The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 17, 1893, Image 2

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Tiib Dfillss Daily ChPoniclB. SMv in.i. w a mtiwtui in novi
- - -. - Craft In tlUKlitml.
Ship iiuUilers iuivo boon interested in
tlie construction reeuntly at Sunder
hind. Hup., of u novel eraft, a nioiliii
eation of the whnlelmuk type, now so
familiar on our western lakes. In the
nrM 1 iMr n mi 01 t lis new i-.uimimi
sunsoniiTiON katks.
Weokly, 1 your 1 SO 1
t! moathi
3 ' . . .
Dully, 1 ycnr.
" fi mntlths. .
per " ... 0 W
Addrws nil commuutcntion to " THE CHKON
ICIJS," The Dalles, Oregon.
orncr. hour
General Delivery Window . s n. m. to T i. m.
Money Order . . . .s n. m. to 4 i. m.
Bumlay it ') ". . .'J a. m. tolOn. in.
trains EOlntr Kast ... .9 11. m. unit 11 : 15 a. m.
.v l. m. ami o:;w p. m.
Air I run YIMiikp Awiikcni'il it Mlilnlclit ti
rUiirili-roUK Itiiltlur.
Some evening you look around the
village and see the people at their
usual oeeupations, and later on retire
to rest, writes Dr. Laws, in the Zenana
lleeord. Suddenly the midnight still
ness is broken by a distant eall, and,
0 fiO 1 ot,.niiinv. thi nlllv one of its kind Vet 1,,,.t ,.mi rnlsn vnurmtlf In llsitnil. The vf A
s 00 ; built, it appears, says Science, that the m Ootnes nearer, and is taken up and
hull is shaped like other vessels from
keel to water line, but from the latter
the shell is rounded off upward and
inward until it terminates at the upper
u There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at
leads on to fortune,"
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
Stage lor GoMcmliile 7:S0h. m.
" l'rlncvlllo 6:80 a. m.
" "Duluraml Warm Springs ..5:30 a. m.
" fLcaviug for I.vluifc Hartlaud..5:)a. ni.
" " " 1 Antelope S:s0a. ru.
Except Hiiudav.
Trl-weckly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday.
I " Monday velncday and Friday.
OCT. 17, 1893
passed by other voices, and soon you
are convinced it is the cry of alarm
war! war! A few minutes more and
the village is astir, the people rushing
deck level in an upright structure hither and thither, seeking to llnd 1
termed a turret, running fore and aft. K!lf,.ty in the thickest bush a tuotlur'
The vessel has no shear, the deck ..iillliic for her children, or child for
reaching in n perfectly straight line u,ther. but unable to llnd each other 0f the ordinary pill. Think of nil
fore and aft; the plating, curving in- iH.onuso f the alarm and scare which the trouble and disturbance it causes
ward from the water line to the turret have separated them. vo, Wouldn't you welcome ROint-
deck, is thick and strong like t hat , You spend a wakeful and watchful to &k ftnd or j,,
the hull proper, so that the whole skin nipht nnt hnowing where the enemy . ., , ' , . ,
of the vessel is of the same degree of mny l(e. nor wherc his tlttack may take ,,s ' 11 tlt "IM; V,n.t. H
thickness throughout. The engines I ,,ltltH.. After long, anxious, wenry , J ,"ort,1S,, (1 f lhat is the caHO
are placed aft, as in the construction , ll0llrs vou ,,re thankful to notice the with Dr. 1 lereo H 1 Icnsant 1 ollotB.
of whalebnck steamers, by which ar-1 lirhl plimincr of dawn showing itself They're tho sninllcst in Hizu, tho
rangement there is a long, continuous j ; t,e vlxBi, 2 dungcrouh hour pusses mild'eat in action, but tho most
hold from the engine-room to the fore-1 in. an,i the enemy who has been ex- thorough and fnr-roachinc in re-
eastle. this being interfered with only jU.cted is not seen; but Inter on you HUts. They follow naturo'H moth-
-Out Sale of
'let's have a ehanpe!" the restless mugwump
"let's have a change'" the democrats replied
The populist the choru swelled.
The sllverite its echo yelled.
The rebel crowd joined iu the song.
The anarchists the notes prolong.
And all the crazy, screaming rout
Unite to bring the change about.
"Why seek a change" the patriot statesman
Whv s ek a change when cv'ry want's supplied;
When all that snin and all lhat sew.
When those who build and those who mow,
nen an tnai sen ana an mat tmy,
And who to foreign markets hie,
When all our tollers, all our tradesmen find
Good pay, or prorlt fair in kind for kind?"
Kow came and swayed the mighty struggle on:
The champions false their doughtiest armor don;
The mugwump shout "Keform! reform'"
Tho democrats our tariffs storm :
The silverites free coinage brawl,
The populists their folly bawl,
And all the het'rogeneous, rabble rout
Drown sense and stafewft in their mad'ning
The patriot statesmen vain their protest made
'Gainst bart'ring growing pain for losing trade:
If change must come, 'twill surely be for worse,
J.Ike changing life for bier and gloomy hearse;
The mills will stop, and trade will pall,
reep mis'ry then will come to all;
The rich In fear their wealth will hide.
The jxxjr for work will wander wide;
And all the ills that want and idleness can cause,
"Will come apace, and come without a pause.
The change was wrought. The mighty strides
we made
In thirty years of growing wealth and trade,
The lollies of u day arrest,
As all our sorrows now attest,
The mills have stopped, thebusy hum
Of thousand spindles now Is dumb;
The miner now his pick lays by,
The skilled no more his craft shall ply,
Grim Want, in taunting voice, doth now declare;
"Ye would be dupes and ictims, and ye are."
New Yoik Mail and Express.
Capt. Lewis has written two letters to
Senator Dolph, urging him to do all in
hie power to get an extension of time for
Bettlers on forfeited railroad lands to pay
for them. He recites that "crops have
not been Drat rate for several years past
and have been in one or two seasons
almost total failures. This year the
yield is good, but the selling price of
wheat is so low (37c to -10c per bushel;
that no margin is left with which to pay
for their lands."
The Oregon delegation have worked
hard for the end which Capt. Lewis
urges, but heretofore congress has drawn
party lines upon the question and there
is no reason to suppose it will not do so
again. Tho democrats have persistently
antagonized the measure. A year ugo
Senator Dolph succeeded in passing tho
bill to extend the time one year for pay
ment by Eettlers of forfeited railway
lands. This bill was reported from the
fienate committee by the republican
majority, not a democrat voting for it,
and passed the Eenate by republican
votes, every democratic senator who
voted voting against the bill. It is not
to be supposed the present bill, drafted
by Senator Dolph, asking for three years
farther time, will be so fortunate. This
time the democrats control both houses
of congress, and the preliminary steps so
far augnr ill for the success of the bill.
While the secretary of the interior has
reported favorably upon it, every demo
crat in the committee is opposed to it.
Even should the bill be so fortunate as
to be reported from the committee,
which will require the populist vote, the
democratic majority in the senate will
still defeat it, for every democratic sena
tor is opposed to it. If the people do
not get this relief it will be tho fault of
the democratic party and not tho Oregon
ny tlie necessary nuiuuenus. Aiioiucr ; ,s,t.e smoke rising from n village miles ()(js am tj10y jvo lu. tjmt ias(l
feature Plaining to tins steamer is ; uvav nml ,n thu couwc of tl t ,w h,mrs ' ' . 1 rmligOHtlon, BilioilH
the location of the boats, and tlie ae- ; vou muv Sl.e Illun WOmen and children Y. -n.1b km; ' tiimw1
comtnodution for engineers and crew, , vhh terror-stricken faces, torn limbs Attacks, Siuk and UiIiouh Head
all abaft the engine-room, though the 1 Iu1 biding feet hurrying past, or, it '' 'ul 1,11 dorangemonts of the
canrnin and otlicers are placed, as ,,. i- ..oniinir to von to cct their liver, stomach and bowels aro
usual, under the bridge for ward.
Shfl Wanted Nn Nnnsemp.
The following story is told of a citi
zen of Port Chester, N. Y., whose edu
cation is Bomewhat superior to hi:
wife's, n fact regarding which she wai
very sensitive. On one occasion tin
man drove over to White Plains to in
quire regarding the health of his sister
in-law, who was dangerously ill. Upoi
wounds dressed. As you seek to re-! promptly relieved and permanently
1 lieve their pain you hear of how one-j cured.
child is missing, another has been car- j
, ricdaway captive and a third mur- If we can.t cro r ontnrrl
dered. and the homes of all. with their , b (1 or ()f
stores of grain, have been burned to . , ,. ' .
ashes 1 mnv " Htnm"nP wo l"1) you
L ' ' jtfloo in "cash." That is what is
oni rriiiting. jirotnised by the jiropriotors of Dr.
If you have your job printing done at ' Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Doesn't it
Tin; CnuoNiou: vou will have the ad-! prove, better than any words could,
this is a remedy that cures
arrh ? CostB only 50 cents.
Furniture & I'm
Who nrn solllriDr those aoods out at crnntlvrnH,..i
Pipe wort, Tiq Repairs ano
returning he was met by his wife, win vantage of having it done with the most ' that
asked of her sister's condition. "Shei; niodern and approved tvpe, with which Catii
convalescent," replied the man. Imn.e , fc C0Iltimlllllv 8U ' lietK A11 jolS
.i:Mnu. ;M timet rtntirtt;.
nnr the woman cried out: "I want none ll,,,lur tllw uimrvwioii of one of
of your soothing words. I want facts.
You tell me this minute, is my sistei
dead or alive?" N. Y. Herald
Perhaps some of our readers would
like to know in what respect Chamber
lain's Cough Hemedy is better than any ,
other. We will tell yon. When this
remedo has been taken as soon as a cold
has been contracted, and before it has
become settled in the system, it will
counteract the u:et of the cold and
greatly lessen its severity, and it's the
only remedy that will do this. It acts
in perfect harmony with nature and
aids nature in relieving the lungs, open
ing the secietions, liquifying the mu
cous and causing its expulsion from the 1
air cells of the lungs, and restoring the J
system to a strong and healthy condi
tion. No other remedy in the market '
pose?,:e-i these remarkable propfrti"-.
No other will cure a cold so qii'i'kh
For sale bv Hlakelev it Houghton.
the most successful and nrtistie printers
in the Northwest.
, 7LI
All notes due anu hecoiniiig line ami
all accounts owing us miiHt he tettlfil on
or before November 1st, 1S9I1, either 111
wheat, oats, barley or cash. Accounts
and notes remaining unpaid alter that
date will have to undergo costs of col
lection. We mean business and must
positively have money.
dawlm Tin; Dali.ks Mukca.ntim. Co.
Turps CohcIk. nunr-ioms, fcoTe Titoat.
Crimp nrfiasp:!'.-: relieves Wliniiplnc Conh
and AvtSimu. I' r Cohhuihj tlim it Inu
nvnl: has cured UioihiwmU v; iei-ll other.-,
failed; willconc voc if taken in time, fc'olil
by Druggists on arunnintee. Fri-I.nn:c back
r r Ches:, use smi.uii'.s viiciu z cu.
(it. M J 9
iiu ! u i murrh? TbU remedy U fiiarati.
If eil 0 L-:irv you. 1'rlcuiOcn. Inlector fnvv
Fr Hle hy 8nlpn Ji Kliier'l)-.
Is the
Of the Year
Rhnn nn Tiiirrl Sl.rnni. nnvt. rlnnr uwet nf Vnnm, t. t'
uiacKsmitn oaop.
Sale at
'.riio undorsijrnocl, having secured the machinery a
c r...l... A. a i ..1 1 r....i...
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ti . ..
ii'i Mnii Tr.ri L'li ttwt n 1 o 11 111.11 in nil muri mi .
I ' "m 71. " r i .1 1 " ..." " T ; " - .T" T " "T. ..".1 1 "?p't"
1 1 I iLt . I 1 I I V. NlMi. 11 III: MI ULl 111 I IU . Illlllt.'Vh. IIM1II1IL1 HUH 111
in: almost a complete shoe factory.
Here is also one of the host sites for successfully
. I' . I A 1 " 1 -1 A fV I ll
11 II T 1 1 r ji ! I'lll V III lifl l k I III I .111 1111 I I 1 1 I I II I III 1,1 t I M I'll! III!
Write for particulars at once, to
J'ir ltent.
Kooms to rent at I!ev.
deuce on Ninth street.
A. Hum's resi-C-'-'Sdaw.
A (iri-at I. Ivor .Mi-illchie.
Dr. Uunn's Improved Liver Pills are
a sure cure for sick headache, bilious
complaints, dyspepsia, indifie-Hiun. CO"
tiveness, torpid liver, etc. These pilis
insure perfect digestion, correct the
liver and stomach, regulate the bowels,
purify and enrich the blood and make
the skin clear. They also produce a
good appetite and invigorate and
strengthen the entire system by their
tonic action. They only require one pill
for a dose and never gripe or sicken.
.Sold at 25 cts. a box hy Ulakeley &l
Easily, QuieSd'.
Permanently Rsibred.
anil all thutrai., r r- y.t
Irum rally orrurn ; lau-r
exortkes, tbi' r u(! . of
overwork, k1c.ih.k,
worry.ctc. FullMn-.iKili,
development anu tunn
given l every organ aoi!
jiortlnn of tin- ImxI) .
flriif)l'. naturulmelhi'l.
ImnKillalulmiiniTf jupii'.
iwrn. Failure mil ohIM.
y,n) refprenci-8 I-)t,
explanation and pn-jli
maUcil (tcaleU) (rc-.
IADIKfi who will !o willliiK for rno nt their
j lioini"! v 1 1 1 miiku wtA wnw. Iteply with
i-1'lf-iiiiiJri.'t-Kil, 8lniriitii i-nvcloi, JIIb. JlII
IJUKIJMII.I.Kl:,!-outhiieiiii, Iml mil ltw
A strange sea monster is the battle
abip Oregon when viewed from the plat
form surrounding her ponderous frame,
about which circle swarms of mechanics,
buBj preparing the big ship for its
plunge in San Francisco bay. Planted
firmly upon the stocks, some thirty feet
above the surface of the ground, the
Oregon looks like a monster turtle lying
upon its back. There are no graceful
lines or sweeping curves to admire.
Simply a broad expanse of riveted iron
plates greets the eye, impressing thu
aight-Bcer with the enormous strength
and solidity of the battleship. Viewed
from a distance the Oregon assumes a
most attractive appearance. Strength
and speed are exemplified in every de
tail of her construction,
"I consider Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy a specific for croup. It is very
plvasant to take, which is one of the
most important requisites where a cough
remedy is intended for use uinong chil
dren. I have known of cases of croup
where I know the life of a little onu was
Mved by the use of Chamberlain's
CeBgh liemedy." J, J. LaGrange, drug
gist, Avoca. Neb. 50 cent bottles for
ale by Ulakeley & Houghton.
Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish.
John Pashek,
76 Court Street,
Next door to Wasco Sun Office.
Ihe Merchant
In tho Circuit Court of the Ht.iti
for the county of Wuh-d.
W. A. Miller.
K. r. itavnnlilx. I
l)rj'.litlailt. J v
To I'.. I'. Itrynolils, the abrt-iinmil i!mltn.
In thu mime ol tho htute in Uroou, Vou rc
hereby rciii!iul toiipln'itr nml hiiumt iIh- roni
plmnt IIUil iiK'illit you In thu iibne eiiMIUil .suit
within ti.-n iJnyh from tho ilntu of tin- nTvin-of
this Mimimmb iirfin you. If ulthm till
county; or if within miy other cntint) of
tills Mute, th'-'ii within twenty iIihh from the
iliitoof thct-erviee of this sutiunoim uimn you,
or if K-rveil iion you by iiiiblluiitbni. then you
nrc required to nppeur mill iinnner tniil Com
plnlllt on tho (list ilay of the next term of mill
court, lifter nix weeks' publication of thin Hum
mon, tiMvlt: on Moiiiiny, thu
I .'Itli day Niivoiiilim , 1KIKI,
In thu Circuit Court of tint Statu of trt-Kon for
tlie county 01 iin'o.
A. 1) Ilolton, )
vn. 1). (illle-iplu,
Uhoilii (iillMjile. W.
i:. Hunt mill W. II.
Ilutler, DefuiiilautM.
Ti Frank 1). GlUnpte ttml'JVuxla ;Mu)le,oJ the
uwie-niimiii (lejcniinnu:
iu the mime n( the itntu of mwn. you 11111
ouch of you tiru hereby reiiulri'il to nppeur nml
uiiinuur tlie I'liuipliilut II Ki I iiKulunt )oii In tin
; nbow elitltltil milton or hofnu' tho Hint day ol
the rt-Kiilitr term of the Circuit Court of the htnti
1 of (m-ttou for Wn'o C'ounty. next followlnn tin
ihtle hereof, to-wlt, on or oeioru me
l.'ltii liny of November, 1H1KI,
1 nml If vou full m to iiimwer. for Wimt
1 threof t'lie iilnlutill' will iipply to thu Court
for the relief iitini il for in bit i-oinnbi lit. to-wlt
I fur iiilcereeof loreelomii- of thiit eertnlli mort
I ..(.. .1... .1 .iu,L. i-i...ili.! t.v i-.ili I., tin.
On-Boii. 1 1) )Vt. lmllK., plHlntlll'oil tlieiitli ilny of Novem
ber. lew), uon the northwest iiuiirter of cetlou
II In towiiHlilp - toiitli rruiK II wmt, W. JI., iu
Wux'o county, Oreu'.ni, unit Unit v.ilil pri'inl-eN
l" olil ii'. Her mien loreeio.iuru ueereu 111 1111
iniinner nrovlikil bv luw iiml n'(' rillni: to tin
iiruetiee of :i 1 1 1 Court, that from the nnx-ccilx of
UMieli mil- tlie pimniiu niive nun reeeive tne miiiii
01 live u nnreii ll a'ii noiiiiri nun iiueriiiou
mill Mini since Noveinbur Otli, Ih'.O, nt the rate of
In per rent. x;r iiniiuui. nlmi 11 further Mini of
sixty Hill) ilollnrniiH 11 reanouubli) nttotnev'M feo
lor inntiiiiiiui; huh miii hi iore"ioe nuu mon-
L'.nre nml en eot t iu nolo lliereliy i-eenrei 11111
herein mkiI upon, together with pbilullirh eoitu
anil iliburemeiit.s inailo Hinl exK'inK'il in IIiIh
Milt, ineluilliiK iieerulUK cohpi nml ex.-inenf
n.ili.'i nml that platutlll buvu 11 JiiilKiiieut uiialiiHt
you, inu wiin rriuiK i. uiiienpie, inr nny uen
eleney iu the proceeilH of hiiIu to wttlufy fully nil
i-.ilil miiiih; that Ummi hiii.-Ii foreeloiurit miIu nil of
me riKlil, title, inieren nun maim 01 Jim mill
otir co-iieftnilautH, each unil nil of you nml
them, nml nil other jieniouu cIiiIiuIiik or to
iiiem, or
Ha Jmt received thu lnteit stylei In
Suitings for Gentlemen,
mill biH it Jrj,'o ubkortmcnt of Tort Inn anil Amer
ican Cloths, which ho can lluinh To Onler for
thuMi that favor him.
Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty.
. nml If von full to wi answer, the 11I11I11IIII' will
1 iiimlv to the eourt for tbo relief iinivt-il fur 1 1 . (-In I ui bv. tbrollL'll or lllliler you or
1 mill complaint, to-wlt: for the foreel'iMire of the either, In "nil tomlil uinrlK"Kiil preiultes anil
mortKiiKuilei-eillKil In al(l comiilalut, nml for 1 overy pari tnereoi no loremouii nun loruver
tlm mli- of the tiremiMf.s therein ileerlU-il. in. barred from t 10 eulllty of reilemntloii. That the
nit- tbo toulli half of thu touthwe-nt ouarter, I'hilutlir Ijo nllowiil to bid utsald forecloiuru
1 the northeuiit quarter of thu nouthweit quarter, f"10 "'"1 purcliuno isnld iiinrtKiiKed premUef., at
ami thu hi 11 to neat quarter of thu loulbeiiit hlsoptlim, nml Unit upon thu niloof aalil mort
I qmirter, of Hecllon Towimlilp onu .North, ' WKi'l pruuilen tho ptircbaser lie let into thu
AaiiKU thirteen Kant, Wlibimetto .Merlillan, eon ! l'eiilon thereof, nml every part Ihereof, tin
I talnliiK one hundred and Klxly 11 e res, anil lln mediately, ami for Mich other ami further relief
ateii 111 watcocoiiiiiy, wrvKOii. Aim, tlie north n lo 1110 i.ouri may n-um equuamu mm jun,
Lumbago, 8olattoy
Kiony Complaints,
Lame Back. Jlo.
Will cum without uedieUa all WmImm multuiff from
orer-Uutloti of bnin ntnre forCMi or Imiit-
crttloa, m u?rrau dbUUr. lf pluwim, Uniruur,
rliruiiuitlMU, klducr, Htm- ana .buubltr oompUino,
Ume uncle, lumbago, lalinri, II fttual conplalnta
Ktucnl (II LmIUi, etc. fhk ftoctrto fitit cunulm
tmitrtC lammali OTtr all oliitr. Cwnnt Ii
liuuiiilyftliVy werr or wa forfeit, ami
will caro allot U10 aU illwawi or (10 iwr. tliou.
i-ndj have Lern curtxl br thl Bwrrclotu nircntloii
Iter lloUMirrriini.llciiflld,jMi we irlve biuulluU
of MxuinoiiUu in lbl iul vry otbr tlale.
Our Vffitl larit KUHTHKi HVIUfMIUtM. tlx)
(rrnUe Imuu vr offrml wrak mm, IHKK Itaall
Bflli. UmIMi aaa I Imhi Hlrtta OlIalUXTSkU In U la
WiiUrs (k'udforllluk'ai'aiBpiilst.iiiallnl.miluldrco
Vo. 11i.'ir4l.llreut, t'OUThAfili OliX.
half of thu northeaiit quarter, the uortheimt
I quarter of thu 110rthwe.1t qunrler, mid thutouth
eait quarter of the northenxt qlinrler of Heetlott
r-i. TowiiHhli 0110 North, italiKo thirteen,
Wllhunettu ilerlillan, containing onu hninlreil
and Bixty acren, and ultunted In Wiueo county,
I Orc-Kon , aceordliiK to law anil the practice ol
this court, and that thu iirocwil of mill! nileUi
I npplliil iu payment of the nmoiiiit ki-ciiiuI by
I mid rnortKuKe, and ntlll uiiuili, to-wil- the Mini
of I2-.M.IO, and interent thereon nt thu rate of
I eiKiu er cent r annum irom heiteniber -Vi,
Ix'J.-j, and thu further mini nf :',I0o.mj, mul Inter
est thereon nt thu ruto of elulit tier cent ik.t an
num (iiic-ti Jlareli -JO. ws, mid lor an attomoyn'
fee of joo.un, and for thu coatx anil inliure
menu madu and exiended lii.-reln. Ami that
the philntlir will apply to thu court foraJiiilK
lueiit UKnlrmt you for any dellcleney there tuny
bu lemnliilni! after the iipplk-allou of thu pro
t'Wdn of mi Id talu an aforonald. y
n will further take notice that thu Kmn
inoim In IIMm milt in nerved upon you by publi
cation, by otiler of tlio llouorahlu W U llrad
haw, JuiIku of hjiIiI Court, mid order bell im
itated Heptemljer 27lh, 1 'VS.
",7w Attornu) for I'laiiitlll,
Taken Up.
ThU niiiiiiniiiiM Ik nerved Ukiii you, tbo mild
i ranK 11. ui unn un 111 11 ixia 1 cnii . Ijv iiiili-
llc.illon In The nulle Ciiiionk;i.i;, 11 ni:wuiM.T
pnhllHhui weekly at DiiIIuh City, Wnwo county,
Ori-KMi, for lx coiidi-cutlvu weekx, hy onler of
lion. W. I., ilradihmv, JuiIku of naltl Court,
which order wan duly iiindu tuid filtered nt
ciiaiiioerti 011 inu.'iiiii nay 01 nvpiemnur, iw.i.
1VV)H i: MK.WKK,
AttoiuevH for i'laiiitlll'.
Executors' Notice.
Notice Ih hereby ulven. that thu iiiiiliTnlirnnl
Imvo U-eii duly hiiimiIiiUiI, by the llouorahlu thu
County Court of ttWo county, OruKou, exccii-
ioroi inoeMiuiuoi joiiii naxier, ueceahcii; all
iiernoiu ImviiiK cIbIiiih uKHlimt mild t-ntatu are
hereby required to prenent thu tame, duly verl
lleil anil with proper voucher, to uh or either,
t Autoloiie, WiMC-n county, OrcKon, within nix
inontliH from thedaloof thU notice,
Thu Dulleii, Or,, Auk, ,'J, b'j;l.
Kxecuinrii of tho eNtato of John Ihixtur.iK-c'ii,
Assignee's Notice to Creditors.
One orrel gelding alwut twelve yearn old, mid
branded tliun on left shoulder. The owner
can have the animal by paying for t Ida notice
Au,tW,wtf .J.WO.KIt.
W. K. (iurruUou. of Tho DuIIi-h. Or.-imn i,n...
Iiiif uawlKiiwl IiU iroerty for thu Ixiiielltof nil
1 Uert-dlUirH, ll ierioiu iiuvini; cIuIiiih iiKainut
I1I111 lire lioreliv nnlUled to liiumint them to ,nu
under oath, lit Tlie Dulles, Oreifou, witblu thuo
unjoin irwjji imie.
A. It. TIIOJtPnOM. AkMlriir-i.
AUKUHt 0, 18'J3,-H)t "
0-1 2
Tlio IDetllos.
T 5 I A 1 iS
THE CHKOiNK'MS was ostablishod for tho ex-
proas pur)oso of liiiUtfully roprcsenting The Dalles
and tho surrounding country, and thu satisfying
ollbct of its mission is everywhere apparent. It
now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher-1
man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and?
Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re
gions north of Tho .Dalles, hence it is the besl
medium for advertisers in tho Jnland Empire.
The Dailv Oiikoniclic it published every eve
ning in tho week Sunday- excepted at $0.00 fit
annum. The Wkkki.v Ciikoxiclk on lridav
each week at SI. 50 per annum,
For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., atlA5
Tb.o IDctllOHi, Oreion.
Lute Special Agent (knerulJ,nnd Office,
Familiar Faces in a New Place.
J. IS. JJ-i'-
Jl?e leal Estate, Ipap, Irapee
to Rlt'
Vui-fiitu Ii,...,',... t....w.i.. 1.1 i U..11 rl...l.. llnilHDH
ui.iiiij a.wjiujr iiiojr winii iiu onu ui xiiuiti, II nn U!-
Almtmct ot 'I it Id furniHlmil. will find it to fchnir udviintuU' i
, riyitlfilfl
Wn Hhull miikd u Hpeoiiilfcy of tho nroaocution of OlftimH u
iMitora tun Unitup htutoH Lund Ullicu.
85 Washington St. THE DALLES, OB.
The California Wincboasc
Is now onon. and its proprietor will soil his ljon?"
producod Wine at prices in the reaoh oi overyuuujj j
Also, best Poanuts to bo found. Goods guarantor (
to bo Pure and First-Class m every respeoi.
Thompson's Addition.