A GOOD WIFE carefully attends to the small economies of che house hold, and naturally desires to secure as much as possible for every dollar. While our shoes are not GIVEN AWAY still we are selling them at such reasonable prices that we are confident of being able to fully satisfy the most economically disposed lady. Besides this WITH EVERY dollar's worth of shoes purchased of us we give a guess either on seeds in pumpkin or beans in jar: the nearest guesser to either being rewarded with a gold watch. Every PAIR of SHOES that we sell are good value for the purchase price. We want to make you acquainted with our shoes and their economical prices. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Mituiol ii tlu I'oHtotllct) at Tliu DiilIcK, Oregon, n xcccinil -oIukh imittiir. l.tiiMi! Atl viirtlNlnir. to i tmt k.t Hun (or llrnt liiKcrllou, mill f Culittt wr line for i'iii'Ii Miliu'ijtiL'iit luncrtlim. ilvcln mtci fur long tlmo niittcutt. All iwn. mitluoN received lutor thitu 3 o'clock III appear t!iu following ility. Tl E)Y OCT. 17, Tk Daily and Weekly Chronicle may I'i found on nalr at J. ('. Nickehrn't More. OCTOBER OLIO. A fiat n ry .MltHH Xmv Itltx rum MlHCtilliilitmiiK He argued, but riiulil nut kccii cool, Hut miiil, wlitlu iiuid t'li'.-ir through : "I nevur iirKiii1 with ii foul." Till! ntlier until "I ilo." A nonorul front covered tliu (round thin morning. There iH u marked revival in Iiuhuivhb noticeable tliu proHont week. A largo number of ludiunH returned ttum tlio Yukiinu hop lluldu ycHtorday n tmntj home. HeiiMiiUitivi!H of the Muy Miller balloon cuuiiany are in the city today t'inj: to nuko urriuij'uiiientH for balloon uscmifilon mid parachute jump featutiluv afternoon. Tlie llrat change ordered liy tliu new rejiiui of tliu V. road iH an order for nil tlie employed to work eight hours a l'i.v and hIx days in the week, taking iilluct yesterday morning. The electric light works mieeeHnfully Hturlml up tl(! machinery in their new ower hoiiHu last ovoning' tiud lighted the city during the night. The eumpany aH well as the jieoplo were pleased with the uliango from the old to the new works. hunt's liutty of Wivpinitiu fullered the iniHf irtuue of having his house burn .Saturday oveuing with all its eontontN, nothing being saved. J'ho house was Partially insured, in the .Statu insurance company. The cause of the lire is un known. In the case of liottingon vs. Outea in 'hiHtieo I)uvIh' court yimturduy, it ap pearing from the evidenco that tl io ijtiea "uii of titlo to real estate wuh involved, tlm case was discontinued in the justice l(iirt and will ho sent to the circuit mrt for furthor trial. U hcoiiih the picnics uro not yet all ver. A number of Chinainun went out to their graveyard this morning, with roiiHt pig, ricu ,ui 0t,or articluH of diet Uunr to the Chlneso pulato, and enjoyed tliuniHolvoH in their own way. It is a sort of iiiinlvortmry gathering In com "'oiiioration of thoir dend. A Loader. oliifo Us flrt introduction, oloctrio ''liters has Kuiuod rapidly hi popular 'vor, until now it is dourly in the loud ainoiiK pUro medicinal tonlca and alter ut vos-contalning nothlug which per J"itH it uso as a bovorago or intoxicant, " Ih recognizod as the best and purest ncdiclno for all ailments of Htoiuach, liver or kldnoya. It will euro flick lioad 0cK indigestion, conatlpatlou una drive leria from the nynUmi. Batlsfactlon fmrauteod with each bottle or the money win bo refundod. iw bottlo, Price only COu. Bold by HnlpoH & Klmusly. WhuIoiI. flnHntlyi w,1 undorntttiulH how to do SSpJ?1" u,m n,,tl oloyot of Miss uti''0 Hood, upotalrH at reuse & Mays. d.tMUO Kncupml rrimi the Jail. Albert Valentine, the boy prisoner in the county jail who is charged with lar ceny from A. A. ltonney nt Tygh Valley peverul months since, opcaped last night. Owing to his previous good behavior he was given the privileges of a trusty, which ho hod never abused up till laBt evening. lie got a letter from his sister vesterduv, and it is presumed became homesick and resolved to take the first opportunity to get away. He was let out the back gate to get an armfull of wood, and shortly after Jailer Fitzpat rick, supposing he had gone in ugain Bhut ths gate, shutting the prisoner out. It is not known where he went but ho wus seen shortly after neur Dr. Shackle ford's residence going in the direction of the wagon bridge. lie will bo recap tured again in all probability. IIKI). In The Dalles, Oct. 10th, Hart. V. Crook, ugd 51) years. Funeral will take place from the residence of John M. Filloon, at 10 o'clock a. ni., Wednesday, Oct. 18th. Friends of the family invited. Deceased is a pioneer, having come to Oregon in 1848 and settled in Linn county. The laM several years ho has resided in Wnwo county. The do ceiiHi'd'H father, Mr. T. J. Crooks, is yet alive, living in the Willamette country, and is a historical character himself, having been several times a member of the legislature, and one of the framiTS of the state constitution. Kmtl KMutr. .lackson J.. Doctor and Annio lloefer to Mary ii. Jiowiuan, all of lot C in block (U, Fort Dalles Military Keserva tion addition to Dalles City, Or. OREGON NEWS. About $1,000 'iis realized from the vaudeville entertainment given at t ho Marmiam for the bunellt of the unem ployed poor of Portland. A few days ago the First National bunk of Kimono ordered from the mint at San Francisco if 100 in dime. Thurs' day morning, imagine thoir surprise when thov oneni'd the package and found it contained $1,000 worth, a mis take having been made. I.iuard. Matthew Korwin, who has for years resided in Grant county, near Long Crock, was accidentally killed last week by an explosion of giant powder, while nt work- in the- mines of Messrs. Sloan & Haskell at Sttsanville, Oregon. JIo had drilled and prepared several blasts, but everything being wet from the continu ous rain, he.iuot with sonio dilllculty in getting tho fuse to burn, and while mak ing an attempt to escape from dhoso al ready lighted, tho explosion of a blast lighted by a companion occurred, which resulted in Mr. Kerwin's instant death ; his skull having been crushed by the territlc force of a flying stone. Nutlue to liiillmiiiHiit TuxHyt!i'. All delinquent taxpayers that don't want their names advertised had better come forward, as tho roll will be pub lished on the 21st of this month. T. A. Ward, ShoriU'. "(Ikntlkhkn: -l'li'ttbt!Himt Kriume'B Hemliu'lio CtiiiHUli'MiiH (Oliowu: two uoxuri io mini nvuy, lliiviimm, N. Uii. two I'urlllr. Count WlilKker. The Chicago Herald Eays the north western corner ol ttie Uniteu ."states ap pearB to be phenomenally prolific of whiskers. In confirmation of this state ment, its Washington correspondent has been writing up the hirsute development of the senators and representatives from this section. The two Oregon senators Dolph and Mitchell, aro Eingled out as notable examples of whisker-growing in the northwest. Perkins of California and most of the senators and re presentatives from Oregon and Washing ton and California are cited in illustra tion of the beard-growing capacity of this region. In the assemblage of smooth-shaven statesman at Washing ton this hirsute development is all the more noticeable. The Herald savs that a wag in the press gallery looking down upon the Oregon and Washington dele gation remarked: "There are several railroads concealed behind those whisk ers." P.cfiire .liulicti Kt'hutz. The trial of A. Wilson tor assault and battery is being heard today before Jus tice Scbutz. Mrs. Perkins is the prose cuting witness. While at Wilson's house Sunday, trving to collect a bill complainant alleges that lie forcibly ejected her from the house, and other wibo assaulted nor. uson lives on the free bridge road about seven miles distant from The Dalles. PERSONAL MENTION. I'. Mays went to Portland llOXl'H to l.llllu Wilcox. iiroiiL-iniiii. M. link. 1 lmvi) always bcou u trrunt Hiiirumr from hi'iuluohi'miil your ciuimi loa nro tlm only thing tlmt rollovw me." Youth vury truly, Vunu Hka Y, llavmimi, N. Oak, Hold by Hiilpt-H iV KIliiTHly. WOOD. WOCHI, WOOD. BHt grades of oak. fir, and slab cord wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T. Peters & Co. (Olllco Second and Jetler son streets,) Hon. F. yesterday. Dr. J. P. Hoyd.formerly of The Dalles, lias changed Ins residence irom New Mexico to velasco, 'lexus. Mrs. C. h, Whipple of Portland, who has been visiting Mrs. . Oreighton re turned home this niorning. Mrs. .1. I. J'eters and child went to Portland by tho Regulator this morn ing to visit her sinter, Mrs. Mays. Mrs. O. C. Stevens has returned from Condon, to her home at The Dulles, where she will speuu the winter. Mk ii Thief In llio Nlflit, Consumption comes. A slight cold, with your system in a scrofulous condi tion that's caused by impure blood, is enough to fasten it upon you. That is tho time when neglect and delay are full of danner. Consumption is lung-scrofula. You can prevent it, and you can cure it, if you haven't win tea too long, with doc tor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. This is tho most potent blood-cleanser. strongth-restorer and llesh-builderthat's known to medical science, for every disease that has to bo reached through the blood, for Scrofula in all its forms, Consumption, Weak Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, and all severe, lingering coughs it is the only guaranteed remedy. If it doesn't benefit or cure, you have your money back. Tho proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Itomouy know that their medicine per fectly and permanently cures Catarrh. To prove it to you, they make this offer: If tlioy can't cure your Catarrh, no mat ter w'luit vour case is, they'll pay you $500 in cash. Itiiuuil Trip lCittt-M to the World' Fnlr Illi'Htly nurtured. Until October lilst tickets will be sold to Chicago and roturn at $50.05. For further Information call on or nddress V. O. Allawav, G. A. D, P. & A. N. Co., Tho Dalles. Tygh Vitlliiy JCollvr Flour Allll. Is in complete repair; always in store flour equal to tliu best. Also old stylo coarso and fine Graham Hour, mill feed, ote. W. M. McCoiiki-k, I'ropr. tlt.ii.aiu Fresh oysters nt A. Keller's confec tionery store. MARKET REPO'RT. Tlm I.nrnl Tinitu ltn:irovlni; mill IJiuiiniil Activity Xotlci-il. ARHESTED Trcmcmnlili! FOR WHISTLING. Alloivcil In TiinrH Aro Not (irriiintiy. Americans have little conception of " 1 what muy coiiKtituto n trciihonablo uf- I'Iiiday, Oct. 1,. There has boon a j ft!st, i ,me ()f tl,0 coiintrh-!. of the fair local trade in the city tho past week, old world which nro still despotic and Jpeeial ! with a marked improvement noticeable The streets have, assumed thoir former appearance of activity and an old time feeling is prevalent amongst business men. The movement of produce has had an easing cflect in business circles with an accompanying disposition to reach out for larger transactions. Prices of staple merchandise continue steady. In general dry goods there is a healthy tone of trade, likewise in groceries and provisions, which with tho easier finan cial condition, has given an assured con fidence to all branches of business. Tho produce market is steady with few exceptions. Eggs are dearer and very scarce, 25 cents per dozen was paid today for a small lot. Tho tendency is for another advance as tho market is very firm. The market for Al gilt edge butter is stifT and 00 cents per roll was paid today for some extra fine Jersey butter. The poultry market is in a declining condition as tho offerings have been more frequent. Home demand is limited and purchases arc mostly made for the Port land market, which has gone from bad to worse. Turkeys are still quoted at 9 cents per pound. Ducks and geese are heavy on the market and quotations are off. , Vegetables There is a free delivery of all kinds, and may be quoted ae follows: Cabbage ?4c per lb; potatoes, Oregon, 50C0c per sack ;new onions, lc per lb; tomatoes, 2o&33c per box; green corn, 10c per doz ; Oregon celery, 3550c. Green fruit in abundance in the market. Apples are sold at 2o40 cents per box and pears at 3540 per box and quinces 4(35 cents per lb. The hay market is well supplied. Timothy is quoted at $12 per ton, oat hay at $10. Cereals Oats are in liberal supply at 90 cts to $1 per cental. Barley is weak on the market at 05 cents per cental. The wheat market is depressed, and while tho offerings are large, sales are limited, as the markets abroad have a weakening tendency. London reports wheat cheaper to sell and the market inactive. San Francisco call board? re port May deliveries weak at $1.22l2 per cental. Portland reports a repetition of former quotations which range from 85 to 872 per cental for Eastern Oregon and 95 to 97j;. per cental for valley. The Dalles market can be said to be fairly open and quotations range from 45 to 47 cents per bushel, the latter being at the mill for Klickitat. The Columbia wheat company quote 40 cents per bushel as the highest today at the wharf, a price within a shade of the Portland quotation on dock. The wool market is lifeless and S per cent to 10 is reported as the quotation. DEAR FOOD NOT THE BEST. Uhuully IIlBli-l'rlroil Mitrket I'roiluctK Art Nut tin- JIiM .Nutritions. Prof. W. O. Atwater, writing in the September Forum, claims tlmt the maxim "the le.st is the cheapest does not apply to food. The best food in the sense of that which lb sold at the highest price is rarely tho most eco nomical for people of health. The food that isbi't fitted to the real wants of the user may be the very kind which bupplies the mo it nutriment at the lowest co .t. itotiud steak at l." cents a pound contains if. much protein and energy, is just as digestible and is fully us nutritive, as tenderloin at .10. Mackerel has as hif,'i nutritive value us salmon and costi from an eighth to half asmui'li. Oysters are a delicacy. If one can alVortl them tlieiv is no rea son for not hav ing them, but '-'.'i cents invested in a pint would bring only twenty-nine grams. a')out an ounce, of protein and 'i: calories of energy. The same an cents .-pent for Hour at Mi u barrel, or :i cents a pound, would pay for 420 grain- of' protein and i;i,"D0 cal ories of energy. When a day laoorcr buys bread al cents a pound, the uctually nutritive material costs him three times as much as it does his em ployer who buys it in Hour at tfii a barrel. "During my term of service in the ! i t . 1 ! f I army 1 contracted cnronic marniiea, says' A. E. Beneiiig, of Halaey, Oregon. Since then 1 have used a great amount of medicine, but when 1 found any that would give mo relief they would injure my stomach, until Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrluea Hemedy was brought to my notice. I used it and will say it is tho only remedy that gave mo permanent relief and no bad results follow." For tale by Blakeloy & Houghton. Wood! Womll Womll Best quality lir, oak and slab wood. Leave orders at 13U Second street or corner Third ana union, aii oraers promptly attended to. ill A I Kit (X UKNTON. extremely military. There recently occurred nt IJarr, lit' Alsace, n trial which. must have been very amusing to nn American who might have wit nessed it, if a man's liberty had not been in jeopardy. One day not long ngo, wiyn the Chi cago Inter Ocean, in the street!) of Harr, a laborer, who was engaged In loading a wagon, whistled cheerfully tit his work. As ho was thus engaged a gendarme, or military policeman, came within hearing. The workman, apparently preoccupied, kept op with his whistling. "1 arrest you," said the gendarme, coining up and putting his hand on the workingmnn'fi shoulder. "What for?'' asked the man, aston ished. "For seditious whistling. You have been whistling the 'Marseillaise.'" The "Marseillaise" being the French national nir, and a revolutionary air besides, is forbidden in German Al sace. But the workman exclaimed: "Oh, no, you are mistaken! It isn't the 'Marseillaise' at all that I am whist ling, but the 'March of tho Brunswick Hussars.' 1 used to bclofng to the Brunswick Hussars, and that was our regimental tune." The gendarme, who was a German, and thought he knew one tune from another, took the workman under ar rest, and in due time he was brought into court charged with disloyalty in whistling a seditious air in a public place. Both the gendarme and the accused told their stories very confidently, and, as the workman was reputed an honest and loyal man, the court was very much perplexed between the two men and the two tunes. In this predicament the court ad journed to the council-room adjoining, and, calling in the accused and the ac cuser in turn, made the workman whistle the "March of the Brunswick Hussars," and the gendarme the "Mar seillaise." Each did his best; but the tunes proved in the ear of the court to be so much unlike that it was regarded as improbable that the gendarme could have been mistaken. The accused was therefore sent to prison: but his general bearing, and, above all, his excellent whistling, had affected the court so favorably that he was sentenced to only three days' imprisonment. Robert Mays has seed rye for sale his farm in Tygh Valley. 7t7 at Owing to a Conspiracy against mo in this place, I have de cided to close out my entirti stock, consisting of DRY GOODS, Clothing Boots and Shoes, purpisl?iQ Qoods, 23to.- 33to. Also, Store Fixtures; Furniture, $p Shelving. Any business man wishing go go into business can communi cate with the undersigned. Should I not get a buyer on or before OCTOBER 2qTH, I will offer the entire stock At Public Auction I N. Harris. The Dalles, Or., Oct. 13, 1893. Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no dust. Ask your dealer Stove Polish. for Mexican Silver Just received a scow load of choice oak wood. Maiek & Bexto.v. P. S. Communications Itched. bv mail so N. II . N. B. Big drives will be made in job lots to stores. N. H. Just Arrived from Hew fori; ! SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Ladies' Jackets, FR0JV1 $3.50 UPWARDS. GiolHifls ai Furnistiinp good's At Remarkably Low Prices. Splendid Chincbilla Overcoats at $5.50. FULL ASSORTMENT OF Winter Dry Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, ET0. fjy"As we aro toned to SELL FOR CASH in order to avoid lawsuits and bad debts, wu invito our friends and customers to examino our coeds tuiu prices before purchasing. Job FIRST CLHSS WOOD'S XMIOSPIIODICTJ. Tbo Great Eugluli Remedy. j'roiiiptly ana permanently cures nil forms of AVrvou WcakncM,EmUi(on$, Sperm- otorrhea, Jmpottncy and alt effect) of Abuse or Excesses, Hccu iri'6crluxt over ES yours In tliouiutuUof cases: la tlwoiity Jleltableandllw est medicine known. Ask drucirlst for Wood' Pliofpliodlnei If no offers eomo worthless jnodlclno In place of tUU, louvo bis illstiouest storo, lueloso prlco lu letter, aucl wo will send ly return mall, l'rtoe, ono packaso, Sljelx, C5. Oneiivtll please, etx will cure. ruuijiU let In plalu tcuUit emolope, i! cents postage. Address Tliu Wood Cliouilenl Co., J!U WocKlwnrduvenue. Detroit, Jllon, BoM ill Tho Dalles by DlaUelcy it Houghton, tfertan&AJtr. j0 PR ft NT'"" MT"N8 CAN BE HAD AT THE CHRONICLE OFFICE Reasonably Ruinous Rates.