The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Kntruliit ttiu I'mtofltcu at Tho Dallo, Ougun, m neoonil-clHSM nmttiT. 1'IIK It.M.l.KS oui:oon BRIDGES IN ENGLAND. tho Atacnlllrt'iit Himiin Thut. IlliiNtriiti I'rinjrmM r lCilKllicorliiK Hrli'in t-. Tlu KcK'iitlllu construction of great bridges In Hiout Hrititin Iiuk lioun Htuiliud with inuuli diligence from earliest times, and 1ms quite equaled the progress In the other brunches of architecture. The most ancient lirldgu in Kiitflunil is the (hithic triangular bridge at Coryland, In Ijincolnshire, which is said to havo "been built in Hill), says ljondon Tid ISits. This singular structure has three approaches from as many roads, formed by three segments of a circle which meet in the middle and from Ihree pointed arches. The longest bridge in Kiiglnml is that over the Trent at llurton, In Staffordshire, built In the twelfth century of squared freestone. It con sists of thirty-four arches and is one thousand five hundred and forty-live feet in length. The old bridge at Neweastle-Fpon-Tyne was built of stone in l'JHl, and that over the iMedway, at Rochester, about the same time. The London bridge ,was composed originally of twenty-two arches, anil was incumbered for many years with a street of houses, which was removed between 175(1 and 17."S, and the three center arches were then converted into one of seventy-two feet span. The bridge built over the Conway at Xiianrwst, in Denbighshire, by lnigo Jones in MHO, may lie classed among the best of the Hnglish bridges, al though it lies in Wales. It consists of three arches, the largest of which is iifty-elght feet span. The road and the parapet are very low and the ap proaches steep, ami the bridge has an imusuall' light and airy appearance. Another beautiful ami singular bridge in Wales is also worthy of no ticethat built in 17-4(1 over the TalY, in Glamorganshire, by William Ed wards, an uneducated country mason. Some time after its erection it was, un fortunately, carried away by masses .which the torrent of the river drove iigainst it. As the builder had given heeurity for the durability of his work for K2ven years he was compelled to erect another, which he did with all possible speed. The second bridge con sisted of one arch, for the purpose of admitting freely through it whatever incumbrances the Hood might bring down. The arch was completed, but before the bridge had received the parapets the weight pressed in the haunches, raised up the crown, and laid the. line arch in ruins in lT.'l. At the third attempt the bridge was com pleted and has .since gallantly with stood the test of time atal Hood. ""Km!'- Clover TJu. tin' new blood liurilh'i". u'ive" fivhiu"! and clearness to tlieeoiu.ilexi'iii ami cure constipation. l5c, 50c. and $1.00. Sold by Snipes A Kinerly, druiaiiHtf. L. YOUNG, - : JEWELER : : ... . .( VflMtitJo und Jvtvlry rexiiieil In onlur mi fiJuirt nutlet:, and xatlnfiic'tlnli BiiiimiiUvil AT TIIK Htnro of I. :. NIolinUi'H, "l St. Tim Itnllii I I Times iiinlitiH It nil th" mori L iiwi'oniry t mlvyrlln!, Tlmt I UU what I he iwwt pro(.'retvi nt our businessmen think, Mini the"; mine bun fntttv men iiro the limit mmMToii!i lit nl tlin'. If you wish tn rciich nil tin' reoplo In thin iicIkIi txjrliooil von ciiii t ili Ix.'tter thmi lull: to them r.liroilKll IbeenliililiiH of tlie D.MI.Y UIIKONICI.K. It bus inure tlnin ilonhlo Ihn cliuiiliitluii ol liny itlier p.iper, mid inlvertUlliK hi It uh bit;. J Caveats, and Twle-Maf Its obtained, and all Pat- 5nt builuess conducted for moocratc Fee. 1 our orncc is orposrrcU.s. Patcht Office J rT,Uj,Vr, acruro niiant In leaa time tiian tlioae ! Jiemotefrom WathlnRton. . Send model, d rawing or photo., with descrlp- J tlon. We advise, If patentable or not, free of Schanrc. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A Pamphict. "HowtoObtaln 1'atents," with Jcoit o( aame in the U.S. and foreign countries; Stent free. Addrcn, ?C.A.SNOW&CO.? $ OPP. PATENT OrriCC. WASHINGTON, D. C J Notice. Timber Culture. IJ. 8. IM.NI) OfflCK, TlIK lUl.l.l'.H, ()l! j , AtlKIINt 111, IMW. I Comiihlillt liuvlllir been cntereil Mt tills Ollleo riy ilnrrl;tta M. Mnrthiill iiKiilnit I'renton itutil fr.r fiilhint to eollllllv With 111 IV IIS III 'lllllb'.T ;illturu Hutry .No. .'1110, diiteil Mtiroh tf), Ihsy, niion tho Nw 14 of Section 'Hi, Totviuililp" North, ItniiK" H Kiwti W, M., In Wimeo county, On-koii, with 11 vluiv to tho iiiiieelbitloii of Mild entry; eoiiti'stiint hIK-kIiik Hint ik'fuiiiliint bus wholly fiillwl inn) ncKlceleil to phuv or brenk or oultf- L'Hte In eroii or ntheru'ixe. or nhiiit with trees lieu needs or euttlims. illirliiK miy of the tlnin dliico innldiiK Ills mlil entry, nny pnrt of mlil iritut, tliu sulil parties urn hereby summoned to tippenr at this (Hlleu on tho 'Jlst day of October, Ihiu, ut (l o'clock A. M,. to respond mid furnish testimony coneernliiK mhl nlleked fnlliuo. U-lWflt JOHN W. I.KWIH, UtKlsttir. NOTICE FOR l'UULKJATlON. ' Immii OffiUK, '1'ho Dulles, Or,, j oot. u, m. I Kotlcu Is lioreby kI von that the following iiniiiul kuttlur bus lllnl notlcu of Ills Intention to ntuko llniil proof In itupport of lilh !liilnii mill that wild proof will bo imido befoic tho llvuUter iind reeefvur HtThu llnllus, Or,i nil i'rlduy, Noveiiibor 17, I WW, viz.! Kilgur H. VtuU Iloiiiosti'iid Appllmtloii No. '2HII1. for tho YM ol hw! Jim vA r mi f hwi. i(, Tp. i h A! u ''iru'iim'iioH tho followliiKwItiiesfcustoprovolilii eoutliiuinis rosldi'iicu upon, mid uultlviitiua of, ,Mj'! 11." MKlii, Kriink Driver, boil WIiir mill :liarlev Willtf, nil of Wlililli.', Or. H7 JOHN W, I.KW1H, lU'Utcr, YOUR ATTEJiTIOJI . Is oallotl to thu fact that Hugh Glenn, DhrUu- In GIiihs, l.iinu, JMiiHtur, Coinoiit mill Huildiug iMivtoriul of all kiitdn. Cunle" till' I'IiikhI liltui of Picture Mouldings To tie found in the City. 72 UUashington Street. , 1 V r---i.-- ''-t- From TERMINAL or INTERIOR Points TIIK Men f if 11; RKILROKD Is the line to take TO ALL POINTS W AND SOUTH. It It. thu IllnliiK Car Itnilte. It rmih Tbrniaili v'ostllmleit 'trains uvery day In thu yuiir to paid and Chicago (NO ClIANOK OK (JAHH.) Compowd of DIiiIiik .'nrs iliisiirpassed. l'llll mini Drawlui; UiomHk'cHrsof latest eiiulpment. TOUIUST SLEEI'ING CARS Host th tit can lie constructed, ami In which seeomiuiHlatlouH are both Free and Furnished for liolderBof First mid Kwoud-alnsMTluketii.iiiiil ELEGANT DAY COACHES A eoiitiniiniis line, couuer.tlliK with all lllie aRordliiK direct and iinlutcrruptet servlen Pullman Hlees..r ren'ivntlons can Ik; Kecurwi hi Hilvanee tbroiiKh any uncut of the road. TIPICTC To 11,1,1 ,rn" " I IUFVl I O MilutH III America, Kiarmtid and KuroiKi eau be imr(!hued at hut ticket oltlce of the coiiiimy Fall luformatlnn coueeruliiK rates, time 01 trains, routes and other details furnished on application to W. C. ALLAWAY, AKUiit D. I'. iV A. Nnv. Co., HeKlllator otllce, Vli Dulles, Or., or A. II. CHAHl.TON, ,t.'l, (ic'ncral l'afeni;r Airt., Portland, Jkii The Dalles Gigar : faetory B'lEST STBBBT. FACTORY NO. 105. nin A IID of the IloHt BriuidH JXVXxxJ.Vk5 manufactured, and orduru from all partH of tlio wmutry filled on the shortest notice, The reputation of THE DALLES 01 GAU has Ik-'coiiio firmly eatuhliHlied, and the demand for the home manufactured urtidf ia in:renHiii(,' every day. A. ULRICH & SON. M Sawn H-2.jdlm Wo havo bought tho J. C. MeiiiH Steam Wood Saw, ami will fill all orders for Huwiug wootl for stove or furnace use ut tho oltl rate. Orders left ut Muiur & lieu ton's will bo promptly at tended to, and will uuurau teo entire satisfaotion. Jacoh Wktle. JohnP.Kuieu. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. HAS A FAMILY OP 2000 HEADERS. They read The Chronicle, to net thu latent mid nioNt reliable i.cwh'. And they rejid every line thut Ik la thu pupur. That la what lnakcii thu (Mironlcle mi lavuliinblu udvortMiit? liiedlum. Thu iic,wpuK.'r that . kock to thu family llrchlik'H In the one (Qn thut thu ndvertlserH of today pittroiilu when thuy duHlro lo reach tho iieoplu. When they want your trade their miiioiiiiceiiientN will ho found In thu paper, I-ook over our coliimiiH mid obsurvu tho verlllcu tloa of the truth of thlH iisbcrtlon. Keiiiumber, ntraduof ii fniiilly of two tlioiisiind )) ih worm iihkiuk ar iiiroumi uiceo coliimiiH, uHpchilly no ut our very Exeoutor's Notice. Notice In hereby kIvuii thut thu iiiulurHlKiied Iiiin been appointed by thu County Court of the. Htitto of OreKon for Wimco (;ounty, executor of thu ostiito of (JHtliorluu WIbIu, ilecenawl, mid nil iiervoaa iitivliiK ulaluiH uualiiNt mihl i-Ntiitu nru hureby no tilled und required to preuunt tho wamu, with tho proper vouoheru, to mo ut the olllco of Mayu, Huntington & Wihion, Tho JlalleH, Wanco County, Oregon, within nIx mniitliN from thu date of tliU notice. W. II. TA Vl.Olt. Kxi'cutor of uald eatatu. Thu Diillen, Or,, July 'ii, im.W Clothier and Tailor. Decidedly the Finest Lino of. . Gents' FTirriish.irig Goods, Ti-unks and Valises, etc., etc. COIl. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES, OK. meekly Ghfoniele, $1.12i ayear. These aie Dull Tines! fleu; Qoliimbia jHotel. THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House lias lately been thoroughly renovated and nuwlj furnislied tlirougliout, and is now better than ever prepared to furnish the best Hotel aecomiuodations of any house in the city, and at the very low rate of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c. Oflieo of the fast and commodious opposition Stair to Dufur, Kinjrsloy, Tyjh Valley, Wupinitiu, Warm Springs and I'rinovlllo is in the Hotel and persons Koing to I'rlnoville win save $4.00 !v goiiiK on this Stage line. All trains stop here. J. O. MACK, FIJflE WlMEp and LIQUOR DOMESTIC And KEY WEST CIGARS. THE CELEBRATED PABST BEER. FRENCH'S BLOCK. 171 SECOND STI1EET, THE DALLES, OK. W1NHNS 'UK Ni:V TOWN ban liecn platted on thr old ramp Krouiid, at the Forks mid I'ulln of Hood river, with larce, hlKhtly loin, broad HtriiUhand alleyn, hihhI noil ' and puri.'Wiiter.withNhiidelu lirndihlon, erfe(!tdralmiKc,dellKhtfiil mountain climate, the central attraction as u mountain mimiuer renort for all Oregon, buiiiK thu town to Mt. Hood. It In iinparallelcc iih it manufiicturitiR center, buiiiK the natural center for VM Mpiiire iiiIIvh of the beKt cedar mid fir tlinlxir, ii)s'.'HilitK millions of horM'-pimcr in lis diiHhliiK Ntreaiuh mid water falln, ciiNlly hiirncr..-ed. Where clienp inotivu power exiHtK, there the muiiu factorlcM will center, hiirrouiided by will and cllmatu that cannot lie excelled anywhere for fruit and iinrlcnlture, and with triiiuportatlou already uHKureo you will hint thlH the place to make u jierfect home or u payliiR lnvetmeD . 1 See me on the ground, or address me at Hood River " " Wasco County, Oregon. TITLE PERFECT WE Dojrr WANT YOUR 1VI0J1EY, Just flow, BUT WOULD LIKE YOUH Attention! W. RossWinans. MILLINERY MILLINERY This Space RESERVED FOR 112 Socoud Stroet, ANNA PETER SCO. MILLINERY MILLINERY Second st. I. C. NlCKELSEN, The Dalles, Or BURHAM & ROBERTSON Proprltort, CityStables, Corner o( Fourth und Foderal Stfl., Tho Dnlloa, Oregon. Thoso Stablos havo on hand the finest Livory in Eastern Orogon, and can accommodate patrons with oithor Single or Doublo Rigs, closed Hacks or Carriages day or night. MORE ROOM. Altio, am furnlHh EirHt OIiihh uucomuiodationH to teaniHlorB with freight or driviii)? tuiunu, huvlng uddeel to tlielr Btublea lurge feeding and wagou room. Commercial Patronage Solicited. c o ()() (Q)(Q) And THE CHRONICLE pro poses to enliven them by in troducing its newsy presence into every home in Wasco County. .Circulation must be doubled, and to do this we propose to furnish the Weekly Edition for the balance of this year and one year beyond for the already low price of $1.50. A year and a third 16 months makes a GfEflT amount of the very best read ing matter, comprising besides the world's news, valuable in formation on all subjects, and especially for the stock-raisei, xne iarmer and tne orchardist, and is the best medium for exposing our resources to the world. If this Is not enough, our plan to is sue the Weekly in instalments of twice a week, should make your decision favorable at once. Sunday's. Monday's, Tuesday's and Wednesday's NEWS gets stale by Saturday night, and hereafter the Weekly Chronicle Part I, will reach you Wednes day evening, and Part II on Saturday evening. The extra trouble and expense connected with this effort to please, which is considerable, we look to an appreciative public for the approval we are sure it will give us. While we would be glad of subscription money in advance, it is not necessarily enforced. Subscribe NOW for 1894 And get the benefit of this special rate, which is practic ally for the Weekly Ghf ouiele, $1,121 a Year. OUR GflEAT OFFER ! FOR 1894. PAUL KREFT & CO -DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And the Moat Complete and the Latest Patterns and Deeinn in Praetical Painterfl and Taner HanuerH. None bu t the beat brands of th Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Maauiy'a Paiuta used in all iur work, and none w the moat skilled workmen employed. Agenta for Maanry Liquid l'aimu. chemical combination or Boap mixture. A ilrat cIivbb article in all colors. orders promptly atteuded to. Paint Shoo oorner Thirdand Washington Bts The Dalles. Ore"ot THE CELEBRKTED COLUMBIA BREWERY; AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. Thle well-kuown Jirowery ia now turniug out tho best Ueor and rjrt' east of the Cascades. Tho latost appliances for the manufacture of good heajw ful Beer have been introduced, and on.y the tlrst-elass article will be p ncea o be market.