el)c Dalles Warn Chronicle. VOL. VI. THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1893. NO. 108. to Dalles Daily Chronicle. hiMlnlioi Dully. HutuUy Kicopted. IIV nMVini.K PUBLISHING HO K lidl""1 wind Mi'l WiuliliiKtoii ritrcoU. Tho Dulles, Oregon. Tr ,rHuliorlitliii in nn . ..l.,r All DRIB TIM K TAIII.KH. Itullroutl. In cfit-Ct August 0, Ifc'.U. HHT IIOUNU. . .,rinal0:tf r. m. Popart 11:(X) r. t II 4. ..... u'i:nt InillNI). ..tii. . DminrtN .'1:11 a. M. t,)Ioo freight tlmt carry passengers leave A... th wiMtnt H-.uo x. n..iuid one lor the STAOKS. w.liievllle, vlii. lliiltu Oven, lettvu daily jiintcloiio, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave WUulur, KlngHluy, wiimic, wnpiniiia, v. arm 1 l!M l)gll IUIU IVItlU Uiillj! uii rurfoutiiiliilu. Wash., leave every day of tho t MlltlilMV lit 7 A. U. Oicolomll Hues nt thu llmntllln House. IKOFKHfllONAI. H. llll)KI.I AttouHKY-at-I.aw Dlllce , Court Htreet, Thu Dalles, Oregon. , uurui.i ----- fyFUK, Jir.M-.rr.r. atiuhmih-ai- im-iiimint I ' mid 4:1. over 1'ont I.. ....it ii ;............. VI' ..ultlfiti.ii Utritfit Dlle. Oregon. u. invn.i....t.f . rt. I l ll nl. i ?, ur-H r I l A l l wivnr. i "A i-i . ii . wi 4. ri.. i.. u..i.u.t...i'i. l.ulMlitt, . mi Mtjilrs. The lit ULVIII I ..... " .,,. - - Jtki.OriKou t.t.HHV: H.a.llUNTlWITOM. H.g.WIUHIH. ifAYi, HUNTINGTON WJf-HOK-ATTOR- Jl MUfH AT-LAW Olllces, KrcIllih'K llllX'W OVtT If 11 WllMUN ATT(lllKT'AT-l.AW ivinimn JK. KdllKI.V.AN (HOXiKOl'ATHIO; l'HYMCIAN r . k.iian.Aki ..il .niiiiviirMl tirdintltlV. ir nr n iirni. r-ifv ur (itimirv. timet nu. iw nnu XlupDiiii block. wtx H, 0, II, IIOANK- rilYHICWN AND MU1H wst (jmru: room o mm u iihiih.mi n nmtrii f a. hi.. 111 u uiiui tu o IM).VI,I.- Dkntiht. tlim given for tho . t,.ii,i.. i.iiriii'iliiii of tooth. Also teeth uoncii mom. necnmi Direei. FRENCH & CO.; BANKERS. TKANHAOT A HKNKKAUtANKINO MJHINKHH Letters of Credit issued available in ho Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic rT I 1.1 Tl I. ' I rtl 1 . iiuiiHiurHBuiuuii now i orK, unicago, nr.. Iouis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Bcaiue wasn., ami vurioiis points in Or Bgon and Wnsidngton. Collections made at all noints on fiiv. arable ternin. THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. President - -Vice-President, Cusliler, - - - - Z. F. Moody ClIAKI'KH Ull.TON 1SI. A. Moody General Hanking Business Transacted, i HOCIKTIKn. TABCO U)l)(iK, SO. 15, A. V. A. M.Mivtn tsmaiul third .Miinuiiy oi wioa niomii in .M.UA l,YAI. AHCH (JIIAI'TKU NO. C- I Aw-L. ...I.. 11. .11 ,1... fl.lril Wmliti.tiluv lUiiKKN WOODMKS Or TIIK WDIU.l).- v innxi i.iinti mi n'l. ih iuitmiiiyuvl'ii u..r.MI..A I.ODOK, NO. 6, 1.0. O. K. MwjIh J nvcrv i'tUiuv uv....i j.'?n ii'liwil- Itt k" 11. I'nrin.f Uiu.,....i 1 Cmrr utrixttu . (I ill! Uut'i II t lliu V t ' ' !' 1 in'urt' M;ii..l ..w ..i.l. ...... I.. U, .Vausk, K of It. mill H C. 13. ilMKMIIIiY N( 4vn U' i t.Mtu in k'. iV Of 1'. hllll the hwotnl ..nil f.mrlh U'llinw. WOMKN'H (J1IIUHTIA V TKMliKUMN(!K 11 UNION' will in. wit I.U1..V l.rlil.i t ii I l.irlinilll i ulu iniiuiiL' room. Ainiru lnviuti ii . ' -n kniii a. . mi. a a ' ll.kllllli U WttfttflV tiliutlliio. I.'-1, 1 u u ..ft rawniii, ir..ii a . . I.."1 "nil, an iiru iiiviilii. 'miionAll. l.. I . lf IT. KI.K K. Mil 7WI.K I.OIK1K NO. 3, A. 0. U. W.-Mix-In - - riniuriuiy I til 1 , over Kciioru, mi bVCUUII ilmmdiiy uvcmIiikh ntT.su. I , Jl. 1IANHKN, ikb, i-iimnou-r. si, 18 uu....... . . . apa u I'OHT, No. 31, (1. A. II. MM!W R Hk K-:-MeoUvcry Hiiuduy uftcruoon In tho K. of I'. Hull. I""ami VKKUM HI. ..tu .....i-i, Uiiml.if vwIiir in th k. of i Hun. II l J " tuiuni ill' IUlHWlvn III lit.t"-" 1 nan thoiimt hiiiI tli rd wwinen- : --vn iuumii . at 7-mi p. u. 'I'llK UllDUOHKH. aiJJ- ,, "'""I' nun IMiv. I'liiuur lunula- imu r ijiiv Mhuu xviirv Hlllllliiv lit u ".n.. v.a.n hi, m i .. m, i uhiviii ni 1. 1'AMI o i... rimr".' viuiiiHjii union Hireet, o iihmiiu :.. ,luv. Kill). Hutollllo Hector. BervlceH . J (711 1 IM ii . Hi mid 7:80 r. is. Ku miitv KvenliiK l'riiyur on Krliluy lit n-.it iAI'''lurli lllltli.i ii r i ni . . ir,.. vim mill nuv, u. in- Eth ,Y'i, ""tor, Momlnv tiervloeM every Hiib taoni1! !'.u "A'-i'loiny nt 11 a. m. Hiihbatli ? il " 's ' 'I'l'iy ovoiiIiik t l'lintor'n rel f1 union wrvleo.', In tltu court liotuuiit -Kov. V. (!. 'f- ud 7 1iisl0L H?rvleenovoryHun(liyHtll T'w hi.'.m' HuiKlHy Behool iiftor mornliiK llotri"KerH conllnlly InvlUil. HeuU free. IS. (lllllllMI, K,... , '""'II Kov. J. Wiiini.kii, pnitor. Srffi u,.,l!?f,l"lllliv mornliiKitt U ii. in. r5 at TLn 12iW o'ohKsk I- m. Ki.wortli ISly i,v..',V? M- Prayer iiuutliiK ovory hill, " Dxk-inUit by both nitor mut eoilo DteAN ..omiium'-iuv. j. w. as'Ah tiio uniiKi """Ilylnvii,"" "y i .. i it . ri.n.inni (incrctfiitloiml Ht U v, M. Ml iiru . UiVANnu,. Wr"!'''.'.'''"' M'THKHAN Ninth Hire V-wr-ichivii .i'J """ivi. nvrvivu. nv tiiouiii Hr ou?'1 Ht iW P-- A eardUl wolcoi Siglit ExcliaiiKes Sold on NEW YOKK, SAN FKANC1SCO, CHICAGO and POKTLAND, OR. Collections intido on fnvoreble tonne at nil accessible points. J. H. HCIIRNCK, l'realdcnt. J. M. 1'ATTKItSON, Cashlur. First Rational Bank. VHE DALLES, - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to bight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dny of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New iork, bun J-ranciBco ami Portland. treet, I a.m. wolcomo UIHKCTOKS. D. '. Tiiomi'hon. .Ino. S. Sohenck. Ed. M. Wiluamh, Gko. A. Liehk. H. M. Beam.. W. H. YOUNG, BiacKsmitn & wagon shod General l'lucksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. florse Shoeing a Speciality Third Street odp. Lite's old Stand, House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his line at reasonable figures, lias tho largest house moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181,The Dalles J. I MD, EvanjBlist, Of Ik-h Motiicii, Jown, write under date ol March '1, 18'J.I: , t. S. B. Mkd. Mk. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Qentlemen : On arriving homo last weok, I found all woll and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, who hud wasted away to !I8 pounds, is now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. S. B. Cough Cure has done its work well. Both of the children like It. Your S. B. Cough Cure has cured and kept away nil hoarseness from mo. So givo It to ovory one, with greetings for all. Wishing you prosperity, wo are Yours, Mu. & Mits. J. F. Foiin. if you wish to feel frcnh nud cheerful, mid ready for the HprlUK'ti work, nlemibo your xyiitem with tho Heiiduchu mid Liver Cure, by taking two or three iIosuh euoli week. Hold under n positive KUttrnutec. 60 centH per bottle by nil UriiKglNto. C. F. STEPHENS, D1CALBK IN DRY GOODS Qlothing HiioU, Hliutm, Until, Kta. Fancy Ijood, flotion, Ktc, Ktc, IStc. Second St., The Dalles. DYSPEPSIA Is that miBcry experienced whon suddenly mado aware that you possess a diabolical arrangement called stomach. No two dyspep tics have tho same predominant symptoms, but whatever form dyBpepsia takes The underlying cause ia in the LIVER, and one thing is certain no on will remain a dyspeptic who will It will core-net Acidity of tho Stomach, Kxpol foal gSMCH, Allay Irritation, Aaalst Slgeitlon fond at tbo same tlmo Start the Liver working and all bodily ailments will disappear. "For more than three years I suffered with Dyipepnla in its worst form. I tried nereral doctors, but they afforded no relief. At last I tried Simmons Liver Regulator, which cured me in a ihort time. It is a Rood medicine. I would not be without It." Jambs A. Koahu, Fhilacl'a, Fa. liUJIISlJ.lill 43TKVEUY PACKAGE-S5 Ha. oar Z Htnmp In rnl on wrapper. I. ZEUIS & CO., 1-UUuelphia. It. J. II. - Dally Evening Chrcmlele Is rceocnlzed . UN ONHOM tillll V till) llOlllL' lllllHT for till- IlnlleNUltyfnlkK' UriliT: This Is not u bad reiiiitiitloii. Koine M IJ JV r-'Orn of our licvt oitlzeiis watch the eoliiniiih of tliis nnnrn daily for the spit-let local new,. It J t tK Hiiccccds In gleaiiing the Held, and hence glows In popularity and importance. Take It awhile, you who don't; try some of its premium oilers. "Tie Regulator Line" Tie Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH Frelgnt ano Passenger Line Through daily service (Sundays ex cepted) between Tho Dalles and" Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade Jocks with steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill ntreet dock) at G a. m. con necting with steamer Regulator for The Dulles. I-A8H1SNGKK KATKS. One way Round trip. .$2.00 . 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipmente for way landings must bo delivered before 5 i. m. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, W. CALLAWAY, Uunttrul A Kent. B. F. LAUGHLIIM, dtitiuml Mmiajst-r. THE DALLES, T H E OREGON CANDY FACTORY ARTIC SODA WATER AND IOE 0REAM. Candies and Nuts 'Specialties FlrtoBt Peanut RonstorlnTho Dalles J.FOLCO 2 38 2i Street At right side Mis. Olmrr't restaurant. The Si. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, popular and reliable house has boon entirely rofurnlHlied, and every room has boon ropupored ami ropalntei and newly carpeted throughout. Iho house contaltiB 170 rooms and is supplied with every modern convenience. Kate reasonable. A good restaurant attuchoc to tho house. Fror bus to and from all trftlUB,C. W. KNOWI.ES, Prop. 1 DESPERADO KILLED Sbot liy a DcputY United States Marshal. A LEADER IX COAL CREEK TROUBLE Singular Fatal Accident During a Sur Ijical Operation Other News Happenings. Kmvviu.r., Twin., Oct 19. Bud Lind say, one of the most nororious despera does in this section, waa shot and mor tally wounded near .lackfiboro yesterday afternoon by J. X. McGhee, a deputy United States marshal. Lindsay was one of the leaders in the Coal Creek mining trouble?, and it was he who cap tured General Anderson, commander of the state troops, and held him prisoner until released by General Carnes' com mand, lie was for several years a deputy United States marshal and a terror to moonshiners. He has killed three men, and was mixed up in numer ous battles in the border counties of Kentucky and Tennessee. He was killed in a personal difficulty brought on by himself. Singular Fatal Accident. viiacl'sk, X. Y., Oct. 19. Patrick Kanaley of .Ionian died at St. Joseph's hospital, this city, last evening in a pe culiar manner. He was undergoing am putation of the left leg above the ankle, when an attendant was instructed to clear out his throat, which hid rilled with mucus and was interfering with his breathii-g. The sponge used got loose from its fastenings and Kanaley drew it down into his throat with the next inspiration. Tracheotomy was performed and the sponge was finally recovered, but the man was dead. DKCItEASK IX t'OXSU.MI'TlOX. A COMI'HOMISK. The Steering? Committee Itlll. 1'rc-tinrliiR n JU-iiH'ilr That In Working AVoudcrs With the IIseuie. Philadelphia, Oct. 17. The county medical societies' petition to the board of health to isolate consumptives has in creased their fears, occasioned by start ling headlines in a local paper declaring the disease infectious. The state legis lature of Michigan recently indorsed this view, as did the medical congress in Washington, and deaths from consump tion having decreased everywhere re cently, Dr. Fleck, with a few others, as cribe this to isolation. The majority of medical experts, however, credit it to the free broadcast distribution through physicians of test outfits of the Amick treatment, by which authentic cures are reported daily in the medical and secu lar press. Was it Chance or Itetriliutloii? Baltimokk, Oct. 19. In testifying in her own behalf at the southwestern police stition Monday, Mrs. Adeline Wilder called God to smite her if she had not sworn to the truth. The words had scarcely left her mouth when she fell to the door unconecious. Twelve boors afterward she was revived, but ia now a raving maniac. Mrs. Wilder had been arrested for assault. At the trial even ner husbanu corroooraieu me prosecuting witness, a young woman whom Mrs. Wilder was charged with striking with o teapot. Mr. Wilder says his wife never to his knowledge had a fainting fit before. Suite ring i tli Cherokee. Gutiiuie, O. T., Oct. IS. Every town n the ttrrttnrv is fillim: UP with the neoulo from tho Cherokee strip, who come in hungry, cold and without a cent money. Kvery day brings the news tho death of one or more of tho un fortunate settlers, and the sutl'ering among the improvident people who rushed into the strip with no money and no meaiiB of making a iiviinoott is terrible. Specimen Case. K. 11. niimnd. New Cnssel. Wis., was troubled with nomaluia and rheumatism, his stomach was disordered, his liver was atlected to an alarming degree, tip notito fell uwav. and be was terribly ro- duced in flesh and stieugth. Three bot tles of Electric Bitters cured him. Kdwnrd Shenheid. llarrisburg, 111., Inula running soio on his leg of eight itua' standing. Used tliroo uotties oi lii'i.i-ln Bitters and toven boxes of Bucklon's Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Cata- wabii, 0 had live largo tever sores on his lei?, doctors said ho was incurable. One bottle Electric Bitters and one box Bucklon's Arnica Salve cured him on- tirolv. Sold by Snipes iv Jvinersly. WOOD, WOOD, WOOD. Host grades of oak, lir, and slab cord wood, at lowoat nmrKenaies at .iuh. i, Peters & Co. (Oltico Seconu and Jotier. I sou streets,) Washington", Oct. 19. The democrats in tho senate arc devoting most of their time to an effort to agree among them selves, and are of the opinion they arc in a fair way to agree on a bill to bo intro duced the beginning of next week. So NEWS NOTES. New York city sustained a $3,500,000 fire Wednceday evening. Brayton Ives will be tho president of tho Northern Pacific for the ensuing year. Hayti's deputy minister of the interior, it has been discovered, was connected " " !.- l-l i 11 .1-- many of them are engaged in this busi-fF"" luu "Uk 111 v- un-iii. jiu una ueeii imnrisuiieu ana ness that very few were in tho senate today : but tho silver men understand ing tho situation did not suggest the ab sence of a quorum. It ia a fact that the democratic steering committee has al most acreed on a bill and is now en gaged in trying to get the various fac lions to accept it. The silver democrats accept it rather readily, though not fully satisfied with the limited recognition of silver; but some repeal democrats are still holding out for absolute repeal, and with these the committee is now labor ing. The opinion is expressed that if all these cannot be won over enough re publicans can be secured to pass the measure. The proposed bill extends the provisions of tho present silver purchase law to January 1, 1895, with a reduction of the monthly purchase to 2,500,000 ounces per month, and for the coinage immediately of the 6eignorage silver in the treasury. The matter of the bond issue is still open. The most favorably considered proposition con templates the purchases of silver at the present rate till 90,000,000 ounces are purchased. Vilas is the onlyjmember of the committee holding out against a compromise. A consultation win ne held with Carlisle this afternoon. DIC. GltAVKS, TIIK FOISOXKR. He Is Not A Sensational Story That Dead. Denver, Oct. 19. The News publishes a sensational story to the effect that Dr. T. Thatcher Graves, the famous poi soner, who was supposed to have com mitted suicide in jail, is not dead. It is maintained a pine log occupied the coffin instead of his body. The story is given on the authority of Charles N. Chandler, a wealthy citizen of Thomp son Centre, Conn., Graves' old home, and where the body is supposed to be buried. Chandler and a fellow towns man. Stephen Morse, are now here. They declare that the coffin was opened at the grave against the protests of the widow and found to contain a pine log, and that the supposed dead doctor is now enjoying freedom in a foreign coun try. A rumor has been current here some time that the body carried from the county jail was really wax, and that the parties to the deception were some high officials and a secret organization. This rumor is strengthened by the re fusal to allow the remains to be viewed except by the most intimate friends, and by the further fact that the widow refused to allow the remains to be em balmed. NEWS OF THE STATE. The Multnomah Athletic club house is a new feature of Portland. Three-fourths of the depositors in Case's bank have signed tho agreement concerning the terms of payment of de posits, and it is probable the bank will reopen the beginning of next month. In the case of Joe Combs vs. the Liv ing Issue, at John Day, the grand jury returned a true bill of indictment for libel against Bailey Dustiu, John C. Luce and N. C. Burleigh. This was a personal attack against Sheriff Combs' character. Luce, Dustin and Burleigh were admitted to sfoOO bail. Chief Hunt of Portland has been work ing on tne case oi ueorge i). urani oi The Dalles, who was robbed of 200 while in the metropolis recently. Four parties, denizens of the White Chapel district, have been arrested as implicated in tho robbery, two of them women. The scene of the trouble was tho Badger saloon. Xotlee! All notes duo and becoming duo and all accounts owing us must bo settled on or before November 1st, 1S93, either in wheat, oats, barley or cash. Accounts and notes remaining unpaid alter that lato will have to undergo costs of col- ectlon. Wo mean business and must positively have money. Respectfully, dawlm The Dalll-s Mkkca.ntili: Co. will probably bo shot as a traitor. A report comes from tho treasury de partment that tho expenses of the gov ernment are in exces3 of estimates and should the present conditions continue, the deficit at the end of the year will be about .$50,000,000. The French authorities propose to change tho name of Boulevard Leygout ier to Boulevard Avellan. It is also sug gested to change tho mime of the new ironclad to bo launched on tho 27th, inst. either to Tsar or Russe. A bill has just past in both bouses of the Choctaw (I. T.) council allowing a delegate to be sent to Washington as a lobbyist. The salary will be $50,000 a year with $2,000 incidental expenses. The government will appoint Dr. Wright. The Indian aeent at PuvalluD. Wash.. has submited a report 1o the interior de partment. He says intoxication is the predominating evil among tho IndianB. The evil will grow, he thinks, because of the decision of the courts that an In dian holding a patent to land is a citizen. The policy of the senate republicans ia to remain quiet, neither helping the democrats out of their present snarl nor doing anything to prevent the progresa of the repeal bill, but if it becomes evi dent that the democrats can do nothing, then to prepare a republican measure and ask the senate to pass it. Eugene New. Eugene, Or., Oct. 19, 1S93. To The Chkonicle The second sum mer is here; foggy mornings and sunny days." The rainfall has been five and a half inches hero tho past month. The cannery has been working for some time and is doing good work in advantageously disposing of local pro duce. Rev. Geo. W. Hill, formerly a Dalles boy, preached a farewell sermon in the Baptist church on Sunday. He soon leaves for China us missionary. Tho university dormitory will soon bo completed for occupation. It is a desir able addition to the campus and looks well. There are more college students than ever-before now in attendance. Tho recent changes introduced by President Chapman are working well, and the school is in a flourishing condi tion. Let every youth in Oregon take advantage of it bolore it is too late. The Presbyterian Synod met here last Friday and Saturday, tho diU'erent churches being filled by some of tho visi tors on Sunday. There are indications that tho liberal views of Dr. Briggs are gaining ground. Tho river has been high enough to per mit steamboats to run to this place from Corvallis. Arrangements are being made to open up tho river below here, so that continual traffic by water may bo carried on with the outside world. If this improvement is successful wo will be within fivo days' freight distance of San Francisco by way of Yaquina, which will give Eugene tho commercial advan tages of othor Willamette towns. Quiiiam. Now Try Thin. It will coat you nothing and will sure ly do you good, if you have a cough, cold, or any trouble with throat, chest or lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds is guar anteed to givo relief, or money will be paid back. Sutt'erers from la grippe found it just tho thing and under its uso had a speedy and thorough recov env. Try iv sample bottle at our ex pense, and learn for yourself just how good a thing it is. Trial bottles free at Snipes Si Kinersly's drug store. Largo size 50c and $1. Koiinil Trip ItulvM to the World's Fulr Greatly Iteilucuil. Until October illst tickets will bo sold to Chicago and return at $50.05. For further information cull on or address W. 0. Ali.aw.vv, G. A. D. P. & A. N. Co., Tho Dalles. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S, Gov't Report. Rofo Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE