Tiie Dalles Daily Chronicle. OKKIU1AI. I'Al'KIl OK IIAM.KS (MTV. AMI WASCO COtlJJTV. SUHSOUH'TION KATES. HY MAIL, 1'OSTAGE rmH'AJD, IN ADVASCK. Weekly, 1 year 51M " 6 months 0 Tfi Daily, 1 yenr " C months " per " Adilrexs nil communication to " THE CHRON ICMv." The Italics, Oregon. ! ABOUT WOMEN. G rough Sanii. whon overexcited hy I wrltinp, employs herself in sowing in i order to .soothe her nerves, i Tin: ilrst gynniiislum for girls in i Gennuny will' be opened this autunm ' nt Cnrlsrnhe. It litis been founded by ; the "Women's Instruction Ifefonn so- 0 so ciety," formed in the yenr lSS. . 1X1 0 fiO l'nRt-Oinrw. OPK1CK HOURS General Delivery Window S n. m. to 7 ji. m. Mousy Order " . . . ti. m. to -I ji. m. Buudny tt D " y a. m. to 10 a. m. CLOSING OF MAILS trains going East . . . .!) , tn. and 11 M5 n. m. " ' West a p. ni. and 8:80 p. ni. Stage for Goldendnle 7:80 ii. m. " " l'rlnevUlo.. . . . .5:80 it. m. " ""Dulurand Vt arm Springs . ,5:S0 n. in. " f Leaving lor l.vle it Hartland . .6:80 n. m. " " " f Antelope 5:80 a. tn. Except Stindnv. tTri-weekly. Tuesdnv Thurday and Saturday. 1 " Monday Wednesday and Friday. WEDNESDAY, - OCT. IS, 18915 The ordinary folding fun is supposed to hnve been invented in Japtin, in the seventh century, by a native artist, who derived the idea from the way in which the bat closes its wings. Senator Hill has about found the true true situation in his query: "Has it come to this, that the senate is powerless first to legislate and second to change its rules so it can legislate hereafter? If so it might as well disband." Mus. Gisai'tox 15oss, an English wom an, lias invented a tool for killing ob noxious weeds in pinions. It is in the form of a hollow piercer, through which poison is conveyed to the very heart of the root of a stubborn weed, causing it to shrivel up in a very short time. Women- belonging to a llaltimore , cooking school have offered to train in i the culinary science one hundred girls attending the grammar schools of the j city without charge, hoping thereby ! to demonstrate the utility of estab lishing a cookery department in con- nection with the public schools I Now Try Thin. 1 It will cost you nothing and wilt sure ' ly do you good, if you have a cough, . cold, or any trouble with throat, chest t or lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds is guar anteed to give relief, or money will be ' paid back. Sufferers from la grippe j found it just the thing and under its use had a speedy and thorough recov leay. Iry a sanijilo bottle at our ex 1 pe'use, and learn lor yourself just how 1 good a thine it is. Trial bottles free at I Snipes & Kinersly's drug store. Large size 50c and $1. According to a vote in the house Mon day, nine representatives favor woman suffrage. They are Allison, Carey, Dolph, Frye, Gallinger, Hoar, Kyle, Peffer, Teller. Carey is from Wyoming where women have always been allowed to vote. Dolph has long been an ad vocate of this reform. WOOD, WOOD, WOOD. Ilest grades of oak, tir, and slab cord wood, lit lowest market rates at Jos. T. Peters it Co. vOflice Second and .Teller son streets.) For Kent. Rooms to rent at Rev. A. Horn's resi dence on Ninth street. G-23daw. Is Tygh Villi i-y lttillcr Flour Mill. in complete repair; alwayB in store Young fish There's a hook with a nice worm on it. Old fish Keep away from that. Young fish I've stolen lots of worms off of hooks. Old fish Yes, but there isn'tany fashion plate reflected in the water this time. That hook be longs to a freckled-faced boy, with a ragged straw hat. flour equal to the best. Also old stvle coarse and fine Graham flour, mill feed, etc. W. M. McCokkle, Propr. tll.ll.3ni "I consider Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a specific for croup. It is very ) pleasant to take, which is one of the I most important requisites where a cousrh 1 remedv is intended for use among chil dren. I have known of cases of croup where I know the life of a little one was saved by the use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy." J. J. LaGrange, drutr gist, Avoca, Neb. TiO cent bottles for sale bv IJlakelev & Houghton. Notice to ulhiUi-iit Tuxiny-r. All delinquent taxpayers that don't want their names advertised had better come forward, as the roll will be pub- T. A. Waud. Shei i John Pashek, Ctlll HI 76 Court Street, Next door to Waaco Sun Office. m i The democratic argument for free wool is chiefly based on the claim that foreign and demestic wools do not enter into ac tive competition ; that free foreign wool would increase the market for domestic wool, and increased consumption of both would bring better prices to the Ameri can grower man ne eouiu get unuer pro- Iislie(j on tn. ;it 0 this month. tectton. No American journal lias been more persistent in this claim than the Boston Herald, and it is therefore inter-1 esting to find in the market reports of the paper statement that "the low price nf ilniituofii. tnnl l.oo .il.,.f r1...i... ,tm 1 l' UUUlEOIftV HUUI UU3 UlfUUl 111 ltd, IIIU j New Zealand and Australian linor wools; Mil out of competition." What more need be said? Here is a confession, made by the chief apostle of free wool, that the American product is in hot and open competition with the foreign fleeces. That being the case, the American grower has two means of keeping out foreign competition. He can put up the tariff and market his wool at living prices, or take it off and sell it at prices bo low that even the foreigner will turn away in disappointment. In this con nection it is pertinent to recall that the same paper lias fcuiu in its market re ports that owing to the prospect of free wool American buyers are making pur chases only on a "free trado basis." Well, the "free trade basis" hasn't brought prosperity to the home grower or the manufacturer; it hasn't even brought large importations of the foreign product. It is depressing all around; it is too utterlv democratic. Review. j SOME FAMOUS GEMS. I 'Pur. sultan of Turkey bus the richest , collection of gems and regalia in the . world. . AlAXV of the Hindoo sapphires und 'other gems are. carved into amulets and idols. llr.i.nvrnoi'n or bloodstone is a dark J green quartz, covered with red blotches ' supposed to be due to iron. Tin: diadem of the Russian 14m press , Anna contains 2,5:10 large diamonds and a ruby valued at S-UU),(HI(. I Tnnui: is a twin crystal of emerald ' in St. Petersburg seven inches long, four broad and weighing four and one- half pounds. Catshvi: is gray quartz with libers of asbestos in the interior. It is found on the Malabar coast, in Ceylon, Havuria mid the United States. Tin: cutting of the Kohinoor occu pied thirty-eight days with steam pow er and cost S-U),(HM. The Regent re quired two years and cost S'J.VUH). MUtnkon. Modesty as well as ambition should come into the field when a young man or woman is choosing a profession. A pretentious .youth who would have done better to stay in the hay field, where he seemed to be in his proper sphere, told his father that he was about to leave, in order to "preach the gospel to every creature." "That's all very well," said the old gentleman, "but Soriptur' don't say every creatur' shall preach the gospel.' A good old lady once said to her nephew, c. poor preacher whom nobody wanted to hear: "James, why did you enter the ministry?" "Hecause 1 was called," he answered, j "James," said theoldladv, anxiously, I as she looked up from wiping her spec tacles, "are you sure it wasn't some other noise you heard?" Youth's Com panion. ttiicklt'ii'N Amu-it rtitlvn. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, Halt rheum, fever sores, tetter, cliappeu lianas, cniiniaine, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no imv required It is guaranteed to L'ive perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price -5 cents per bos. For sale bv Snipes v Kill ers I v ROOT AND BRANCH, the poison in your blood, however it 'may hnvo oomo or whatever shape it may be taking, h cleared away hy Or. View's (Johleii Mctl idil Disco very. It's u remedy that rouses ev ery organ into healthful action, purifies and en riches the blood, and through it cleanses and invigorates the whole s y st e tn . Salt-rheum, Tetter, Eczema, Erysip elas, lloils, Carbuncles, Enlarged Glands, and the "worst Scrofulous Sores and Swellings, are perfectly and per manently cured by it. Unlike the ordinary Spring medicines or sar saparillas, the " Discov ery " works equally well at' all seasons. All the year round and in all cases, it is ffuaranteed, as no other blood medi cine is. If it ever fails to benefit or cure, you have your money hack. You pay only for the nood vou trot. Isn't it safe to say that no other blood purifier can he "just as cooil 1 " i i. i .11 ii it were, wouldn't n ne koiu so r "There is a tide in (he a flairs of men which, at,.;, .. ' " ui Us leads on to fortune" Tho poot unquostlonnbly had rofoionoo to the Clisi-Oiit Si d Fraie & Cam UN If By its mild, soothing, cleansing and' healing properties, Dr. Sage's Catarrh Kcmcdy perfectly and per manently cures Catarrh in the Head. "alxroff ait will f?'cuHCB ,,'jrnriEs Au Hirrecunle laxative aiitl N KltVt I ON I -?'lil by TlruKtr'stH or Kent by mull fJc , mil 51. CO pur package. Samples freo WTn Wftk Tuo Favorlto T33TB POTKE WLJ iHlWfortheTeetlianailrfatU.ac. l-'ur aulft by Biiln A' Ktuoritly. Has jmt received the Intuit styk- in Suitings for Gentlemen, and Iims a lurj-'O ii"urtni(Mit of l'nr tai mid Amer if.in Clotlis, which he can llnlbh To Onler fur thohc that favor him. Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty. i Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, Lame Back. &c. , VIGOR "MEN Easily, Quickly, Permanently Rcslured. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, nml nil the train rr rr,4 triiuuurl Tur.i.r Infr vxcvttvt . tin- rc -uli , ut overwork, l - 1. 1 . worrvii'ie Fuliftn . f , (U'vcloriinuiit inn' i. i.f. Klven louwry (.rrfar ni.il ll'lttlllll III 1,'Xh. Hlrniiliv natnraliMiithii'lf. Inimedlaii'liiiiinncniPii' wi'ii. Knllnri' fiiii' n,ff. ri-riTLW) li-.i:, explanation uml ? tiiallud (bc.ilftlj Irt... ERIE MEDICAL CG. BUFFALO, ti. Y. This Is the Season Of the Year ttlhen Judicious Advertising Pays. at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who aro aolllnR thoao goods out at grGatly-roduroH ... MIGlIKLItAOII lUtlOK, . . UNION ST. D. BUNNELL, IISmm llfitvtr Tin 11 Annim twJt tlfi uiiiii iniiiiM nil hkimiiv siiiii Kimr h mm m mmm 11UU 1IUU& 11U UVVUUU UI1U 1IUUII MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Stirtn nn Tliirrl rsf.rnnt. iiovl, rlnnr vb nf Vmir. it , .. un liiacjcsmiui onop. SHOE FACTORY For Sale at a Bargain. ' M l : l l : i ii . r..t i'...i...i : .. i ... . ."i . .i " .7 .. "... ."i r...i " 11 1 Il ...I I t . 1 I 1 . 1 nn it ill -111-111111 inn i1 i u r m nn ; iiin'i' ii 1 1 ii ii 1 1 1 if in mi ,,ifwli i nfii't lticii Mm. ilwiH iiiif ,, 1 1 1 ItfJIuur nfin Tit,! I 1 mm, J...... .., .. . p ....M ingp almost a complete shoe factory. it i i i i i i i n i. . 1 1 i ' A I 1 I I 1 I 1 A 1 i Write for particulars at once, to Tlio Dallos, SUMMONS. ABOUT PERSONS OF NOTE. SUMMONS. ol iriKuii, Sakahatk 1ms had thirty-two watches fjiveii him ut various times, several in the shupe of violins. Mits. A.v.vn; Mooiti:, president of a national bank at Mount J'luuKiint, Tex., is the only woman who fills Mich un of lice in the t'nited States. Aln. Oi.aks'io.vi: astonislied some of his auditors in the house of commons the other nifrht by ushifr the word "gumption," yet who could employ it more appropriate-, seeing how much of the quality the g, o. in. possesses uimseitv iuiw. AHAii ji. looi'int, who organ ized tne Ilrst kindergarten m San Francisco in lbSO, lias received more than three hundred thousand dollars to enable her to curry on the work. There are now sixty-five kindergurten schools in that city. Pjiof. I'jji.r.AT, of the I'arls Sorbonne, lias invented un uppuratus for prevent ing collisions iMJtwccn trains. It eon Hists essentially of a band of traveling paper, impregnated with iodine of potussium. A platinum stylus moves over this paper and leaves a blue murk on the paper, us in the chemical tele graph of Uain. The motive current is sent by the train, which thus is made to report its own exact position. A Ureut l.lvr Mecllulim. Dr. Gunn'e Improved Liver I'Mh are sure euro for nick headache, liiliotiB compluiute, dyHpepMia, indlgeation, cos tiveneg, torpid liver, etc. TIiohc pills insure perfect diKeution, correct the liver ana stomach, regulate the howelu, Surlfv and enrich tho blood and make leekin clear. They also produce a good appetite and invigorate and strengthen the entire eyetem by their tonic action. They only require one pill for a dose and never gripe or sicken. Sold at 25 cts. a box by lllakeley & Houghton. Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no j Ii. tin Circuit Court ul tint htut for tlio county ut Vnr A illlk-r. 1 J'lnlntljr, I vs. V. I. licyniilils, I lirjritilnnt. j Tn '. llr.iiimhU, tin utiine-iiumitl tlrjmilniil. In thi' iiiiiiiii ul thi! Htutc of Ori'Kon. Vou if InTfliy minimi to iiiii-'iir nml iiiihhit tin- i om Iilnitit flint iiKiilut you in tin' iilinvi' I'litltlnl milt ultlilii ti'ii iluyii from tliu (Into of tin; mtvum-nf tllih HllllllllOII III.OII l, if KTM.ll Ultlllll thi" ooillit. : or If kurvi'il within n otliur miitt ol UiIm Mtnli', tit 1 within twnly (liix front the iluli' of tin' mtvIi-o of thlK huiiiiiiou'k upon you, or ll s.Tviil um you by inilillciition, tlii-n you nn- ricUlMl to nin'iir uml miswi-r mill Com liliilnt on tin- lirst ilny of tin- nuxt ti;rin of hniil i.'iiurt, nfler kIx vi i'kn' iiuhlli-atlon of thin Sum mon", to-wit on .Monday, tho llitli ilny NiiviiiiiImu', IKilil, iiinl if you full to so iiusiu-r, tin iiluiutill will iilMily to the court lor tho lulk-f iimyi.d for lu iihl i:oiniliilut. to-wit for the lori.i'1 BiiriMif tlm . inortiiKcioi;rlU(l in niIiI iioiiiplnlut, Mini for thuoii I of tin- vii!mics tlicrclu iltKuriliiil. to wit tin; south half of tliu koutliwoht iiimrtur, thu no-thvioit iiuiirtur of tliu koutliwu.st oiinttur. Ono iilwik pony, britmiiil wither 5 or S on left i-uutuwcut iiuititor ol tint HinitlieuMt hip mill left Jhw. Owiierciiiih,ivo".ni(J'prov- C't'i.Vro.'S1'1'?, 'In'1 Jilil(. ono North, UK jtropurty uud pttyiiiK for thU notii;.-. ' 1 1 .' K". r " 'V"1: w Hliiiiiiitlo Mutlilh m- DKI.I, c, VII DKU. ti li i iK iii.L'liiiiiilrtil mill nlxty i.i.tch, mill llu- l()-i;)wlm t'ostolllou. The D.illett, (ir. ! ft f V Vl,0,!;?,'.'!!.15'' ,0rt''"'- '?' ' '"rth 1 """ ' northoiiht iiiuirtcr, tin- northoinit -- - - - inirtur of tho iiorthvvoNtiniirli;r, uml tho miutli. Two Matrimanlal Pennsylvania WftisSKgaSfe"B m. SINDEH'S ELEClTBIC BELT Vlth Eloctro-Wlagnctlc SUSFENSORY. i.iiioi I'uirnini lii'l improvement" I will cure without, rmitlclno all Viriinrti running from fjVHr,t.ixattonof brain rwro forreai xcrimiorln(ii., crellcn, m nc-rvoui debility, flceplfmnesa, lanitnur. ftieuni ttiin, kidney, liver and blailiter complaints, lu.iif bw-ic. Iiimlrtifo, tclatlm, all ttnialn complaint! Mierai II hraiib, nc, Thla lectrio licli cuntalnt lolrrul Iniminitaii ovtr all Qtliorn. Ctirri-iit u liittjiitlyfvltliy nearer or we furfelt JS.'m.W, and Vlllcuiiiallot the above ill-ae or no iay. Thou-.-nils havo uwii eiin-d liy tills marvelouii Invention alter all othirri-innlleii failed, ond we uivo liuududs ui tettiinuiilaU lu thmund every other tnUj. Our rtrful Imiiraird KLKLTHIC hl'hPKNIOliT. tlm Jfreau-jt Iii.iii svr otrreil weak men, ruyv. lthill lirlli. Ilollh 1 liti.roa.SlrtiilbUl'llSTl:KlllntiU lulTS bend for llnu'd I'ampfilet. mailed, neulul.lrcu SANDEN ELECTRIC CO., Kb. i.'li thlr:i:lJ,OUX L.VJ.'ii Oilli, Estray Taken Up. In tlio Cltoult ( otirt of thi' htntn of Orvifon (nr llio Ciiiinty of Vii-i:ii. A. I) lliiltnu, I rhiilitlir, I VH. Klitiila (illlCHpli', W. K. Hunt mill W. II. Iliitler, Iloft'itihiuts. j To Prank IK (iltletulc unU'JUm'tn CiUuiile, iif the i itbiHputwittl ilr.jtnnuul.. ! In the niimu of tin- xtuti' of Ortitnn. vim mitt uinih of vou itru liorohy ri'oiilri il to np'nr iluil niiHwor tlio i.'oiiiplitlut llliil iiKiilUHt you In tho ' iihovo riitltli it niiU on or ln'foiu tho llrnl itity of , thf riKiilnr ti'rm of tho Circuit Court ol the Htntc ol (iriKoit lor Ui.simi cniiitiy, next lollowuu,' ut'-' iliilc hort'Of, to-wit, on or holoru the Kltli ilny of Novcinl.cr, THIi;i, nml If vou full mi to itiiHwor, for wttiit thorcof the pliilutlir will vil'l'lv t the Court lor the relief pinvcil for In 1 1 1 h oouiplnliit, to-tut (or n ili crci of liirirloiniR' of thin ccrtntn inort KuKc ileal I mi i If iitnl t'Xi'i'nU'il hy oii to tho ith.ivc I in itieil plnliitlll oil the litll ilny of .Novcin her. If'."), upon the linrtliucHt quintcr of ci'tlou II lit towunllip 'i hoiitll niltltu 1 1 t'lixt, V. .M., lu Wiikco i.'ouiitl . (ircifon, mill thnt hiIiI iirt'iulrcn he mill iimlor ouch fori'iiloiuiu ilii.'ii'o in the iiuiniti.'r provliliit liy Inw mill iicc iiIIiii; to tho prnctlci' of Htlil Court, tltut from the proccciln of Mien mile tlio piiiuiiiii iiiixemiu leceivc tun mini of live liuiiilriil lJ. )) ilnllnr mill Intorxt on mill mini hIiii'i; NovoiulHir lith, !''., ut tho rnte of in per cent, per milium, nlxo u further hum of sixty (Jul) ilollurK iik u rcitxnuiihlc nttiirucy'N feu for iiistitutltiL' thin milt to Inrclosu Willi inort KiiKc null collect tlm note thereby fcctircil mill ITlTTp ..111 M uuu So I (icnilemt'ii1 'i wo nniMookitiL' lllll linn Hixty iirircb. mn i, tunteil in Wn.i.n 1'eniiHi'linolii I Oreilon, lii.'Corililll.' to luw nml tlm liriifil li.i ..I luilleH. excellent reniltallonB. iniiuHtrioiih. xnlen. ! thin court, mill Unit tliu iiroeetiU of snlit .t..i. dlii liomekeenerH, niton 18 uud worth J;l.(i.ll "I'l'H'il lu piiyment of tliu muoiint kwmn.,1 . ....1, ....wi.t.tm ........ ti. .... .1.1.. t .11 1 I fa.. I ll fill .rll.li..f. ii,,l ulll .1.1 Ik vnuji, jif.ivuin uvhii, nniit lu Hi' null Klin mil, mm I : """ l"H,-i t ii nmi uiiiiiii, iii'WIl ml! nlllll t-iKiii pur runt ier milium from Knptciiitjur 'JJil. iM'i;riiiiiitiiiiriiri,i,vL. ,.f t.i ii.i it. i ... ' wimnlllko to corrt'HlioiKl ltli nice, reii;i'tiiblo ".' iiinl Intercut thorooii nt tliu nitu uf xeiitieineii oiioer w. uojeci nitppy wemeru r',', ' 11 ""uum iroiti hDincmijur 'JJil, llilliiUD, iuillli;iuvil, 11 Jlifll nil! mill 11 111 nil! I! I ly 1 .rf'i i.ih. mu ini,iii;i nlllll m ff loo.ou, II till llllor lnclltiul, Nt'inl 1 bill lu common letter for pho- -'flt tuertou ut tliu riituuf elht tier cent per un ion, iiiimeH and inldrefcfcex of tlicic youiiK ludlcb. . " ,ijicu Jliiroh ai, IS'JJJ. uud lor mi nttoriiuyh' lOliiwlm Pennsylvania Adv. Co., Jloic it!.. UxiV llitvt'ii, J'ii. NOTICE. In the County Court of the Htate of Orcfjon, for In tlio Matter of the KsUtu of i WlllUru Jluinlltou WiUoit, Uectantil, j NTntlfi. ! hiipali V frl vi.li thut tin. iitiilnruli..w,.l by un order of the County Court of the Htatu ai OrtKoii. for Wuco County, madu uud enternl beptember 7, l&'M, wu upuointed executor of the lot will mid t8tMmcnt of the bhIiI Wlllliuu lf..M II,,... 11,11 .1 ...1 . I I . . ... jiniiiJitoii wjwiiii uwwkui mi iiumiiiiii iihviiik ijIuIiiih HKHlnat Mild tutatu itro hereby nolllkil to ireneui mo tune wnu me protmr vouuiiern hcrufor to me ut tho oltlce ol ilttyn, HuiitliiKtoii . Wllnoii. The IJiiIIom. Orcirnn. wltliln nix inoiulm from thonnte of thin notice. lluttil The Dallet, Ur Hunt. 7, IhUI. Kecutor of Will of Win. II, Wllnon, deo'd lH5t leu ol fJO.nt), uud lor the coiIh mill illaiiiir.... iiientH iiuiilu nml cxiii.-iiiIoiI herein. And thnt the plnliitlll' will upply to tliu court fur it JiiiIk Jtieut iiitiiliiHt you for uuy dullcienoy there limy bo leimilniiiB niter the iippllciitlou of the pro ceitlHof mild tiiiluiiHuforumilil. i oil wilt further hike nutlet! thut tliu Hum', inoim lu this Milt Jh nerved upon yuu by iitibll. ciitloli, by onler of tlio lliiuorublu V I,, lit nil Hhiiw, JiuIko of mild Court, h 111 onler buliii? iliiti.il Ci,l..,..l.. m,l. I .ii ' ..m.vi, ijvii-iiiiin;! mini, lmv.i. IAVH, IIUNTINdTON A WIWON, Aiioriiuyn tor riinutlll, Taken Up. One norrel goldhiK ubout twelve yearn old; uud hruuded thin P on left ihoiilder, The owner can have the unlmul by paying for thU notice AuKuS,13(,893,W.f . UOOPBH. for iiistitiltlliL' thin Mlit to huii.'lu ntii'd upon, toiiuther with plnliitlll' h coitn nml illshurxi'iucntH iiimli nml expetiik-d lu thin Milt, iucludliiK iiccruiiiK contn mnl uxpuiiM' of mile, mid thnt plnliitlll' lluvi) n JllilKmoiit nunhiHt )oti,iuu until rrmiK u. iniienpie, lor uuy uell cieiicy lu tho proccciln of nalu to Hittisfy fully all mild nuitiH, tiuit upon hucIi fnrecliniuiu nulo all of the riitht, title, luterent iiinl iilaliu of you uud your co ilofiiulantH, cucli uud all of you mill thotii, and all other lKtrnoun cimIiiiIiii; or tn claim by, throiicli or under you or thum,or either, in mid to mild iiiorti;uieil premium mid every part thereof bo lorculoieil mid forever burred from tliu equity of reili'inptlnit. That tho pliiiutlll' bu allowed to bill atnuld foroiilontiru mli! mid purcluiso wild inortKuKcd iroiiilen, at uinoptioii, anil uuu upon tuu mitu in mini inort KiikciI preiiilhcs tliu purehiiMT bu lot Into tliu pone.i!ilon thereof, and every jmrt thereof, tin uiedlatuly, uud for Mich other anil further rullof un to the Court limy kouni ciUltublii uud Junt. I'liln niiiiimoiiH In norvetl upon yuu, the mild I' rank ll, (illleniiluaud Kliinla (llllcnnli'. bv nub- llcntloii lu Tito llallen ClIltoNiei.K, u uewnpupur inioiiniiu i weekly ai I'liiiun liny, vt anco county, (Union, fur nix I'ounuuiitivii weekn, by order of Hon. V. I itrudnhuw, Judite of mild Court, wliii.'h order wun duly Hindu mid entered at vnmiiinjrn on tho'.'iith day of buptuiulMir, Ihuij, DUrUlt A: MKNIIKKK, Attomevn for I'liilutlH', Executors' Notice. Notice In hereby L'lven. that the lllidurnlcueil have been duly unpointed, hy the Holioruhlu the i.onniy i;ouriot uiiiico county, ureKOii, fxccti. torn of the enlute of John Iluxter. decuuncd: ull lierniiiin hnvlliK elulmn UKiitnnt null! entitle aro nen.'iiy reiiulred to iirenuut the name, duly veil lliil and with iiropur vmiuhem, to un or either, t Antelope, Wiuco county, Oreiron, within nix inoiithn from tho date of thin notice, The Dullen, Or,, AUK. WM- JAMKH 1IAXTKU AND JAMKH Wlliri'KN. l.xeculorH of the entato of John lluxtor.ilec'tl, tH.wiit AsslgD's Notice to Creditors. W, I'.. OiirreUon, of The Dallon, Orieoii, hav lit; ami Kiieil hin property for thu bunellt of ull h norudltorn.iill jiernonn luivliiu cluluin uKulitHt hlui lire hereby uotllled lo iireneut them to me l,-,,w' ArtK,m' wm"" iU A,,Bu.tc(1m.AwctU-TH0',,,,H0N'A"l'-- THE CHKOMCL1C was ostiiblished for the ex- prosK jmrpoKo of iiiil.h fully rojiresoiitinp; The Dalles and tho surrounding country, and tho satisfying oiTcet of its mission is ovorywhoro apparent. It now loads all othor publications in Wasco, Slier "!:ii:...v. .. i ...i ,.r n.. 1. m,m.,,m' onrl ill. ill i iiiii;iiii : i : i mm ii:iii. ill i .ifiiii. iiiiiitfii uim urani couniios, as won as iMiciciiai ami innvi u- . . . . . . i 'i'i.. i ,. i..... .j ,r ii.ri llOk " jlUIItJ IlUJ lll Ul JJIU JVitllUS, IIL'UOU ll If H"- . medium for advortisors in the Jnland Empire. Tho Daily OjiuoiN-iciiK is published every eve ning in tho week Sundays t-xcoptod at 0.00 M annum. Tho WhhkIiY iJjiuoniulu on Friday? each week at $1.50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., adit3 inc. unnuiiuLL ruDLioninw Tlao jDalloB, Oregon. .Familiar Faces in a New Place. I. j. BARNfc' IS. BAYARD, LaU Special Ayrnt Ueneml Jtund Offuu: Tl?e leal Estate, rnetti . . . m,p-r(.D. loan, ir?uior- COLLECTION ACENCY. PurtidK ImviuK Propurty twy wwh to Soil or Trade, HufU"' ,lollUi AliHtmut of Titlo furnisliod, will find it to thuir mlvuntiigu to eft" .1 1 nn .. u :..u.. ,.f 11... f fllniiiiB Uli" wv i njiuuiuiKjr ui Willi I uaui'li wuu u v Iniforo tho Unitop BtiitoH Liiud OHico. THF DALLES, 0 Wo ulmll inuko 86 Washington St. ,mm. m m. - - txmm. mm w mmm. w mw mm Mmmf Ib how open, and its proprietor will soil his lj0IJJ nroduced Wino at no.m in tlio roach of oVorylo Also, best Peanuts to bo found. Goods guaraW' to be Pure and First-Class in every respoei Thompson's Addition.