3 OUR t I CPEC SHLE. OUR SALE. Saturday, Oct. 14, 1893. To Emphasize Our Shoe Stock, 10 per hi. Disconnl, For This Day Only. The Shoes are all marked at a very small margin of profit, and this offer makes them excep tional values. Guess On the Bc, is and Pumpkin. See the Ferris Wheel in Center Window. r all Goods Marked r in plain figures. Iv PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle, Xntered ii the rostotllce t Tlie Diillfk, Oregon, h second-dims mutter. Local Ailrrrllnliie. Id ( ontH per lino (or flrkt Insertion, and 5 Cents ifr Htit ! r each subsequent Insertion. n- .ii rate for lone time notices. A , k-h. notices received Inter than 3 o'clock Ii iiivir the follow! up day. MTt RDAY OCT. 14, 189.'! The Daily and Wretch) Chronicle may " found on iiale at J. C. Xickrhcn'n utort. OCTOBER OLIO. A Smury Mm From s Hits, 31 Iscelluneolls !I1h liotrou.nt ht ciiUkcd u loss To til tn n well ns tne; 1'or I Imve lost the money loan 1, And ho his memory. The Indies of the Good Intent society desire to thank those who assisted ut hot night's entertainment. l urcher Bros, shipped lust night f'Oin Nilt.narfih A Co.'fi stock yards live cars "I fUiep to Troutdule und Sound ports. Licit, s. Collins has been det'iiled to jexiunine the officers elect of "11" com AV"'1!'. The exain'uuitiotiis to be lield the company will adopt, but they have a number left to chose from. Lt. Col. G. 1". Thompson, has Li-en detailed as muete.-ing oflicer and will act as in sjiector of election. Prof. J. 11. Clark, of Dayton, 0., the world's greatest specialist on embalm ing, wns in the city yesferduy. He is engaged to deliver a series of lectures all through next week at Portland, having b' ?n employed by the Northwest Funeral Directors' Association, and this morning the gentleman, accom panied by Mr. .J. C. Crandall, of this city, left for 1'ortland. Messrs. Wm. Michell and I. C. Burgett will leave Monday and be present at the 1 ctures. One of the band boys says that the item in last evening's paper concerning outside talent is true enough, and pity 'tis 'Us true; that while there is plenty of good material in The Dalles they do not interest themselves and come out, ne cessitating employing outside help, and these they usually pay out of their own rockets. This Is bad. Everv man owes something to his neighbor in social usage, and even if he contributes more than his share there is never anything lost bv it. Robert Mavs has t-eed rve Lis farm in Tygh Valley. for sale at 7t with' a the next lit da vs. Mr. I). Furringt in presented us with a line lot of mmple'j of applet! grown on t'"i farm 10 m,UH Houtheast of the city which are bfiiutiec The trees were set, out eight vers ago on bunch grass land,' "id their growth is marvelous. i The el ctrio light works propose mov-l "ig the incandescent lights tomorrow,' ii'id the e who have b ;omo accustomed! I) them will tomorrow night have to f tirr it the coal oil can from the cellar or the still more ancient tallow dip. The Regulator dock was last night puck J with wheat sacks, six d- jp. There was so much of It that it could not all bo taken atone time, necessitating lier making a special through trip to morrow. She will also carry passengers t excursion rates. Tim f :i - ' j uiitl KIIVII1 WIU liJUU U(U ill VII ' "ond social hoj, ut their hull Inst oven '"g, which was enjoy J very nuieh by tlit members ami friends of the club. The music was excellent und twenty '"tuples trippcdlho light fantastic uitil " -sonuble huur. The club knows 'well llUW to imtitrtiiln . u liii'h U'iim ulintn'ii liv tlio merry und jolly crowd that assembled with thorn. Thirteen four-horse teams were awivtt- ''K their turn to be loaded at the dock t 1 1 :I0 o'clock this morning. Today is very lively in the wheut traffic, u larger number of teams coming ii from the country thun uny day previous. The Ktrcets present an unimafd uppcinuico. Jt In estimated that 120 teams came into 'own this forenoon, wbiuh is uhead of y previous record. ThocgHo of A. Bettbigen r, vs. John Cut in is beiog heard today m Justice u: court. The action in brought "for forcible entry aud dotulner," und 'wolves the right to the possession of 'wl estate. It will also likely develop "to the ijucdon 0( tjtt, to r0i eHate, 'i which event, under our statutes, it will pass beyond the jr-lei"ctioti of u justice court. hey ; Lust Night's Cerinmi. r I The german given by the Mignonette Dancing Club was one of the pleusuntest social events ever known in The Dalles. Fraternity hall was crowded with dancers keeping Itime to the exquisite music by BirgfeldV orchestra. The favors, which weie neatly gotten up, were dispent-ed by Mrs. F. I Mays and Judge (Blakeley, and the figures olfercd a pleasing variety to the usual order of dancing. The german was skillfully led by Miss Bessie Lang and Mr. Robert Mays, jr. The Mignonette dances aie lv joining very popular, anil the in creased attendance last night thowV hey are well appreciated. Ililvo yulir l tl ill Ii I ll K "Sid tllllllllK done by lliiiiny Itentoii, of -Ma I it - lieiitnii. NEWS NOTES. The state military hqard have passed '"vorubly on the petition for a company "t this point and Thursday evening, Oct. H'th the signers of the petition will as Pillule ut the court Iioubo for tho pur I of being mustered in and electing mum. It iB not yet known what letter The little son of Herman Cassidy di' d n Olympia iVom the eH'ccts of drinking concentrated lye General Lucius Fairchild, of Wiscon in. was elected commander in-chief of tho J. yul J-egion at tho annual metting to succ 1 the late ex-President Hayes. President Peixoto hits issued a mani fest i in which he says should tho con-g.-OHsionul ekctions October :;0 result ad versely to him hit will know how to obey the will expressed by the country. Mrs. Jennie Wood, n prostitute, of Colfax, Wash., took SO '?ruius of moi phinu in solution with suicidal intent. Tho di ilou worked several hours, but could not dispel the letharthy, and the womuM died several hours later. Kxeumlun. The steamer Regulator will leave Tho Dulles for Cascade Iicks ut 8 o'clock u. m. tomorrow, October 15th, and return ing will reach Tlie Dalles at about 0 o'clock p. m. Furo for tho round trip 50 cents. D. P. it A. N. Co. House fur Itimt. Slx-rooui house to rent. Centrally locat J. Apply to t( II. Gi.k.sn. ' Tytfl' V ill ley Jtuller flour Mill. Is in complete repair; nhvuys in store flour oquul to the best. Also old stylo course and fine Gra'inm flour, mill feed, etc. W, M. McConKi.K, I'ropr. tll.ll.UlU THE CHURCHES. Programme of services at Christian church Sunday Echool at 10 a. m. Ser mon at 1 1 o'clock ; subjecf'Letters of Rec ommendations." Preaching at S o'clock p.m.; subject "Hypocrisy Its Nature and Motives." Half-hour song Eervice, beginning at? :l',0. A hearty welcome is extended to all. Methodist Episcopal church, corner of Washington and Fifth streets, Rev. J, Whisler. pastor. Sermon by Rev. H. K. Hinesat 11 and 7:30; Sunday school after morning service; Junior League at 5 p. m. ; Epworth League at G:30 p. ni. ; class meeting Sunday at 10 a. rn. and Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. ; prayer meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. in. Seats free. In stead of the usual opening service in the evening the firet twenty minutes will be devoted to a song service. All those having the song book entitled "Finest of the Wheat" will please bring their. A cordial welcome to till. For iron . pipe, pumps, pi uiiiIiIur rikkIk of all kinds i;o to Miller & Iteiiton. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. F. E. Wilwarth, late editor of the Prineville Xews, made a fraternal call today. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Crandall departed this morning for Portland, to be aL"ent several days. Mr. A. Scherneckuu arrived in the city last night and is the guest of Hon. jU j, A. Lieue. i J. A. Wagner of Endersby brought in 'his first load of wheat in town today, receiving -IS cents for it. Hon. Chas. Darniel and wifo left this liioriiiii': for Portland to visit friends and also to visit the exposition. Hon. Geo. A. Liebe, and Mr. M. Rei nig of Helena, Mont., were passengers on the Regulator for Portland this morning. Hon. W. L. Dradshaw and E. Ii. Dufur Esq. left on the morning stage for Prineville, where Judge liradshaw will hold a I inn of court next week. Mr. C. S. Miller, of the Monumental mine, is in the city und reports the mine as doing well, and if congress would do as well the country would bo safe. Prof. J. H. Clark of Springfield, Ohio, was in tho city yesterday on business connect' d with tho Funeral Directors (Vssociatiou of tho northwest, and de parted this moi ning on the Regulator for Portland and bound cities. Noinelliliii; to Iteiiieiiilier, If you're a weak or ailing woman that there's only one medicine so sure to help you Unit it can bo yuaranteed. It's Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. In building up over-worked, feeble, delicate women, or in any "female complaint or weakness, if it ever fails to benefit or cure, you have your money back. It's an invigorator, restorative tonic, a sooth ing or strengthening nervine, und a safo and certain remedy for woman's ills and ailments. It regulates und promotes all the proper functions, improves diges tion, enriches the blood, dispels aches und pains, brings refreshing sleep, und restores health aud strength. Nothing else can be us cheap. With this, you pay only for the ijwd you get. Ituy your uonl wood of Muler &- Itrntoit. tf2 WOOD' XIIOSrHODIVJii, TbeOreat Eusllsli Remedy, I'rocuitiy and permanently cure all form! of AVrrou Wtakntu,F.mUUm, Sptrm- otorrhea, ImpoUnvy and all tfftd$oAbu$e or Krctues, Uceu prescribed over 25 earaln thomancU of casus: JT7 m Afar ' thoonltotiliianiliuif UruKitlBt for Wood' I'lioiiiliodiuei If bo offer bonib worthies luodlclnolujilaoo of thli, loavo UU dutiotiuH utoro, Inclo&o jirlco In letter, and m o. will wild by returu mall, l'rlce, ouo ackBgB, tlislx.es. Onei('l(li'linii,,i'te'(Itouiv. l'uiu;ili- li t In philn fcoiilid euM'loiie, ccuts jotut:e, AddrvD Tho Wood C'honileal Co., JC1 WoixlwiirilnveuuclV.lrolt. illou, Bold la Tho Diille by JlliiKeley iV II- ultoii. 1 ORE'R RAM WINS I 111 till' Hull I'IkIiI Tniliiy.-'l In- silni'U I I'lll-mle. I'te. The stock parade ill 1 1 ::',0 brought ouL quite a crowd of speciatois. The jno cc!hIoii of fat stock, including liorseH, cattle, sheep, crese, dc, passed up and down in front, of the grand stand and elicited muchcnlhii-iasin. The stallions belonging to Itobt. Kelley of Kingsley were a II no lot, and held their heads us if they knew how much they were being admired. All the premium awards were out and each one had either a blue or red ribbon tied to its head. The parade altogether was the best seen for several years. After the exhibition the grand tug of war a In Knpatjnol was announced. The contestants wcro Oregon King, a blue ribhoner, Pound Champion, wear ing a red ribbon, and ono that was nameless. After much narlevinir tho animals rubbed heads and drew back and looked at each other, as if to figure out the situation This round was given to Oregon King; time 38 second?. The next thrco rounds resulted simi larly. Tho fourth round was a straight contest. Oregon King and Pound Champion kissed and then proceeded to push one another ofl" the track. At this juncture a ram belonging to G'o Snipes came on the scene and rushing in be tween the contestants scared them so badly that they both showed their heels and ran. Tho vict iry was awarded to "Brer. Rain ;" time instantaneous. For the benefit of outside papers we will say that no blood was shed, and of that which remained unshed there wns none of it bad. The judges have completed their labors and all premiums have been awarded. The list of prizes are in the hands of !! ai.cret"ry for rectification and will r". I ready for publication till three or f.mr daj s have passed. This afternoon the exhibits are being removed and this evening the fifth annual meeting of thf District fair is over. While its success might have been greater, still considering the hard times and the late rains, it has been as good tis cculd be expected. N'OTE.S. The judges yesterday were C. W. Rice, Henry Southern, James Woodcock. Today has been another gorgeous one for the fair and has evened up for the bad weather during the fore part of the week. Mr. W. J. Davidson remembered the newspaper reporters on the ground by giving them a bottle of home-made cider which took the premium. That's what all the exhibitors ought to dc turn over their exhibits to the newspaper men. One of the prettiest parts of the parade this morning was a flock of four geese belonging to Mr. Johns. They marched stately along the track and elicited much applause. They are originally wild geese but have been trained till they are very tame. Herrin's display has called for great praise on the part of the beholders. Each picture has been tho object of in terest and all the views carefully studied. Mr. Henin has received eight first prizes ut the hands of the judges. First collec tion of photographs; first coll-ction of photo-pt-rtraits ; first collection of views ; first specimen photographs; first speci men water color photo; first specimen oil painting. This was painted by Mr. Herrin himself aud was the first one from his brush. There were also a first prize for a bromide photo and a crayon portrait of a little child. This last was exceptionally good and has received honorable mention in Portland as well as here. People are fortunate in being ablo to have such work done at home and shouldn't patronize thes.o crayon fakirs who visit our town periodically. sriiutti. Nrreu. Tim Dulles, Or., Oi l. Hi, IHIIil. Coiiiineiiilni; I'llilay.Oet. Ill, the I)., I'. V A. '. Co., will sell l.'xc iirnliiii 'I'lekels to I'orlliiiul iiihI lietiirii liicliiillnt: ad mission In the K.xpiisltlon, fur IVII.OO, Tickets limited to Oel. :Htli. Above tickets on sill" lit ilui OTFIOK ONI, Y, unil fiiniiiit he hud on hoiinl. W. V.- AM. AWAY, !. A. Adierilseil Letters. ' Following is the list of letters remain ing in the postollico at Tho Dalles tin culled for, Saturday, Oct. Mth, 1803. Persons calling for same will give date on which they were advertised : Clark, Gibbs Chase, Miss Cnssio Clark, G G Davenport, Mrs S A Griilith, Mr Miller, Miss Nellie McKiunev, Jos H Rauey, J H Btace, John Totman, C M M. T. N'oi.a.v, 1'. M. liny your (Si'iieerles, liny, (irulu anil Chop Feed ill .Muter .V Kenton's. Karl's Clover Root, mo now blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures constipation, 25o., 50c. und f 1.00. Sold by Snipes A Kinersly, druggists. 'During my term of service in the army I contracted chionic diarrhica," suys A. E. Uenelng, of Iluluoy, Oregon. "Since then I have used a great amount of medicine, but when 1 found any that would give me relief they would injure my stomach, until Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera und Diurrlueu Remedy was brought to my notice. I used it- und will fay it is the only remedy that gave me permanent relief aud no bad results follow." For tale by Ulukeley A Houghton. A MUSICAL TREAT. Hi re Aiitiinld noil l.tieul Tiiletil (ilve ii .. Splendid IClileitilllimeiil, An appreciative, but not very lame uudiciieV, gathered at the .Methodist church last evening to hear the Swedish violinist aud local talent. The latter, it is needless to say, was of its usual high merit. The piano duet by Misses lone Hitch and Georgia Sampson waa u rollcking pi- ce, designed to put the audience en rappo.'l with tho nature of the feast pre pared, and Herr Aainold followed with his "Yankee Doodle with variations." The Norwegian artist seemed in this to cover tho whole gamut of musical sounds at ono stroke, and at once established himself in the minds of tho audience as a genius. .1. P. Benton followed with a fantasie on "Home, Sweet Home." The gentle- "'i excelled himself in the effort, the succession of the fractional notes being so rapid as to excite wonder as to how it could be done. Herr Aamold again played in his remarkable style, und Uiss Georgia Sampson next recited "Mona's Waters." The recitation is very thrilling and was given in her thor ough dramatic style, with which a Dalles audience is familiar. "I Whistle and Wait for Katie" was the subject of a popular quartette next sung by Messrs. Allaway, Snowden, Magee amPHaworth. After extracting what music there was in this out of it, Herr Aainold played another selection. He received an en core, after which Miss Maie Williams sung Tosti's "Beaaty's Eyes." The lady has a voijbe of great depth and sweetness, and entranced her listeners with the exquisite melody of the piece. Tho program concluded with some more violin playing by Herr Aamold. He is certainly remarkable. He is of spare build, and as he stands upon the ros trum, his unruly locks waving with the undulations of his head, and ever-. mus cle alert with energy, it is plain that his whole soul is bound up in his work. The imprisoned spirit of music with in his instrument bursts its bounds and, as if glad to be free, gives such sounds as are seldom given to mortal ears. His work on two strings is exceptionally fine, and from but the one instrument he actually brings forth a full hp mony of sounds that it would seem could only be produced by sev eral violinists placing at once. Aamold is superb. ' lias Never Keen Disappointed. Tho above words t-penk voltimc3 ana cannot be said of many things but coming from one who has been n mli'erer for many years, no further tribute can bo added: Ukntlkmen; I have b'jti a Miffercr from headache for many years and can cheerfully recommend Krausc's Headache Capsules as he lm; the only preparation that has given nlmost Instant relief. Have been usins them for about six months and have never yet been disappointed in them. Yours with respect. Will II. Si.nr-, 1'ub. Altoona I'll. Minor. Sold by Snipes it Kibersly. Jpeeial ! Owing to a Conspiracy against me in thi place, I havo de cided to clo"o out inv entire stock, consisting of DRY GOODS, Clothing Boots and Shoes, purpistyii Qoods, ZIto., 3E2to. Also, Store Fixture Furniture, tf Shelving. Any business man wishing go go into business can communi cate with the undersigned. Should I not get a buyer on or before OCTOBER 25TH, I will offer the entire stock y At Public Auction! N. Harris. The Dalles, Or., Oct. 13, 1S!3. P. S. Communications by mail so ltcited. ' N. II. yL B. Big drives will be made in job lots to stores. N. II. Fa mill Wiir Dn Ml Fancy Goods and Notions, Cjepts' pyiT;i$i7ii7 Qood Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc. now complete in every department. All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices. rmi,scsi, H. Herbring. TheDklles Wasco County, Oregon, The Gate City of the Inland Empire is situated at the li .i.l of navigation on tint .Midillu Columbia, and is u thriving, pros porous city. ITS TERRITORY. It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agricultural and grazing country, its tnulu reaching us far south as .Summer hake, a distance of over two hundred miles. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country along the eastern slope of the Cas cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, the wool from which finds market here. Tlie Dalles is the largest original wool shipping point in America, uliout 5,000,000 pounds being shipped labt year. ITS PRODUCTS. Tho salmon fisheries urn the finest on the Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will bu more than doubled in the near future. The products of tho beautiful Klickitat valley find market here, and tho country south and east has this year tilled t li warehouses, and all available .storage places to overflowing with their products. ITS WEALTH. It is, the richest city oi its sizo on the coast and its money is scattered over und islnung used to develop inoro farming country than is tributary to any other city in Kastern Oregon, Jts situation is unsurpassed, Its climate delightful. Its pos sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. And on he.se corner stones tho stands,