1. al)c Dalles VSKEi iDiHiiHV SHa BC vHIV "OPHv Chronicle rOL. VI. THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1893. NO. 103. Dalles Daily Chronicle. HY CHKON'ICLi; PUBLISHING CO. , ...ii.t and WushinRtoii Streets, The Dulles, Oregon. Trrni iif Suiurlntlu Ifi 00 l" i. SO t rl'J T1MK TAIH.EW. t Kallroaita. ,H effect AUKUht 0, Ih'J.i. tlfT iioiiNr), Afriv. " M- I'epart 11:00 r, m. WEST lJOUWl. L.irriv .Hi Depart .1:41 a. m. Lahvai freights that curry pusHctiRerK leave I for the "tHt 'w "-.aUd oue Jor the I.1JSH , 1TA(1B. i.i.. .,.. TiuL-.. nt'i.n. 1i.avi. iljillr kt IT--'"11-' ' ? ''ifciij. Mitchell, Canyon City, leuve i&ti, KiUKsley, Winnie, Waplhltla, Wunn i ma TyKh v alley, leave uauj, uivin FOoMenilRlu, Wash., leuve every day of the 'eisunday at . a. m. turiul lines ai uic j,up..-. THE DALLES Hational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. President Z. F. Moody Vice-President, - Chaki.ks Hilton Cushior, M. A. Moody General Hanking Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections mode on favorable terms at all accessible points. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKANBACT A GENEKALHANKINU BCBlNKSti 1'KOFKHSIONAl.. H i:lI)I)i:i.I-ATTOtiNC-AT-Iaw-oniee t ntreet, The Dunes, uri-Ron. crca. fJUNl mwarsa. k:rfR, MENEKEE ATTOKYii-AT- i jw-lloom a ana , uvvi i i. tBuIMIiik, Kutriiucc on vi asiunKwiu mreui illm, Oregon, ui-va'VTT. ATTOK.SEY-AT-LAW. Of- L. s In sihauno'a building, up atalra. The i,0tivii MlYll , H.llfKTtNOTON. H. wiuiui. ui'VTivrnoN i WILSON Attor- jtrh AT law unlet, French' block over e.Vitlonai Jlniik,. "i Dulles. Uregon. I VIUOK-ATTOiur.y-AT-t.AW - Koom Freiieu Co.'s bunt bulldlnc Heooud el. The Dalle. Urugnn. !l t'-ml l' V lli.u vnviTlltri I'HYNICMAN f and dukoko.n, -Cull answered nromptly, for nlcht. rK orcouutry. Ottlce .So. Stand pmima hloet wtl 1 1. 0 D DOANE hMYBlClAW AND CB- iiiuN uoica: room t mm u v.iuiiuiiu tt Kesldonoe: B. K. corner "ourt unu kin itreeta, hit! md door from the corner. troour 9 to 12 A. 01.. Z 10 it ana i ium.. MM.V Destipt, Gas given for the tutules extraction of teeth. Also teeth - 'nm! MliiTTitmitn itlnti. Rfiuinli. SiLTll of I'icMeu Tooth, becond Btrevt. HOCIUTIKH. Km ) l.OIH.1:, NO. It, A. K. A A. M. Meet l.t.Kn IUAI AUC1I CHAl'TEIt NO. r.. Meet in Muwmlc IDill the third Wetluedy i:h mtiuut at" ! t. joDKUN WOODMKN OK TIIK WOULD. m .bi umiu i umto ari. .Mitith j uewnij even of eueh week in F rnternlty Hull, ut7;H0 1. m Letters of Credit inpued available in he Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers eold on hew York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Frnncisco, Portland Orezon, benttle itsh.. and vnrionB points in Or egon and Wasliintrton. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. Progress na Cooj5ery. "The World Moves." Jhcrcis no better illustra tion of this old saying than the numerous schools now-a-days devoted to practical kitchen processes. These schools have been alert to find a reasonable substitute forlard.theuscofwhichisso gcneralTy condemned. This want lias been fully met by C0TT0LEHE the new vegetable Lard. When science strikes the kitchen, it strikes home and everybody gets the benefit. Cottolene is a clean, deli cate and economical substi- J. ti. BCHKMCK, 1'rcjildent. J. M. I'ATTKUSOS, Caahier. first Rational Bank. VHE DALLES, - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted DepositB received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dar of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port-laud. DIRBCTOKS, D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Sciiknck. Ed. M. WiLMAMb, Geo. A. Liebk. II. M. Bkall. W. H. YOUNG, II Biacksmitn k wagon shod tute for Lard cleaner than the hog, delicate as the fin est vegetable oif, economi cal from its Tow price and small quantity required to be used. Trove it for your self by a trial. At grocers everywhere. REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES. N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO. NEW YORK. BOSTON. "The falator Line" The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. DU'MUU LODUE, NO. S, 1. O. 0. K. Meet eierv many evening at 7 :!w o clocK, in h.. ' hi.li, comer hecunii nml Hourt treeU, burning brother are welcome. 1-i.oiT ii, bee y. H. A. ltn.I.,N. (j. UENDsIlIl' LODGE, NO. 'J., K. of 1'. Meet every .Mondiiv evenfinr ut 1:30 o'clock, in auuuh uuiiumg, corner or court und hecona Bu, bojuurning member are cordially in W. H. Cham. W VAuer., K. of J. and 8. O. C. IboKMULY NO. 4i7, K. OK L.-.Meel in K. aI It I. ..II at i . . . -. - ...... ......ti.a ftnu ivrui Vt of eiich month ut 7:;tU . in. L.r-y". Clfl'.lHTIAN TEMI'KKENCE ' l1lU Will m.M't i.vi.rv Krlitiif Mfti.riiiMitl iu uiu reuumg room. Allure inviiea, r- . - hrmun 1Klge No. Wi, I. 0. (j. T.-Itegulur "wiy meeting rrlday ut b r. M., a' aii uruinvitea. l-Ukibman, C. T. K. C. I'lkck, Ko 11LK l.nnriv n a n iv u' ai.u. "'Hieruity unu, over Kellurii, u boona i ilurday evening at 7:Hu. II II1VUVV IillYEK, Pinnnclur. ' ' M. W. NEHMITII I'OST. No. M. O. A. It Meet Jj'vry buturduy ut 7:30 I-. m., in the K. of 1'. H K -Meet every Hunduy uf tcrnoon in "ii u, oi i-. nun. IKfiANo VEKKIN Meet every Sunday "ciung in mo k. of v, jiuii. .F L. y, DIVIBION, No. 1C7 Muetaln L,K';' 1' Hull the flrt mid third Wotluea- "en monui, at 7;ao r. m. TIIK UlIUKVIIKH. ll n'KTKH8 OUUHCll -Hov. Kuttior Biionb- il 'wr, Jxiw Ma every mmany at ' a, llllfh VfMkb in.WI . w V'..KI..m nl riiiAU' t'lltJKCJ! -Union Btroot, opposite r MItll. It.. I. k'll II e.. ... 11,..... U .inln.,. EJ,i(."!,.,"J Bt 11 M' 7:ao v, v. Hunduy A. m. Evenlug 1'ruyor on J'rlduy ut It A l'P!U'lwill IT ll.lf I 1 t..v. ,. 10 1 nutor. Morninir service uverv Hub- (u'wii i ''" c'uniy ut 11 A. M Hubbiitll Jtr m .".'."""Hi'V1 ,l,lur morning ervtce. fnee rmujr evening ut nuitor rei jj1 union fcorvicea In tho court house tit tm'''PNA'' :UKCII-Itov."w. 0. X. ui iri i Burvicc every hunduy ut JJ b"k? i.K Bunilav Bchool if tor monilng r"".. Htrnngerscoitllully iuvlted, Heuta f ree. h'Uy Knh, f uv.ur:H''0 mornliiKut 11 u. in. EuZ 1'0"' t 12:aj o'ufock e m. Kpworth rur;,i."1 .C:'i9 . J'ruyer meeting every lUiion '."'"J lnK, "5 7:80 o'clock. A COriilul In lll. " uxtlwl by Iwtli pustor und Hjople UIMuv, J. w. JKNKINS. urcii r'h "'"''hli'ic t tho Congregutlouui rtlullyVnv,ted' Bt 8 ' ' Ml "ro CVKerC5AL'i,.UA1' WfHKUAN-Nlntli atreet, f VTBfJ Olle I'.. WIUIM WVIUUIUV General Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing Speciality Third Street, opp, Lien's old Stand. - House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and nil kinds of work in his line ut reasonable figures. JIas the largest house moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 18I,The Dalles THROUGH J. F. FORD, 1st, Of Des Moines, Ioivh, write under date of March 13, lb33: S. B. Med. Mko. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Gentlemen : On arriving liome lust week, I found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, who hud wusted away to 38 pounds, is now well, stronir and vigorous, and well Heslied up. S. B. Cough Cure has done its work well. Both of the children like it. Your H. B. Coutrh Cure has cured and kept away all hoarseness from me. So give It to every one, with greetings tor an. w lulling you prosperity, wu re YourB, Mh. & Mits. J. F, Foitn. If you wlih to (eel trckli und cheerful, und ready for the Spring' work, cleanse your syatem with theJieuduchu uiul Liver Cure, by taking twooi three dose each week, Bold under ti positive guurautce. 00 cent per bottle by nil druggists, C. F. STEPHENS, DBALUR IN DRY GOODS 1? Qlothing ttoota, Hhoea, Hats, Kte. Fancy (jooo fJotion, Kte,, Etc., Kte. Seoond St., The Dalles. Freigni ana Passenger Line Through daily service (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Kegulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade 1jcks with steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock') at C a. m. con necting with steamer Regulator for The Dallw,. I'AMHUNOKK HA'J'KS. Oneway $2.00 Mound trip 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings' must bo delivered before 5 p. in. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, Ueneral Agent. B. F. LAUGHLIN, (leueral Manager. THE DALLES, pARTIC OREGON CANDY FACTORY SODA WATER AND IOE 0REAM. Ht vf holeaul liintutloiii.. Candies and Nuts JivSy Specialties Finest Peanut Roastor In Tho Dalles 2 38 2i Stree J.FOLCO At right side Mr. Oburr'i restuuruut. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, poDular and reliable hour.0 has boon entirely refurnished, uud every room haa been repaporod and repalntot and jjewly carpeted throughout. Tho house contalua 170 rooms and is supplied with every modern convenience. Rate reasonable, A good restaurant uttachec to tho house. Frer bus to and from all trains. C. W. KNOWI.ES. Prop. A RAILROAD HORROR Two Trains on the Michigan Central A TERRIBLE SCENE OF CARNAGE List of Killed and Wounded is Very Large Caused by a Faulty Airbrake. JACKho.v, Mich., Oct. 1.1. One of the most frightful railroad accidents oc curred here at 0 ::!0 this morning. The secomrfcection of the Oswego special ran into tho rear end of the iirst, telescoping two coaches, smashing the cars and crushing the life out of scores of people. Inside of -0 minutes tix bodies were taken out and the work had only begun. A wrecking train is just coming to the scene to lift the shattered cars. The accideu' occurred while the first section was standing on the track. Some of the passengers were out on the ground, some eating breakfast, and many asleep. The telescoped carswere the first and second ones from the rear of the first special. No one can say how many are killed. All the undertakers and physicians and assistants on the ground are doing all they can, but the sight is appalling. Every undertaking establishment in the city is overrun with dead. The accident was not due to a mis placed switch. Engineer Whalen, in charge of the eection, says he saw the signal to keep back, but when he tried to stop the train he found the air brake would not work, making impossible to stop. Whalen was badly burned and has one leg broken. All the dead and injured have been taken from the wreck. The dead number 17, the injured 52. most of tho dead are frightfully mangled. The wreck was one of the sections of a world's fair train of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western road, running over the Michigan Central tracks. Two rear cars completely telescoped each other, and every person in them was either killed or injured. Willing hands at once went to work, and as soon as possible the wounded were rescued and cared for, nnd the dead removed to the morgues. .So far li bodies have been found. The injured number 50 to 00. A large force is at work clearing away the tim ber. It is feared there are bodies be neath tho cars. It is impossible yet to get a complete list of the wounded, as many were taken to private houses. The unknown babe lias been identified as the child of Mrs. Anson Ilerrington. It is supposed tho man and one of the un known women are husband und wife named Buck. I'l.K.VSKI) WITH 1I1S JiKIOIIHOItS The Male Owner ir u Quarter "f I.ttliil ltefuaea to Bell to the l.uille. Ponca, Oklahoma, Oct. 13. A few days before the memorable 10th of Sep tember, announcement was made through tho press that Miss Annette Daisy was leading a colony of spinsters and widows into the Cherokee strip for the purpose of establishing a woman's settlement. Miss Daisy is a Kentucky woman who has taken part in all the runs by which lands have been settled in tho territory. This time it was stated that she intended to found a community from which men will be excluded. Of tho same mind and intentions were nearly 40 women, who had accepted Miss Daisy as a leader. During the rush and the excitement following the open ing, these women, who had been wait ing near Arkansas City, were lost sight of. It has since been learned that they were partially successful. They secured possession of three quarter-sections of good land or '180 acres, a fow miles west of this place, on which they had begun permanent iiiipiovements. Alfred an derpool, who is doing missionary work- in tho strip, and who has just completed an ovorluud trip from Knld to Ponca, re- porta that ho found 22 of Iho Daisy colony settled on the three quarter-sec tions, where they already have two small houses and four tents. Thoy have en deavored to buyout the man who so cured tho oil' quiutcr of the section on which they are located, but so far havu been unsuccessful. Ho evidently Is too well pleased witli his neighbors. A .lnUi That Wii N' .Jl. Kjiwi'oht Nm, Va., Oct. 13. Miss Elizabeth Clark, who was selected to represent Virginia ut tho Confederate reunion at Birmingham, Ala., and Dr. Taylor, who resides on JJumpton Roads, this city, wero unwittingly married by Justice of tho Peace Ilaskins at a hoelal gathering at tho Taylor cottage. Tho alfnir was looked upon us a mere inci dent, when the couple were going to in itiate the new justice into the perform anco of a fako marriage, but today it was learned that it was in all respects a perfectly valid ono under tho law. Tho situation is further complicated by tho fact, asalleged, tliat Miss Clark is en gaged to bo married to another, and that affair will have to be postponed un til after she can be divorced from Dr. Taylor. MITCHELL NEWS. The Mnl nnd tho Marshal--Death of drover MUner. Weather warm, cloudy and rain in sutlicient quantities to bring tho grass out until the hills areas green as spring time. Such bright prospects for fall grass makes a smile come to the faces of sheepmen and to stockmen in general, but some predict as severe a winter as that four years since. Some of the members of the Sasser family are suffering from bilious fever in a light form. Since the cooler days and nights the young folks of Mitchell seem inclined to share life and activity once again. Sev eral little dances have been the result. One day last week Mitchell vas almost over-run by the faction part of its popu lation. The turbulent members were well equipped for brave deeds by several drinks of, as the Indian would say, "fire water." The marshal attempted to arrest the noisiest member when others came, until they numbered twelve or fifteen and overpowered him, pulled his coat off, took his star from'him and told him to mind his business, which he did right manfully. He watched his chance and soon had his man under arrest and the others quite submissive. The citi zens of this place extend their right hand of respect and high regard to our marshal for his fearless attempt to quell a mob of vicious hyenas. O. S. Boardman, proprietor of the Central hotel of this place, attended court at Moro last week. He speaks very well of tho place and surrounding country. Last week a case came up before A. J. Shrum to try the rights of sheep range. James Carroly, of Muddy, grazed his sheep on S. T. Allen's range for which S. T. Allen tried for damages, which was granted with but little debate. If damages were exacted oftener sheepmen would be a little more careful how they trespassed on the range of someone else. October 2d a happy release from in tense suffering came to little Grover Misner. He is gone to that last sweet rest, where there is no more pain and sorrow, where there is no more heart ache, no more pain for that little wearied, worn-out brain. Although wo grieved to hide from view so fair a child, we could but breathe a prayer of thankful- I'ess that there is rest at last for tho little sufferer. Could wo but know there is no death and a new life is given to him that is gone, half our bitterness of parting would be swept away. If wo knew angel forms had taken our baby into angel arms and borne him to a haven of rest, there to wait for mother and loved ones left behind, then could we smile "Thy will bo done;" then could we fold our baby's hands ; then could we close our baby's oyes, not with bursting hearts, but with only a heart ache at parting and u bright hope to meet again. We can but cry out like J. L. McCreery : There is no death! Tho lenves may full And llouers miiv fmlo und iii! iiwiiy. They only wuit through misty hours, Tucciossingni tnuwuy. there Is no ilonth! Tho stars go down T o run on Mime Inner snore, And bright In heaven's Jeweled crown, T hey siunu lorcvernioie. Therein no death! An angel form Walks o'er tho earth with silent tread, He hears our best loved things awny, And then we cull ineiii "iieau." Jlo leaves our hearts all tlesoliite, lie- nlncks our fairest, sweetest tlowers. Tiuusplauted Into hlis., they now .liioill nnnioriai ooivers. ilinn unto that undying life, They leave lis but In eorni) again, With Joy wo welcome them the same, r.xrepi ineir sin unu puiu. A ut over near us, though lumen, The dear lmmoital sitlrlls tread: I'or all the boundless universe Is life -llieie is no ileuth, ic. p. h. Mnnim.i,, Or., Oct., 8, 1803. Shiloh's cure, tho Great Cough and Croup Cure, is for salu by Snipes & Kin erslv. Pocket size contains twenty-live doses, only 25e. Children lovo it. f-old by Snipes & Kinersly. STORMS IN THE EAST Telegraphic Communication Cut Of at Many Points. CLOSE CALL F(R JUSTICE BROWN Damage at Savannah-A Repetition in the Senate of Thursday Night's Turmoil. Chicago, Oct. 14. Special to The Ciikoniclk A fearful storm is raging today all over the cast and south, along tho coast line. Its influence is felt for 1,000 miles inland. All communication with New York, "Washington and other eastern points is cut off on account of the paralyzed telegraph and telephone systems. A Narrow Escape. Spcciul to The CunoNicLi:. WAsmxGTpN-, Oct. 14. Associate Jus tice Brown of the supreme court of the United States was sitting at a window in the upper story of his house looking at the storm when the plate glass win dow was violently shattered and a piece of it struck him near the eye severing an artery. He would have bled to death, but for timelv assistance. The Storm In Georgia. Savannah, Ga., Oct. 14. Special to Thu Chroniclk. A fearful storm ragrd here all last night and up to a late hour this morning, at which time it had reached its greatest intensity. All ves sels, having been apprised of the coming storm, took time by the forelock and sought refuge in the harbor, but a num ber of houses, were unroofed and much damage done. Still in a Turmoil. Washington-, D. C, Oct. 14. Special to Thk Ciikoniclk There is great diffi culty with the telegraphic wires, which were prostrated by the, storm, but an hour ago one wire was got in working order. Tho scene in the senate todav is a repetition of that of yesterday. Fili bustering is the order of the day, and delays are frequently occasioned by the calling of tho roll, when the senators re fuse to answer as their names are called. AUK FOKCK1V TO Sl'Klt KNDKK. Tlio Oiioruni in tho Semite Una lleen ISrolcen. Washington, Oct. 13. In tho senate this morning at 1 :40 o'clock the quorum was broken by the refusal of certain silver democrats to vote. Voorhees rose and said ho felt ho felt ho had done his duty in tho matter, and moved an ad journment. Tho motion was unani mously agreed to, and in an instant tho smite chamber was deserted, after a continuous session of 3S hours and 40 minutes. In The House. Washington, Oct. 13. In tho houso, an agreement was reached to take a vote on the Chinese bill at 3 o'clock Monday. The banking bill will bo called up im mediately after the houso is through dis cussing tho Chiueso bill. Voorhees AVIII Try It Again. Washington, Oct. 13. Voorhees said to tho Associated Press that ho would at 0 o'clock this evening again ask tho senate to continue in session during the night and keep It up until a voto is reached. Ho did not know whether ho could hold a quorum, but it would not be his fault if onu failed. V movement is on foot in opposition to Voorhees' proposition to ask for a night session, to procure an adjournment at o:30 till Monday. A Lender. Since its first introduction, electric hitters has gained rapidly iu popular favor, until now it is clearly in tho lead among pure medicinal tonics uud alter atives containing nothing which per mits its use as a beverage or iutofesant, it is recognized us the best and purest medicine for all iiilmeiitH of stomach, liver or kidneys. It will cure sick head ache, indigestion, constipation mm drive nuileria from tho system, Satisiaction guaranteed with each bottle or the money will bo refunded. Price only fiOe. per bottlo. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly. Ilmitlnir mill I'onK stoves iieiier Ihilii over ut Miller V Iteiiloii'a. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. RoYal Baking Powder ABSOUUTE1Y PURE