It mm ,, i-ttV 'I . ) f i- J". S4 1 ?: J"! The Dalles Daily Chronicle, Entered st the lctoaicc st The Pallt. Oropon, as !ecoml-c!ass mutter. The Fifth Annual FAIR Clothier and Iailor. -or THK- ! TOE nALlES ODD AND CUROUS VVEIG How tin- llnlittni' of tin' Muitlun Thrlr l'urrliur with (iolil. Mouoy uh'iI hy natives -in occidental Soudnu coiifUtf o Mua'.l univalve white .-bells called caurtes. derived Irosn the Maldive. and l.aqued;ve islaud. and also from Zanzibar. Tor several centuries- past ships have l)roturto to the mmtth of the "Nicer or to th Guinea coast, as far as Liberia, ensirv cargoes of these shells, the value of which runs from twelve cents to forty ceuts per thou-aml. according' to the part of Africa. Cannes are only used in countries where gold is scarce. In the whole area between Konc. I5ou doukan and the sea. eauries are not used: natives settle their purchases with polJ dust or nuccets. To weich the cold they use as cur rency they employ small copper scales. Woirhts are extremely varied in shapes and sizes. Most of them are in brass. Jiaay of the weight--exhibiting human firnres.animals. tools, ludicrous scenes, etc. saysthe .Teweler,-.' Circular.are mod eled with wax and cast in brass. African- aia;. have learned this process from Eur opsins who visited their country, but tli.-ir art exhibits a native char acter tii rot;chly novel. These black artist- have evidently reproduced what they r;T or unarmed, and they have cone it in a style oi their own: their works are peculiarly humorous and fanciful. Each native wiio has a pair of scales has also .-.pecial weichts which he alone understands how to use. He knows. Second Eastern Oregon District z. kmin Society. will rE m:u at THE DflliliES, OREGON, October 10th, 1893. Continuing rive day?. j. o. S. MCALLISTER, I'reMdent MACK, secretary From TERlBINMi or INTERIOR Points -Tltt- TVTnutlinini Dn 11U Hi RA1LROHD I the Hue ti- take TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. It is the mains Car Koute. It runs Thmueti vcstibuled 1 rains every day in the year to f or instanca. that a cirafi'e weiphs one rJ t t t Hl ' zsz r s?:: m. Pan! and Gnicago sents one-half or one-third mitkal of I ... gold. etc. NO CHANGE OF CAlis.) Composed of Dinins Cars umurpasscii. I'ui; nan Urawinc Room sleepers of latest equipment TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Wanted. A lady who understands how to do i "fine sewing can find employment of Miss .belle Mood, Upstairs at l'easex Mays. Best that can be constructed, and in wnlcfc d.tf9-30 I accommodations are both I'Jvv and Furnished I lor holderso: rlrx anc ;eCona-cias liciesi.auG ISciard of Ktjuallzatlnn. The county board of equalization will i meet at the'eourt house on October 23d, j 1593, for the purpose of eaualizinc the i ELEGANT DAY COACHES A continuou;- line, couutctinc with all lltie COUnt.V aSse.'Sinent roll tor tlllS year S .flnnlitie dirwit and uninle.-rur.ted service assessment. The board will continue in i .session one week. Joel Koontz. j ju,tean 6l KSrailnUf CAlx Ured LOUntV Assessor. ja advance throuch any asent of the nwd. In response to the solicitation of a jroodly number of citizens of The Dalles I have decided to make this mv home lUUbn UAL O poitiMn Amerkn. Eneiand and Euroiie can tx Diironi-ed at hut ior the winter, at least, and hereby offer ticket office of the company jav services to those who are interested in music as instructor in both vocal and instrumental music. Am prepared to use French, Italian or German methods. Can give the very best of references. For terms and particulars as to time and place, call at the residence of Mr. C. E. Bayard or Mr. Geo. W. Rowland. Mist Clare A. Mooee. 7diw. Full informauon concerulne rates, time 01 trains, routes and other details furuisht-d oc application to W. C. ALLAWAY, Agent D. s: A. Nav. Co.. Peculator orhce, Ttit Dalles, Or., or A. D. CHARLTON, A't. General hasser-eer Ait.. Portland, ixti WOOD, WOOD, WOOD. j Best grades of oak, fir, and slab cord i wood, at lowest market rates at .los. T. Peters s Co. Office Second and Jeffer son streets. YOUR ATTENTION Is called to tbe fact that Hagh Glenn, Dealer in Glasa, Lime, Plaster, Cement and Building Material of all kind;. Crrle the Flnet Line of Picture Mouldings To fit found Id tbe City. 72 CUashington Street. The Dalles GigaF : Faetopy FI23T S'Z'SSjS'Z'. FACTORY "NO. 105. rTf A DC ol the Best Brand? vyXjrjr.XLO manufactured, and orderu from all parts of the country filled on the shortest notice. T T I L Times makti it all the more I III L, neewsary to ndvertlte. That is I I J what the most jirotrrevdve of our J buine- men think, and ttiee tame bus ines meu are the xncrU prtrtl'-rous at all times. 11 ym wish to reach all the reople In thin nei(,'h lx)rhood you can't do better than talk to them throuch the columns of the Daily Ciibosicxe. It liHJ more than ilnublc the circulation ol any nther ll":r, and advertlninf: in it l-ays bin. S. L. YOUNG, JEWELEB : Watches and Jewelry ieialrl to order on short notice, and natlsfaction guaranteed AT THE I More ol I. C. Nickolun, Utl Kt.Tlie Dulle Assignee's Notice to Creditors, V. E. (iarreuon. of The Iallea, Oregon, hav ing aniiriitd tii property for the U-nelit of all lit creditors, nil )-ro!i8 havins claim aifuiiiit him arc hereby notitk-d to liroent them to me undvruntb, at The Ualles, Oregon, wlttiln three rnouthai from date A I: THOJirsOV, Alienee. Ati(;utfi, le'L-trCt Executors' Notice. Notice la hereby (,-lveri, that the undcralfrned nave been drily ntiixduted, by the Honorable the ;ounty Court ol aco couuty, Oregon, execu ' torn of the estate of John Ilazter, ilecutHd; all )croii having claim ucnliiat tald t-tatc are hereby required to present the nunc, duly veri fied and with iitoier voucliern, to u or either, t AiiusIoim.-) wnk'o county, Oreuou, tvithiu tlx months from the date of this notice, The Dalle, or,, Auk. 8, Wis. JAMKB HAXTKIl AMD JAMKH WIUTTKN, Extculont ol the titate of John llaxter ilec d, M,wSt The reputation of THE D.VLLES CI GAR has become firmly established, and the demand for the home manufactured article is increasing every day. A. ULR1CH & SON. Wood SawiiE We have bought the J. C. Meine steam Wood Saw, and will fil! all orders for sawing wood for move or furnace use at the old rate. Orders left at Maier ii Ben ton'e will be promptly at tended to, and will guaran tee entire satisfaction. fe-2Mira Jacob AVetle. JohnP.Kkieu. The Dalles My Chronicle. HAS A FAMILY OF 2000 READERS. They read The Chronicle to get the latest and moat reliable i.cwk. And they read every line that I in the pi.-r. That it what maxe the Chronicle an invaluable advert! ug mfliun.. The iieivupaper that guwi to tne arnil firesides l, the one (Qn that the advertne-rx of tofloy jxitronUe when they deatire to reach the i.-ople. When they want your trade their announcement will be found in th- pir Look over our colurnuit and oberve tne verifica tion of the truth of tills asuertlon. hemember, a trade of a family of two thousand - Is worth asking for through thete () columiit, enpcially o at our very dleekly Ghf oniele, $1.12i a.yeat. Tnese are Dun Times! . . . Decidedly the Finest Line of Gents' Furnishing . Goods, Trunks and I aiscs, etc., etc. COB. .SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES, OK. ffeu Qolumbia Hotel. THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Has lately heon thoroughly renovated and newh furnished throughout, and is now hotter than t'vor prepared to furnish the In'st Hotel accommodation? of any house in the city, and at the very low rate of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c. Office of the fast and commodious opposition Stage to Dufur, Kingsiey, Tygh Valley, Wapinitia. Warm Spring!' and Prineville is in the Hotel and persons going to Prineville can save $4.00 hv going on this Stage line. All trains stop here. WE DO JIT WANT YOUR MONEY, J. O. MACK, I "lijlE WINE$ and LIQUOR Just Nom, And DOMESTIC KEY WEST CIGARS. THE CELEBRATED PABST BEER 171 FRENCH'S BLOCK. SECOND STREET, ; THE DALLES. OH. WINHNS "HE NEW TOWN has own platted on the old ramp ground at the Fork and k Kall of Hood river, with large, aightl; lot. broad utrtvti-and alleys, gtxd noil and purewntcr.withshsdein prufunMii. irftdraiiiage.d-lightful mountrtln cllmaM, tbe central attraction at a nmuntam summer report for all Oregon, being the nearest town to Jtt. HkaI. It i unparalleled a a manufacturing center, being the natural center fur Ui Mjtiare mile of the bet ct-dar and tlr timir, i.eing miUious "I hor-pier m it ilushlng utreann. and water fall'), eailly harneed. here rnwp uiotif jMner lixintii, there the manu factories will center, turruundnl b; suii and climate that cannot beuxculled anywhere for fruit and ugriculturv. and with trauiortntlon already uMiirec you will hnd thib the place to mute a trfect home or a (uylug Inventmeoi BUT WOULD LIKE YOUH Attention! TITLE PERFECT See me on the ground, or address me at Hood River. Wasco County. Oregon. c W. Ross W inans. MILLINERY MILLINERY This Space KESEHVED FOH 112 Second Street. ANNA PETER S CO. MILLINERY MILLINERY Second St. I. C. NlCKELSEN, The Dalles, Or ()() () OUR GREAT OFFER 1 FOR 1894. o- And THE CHRONICLE pro poses to enliven them by in. trodncing its newsy presence into every home in Wasco County. OUR Circulation must be doubled and to do this we propose to furnish the Weekly Edition for the balance of this year and one year bejond for the already low price of $1.50. A year and a third 16 months- makes a GREAT amount of the very best read ing matter, comprisiug besids the world's news, valuables formation on all subjects, ai, 1 especially for the stock-raisei,' the farmer and the orchardist, and is the best medium for exposing our resources to the world. If this OFFER Is not enough, our plan to is sue the Weekly in instalments of twice a week, should make your decision favorable at once. Sunday's, Monday's, Tuesday and Wednesday's NEWS gea stale by Saturday night, and hereafter the Weekly Chronicle Pn.Tt T will roan h trnn Wprlnes- day evening, and Part II oe Saturday evening. FOR The extra trouble and expense connected with this effort to please, which is considerable, we look to an appreciative sure it will give us. ! While we would be glad of subscription money in advaufc it is not necessarily enfon Subscribe NOW for 1894 And get the benefit of tins special rate, which is practic ally for the meekly GhF0fliele,$1.12i a Yetf- PAUL KREFT & CO., DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And tlto .Moat Coinplulo and the J.iitt'Ht J'uttuniH ind J-hj;im ' CityStables? RURHAM & t Il'ructiual J'uinturH mid J'ut.or JIunorH. Nono but the beat l,nV'""nB but S-iSx Sharwln-WHIlBiiiH ml J. W. Mumiry'a i'ainta iihimI In all jur work. ROtSIRTL SON tho moat akillcd workmen uumlovud. Aitonta for Mnuury IMM. 1 'V'T ill claunicul coinbinutlon or aout) mixturo. A llrat 1iibh urticlo In nil W0" ropriotoru Executor's Notice. Wntkois hereby bIvcii that the wirti:rfiMfcl ha Iavii iipjiolntMl hy the County Court ol tho Mutual Or-kmi lor Viuv-o County, cxi-cutor of the etut! ol C'Hthcrliio Wlglc, (Iwsuuxl, hihI nil i i.-ron hnviiiL' claim iiKiilimt uld i-tto mu I heri'hr liotilleil mid rcnuinil tn nnMit (in. kiirac, with thu iroiM.-r vouchor, to incut the i 1 ortite ol liny, Huntington A WIKon, The J)allf, the date of hU notla-. V H. TAYMJlt, I .... . . Kxu-utor of ald estate, I Tlie Dalles, Or-, July 'II, 1KB. ? I Corner o( Fourth mid Federal .Ste., Tho Dalles, Oregon. These Stables have on hand the finest Livery in Eastern Oregon, and can accommodate patronK with either Single or Double Rigs, closed Hacks or Carriages day or night. MORE ROOM. Alto, can furnlah Flrat Olaaa accommodations to tenmHtera with freight or drivlni; teams, having' added to their atablea large feeding mid wiigou room. i ordera jiromjitly attended to. Paint SLod corner Thirdand Washinetou Bte The Dalle. Ore"" THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY. AUGUST BUCHLER. PropV. Thla well-known Urowory la now turnlnir out the heat iltor aim . . . cant nl lut..ut iimillnniuiu rr IHUtltliaCtUrU Ol bwv' 'nmmono o Uatmnofro On n tna 17 " ' 7- - r." ' " . ' r,..,.. .m i!" UUUllUuIulUl lUUUIiaiiu UUllulluU. IU1 "vo Wjon introuucou, aim on y tne um-cuuw nwi " he market.