress of construction by n Glas gow firm. At three of the large London railway stations Charing Cross, Cannon street and London bridge as many as T,'2,W.) movements for signal and point levers have to be made every twenty-four repayment in wises where parties volun tarily relinquish or abandon their en- trThe application is accordingly denied. 1 ours liespecuuiiy, S. W. Lamohkux, Commiss FEMININE ssioner. FANCIES. srx pomrs, out of many, whero Dr. JMuioo'h PellutH nro better than other pills: 1. They're tlio Riuallest, and eas iest to take little, sumir- coated crannies that overy child takes reiulil v. 2. They're perfectly oafly in thoir action no crinincr, no dis turbance. 3. Their effects last. There's no reaction afterwards. Tlioy regulate or cleanse the system according to sizo of done. 4. They're the cheapest, for It is announced that the world's fair will not close on the last day of October, but will keep openaslongas the weather will permit, which will be until Thanks giving day, or, possibly, the last of Nov ember. So many people have postponed their visit to the great exposition until the present month that it is believed the attendance will be great enough after the first of November to warrant keeping the fair open several weeks. The gold reserve has dwindled down to a point lower than ever, while the expenses of the government have in creased many millions. This perhaps is democratic economy, but it is not the exact kind understood by the voters of the country when they decreed the "change." They will doubtless think four years a long time between presi dents before they have another chance to install a republican. The much-vexed and much-disputed question of the loftiest mountain on the North American continent has at last been settled. John Partridge, secretary of the Geographical Society of the Pa cific, has received a letter from the chief of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C, stating.that Ml. Orizaba, in Mexico, is the highest. Mt. St. Elias, Alaska, has for many years past been considered the highest, but Orizaba has been proven to be the higher by 299 feet. Tiie exact figures, as forwarded to Secretary Partridge, are : Mt. Orizaba, 1S.314 feet"; Mt. St. liiias, 18,015. "These figures," said Assistant Secretary Trenor, "are authentic; and doubtless it will interest everv one to know that the question has been settled by so undoubted an authority." Mrs. Lucy Stone, who has just died in Massachusetts, was a pioneer worker for the rights of her sex. When a little girl she became indignantat the way she saw women treated by their husbands, and the laws, and madoup her childish mind that the laws must be changed. Her early struggles for an education were heroic, and she finally succeeded in en tering and going through Oberlin, the only college at that time that admitted women, earning her way by teaching all the time. She graduated in 1847, and gave her first woman's right lecture the same year. Soon after Bhe was engaged to lecture regularly for the Anti-Slavery Society. But she devoted moet of her time to lecturing on woman's rights all over mo country, in icoo eno was married, after much persuasion, to Henry li. Blackwell, a young hardware merchant of Cincinnati, who was in full sympathy with her beliefs. It was nec essary to send thirty miles for a minister who would marry them without using the word "oboy." Mrs. Stone retained her maiden name. Mrs. Stone has helped to organize many societies in be half of women, and has held prominent office in many. In 1870 she started the Woman's Journal in Boston, which she has edited for many years. She has spent her later years in lecturing, to gether with her husband, in manv states. Perhaps some of our readers would like to know in what respect Chamber lain's Cough Kemedy is better than any other. We will tell you. When this remedo has been taken as soon as a cold has been contracted, and beforo it has become settled in the system, it will counteract the effect of the cold and greatly lessen ts severity, and it's the only remedy that will do this. It acts in perfect harmony with nature and ids nature in relieving the lunge, open ing (the secretions, liquifying the mu cous and causing its expulsion from the air cells of the lungs, and restoring the ayatem to a strong and healthy condi tion. No other remedy in the market poMwee these remarkable properties. No other will cure a cold so quickly. For aale by Blakeley & Houghton. Karl's Clover Root, the new blood .purifier,, gives freshness and clearness to tfaeeoooptezMn and cures constipation. cWc. sad 1.00. Sold by Snipes & -KiWfiy, druggists. IIhahs m every una color and arrangonte Mus. Ci.KVEi.ANi) wears little jewel ry, though she has cases full of all sorts of precious stones. DEF.p. square collars, sometimes fall ing in folds at the edge, will be one of the features of autumn jackets. "I don't know of any little fashion more pleasing," said a mother, refer ring to the voirue of tan stockings with tan-colored shoes for children's wear. Plain cashmere, camel's hair or vail ing dresses with trimmings of black velvet are much liked. The velvet is shaped into bretelles, yoke, bodice pieces and cuffs. This is preferred to shirring or plaiting. maginable shape, 1 hours, quite apart from the telegraphic . guaranteed to give satis nt are to be worn. communications. j ,: or VHIir money is returned. Tin: art of nigplcking is umlerstooii y for tho rf , in other places beside Paris. The rev- . 1 J . " , Mine from the rubbish from the streets 5. Put up in glass are alwayi Ask vour dealer Stove Polish. for Mexican Silver Fresh oysters tionery store. at A. Keller's confec- lii e of the city of London last year was 1,133; bottles, boots, knives, iron, j corks, string, pnper, rags, tins and , other odds and ends, each contributing their quota. An unopened letter, con taining n check of great value, was found among the refuse and was for warded to the address on the envelope. TyKh Vnllcty Holler Flour .11111. Is in complete repair; always in store Hour equal to the best. Also old style coarse and fine Gra'unn Hour, mill feed, etc. W. M. McCoitKi.K, Propr. tll.ll.3ni Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no dust. Just received a scow load of choice oak wood. Maieh & Benton. A Oreiit Liver Medicine. Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills are a sure cure for sick headache, bilious complaints, dyspepsia, indigestion, cos-1 liveness, torpiu uvur, eii;. iiiust; jjiiis insure perfect digestion, correct the liver and stomach, regulate the bowels, nurilv and enrich the blooil anil make the skin clear. Thev also produce a tmnd nrmetlto and invitrorate an -(i . j strengthen the entire system ny tneir tonic action. Thev only require one pill for a dose and never gripe or sicken. Sold at 25 cts. a box by Blakeley A Houghton. flood .loli rriiillnu. If you have your job printinu' done at Tin: CuuoNici.i: you will have the ad vantage of having it done with the nio-jt modern and approved type, with which we keep continually supplied. All jobs under the direct supervision of one of the most successful and artistic printers in the Northwest. ays fresh. 0. They cure Constipation, Indi gestion, InliouH Attacks, nick or Hilious Headaches, and all derange ments of the liver, stomach and bowels. It cures Catarrh in the Head perfectly and permanently Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. r air- jfi&ixk John Pashek, rn The Merchant 76 Court Street, Next door to Wasco Sun Office. ailor, An iirreenblo Laxnttvo and NF.ltVK luMt'. '( ill j DruKjr'stB or sent hy mnl! ioc. SOo . it .! $ 1 uO it package. Samples free IW kUforthoTcethandnrt'atb.Mc. For itle by Sullies & KlniTily. VI80R F MEN This Is the Season Of the Year Olhen Judicious Advertising Pays. Has just rccelvcil tho latest styles in Suitings for Gentlemen, mnl htSH larue iiss-ortmcnt of I-'or itrn and Ai.ier lean Cloths, which he can finish To Order for tliote that favor him. Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty. Rheumatism? . Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, Lame Back, etc. Easily, Quickly, Permanently RetlorcJ. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and all lliu train t i iw Iromrailyi iri i . filer exceoi-is. tlic ri-i.. u( inernor):, Iiim ,, worn-. tic. Fullnn.-,.!!!.,, development bd.I t. n. Klvcn to e cry organs;: I g'irlinn of the In!;. Irnpl"'. natural mctli'.i!. Immii1iati!iiniiMve!-rii Keen. l''nlli'rolmjoi.-!i:lr. a,(WI rerereuri-H J- ..k, explanation ami jr.u mailed (bvalel)(m. ERIE MEDICAL CC. DUFFALO. tf. Y. SUMMONS, In the Circuit Court of the Htnto of Orcx'nn for Hie County of ttiueo. A I) liol.toii. I'inliillll, VI. l'ranl: I). (illk'Jpio Ithi da (illlesple, W. i:. Hunt mid W. II. Iliitler, Defendant. To I'rank I). tUllripte. tuul'Jthivla (itllopU: of the nbon nanttil tltJcmtaitU: In the name of tho state of Oregon, you umt cch of von are herein rcoillml to uoiK'iir and niiier the coniiiiiilut lllnl iiKaluit you In tho oboe entitled Hilton or hefoie tho liist day of ;UMiY10NS. OH. SAHDEH'S ELECTRIC BELT With Electro-Magnetic SUSPENSORY. A.a'CBi i-airnmi jei inrproTnutnii i 1VI11 euro without incllclno all M(.lneM roulllnt; from on T-uxnticni of brain nrnre forces i eii'ifM.-sor li:di.-. cntlon, as jii rvousi di-blllty, rlvcplnrnras, Unmior. rlji-uimtien, kidney, liver and bladder complnmn, lamt'U'cl.'. luintogo. Bciatl"!. all remain coinplaintH eneral 111 healtli, etc. Ilila flcctrla tic-It contain) iVondrrfal lmpreriae9U orcr all otherf. urrent it iiittantly Mtliy wuarer or wo forfeit ti,0O0.(Xi. am will cuiu allot tho alvo dlKaaca or no pay, Tliou. .nd8 liavo been cured bv this inarvetouii fnvetilion after all other remedies fallod, and wo irlve huadrcjs of In this and every other Mate. Our IWn'il Ji.DfuifJ ELXCTKIU blfel-KKORY. tho priMtent IxHjn aver oirrreil weak men, Hit K with all lieu. Iltaltb aad t lloroui hlreDtth ClUUiSTlCtll lu CO U VU iU;n bend for IlluaM 1'auphlct, mailed .bvaiod, frco 8AIIDEN ELBCTRIO CO., Ho. Xia Vlrit Ntreet, JUUTI.A.NU Estray Taken Up. In t!ie Circuit court of the suie of onvon, for the county of Ware,,. W. , ill Her. 1 I'lnlnllff, vh. V I- 1' Iteyiioids, i DtfeniliiiU. J Tit H. 1'. Jlijinolitu, the ubovr-n(tiiil ihjtuilmU. In the name of the .Start) of Oregon, Von re hereby required to (iicnr mid aniuer the i om plniut filed ii '.'nl lit you ill the I'.bow i ntitltsl mlt ivitliili ten diiyn from the dntu of the H-rvienof IIiIh MimiiioiiH II pon j on, If i-erved Itlilu IIiIk county; or If herved within any other eouuts of tills Hate, then within twenty dax r.'in tlie (Into of tlii'HTVico of this xumijioii), upon you; or If K-rvtil iliou you by publication, then yo'i are icjulred to appear and miniver i-.ilil Com plaint on the lirtt day of the next term of mill court, after tlx weeks' publication of this sum moms to-wit. on Monday, tho l.'lth day Niiveinboi, 1H1KI, and If you fall to mi uiiincr, llio pluliitlil' will i apiuy to uie court lor llio reilet iratd for in the icxulur term of the Cltcillt Umrt of tliehtate of Oieon for Wnfco i;ounty, next followliiK the date hereof, to-wit, on or before the llltli (lit)' of No veinbiir, lli;i, and If you full m to answer, for want thereof the pl.iiutlll' will ntiply to tiie Court for the relief prned for In hlieompluint. to-wit for adictrcof lorcclonue of tliHtccrtiiln uiort khl'i' dciil iiuidt! mid executed by you to tho nb ivc named phiiiitlll'on llieiith day of .Sovcm Iwr, ln'.iij, U-oii the norlhwet i un rt er of tcctlou II In towimhip 'J Miiith raiiKo II east, V. M., In WitM-o county, OrcKon, mid that Mild prciiilncn b" wjld under nieh fortclonire decree In the milliner provided by law and hoc nllllK to the practice of mid Court: that from tho procccdx of j mien cue the piaiuiiii navoanu receive tne mini of live hundred (I.Vrtl dollarti and intereiton I wild mm luce Novcmli'.'r (itb, IK;), nt the rate of lo per cunt, per aiinuuii alxo n further una of I. My ((CO) dollarh iih n rcMKOuali'.o attoruev'x feu for iiiMltutlui,' this Milt to fore Ioko huIiI mort Bajte and collect the note thereby eccuml and herein xiicd upon, toKCtlier with pInlutlH"H coiIn and illtburremeutH ltiadii mil exM.nded III IIiIh ult, IiicIuiIIiik neerultiK costs mid o.-ipciuonf mile, mid th'it plaintiiniavu a Judgment iiKalunt you, tlio Mild Krank I), (illleaple, for any dell cieucy in the proccedx of mile to Hiitivfy fully nil Huld nuns; that upon micli forecloMiro milo all of the rlu'lit, title, Intercut and claim of you and your co-dcfcndniitH, each and all of you and them, mid all other s.tkoiih clalmliiK or to clnlm by, throiiKh or under you or them, or One black jiony, branded either 5 or S on left hip and left Jaw. Owner can havo humuTiy prov Int; property and tmyliit; for thin notice, DKI.I. C. WII.DKK, 10-13wlm Postofllce, The Walles, Or. wit tho hOUth half of tho outhuot oiinrter. , tho northeiiht quarter of tho MiutliHcst iiiatter, i and the Mjiitnuent iuarter of tiie Maitheiikt I iiuurter, of Hectlou 'M. 'lowiifchlp one North, niuiKu imriceii i'-ni, ti iiutuiciiu .iiciiuiau, eon tainlui: ouo hundred and sixty iicrex. ami hllu ated in Wasco county, Orc-Koii, AImj, the north - j hull of tho nortlieat I'linrtcr, tiie nortlicaiit m.. ir.i: :.i n i t , 1 'iiiitrter oi mo uorthweiitiiiiHrter, and tho i-outh- Two Matrimonial Pennsylvania Ladies. , &srtissJ, ' Wlllumctto Meridian, eontalulni; one hundred Oentlemeii! Two llne-lookini? l-ennn-lvunla and sixty iieren, and tltuateil In Wacco county, luuicH, excellent repuiationi-, inuuktrJoim, uplcu- tniil (' iinolrtlnt. Ui-wlt: for the foiecl ikiirt! of tin. morti,'Kodei;tlbcl In said complaliit, and for either, In and to said inortKais'tsI premKcH mid the sale of the iiremlKcs therein dtctlbid, to- every part thereof be lorccloitcd and forever did hoUK-kevpern, acs 18 and 'JU, woith ?j,olw.U0 (Jrck'on. accordlm; to law and tho practice o iiiik court, mid Hint mo irocctu oi nnin mile lai ech, parenthdeml, want to-,'0 went thl fall.aiid "I'l'Hwl In payment of tho amount M-ciinl by womd like V) corremxjnd with nice, rem-ctuhlo i aald mortnuKe, and etlll unpaid, to-wit thonum Kentleinen under V). Object: happv wentern I ! ?UO.(JO, and Intercut thereon at the rate of 10 Kiwi in Pennsylvania Adv. Oo Jlox a-..', lxik Haven, I'o. NOTICE. homes. (Jentlemeu, if you are lnatr'lmonlally i clttlit icr cent ier iinnuin from Bejitembcr '.'Jd, Inclined, tend f 1 bill In common letter for pho. I and tho further wn of fj.m.w, mid Inter ton, namcti and addrtnaeit of thefo younir ladlcb. ; ''N' theri-on at tho rate of dxht tier cent per an- iiiiui hl-u .--lurcu M, io'jj, anu lor no iiiiorue)H 1 fee oi';ni00u, and for the fonts and dithiirhc. I incuts made and expended herein. And that the pliiliitlll'wlll apply to tho court fornJudK I incut axaiuHt you for any deficiency there may l lie lemulnliiK after tho application of tho pro , ceols of aald mi It) ax aforcxald. You will further take notice that tho Hum I inoiis In this Milt In nerved upon you by -nihil. cation, hv Older of the Honorable W L llmd. haw, Judge of mild Court, xild order bclnu dated Bept-mber,.'7lh, 1J. MAVri, HUNTINHTON .V WILSON, toaiv Attorney-! for I'laintlll, In tho County Court of tho Htate of OreKou, for mum uoiinty, In tho Matter of tho Ettate of William Hamilton Wilson, Deceased, Vl..f. fa huMUnluuh hat ll ,ilii..l,iiiitl by an order of tho County Court of tho ritatoo Ori-Kou, for Wasco County, made and entered Beptember 7, WJ3, wa appointed executor of tho laat will and tcnUuiciit of the said William M' , , .1 . 1 . 1 1 ... 1 1.... jiauiiiiAjii iiauil, uwvwi, ! Jioviin liiivill-' claims aKtluit Kaiil cuto are hereby noli lied to preseni toe same wnn me proer voucuers therefor to mo at tho oflleo oi Main, Huntliixtoii V Wilson, The Hallcii, Oreifoii. within tlx mouth" from tho auto of thin notice. Hated Tho Halle., Or., Kept. 7, ln'J.l. li. K, Uli.N I'lNOTON, Kxvcutor of Will of Win. II, Wilton, deo'tl, U-hwiit Taken Up. One sorrel gcldliiK about twelve year, old, and branded thus on left shoulder, The owner can have tho animal by payluB (or thin notice Au,tW.w aJ.COOI.Kit. buried from the equity of riileiiiptloii. That the phillltlir bo allowed to bid at said foreclosure sale mnl purchase said uiortKaKtst preiiiifes, at hhoptlou, and that upon tho wilo of said mort KuKfl premlscK tho purchaser bo let Into the laixsessioii thereof, and every part thereof, Im mediately, and for such other mid further relief as to the Court may eem equitable and Just. I his summons is served upon you, tho said Ith 11k H. lilllenploauil ithisla (HlleiipU,.by pub lication luThoHallcH Ciihonici.k, a newspaier publUhol weekly at Halles City, Wasco county. OrcKoii.for six eousecutlvo weeks, by onler of Hon, W, I.. Ilriuishinv, Judao of said Court, which order was duly niado and entered at chambers on tho'Aith day of September. ISU:J, Htll'UH ik MKNKKKK, AtUdiiovs for I'laintlll', Exeoutors' Notice. Notice U hereby Riven, that tho uuderslKued hnvo been duly unpointed, by tho Honorable tho County Court of Wasco county, OreKon, execu tors ol tho eslaki of John Ilaxter, deceased; all ersouH having claims siialuit said entaUi aro nercoy requirisl u present 1110 same, (liny verl llwl mid with iroer vouchers, to us or cither, t Auteloie, Wasco county, OreKon, within six uiouiiiH jroin tuodatooi mis nonce, The Halles, Or., Autf. J, IWXt. JAMHH IIAXTKK AND JAMBM WHITTKN, Ivxi-euiorN of Iho estate of John Jlaxter, deo'd, 8-l,wSt Assignee's Notice to Creditors. Iijk a-aiuucil his proi-erty for tho benelltof all his creditors, nil ersons IiuvIiik claims nualiut hlin uri'hcreb notlllcil to jiresent them lomu under oath, at Tho Halle., Oregon, wlllilu three mouths from date. . A. It. 'fllOJII'dON, Awlifuee. August 0, 18'A')..wCt u There is a tide in the affairs 0 men which, taken at eads on to fortune." Tho poot unquestionably had reference to tho MM k Cm at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are soiling those Roods out at greatly-reducod ratn MIOIUOUtAOH lUtlOK, - UNION ST. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Work. Tin Repairs anil Rill MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Struct, noxt door west of Young & Kusi' Kluckamitli Shon. SHOE FACTORY For Sale at a Bargain. ti. ,,,,,1,,,.,.; ,1 l.,.,.;.,., ,..,l ii, 1tlllll1 tMt1l? t 1 lie 1111111:1 niviii 11. ii4Li 1 nr niHiii 1 11 Lin, 1 1 itii ,11111111 il ti.vMiri'K til w nil, was nil(!iifl(!(l tor ii irKtrOinss Knoc tnuiorv. - j, will soil the sumo tit u hurgtun. .iioro us tin online ami IimUov iif 40-Mfltl Iimi'ki! MMwnr. mid ti lururo umount of sIiok muchinory, lusts, lino shutting, pulloys, bolting and inul- ins tilmost u complete shoe ttiotory. t I ! li 1 ..A i i l . II . . ... . 1 f 1 1 1 utinj5 ti iuotory ol tins kind to he lounci m this country. Write lor purtieiilurs tit onee, to !).1U Tlio Dallos, Or. T. ' .. 1 . ) AL j. jS THE CHKONlCLIfl wus eslublished for tho ex press purjiose of fui Lli fully representing The Dulles und tho surrounding country, unci the satisfying oileot of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publicutions in Wusco, Shor man, Gilliam, 11 lurgo part of Creole, Morrow and Grunt counties, us well us Klickitat, and other re gions north of Tho )ulles, hence it is tho host medium for udvortisers in tho Inland Empire. The Daily Giikoniomc i published every ove ning in the week Sunday excepted at $0.00 per annum. The Wkkklv Chkonioi.k on Fridays of each week at $1.50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., uddtts5 THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO, Tlxo Xtllojs, Orogon. , Familiar Faces in a Arew Place. O. E5. BAYARD, Late Special Ayent Uenerul Lund Office. J. 13. BAKNETT J)e leal Estate, Ijoap, Iiurapee, & COLLECTION AGENCY. NOT ,lO.' H. Y XX733 PurticB hnviiiK Proporty tluiy wi'hIi to Soil or Tnwlo, llousim to of Abfltruct of TitKi furnished, will lind it to tlmir adviuituKii to fan W ahull inuko 11 Hpcciulty of tho prosecution of OluiniH i(1 ontC6t ii. it..:,... b.,i r...wi rii'i,i tJAUll) bill WIIIIA7J U4VIJn AMtllll VIHW", 85 Washington St. THE DALLES, OB. Is now opon, and its proprietor will soil his hoino produced Wine at pricos in tho reach of ovoryuoaj -. AIho, beat Poanuts to bo found. Goodfl guarantoou to bo Pure and Firflt-ClaBB in overy respoot Thompson's Addition. c ECHl