The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 14, 1893, Image 2

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The Dalles Daily Chronicle,
omcui. I'Aru; or iity.
srucnimoN kates.
uy XAtu rosTAOE rr.KrAiii, is advance.
Weekly, 1 year M 9
" G ianntb '5
1.3- ... 0
I)U,1 year. SI
" 6 momh. 3 w
Address nil communication to
tCLK." The lillcs Oregon.
orncs Horn.-
General Delivery Window
Money Order " .
S.jnday U i) "
s, a. m. to T p. m.
t, a. w. to 4 p. tn.
y a. m. to lo ii. m.
tTKius going Eat :9p. m. and 11 IS rum. I
" " Ve: Sp.m. slid 5:E0p. in. I
StaRc ior Poldeudale 7:S0n. m. I
" l'riiievilk- .ft:a)B. m.
" Puluratid Warm Springs . .5::a. m. i
" tLeaviup for Lvle A Hartlnud .6:50 a. in.
' J Antelope ..VSOn. m.
Except Suudav.
iTri-weekly. TtieJdnv Thursday aud Saturday, j
I " Monday Velueday and Frid.iv. i
OCT. 14. 1S93
A si'imin's oyos arc not in his head,
but in the upper part of the thorax.
Tin: longest animal kiujwn to exist is
the rorqual, which averages 100 foot in
Ix proportion to its si.-.c, the horse
has a smaller stomach than any other
RrsHMKX and negroes possess a more
l)raminont and narrow chest than the
white races, whose chest is broader
and Hatter.
Tm: ilea is covered with armored
plates, very hard, and overlapping
each other." Each is set with spikes and
bends in conformity with the move
ment of the body.
Dew is the greatest respecter of
colors. To prove this take pieces of
plass or boards aud paint them red,
yellow, preen and black. Expose them
tit nipht, and you will find that the
yellow will be covered with moisture,
that the preen will be damp, but that
the red and black will be left perfectly
"I coneider
Auliiiiil imil
1 iitiiul
Chamberlain's Couch it ?o trim Villi i Keinedv a specific for croup. It is very
they abuse all patience in so long ob
structing legislation in the senate.
They have the right to vote, but they
uleasant to take, which is one of the
most imiiortant requisite where a couch
remedv is intended for use among ehil-
Bhonld never have the rieht of defeating "n. I nave Known oi cases oi croup
the will of the majority indefinitely.
It cannot be very pleasant to old Eng
land to be beaten yearj after year by
America for the world's cap. This year
great hopes were centered in the Val
kyrie because it was constructed es
pecially for sailing in American waters,
but the Yank's centerboard proved tco
.much for the lead keel of the Valkyr'e,
and disapointment has again followed
where 1 know the life of a little one was
! saved by the use of Chamberlain s
Cough Remedy." J. J. LaGranco, drntr
i gist, Avoca, Neb. SO cent Iwttles for
j sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
I Notice to rU'lluiiueiit Taxpayer.
j All delinquent taxpayers that don't
want their names advertised had better
come forward, as the roll will be pub
lished on the-Ult of this month.
'T. A. Wakh, Sheriff.
VcKi'tnlilo UN' I otlliu l t
Nrr tho 1'tilo.
It is a matter of surprise to all who,
for the fint time, have any experience
in hiph northern latitudes, to note the
proat abundance of insect life in
Alaska. Tin; writer of this pnrapraph
was especially interested in noting the
large amount of larvio and other low
conditions of animal life which was
carried down from the melting glaciers
into the rivers and streams which
llowed from them. It is to this that
we have to attribute the proat abun
dance of the higher forms of animal life
which prevails. Fish especially arc in
such quantity near the coast, attracted
by this abundance, that it seems like
repeating the tales of Karon Mun
chausen to the listener. The young
son of the writer, who was with him
in this expedition, was. with a couple
of Indians in a boat, able to drive
salmon into narrow creeks in such
abundance that the boat could be
driven against the llsh in their en
deavors to escupe. They could have
been dropped up in shoals by any
strong and ordinary net. In the
earlier history of Colorado very much
stress was laid on the fact that Fre
mont saw a Ihjc on one of the hiph ele
vations while crossing the Rocky
mountains. Lieut. I'eary, in his re
cent expeditions to North Greenland,
found a bumble bee on the north coast
of Greenlandthe highest point of
laud yet reached by a human being so
far us known. This explorer states
thut not only bees but other insects
abound as soon ns the spring fuiri
opens. Flowers of many kinds art
particularly beautiful and abundant
"JThcre is a tide in the a J airs of men which, taken at
leads ou to foriurc,"
Tho poot unquestionably had roforonco to
von loci tho L'ood ttmi s
done hv
)r. Pierce's Golden .Medical Dis
covery. It purities tho blood. And
tluoullli tho blood, it clonuses, re
pairs, and invigorates the whole
" In recovering from " T.n Grippe,"
or in convalescence from pneumo
nia, fever., or other wasting dis
eases, nothing can equal it as an ,
appetizing, restorative tonic to build j
up needed tlesh and strength. It
rouses every organ into natural ac- j
tion, promotes all the bodily func- j
tions, and restores health and vigor. 1
For every disease that comes from j
a torpid liver or impure blood, Dys-1
pepsin. Indigestion, Biliousness, and j
the most stubborn Skin, Scnlp, or J
Scrofulous affections, tho " Discov-.
cry " is the only remedy so certain
that it can be guaranteed. If it
doesn't benefit or cure, in evcrv
have your money back.
CIosiDr-Ont Sale I i
Fiile k Car
is perfectly, per
manently, posi
tively cured by
Dr. Sage's Ca
tarrh Remedv.
affordinp a pood chance for honej and The proprietors of this medi-
Who are selllnc theso Roods out at Rroatlv-redur,H ...
llSitft llfAvfr Tin DnnfiSrA twA h.i!
hi mm mnm miiiiw zmmmn muuii
i 1 1 iii limn, i in illinium huh mum
pollen-collectinp insects to lay uj
rich stores in advance of their lonp
arctic winters.
All things come to an end, and adopt
ing the example of precedent, so will
the present session of the senate. The
present terrific strucgle gives promise of
a speeuy termination oi tne nnancia1
question, and now that we have waited
bo long, a week or so longer of doubt is
not material. At first it srsmed the
height of nonsense for the house to al
low two weeks for the debate of the
question. The senate has consumed two
A Great Liver Medicine.
Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills are
st're cure for sick headache, bilious
olaints, dyspepsia, indigestion, cos-1
'ea, torpid liver, etc. These pilis
urc perfect digestion, correct the
' ver and stomach, regulate the howeis,
purify and enrich the blood and make
t'e skin clear. They also produce a
good appetite aud invigorate air
strengthen the entire system by their
tonic action. They only require one pil,
for a dose and never irripe or sicken,
iold at 2r cts. a bos by lllakeiey A
For rulilier
.V Iti'iitiin.
weather Rtun" C" to .Uulrr
. , , . i rr
cine prove mat Dy meir oner.
It's S500 cash for a case of
Catarrh which they can't cure.
Shnn nn Third fttrtwt. novl, door wost nf Vnimnir.
DiacKsmiin onop.
For Kent.
Rooms to rent at Rev. A.
dence on Ninth street.
Horn's rcsi-G-'JUdnw.
There is no fight in congress against
silver. The majority of the senate,
three-fourths of the house of representa
tives and the greater number of the peo
ple of the country are friends of silver,
and for that reason do not want to con
tinue the present policy of over coinage,
thus debasing it. There is more silver
in proportion to gold already in the
United States than there is in France,
and those in favor of bimeta!is:n should
agree that we must shut off on silver or
we will have silver monometalism.
Fresh oyster?
tionery store.
at A. Keller's coufec-
lf You Wake uj In the .Mnniiiif:
with a bitter, bad taste in your moutl ,
take Simmon? Liver Regulator. It cor
rects the bilious stomach, sweetens the
breath and cleanses the furred tongue.
Those two young "theologn "
Union Theological Seminary whose
cases were "hung up" by the New York
presbytery are not worrying half so
much as are the venerable fossils who
did the hanging. Tne divinity students
have something of the serpent's wisdom
as well as the dove's harmlessness. oottle and have vour monev refund i
A lady who understands how to d
fine sewing can find employment oi Mi-?
Belie Hood, upstairs at Pease it Jln'
Mexican Silver Stove Polish cans-? in.
Giiarunteeit Curt..
We authorize onr udverti-cd driic -'
to sell Dr. Kin?'e New Diiiver 1 -r
Consumntion, Coughs and Cuid up-ji:
this condition. If you are uiilicted with
a Cough, Cold or anv Luns:. Thro .t or
Chrt trouble, and will use this remedy
as dir rted, giving it a fail trial, and ex-
nenence no t. ?ne!it, vou mav return the
kucu., una
C1.00 jor Uottlc
Cun'S CnurlK, noaifiii'' re T:i-ni t,
Croup urnmpib" vollevefl'Wluir pmp t 0U5I1
nnJ AxtJiiiui. K r Cousiinij tn r. it f - u
ri-.ul; has cured tliuniRiidsTr . -rnl! Lthcr
failed; will CURB votnftnkea lilt's-', f-oi l
! 'K;tu3Pn n-n.irantfj. F rl.
.... .. csy.
-sg. Jxzm
ilH -f j.iij uiuiirn Tntreia(fiv 1- eun-a:
t-J it c:.n? yo't. Price Mjcts. Ir. uir trv.
For mle br Snipe i Kluerl
Is the
Of the Year
S' "
For Sale at a Barr;
rnt l . 11 i-i 1
j ik unuersiszncu, navin pocurou me mai'innory a
lixturos of what was intended for a first-class shot facto
.n 11 . 1. i 1 11 :
rMTii 1 111: riiiiii li h oili lmiij. i i it i in tLii uiiniiu ;
11 4J.ltl 1 1 i I t
injr? silniost a complete shoe factory.
.111111 .1 Nil' I I 111 1,111 IV 11111 III t It T Mill III III 111 II 111 111
Write for particulars at once, to
Tlio Dalles,
They know that a theological seminary
which is under the hetesy hunter'g ban
is considered by churches wanting pat
tore to be the banner seminary. They
have observed that ever since Andover
became suspected of unorthodoxy the:e
have not been Andover graduates
enough to around.
The burning question in London
whether women may smoke is being
publicly debated with great energy.
Lady Colin Campbell comes out defi
antly in favor of the privilege in ti e
last number of an English illustrat'd
magazine. She d-clares that the finer
clay of woman has more need of tobacco
than man's. It is the cigarette, of
course, that Lady Campbell would like
to see more often between her sisters'
lips. Mrs. Lynn Lynton's reply, sums
it up, however, in eaying: "The core
of this movement is not special love for
tobacco, pure and simple, but the de
termination of modern woman to ignore
the limitations, the apportionments,
the conventional proprieties, as well ns
elemental differences of ses."
We could not make this oiler did i, '
know that Dr. Kinu'e New Difcircrt
could be relied on. It neverdi.-apioinf.
Trial bottles free at Snipe- & Kiiiery s.
All notes due and I .oming due and
all accounts owing us must Ins settled on
or before November 1st, 160", either in
wheat, oats, barley or cash. Accounts
and notes remaining unpaid after that
date will have to undergo costs of col
lection. We mean business and must
positively have money.
dawlm The Dam.ks Mkkcastili. Co.
Just received a scow load of choice 011k
wood. Mai Kit & Benton.
Use Mexican .Silver Stove Polish. 1
E21II) QuIcHj,
ami all thi' tram '';;
IniiiU'iirlj' rrnjrnor inic
csuetMii. tL f-uli or
overwork. ii k ur; Fulimn-nKM.
Uovclopnwnt omi
14lven lc etry orsan and
ixiftlnn of thf lnl-.
filmplc natural me tt;i"U.
h-ciu taWuzv imiHMfWiW.
i',Ui) rofprcucn li.k,
cxiilanatloii ami prW
mallea tilljirf.
W. A.
The long esjcted blow has fallen in
that the Union Pacific road has gone in
to the hands of a receiver. There is no
doubt that the road has had u hard
Btruggle for the last several months in
making ends meet. Horizontal cuts
have been made in wages nntil the dan
ger point was reached, rendering further
proposed reductions hazardous, and the
Winter A iiiiiaeiiienlM.
The I'nion whist club will meet in
Fraternity hall next Monday evening at
7:150 sharp for the purjicc-e of making ar
rangements for the winter's uuiuseinent.
The club will be regularly entertained
and all members are requested to be
in the Circuit Con t o, it 0 Hiutu of
mt tbu ouaty o.
Mlllu 1
.'tu .i.ij,
vx. ;
ItU) Ml'lN I
u,r etc.)
To '. HtfiiiouU, the abiivt-numtil lUi'nulaul.
Jn the liiinio o' il'e ntJ' ' . O un Vuu
1'fK'liv r"iiiii'"i' opinio t "(1 r i,,c i (i,
K. J'.
In t'ic I'irruU (uurtof the rtalii f mV"li lr
the ouuty of Wiico
A 1 llultuu.
I'lullitll!, ,
1'mnk 1. Ullltsflili' '(
ICtiwlii W.
i;. Hunt iiikI W. H. ,
lllltltT, Ik'fuIKlHUU j
Tn t'ranL P. (ittlesptc anil'JUtmta (UUc)te, tJ tlf
ubme-namrtl iltfeuilauu :
In the nnino of the ntnte of Orcison. you mitl
'ih of yon iiru hurnhy rvurtl 10 in)
1110HM.T ttit L'oiiiiilalnt lll'd n.nltmt yon In tin'
'xn v entitled null on or 00 oiu the tlrt dny of
tlif n'uliir UTin of the riienit ( ourt of the strtte
oi (inuon for Wimeo County, tiet iollowliu; the
little hereof, to-vlt, on or lennv the
l.'I tli iluy of Nut milter, lKli.'f,
ami if vou full ko tn itiiuur, for unlit
theri-of the jiliiintlir will imply to the Court
,'r tin- relief i!ed lor In hii i.oiiihilnt, to-uit
for u ilenre of loreelosiire of tout eertnlli inort
Wiige deed miiile nod e.xeei.ted Ity you lo the
Hb.tve limned ihilutlll'on theiith lny of Novum
be.. l-.'JO, uxm the nortliwett iUiirter of ecllon
II in towimhip Houth nuiRu 1 1, V. .M., in
Nnteo eouutj , (itcK,, mid ihnt mild preuiL
Ite sold under meli for' -ilo urn deeree In ihe
mHtiner provided liv luw mid in-e rdlnjt to the
iretle,, of mid ( 'ourt thut torn the proceed of
-net) mile the plidntnl luiteuuil rc'eivethe Mini
of five hundred iJj)i dollarx mid Inter- ton
'id hum nlnee Sove.nlx;r ith, WM, ut the rate o,'
lo er emit, mjr iiiiniim iilao a iurllier hum of
ixtv Hat) doilunt as a re.ioiuili'.e attorney n f
.'or In titutiiiK this Miiltto .orei'ln e h .Id mort
.ibi- mid coll et the note inu.eiiv . "uuriti and
inn n ill r; v iir 1.1 . . . .11-1 1 r ,1
1 JUL, t JlJtUNJt IjJ'j WHS CHUlUllHIHHl 101' 1110 t'A-
press purpose of faithfully represenliiiK Tlie Dalles
Ask your dealer
Stove Polish.
for Mexican Silver
plain. Iileu n" J.111 In x. e t-.tove en ,il 1uit
.. . .... ..... I. .. ..... . ... (I..,.. .. , . . I'll,, ' .lt , .wi
1... nil lull ui.,n , .,,iu ,111; iikiv ut ,1 .1 1 ( irr 1 : 1 1 , . .
I. it. HiiniiniiOH noon Mill " .e, 1 (1 hV. I "' U'U, luuiue Willi iliillili.l h c:i
t miv Jf erI will 5 1 miiv , 1 .1 .tV. ' 'llhure.ueilf, .iiiide Mid exj Jin' d ill thin
1 uii' 7 ',".f7. ' 1, i..k:L 11 ''.i '(". ineludlliK atrruln- eoitH and exim e of
and the surrounding country, and the satisfying
effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It
now leads all other puhlioations in Wasco, Sher
man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and
ft rant, critini.i;. ns wi jid Ivlift-it.-it ntul nthcr If-
gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best ;
medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire.
The Daily Chho.viclk is published every eve
ning in the week Sunday- excepted at $0.00 per
annum. The Wkkkly Uiikoniclh on Fridayff
each week at 1.00 per annum.
rates, subscriptions, etc., adif
For advertisint
Good ,lnl, 1'riiitlni;.
If you have your job printing done at
The Chuonicle you will have the ad
vantage of having it done with the most
modern and approved type, with which
we keep continually supplied. All jobs
on eoi tne M.-I vice o. turn Miin,m" 1100 . noj
or if i vitl upon you bv oiihll .u.uii. Iii.ii'ou
me n-niiliKl lo miiK- r and i.nsni-r aid Com
plmi'tou ihe lu. (,i y of the neat term of ipj
eon t it'er his wecKs" ihj'j' cation of tnU hum
111011, tit-wif 011 Monday, me
llltli iluy Novmiilier, 11,111!,
aud if you fait to o i"mL", the plmuiul will
apolv (o the court lor the relief played .or In
e,u complaint, to-wit
110, craie d" erih-d In
k and that nli-'ntllt have a iud"meiit irraliiNt
.Mia. the mild frank II. tii'leiple, for miv deli
eli'liey id the, proci dl of k .le tnillNiy fnllv all 1
iiil nii.iih that iiiou Midi iiii slo ute hale all of 1
the ri'ilit, ttilc, interest mid elmiii o, you and j
vour eo-ileiLiidautii, eacli and a'l of you and
the. a, and a I other "'r oua 1M.1I1111111; or to
einliii lj , tliroinjh or under y m or theui.or1
eltiier, iu and to on Id laort'.'ir, 1 iremleti aud 1
it, it iitirt iln,r,,.if lui nil, "fl r M fir..i..r I
for tne hit i-h, 11. e o. the wi"l from the eiUlty of rnfeiapilnu Thut the
ii eoiiiph 'ut, and ,or ' pnunlin he allow 11 to hid at ald .orecloniiu
Tlao ZDctllos, Oregon.
Jt. !..-.. .1 .1
inal.ilitv tn meet their mr.tnrin u,,uc' ",c "lrvisioil OI one OI
tioni pr'ecipitated the failure. One thing j .tl,e 'n5 eutcce8sful and
must be aaid in favor ot the company, ,n 1 Nort'"1 m
and that Is that only dire necessity . Ue Mexican Kilver Stove Polish
would compel them to reduce wages, for
the cup -of ihe inemlv d" J;nj,.il , ..le and ptitcluniu niiiit niorf:at,ed prumlH' ,, at
wit the kouth iialf 01 Hie outline t ouai ter, 1 "o:ition, and that upon the ale 01 mild molt
the I'O-iheaiit rjuurtur oi ine Miuiiiv,e-t oua r, 1 K'lBed pieiiil- the h let Into e
mid the oouiuwet of tne kouthe.nt 1 H3iiin their if. anil cveiy p .rt thereof, in)
iiuar'ei, of Hcci.ou 'Zi. lowiiMhlo one North. ' meillately, mid for Midi other and fnrtlier rul'e'
l:au'4e thlriccii I.'uit, Wllleiiei e ile Id .in, con i'toihe Court muy ec.n eiiultahle and jimt
U1I11I11K one .iiiudtul a.iii MXty r r , run hitn-' 7,hn nuiin.ionii In erved upon you, the d
at"d in Wiueo county, Ore-pin. A I. o, the north I f'ank 1. lillliaiileiind Jthndu UlllespU, h pule
half of the ijuarier, tne ' lleatiou In 'I'he l..lleH Cnr.ofici.K, a newnpupi'
iumter of the noitliwct ijuarier, and tne ..outh pnhlliihei weclcly at llallei Cl.y, Wanco cou ly,
ctitit iuar-er of the uoriht-atit of hectlou ' J'eijou, for lx uiukecutlvn weei.N,hy cider 1,
lowiisiin 0110 .Mir. 11, Jinnie tiurieen t.nii, 1 'ai u iirimniinw, juiiite 111 mui court.
Familiar Faces in a New Flace.
Late Special Agent General Laud Ojlice
it ib well known they pay their workmen I -
accordingly higher wages than i'b allowed
by any other road. The Burlington in
an example of the low wage fjyetem, and
while they have been Buccegnful and en
terprising, it whh at the expense of the
poorly-paid toilera who were compelled
to introduce European frugality iuto the
management of their homes to keep out
of debt. The birth of the Union Pacific
wan during a period of fictitious values
throughout the west; everything com
manded a high price, and -the manage
ment of the road baa been in line with
the sm policy ever since, For years
they did a thriving trade, until other
transcontinental lines have been pushed
to completion, operated by men who
counted tuppennies, and the pioneer
Union Pacific gave way before advanced
business metiiods.
AUIKH who will do wiHinc for meat their
hornet will make good waee. l'.enlv uith
ieiwiiiire-.ei, mump 11 envelope, Mlsh .M1I,
Dl'.HD MII.Lh'r., houta Ik-nd, iml. ;itd Hw
John Pashek,
The Merchant Tailor
76 Court StPt,
Next door to Wasco Sun Office.
1 Willmiieltu iletldlaii. couUliiiiii; one hundttd
mid msty ac.ei, and nittiMted id Wiueo coiiutv,
Oregon, nec-ordfir; to law mid the prnctiee 01
1 thl coin t, mill lii .t tho iiroced of hhIiI eule lie
apnlli-ii in pjyinent of tne amount Scored hy
.ild inorieiit'e, and Hilll uniuild, lo wit the mini
of t.", und Inlercil thereon at the rate of
eixnt (icrcctit w milium fiom bcnieinbe. ir.'d,
Mi, aud tlie further mini of tJ.lWl.00, nrd Intvi
t therein at the rn'e of el-slit iwr cent (er an
mini inee ilnich 'JiJ. und for 1111 ntlorueyi.
fee of VM)M, mid for the tout., and ibur
inenti iiimln and cxiiendtd herein. And that
tiie phiiiitlll'wll' Hpply to the curt foraiudu
ineiit nviilniit you tor any ilc'lcie icy there may
I .einnlolliK aft;r the uppllcjtiou of tne pin
ceedi of aid wilu a a.'ore.alil. ..4
Vou will fin the.- bike notice that the K
mono in tlilH hiilt 1 Mirrcd tiou you by publi
cation, hy oilier of the lionornhlu W L llrnil
Mhaw, JuiIkc of m'ld Court, k Id outer IjcIuk
dated Heptember Wih, im.
",7v Attoriioii for I'iuuitlll.
Wli i! 1 order whh dulv miiile and entered ut
uhai.ihcrii on the'.'iitli day of rjcptcuboi, 1K'j:i,
1 AttomuvH for i'laliitlir.
Jl?e leal Estate,
Executors' Notice.
,,M.. i 1,...I... .!.... ti,.., it,, n,..ui 1
have Un duly aiiiHilnled, by the Houoiablu the " 0 UltU.ll lllliko
v.oiiuiy i,ourt 01 imwn county, ureuou, ext-ou
tors of the ctato of John llailer. deccoit'd : all
1 lr 1,01m huvliiK clalinn aKaiunt "aid entatu are
r"llu Juat ict-elved the latent ittylen In
Suitings for Gentlemen.
and Jihku luritc assortment of 1'ordKU and Amer
ican uiotim, winch in
thoju thut favor him.
Taken Up.
(iiU MtitttA f'ii1ln filiiitr Iwiilrii t .tlr ..mi
lean rjlotlm. which he can filiUh To Older for iriiml,. ,,,." o ... 7., . 1.,.;
j Cleaning .do Repairing a Specialty. . Auglut 13) lkW..wU
C4ii have the animal by puyliiK for thin notice,
u. j coorat
lerehy rtiiilred to piefcont tho wuue, duly verl-
iiv.. nuo whh iiruper voiiijiiuih, 10 iih or eitlier,
t Aiiteloi', W11M.-0 couuiy, Orcuou, within hlx
moiitlm from the date of thl" notice,
'i'he IjuIIch, Or,, AUK. 3, JWU.
hxeeuiom of tho etateo( John llnxler.dco d.
Assignee's Notice to Creditors.
W. V.. (iiirruUon, of Tho Halle, Oregon, liav
utl amilKiitd IiIk proiierty for thu bem ht of all
h Ueredliom, all MjroiiH havlmc vlaliim iiKiilunt
him are hereby notilled to lueneut them lo me
under (aith, ut Thu Imllcw, OteKnli, within threu
month, from date.
A. It. THOMI'eON, AhiIkiicu.
Parties having IVoporty tliey wiah to 8!l or Trade, JIoiikub t" '
Abatntct of Title furniHliod. will l'md it to their iidvuiitu(! 0,11 01
1 1 AlllC
It MJKiClllliy oi Hill pi'OIMtCUMUll OI vii""" "
Wore tlui Uitittip States Land Office.
rrrrv. T4 AT.T.ES. UJ-
85 Washington St.
8 iwopriotor will soil his honjo
iceB in tho roach of ovoryboU)'
Js now open, and its
1 i iit: i !
jjjouuuuu wjjju unuoH in uio roaun v
jxinu, ucDt iuuiitiiiD wt uu luujiu. uuuuo j,"
to bo Puro and tjrstrClass in every respect.
Thompson's Addition,