I . : : 1 The Dalles My Chronicle. OrKIClAl. I'Al'ER OK IWM.E5 CITY. ASH VAKO COUNTY. SUBSCRIPTION HATES. BY KAIL, rOSTAGE rtlKPAID, IS ADVASCK. Weekly, 1 year MM EXPENSIVE WOKK. GROWTH FINGER NAILS C months S " Dully, 1 year " 6 months " per " Address all communication to ' tCLE," The Dalles, Oregon. 0 7f 0 50 6 00 R 00 0 ftO THE CHUOX- rt-OHIce. ofhce mocrs General Delivery Window ? u. ta. to T j. m. Money Order : a, m. to -1 p. nv. Sanduy U It " y n. n. to 10 a. m. CJ.OSISG OF MAILS trains polng East . .6 p. m. and 11:45 a. m. " " West . . . 3 p. tii. und 5:30 p. m. 8Ugc for Goldendalo T:S0a. m. " ' 1'rinevtllo. ... . 5:30 a.m. " "Duf ur and arm Sprlnps . .5:S0 a. m. " Leavliig.ir Lykt lIartlnud..5:S0a. m. " " " JAntelope 5:S0a. m. Except Sunday. tTrl-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday. I " Monday Wednesday and Friday. Tho Financial Havoo Croatod by Oupld'a Little Dart. KnoruintiK Sums Spent on MarrlnKC ami Honeymoons In the United Kingdom During One Short Ycnr. MONDAY, - OCT. 1G, 1S93 Correspondent : Will you please en lighten a reader who has been in the Mountains for two months what con gress has done in that time? Certainly. 0. Deaf mutes are never seasick. We have this on the authority of Mr. Herbert Nichols, who describes in a graphic and most interesting way for McClure's Magazine, for October, the work done a the Harvard Psychological Laboratory. Who says nobody reads the advertise ments? A Pennsylvania man who cer tified that a patent medicine "com pletely cured" him has been stricken trom the pension rolls. The patent i duke to the medicine company should make his loss good out of the profit of the advertisement. We are promised a thirty days' dis traction in the senate over the question of whether or not Dubois can be made to vote on a simple proposition. It is nnfortunate that a tidal wave or some thing else dreadful don't swallow up Washington, senators and all, and per haps the recent storm is a threat that something of the kind may be expected. Last year there were, according to the returns of the registrar penoral. 220,ft:2 marriages in Etipland and Wales, says London TitMUts. The re turns from Scotland and Ireland bv'mp; it up to a total of more than 273.000 for tho United Kingdom. Just con sider the amount of money that must be spent in connection with 273,000 marriages, and the conclusions that follow have suggested a new train of thought to a contributor. It means, in the first place, as many courtships. What is the usual length of a court ship'.' That depends like many other things. But. seeking a happy medium, we may fairly take eighteen months as an average. Say one-half of our sweet hearting couples are so situated that letter writing becomes a necessity. Sny they correspond with each other only once a fortnight, a calculation which must be far below the mark; put them on the moderate allowance of no more than two sheets of note paper, and we shall sec the dainty col lection of sweet nothings amounting in the mass to a postal revenue of S293.000. and a yearly stationer's bill of 5100,000. Hut these are very small items to think about. The jeweler will come in for a heavier share of the profits. There will be 275,000 wedding rings at a guinea apiece, and engage ment ring which we shall be well within the line in assessing at the same price. Then there are the pres ents which the lover will naturally be stow upon the lady of his choice, rang ing from the 53,000 bracelet of the shilling brooch of the coster. If we put them down with the rings at a guinea in each case, and credit them to the jeweler again, we shall have an account of nearly 55, 000,000. Then come the railroad companies. They must surely reap a golden harvest out of courting. With the inevitable trips and the traveling of separated sweethearts to see one another, we may safely strike an average of 513 for each courtship, which will give us a round sum of 5730,000. Hut all these are only preliminaries. The rrreatest ! expenditures will come with the wed ding dar. 1 here is the ' Result of Some Cnrlotia Olnervntlona Mmlo hy a 1'romlneiit Mnnlctire. A prominent manicure who has de voted many years to the study of the subject states ns the result of his ob servations that the finger nails of the human species grow more rapidly in children than in adults, and that the growth is slowest with the aged. lli. observations, however, do tint stop nt this, for he finds that both in childhood and ngc they grow faster in summer than in winter. In one in stance a nail that required one hun dred and thirty-two days to renew in winter renewed in summer in exactly ' one hundred and sixteen days. During both seasons the patient upon whom this experiment was made enjoyed normal health. , The method of testing the growth was in each instance the same. The nail was pared close and slightly notched at the quick. ltoth the right and the left hand were studied, ith the result that he affirms that the ! growth of finger nails is more rapid cm I the right hand than on the left. As ' the person was right-handed it is pre- sumed that the contrary Is true of left handed individuals. One peculiarity of the growth of fin , ger nails in addition to those stated is that the period of renewal differs pro portionately with the length of the ' fingers. Thus it is more rapid in the middle fingers than any others. In the i fingers on cither side the middle finger , the period of renewal is about equal and slower. It is even more slow in the little finger, and slowest of all in the thumb. Comparing the same fingers of the different hands, the person who dis covered these curious phases of growth states that on an average the nails on the left fingers of a right-handed per son require eighty-two days longer to renew than those of the left hand. In one particular the growth of the nails and hair and beard are governed by the same law, that of growing more rapidly in summer than in winter. Captain Sweeney, U. S. .A., San Diego, Gal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any pood." Price 50 cts. Sold by Snipes it Kinersly. SUNSHINE comes, no ninftcr how dark th clouds are, wlion tho woman who is home down hy woman's troubles turns to Doctor Pierce's Favorite Proscription. If her life is mado gloomy by tho chronic weak nesses, delicate de rangements, and painful disorders tlmt. afflict. her 1 sex, thev arc com pletely cured. If she's overworked, nervous, or " run down," sho has , new life and strength. " Favorite Prescription " is a powerful, invigorating tonic and a soothing and strengthening nervine, purely vegetable, perfectly harmless. It regulates and promotes all tho proper functions of womanhood, improves digestion, enriches tho blood, dispels aches and pains, 1 brings refreshing Bleep, and restores health and vigor. For every "fe male complaint" and disturbance, it is the only remedy so sure and un failing that it can bo guaranteed. , If it doesn't benefit or cure, you have your money back. u There is a tide in the affairs oj men which, taken at itn leads 07i to forlitne." Tho poot unquestionably had roforotico to th I ii-Oni Sale ni i Can be counted on to euro Catarrh Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy. It's nothing new. For 25 years it has been doing that very thing. It gives prompt and complete relief. The proprietors offer 1500 for an incurable case of Catarrh. For rubber & litnton. weather nturT go to .Malrr Senator Dubois, of Idaho, has made j himself conspicuous in the L. s. senate "by his stubbornness in refusing to vote when his name, was called. The refusal suggests a wanton disregard of the design ciay. I here is the trousseau (more or less costly according lo cir cumstances) for the bride, and at least a new suit for the bridegroom. It can be done cheaply enough, goodness knows, when bridal dresses are to be bought second-hand and top hats are Hut ' to of his constituents, whom he is supposed obtainable on the hire system. ,DOOf ; t, .;i ;! most folks like to "do"' a weddin f , . . . . the best of their abihtv, and in thi up- Senatorilas suggested that he might and middle c,BhSeg; nl am. rat.. tJJtf be expelled which, although severe, is I tailor's share of the profit Is u large no more than he deserves. If he cannot j one. Taking only the moderat j sum be actuated by manly principles he j of S25 in each case will give u a total should be relegated to the sagebrush or nearly So.ouu.uuu. Tncn t:erc are plains of his state for reflection and i redding- cakes and marriage break stud v of the habits of the lizard and I fasts Reckon these expenses 9fMeil An ncreeablc Laxative und NERVi; TUNIC Sold 07 Druggittn or sent by mail. 25c. 60c . and 51.09 per package. Samples free BTt Th Favorite TWTS PCTSB Wi.J Q. W for the Teeth and Breath. 2Sc, l-'nr -Ale. by Hnlji & KlnrrMy. horned toad. entertainment at only S10 a head, and ' we get another half a million; 275.000 i wedding fees, licenses and clergyman's Indiana day at the world's fair eclipsed j charges will amount to above .r3.i:i.i)00, and a;:- many half crowns to p. vv own ers will tot up to 5150,000 ir.orv. ni.i'e the livery Liable man's bill, allowing only one carriage to every wadding, will make 300,000 more. Finishing up the honeymoon we shall find an.th' r tolerable sum to be added to the cis'. of matrimony. Here there will sure ly be diversity enough; every stage be tween the favorites of fortune who may flit luxuriantly through Europe for a year and the daily laborer whose idea of blisr, ii, limited to a day oil. If we accept SC3 as a reasonable average of so many honeymoons we have a final sum of a million and a quarter to carry on our account. Thus, xvithout speaking of furnishing and other prep arations for married life and confining our calculations only to the expenses of courtship and the honeymoon, we shall be within the mark in saying that the annual marriage census of the United Kingdom represents a total ex penditure ol 5"5,000,000, a consideration which would certainly indicate that marriage is by no means a bad thing for trade. all competitors in a display of its best products the human mind and the soul. The other states have sent governors and orators to speak for them, but Indiana, with a profuseness of display, sends Governor Matthews, ex-President Harri son, ex-Secretary of the Navy Thompson, who still is "the old man eloquent," Senator Turpie, Gen. Lew Wallace, a citizen who has won renown as a general, as an ambassador and as an author, and James Whiteomb Riley a poet whose melodies are "wood notes wild," and sweet as wild. No state has come to the exposition under the lead of such a band of notables. COMMENTS OF NEIGHBORS. It's too cold to chew gum out doors. Klamath Star. The mayor and one-third in number of the councilmen of The Dalles are phy sicians and under their regime the city lias become so alarmingly healthy that pill-pedling is likely to become one of the lost arts. Goldendale Sentinel. The lesson taught this season by the bountiful rains should be heeded by our farmers; and that ie that grain should be properly stacked after being cut. By this means wheat would be protected from the inclemencv of the weather. Condon Globe. The flight of geese to the south has been going steadily on for two weeks now, and their early cackle on south ward wings is the herald of an early and very long winter. No Indian with whom we have epoken on the subject, and we have spoken to several, can re member a time when the early goose cackle floating southward failed to be the precursor of a long and stormy win ten Klamath Star. Guaranteed Cure. We authorize our advertised druggist to sell Dr. King's Nnw Discovery far vouBuinpuon, iougns ana Uolue, upon this condition. If vou are afflicted with a Cough, Cold or any Lung, Throat or vnesi iron Die, ana will use this remedy as directed; giving it a fair trial, and ex perience no benefit, you may return the bottle and have yonr money refunded. We could not make this offer did we not kaov that Dr. Kiatr'a New Discovery coald be relied on. Itvevar disappoints. Trial bottle free at Baipei ifc XiBersly's. Metloe to Delinquent Taxpayer. All delinquent taxpayers that don't waat their names advertised had better eenc forward, u the roll will be pub lished on the 21st of this month. VIGOR of MEN Cssllj, Quickly, Permanently Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, onJ all l)ipt-a.-, r !!, troincurl err n. r li.ti r eiCftKf. tliii reL!tt cr (nurworte, Hi-lcui worrv.ifi- Fullktrecpili, development tad ti-Lf Riven to e cry organ aui jnrtlnii of tin- b-wl;-. Klniplc. aa.unilr.ietl.iMi. Imiiiurtlati'lnMiniYcniPiit nei'n. Fiillure liniioi-i.ilp. li.un ri'ftrcatiii. lu.u, tsi.lamitli.ii nn(i pr.j,:a mailed (Bcalcilj :rcc. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, N. Y. This Is the Season Of the Year Ulhen Judicious Advertising Pays. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of th (State of Orecoti for the County (if Wiikco. A. 1) Uoltcm, 1 riulntl!!', i Vh. I Frank I). Gllleile ! ltbOllu (illlCMlil!. W. K. Hunt and W. 11. llutler, Defuiirtnnti1. . 7b IVank J). (;Ulttiieumll:hMa mitirjlc,of the 1 abuvc-namcil ilefcmtanU: In tht! name of the tatc of Oreiron. vou mid ! enoli of you are hereby reunlrtrt to apiM-nr ami uiinvtcr the complaint Hied ncaltiKt you in the above entitled nult on or hefoie the flrBt day of the regular term of the Circuit Court ofilie ntate SUMMONS. of orrgou, Ask your dealer Stove folieh. for Mexican Silver Notice! , In the Circuit Court of the Stat , for tiie county of Whc ! W. A. ill Her, 1 i J'laintlf, , I Tfc f Defendant. J ' 70 ;'. J', llrjinohli, the ahiivc-numiil ri'eitdaiit. In the jmmu of the Mute of rjrexnn, Vou re hereby retiirl to flpjeiir and iiiiumt the i.uiii plaint filed attaint you in the abote cntitltd mi it within ten Uhj h from the date of tin. wrxieeof thin huniinoiiH uhiii you, If mtvix! within tin county; or If herved within any other ciuuty of tills Mate, then within twenty Ubih from the date of the service of thin Kummoiin unon vou: or if titrved ujrfiu you by publication, then' vou ' are required to appear and uimucr ald Com plaint on the hrct any of the next t-rm of said court, after alx weeks' publication of thin Mini mom, to-wit: on Monday, the 1 Jt Ii iluy November, IKiia, T. A. Wabd, Sheriff. Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no of tho nremlhen therein described, to. the bouth half of the Miuthucxt quarter. All notes due and becoming due and all accounts owing ub must be tottled on or before November let, 1S03, either in wheat, oats, barley or cash. Accounts and notea remaining unpaid after that , SJl&'HbettM date Will have to undergo COhtS of col- I '"id com plaint, to-wit. for the foreel ure of tlit: IfPtinri Wft mt.,,,, l.l.w.0 ' mortice described In oald complaint, and for poeitively have money. iCesDuctfullv. fluvlm Tut niiim v.,, r 'lUartcr, 01 Becuon lowntiinti oik; .North, 1 daw lm 1 J1K JJALLKH MEnCANmu Co. , nuniiu thlrtecu Kant, Willamette Meridian, con j t'uninir one nunareu una itixiy acred, una Mlu I iitefl in Wasco county, OreK'Ui. aImi, tliu norlhi half of the northeast quarter, the northeast quarter of tho northwest quarter, and the south , eiiBt quarter of the northeast quarter of Hectlon ! :a, TowiiHlilp one North, Kamte thirteen Kant, '. Willamette Meridian, containing one hundred ' j and sixty acres, and situated In Wasco cnuutv, ' Oregon; according to law and the practice o( , mis court, una turn inu liroeceus oi sulci sale be applied in lmymeut of the amount secured by. . ............. a... .4 ...Ml ..I.I ... ...I.. .. . I lIlliriKKieU. UIIU Bllll U11IH11U. LU'WIL LllllHIlln the sale Hit the no-tbeast quarter of the southucat qiuuter, and the sou taw cut quarter of the southeast Fur Itont. Rooms to rent at Kev. A. ilorn'B reni- C23dcw. dence on Ninth atreet. Ub Mexican Silver Stove Polish T ABIES who will do wrltlnBformeatthclr " V,. stlf.addreScd rWSiS i'R mil! 1 of t?Tnd Intent thereo!, i ! the'VaW I uvii7irUi...'!.,".:"r-' H1?.". .MJL- elirbt ner (cut tmr annum from Kei.lemla.p -n. "Wiltw 'iBy:, ,,i,d tho further iiiim of n'.lfw.OO, and Inter I ,.u 1.,.... el. a ...ei i.l. 1. 1 ..... . .. t I cwi iuuicuu iv luv tnw ui vikiii Will JH.T Ul nuin hUivis MarcJi ;M. 18U3. it I id fur uu attorneyh' UUKli MiLLKUtHoutbJkMiU, Jia. John Pashek, Tie Merchant Tailor, 79 Cetut aet, Vext deer ta file las Ofioe. nuin ntiiuu .iiniuji iu, ihju, mm mi mi itiiorneyh ' fee of I3UU.0U, and for the costs mid disburse incuts made und exieuuol herein. And that the plaintiff will apply to the court foralndir. incut against you for any dellcleney there may bo leuiHliilnB after the application of tiie pro' cecds of said (ale it alorusald, .. vi Vou will further Uitc notice that tho Hum. mons In tills suit In served Uon you by publi cation, by Older of the Jlouorablu YV, L llrad sbaw, Judge of said Court, s id order being uu lvu ovyv -iiimrr iiii, i-y.i. MA fVUx jut received the Intent styles in Suitings for Gentlemen, und a largo wisortmcut of Yon Ikii und Aiuer icun flpths. which bo cmi finish To Older for those (but fuvor him. Cleaoing and Repairing a Specialty iCM,7w AYB, miNTIMi'iO.S' A WIIJiON, Aitornejs lor J'luiiiiin, Taken Up. One norrol gelding ubout tuelro ;ctrs old, und branded thus JJ on left bhouldtr. Thu owner cjii have thelnlmul by paying for thl notice August 18(1m-wtf f.CO0FI!. of Oregon for Wasco County, next folloiug the dale hereol, to-wlt, on or lieiore trie i:lli day of Novembi r, IKll.'l, and if you fall so to answer, for want thereof the plnluttu" will apply to the Court for the relief prajed forin his complaint, to-wlt f'ir a decn-i of loreclonirc of tlint certain mort gage deed made and executed by oii to the atuve named plalntlirou the cth day of .Novcui lier, Wft, iiiifin the nortliucst quarter of urtiou II in townslilp . Kiuth range 1 1 east, V. M., In Wasc'i county, Oregon, and that said premises be sold under sticli foreclosure decree in thu manner providiil by law anil ar nilng to thu practice of said Court: that from the proceeds of Midi sale the pliilntiil' have and receive the sum of live bundled VM dollars and Interest on said sum since November Mb, WM, at the rate of 1(i per Ivnt. iT nnnum. also a further sum of sixty i?G0) dollars uh a reaHouab'.ij attorney's foj for instituting tills suit to forcdase suld mort gage and collect the note thereby secure) and herein sued uixmi, together with plalutlU's costs and disbursements made slid exjiended in tills suit, including 'accruing costs and exeuseof sale, and tlmt plaiutltt have a judgment against vou. tho said Prank 1). (tlllesnle. for any defl- clency in the prwcedi of sale to satisfy fully all said sums, that upon such foreclosure sale all of the right, title, Interest and claim of you and Miur co-deftndauts, each and all of you and them, und all other persons claiming or to claim by, through or under yon or them, or either, In and to raid mortgage premlcs and every part theruof be loroeloscd and forever burred fiom thu equity of redemption. That thu plalntlll' be allowed ta bid at said foreclosure sale und -)urcuasu said mortgaged premises, at hlsoptlun, and tlmt upon the sale of said mort gaged premises the purchaser be let Into the possession thereof, und every part thereof, Im mediately, und for such other and further relief as to the Court may teem equitable and Just. TliU summons Is served ujm you, tho said Frank I), (illlesple and Ithodu fillies pie, by pub lication In The Dulles Chkokici-k, a newspaper puhllshe i weekly ut Jlalles City, Wasco eouiity, Oregon, for six coiisecittlve weeks, by order of lion, W. I.. JiradsliHW, Judge of said Court, which order was duly made mid entered at cluiinberi on the -'0th day of Hoptciiiber, lh'jy, UUYUll k MKNUKKK, Attorneys for 1'lain till'. Executors' Notice. Notice Is hereby given, that the undersigned have been duly appointed, by tho Honorable tho County Court of Wasco county, Oregon, execu tors of the estate of John iiuxlcr, deceased; all iiersotm having claims against said estate uro hereby required to present the name, duly verl lied and wltb proper vouchers, to us or either, t Antelope, Wasco county, Oregon, within six months from the dute of this notice, The Dalles, Or., Aug. a, MUX JAMKB UAX'i'KK ami JAMKB WIIITTKN. Kxecitiors of the estate of John Uuxter.deo'd. b-l,w6t AsslgoM'f Hotiee to Creditors. W. K. Ourrction, of The Uulles, Oregon, Jiuv. Ing Msslgned hU vrojierty for the bench t of all hU creditor, nil perilous having claims against til in urf hereby notified to present them tome under oath, at The Dalle, 6regou, within three mouths from date, . , A'J THOMI'riOX, Ai-nev. Auifustc, lSa.-vCt at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who aro soiling thoso goods out at groatly-reducod M10HELBACH BRICK, - UNION ST. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Wort, Tiq Repairs m m MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young 4 W DiucKBiuun onop. SHOE FACTORY For Sale at a Bargain. The undersigned, hnviiig secured the machinery fixtures of what was intended for a first-class shoe fact will sell the same at a' bargain. Hero is an engine boiler of -10-odd horse power, and a large amount oi machinery, lasts, line shafting, pulleys, belting and fir! ings almost a complete shoe factory. Here is also one of the bestjsites for successfully oj atniga factory ot this kind to be found in this cour Write for particulars at once, to 'j-r. Ttio Dallos, OtM T 1 . A. j. j. jS RI THE CHKONK'LE was established for the exl press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles' and the surrounding country, and the satisfying efl'ect of its mission is everywhere apparent. II now leads all other publications in Wasco, Shw-:J man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow anil Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other iM gions north of The Dalles, hence it is tho medium tor advertisers m tho inland Jiimmrc. i The Daily CimoNicLis is published every eif ning in the week Sundays excepted at $G.O0W annum. The Wkkki.v (Jhhoniclk on Frkhp each week at $1.50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., a I THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHII Tlao Dallos, Orofon CO . Familiar Faces in a New PlaceL ett. O. Ei. BAYARD, Late Hptciul Agent General Land OJJice. Jl?e Ieal Estate, lvoai7,Ir?5ural'( NOTAXIY xtj3Xj Bent Purtieg having Property they wish to Hell or ItmIo, Houses to Attract of Titlo furnishetl. will find it to thoiyadvuntugo to ca" Wo ahull mitko a apecialty of tho prawcutfoi of Claims and bofore the Unitep BUtea Uid Oillco. 86 Whinton St. THp DALLES, OB- The California mnehoUi L r Is now open, and its proprietor will soli his ho produced Wino at prices inie roach of ovoryiw Also, best Peanuts to bo foiod. Goods guaranw to bo Pure and First-Class Ja every rospocv. Thompson's Addition, at BECH