The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Kuternl rtt the Vostofflcv At Tho Italic, OrcROu, ns iccoiul-class mutter. rilK DA LI, ICS OUKUOM STEAM SIREN'S PRANKS. lThcnomrnon Duo to tho Kcrmctlnn of f ound-Wnvi' iy YVIml. The siren at Tillnmook, oft' tho Ore gon coas-t. 1ms two steel trumpets and two stool boilers ass hig as thoo of a locomotive. They titter blasts of ilvo oeoiiils' duration at itttervals of otto and one-half minutes when there is a lop, and they eonsitme one hundred and thirty gallons of water per hour. 'Dieir uponizinp eries can be heard at a dis tance of thirty miles under favorable circumstances. Nevertheless, it some times happens that, while in full opera tion, they can not be heard at all at a distance of two miles. At the same lime they will be audible at seven jniles, wholly inaudible at twelve miles, and audible ap-ain at a greater distance from the rock. This curious phenomenon is due to the refraction of sound-waves by wind. It has been iound that such a signal, when not heard at all on the deck of a vessel, will sometimes be loud and clear to th oar of a person ascending to the mast head. Sometimes it is audible v. 1th great volume in one spot and complete ly inaudible two hundred yards :wa.. Uiyhty-oue sirens and other steam fi; .signals have bean established by thj gwermnent at a Cost of six hundred ihonsand dollars, and are maintained at a yearly expense of one hundred Sliousand dollars. A lighthouse, whiclt it would L -most desirable to connect by telegraph with the mainland, is situated on one of the Farallone islands, twenty-two miles out in the Pacific from San Fran cisco. The situation is the most deso late imaginable. A powerful light three hundred and sixty feet above the sea, is supplemented by a fog whistle, blown by the rush of air through a cave which forms a passage opening into the ocean. One of the many caves worn by the surf on the shore chanced to have a hole on its top, through which the incoming breakers violently espcllcd the air carried before them. The mouthpiece of a great trumpet was fixed to the aperture, and now the waves blow mighty blasts through the instrument, which is only silent for an hour and a half each day. In various other parts of the world are signals made by utilizing such natural1 orifices in wave-beaten cliffs. YOUR flTTEliTIOH Is called to the fact that Hagh Glenn, Dealer in Glass, l.imo, Plaster, Cement and lUiildlni: Material of all kind?. t'nrrlo thu Klni'nt l,lm of Picture Moulding To bts found in the City. 72 LQashington Street, Clothier and Tailor. .... Decided! v tho Finest Line of Gents' Ftiriiishiiig Goods, Twill's and Valises, etc., etc. COK. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES, OK. Sleekly Ghroniele, $1.12? a year. Hese are Dull Tines! From TERMINAL or INTERIOR Points -THK- Irtta Pacinc RKILROHD Is tho lino to tnko TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOOTH. "During my term of service in the army I contracted chronic diarrhoea," says A. 12. Beneing, of Halaey, Oregon. "Since then I have used a great amount of medicine, but when I found any that would titvH me relief they would injure -my "toui.u'lt, until Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy was brought to toy notice. I used it and will say it is the only remedy that gave 'Uie permanent relief and no bad results follow." For salt- by Illttkeley it Hough ' ton. S. L. YOUNG. JEWELER : : V.'tches ami Jewvlry repniru-1 to outer on short nutire. and !tUfictlo:i giiarHntw) AT THK HUiif of I. :. NlckuWuli, 31 St. The Dalle It is the Dininj: Car Route. It runs Throujrtj Vcstlbulcd trains even ly in the year to jft. panl and Chicago NO CHANGE OK UAH& ComiiouM of DiniiiK Car unsurpassed. Hull man Drnwiinr Koom sleepers of latest equipment. TOCHIST SLEE1TO CARS Best that can be constructed, ami in which accommodations are both Free and Furnished for holders of First and second-class Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES A coutiuunus line, connecting with all line nn'onlinc fllrtct and uninterrupted service l'ullmati Sleejer reset rations can be secunil in advance thruugh any atent of the road. THROUGH TIGKETS Eneland and Kuroiiv can be ticket office of the company To and from ah points in America. purchased at an; Full information concerning rates, time ol trains, routes and other details furnished 01. application to W. C. ALLAWAY, Agent D. P. s A. Nav. Co., Kesulator office, Ttti Dalles, Or., or A. D. CHARLTON, Ac-'t. General Passenser Act., Portland, Ozu DT T 1 L Times malcc it nil the more I L neeesBiiry ui wtvertlte. That is J what the met prosrestive of our business men think, and these same bus ine mt'i )tre the most prosierous at alt times. If you wlsli to reuch nil the reople in this neiti borlnol you run t do better thn i talk to them through the columns of tho Jjaii.y Chronicle. It has more than double the cliculation 01 any other pjper, and wlvettlsini; in it imys bit;. J Caveats, and Trade-Mtrks obtained, and all Fat- J 2 our Ornet is oppositc.U.S. PATCNTOrriee J J and we can secure patent in less time than those 2 remote from Washington. t Send model, drawing or photo,, with descrip-J Jtion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of! 0 Charge. Our fee not duo till patent is secured. J A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," wjth Scott of same in the U.S. and foreign countries 5 sentfrcc. Address, ?C.A.SNOW&CO. 6 i opp. patent Orriec, Washington, D. C. Notice. Timber Culture. V. S. LjANuOrricjs, The Dallek, Oil, I August ID, lty;s. Complaint Imvliiir been entered ut thin Diflco hyMarricttiiM. .Marshall iiKainst Preston Hwxl for failure U) comply with law as to 'limber Culture Kiitrv No. :illO, datwl March 'JO, ifcw, upon tho N U of Section 'Jd, Township a North, KanKu II Kast, V, M In Wasco couuty, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of saiil entry v failed uimI iicnUetul to plow or break or fiiltf- contestant aIIckIiik tbnt defendant has wholl vntutocron or otlienviso. or plant with trees. tree fcttHis or cuttliiBs. durlnt,' any of thctlmu lneo iuuKIiil' his saiil entry, "' I'art of hald tract, tho said parties uro hereby summoned to appear at thU Oillco on tho aist day of October, lb'J3. t 10 o'clock A. II. , to resjiowl nnd furnish tvstlmony coneernliiK said ullel falliitv. IMivot JOHN W. J.KWJS, Jlegister. The Dalles Gigar : factory FIRST STBBEX. FACTORY NO. 105. OTp jy o of the Uest Brands J.Orx.Xl)0 manufactured, and orderu from all parte of the country filled on the shortest notice. The reputation of THE DALLES CI GAR hafi become firmly established, and the demand for the home manufactured article is increasing every day. A. ULRICH & SON. loot! Sawing. 8-2idlm Wo have bought the J. C. . Meins Steam Wood Saw, and will fill all orders for sawing wood for stove or furnace use at the old rate. Orders left at JIaier & lien ton's will be promptly at tended to, and will guaran tee entire satisfaction. Jacojs Wetle. JohnP.Kuiek. NOTICE FOB I'UULICATION, bANXJ OmeivrJie Dalles, Or( . t . .Oct. U, 1H33. 1 Vntlm is herebv aiven tiM't.ltiio followlm;. Tiaiuul nettler hus tiled nottpow'.lH.liiteiition to niaku ilnal tiroof claim, uwi mat the Ilcmlster uud Kriduy, November Kilgnr H oof ln.yiyrptK)h. of mid iroo(.Mj)lT'tio.aiiado bef receiver at Tto Dalles, Or,, er 17, ItWJ, vl.:- 4 hU before on 1'rittt. Uomcsteud Application No. W1, for tho of ,HW'4 uiid W'J ot W)4 ol Kec. 11, T. i ii., It. Vi di. W , iJ. Ho names tho foIlowliiB wltncssck to pro vol) In coiipnuouN reIdene3 upon, and cultivation of, auiifjiiud, viz.. ..... J, 11. MukIII, Frank Driver, J.on Wins nnd Ciiarley W'lug, all of Wamic, Or. UH7 JOHN W. USW18, IKwUter, The Dalles Daily Chronicle. HAS A FAMILY OF 2000 HEADERS. They read The Chronlclo to get the latest and mokt reliable i.owh. And they reu1 every lino that Is In the paper. That la what make'4 tho Chronicle un invaluable mlvertltn medium. Tho newspaper that -v roch to tho family UreisIdeH ii, tho ono () that the udvertlhers of toluy patronize when they detlre to reach tho jiooplc. When they want your traile their annouiiecmentH will bo found In tho par. Ixwk over our columns nnd obnervo tho verlflca- tlon of the truth of thin assertion, Itcmcmbcr, ntrudoofii family of two thousand is worth utklnn for through columns, espclally so wo thousand irough thei (M) ut our very Sri. Executor's Notice. Notice is hereby given that tho underslfrned has been uppoiiited bv the County Court of tho Htato of Oregon for wum-o County, executor of thooUatoof Cutherino Wlale. deceased, ami all persons ImvIiiL' claims twalnst said estate uro hereby notified and required to present tho bdiiie, with tho proer vouchers, to ino at tho oillco of Mays, Iliiutltmton & Wilson, Tho Dulles, Wasco County, Oregon, within six months from tho Uuto of this notice. W. H. TAVIXJIt, Kxecutor of said estate. Tho Dalles, Or,, July lWS.-'M flew Qolumbia otel THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Has lately boon thoroughly renovated nnd nowl furnished tlnoughout, and is now hotter than over prepared to furnish the beat Hotel accommodations of any house in the city, and at the very low rate of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c. Office of the fast and commodious opposition Stage to Dufur, Kingsloy, Tygh Valley, Wttpinltia, Warm Spring!1 and Prinoville is in tho Hotel and persons going to Prinoville can save $4.00 bv going on this Stage lino. All trains stop here. J. O. MACK, FIJ3E WINE? and LI(pi$ WE DO 17 WANT YOUR 1W0J1EY, Just Jtoto, DOMESTIC And KEY WEST CIGARS. THE CELEBRATED PABST BEER. FRENCH'S BLOCK. 171 SECOND STREET, THE DALLES, OH. MINHNS "HE NEW TOWN has been platted on the old ramp (rround, at the Forks and k Falls of Hood river, with larije, Khtlv lots, broad streets and alleys, Rood toll ' and pure wnter.with shado In proftuion, jierfcct draina;c,dellKhtf ill mountain Climate, the central attraction as a mountain Mimmer reKirt for all OreKon, beins the nearest town to Mt. Ilooi. It Is unparallelcc as u manufacturlni! center, being the natural center for 1 W Huare miles of tho best cedar and lir timber, jiossessitiB mtlllou, of hore-ia)tier in iti dashiiiK streams and water falls, easily harnessed. Where cheap motive jxiwcr exists, there thu manu factories will center, mrrounded by nll ami climate that cannot bo excelled anywhere for fruit and uKriculturc, and with transportation already nssurtJ you will find this the place to make a jierfect homo or 11 paying investment See me on the ground, or 1. address me at Hood River Wasco County, Oregon. TITiiE PERFECT W. RossWinans. MILLINERY MILLINERY Ttiis Space KKSEltVKD FOU 112 Second Street. ANNA PETER SCO. MILLINERY MILLINERY Second St. I. C. NlCKELSEN, The Dalles, Or BURHAM & ROBERTSON Proprietor. CityStables, Corner of Fourth and Federal 8tfl Tim Dulles, Oregon. Tlioso Stablos have on hand tho unent Livory in Eastorn Oregon, and can accommodate patrons with o'ithor Single or Double Rigs, closed Hacks or Carriages day or night. MORE ROOM. Aleo, can furnish First CIbhh accomtuodtitlotiH to teamstarH with froighl or Uriviti teams, having added to their sUhloa hirK feeding and wugou room, Commercial Patronace Solicits. BUT WOULD LIKE YOUR Attention! OUR GREAT OFFER I FOR 1894. o:- And THE CHRONICLE pro poses to enliven them by in. troduoing its newsy presence into every home in "Wasco County. Circulation must be doubled,, and to do this we propose to furnish the Weekly Edition for the balance of this year and one year beyond for the already low price of $1,50. A year and a third 16 months- makes a amount of the very best read ing matter, comprising besides the world's news, valuable ii. formation on all subjects, aii especially for the stock-raiser, the farmer and the orchardist, and is the best medium for exposing our resources to the world. If this Is not enough, our plan to is sue the Weekly in instalments of twice a week, should make your decision favorable at once. Sunday's, Monday's, Tuesday's and Wednesday NEWS gets stale by Saturday night, and hereafter the Weekly Chronicle Part I, will reach you Wednes day evening, and Part II on Saturday evening. The extra trouble and expense connected with this effort to please, which is considerable, we look to an appreciative public for the approval we are sure it will give us. While we would be glad of subscription money in advance, it is not necessarily enforce Subscribe NOW for 1894 And get the benefit of this special rate, which is praotic ally for the Weekly Gbrofliele, $1.124 a Year. PAUL KREFT & CO., DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And the Moat Complete and the Latent PatteriiH and DetaiKUH in J1 T77.!. nnurwui-w jiiiuuiH umi j. w . fliamiry'H raiuw uneu in an jur "'t """, ; Kn tho most skilled workmen employed. AjeutH for Mamiry Liquid J amw. chemical combination or uoap mixture. A Unit claim artiulo in all colors. ""Practical Paintorfl and Paper llaiiKora. Nono but the best Williams and J. W. Masury'H Paints used in ail our work, and none urn oruers promptly auenuou 10. Paint Shoo oornar Thirdand Washington fits., The Dalles. Oreot THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. Tills well-known Brewery is now turning out tho best Heor and PojjJ east of the Cascades. Tho latest appliances for the manufacture of Ku " . ful Beer hare lwn introduced, and on.y the first-class article will w be market,