The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 19, 1893, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
VwOcly, 1 year 1 60
0 months
ii ii
Dully, 1 your. . . .
" (i months.
" jcr "
Address nil commuulcatlou to " THE CHKON
1CI.E." The Dulles, Oregon.
r. oo I
S 00 !
Oencrnl Delivery Window
Money Order
Sunday i5 D "
. h. m. to 7 v "i.
.8 a. m. to -I V. in.
ii. in. to 10 u. in.
trains going East S p. in. and 11:45 n. m.
" " West 9 p. in. and 5:30 p.m.
Stage lor Goldendale 7:S0a. m.
" " ITinevillo 5:S0n. m.
" "Dufnr and Warm Springs ..6::a. ni.
" fLeovlng lor Lvle it Ilartland..6:S0 a. m.
" " " JAutelopo 6:30 a.m.
"Except Sunday.
Tti-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday,
t " Monday Wednesday and Friday.
OCT. 19, 1893
Medical courtesy or not, Dr. Auiick
has discovered a specific for consump
tion that is capable of saving 30 percent,
of all lives lost from disease. A man
who can do this will live in the grateful
memory of countless generations yet to
be born.
It is said that the tramps infesting the
Pacific coast arc not the native product
that bum north and south according to
the season, but are from the effete east.
They have visited the Chicago fair, and
now propose to camp at San Francisco
and conduct the mid-winter fair.
Gov. Altgeld is fulfilling his promise
to turn the rascals out. He has just
granted his 116th pardon. Of these
thirty were serving sentences for mur
der. The Illinois governor is making
almost as good a record as Oregon's ex
ecutive, and he ought to do a great deal
better when he has such resources as
Joliet to draw upon.
A 'Washington diEpatch says that the
treasury has issued an advance state
ment of the imports and exports for the
first nine months of the present year.
Value of imports, $025,385,623 ; exports,
1603,164,183 ; excess of imports over ex
ports, $22,221,4-0. For the first nine
nionthB of 1892 the excess of exports
over imports was $29,204,090. How
shall we get back to where we were?
There is a limit even to British con
servatism. The captain of the Valkyrie
admits that the center-board can beat
the cutter. The odds are, though, that
he will change his mind when he re
tarns home, and the next contestant
sent over will be built on the model and
the lines so often and so easily beaten in
the past. John Bull could save himself
much anguish of soul if he had the capa
city to know when he is beaten, says
the Spokane Review.
While ViirsuliiK Oeronlnio He 15illevcH
Two HUtressed Dog.
Oeronimo, the once powerful and
cruel Indian chieftain of the west, is
now a quiet and peaceful prisoner at
Mount Vernon barracks, an army post
upon the Alabama river, a short, dis
tance above Mobile, says Kate Field's
Washington, Durintr what was known
as the Oeronimo campaign settlors re
siding1 upon isolated ranches in
Arizona and 2sew Mexico lived in con
stant terror of his raids. When one
was reported or feared, those on the
i line of the expected raid lied precipi
tately to the nearest point of safety
usually an army post if it could be
reached there to remain until the
danger was over, and then, probably,
to return and llnd building's burned, all
live things killed or carried away, and
property of every description wantonly
destroyed. In the year lSSft an ofllcer
was sent out with a body of troops in
pursuit of Oeronimo. who had just
passed, leaving desolation in his track.
One day he came to a beautiful ranch,
showing everywhere the ownership
and care of people of means. It was
entirely deserted. Its occupants had
lied, not even taking time to close the
doors of the low, roomy dwelling.
With one solitary exception there was
no appearance of life.
Chained to a. post were a couple of
magnificent greyhound puppies of
purest breed. The little creatures lay
side by side upon the ground, nearly
famished from hunger and thirst, al
most too weak to give greeting to what
they knew to be the coining of friends
and help. The captain hastily dis
mounted and went to them, his men
crowding around, eager as himself, to
help. Water was given them and food
from his own rations, but when they
had eaten, the question was what
should be, done with them? It was im
possible to take them along in so hasty
a march. They were too young to
hunt for food, nnd if turned loose
would become the prey of wolves and
coyotes. In the inclosure where they
were they were protected; about
twelve feet in front of the puppies ran
a ditch, through which water was
flowing, a sight of which had only
served to tantalize them, fastened just
out of reach of its cooling draught.
Across the ditch, plainly in view, lay
the heads of several slaughtered cat
tle. In the dry atmosphere of that lat
itude meat does not decay, so the
heads were in good preservation and
must have added greatly to the fierce
pangs of hunger of the two dogs. The
captain had several of the heads
brought and laid near the dogs; enough
to furnish food for many days. Then
from a toolhouse near by he and his
men took spades and shovels and turned i
the course of the ditch for a few
3-ards, so that it ran immediately by
the puppies. After a friendly pat to
each grateful dog and a cheery word
of encouragement, the captain mounted
his horse and rode awav. '
A iuisitan with the handle pivoted
to it in such a manner that, no stoop
ing is required in using thu article.
A compact combination tool, com
prising a monkey-wrench, a pair of
pliers and a pair of short-blnded
An apparatus for cleaning and peel
ing potatoes, consisting of a roller
within a drum, both covered with
roughened steel plates and revolved in
opposite directions.
A hand support or rest ring for a
penman, having a concave exterior
surface for the little linger to curve
around and a projecting curved piece
to carry the linger.
A tkuxk and wardrobe combined,
the wardrobe being fitted with hinge
doors, the whole collapsing by tele
scopic sections into a compact square
trunk when desired.
A ki.ytkap composed of two sus
pended boards, hinged at the upper
ends and held apart by a spring with
a cord attached for quickly pulling the
boards together.
A ritocKSK for water-proofing leather
nnd leather goods by immersing in a
solution of yellow wax dissolved in
turpentine or benzine and afterward
beating to render supple.
As improvement in the method of
steam distribution in multiple-expansion
engines, whereby the expansion
in all the cylinders is coincidently and
automatically varied.
A fastening for tool-handles, spokes,
etc., in the form of a headless wedge,
having its entering and side edgings
sharp and provided on the sides with
burrs, which catch in the wood.
An apparatus for measuring the
quantity of combustible gas or vapor
in nlr, consisting of a miner's safety
lamp provided with a hydrogen burner
and , gauge wire close to the oil wick
and a reservoir of compressed hydro
gen. Use Mexican Silver Stov- I'oliMi.
all the peculiar troubles that
beset a woman. The only
(guaranteed remedy for them
is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription. For women suffer
ing from any chronic " female
complaint " or weakness ; for
women who are run-down and
overworked ; for women ex
pecting to become mothers,
and for mothers who are
nursing and exhausted ; at the
change from girlhood to wo
manhood ; and later, at the
critical " change of life " it
is a medicine that safely and
certainly builds up, strength
ens, regulates, and cures.
If it doesn't, if it even fails
to benefit or cure, you have
your money back.
1 1 here is a tide in the ajfairs oj men which, taken at
leads on to fortune?
Tho poot unquostlonnbly had roforonco to
What you are sure of, if you uho
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Keinedy, is cither
a perfect nnd permanent cure for
your Catarrh, no matter how bad
'your ease mav bo, or 500 in cash.
the medicine
Who are Rnllinc these (roods out at Brentlv.rnriij
Pipe Wort, Tin Repairs m
J'iic proprietor! of
promise to pay you
they can't euro you.
end Ct KH HJ r'
Ci'rN f'ojrh, Koii."suii".-tsei ' nun.
Croit'i ri'n:t!r": rc''i'VK Win-' ;'n, Cr'njlt
r.nci Axllnua. r r OotiMiuu ticn ic i''fuu
ri'-nl; haHCtirfiltlioiisaixirtiv i i r'1 '-..lien.
faliL'.lj will ccisk you If tnUcn in t.t:if. fc'e.'it
by DrwutalP n Hri'!ir!int"o. V- !ri Hue!:
cr Clicst. uso faUiLOK'tj fl.A.sii.);. i'Sct;
fBR E M E D V.
tin 't iu t:uumh? Th'areuiuilv H uuuniii
twd u, vou, I'ricu .Vicrs. liiluujir irtv-
r.,r tilt, by Mnl" 4' K!nrrly.
Almost everybody ie aware of the fact
that the buffalo has been hunted down
until there are very few lelt, and what
used to be known as a buffalo robe is
Beldom seen. It is interesting to note,
in this connection, that a New York
manufacturing company is turning them
out by the hundreds. The American
Buffalo Robe company manufacture an
imitation buffalo robe that, unless closely
examined, can not be told from the gen
vine article, and as for warmth it has no
superior. Buffalo fur cloth coatc, black
dog-skin cloth coats, aBtrakaus, lamb
skins and children's carriage rugs ate
Borne of the goods that they make, and
they ship them to all of the northern
and western states.
John Pashek,
Tlidfdiaiil Tiii or VISOR 0F MEN
76 Court Street,
Next door to Wasoo Sun Office.
Hus just received the luk'st styles in
Suitings for Gentlemen,
nml ii law ii'-Mirtinent of Fur. ten nnd Ahut
icuu CInttit-, which no can finish To Older lur
those that favor him.
Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty.
Lumbago, Sciatica,
Kidney Complaints,
Lame Back, &c.
Easily, Quickly,
Permanently Restored.
nnd all ihu trr.ln r o-!!
Iromiarl)' irrui - or lau-r
exceeds. tUu rriulla u
ovorwurk. Mi It m
worrv.ttc T'ulli-tri.'iip'i,,
(luvcltl'lllieilt Sllil mi.
Klven lu c i;r;' orr;ar an J
jiortlon nf tni' hoi!).
Irninedlutiiliiiiiriifi'ii rr.i
wimi. Fnllurclminwli.lp.
.'.Ill) rurrrciiri I! -li,
explanation ntiil lir.-4u
mulled (iseult: J j fret.
Marshal MacMahon, who has just died
in Paris, was one of the greatest of living
generals and was a man of singular
purity of character. He was born at the
chateau of Sully, near Autun, June 13
1808, descending from an Irish familv
which took refuge in France after tl
fall of the Stuarts. On the battle field
he won many brilliant victories and was
frequently promoted by the emperor
He won his greatest fame in 1859 in the
campaign against Austria. He com
manded the second corps and led the
left wing of the army in the battle of
Magenta, June 4, 1859; Napoleon com
manded the center. At the head of the
guard the emperor -was very hard pressed
by the enemy, and there was danger of
hie being driven into the Ticine, but
MacMahon came to his support, and by
throwing himself on the right flank of
the Austrian corps, which threatened
the French center, he won the battle.
For this brilliant exploit the emperor
made him on the battlefield marshal of
France and duke of Magenta.
Captain Sweeney, U, S. A San
Diego, Cal., Bays: "Shlloh's Catarrh
Kemedy is the first medicine I have
ever found that would do me any good."
Ftice 50 cts. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly .
Mexican Silver Stove l'oliab causes no
A Great Liver Medicine.
Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills are
ure cure, lor sick headache, bilious
complaints, dyspepsia, indigestion, cos
tivenew, torpid liver, etc. These pills
insure 'perfect difpation, correct the
liver and ttomacb, regulate the bowels,
purify (? enrich the blood and make
the skin clear. They also produce a
good appetite and invigorate and
rtrengttwB the entire system by their
tonic aoWao'TJfey, only require one pill
for a dene and' never gripe or sicken.
Sold at 25 cts, a box by Ulakeley &
W!th Electro-Magnetic SUSPENSORY.
J.ulft Patent I Jlct Improvement" !
Will rum without rncillcltio all Mokneu reiiiltlrif: from
mtr.taiatlou of brain iivro tureen excitK'Horlntlis.
cit-tion, as nertoua (ifbility. eleeplewmciu, lantniur,
tirumitii, kidney, liver und b!udd;r complaints,
lametucl.-. lumUigo, fciatlea, all remain complaint
gTiral 111 liealtli, etc. Tlit3 Hectrlo conudm
yiutikrful IaprsiBunu over all other. Current la
Instantly felt lijr wearer or we forfeit $3,000.00, and
wllleuit'ullof the abovx dlteoica or nu pay. Thou,
-jinls Imvo been cured liv thin inorvelotm Invention
ufisr all other remfille failed, and we lvo bundled
tit ttttliiionlula in thiamin every other Mate.
Our I'entrfal ImproiMl UJXTItlt' Sl'MI'KXHORV. tdo
trrcuteiit Ixwu ever olferert weak men, KUKK wltbnll
lll.. lltnllhaul Uilorouimr.oflhUlalUNU'.l.lllnlillla
vuotfN bend for llluaM l'uuiiilet,iiuUleU.keulc'J,freu
"o. ITS ilr.t (street, OUV.
K. I". llcyiidlilti,
One lilituk iiony, brundeii either 6 or S o lelt
iiiK property nnd pity
In the Circuit Court of the Btntc
for thu county of Wnsc.
W. A illllcr. 1
Prttulant. J
To K. I', ilr.iiunldt, tlf, ubine-numeit tlrfnulnitl.
in the untile of the Statu of Origin, Von n
hereby required tonppciir Hid uumier the i om
pl'illll tiled iiKitllit you ill the nliovi' nt,lnl ut
uithin lull diiyn from tho iliitu of tin -i rvicc of
thu HiimnidiiH iitiou j ou, If i-ervfd wuhln tlds
enmity, or If M;rred tritlihi itny oilier eniintv o(
this htute, th- ii within tv.eniy di innu the
lilt"' of the henicu of tills hiiiiiiIioii tl i m Mm,
or if herved iiioii you by publication, tln-ii'vo'i
uie reijuirid to npjiciir nnd lumuur mill Com
plulnt on the llrrit diiy of the next term of xaiil
court, nftcr nix weckx' publication ol thin hiim
inuiib, to slt. on Monday, thu
Jlltli lny Novembur, lH!i;i,
mid if you (all to no uiiswer, the phiiutlll will
upply to tho court inr tho rullef prayid for In
ulil cnniplitiiit, to-wlt: for the lorccl .hiire of the
mortKiiKoiloicHbcd In mtlil coiiiplatut, iiimI for
the Mih of (he iircmlh'H therein (UxtIIiiiI, In
v.ii thu Miutli tut 1 f ol thu boutliwent iiiarter,
the iiortheioit iiiarter ol the houthvtcit iiiatter,
nml thu hniitliwcxt otiurter of the noutlieniit
Is the
Of the Year
Smr rn ThirH Stvoftt. novt. rlnnv wfltif nf Vnnr, .f. w
v ... h vv n
isiacKsmiin onop.
For Sale at
l l : l 4i. t,:
Jin.- iiuuDiniiiiiuii. iiuwiil: r-uvjuicu iiiu iiiaLiiiiii-.rv nr
i,.4 ...r,,." r"...iT4""...'..",? :.4 ,r..,i ?irrrii: r.....'
fp ,1
L ! ' I l I r ..i
Ttiwii.ifiif.,, lncili? Iitii ciliiiil nif v.,vlltc? lkl4iiir nnrl 41...1
inp;f almost a complete shoo factory.
....I... . p ii
.. ... rt.l. I ! .1"
nt.ttur n tniiii'trv At I. hit! fmn ii n mniifl m tliiH iinunfrtr
Write for particulars at once, to
Tlio Dallos.
Estray Taken Up.
iiivIiiJ r tZ ni . . ' 1 m' Kan thirteen KiiHt, Willamette .Meridian, em,!
i'r tt iH iiotii . taluiiii,' onu hiiiidrwl mid Hlxty aercB, and h1i-
I'OHtol ice! Thu IJiiileH. Or. I '."K'i .". Wiwcii ciiuiity, Owi. ANo, the nortl,
" i"iiii"l. II,,, If ,,l .1... I, ,.., ..nurti.r tin, ii..rll....
- J quarter o( the northweat itiurtcr, and thu koutli-
Two Matrimonial Peuiisylvanla l iS!E5 SsS
iiim Mixiy aercH, nun niiumeu in vhm:o county,
(lentlemoiil Two llnu-looVtiiL' l'i.mmiivni lOrcuou: ticcordliiK to law nnd the nructli'ii of
iiiiiie, exec,, en i repuiuiioiiH, HiiillHirioun, Hplun
did lioiibekeeperB. anon U nnd 'M, worth :!,00n.U0
eaeii, iiareiim ueau, wniit ioko uenl tin Io,h
wouia lino to correnpoua with nice, reniieetai
irentleinen under Ml. Oli eet- liinn.i- ui-i.ii.rii
horneH, Geiitleineu. II you aro inutrliiioiihilly
4iiuitnt.-ii, nuiui f i ui'i iii uuiniooii letter ok pno
tow, iiiuneH und addrenaex ol these ynuiiK ladleN,
rennsylTaoia Adv. Oo,,
JO intvlm Jlox V". lx,ck Haven, I'u.
In I he County Court ol tho Htnte ol Oregon, tor
u bm:u tiiiiuiy,
In the Hatter of the Ktatn nf I
Willlmn Ilanillton Wlinou, Uecened. j
Vntlin ty li..piltii, nluttn that ttt utt.ln.ul.......
by mi order of tho County Court of the HtuUi o
Oretfon, lor Wnttco County, made nnd entered
Heptember 7, 1BWJ, wm appointed executor of the
lat will und taftaraont ol the uid Wllllmu
Hamlltou Wllaon. decaaaed! all iiernn IihvIiik
clalniH axainvt Mid ckUU are hereby noiitletl to
lireaeut thu ume with the urnimr viiiii'lii'i-.
therefor to me at tho ollleo r.l Mityo, JIuntliiKloii
lc Wilson, The Ualle, Orwou, within nix
month from the cute ol thU notice.
mua The Dune., or., Kept. 7, wm,
Kxecutor ol Will of Win. II, iUon, ileo'd
thlH court, mill that thu uroceedH ol mild mile he
applied In payment of tiiu mnniitit veured by
hiiid uinrtKiiKc, und Htlll unpaid, to wlt. the mini
in tr.ti.m, una nuetCMi inereoii ni die rate of
clitht per cent ier annum from Kepteuiber J.'d,
ih'j.'i, mid the lurther mini of t'.VI'JO.uo, mill Inter
cnI thereon ut thu rule of vlKbt ler cent per mi
mini klnce Miiruh 'M. WJ3, and lor an iitlorneyn'
feu ol (.mot), mid lor the cohIn mid dlaliurne
uientH iiiade mid expended herein. Ami that
the nlaiiitlir will nimli' to tht) court for u (inlu.
ineut uKiitnut you lor any dellcleuey theie nut'
,m ivmniiiiiiit lllivr illl UI'I'IIVMIIUII I), i,,c iiro
i cwIh of unlit mile uh aloromiid.
You will lurther take notice Unit the Hum
inoiiM In thin Mill t Ik Horycd upon you byinililj.
cation, by cider ol the Hnuoruble W Ilrnd
hIiihv, Judite of mild Court, h.U order beliiK
diiU-d HeptcinberiWili, !.
'-!87w Attoruo) h lor i'laiutlir.
Taken Up.
One horrol Kcldlnif itbout twelve yearn old. und
briiiided thu. m ou lelt ahotililur. The owner
can have thu unlinul by payliiu lor thin notice
Au8,u10,18U.wtl . COOWB.
the Circuit (.ourt of the Htnte of Oregon for
uie uotiniy ol ahco.
A. I) lloltnn, I
rial n till',
vm. I
Frank 1). Cilllehple
llhiida GillLHpic, W.
V.. Hunt and W, II.
lilltler, Defundaiitii. J
7'u I'ranh !). (illlenjiir (iiitl'JUmtla (HttMile, oj thr
tworf-itumai tirjcniinnu;
It, the name of the Htate of Orcuoii, you and
cud, of you are hereby ri'iiulrrd to (iimcir ami
aiiHWer the cnmplalllt llltil ui;alust you In the
above entitled null ou or befnic the llrnt day of
the n-BUlar term of the Cltetllt Court of the Mute
nf UrcKon for Wamo County, next follow Iiik the
1 1 me iiereol, towlt, ou or before the
Illtli day nf" November, IHUII,
and II you full hi to utinwcr. for wiitit
thereof the plalutlll' will apply to the Court
or the relief prated for In bin coinplidlit, to-ult
fur a decret of loreeliihiire of that curtain inort
Kline deed made ami executed by ynu to the
nli ive naiued ilaliitlll ou the lit It liny of Novem-
Iter, Ih'.x), upon the north" cat qiliirliT of pectlnu
II in liinnnlilii 2 hiiutli ratiue II etiHt, W. ,M., in
W liken county, On-jinn, ami that mild prcmlHCH
he kold under tiueh foieelonure decreu lu the
1 1 1 it 1 1 1 1 or provided hy law ami i,''C rdlui; to the
linictli'i' of kald Court, that from the proceed" nf
ue,i ume uie illinium nave nun receive mo Mini
of liM) hundred it-VKIi ilollarn and Interest on
xiild kiim kiucu Xnvember litll, lhUO, at the rate of
in per cent, pur minimi, iilno further hum of
klxty (i'it) dollarx an u reiiMinuble uttorney'w fee
lur IlistlttitliiK thlk kiilttn forei'lose xald inort
Cliee and collect the unto therein heeiireil tniil
herein kited iijiiiii, together with plalntltl"k cohIh
anil dlkhiirkcineiitN made mid expended lu tlilx
klilt, lucludliiK uceriiiliK cohIn ami expeuxeof
mite, and Unit plnlutlll' have a JudKiueiit uKiiliiNt
iiiii.uie null, r run K u. tin em, e. inr imv Hell
clency lu the tiria.'eeflH of niilu to muIIhIv fnllv nil
iiiei riiinn, huh upon nuen inreeioHtire hale ail ol
uie riKiii, line, inierekt uutl olalui of ynu and
yinir co-ilch iiiluiitx, each and all of you and
Iliem. anil all oilier imrkonH cliiiniliii' nr in
claim by, thrniiiih or under you or thorn, or
viuii.-i, hi uiiii to nun iiioriKUKcd preiuikCM uutl
every part thereof be lorecltmed ami forevur
burred finm the equity of redemption. That thu
puuniiii i,o allowed to hid uUald foreehmuru
ale mid piilcluiNti mild mnrtKHKed premle, at
lilxoptloii, and that upon the hulo of mild inert
l?iied premlficH the purchuner Im lot Into thu
pokkctudou thereof, and every part thereof, Im
ui' dlalely, and for aueh other and further relief
JJ,i "i i-ouri uiiiy keem eqiilliihle nnd junt.
ihln kiiiuiuoiiH In nerved upon you, thu mild
I ( runic I), iiillckplu und HIkhIii (illlepl", by pub-
iii iiiiiiii m ino liallei uiiitoNici.K, it newkiiaiier
piihllkhei weikly at HiiIIcm City, Wimeo county.
t'rcKou, for hIx coiiHccutlvo weekk. by ordur ol
Hmi W, I.. iiriidHhnw, JiiiIku ol kald Court,
which otder wiim duly made and entered at
uiiiiii'ii.-rii ou thu until any of Heptember. 1HUU,
Attoinevk for I'lalntlll',
Exeoutors' Notice.
Nfltlca lu lif.relii' vlv.iii. thnt tin, iKifiiirulviiiMl
have been duly uiiiKilnted, by tho Ilonoruble tho
county Court of Wfltteo count;
torh of thu cHtuW of John llux
y, OrtKou, cxocii'
lur. deceiibcd: nil
ictmhib havliiK chiiuik iiKulimt kald entato are
.I i rcqtured to prcicnt tno name, duly vuri
lied and with jirtqier voucliern, to im or either,
t Aiitelojie, Wakco county, OreKon, within fix
luontlu from the date pi thin notice,
The l)nW, Or,, A UK. U. im.
hxeculnra ol tho entute ol John Jlaxter.deo'd.
flssigne'8 fiotleeto Creditors.
W. K. (larretkon, ol Tho Dulled, OrcKou, Imv.
Ilur Ukkliruwl hlu urotirtv fur tlui lii, .,r .,n
ji a eredltorH, nil purauuv lmvliuf claliuu aguliikt
Iiim are hereby untitled to present tlieiu tome
under oath, at The iMllef, Oregon, within three
mouth from date.
A., it. TlIOMI'oON, AbblKiieo.
Augunt 0, 1893..WCI
THE CHKONJCLIS was established for the ex
press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles
and the surrounding country, and the satisfying
effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It
now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher
man, Gilliam, a largo part of Crook, Morrow and
Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other ro
gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best
medium for advertisers in the inland Empire.
The Daily Ciikonjolh
ning in tho week Sunday
annum. The Wehklv
if-- published every eve
excepted at 0.00 ir
Ciikoniclh on Fridays of
each week at $1.50 per annum.
For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., add8
Tlio Dallof Oregon.
Late Special Agent Otneral Land 0)iv,e.
Familiar Faces in a New Place.
JJ?e Ieal Estate, Ijoap, Iiurapee,
1 Al
Parties having Proportv thov wih to Bell or Trade. Houses to IW'1
. - ..... . . . . . , ....II nil 11 B.
AUBtruct ot 'Jitlo furnibhotl, will find it to their advuutiige w -
,,ntl dontw
botoro tlio Uuitep Ktatos Jjand Umoe.
Wo Bhull
86 WaBhintoii t. THE DALLES, OB.
The California Winebouse,
Is now open, and its proprietor will sell Ins lioino
produced Wine at prices in the roach of everybody.
Also, best Keanuts to be found. Goods guarantor
to be Pure and First-Class in every respect.
Thompson's Addition.