The Dalles Daily Chronicle, Entered nt tho l'ontofflee at Tho Italic, Oregon, iui ccotul-olniw nmtlor. thi: iam,i:s OtiKIION ELECTIONS IN FRANCE. Miinhoiitt NuffroRo In irnlvurnil TriTiiu tloim A;utii4t I'ruml. In France till itiutt whun they huvi attained their majority uro registered voters, livery one qualified in inscribed onu poll list and Is armed with sin electoral curd tflvlnp his nnino, pro fession and residence whiuh Is issued by the mayor of his commune. Thli. enrd is his passport of citizenship and also serves for purposes of identity. Kueh card Is numbered and corresponds with tho number on the register. 'Die polling takes place in a townhall, schoolroom or other public building. Iso candidate is elected at the llrst bal lot who does not receive at least a quarter of the votes on the register of voturs, or one-half of the ballots actu ally cast. Falling either of these re mtltsn second ballot takes plneen fort night later, when a simple nuijovity of votes is sufllclcnt for election. There is not the same strict control over expenditure on elections in France s in England. The eost of an election varies considerably. There is a great deal spent in holding public meetings, but a spirited rivalry arises .sometimes over placarding. The candidates are not r-addled with otiicial expenses. Thu amount spent depends entirely on the strength of the opposition. Fsually, when tho light is keen, the expenses of each candidate will run between ten thousand and thirty thousand francs. At the famous flfcntest between IIou langcr and Jacques in 1880 over a mil lion francs were spent. Tins French .system of polling tends to insure purity of voting. When a x-oter enters the polling station he fjlvos up his electoral card. The num ber on it is compared with the num ber in the register. When the identity of the voter is established his card isae ceptcd and heisnllowcd to vote, ltefore the card is returned to him an otiicial tears off a corner of it, which renders it usuless. Other precautions arc taken which render fraudulent voting ex tremely difllcult. Flection offenses, which nre severolj- punished, are hard ily possible except through collusion with the presiding officers. YOUR ATTEflTIOfl Ib called to thu foot that Hugh Glenn, Dealer in Gluns, Mine, Plaster, Cement nud lluildiug Material of all kinds. ' Crrl, tt I'liH'il l.llif i if Picture Mouldings To be found in the City. 72 Ulashington Street. Fpoid TERIHINAIi op INTERIOR Points TIIK lluokKii' Am left Aulrfl. The beat eulve in the world for cute, bruiHiis, sorei!, ulcuiH. wilt rlietun, fever eorei, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, 'uonis, and all skin eruptions, und posi tively cnri'fl jiiliM, or no pay required It is.Uarautef.'d to elvo perfect natisfac tion, : inonpv refunded. 1'rico '2b cents per Iwx. For sule liy rinijii; A Kin-i vra v. U-:e Ahciicjwi .Silver Store PiMih MM ralic RHILROHD In thu lltiu to taki' TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOOTH It In tlio Dlulnc Cur Koine. It runs TliniUKli vcatlbulcd Trains every ilny la the ymr to jft. paul and Chicago NO (JIIANOK OK OAKH.) Oompotiol of DlnitiK CarH uiiurnnul. I'ull man DruwIiiK Iti)oniHlvcier.i of Intent ciulimciit TOURIST SLEEPING CAIIS Heat Unit nun bo cmiittructcil, ami In whlcll Hcvomnuxliitlmm nre both Free mill Kurnlsliul (or holders of Klrt und Sccuiiil-clu.MiUckutk.niiil ELEGANT DAY COACHES A contiimoiii Hue, ConnentliiK with nil lino iiflorUliif direct Hiid unliiturritited ervlec 111 1 1 tn it ti Sleeper reci vnllons can lj ecurcl 111 mlvance tlimunh uny ugi'iit of the riMil, TUDnilPU TIPICTC Tu nnd from nil InnUUbn IIUKClO point In Ami'tlci, KiiKlaiid mill Kuropu emi be purelmteil Ht nny ticket ottlce of the company DT 1 I L Thiiw tiuiko It nil tlm more I L neiv.Miy to Kilu-rlhe. That Is ' -lilt i In- iini-t prutfre-MVo of our b"lin men think, mid theo runic liu lnuio t.ieu uro the niimt iios'rous nt nli times. If yon uih to rem-h nil the reo.le hi thin neltfli borhuil v hi nun ilu hotter thiin tnlk to them thrr.tiKli the I'oliunii of the Imi.v CflRoNlci.c. It Itus molt tliin iliiublc the eiietlhilloii ol uny Other nuil wivvrtitiiij? In It ui ) a biff. fe. L. YOUNG. : : JEWELER : : Winning hih) Jewelry ivp-iirul to order on ' hort notliv. nnl MttMrnitloii uniirniiteeil AT TIIK Htori-.if I. '. MchpltKii. 'ill Ht.Tln Dlillu "TUP Dully KvenltiK Ohronlele ii rwomilcil I flLiw wweiituilly thu home pupcr for the 1allc i;lty folk1 UrC This In not n bail reputation. .Some HUM !--'.' of our oltUeii!) wnteh the eoluimik of thlf nn nCD ciuily fur thoMpIchMt local ncivi. It r 1 L.IA uceiiti In kIciiiiIuk the Held, nnd hence Blown in jKijitilatlty mid unjuirbince. Take It nwhlle, you who don't: trywnnoof Its preinltim ollcrif. CavMts. and Trtde-Mirks obtained, nd til Put-' 1. 1 . - -; : I..... In . .... Soup orncc OproBireU.. f!TrT OfrietJ J andwo can wcure patrat in lets lime taanlaofcS 2 remote from WathloKton. i Send model, drawing or photo., vrith dcrlp il Hon. We advise, If patentable or not, free of J charge. Our tf not duo till patent ia secured. 2 5 MUPMIBT. "HowtoObtaln PatenU," vi th Scoit oi aBrfn the U.S. and foreign countries J Saent free. Address, !C.A.8NOW&CO. Off. PATCWT Office, WAtHINATON, D. G Notice. Timber Culture. U.S. jMMKOmCK.TllJ! VAU.KH. 6ll.,j AllKUHt 1'J, IhM. I Complaint lmvlnir been tnterid ut IIiIm Olflio liyMiirrletbiM. Alnrslmll iiKit I'rentoij Itinl for fnlluro to comply with law itn to 'limber Cultiuo Kntry No. JIIIO, dated March V), itwj, imkjji tho NWli of Hectlon 'il, Towimlilp'J North, Uiiiiko 11 Ht, W, SI III Wno county, Oukoii, with it view to thu eaneelliitloii of milil entry; rontintnnt nlleKliiK that defenilnnt ban wholly allutiinil mukcleil to plow or break or iiiltl vato U crop or olhervlio, or plant with trt', tieo uiilH or intllnKH. ilurlni? any of tho tlmti ivlnco maltliiK IiIk wilii entry, any putt of nalil tract, tho said partlen aro hereby. muiiiiiioiiciI to nvixjur at tlilH Olllio on thu -JUt day of (Jctober, 16W, nt 10 o'clock A. SI., to respoiiil nnd furnish testliiiony coiieeriiliiK yld aljwl falluru. y.lw&t JOHN W. I.KWIH, ItiKlster. NOTICE FOK lUr;iCATION. Uni OrriCK, The Dulles, Or,, Oct. u, WXI. i Notice l hereby given that tho folliiwiiig nuiiiwl aettter hun filed notice of lilHliiUJiitlon to inkii filial !'oof In mV' cl tlm, mid that said proof will lj) mudo before tho iu-alter and receiver nt'flio JMIIe, dr., on j"ridVr November 17, WW, vlx.i ' Kdgur H. 1'rwtt. llomestcuil Application No. Ma, for tho VM of WK iitul Yi'A ' KK w KHoimmwi tllo folluwlng wHiicsscs tf) prove his cmitliiuous residence upon, and cultivation of, " J? irlluglii, Ytunk Driver, Urn Wing and Hhgfy vi'r,!ioyjfmic:!vvj8f muutt Kill! information concernlnir nite.i, time ot triilnii, rotiten and other detnll" furulnhti) on Hppllcatlnn to W. C. ALLAWAY, AKent I). T. .v A. Nav. Co., ltextilator olltte. alio I)alle, Or., or A. I). ClIAltl.TON, .M't. General I'astaiiKcr Ast., 1'ortUnd, 'Jisn. . The Dalles Gigar : Factory FIB8T STBBBT. FACTORY NO. 105. fT A DC o' tin JJcHt JlrmulK VXvJTxxXVO initnufactured, iiml ordcru from nil partH of the country filled on the flhorUjHt notice. The reputation of THE DALLES 01 GAH hue lxscoinu firmly catubliHhel, and the demand for the home manufactured article ih increiiHinn every day. A. ULR1CH & SON. Woo Saw in Clothier and Tailor. Bccidodly tho FincHt Lino of Gents' Rtarn.ish.irig Goods, Trunks and Paliscs, etc., etc. OOK. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES, OR. ffeu Columbia THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House linn lately been thoroughly renovnted and nevvl furnished throughout, and ia now hotter than ever prepared to furnioh the hest Hotel nccommndationH of any hotifto in the city, and at the very low rate of $1 a day. First-Glass Meals, 25c. Olllco of the fitHt and commodious opposition Stupe to Dufur, KliiKHley, Tygh Valley, Wapinitia, Wnrm .SfiiiK'H and Prinevllle 1h in the Hotel and porHOUB KoitiR to rrlnevillo can Have $4.00 by going on this Stage line. All trains stop here. Wo have bought the J. G. Meitm Steam Wood ,Saw, and will fill nil orders for sawing wood for rttove dr furnace use ut the old rate. Orders left at Maier & lion ton's will be promptly at tended to, and will guaran tee entire satisfaction. 8'i'xllm Jacob Wetle. JoiinP.Kuieu. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. HAS A PAMILY OF 2000 EEADEBS. They rcud The Chronicle to got tho lutcst and most reliable l.ewn. And they read every lino that is In tho paer. That la wliat maken the Chronlclu mi Invaluable ailvertltlnK iiieillum. Thu newsMiiier that kch to the family flruslilcH Im thu ono Kj)) ",,lt ,,lu udvertlserH of toilay patronUo when they ileslro to ruicli tho oplo. When they want your trudu their iitinoiuiccmentN will bo found In tho paper, lxik over our columna mid observe tho verifica tion of tho truth of this assertion, Itemember, a trade of a family ol two thousand Is worth asking for through these f0j columns, cspclally so ut our very Exeoutor's Notice. J. O. MACK, FE WlEp and Lip Notice is hereby ulvo has been uppolnteu py Won that tho undersigned liy tho Oounty (Joint of tho Htuto of Oregon for Wusco County, executor of the cstaUi ol Catherine Wlgle, deceuwil, and all iiersons liavlug claims agulust said estate are hereby notllled and required to present tho same, with tho proper vouohers, to me at the nfliMi of Uavs. lliiiitrnirton .t WIIsmii. Tho Dalles. Wasco County, Orevon, wltlflu six month froni tho date of this nortec, ' W. II, VAywil. i nxecuwr oi saiu osiute. Tho Dalles, Or,, July '1, m.-m DOMESTIC And KEY WEST CIGARS. THE CELEBRATED PABST BEER. FRENCH'S BLOCK. 171 SECOND STKEET, THE DALLES, OK. MINHNS HK NEW TOWN has been iilatted on thr old ramp ground, at tho Korku and ) Falls of Hood river, with iari(e,niKhtly lots.brimil HtreutKiiud alleys, good soil ' nuil mrcwatcr,w!thnhiu!eiii profusion, erle:tilnilnnHC,(lellKlitflil mouutnln climate, the central nttractloii as a miiuiitiilu summer resort for all Oregon, being the town to Mt. HoihI. It Is tiniuirnllclco uh u manufacturing center, being the natural center for 150 siUaru miles ot tho beat cedar and fir timber, lionaes-iiug iiillllons of lioroe-pnwer in Its dashing streama und water falls, eailly liariieMeil. Wliere rheaii motive power exists, theru the iimim factories will ceuter.nurMiiuileil by soli anil climate that cannot be excelled anywhere for fruit ami agriculture, and with trnmjxirtatlon already ussurtC you will llud this the jiluco to make a jierfect home or u paying lnvestmeti' TITliE PERFECT See me on the ground, or address me at Hood River "Wasco County, Oregon. W. RossWinans. MILLINERY MILLINERY Ttiis Space ItESEUN'ED FOH 112 Soooud Btreot. ANNA PETER S CO. MILLINERY MILLINERY Second St. I. C. NlCKELSEN, The Dalles, Or BURHAM & ROBERTSON l3roprltorts, CityStables, Gornor of Fourth nnd Federal SIh., The Dalles, Oregon. Tlioso Stablos have on hand tho finost Livory in Eastern Oregon, and can accommodate patrons with eithor Single or Double Rigs, closed Hacks or Carriages day or night. MORE ROOM. AIbo, can furnish Flrflt OIuns ftccoininodutioiiB to teuuiHtura with freight or driving teams, having added to their Htablea large feeding and wagou room. CoHmercial Fatronaie Solicited. Ctteekly Ghroniele, $1,124 ayear. lese are Dull Tines! WE DOJl'T WANT YOUR PJ1EY, And THE CHRONICLE pro poses to enliven them by in trodticing its newsy presence into every home in Wasco County. Just jlota, Circulation must fre doubled, and to do this we propose to furnish the Weekly Edition for the balance of this year and one year beyond for the already low price of $1.50. A year and a third 16 months makes a GEflT BUT WOULD LIKE YOUR Attention! 9 Q O (o)(5) amount of the very best read ing matter, comprising besides the world's news, valuable in formation on all subjects, aui especially for the stock-raiser, the farmer and the orchardist, and is the best medium for exposing our resources to the world. If this Is. not enough, our plan to is sue the Weekly in instalments of twice a week, should make your decision favorable at once. Sunday's, Monday's, Tuesday's and Wednesday's NEWS gets stale by Saturday night, and hereafter the Weekly Chronicle Part I, will reach you Wednes day evening, and Part II on Saturday evening. The extra trouble and expense connected with this effort to please, which is considerable, we look to an appreciative public for the approval we are sure it will give us. While we would be glad of subscription money in advance, it is not necessarily enforce Subscribe NOW for 1894 . And get the benefit of this special rate, which is practic ally for the Sleekly Ghroniele, $1,121 a Year. OUR GREAT OFFER I FOR 1894. PAUL .KREFT & CO., DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And tho Moat Coiuploto and the Latuat Piitternu and Deeitis in 't nii i ti l.iil (),.. limit. liruilUB OI U'r Sherwln-WUllauiB and J. W. Mamtry's Paints used in all aur work, mm nmw the moat skilled workmen employed. AgontB for Masury Liquid l tuntn. chemical combination or soap mixture. A tlrHt cUihh article m all colore. orders promptly attended to. Paint Shoo oorner Thirdand Washington Stu,, The Dalles. Orcoi THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREyERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. ThU well-known Brewery la now turnlnts out the beat Uetr ami lVrtw f Mat of theOaicadeii. The lateet appllancea for tho manufacture of good fulBMr have bean introduced, und on.y tho flrat-claas article win uo yw b market.