The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 19, 1893, Image 1

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    aljc Dalles
)L. VI.
NO. 107.
Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Mbllli(M Pally, .Sunday Kxcovtcd.
II v
. jecniid ami W iihl"Ktoa Street.
Dalles (irtfRon.
Twrni" nfSiihscrlptlou
orith, by carrier
I copy
6 (10
IncllocV Atisustfi, 18'J.1.
.vtrivw 10 45 1" ueimrts u :uo i m.
Arrlri J Depart 8UI a. m.
.i.vjh frelirhtf. that carry tmsHeuKcrh leave
or tiie wf" ',x) ""d 0Ul' ,or tlu;
it 5 a a. ;
. i..vii!i viit liitku Oven, leave dallr
r'.f. 'utl.illll PltV Ih.1V. I
E4S,&iiv.i .h.iviuv.., uHitju" "
tor. Kitiusley, Wiunlc, WniitiiltlB, Warm
. mi Tveh Viilluv. lenvc dally, except
irtldemlule, Wunti., leuve every day of tliu
except Nimliiy at a. m.
trtlornh line at the Umatilla House.
Letters of Credit iRBUud available in he
EiiBtern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
iransiorBHoiaon xsew 1 one, unicugo, St.
Louis, San FrunciBco, Portland Oregon,
scuttle vv Hfiii., una various points in Or
egon and Washington.
Collections made nt all ointi on fnv
orable terms.
Rational Bank,
President - -Vice-President,
Cashier, -
Z. F. Moony
M. A. Moody
General Hanking Business Transacted
I! 11U)IK1.1 ATT011NKY-AT-I.AW OttlCC
. Court Street. The Dalles, ureRou.
.t-.'h I M ' I I I L L Iwi.UV.VU - .T.
u-KiMimt 11! and 43. over row
....nil t-. U'.iUliliintnn Utr.Mit
ut'vvvTT ilil'nlfVVV-AT.T.AW. Of
5 Ulitli.i.l 1 , IV. . - -
. in sohniitiii'u ImtMlne. tin Mtulm. The
i , Iriiriili
stvs.ii'uw Office. French's block over
ritiieh Co.'h bank building, beconu
aim nuitUKOX t;aun winwurai jiiv,.i..i..j
n it . nil. ... ...iii.i... ritiin.) n. :u. urn
U n M tn K V trvmntAN AND HOB'
nitoN Otlice: rooms fi nnd 6 Chapman
' . . . . I . ..VI VI
Bourn a to i a. m.i i w o auu wd..
-MiAl.l. dentist. Ga Riven for the
ou tile extraction ol teetii. aiao ieeu
rlnwed Hltimlnum iilate. Koomb; Sign ol
urtt aim tiuru jiouuay oi ihiuu uiuum n. ,
l.t.KH hiivai iimii 1'IIAI'TKR NO. C
ui.i. I.. .1 I.. .1... II. 1 Yl'
inouuit7 1'. M.
tl-'R WfWlli.. .... ..,. IKIIL' ll'llll II
.ui jnini v.nmi,!,(1.ft(i.MLHithTiictiuayovun
each week In Fraternity Hall, at 7:30 . m
r'trltf A I Mfir ii r r tl
every Frldnv ennm, i-vm n'nlock. In K.
tint) .ifir.ii.i. l. t '.i.. utpimtu
(tin., ..if. .11,1 OVI-IIHvJ BUM Vrf.ll. BMVVini
lltlllll. Kw.'v' If A tt.f .fl V fl
every Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in
V VaUhk, K of R. and H. C. C.
ol 1' hall the kucoml and fourth Wetl neu
rit ,nrti inriiitli nt. 7!:u) ti. m.
UNION M'lll meet evurv Friday uftornoon
mi i.uii'ii rufi mil. I. I, ... 'i . viLiixruiiir
weekly meetingH Friday ut 8 v. M.,
I'm.!.... . . . in I. Vi vrwr tit
laVmtenilty Hull, over KellurH, au Bevoud
rhumUuT uvenlneti ut 7 :!J0.
B 1 1 I.I i . I A
every hiiturdav ut 7:30 v. u.. In the K. of 1.
OK I,. K. Meeta every Hunday afternoon lu
' the K. of i. Hull.
EHANf. VPPUltcr Mfxitu uvnrv Hlltlftiiv
evening In the K. of V. Hall. , 1. 1
OK I,. K. DIVIHION, No. 167-Meofofn
I K lit I' Hull lha llnl mill thlnl WmIiuui.
m m.iIi month, ut 7:30 p. x.
fK'rKltH OlltlRCH K(iv. Father HltoNH-
okht I'aHtor. Urn MitBH every Hunday ut
H lllgll ailKH HI lUiQO A. M VenjHJTB UV
. l'AIM.H lUlftlffill ,.i Utnyi, nnrimltfi
''llth, Ituv.KIID.HuUjlillo Hector. BervineH
" "l HArTIH'J' t.'lllJKUH 1(V. U. JJ. TAY
.. LOIti I'imtrir. MiifiiIiii uiif-ilnim nvnrv H,lh.
1IM1I 1 II l i. . .. .
-'i iiiiiiii'u mull v iiimr nv.i.tii ill uiirvif'iiM.
ITI.P ln....i i.i. . . ..- . .
viinin hurvicen lu me court noune ui
tlllkriu li..ui... u 7 j...' . a .
if V. .i norviwuuvory nil unyuui
and 7 f. h. Mmwiiivr u.ii.....i ..,.r...i.,
"iruiiKurKCoruiuliy invited. .Heau free.
K, (.'imi'f'iiii.... i w.i.u.u.. ........
I,. "-- w, 1, ta.P4.Viii liaqktll.
"'-':l'wryDuiiuy murimiitui n ii. in.
-j wiiiiiiiii nt I'l'yil u w Lr...r....tli
nil. IIL li:.VII .1 i.vii.n.a .........
totliiM 'ti ,v 1 '"Kupsau o-ckkik. A cordial in
H. (,xU'"a(;1 ut ltor and jmojile
..i.vir. I'riin.iiii in. in ... it ,
n.i. . -. :i.'n ... t.w v.iiiiK.v.Ku.ii.iiui
.-v. vmjii ixirnH iiv nt s ii u aii
"uy invited " - -
I'VANni.'i ti . . . n .7TTT"... .. ' .
i u.::..'"'ynu uu j iikiian iNintn utrettt.
ry m. " sf:ao v'm A cord,al we'oo
Sight ExchungoB Sold on
und I'OliTLAND, OR
Collections made on fnvorehle terms
at ull acceBBible points.
J. ti. HCHKNCl,
First National Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to higlit
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceedB promptly
remitted on day of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange Bold on
New York, San Francisco and Portland.
D. P. TiiostreoN. Jno. S. Sche.nck,
Ed. M. Williams, Gko. A. Likiie.
H. M. Bkam..
Biacksmitn & wagon m
General BlackBuiithing and Work tlont
promptly, and all work-Guaranteed.
Horse Shoeing a Speciality
Third Street opp, Licbe's old Stand.
- House
Andrew Velarde
IS prepared to do any and all
kinds of work in his linu at
rcaBonable figures. Has tho
largest honso moving outfit
in Eastern Oregon.
Address P.O.Box 181, The Dalles
J. F. FORD, Evaeplist,
Of Den MoIugh, Iowa, writex under date ol
March '.'3, IBM:
S. B. Med. Mfo. Co.,
Dufur, Oregon.
Gentlemen :
On arriving home last week, I found
ull well und anxiously avvuiting. Our
little girl, eight and one-half years old,
who hud wasted away to 38 jiounds, Is
now well, strong und vigorous, and well
fleshed up. H. B. Cough Cure has done
its work well. Both of the children like
it. Your 8. B. Cough Cure iias cured
und kept away all hoarseness from me.
So give It to every one, with greetinge
for ull. Wishing you prosperity, wo are
Yours, Mk. & Mits. J. . toitu.
If you wlHh to (eel frenh und cheerful, und ready
for the Spring' work, clcuimo your riyritum with
the Henduchu and J.lvcr Cure, by taking twooi
three donoN each week.
Bold under u poult! vo guarantee.
CO edits ier bottle by ull drugglutH.
Uoott, Hlioea, Hat, JCto.
Those who have a
Digestion 1
have little sympathy si
tortnedyspeptic.Tlicy Lfl,
can cat everything that J
comes along. While R
they can eat rich food "
v.'ithout fear of-, the ?
dyspeptic 's bad experi- f
ences, they ncverthe- L
less greatly appreciate ;
a delicate flavor in V
their pastry. "
when used as a short
f ) ening, ahvavs pro-
I duces the finest flavor- , i
CrJ cd pastrj', which is en
b 3J tirely free from the ,'4
lU many objections which frj
frj the use of lard always H'a
produces. Test its fj
value by one trial.
ijjj rtoiXisoull HUbStltlltCII. g
lu ... .r . l'
CI' twna tnroo cents in mnmpH tor, it. vt,
'P" Fnlrtuink A Co.. Chlvrucu. lur liiitirt-
J-( ,1 Homo Coltolom. Cnok Book, contain- -
fc- lniilT huiiilrvil rfclvf-H,I)ri'iiuri'(l hy w
i-J-( uuiHeniiiiuiiiauiiitiriiiitineiMiKitiK. 1
V la ur.M .... ..II in.i.ra V'
i- wMvivy. m nwii. . ' j u. . uw.i j. w
Lo9f .1 I ....
1 pi N. K. FAIRBANK & CO.,
fei;) t i . luui& ana
"The Resulator Line'
Tie Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.
Freigni ana Psssenger Line
Through daily service fStindnys ex
cepted) DOtween The Dulles and' Port
hind. Steamer Jtegulutor leaves The
Dalles at 7 u. in. connecting at Casiade
Locks with steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dulles City leaves Portland
(Yamhill street dock) at 0 a. in. con
necting with steamer Jtegulutor for The
Ono way 2,00
liound trip.
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Kliitimi.tif u fnr Pnrflimd rpiw'ivpd lit.
any time day or night. Shipments for
way landinirs must be delivered before
5 )). m. Live slock shipments solicted.
Cull on or address,
General Agt.ut.
Gttiutrul niauagvr.
Candies and Nuts
at Wllolt.KHlf
FanctJ (Jood0, lotiong
KUi Kto.( JCto.
Second St., The Dalles.
Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dalles
2i Street J.FOLCO
At right Hide
Mr, obarr'i
The St. Charles Hotel,
This old, popular and reliable house
has been entirely refurnished, and every
room has been repapered and repainte
and newly carpeted throughout. The
house contains 170 rooms and is supplied
with every modern convenience. Rate
reasonable, A good restaurant attached
to the house, Frer bus to and from ah
C. W. KNOWI.ES, Prop.
The Visit of ttie Russians to
The Irish Home-Rule Hill Will Ik
Shelved-The Matahclcs are
Pauls, Oct, 14. French newspapers
publish long comments upon the sym
pathy expressed by ltiiffiinns at the
death of Marshal MacMahon and seem
greatly pleiied at it. The czar's mes
sage of thanks to President Curnot for
courtesies extended tho IJiissiiin sailors
al. Toulon and Paris bus also greatly
pleased the newspapers of this and other
cities of France. It may bo said that
France und Frenchmen feel more confi
dence today in the stability of the re
public and in the strength of their army
und navy than they have for the past 20
yours. The visit of the Russians to
Franco bus had a decidedly bracing effect
(if ion the French ; but it is an open ques
tion whether this will not precipitate the
long-expected linropean war. ,-,ranco is
now hersell again. Hot tempered, ultra
sensitive, chivalrous to a very high de
gree, proud of her armies and navy,
strong in her likes and dislikes, quick
to re.-ent injury whether real or fancied,
France is more dangerous to the peace of
Europe than she was a week ago. After
all is summed down to the bottom fuels,
the wild, extravagant enthusiasm shown
by Flench people toward their ItiiBsian
guet-t" means but one thing, the extreme
delight that France feels emanates from
the idea that Jtussia is ready to fight
with iter, and not satisfaction at the
prospects of peace in the future. The
fighting enthusiasm displayed at Toulon
and at Paris is as the enthusiasm of 1870,
when "A i'erlin" rang from the Medit
erranean to the British channel, and
from the Atlantic to tho Prussian front
ier. Those people who went wild yes
terday cheering, "Vive la Pufesio" were
in theit liearts crying "Vivo la Re
vanche," so that in spite of the czar's
winning, in spile of Curnot's orders, a
spirit of Maris stirring up the enthu
siastic millions of France and urging
them on to battle in spite of their leafl
ets. I'.ehind all those toasts to the peace
and to the prosperity of France was a
thinly concealed toast to the lu other
liootl in urius expected to exist between
Jtussia and Fiance when the war trum
pet calls all JSuropo to arms. Those
toasts were toasts of war, not the toasts
of peace, ami nobody knows this better
than the calculating, wakeful minds of
(ieriuany, Italy, Austria and England.
Some peaceful demonstrations are more
flaugcioiiH than warlike outbursts. The
enthusiasm shown by the French people
is a clear-cut demonstration of this. Jt
shows with whut wildenth'isiasm I'rance
at a moment's notice would go to war
with Russia by her side. It bhows tho
real feeling at tho bottom of French
hearts, and tho European ship of state
will need very careful handling in this
cyclonic weather in order to avert a clash
and fearful shipwrecks.
IuiM,rtiiiit JliieUinii Jt'iiili-'tl ly tli
HecretHi-y of Hie Interior.
Washington, Oct. 17. An important
decision wiib rendered today by the sec
retary of the interior on tho appeal of
James R. Daniel, Involving tho right to
purchiiso certain forfeited lands in tho
La (J runde district. Jlo holds that tho
purchaser is entitled to purchase a tech
nical half section of such land when so
surveyed, irrespective of the actual acre
ugo, but If tho hind lies in different sec
tions the ucroago must then approxi
mate 320 acres. Tho secretary also do
cidod that lands heretofore puteiitod to
The Dalles Military Road Company
were originally granted the Northern
l'ttoiIc Railroad Company, and that tho
patents wore without authority. Ho
orders the Institution of proceedings
looking to their cuncelliitioiK
Now Try 'J'lils.
It will cost you nothing and will sure
ly do you good, if you havo a cough,
cold, or any trouble with throat, chest
or lungs. Dr. JCing's Now Discovery for
consumption, coughs and colds is guar
anteod to give relief, or money will bo
mild back. Sufferers from lu grippe
found it just tho thing und under its
use hud it speedy ami thorough recov
eny. Try a sample bottle ut our ex
pense, and lourn lor yourself just how
good u thing it is. Trial bottles free ut
Snipes & Kinorsly'H drug store. Lingo
size 50c and $1.
Best grades of oak, fir, und slub cord
wood, at loweHt market rates at Jos. 1
Petors & Co. (OfHce Second und Jeffor
son streets,)
Klnrco Iliittlo lletwnen l'nles mill
CiiiOAao, Oct. 18. Ono dead man, two
dying ami 10 others variously cut and
carved, lie in the station-house at Whit
ing, Intl., this morning, tho result of a
Polish danco held last night. The Poles
had taken possession of the town hall
for the purpose of holding their merry
making. To t he dance cnmeiiH unbidden
guests a gang of Italians. A battle be
tween the two nations broke out, and
knives and dirks were tho weapons used.
The floor ran with blood. John I'osh
anki, a I'ole, was literally scalped alive
and will die. Another Pole had his
jugular severed. Tho noise of the fray
roused the citizens and attracted the few
officers of the town. Tho riot could not
be quelled, and not until 13 were dis
abled and 20 more received slighter
wounds did the war abate. Many were
arrested. Over 100 were engaged.
Voorlices Huyw tin; Drlinle Will Close
This Week.
Washington, Oct. 17 Voorhees said
today lie would make an effort to con
tinue for the present the recess system
inaugurated last evening. His plan is
to have the senate sit each day from 10
to 0. He is of the opinion this will
prove the best plan for turning out work
and getting rid of long speeches. He
expresses the opinion that the end of
the long debate is near, and intimates
the present week may close it.
Ilie MutuhelFH iiro Fighters.
London, Oct. 18. Lord Chelmsford,
commander-in-chief of the British forces
in South Africa during the Zulu war,
said last evening that he thought the
British forces now in the iield againBt
the Matabele warriors would be strong
enough to drive them beyond the Zam
besi river. The Matabeles were fine,
powerful fellows, lie said, not inferior in
physical strength to the Zulus, and fully
their equals in the fight. Their effi
ciency in buttle would be checked
greatly by their inability to handle well
the riiles with which they were armed.
In tho Zulu war he had noticed that na
tives recently armed were much inferior,
both in attacK and defense, to those of
tho same race who wielded the assegai.
lldliii' lEule Ih Shelved.
London, Oot. 18. At Glasgow last
night Henry Asquith, secretary of state
for home affairs, announced, contrary to
the impression made by Gladstone's
late speech, that the home-rule bill
would not be taken up at the next ses
sion of parliament, but the Newcastle
programme would be carried out. This
means, tho J rish question is shelved for
some time.
Hpi'i'lini'ii Casi.-N.
S. H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was
troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism,
his stomach was disordered, his liver
was affected to an alarming degree, up
petite fell away, and he was terribly re-
i i rt l 1 i. il riM . I .i
tiucou in uesn aim sircngin. inreo uoi-
ties of Electric Bitters cured him.
Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111.,
had a running soro on his leg of eight
years' standing. Used three bottles of
Electric Bitters and seven Iwxes of
Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg is
sound and well. John Speaker, Catu-
waba, O., had live largo fever sores on
his leg, doctors said ho was incurable.
One bottle Electric Bitters and one box
Bucklen's Arnica Sulve cured him en
tirely. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly.
Iliivkleii's AriiU'H Halve.
The best salve in the world for cuu,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and ull skin eruptions, und posi
tively cures piles, or no puy required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Snipes & Kinersly
KoiiikI Trl lluUH to tho World's fulr
(iii'iilly Iti'iluieil.
Until October 31 st tickets will bo sold
to Chicago and return at $50.03. For
further Information call on or address
W. C. Ai-i.awAv,
G. A. I), P. & A. N. Co., Tho Dalles.
I'm- iti'iu.
UnnniH to rent at Rev. A. Horn's resi
dence on Ninth street. (l-23duw.
Ask vour deuler for Mexicun Silver
Stove Polish.
Gounod, the great French composer,
Is dead.
President Peixoto has convoked the
congress elections for October 30th.
A father, son and daughter named
Slerabloch of Hampden, O., were found
asphyxiated in a hotel at the world's
fair. Tho father blew out the gas.
The successor of the ill-fated battle
ship Victoria us the flagship of the
British Mediterranean squadron will be
the battle-ship Ranilles. She will
shortly sail for tho Mediterranean un
der command of Captain Simpson.
The Canadian customs authorities, in
view of the action of the United States
government in reducing tho value of
silver currency, have indicated their in
tention of immediately meeting the con
ditions resulting in tho depreciation of
silver and of proclaiming a new value
for the currency of those countries where
depreciation has arisen.
Vest is circulating a call for a caucus
of all the democratic senators. It
pledges them to abide by tho result, if
any is reached. Tho silver men are
signing it readily, but the repeal men
are holding off. It is doubtful whether
Gorman will issue the call unless the
deeire for it seems pretty general, as it
is likely to do more harm than good.
A Salem company expects a log drive
of between 10,000,000 and 12,000,000 feet
down in about two months irom the
Lucklaimite river.
Some new placer claims along the
boundary between Josephine and Jack
son counties are panning out gold in
paying quantities.
The governor commuted the fines of
the I'ortland prizefighters to $50 each.
A full pardon was granted to Evans and
Kelly each, on their first indictment.
Reports from Kinney's Nehalem can
nery state that fall fish are running slack
although last Saturday there was an ex
ceptional haul. The boats averaged 200
salmon each, and one of them caught 280.
A gang of roughs have been agitating
the Chinese deportation question lately
at Grants Pass, culminating Tuesday
morning in attempting to blow up Wing
lice's wash bouse. The bombs were not
of sufficient power and none of tho occu
pants were injured and but slight dam
age was done to the building.
For several weeks past roosts have
been robbed in Independence and no
clue to the perpetrators could be found.
Yesterday four boys wore arrested ; one
turned state's evidence, and consequently
the others will plead guilty. Frank
Boydston.agud 13, was committed to the
reform school by Justice Lines upon ro
quest of his parents.
Dr. Jay Guy Lewis, general superin
tendent of the Oregon exhibits at tho
world's fair, has issued a challenge to
the several states to compete with Ore
gon upon apples, embracing thirty or
more varieties. Each stuto or county
competing furnishes $100, the money to
be used in making a suitable medal for
tho winner.
"I have used Simmons Liver Regulator
for constipation of my bowels caused by
temporary derangement of tho liver, for
the last three or four years, and ill ways
with decided benefit. "HIRAM
WARNER, Lute Chief Justice of Ga.
Moore's ranch, about three miles south
of The Dalles, has unexcelled pasturage
and any one who desires to avail them
selves, of the fact can secure reasonable
terms upon application. 17tf
Robort Mays lias seed rye for sale at
ills farm in Tygli Valley. 7t7
FYesh oysters ut A.
tionery store.
JColler's confoc-
Tyjjh Valley Holler Flour Mill.
Is in complete repair ; always in store
flour equal to tho best. Also old style
conrso and line Graham flour, mill feed,
etc. W. M. McCokki.i:, Propr.
Nutlet) to HuIIihjuoiii Tiixiuiyors.
All delinquent taxpayers that don't
want their names advertised hud better
come forward, as tho roll will bo pub
lished on tho 21st of this month.
T. A. Wahd, Shorifl'. '
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.