il)c Hulks Hp TIromclc. THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1893. NO. 106. Dalles Daily Chronicle. mlill'tui! Dally. Hunday Kxcopted. E (JHKOXIOLB PUBLISHING CO, I W.ali1iit,hMi UtrcMtH Tim It StViUlil n -n- v...-.-, ..... IMIICk, urinuu. T.inii nf HiiliKorliitlmi month, by rnrtler ' ..'.'....'.'....'...!.... 60 TIMV TAIII..KN. Itullroiitl. InC.Wt Ati?ustC, 1S;M. HAST HOUND, i, Ariivw ' Depart 11:00 r. M. Tf KHT BOUND. l,.irrlrW-M si. Depart 3:11 a. m. . n.ihtu Hint i-jirrv HHssciiBcrx Iciivt! for thti wen i s w .i '"' " '"r it 5 a'-k. N. STAUKS. u.viii,' via. 1 1n ki Oven, leave ilallv i.'.'.-.... Mlii.h.ill. (?iitivnti fltv. lenvn ...i 1-....I. vr.ilt.n. Iiiavii iliillv nvi'mit I, .1 v A. .n. . .. i .i it., i.i i.i Wu.h iiMvn nvnn' nuv ni mil actpt atiiulay at a. m. lltOKKHrUONAI. II UTIIIlHt I.tTTmiY.lT.I.lW Ofiico . Court Street. The Dulles, Oregon. . anroR. fuank MKNKni. PFUR. A MKNKKKK ATT0KNKY8-AT- Ui-Koomi a anu uro DailuiUK, r.llWHUV.1.- uu n ujiiiiuovuti u.w , HK S- S' KTT. ATTOUNK Y-AT-LAW. Of- . See tn jctiKiino'a bulldlug, up italri. Tho . Orivon .r.iiT. k. a. lunTinuiu.i. n . o. n imuh . U VUJ.":U. ATTORWHY-AT-J.AW nuuun . French A Co.'s bank buildliiK. Bccond nd sUkuion. ChIU auswered promptly. vi uviui. cuv or cuuuirv. uiuw hw, u ..i ii 0. W. DOANK-PHYSICIAN AND SUB- iio.v Utliua: room fi aim 6 unapman , nr, meni'i. n. r. . uiiiiiii . .u u . ... i hnnru ii ... V) A M tn A ami 7 UHf. 31. ililJAl.l. Dentist. (5as Riven for the iuffit..kk ..vtrttritliiTi nf twill. Alll) teeth . rinii-.-il Mlnmlmim iilntii Itnnmm HllZll Ol NHCiKTJi:n. tlrit ami third Monday ol eiien moiitii ai 1.1.1- uovai. Anon oiiAi'Tint no. c MU In MhmjiiIc Hall ttio thinl Wedue(Uy '" """,'aiaiiMj.rj,ilceu4 iiicsnnyuvtii I I hi n H ik ill i.r.i.,.i. iiiiidi .r7:4ii ii. ni FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. THANHAOT A (IKNKKAI.1IANKIN0 1H1HINKHH LetturR of Credit IflHtteil aviiiliilik- In h EtiBturn HtntuH. Sight Exelmntrn itiul Tolegriiihic TriiiiaforHHoldon Now York, Oliiengn, Ht. Ixjiiih, Sim FrmiciHco, Portlnnd Oregon, Henttlu WiihIi., and vnrioiiB pointB in Or egon nnd Washington. Col lections niitdo tit nil olnto on (nv ornblu torniH. THE DALLES National Bank, Of DALLES CITY, Oli. President - -Vice-President, Ctioliier, Z. F. Moody ClIAItl.KH Hilton M. A. Moody General Hanking Husiness Transacted. Sight ExclinngeH Sold on NEW YORK. SAN FlixVNClSCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. CollectioiiH made on fnvoruhle torniH at till accessible pointn. J. ti, HCIIINCK, I'reildent. J. M. l'ATTHIl.sON, Oaahlcr. fM Rational Bank. VHE DALLES. ORBQON A Gonoral Banking linsiness transantetl Doposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made nnd proceeds promptly . I.. l .i e ...11. ! . ruuiiiieu uu uuj ui cuueciiuu. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange Bold on New xork, ban Urnncisco and rort-land. DIREOTOKS. D. P. Thomphon. Jko. S. Sciienck. Ed. M. Williams, Gko. A. Likhk. H. M. 15k ALL. W. H. YOUNG, DYSPEPSIA la that misory oxporioncod whon Buddonly mado aware thiifc you possess u diubolicul arraiigcmont called Btomaoh. No two dyBpep tica havo tho eamo predomiuaut Bymptoms, hut -whatever form dyepopaia takes The underlying cause in in the JLIVEll, and ono thing is certain no ono will remain a dyapeptio who will 16 Will corroot Acidity uf Mm Htomunli, Eipolfoul gniittH, Allay Irrltatlnn, AMtst UlBOHtlnu fond at ttio suniet tliuo Start the JLiver working and all bodily ailment tvill diaajtpear. "For more than three yean I ttiffereit with Dytpepein in its wont form. I tried leveral doctors, but they arTonled no relief. At last I tried Simmons Liver Kegutator, which cured me in a hort lime. It is a pood medicine. I would not be without It." J auks A. Kuanii, 1'hlUd'a, Pa. 49-EVCBY FAtKAGE-jra Ha. our X Htamp In ml on as' rap per J. II. ZK1XIN & CO., l'hlUd.lpliU.lls. F Dally KvuhIiir ClironluU- In ret'oirulriil im ItMkiltt f 111 1 1 V tint liiktiiit i.nidii- tiw tin. lnlti. t;lty dilkK' llrtU r? Th Im h not ii buil ii'iiiiiiuion. tniii!i ujvi L- a.nt o ni imr lH-st ultki'llM wntrli tin: fnluinii!, uf tlitn n n rPD ihilly for tlu'Hplck-it local iiinvs. It I Ml tlA miiTi.'1'ils In kIi'iiiiIiik the llulil, mill Iiimico (,'iowh In popularity anil importance. Take It mvlillu, you wlioilDn't; try.-omu of Itt prcniliini ollcrx.,.. X BiacKsmitn & wagon stop Mcuti) K. i i ' i ii i i iiiw.i? e r f f v every Friday erinpiir'at 7:'so o'clock, In ijni. uoriiL-r .(-.iiiii h n uuuri. Rimu erery .iionuay evenliiR at v:au ociuc, m i.. eo iiuriiiiiir nru i:iiniiuiiv ill W M ( nm. V VaDhk, K. of It. and 8. C. C. LIT III . 1 KO. I riL- I Hull. ... W gi i jjhu iiju kwoiiu nuu luuriu iivuiicn ol each uiunlh nt 7:30 p. m. UJU.. n i.iinmiiAlN UNION will iiK-ot every Friday alternooii ciuc-K ni uiu reaiiini; room. Aiiuru ntviivu. weekly meetings Friday nt 8 V. M., Cu.iumu l ill lli I,' i vntr Ui 111.. InnritF i.i n 1 n It IA lltuilu tiratcnilty Hall, over Kellers, n Hecoud II. 1IANHKN. 0 U . . . r " nirinfl! riuniicit-i, art. "t ttrysiiturday ut 7:00 r. M In tho K. ol 1. OF L K. -MecUevery Hunday aftenioon In the K of p. lrtill. ITII1V.V ... . "cnliiK In the K. of I. Hall. W I-, I1IVIHION, No. 107-Meota 111 K.lif Ii II.!!) II... H .ml tlil.1 UaIiicmi. vca inont i. at 7:au r. M. TIIK OIIintUIIKH. I'KTI.nK CIIIIIUMI Hm- KilllilT llltONH. nr I'antor. Low Ia every Hunday at ill)!)l ilakh at lOli'WA.M. VuipcTK nt . 1'AIM.M I'lrrllmir tf..i.... m..u.i .,..nuli. ' iii I. nil uiihjii nuwiiiiiiiiiiiiu Hill l(l.V Kit II Uiil.llll'.. ilMiitr UfrvifMd P'llHlay at 11 a. m. and 7:K0 p. u. Hiindav Hyp i. . i. :: 'ini i.num;ii uev. u. i, iai- IKi I'Hvtor. .Miirlllm. m.iiiliaii i.ii.rtr Unli. m I,,., i..'.. .. v'vr: "'t.'a. ... . .... nt;niii-'iii v ml 11 A M Mnmiiiiii ii i ... ... . .: " " - - - . l,, """'""te'y "Her morniiiB service. '""''"IIIIK rrllillV liVL-lltllL' Ut I'HHlOr'H riMl. -w. ..w. ... VHUIIIIVIIIUIII Cuhtiu ii m tillUltOII-Ilev. W. U. . i$,s ?'"u,r rvlteH every Hunday at 11 L. I''','1' Hiiwiay Bchool after inomlnK blMiiKcM cordial v Invltnl. u(.Hi tm? V. t ill iiti.i. ... . ... iini'lllill Itnv. .1. sviriNI.KH. unari r...u ....7 - - : -i l'"-'.l IV C;..!.. . . '.-W " I'lJ HllIIIIIIK HI II. Jlli . "vi. mil llL 1 'TV11 1IH ftlU I. .. u ......... I. u hi fl.-iA .. ,r "I. l,...... tion u ri.i;.. i i i i ''"e"- a connai in- in w ii uasior aim iieonio (III II itiir .... in fiili, ii .v. "v"?' '' "iJiint ni Wi m-h teL'"r.K 1,1 ."'o0 oKreKntioiinl AlVflli! Irt . . . KVv . a I'' M IHKHAN-Nlntli utreet, y-Mhfini "viue at ii:aou,m. jum v,m' A cordll welcome General Itltu:ksmithing unci Work done promptly, nnd nil work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing Speciality Third Street, opp. Licbc's old Stand, House MovingI Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any nnd nil kinds of work in his lino at reasonable figures. Huh the largest honso moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181,ThoDallo6 J, F. FORD, "The Regulator Line" Tie Dalles, Portlanfl anl Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH Of Den Moines, Iowa, wrltca under date ol March 23, 1893: S. Ii. Mkd. Mvo. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Gentlemen : On arrivinir homo last week, I found alt well and anxiously awaiting. Our littlo girl, eight and ono-lutll yeurs old, who hud wasted nwav to 118 nounds, is now well, strong nnd vigorous, nnd woll fleshed up. S. 11. Cough Cure bus done its work well. Both of the children like it. Your S. 11. Couch Cure lias cured und kept away all hoarseness from me, rio give It to every ono, witn greetings for nil. Wishing you prosperity, wo nre Yours, Mit. & Muh. J. Is i'oitn. If you wIkIi to feci fresh and cheerful, and ready for tliuHprliiK'n work, cleaiuu your nytom with tho Headtichu and Liver Cure, by takliig two or three (lotos each week. Hold under a positive Kiiiiruiitcc. CO ceiita per bottle by nil druHKlM". C. F. STEPHENS, DEALUK IN DRY GOODS iP (LQTHING lluut. Hlioea, UhU, Kto. Fancy Eooq flotion, KtC, Kto,, Kto. Seoond St., The Dalles. Freipnt aca Passenger Line Through daily service (Sundays ex cepted) iMitweun The Dalles and Port laud. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. in. connecting at Cascade Iicks with steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock) at (i a. m. con necting with steamer Regulator for The Dulles. I'ANHKNIIKU UATKh. One way , Round trip... ..2,00 . 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way lundings must bo delivered -before 5 p. in. Live fitoclc shipments solicted. Cull on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, Ounnral Atroiit. B. F. LAUGH LIN, Ominrat MniiUKur. MURDER AT PULLMAN A. B, Cooper Shot and Killed by Burglar. THE MURDERER MAKES HIS ESCAPE l-'our Killed and Two Injured in a Train WreckOther News Happen ins., Wash., Oct. 17. This morn im; nt 11:15 o'clock the room of A. 15. Cooper and W. P. McKean wiib en tered by it burglar. The intruder made a iioiHis which awoke Cooper, who sprang from his lied and stood by tho door. The burglar seeing that ho was over powered, drew bin revolver and fired with fatal results, the ball entering the breast hint above the heart. The mur- deter eceaped through the door and went to a window on the south side of the hotel and threw away the watches and revolver. The stolen nrotiortv was found shortly after. The hotel doors were locked and every one searched, but no clue was found. The villain did his work well. Cooper was lately from Kansas City and was maiinL'er of Illuck mini llros. it Co's store in this fcitv Incitement runs high and it would not lie well for tho murderer if he is found Deputv Sheriil' Kucho, of Colfax, who wit" stopping at the hotel was also robbed of his watch and " in change, as was also one Trede. THE DALLES, OREGON T H E ARTIC FACTORY SODA WATER AND I0E 0REAM. Vnfl!n nMri lliitu t Wlioloaulu VsCWUICd allU mild quotation... TO It A IIIOAltH HWKK Specialties Flnoat Poanut Roaster In Tho Oallus 2dS3trLet J. FOLCO At rlKht Hide Mm. Obnrr't icstimriiitt. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, popular and reliable house hits been entirely refurnished, und overy room bus been ronunorod and roimlntei und newly carpeted throughout. The nouso contains nv rooms una is suppiteti with everv modern convenience. Ratof reasonable. A good restaurant uttuohel to tho house. Frer bus to und from nil trains. C, W. KNOWI.tb, Prop. The ltriulnr Trulli IVrcek. I'msiioito, Oct. 17. The first section of the New York and Chicago limited express, citst-hound on the Fort Wayne road, was wrecked at Wellsvillo.. O., early this morning by running into u freight train standing on the track. A heavy fog prevailed at the time and the engineer of the limited wus unable to rcc it till too lute to prevent the collis ion. Ah a result two trainmen were killed and four others injured, two of them probably fatally. A (iliioniy Wmlillnc Tour. TrniN, Oct. 17. Madam Charbonnet, who went in a balloon on her wedding tour and was thrown out with her hus band and his friends in the Italian Alps on October 11, arrived here today. Her husband, a professional aeronaut, is deatl. IIih friend .M. Pouto, is recover ing slowly from his injuries. Madam Charbonnet says that the balloon struck the glit'.iur at !l o'clock in the afternoon. The car went to pieces and the three occupants were thrown out, but were not badly hurt. They passed the night in the snow and Ice among the Caira niella peaks, their only shelter being a tent which they made from the remains of the balloon. When the next day broke they began the descent of tho mountain. Thoy hud gone hardly u mile when Charbonnet dis appeared in a crevasse. Pouto and Madam Charbonnet wandered over the glacier during tho rest of tho day. In the evening Ponto fell and broke his leg. Tho couple pussed u second night in the snow und ice. Then Mudum Churbonuet went alone down the mountain to u hut, where she induced two guides to go back after her husband und Ponto. Cliarbon net's dead body, with skull and limbs crushed, wus found ut tho bottom of the crevusse. Ponto wus unconscious, but revived after ho was taken to the hut. MuriUir mill Muleldo. GitiKFHWALD, Pomerauia, Oct. 17. A startling trugedy has occurred in the princely family of lllucher do Wnlilstutt, descenduuts of the famous Marshal lUuelior. Tho family is weulthy, with marriage connections in England and tho United States. The Countoss IWuchor hecuine displeased with und dis missed u pretty muid servant with whom the count's gardener was dos porutoly in lovo. Tho man pleaded with the count and countess in vuin for tho reinstatement of his inamorata. Later tho count und countess were looking out of a window when the gardener jumped from behind a bush with a rllloaud fired, killing the count. Ho thou shot tho countess in tho nook, und then com mitted suicide with tho same weapon. "During my term of service in tho army 1 conducted chronic diurrho'U," says A. E. lioiiolug, of lluluoy, Oregon. "Hiuco thou 1 have used a great amount of medicine, but when I found any that would give mo relief they would injure my Htoniuch, until Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera und Dlarrhtea Remedy was brought to my notice. J used it und will say it is tho only remedy that gave me permanent relief und no bud results follow." For eulo by Ulukoloy & Hough ton. Fresh oysters ut A. Koller's confec tionery store. Iii't.imtntii ('ommnrcd Itnnlnlnii. Nkw York, Oct. 17. Tho United States court of appeals has affirmed tho decision of tho lower court on applied lion of tho intorstato commerce com mission preventing Tho Texas Pacific railroad from currying important merchandise at other than Inland rates governing other freight. Tho decision afFects a large number of ronds, includ ing the trunk lines between the eastern seaboard nnd Chicago and other western cities. NEWS OF THE STATE. Roseburg und Ashland are infested with tramps who rob Chinumen and try to control trains. In the case of the state vs. Mel Dus tin, charged with rape, the Hoppncr gruud jury reported not u true bill. The late heavy rains have caused con sidorable damage on 'the roads leading to Mt. Hood. All the tributaries of the Sandy and Salmon rivers have been out of their banks and tho bridges over tho Zigzag and State creeks have been swept away. A report reached us this week stating that a band of coyotes chased nnd treed one of Mr. Shruni'B sheep herders on the Cherry creek side of tho mountain last Sunday ovoning. Relief came in time, so the story goes ; the herder was saved and twenty-one of tho brutes were killed. Prineville News. The rains last week raised Wind River to a very high stage, and as, there wns about -50 cords of wood along the bank, it all floated out and cuiue down the Columbia. Cuspcr Groppor, a rancher who lives nour here, hnd about ninety cords among the lot. This is a great loss to many of our hard working ranch ers. Stevenson Pioneer. While hunting horses last Thursday, John and .loe Elliott found a large silver bear in the old river bed about twelve miles from Prineville. They gave chase and finally ran it up u juniper. Having nothing with which to shoot it, John herded bruin while Joe rode to the nearest ranch, some six miles, after a rifle. On his return a couple of shots brought the bear to tho ground. Ochoco Review. NOT A MONEY-MAKING SCHEME. Ki-Sciiiitor i:vitrth I'iiiilii IIIh I'liriii iii Ver mont n (,'oHtly Toy. "It costs considerably more to run a farm than people imagine," remarked a man to a lio.ston Herald contributor a few days ago. "j man may support a .yacht, go oil" on long cruises, enter tain liberally and tram the reputation of being a hall fellow well met; but oftentimes, it hir. been asserted, the running of a farm is still more costly. People us a rule labor under the im pression that the returns more than oll'sct the outlay. They llguro that tho twncr raises enough of vegetables and fruit to last him from year to year, and the fact that he can enjoy homc-mudc butter is something not to be disre garded in summing up the profit and loss. ISow that idea is entirely erro neous, which J think I can prove to your satisfaction." Then, settling him self in his seat, the .speaker went on to toll of the agricultural experience of William M. IJvarts, the famous New York lawyer, who has just celebrated us golden wedding on his farm. He reali.ed at one time, it has been said, an income of over 5?f0 000 ycurly from us pruetice. He was also the owner of the place ut Windsor, Vt., on which a gang ot men was constantly em ployed. On one occasion a lady, hear ing of Mr. Kvarts' large income from lis profession, exclaimed In the pres ence of the attorney's wife: "How rich they must be!" to which the latter re plied, in a quiet nutnner: "You forget, madam, that we own a farm.' It is also related of the distinguished law yer that, while entertaining a number of friends at his home one evening, he produced several bottles of chumpagnc and a quantity of milk. Turning to his guests he said, without ascuiblanco of humor: "Gentlemen, here is some milk from my farm and hero is some wine. 1 on can take your choice, they both cost the hiiiue." Shiloh's cure, tho Great Cough and Croup Cure, is for salu by Snipes & Kin ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-live doses, only L'fic. Children lovo it. feold by Snipes & Kinersly. IIoiihu for Jtcnl. Six-room house to rent. Centrally ocated. Apply to tl it. ULJi.NN. NEWS NOTES. Tho legislature of Bolivia has passed a bill abolishing slavery. Tt is a mero form, as tho peons havo been practically free for some time. Three drunkon Choctaws, nt Caddo, in tho Indian territory, opened flro with out provocation on two white men named Fisher and Rnrly, killing them instantly. Tho ofliccrs arc after the assassins. Tho Chicago Record's Washington special says: "Carlisle informed Bruce this morning that tho president had put his foot down, nnd will send in no more appointments except possibly in a few- cases of extreme urgency till after the senate nets on tho silver bill." W. K. Wrisloy, who has been sepa rated from his wile for some time past, and who wns under indictment for arson, went to the Iioubo occupied by Mrs. Wrisley, in Riverside, Cal., and after stabbing her to death went to his room in tho Park hotel and blew tho top of his head off with a revolver. The French merchant ship Marseilles foundered at sea and the veseel and cargo nre a total loss. All the crew and pass engers nre thought to be safe. She was caught in the recent gale on tho South Atlantic. Tho Marseilles was on the way from Havre to New York with a valuable cargo of merchandise and wines. Advices from Mclilla say the Moors are strongly intrenched, and are making daring sallies against the Spaniards, whose position is now regarded as ser ious. Reinforcements which arrived at Melilla are utterly inadequate, and lully 15,000 men will be required in order to enable the Spaniards to take the offensive. Admiral Mello, commander of the in surgent Brazilliun fleet, has again bom barded Rio Janeiro. The damage done s said to be great. Many residents who remained in the city during the prior bombardment are now fleeing to interior cities and towns. President Peixoto ontinues his effort to organize a fleet wherewith to give battle to the enemy. The celebrated white-cap trial at ;alem, Ind., is ended. Elija Dalton, who stood by to see his wife whipped, was given five years in prison ; James Dalton, his brother, who held Mrs. Dal ton, and John Holsupple, who whipped, each received live years; fielding, who was present but did not interfere, was sentenced to three years; und Burnett, who was present but too drunk to take part, two years. Great honor was shown the Russians by the French over their arrival in PariB yesterday. Windows, balconies, house tops and even chimneys, along the route which the Russians took were black with sightseers. The Russians appeared lid entered carriages, and the great throng set up a mighty shout of "Vive la Russiu." Admiral Avellan and tho officers accompanying him stood in car riages and replied with shouts of "Vive la France." Perhaps some of our readers would like to know in what respect Chamber luin's Cough Remedy iB better thau any other. We will tell you. When this reuiedo has been taken us soon us u cold bus been contracted, und before it has become settled in the system, it will counteract tho effect of the cold and greatly lessen its severity, and it's the only remedy that will do this. It acts u perfect harmony with nature and aids nature in relieving the lungs, open- ug the secretions, liquifying the mu cous und causing its expulsion front the air cells of the lungs, and restoring the system to a strong and healthy condi tion. No other remedy in tho market possesses these remarkable properties. No other will cure u cola so quickly. For snle by Blnkeley & Houghton. Notice! All notes due und becoming due und till accounts owing us must be settled on or before November 1st, 1803, either in wheat, outs, barley or cash. Accounta and notes remaining unpaid after that date will have to undergo costs of col lection. We mean business and must positively luvvo money. Respectfully, dawhn Tun Dallkh Mkucantilk Co. Use Mexican Silver Stovo Polish Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Rol Baking Powder AB5QUUTE1Y PURE