MIL. l. Z)c Dalles EH( ftivuvBMHH rSBk IBHMIbbMbV OKVr Chronicle THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER Itf, 1893. NO. 101. DaUes Daily Chronicle. r-.bll-lu-t IMlly, Hiuulny Kxrcptvd. II v CHKONICLIC PUBLISHING CO. Miniul il N aslitnRton tHrcctt. Tho pallet., OroKOU. V,.riii t Stiliorlilln ....6 00 .... SO .... 6 TUIU TAISI.KN. Uullriuut.. Ill CflcCt AllRtlst C, l&'J.l. K.UT 1I0UMI. A.tivn. 10 .M r m Depart u;w r. m. imst uoUNii. ff'.i I'cimiui :- a. . ..... irjii-iit.. Mint fiirrv imtwcilEerti leave u ...v.-.- - , . ..... .... ...... .11 S Ml A M.. Itllll llllt. Ilir LI1L' -tacks. resell"-'. "Ih Hiiku Oven, leave dally n ... ijaiJiv, Mlteiiuu, oauyon uii), icavu hi. ... -...... l-i.ii...- II.VII fiuiiv. iivf'.itir lau ij" . mi;ji uh,m - :j. i..i.. vi-..u, nviirv nur in nil. lyr an linen n. m v. ... KltOKEHfllONAl.. H, "i jrM. -a ror.NKY-A'f-I.AW Ofllco a. -t tiic l)., u.i'o.i. i MK.VEFKE ATTOUNBYb T- UH- ,wj 4i pa , ovur r. L. Uayh1ni.lriii tltrwrtt -I, VTTOKN E Y-AT-LAW. Of a.' io k bulldlUK, up lUiri. Tho .U .U1' !.x s , s.nuNTiHurun. ,,iiu. 11 .1 TO'! A WII.30J ATTOB a v- - unit -, Fkui j' b'ocU over N ATTor.:ieY-AT-iaw Boom . ( o.S built bulldlug, Becoad O. ,o.i. EUK!.XAS nioMJtOPXTKIC; PUYHICIAN l ..!. ciiv or country, uiutu u. - - ... DJJ.ia DIMS. " . 0 It JIUANE- PHYMCUN AND BOB- t - w.v. atH H firf frnm t tltt f firilCr. ii.. if r i ipwtut nun civpn inr tiiu i ..i i i t..n.. Uln f VlUIl lUUUli DUUUHU OUIX'V. THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, Oil. PrcHldont Z. F. Moody Vico-PreBiilent, Ciiaki.en Hilton CiiBhiur, M.A.Moody General Banking BurIhcss Transacted. Sight ExchnnguB Sold on NEW YORK. SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections Hindu on fuvoreblu torniB at all uccoesible pointB. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKANHACT A'OKNKKALIIANKINU 11UH1NEHH Lottorp of Credit iBBiiud uvuilnlile in he EaBturii States. Sight Exchange and Tulegruphiu TraiiBforsBoldon Now York.Chiengo, St. Lou'ih, San Franciflco, Portland Oregon, Sonttle Wash., and vurious jiointH in Or egon mid AViiBtiington. Colk'ctioiiH made at all points on fav orable ternin. J. U. BCHlNCt, freildeut. J. ii. I'ATTKHHON, C'MtUur. first National Bank. VHE DALLES. - OREGON A General Banking linmneBB transauted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections mode and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exuhangu sold on New York, San Francisco and Portland. DIRBOTOK8, D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schknck. En. M. Williams, Gko. A. Likhe. H. M. Beall. DYSPEPSIA Is that misery experienced when suddenly mado aware that yon possess a diabolical arrangement called Btomaoh. No two dyspep tics have tho samo predominant symptoms, bat whutever form dyspepsia takes The underlying eatue ia in the LIVMB, and ono thing is certain no ono will remain a dyspeptic who will It trill corroot Acidity of tlin Stomach, Eipnl foul koiirii, Allny Irritation, Aulat Dlgeatlon fana at tho sama tllUQ Start the Liver working and all bodily ailments will disappear, "For more thn three yean I aufierfil with Dyipepsla In Its wont form. I tried .enrol docton, but they uiTunkU no relief. At last 1 tried Simmon. Uver Kegulator, which cured me In u hort time. It ii a good medicine, I would not be without It." Jauus A. Kuaiiu, 3'hiUJ'a, Vi. nrEVKRY PACKAGED Ha our 7. Ktarap in ml on wrapper. J. II. ZEIL.IN 4 CO., PlilUulultliUi.I'it. ' Dully Cvunliif; Clironliilt' 1h U'ciikhIiiI , im vHM'iitlnlly tliu Iifimo liiiiiur Jor the IltylolkH' UAUr Thl Ik not u bad riMiiHiiumi, homol 1 JIVI r 'J.IHD or our best oitiziMiK wiiich tin! foiuimiHoi thin nnncD dully for tho Kplcli-st locul iu-wk. It fM I UlA Kiicmilti In clt'iilllllt; the lluld, mill licnpo croWK In populiirlty mid liiiportiiiici-, 'I'nko It iiuhllu, you who don't; tryMimu of Its pri'iutum oIIctk. "The Regulator Line" i I Mlir.P. Nf lfi. A. K. .t A. 31. MiMlH hrr una thlnt MonUivy of eaoli month ut 1 V . Iri IT .1 Mil A 111" It NIK Ii M ..I.. If. .11 k.n tn lV.lli.vifuV noniut7 V M. 1 CO I if; hecdmt hikI Court Htrcoth " iJiiii'iirK iirn .iinii . Rujourunis uieuiborH are com may m Vac k 11, of K. antl H. 0. C. 01 1 null tie an-mif! and fourth WeuniiM UMO nil! mMit uverv Frldav aftunimm v'.t MW IfcOUI If, (lUIIit lV tY. mi iuiirif r. t rjn i ri 11 m iKMfiiiur wwxiy nicemigii iridHy ut b r. a' i l I rru a f n tir a a.. nfriitoriHy Hall, over Kellorn. an Scoud . KEH.M1TT POST K'n HO Ii k M Mit. Merv rhIiuhv ut t:vi i u i'n tin, k' if i I'..K,r"Jeet,",vcryHuiiduy ufternoon lit me l Ol r Hall, CaANd VKferic r,M i.v..rv MnnrtHV uenliiB In thje. of 1. Hall. ''J Y' .'."y.'iON, No. 167 Meet In ." . . ...... mil miu iiiiiu iicuiiun 01 MCll IllOlltn. III. Ml p ii T1IK VUKCHKH, ,"lv; lMv f "vary Hiinauy at m. HlKh Mwiii ut lv0 A, , VchK.tii at Flllli I'll Ii Hiitnlf i.r..."! ' ii!.i..r ...... m. "". iinuir. nuiviix. v, " n -yer on rriuny ut .illtVT u a i.'i'tu'it mm iiir. .. . .. L')K, 1'ilSIOr, MfirillllK HKriM i.ui.rv H..I.. M. HUOIJHItl v(a ijiiiiiiiiHiiiiiv inuir in. i .i....u jcr iiKiiiiiiK rriiniy ovoiillil? ii,;itf,r' ni. ....'ii nwiIIKVii lit linilkU Bt l. 'O.NGKKOATIO.NAL aHUK0LtuVi w 0 u .:. :. - ! ' "' 0Y,,v?",viuiidHyat 11 ...i. . ,, n, niiniiny nullum i .. ' miMiiRuiBvuiuimij it. T UliiIm f riv. If K. OHUnOH-Kuv. J. Will-. MMtflP trulr.j.u oir.iiir.ini.luv mr.rtillV .... ifl.innii dl ii uiiiua I . ii. nvartf - Ml in UILU nim ii V LH1LI1 ULUIUir. - JiUUhTlAN OHUKIW-IUV. J. W.KNH 'u..i. . " . -'n ""nvwiiiu ilVA VfllM l it t itiiurimi i . Vfl...L vry ouV. V'W' A W. H. YOUNG, BiacKsmiiti & wagon Slop General IHacksmithing and Work dont- promptly, anu an worn Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing Speciality Third Street, opj, Lictac's ON Stand. - House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in liiH line at reasonable figures. Has the largest house moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box I81,TheDalles J. F. FORD, Evanielist, Of Dvt Moines, Iowa, wrltuH undur data ol Murch 23, 1803: S. Ii, Men. Mko. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Gentlemen : On arrivim; home last week, I found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight una one-nan yeurs oiu, who had wasted awav to 38 pounds, is now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. S. B. Cough Cure has done its work well. Both of tho children like it. Your B. Ii. Cough Cure lias cured and kept away all hoarseness from me, So give it to every one, with greetings for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are "V nr.. 1. .... T V V xuuin, mil, ix miin. it. .r. jruuu. If you wltili to fool frutili and cliourful.and ready for tho Hprliig'H work, oleuiuu your nyotCTn with tho Headuaho and l.lvur Cure, by taking two oi three donc'H cucli wouk. Bold under a poidtlvo Knurauteo, 60 ceiitH per bottle by nil driiKUUtH, C. P. STEPHENS, DBALUR IN DRY GOODS Clqthing KooU. Hlioea, Hat, Kto. Fauci Cood0, ilotion, Ktc, Ktc, Kto. Seoond St., The Dalles. The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. P THROUGH Freignt ana Passenger Line Through daily service (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port laud. Steamer .Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade Ijocks with steamer Dalles C'lv Steamer .Dalles City leaves Porl'and (lamliill Hlreet dock) at 0 a. in. .(') neeting with steamer Regulator for The Dallen. I'AHHKNUKlt KAJ'KH. One way Hound trip... ,.2.00 ,. 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings must bo delivered befoio C p. in. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, Utmeral Agent. B. F. LAUGHLIN, Ooneral Manager. THE DALLES, OREGON T H E ARTIC FACTORY SODA WATEE AND 10E 0EEAM. Candies and Nuts Ht WllolllHtt lllltlltloll. TOIIACJOO, ; I VIUAIIN AMI I I HWJCKT IUIINKH Specialties STORM-SWEPT EAST The Wiml Beyona tuc Memory of tti Oldest Inhalant. EVERYTHING KAZEI) TO THE GROUND Tree Falls en the house of a Farraci nnd Two'of His Children Arc Crushed to Death. Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dnlloa 2 38 i rni on 2d Street J. rULUU At rlKht Hide Mr. Olmrr' ruKtaurtiut. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. 'This old. ltonular and reliable house has been entirely refurnished, and every room has been ro pa pored and repulntoi and newly carpeted throughout. Tho House contains 1711 rooms anu is mippuoo with every modern convenience, Hutoi reasonable. A good restaurant attached to the house, Frer bus to and from all trains, C. W. KNOWI.ES, Prop. Wn.MiMi ioN, N. 0., Oct. M. The old est. inhabitant was forced to admit that the terrific oullmiM of wind and wave that swept through the city yesterday surpassed any storm in his day or gen eraliou. The tide was the highest ever known here. On the river the waves dashed willi tremendous force against tiio warehouses and vessels, the tide quickly covering the lowlands opposite the city and stretching in an unbroken sea across the lice lield" as far as the eve could reach. The doubled stream bore an immense quantity of wreckage. 11 igh water did considerable damage on Water street. All the wharves were under water, and the flood swept through the lower floors of the warehouses. The city wharves were washed up and landed bodily on Water street. The fire wharves were also badly damaged. The flood is deep enough from Chestnut and Mul siri't'ls for a The only loss of life as yet known is reported from Sampson, where a tree fell on the house of a farmer named Lane and crashed two of his children to death. The total loss in this immediate vicinitv will probably reach $150,000. Mlllliin-Diilliir 1,1.1.1. In llnltlitiiir.'. Hai.ti.moiii:, Oct. H. The damage done by last night's storm is greater than has been experienced in many years. Along the water front the tide rote to the level of the wharves, overflowed into the stores and cellars of comniieeion mer chants and places occupied by oyster packers, .and completely destroyed stocks to the amount of almost f 1,000,- 000. Thuovrtcr boats ate badly dam aged j the destruction of property all through the city is large. Him iifct hi Inn mill liciilli. Gi.ouoinow., S. ('., Oct.. M. The dev astation and death wrought by tho hurri cane in and around this city and adja cent sea islands is terrible. The entile waler-fioiit ol Cieoigelown is flooded, and there is much damage toineschau dirosloied in wait-houses. At Magnolia r.eaeh alinoi-t every house was washed away and thirteen white and six colored people diowned. A number escaped a watery giave by taking refuge in the trees. Train Knlihcry FrimtiHt.-iI. On ic ami. Oct. 1-1. An afternoon paper says that the night operator on tho Al'lw.'ukeu & St. Paul road at Oak Glen, eighteen miles out, discovered a gang of men acting suspiciously last night. Jle notified headquarters and a special train was sent out in advance of tho fast mail. Tho robbers with red lanterns had prepared to flag the train a short distance above Oak jOlen, but, discover ing a special with armed oflicers on board, they fled in the darkness and escaped. Tho fast mail would have proved a rich haul for them. (!oiiiiroiuUo to Mli Washington, Oct. 14. Today was pregnant with rumors of compromises and agreements on the silver question, linough is known to lead to tho conclu sion that mutual concessions have been made, and statements of senators justily the hope that before next week has passed there will be u movement toward tho settlement of tho question. Just what the compromise will bo cannot bo said, but that which meets with most favor contemplates about the same pro- isions as Harris' umendment combined with a bond provision. A l.t'tiiler. Since its ilrsl introduction, electric bitters has gained rapidly in popular favor, until now it Is clearly in the lead among pure medicinal tonics and alter atives containing nothing which per mits its uso as a beverage or into..'ant, it is recognized as tho bust and purest niediclno for all ailments of stomach, liver or kidneys. It will euro sick head ache, indigestion, constipation aim drive mulorla from the system. Satisfaction guaranteed with each bottle or the money will bo refunded. Price only 00c. per bottlo. Sold by Snipes fc Jvlnersly. Wan toil. A hidv who understands how to do fine sowing can find employment of Miss Jlelle Mood, upstairs at Tease & Mays. 1-1 .'-..w lloiiim for Hunt. Six-ronm bouse to rent. Centrally located. Apply to ii. ui.t.nn. TIIK KXCMI.SION I. AW. It In A util n 11m I'rlnelpnl Topic of 1)1 L'llKNlon In tlm llnn... Washington, Oct. 14. At no timn during the day were more than 100 members present in the house, and tho discussion on the bill for the suspension for six months of tho provisions of tho Geary Chincso exclusion bill was rather dreary and uninteresting. Mnguiro was the first speaker. In continuation of his speech begun yesterday ho paid that those who understood tho destructive in fluence of the Chinese were in perfect accord with the people of tho Pacific coast. Speakingof tho religious protests lie said that for every pagan which had been converted by missionaries, numer ous children of our own had been won from Christianity by conflict with the Chinoso and dragged down to degrada lion. Outhwaite of Ohio, in his report on the Geary bill, said that unless the Geary act was extended congress must provide $7,000,000 for deporting the Chinese. Dr. Kverett of Massachusetts defended the course of the attorney- general in not enforcing the Geary act. Geary here interrupted to call attention to tho fact that in 1S02 Secretary Blaine dismissed a remonstrance on the ground that the Chinese themselves were res ponsible for it. Hermann of Oregon criticised the administration for not en forcing the Geary law, and Williams of Mississippi supported the Geary amend ment. He said the Chinese had taken over !:;00,000,000 n um this country, and no other stute but California could stand the drain. Without disposing of the bill the house at ft o'clock adjourned. IN THE DAfiOwitY COUNTRY. A Fieht with tin- Amazon, nnd Ruhflt-qucnt SufTVrltiK for Want of Witter. Much has been added to the litera ture of soldiers' sufferings in war by the recent expedition of conquest on the part of the rrencli against Daho mey, an independent und warlike kingdom of western Africa. Gen. Dodds, the l-reneli commander, took the htraightest course with his expedi tion to Aboiney, the capital. He was met by the Dahomevans with a splen did and desperate resistance, in which the famous corps of Amazons, or women soldiers, of the king of Daho- mcv held a prominent part. The. ab- saulting French did not spare these feminine warriors. A letter from thu expedition written to the Parts .Jour nal de-s Delta ts contains this note: "We were in the midst of an expanse of tall jrrass, t-o high that a man on horseback could not be seen in the midst of it. This made us the victims of countless ambushes and surprises. P.ut our Lebel guns made huvoe uniony the Dahomeynns! Many a brave Amu- zon paid'wltii her life the penalty of her warlike ardor. 'At first we were filled with pity when we came upon the bodies of these women warriors slain by our hands. It seemed bhameful to light against women! Jtut they were furious crea tures, and wo knew what fate '..'as m reserve forctib if wo fell into their hands. Tue 's niggle for life' came, to mean more thun considerations of gal lantry." The courageous Aiiiazons left the Frenchmen no rest, harassing them day and night. The early engagements of the campaign thinned the ranks of tho famous corps terribly, but they fought on with increasing desperation. "We had routed the Dahomeyans," the same writer records, "and expe6t- ed no further serious resistance; but it was at Koto, where we encountered the remnant of the Amazons, that we net the most terrible slaughter. They left us no respite." Near Koto the French were unable for a long time to obtain water, und suffered intensely from thirst. A cap tain of cavalry volunteered to under take, with a squad of men, a dauger- tus expedition in scutch ol water, and ion. Dodds accepted tho oiler. "That night of tho 10th of October," writes an olllcer to another l'Vench journal, "I shall remember all my life. fso one slept in tho tent where wo were nleil up together, panting-, l'rom time to time J licked tho metal handle of my evolver, to produce in my mouth and hroat an illusion ,. of coolness and thirst slaking. "At about four o'clock in tho morn ng I heard a hubbub over toward tho cavalry quartern. It must bo dipt. Teiiiloii-Foa coming hack with water! ielzing a cofl'ee pot, 1 hid it under my :oat lilce u thief, and crept over to tho avalry. 1 was on good terms with a lieutenant there. Creuiien-l'Viii had re ally come; and 1 got of the lieutenant blessings on him fori ver -about a quart of muddy water In my coffee pot. "Hack to the tent I went with it, and we rationed it out drop by drop. Each one of us got about a mouthful of this mire. How delicious it seemed! "Hut about an hour later a terrible rainstorm burst upon us; nnd then wo had a water orgy. Everything that would hold water bottles, calabashes', cracker boxes was set out, and all were filled in less than sixty minutes. "1 think that on the day that fol lowed I drank about twenty quarts of water." NEWS NOTES. Thirty-two now cases of yellow fever were reported in Brunswick, Ga., Satur day. Seven are white and twenty-five negroes. The third yacht race occurred Friday, fifteen miles to windward and return and tho Vigilant won, thus winning again the American cup. It was a close race. The bourse in Berlin and Frankfort is grc.tly affected by the silver legislation in America. Operations are almost at a standstill pending the decision of the United States senate. Noah King, leader of the gang of train-wreckers which wrecked the Van dalia express at Staunton, Ind., some weeks ago, was sentenced to thirteen years in the state's prison. "Buffalo Bill" has challenged Terront, the bicyclist who completed a trip across Europe, to a two hours' race, Cody to ride a horse, Terront a wheel. It is designed to test the merits of the two mounts, each rider being allowed a change if de sired. The challenger places the stakes at 1,500 to 20,000 francs, at the option of the bicvcliet. OREGON NEWS. The lad, Uddo Nordstron, who was accidentally shot in the abdomen by a ballet from a revolver in the hands of his brother, died in great agony Satur day at Astoria. The Oregon City woolen mill, which has been closed down for pome time, start up today and will run for a time upon ordeis, of which there are enough to keep the mill buey for about a month. W. II. Butler of Burnt ranch has opened a new ledge of opals of a super ior qtulity to 1he first ledge worked by Butler and Hendershot. The rock is of a very dark-gray color, and the opals of brighter luster, running from a milky white to amber, with gn en and red fire. Ollio Smith, 17 years old, son of Ex pressman Smith of Pendleton, met with a distressing accident Saturday. He saddled a wild horse and mounted him, when the horse oegan to buck. The boy remained on t he horse, which rear' d up and fell back on the boy upon the sidewalk, mashing his skull in a frightful manner. Tilt' Milti Dof;. There are a great many mistakes cur rent as to tho nature and symptoms of hydrophobia. It does not occur most frequently in the summer, but in the spring, nor has the rabid dog, as a rule, a dread of water, nor does he refuse to drink. On the contrary, even after the disease is fully established, the mad dog often tries his best to drink, sometimes plunging his nose deeply under water in his effort to swallow, but is unable to do so on account of spasms which uffect his throat. Kub ies is a disease tho course und symp toms of which are as well known as any other. The first symptoms are, a restlessness and uneasiness on the part of the dog; then ho begins to have hal lucinations; ho will run to a particu lar spot UK though ho saw some one there; ho will turn his head and snap and bark in one direction at an invisi ble enemy. A well-marked symptom is his tendency to gnaw and swallow hard objects, bits of wood, stones and such like. But the hark of a rabid dog is a thing which once heard can never bo forgotten; it is impossible to mis take it, and if tho dog gives no other symptom than a hoarse, mullled bark, followed by three or four gurgling efforts from t lie bottom of his throat, there can be no uncertainty after that. Fresh oysters at tionery store. A. Keller's confec- .lust received a scow load of cholco oak wood. Maikk it Bk.nton. Uso Mexican Silver Stove Polish. lioutliiK mill ooiili ktovoH clit'upur tliau oviii' at Miller ,V Itcnloii's. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Baking Powder ABSOLUTE! PURE