The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 19, 1893, Image 3

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    A OURD
Saturday, Oct. 21, 1893.
FREE ! !
With Every Pair
of Boots or Shoes purchased
from us on this day we will give, Absolutely
FREE, a pair of Rubbers
suitable for same.
Just Received Latent Things in
Saturday eve, Oct. 28th.
Hm Klrelrln UKlit J.mi.iin.y
Down In Town.
Tim Electric light com puny have fin
ished moving their machinery and fix
ture in their handsome now building
between First and Second streets, which
in an ornament to tlio city. It is of
handsome design, commodioiiH and ita
exterior is covered witli commuted iron.
The Interior Ih divided as follows: Ollico
lfixlSj shop .'$8x15; fctoreroom 42x15:
J machinery room SOx.'lL'; boiler room
JSX'IO. A hrick wall separates the boiler
room from the mum building.
There are two Edison dynamos, ench
capable of maintaining 820 10-candlo
power IncandeHcent lights, and one
Thompson-Houston dynamo, with u
capacity of fifty 2,000 candle power arc
lights. I ho engine id a Lano & Bodlcy
Corliss, 225 horao power. The new Ames
boiler has a capacity of 125 horse power
and the old one 100, which can and will
bo used jointly to furnish steam for the
engine. Tho quality of the lights has
been improved since the change was
made, although Manager McArthur has
not completed tho work of arranging tho
wires, and within a day or two the lights
will all shino with great brilliancy.
The last of the machinery was put in
place yesterday and tho old boiler will
be put in at once.
will lw given tho lucky ones
All goods Marked
in plain figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
HiitcriHl h tho I'oiUifflre nt Tlio Dalles, Oregon,
nh cit'dinl (! rant lor.
I.iicwl Aitt rrlUliiC'
ID Cent1. )ht line for tlrt Insertion, mid 6 Cent
kt line fur ouch KubHcqtiunt Insertion.
s-cinl nitci for IntiK tlmo nottd-n.
All lociu notice received Inter tliiui 8 o'clock
will uii'ar Uic following diiy.
OCT. 19. 189,'l
Tk Daily and Wrrkly Chronicle way
li found ou talc at J. C. Xickehrn't ttorc.
A Karnry Mru I'riim MlncttllmirntiR
Nmi Illti.
One sweetly wili'inn thought
CmiieH to im u ltli ii niiln,
7 hut Kinln I'iihIih, ii like im not.
Will come to life hvhIii.
Will be nllve mill htroni;.
No wheel" within IiIh lieml,
Till miiiiu rejMiitcr come iiIohr
To U'll UD liu In duiul.
Two vagrants were given quarters jn
the city iuil last night.
Uone staagu is now engaged at tho
YtsVnUonal bank at Spokane.
ttms. L. Richmond has taken
role durjftof the Richmond livery sta
"gain n tlio East End.
There h fc Ktvllt deal of wheat
wining into market that is rejected on
J he young Denny pheasants are ac
knowledged to surpass in toothsomenoss
the native grouto or pheasants.
The Columbia Wheat Co. yesterday
purchased 2,000 Hacks of wheat, which
lmvo been delivered on the beach.
Antler it Co. shipped 1,200 head of
sheep yeeterduy and today, instead of
arglicr, as erroneously stated yester
day. '1'lin.Mignonottoolub will not hold a
i Must putty lVlday evening. The usual
party win )0 given one week
torn that night.
The Campbell Pros, are not handling
lie business, as thoy advertised.
They tried to freeze mo out of my buei
8 and bread and butter, but their
"ttlu gaino did not work. Ciiah. E.
fhu county juil was recruited todav by
jhp arrival of Thou. Pryor of Cascade
K8, who was sontup by Judge Can
iiaua for laicouy of some of Day Bros.'
checks. Ho was bound over to appear
Woro tho grand jury.
Nows comeB froin thoPalouso country,
pcellly lu tho vicinity of Rosalia, that
, v 11,1 Hi" threshers have started up,
wu every available .nun is working in
1, lmrvet Held or threshing machine.
o stacks are still very wet on tho top,
"7 u'y wo pitching oUT the top mid
J "K U for fd, and in moat eases tlio
"'iicel8all right.-Walla Walla States-Han.
A number of
rana hnrsea lnff on (lie
" " " - - -
"W ator this morning in care of Mr. A.
tnL. ' to bo P'esont at tho winter
jwtlng of the Paclflo Ooaat Blooded
Prai a88Cintl0n t00" ""O't'y i 6al,
wiclsco, TJieae are Champagne and
nor. ow,,ed bV Dve MeAtee, Hej)p-
8lrl k"lnU My J l- Melnerny;
to-""' J-u. Mack:
Mack j Joe Wooda, Dan.
Sblloh's VlUllicer U what you need for
S tor,)d ,,ver' y1,ow Bkl" or
Iilv ' "uio. ii la guaratueed 10
i ,ZOU,,Htlsftion. Prlea 74o Sold
JrnlH)8& driitflit.
Colnrch I'nrly.
A few friends were pleasantly enter
tained nt the home of tho Misses Michcll
last evening, the occasion being a "cob
web" party. A number of prizes wero
fastened at the ends of us many strings
woven in tho manner of a cobweb
through the different rooms. The
guests unwound the strings and cap
tured their booty. Other social features
were music and a lunch, and the even
ing was merrily passed. Those present
were: Misses Mary Frazier, Anne and
Beseo Lang, Elizabeth FitzGerald, Maio
Williams, Ursula and Louise Kuch, Vir
ginia Mardcn, Matilda Hollieter, Messrs.
H. Ixsnsdale, F. Faulkner, G. Snowden,
F. Keid, M. Jameson, E. Williams, S.
Campbell, J. Hampshire.
Mr. llarriniHn'ii iSrnln.
Mr. W. J. llarriinan of Dry Hollow,
one of the leading farmers of tho county,
bromrht in todav a six-horeo load of
Walla Walla club wheat and stored it at
Moody's wareliouso. mm wneat is
Home of the finest that has come into
town this season. It turned out several
bushels to the aero more than Kittle
Club this year. Mr. Ilarrimun raises
tho now Archangel outs.
l.lli.-rty School.
Mr. F. S. Isenberg, an enterprising
young man f.-oui Hood Kiver, is teaching
the Liberty school. The pupils of this
tcliool decided the other day to have a
school paper. They named it Tlie Lib
erty School Herald and selected Mits
Mary Underwood editor and Miss Ada
Hell principal reporter. The teacher,
of course, is associate editor.
Kciil Kxlati!.
Jackson L. Harper alfd wife and Annie
Harper to Mary K. Bowman, lot (i, block
(il, Ft. Dalles Military Keservo; $3.'K2.
T. .1. and P. Watson and wives to
Allen Fulton, lot 10, block I, Wuucomaj
if 100.
Geo. Km it! t and Julia Kiuith to city of
Portland, lots 5,0, 10, II and 12, block
22, Humitsoit'H addition to Tlio Dalles;
.11 A It It I Kl,
At tho residence of J. W. Jenkins, at
(J::i0 o'elock Wednesday evening, Octo
ber 18th, Mr. A. L. Hull' and Miss Klla
Tho couple will shortly remove to
Blalocks, were the groom resides.
Perhaps homo of our readers would
like to know in what respect Chamber-
Lin's Cougli Bemedy is better than any
oilier. Wo will tell vou. When this
remerfo has been taken as soon us a cold
Iihh been contracted, and beforo it lias
become settled in tlio system, it will
counteract tho ellect of tho cold and
isreatlv lesson its severity, and it's tho
only remedy that will do this. It acts
in nerfect hurmonv with nature and
aids nature In relieving the lungs, open
ing the secretions, liquifying the niu
cous and causing its expulsion from the
air cells of the lungs, and restoring tho
system to a strong and healthy condi
tion. No other remedy in the market
possesses these remarkable properties.
No other will cure a cold so quickly.
For sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
Oood Job I'rilitlUK.
If you have your job printing done at
TiiK CnuoNioi-K you will have tho ad
vantage of having it done witli the most
modem and approved type, witli which
we keep oontinuully supplied. All Jobs
under tho direct supervision of one of
tlio most successful and artistic printers
in tho Northwest.
Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish
A Clilnaiunn Kill Another.
Tlio Telegram gives the news of a
Chinese murder in Pendleton Tuesday
A Chinaman named Coon Sing stabbed
another named Charley. Sing is tho
proprietor of.a wash-house on Main street
and Charley was ono of his employes.
Charley asked Sing for some money.
Sing refused, and then hot words en
sued, scaring the rest of tho Chinamen
so that they hustled out into the street,
while a crowd of white men were at
tracted just in time to see Charley mur
dered. After scuflling and swearing for
a minute or two, Sing quickly drew a
Chinese dagger and plunged it with full
force deep into tlio breast of Charley
and through his heart, killing him in
stantly. Instead of trying to escape,
Sing took tlio matter very calmly and
went alone to the sheriff's oflice and
surrendered himself. He claimed that
Churley was us much to blame us him
self, and would have killed him instead
if ho hud not been the quicker of the
Mr. T. II. Johnston of Dufur is in the
city toduy.
Mr. W. Lord left lust night for Water
vile, Wush., to be absent several days.
Mr. John Hampshire left this morning
for a duck shooting at White .Salmon.
Mr. F. (i. Connoly went down to the
now town of Stevenson, Wash., this
Dr. V. Cleaner of Prineville was a pass
enger on tho Regulator this morning for
Mr. J. C. Lucky, of Warm Springs
Indian Agency, left this morning for
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Moore left this
morning by steamer for Corvallis, wlicro
they will visit their daughter who re
sides in that city.
Mrs. IK F. (Jibons and Mrs. John
Maiden were pasKciiL'erH on tlio Regulator
this morning for White Salmon, where
they will visit Mrs. J. B. Warner.
Mr. A. J. Ward of Cloldendulo favored
tills ollico with a cull toduy. Ho con
firms all former reports concerning tho
damage done the grain by the late rain
in Klickitat county, and says tho loss
will bo severe on tlio farmers.
Kx-Mayor DoLiishmutt of Portland
arrived in the city lust evening and will
return in the morning. Tlio gontlemnn
line extensive mining properties nour
Wardner, and at tho present tlmo lias
150 men employed, lie does not con
sider mining prospects very favorable,
that lead is low on account of tho pros
pective changes in turifl', and silver just
now is iiuoui us unstiiuie a moiai as can
bo found.
Dr. Blnohurt, who was tnkon to La
(irando Tuesday evening, stood the trip
fairly well. Word was received from
there this morning that he was resting
easily and hopes wero indulged that ho
would recover. Tho sympathy of every
one is witli tho doctor and his family in
tlio tlmo ot distress and nows from tho
sickbed will bo eagerly sought. Tlio
community has no better citizen in its
midst nor the medical profession a truer
discjplo than Dr. Binehart, and he is
ono who can illy be spared from tlio
work that Is his.
"1 consider Chamberlain's Cough
Bemedy a specific for croup. It is very
pleasant to take, which is one of tho
most important requisites where a cough
remedy is intended for use among chil
dren. I have known of cases of croup
wliHrn 1 know tho life of iv little ono was
saved by the use of Chamberlain's
Cough Boinodv." J. J. Latlrange, drug
gist, Avoca. Neb. 50 cent bottles for
sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
An Apoplectic Seizure.
Mr. Geo. F. Beers was taken witli an
apoplectic seizure this morning, and
eerious apprehension is manifested us to
his recovery. Mr. Beers was appar
ently in ttie best of health and spirits
and tho suddenness of tho blow was es
pecially sad. After breakfast this morn
ing, wliile buttoning his wife's shoe,
which is a domestic custom with him,
ho seemed to experience a difficulty as
if he could not see plainly, which caused
Mrs. Beers to question him as to what
was the matter. He tried to reply, but
no word passed his lips and ho has not
spoken since. It was at first supposed
lie was aflected with lockjaw, but it
later developed that lie was stricken
witli apoplexy. Dr. Logan was sum
moned, but can give no opinion as to
whether ho is apt to recover or not.
Mr. Beers had a light stroke of apoplexy
some years ago. He was a former part
ner of Mr. K. L. Brooks, the latter dis
posing of his interest in 1891, since
which time Mr. Beers has been at the
head of The Dalles Mercantile Company.
He is well known all over this section of
tho state, and all of his acquaintances
will bo pained to hear of ids sudden
serious illness.
Palatial Ouurtcrs of tlio Titled Legislators
of i:ii;;i;uhI.
What hpeeially strikes a visitor on
entering' the house of lords for the
first time is the rich splendor of the
chamber, says the New York Herald.
It is a noble apartment, one hundred
feet long- by forty five broad and forty
five high, splendidly adorned and
carved, lighted by twelve richly dec
orated windows. All round run gal
leries, protected by handsome brass
railings. The end gallery is that set
apnrt for tho use of strangers. It has
tho press gallery just in front. The
galleries that run alony the sides iuv
for the use of distinguished person
ages. When the princess of Wall s and
other ladies of the royal family attend
to hear the debates they invariably
view tho scene from the alcove of the
gallery to the left of the throne. The
throne itself is a richly gilt chair, di
rectly facing the strangers' gallery. It
stands on u slightly raised dais and
is divided off from the rest of the
house by a handrail. From thin part
of the chamber privy councilors tnul
tlio sons of peers who have the entree
usually wnteh the proceedings, and on
tlio night of any great debute many
members of the house of commons also
may be seen here.
The seats in the house of lords are
arranged much as in the lower house,
except that rows of cross benches face
tho woolsack, It is there that the
prince of Wales and tho dulcesof Edin
burg, Connuuglit and Cambridge ordi
narily sit, this part of the house indi
cating independence of political ul
legianeo to either of tho great
nurties. Occasionally some noble
lord who may have broken with
Ills party finds a temporary sent here,
too, as Lord Derby did in tho session
of 1870. The lord chancellor, who acts
ns speaker or chairiuuu of the upper
house, sits in front of tlio throne on
tho so-called woolsack. This is really
a sort of ottoman, and a heat compared
with which an uruiehair such as the
speaker of the house of commons is al
lowed must be luxurious ease, 'Die
peers of the ministerial party sit to tho
lord ohuucellor's right; those in oppo
sition to the left. By a curious cus
tom in the procedure of the house,
whenever the lord chancellor speaks
in debute, he bus to step two puces to
tho loft of, und away from, the wool
sack an odd idea, for it places him a
member of the party in power and a
cabinet minister on the opposition
side of the house.
Motive for Kent.
Six-room house to rent.
Apply to
II. Ui.ekn.
A rcccut discovery l" a old
lihjsldnu. Successfully uaett
monthly by tnautwuis j
JMtss, la tlio only jioifoclly
eafonnd rcllculo iiioiIIcIho dlj-
coverod. Bcwnro ot uujirlucijiicu ornssww wiiu
o2er Inferior iiuxllclncs In laco of thU. Ask for
Cooli Cotton Hoot Compound, tia utj(J.
Me, or luoloso (1 owl 0 couu la poatauo In letter
and wo wllUuud, sealed, iy return mall. KulUcalod
particulars In plalu ecvclopo, to ladle only, 0
(.ttuuus. Addrewl lo n d M I V fl o ill p ll V.
Ko, 3 1Uer llloeU. Detroit. Mica.
Sold lu The Dulleii by Jllakcloy A Houghton.
Bv mixing a wituratcd solution of
carbonate of soda with ordinary car
mine ink, red lines may bo successfully
drawn on blue prints.
On a clear day an object raised ono
foot above n level can be seen 1.31
j miles; one ten feet high, 4.15 miles; one
twenty feet high. 5,80 miles, one 100
feet high, 1S.1 miles, and one a milo
high (as tho top of a mountain), almost
1)0 miles.
Touci: the convex side of a watch
glass upon water so as to leave a drop
hanging on the glass. Pour a little
other nto tho concavo side and blow
upon it. Tho rapid evaporation of tho
ether will render tho glass so cold that
tho drop of water will be frozen.
Entihk combustion of smoke is se
cured by a German invention by an en
tirely new process. The coal is pulver
ized by machinery and injected into
tho furnace by an automatically regu
lated current of air. The carbon is said
to bo entirely consumed nnd there is
no smoke and no ash. Besides, the fire
is under complete control and can be
instantly started or cut off.
Jpeeial !
Mko b llilef In the NlRlit
Consumption comes. A slight cold,
with your system in a scrofulous condi
tion that's caused by impure blood, is
enough to fasten it upon you. That is
tlio tuno when neglect and'delay are full
of danger.
Consumption is lung-Fcrofulu. You
can prevent it, and you can euro it, if
you haven't waited too long, with Doc
tor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.
This is the most potent blood-cleanser,
strength-restorer and flesh-builder that's
known to medical science. For every
disease that has to bo reached through
the blood, for Scrofula in all its forms,
Consumption, Weak Lungs', Bronchitis,
Asthma, and all severe, lingering coughs
it is the only guaranteed remedy. If it
doesn't benefit or cure, you have your
money back.
The proprietors of Dr. Sago's Catarrh
Bemedy know that their medicine per
fectly and permanently cures Catarrh.
To prove it to you, they make this offer:
If they can't cure your Catarrh, no mat
ter what your case is, they'll pay you
$500 in cash.
"Gentlemen: send Krnube's Headache
Capsules us follows: Two boxes to Flora Seuy,
lliivmma. N. Dak. Two boxes to LllUe Wilcox,
Brookland, N". Dak, I liuvc always been a great
Mifl'erer from headache and your capsules ure the
only thing that relieves tne. '
Yours very truly,
Flora heay,
IluvaniiM, N. Dak.
Sold by Snipes it Kibersly.
All notes due and becoming due and
all accounts owing us must be settled on
or before November 1st, 1S93, either in
wheat, oats, barley or cash. Accounts
and notes remaining unpaid after that
date will have to undergo costs of col
lection. We mean business and must
positively have money.
dawlm The IXvli.ks Mkrcantilk Co.
Owing to a Conspiracy against
mo in tin's place, I have de
cided to close out my entire
stock, consisting of
Boots and Shoes,
pun?isl?i9 Qoods,
Btc, ZEZtc.
Store Fixtures,
Any business man wishing go
go into business can communi
cate with the undersigned.
Should I not get a buyer on
or before OCTOBER 25TH, I
will offer the entire stock
At Public Auction!
N. Harris
The Dalles, Or., Oct. 13, 1893.
Just received a scow load of ehoico oak
wood. Maikk & Benton.
P. S. Communications by mail so
licited. N. II.
N. B. Big drives will be made in
job lots to stores. N. H.
Just flrriveti from lew YorK !
. . . FROM $3.50 UPWARDS
il ana Furnisniny u
At Romarkablv Low Prices.
Splendid. CliiBcMlla Overcoats at $5.50.
f Winter Dry Goods,
jfDKT'A we urn toivo 1 to SELL FOR CASH in order to avoid lawsuits anil
bud debts we invite our friends and customers to examine our goods ant
prices before piirchui-iin.'.
ZEE. Herbrin
mm u
Seasonably Ruinous fat.