The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 13, 1893, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Weekly,! year. . . 1 50
" 6 month.
' 3 ' .
DiUljr, 1 year.
' 6 mouths.
per ' 0 JO
Addrti-k b11 comciuaiCHtlon to " THE CKKON
ICLE." The DiiUo. Oresron.
orricE hocu
ujtierni IKulvery ludow n. m. to 7 p. m
Mocsy Order " . n. in. to 4 p. r.i
S'lndcy ii i
.9 a. in. to 10 a. tn.
trains gnlttg East . .9 p. ra. slid 11 AS a. m.
" Wet . . 9 p. m. nd 5:S0 p. m.
Stace for Goldendale . 7:80 h. m.
" " I'rtncvillo 5:30 a. tn.
' ""Duiurand nnn Sprlncs .5:30 a. m.
" tLeaTinp lor l.yle A Ilartluud VSO a. tn.
' " ": Antelope 5:30 a.m.
"Except suuday.
tTrl-weekly. Tiiesdav Thursday and Saturday.
1 " Monday Wednesday and Friday.
OCT. 13. 1S93
The letter Van Carry (irrntcr
uml .Muhe Hctter Time.
Falconry may yet be restored, at. it
seems, thouph not ns a sport, but a.s
i part of the terribly seriotts business
war. A Kus'.iati officer, Capt. SmoilotY,
0 75 has been tatmntr inicons to serve
w t dispatch carriers. The falcon has sev
soo eral advantages over the carrier
pipeon, says the estnmister l-a-sette.
Not only is he a more warlike
bird than the meek cousin of the dove,
but he is swifter in llitrht and capable
of great endurance. The prentest
swiftness ever known to be attained
by the carrier pipeon is fifteen (Ger
man) miles an hour, but thi- is the
rate of the ordinary llipht of the fal
con. IVAubusson, in his work on -'The
Falconry of the Middle Apes."" tells
several anecdotes of the extraordinary
powers of the falcon and letitrth and
swiftness of llipht. For instance, a
falcon which was sent from the Canary
islauds to the duke of hernia in Spain
made the return llipht from Andalusia
to TenerilYe in sixteen hours, which
was at the express speed of sixteen
(German miles to the hour. A Ger
man mile is not far short of five Eng
lish miles, so that the speed of this
falcon must have been at the rate of
about seventv-five miles an hour. A
There are many things which might (
be taught in the public school of more ;
advantage to the future citizen than
Greek or Latin, and the science and use i
of money is one of these. Of the work-i
ings of a great monetary system the ma- !
jority of people know nothing, either
theoretically or practically. They know
simply that their labor brings to them '
money and that this money buys for I
them certain necessities of life and so
much of its luxuries in proportion as !
that labor is or is not in demand. Be-1
yond that they have little thought, and
it is exceedingly difficult to interest peo
ple in the merits of a sound standard of 1
value. The argument of the working
man that a silver dollar is just as good I
or tett5r to him than a gold dollar in
that it will buv iust as much breack and .
, .' . , dvspepsia,
V,.. .-.,!!.,. 1 .,.,-
. , ,, , cive vou gatlsiaction
Bimoie an answer 10 an oiner arrumeius . .
that all discussion must needs end right
there. It is useless to attempt to point
out to htm the existing facts which by
their continuance may overthrow his
cherished idol and compel him to pay
two dollars for the bread for which he
now only pays one. Thus talks the Pa
cific Banker and Investor in an inter
esting article on finance.
further advantapc of the falcon over
the pipeon is the preater weipht which
it can carry. It is well known that a
very slipht burden is an oppression to
the poor pipeon. so that dis dies are
reduced in size by photocr:. .ic copies,
in order to reduce the weipht for the
feeble little carrier. Capt. i-moilolT
says he has found that a falcon can
carry a weipht of four Russian pounds,
or 1.040 prams (thirty pramc po to our
ounce K without dimin'shinc; its power
or swiftness in ilrintr. Besides, the
carrier piceon may fall a prey to the
falcon, while there is small danper of
any other bird takinp the carrier fal-
con a prisoner. i
Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for
torpid liver, yellow sfem or ;
kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to
Price 74c Sold j
bv Snipes A Kinerslv, drnccists. i
Her Tlrit Mrotlnr: Willi the I'nrent T
the Mun of tier Cliulce.
"It is all very lovely to become on
pnped to the man of your choice tr-..l
etij.u' those blissful moments that ci:nc
only once in a lifetime," remarked an
elderly lady ton writer for the Louis
ville Post, "but when the younp tinner
has to po throttph the ordeal of meet -inp
her intended husband'.- parents,
then, indeed, is a tryinp moment that
veri few pirls pass throuph without re
membcrinp very vividlw. The bride-to-be
may have been known to the family
for years, and yet when the son an
nounces to his parents that she i the
pirl of his choice and the one whom lie
wishes to make his wife, she at o:uv
becomes in a certain depree it different
creature and is criticised accordinply.
Xo son ever yet married a woman whom
his father thought quite pood cnouph
for him. though the outside world may
think quite the contrary. The cirl is
always looked upon by the mother as
an interloper who has come between
her and her son's affections. When,
therefore, the younp pirl is brought in
contact witn ncr dances parents,
knowing the innate antagonism that
rcipns against her, she is seldom, if
ever, at her best, and is more apt to
court disfavor than complimentary
comment from his relatives, simply
from the fact that she is half s.-tired to
death. In my experience I have
noticed that much of the trouble be
tween a mother-in-law and her sou's '
wife has been due to jealousy, and
if at the very beginning' these two
could form a compact of mutual ad
miration for the son and husband and
mutual forbearance with each other
there would be fewer family iars."
"There is a tide injhc affairs oj men which, taken at
cads on to fortune"
Tho poot unquestionably had roforonco to the
Closinjr-Ont Sale ni
1 x n ii
H II I II 1 1 II I H Xr W
liumiuiu va UUIJIDI
lttiy J our ii roeerle.
Chop t'eeil lit Miller A
ltn, (iriiln unit
A Xew York newspaper has attracted
passing attention by showinc that a
professed "society leader" of the me
tropolis derives an income from some
disgracefully kept tenements; but if the
matter were to be investigated it wonld
almost surely be found that even more
noted social personages could he put
Tinder the same indictment, not only its
New York but in other hire citie of
the world. Right here in Boston some
of the most unhealthy tenements have
been found to lie the property oi owners
who occupy high places in society. uos
tan Advertiser.
GihkI .lull I'rlntlnc.
If you have your job printing done at
The Chkoniclk you will have the ad
vantage of having it done with the most
modern and approved tyjie, with which
we keep continually supplied. All job
under the direct suervision of one of
the most successful and artistic printers
in the Northwest.
Dr. Pierce's "Pleasant
Smallest, easiest, cheapest, best.
They're tiny, sugar-coated, nuti
biliotis granules, a compound of re
fined and concentrated vegetable
extracts. Without disturbance or
tvnuhln. Coiistinatioii. Indicrestion.
Bilious Attacks, Sick and liilious !
Headaches, and all derangements of '
the liver, stomach, and bowels are I
prevented, relieved, and cured.
JWuuinenthj cured, too. By their'
mild and natural action, these little '
Pellets lead the system into natural j
ways again. Their influence lasts.
And they're the cheapest pills vou
can buy, tor they're fuaranteed to
give satisfaction in every case, or
your money is promptly returned.
You pay only for the good you ,
get. '
Everything catarrhal in its nature,
Catarrh itself, and all the troubles
that come from Catarrh, are per
fectly and permanently cured by
Dr. "Sage's Catarrh' IJemedy. No
matter how bad your ease or of how
long standing, you can be cured.
Who aro selling these goods out at groatly-roducod rate
Pipe Work. Tin Repairs m
Shop on Third street, next door west of Young & KV
lilacksmith shop.
All notes due and becoming due and j
all accounts owing us must be settled on ,
or before November 1st, 1S93, either in '
wheat, oats, barley or cash. Accounts
and notes remaining unpaid after that
date will have to undergo costs of col
lection. We mean business and must
positively have money.
Respectfully, (
dawlm The Dalles Mercantile Co.
"itic t IelUunt TnvjiiO it-.
All delinquent taxpayers that don't
want their names advertised hud better
come forward, as the roll will be pub
lished on the ilst of this month.
T. A. Wakh. Mieritl'.
For riiliber
.V t'.t'iitiiu.
weather tull' jrn to Mulrr
Just received a scow load of choice oak
wood. M.meh oc Benton.
Fur jiocki't cuttlery pet the keen cut
ter. Kery knife warruuteil at .Valer ,V
ISeiituii'N. ,
Use Mexican Silver Stove Poli-
Tnr.EE of the first four presidents of
the United States married widows.
Gen. litres Pi"r.VAM, a prandbon of
Gea. Israel Putnam of revolutionary
fame, died recently at Chillieothe. O.
The mayor of Shepherdstown. W.
Ta., recently fined himself for letting
his cow ran at larjre, a violation of the
town's ordinance.
Bv the death of her husband, just
after the wedding feast. Miss Bettie S.
Echard, of Staunton, Va., was maid,
bride and widow within ten hours'
Col. Chittenden, our consul general
to Mexico, advises every yountr man to
learn Spanish. He says he would give
one thousand dollars if he thoroughly
understood the language.
H. M. Ceirris, who retired recently
from the position of postmaster at
Newcastle, N. II., was the onl post- i
master ths town ever had. He was ap
pointed when the office was estab
lished, in lbC5. ;
Uncle Joe Akdle is an old darky
living on the Savannah river, who. !
after the earthquake in ISiC, became (
afraid to live on the ground and built
him a home in a huge oak tree, where '
he lived contentedly till the storm blew ;
him out. He will try it on the ground
awhile now.
consider Chamberlain's C'-ii"
Remedy a specific for croup. It i- v-' .
pleasant to' take, which i:- on if r..
most important requisite- where a (u.
remedy ir intended for n -e amontr ci. -lren.
I have known of of ctvx-.v
! where I know the life of a little one wa1-
-aved by the use of Chamberlain -Couirh
Remedy.'' .1. J. LaGrantre. drug
gist, Avoca, Neu. "0 cent bottle4- i .r
zitle bv Blakelev & Houchton.
Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish.
Winter Aniii ineiil.
The Union whist club will meet in
Fraternity hall nest Monday evening at
7 :'.'0 sharp for the purpose of making ar
rangements for the winter's amu'-ement.
The club will be regularly untertained
and all members are requested to be
n- -eaDie uacMivc unn r tin i. li ". i .
, Dnitrpiptsor sent br rcasi 30c,.
itiu Ji.CO)x.r jnickasc Samjiles free
VS Wi Tfce Favorite CCCTH :Z"12
1LW JC8.y
For ule by Milie A- Kltier'y.
s3liy. Quickly.
Permar.enlljf Restored.
Is the
Of the Year
For Sale at a Bargain.
J he undersigned, having secured the maelnnerv and
fixtures of what was intended for a first-class shoe factory,
bargain. Here is
an engine mm
amount of Fhot
heltinn and fmd-
will sell the same at a
boiler; of 40-odd horse power, and a
machinery, lasts, line shafting, pulleys,
ings almost a complete shoe factory.
Here is also one of the best sites for successfully oper
ating a factory of this kind to be found in this country.
! Write for particulars at once, to
Tlio Dalles,
Ml. J. JO J '
t in-
Ask your dealer
Stove Polish.
E. Ri.skhaut.
for Mexican Silver
WiMitll WiiiiiK
quality fir, oak
and slab wood.
Leave orders at 133 Second fctreet or
corner Third and Union. All orden
promptly attended to.
Mai eii & Bk.vto.n.
Man and wife wanted to work on
farm. Call at Hood's stable. It
i. i:
nucJ oil the train rr cl!ji
Iromtarljermniiir laur
excejses. Uic rvul of
overwork, kit km
worry.ctc. Fulttri-iii;:l,,
ileTcIopmcnt anti i.;nc
Klvcn toeieryorKanund
txirtlon nf tin tj!j-.
nlniile. natural mellKxli.
en. Failure lraiHjlM".
S.IIJ) retercom lt;lt,
f-xplauatloii ami pnil3
tnollcil (nculeti) Irta.
For Kent.
Rooms to rent at Rev. t
d-nce on Ninth street.
A I Ii. .
in ,
ul i irisimi (or
Horn's resi-0-23daw.
Josei-h CUAMI1EIU.AI.N expects to visit
Amertl-a again this fall.
Pklvce lliSMAJtCK's rheumatism is
still so acute that he is unable to leave
M. CuAt'viK, the barber of the Thea
tre Francais, has been elected to the
French assembly by a close shave.
QfEE.v Vjctoiua is said to be a skill
ful knitter, and works at it indefati
gabry. She has knitted, with her la
dies, many quilts for the use of the
wounded in hospitals during the cam
paigns of the Urittsh forces.
Mn. Gi,aistoke astonished some of
his auditors in the house of commons
the other night by using the word
"gumption," yet who could employ it
more appropriately, seeing how much
of the quality the G. O. M. possesses
The Great EnclUb Remedv.
I'roraptly ami poiroanmtIy
cures ell forms oi ".Vrrou
Wtakntu.r.mUtloM, Sitm-
atorrhca, Imjjoltnci and all
ejects of Alnue or Excat-u
lietn jirCTcrlU-d ovqr 3
(7(--anln tbotuanils at cu.vui;
efort and AfHr. 15 V IMlaband IU,v
J ' tit mtdlciM knotcn. Ask
drcssl5t for Wood'n fliosohodluet It bo errors
t orat worthleas ratdlclno In placo of this, leavo lib
(iuaoneat store, IdcIoso price In lettr, and
wovrllleoad by return wall. I'rlcc, one pockwto,
81;li, i. One ctlt pUate, tlx Kill cure, I'am.'ju
let In plain scaled vnvciopc, cc-uU pcatagc.
AUdreM Tlio Wood Chemical Co.,
IZl Woodward avenuv.Iictrolt, Jllch.
Bold In The Balleii by Blnktloy A Iluucliton.
JADIKfi who will iln wiHIiir lor iw-nt their
J limmt will muke kwk! wueut. llf-iilv with
lf.cldre-el. eiivulni
)',V.U MlI.LKIl, ROUttl li'.-ml, X ml.
Mien Mil,
aid ltw
If Vim Wuke up In tliti Miirnliiir j
with a bitter, bad taste in your mouth,'
take Simmons Liver Regulator. It cor- j
rects the biliouH utouiach, sweotenH the 1
breath and cleansee the furred tongue.
Uuckleu'n Aruica htilru.
The best ealve hi the world for cute, 1
brmsea, eoree, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
ores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, !
eorns, Hnd all skin eruptions, mid pohI
tively curee piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price !J5 rent.
per box. For sule bv Snipes Km-
John Pashek,
1 he Merchant Tailor
76 Court Street,
Next door to Wasco Bun Office.
Jin Just rtxdvttl the Intent ntyle in
Suitings for Gentlemen,
mid a lame lUMirtment i( I'nri leu niid Amer-h-ttii
I'lattM, wlilctt lie can llnhli To Otder for
tlioko thut fuvor lilm.
Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty. 1
it ourt uf the Mutt'
i lie Comity of n-o
riitintlt!, ,
Krimk U 'Mll'.-iik-
I'.hula UilleMile. W.
K Hunt uml V. H. I
liutler, Dufuiiduiitij.
Tu Frank Ji. Gilktjilt andllttnula (UlUiiif, oj thr
a W e-uamtd il'jwlantt:
In the iimneol the Htnte i1 Op.-oii. you mid
lm-ii nf you re hereby required lo iip)K-jir uud
mier Uie f.'omiiluiiit tiled upihist you in the
ilium- entitlefl nuit on or befoie the tirnt duy i;
the reKuhir term of the ('itrliit Court nf the ntnte
"'f ' for Wint (.'utility, next folluviinc the
dme hereof, tiewlt, 1111 or before tin-
l.'ltll duy iiT Novenilier, 1HII.'!,
uud ii vim full o to iiumvi.-r. fur wnnt
tu-r'-.f the plMlntiir will iMdy to the r.ourt
for the relief Jru ell for 111 III" coiiI'lnitit. to lit
fur ud-t-recuf loieelostue of thut eertutu n.nrt
ilinjc deed mude und executed by ju to the
nloive ruimcil ilnliittiron thet'ith ilii) ul Novem
l-r, uin the uortbiMut ijuiirter of n-ctlon
11 In touimhii -J kiiuth niliKe 1 1 emit, W .M.,ln
Wuiico i.-ouiity, Oregon, unci thut uid preiiin.'.
be old p .der lic:ti foreelo.iure (lec.-ri.-w in the
mniuier profiled by litvv und hoc rdliiK to the
priictice of kiiid Court: thut frum the pri -tedd of
nui-h mlc the iihitntill' huve uud leceive the mi in
of the hundred UUtl, ilollnrn mid Inter 'ui on j
uid Hum uliiee Novemlier (itli, 1r'J, ut the rule of
10 pur lent l-ir uiiuilin. iilnii u further hum of 1
nlxly tfii ilollur iik u reitkiinubie utloriiey h feu
for liixtlltitiiis.' t It . unit to fore l.'e Mild niort !
WW uud collect the note tln-niby n.i-nreil und .
herein ueil u)H)ii, toKether t Ii ilHiitji! K mn
mid dlbiireineiitK iiuule Mid exx:tideil In thl
eult, meludlrif,' ur-flrtiliii; cont mid exj.-ne of i
ile, und phitutilt huve n udi;iueut tuiinst i
m, the kuld Fnilik It. (illleHple, for miy dell-j
eli.-iicj- lu the of mile tu kutlnfy fully nil
fiild Mima that )ou niu-ti furet'lonuie hle nil of
the riKht. title, liiterext mid clulm of you mid i
your co-def. mluutx. eut-b mid ull of you uud '
them, mid ull other .tmuis cliiliiiln or to i
e uiiui oy, tiiroiik'ii or under you or them, or
either, lu uud in mid inortKiiKed prc.-uil.ei. und
every imrt thereof bo lnrei.-lo.ied und forever
burred Irom the equity of redemption. Thut the
pmiiilltl' b nlioHid lo bid nt kind foreetimire
ule mid iiiirchimu kuld inorlKui'eil prenu.i.n, ut
hlkiiptiiui, und thut Uxm the mile of mild mort
Kimed preinikCk the purchuker be let into tlio
jiokkesklon thereof, and every purl thereof, tin
mediately, uud (or mich other uud fur (her relief
Mk-tothe Court inuy k-uiii cijiiltiible mid iut.
1 lilt numuioim Ik kerved iioii you, the mid
Irmik I, iilllekploiiiid liliodu lilllmpi .l pub
lleutlnu in I he )iiiile ( iiuomi i.i:, u new BJ,iKir
luibllkhc m-vkly ut Iiulic ( tt),Uiix-i. i u ty,
imuon. for kjx cniikeciitlvi) wti'kx. l order of
Hon. U. I. ilmdahiiu, Judue of kuld ( uurt,
which order wim duly muile mid eiitend ut
chuir berk on thcV'itli duy of M-iieiulr ivxi.
lil'Hl! i: .Mt.NKKKK,
Attoiiievk Kr I'Julutlll'
cireuit Court of the suite of Oreaoii.
lor the eouuty of S aeo.
ilillur, 1
Plaintiff, i
vk. ;
Drriidaut. ,
Ti. H '. Ilt)itul(UKthe ahnrr-named d'Jrutlaid,
u the name of the ntnte nf OreKou, You iTO
hereby required to u)Hr mid mihwer the Com
print tiled iiKiilut vou in the nbtire entitled Htiit
witmii ten diiyn from the dute of the nervleeol
tin uiuinoni ukiii you, if j-erved v.-ithln thli
'unity, or If kerted within nny other county of
t!.i- nuite. then within twenty dityn from the
dnte of the ervif-e nf tliln HUtuiuoiik uioii ynu.
or if upon you by publleiitiiiii. then you
ure required to uppeur und ttunwer mild Coin
Iilmnt on the hr! duy nf the next term of mill
eourt. ufler nix eek iUblii-Mtinn of thlh num.
ueiiii.. te it on Mondii . the
l:itli ility iit emlier, 1XIIU,
mill if you full tn n uiiNWer. the iiluiiitlll will
' apply to the court lor Ihe relief prayed lor lu
uud eoinplulul. tn wit lor the fiireehnure of the
MurutiiKe described in ntld comphihit, und lor
the kale of the premlr therein dei:rtld, to
it the Minth half of the Kouthwent iitlurter,
the northeiik' quarter nf the kouthwint juiirter,
uud the kiiutuwent iinrlcr of the koulheiikt
iiuartur. of reellon . Inwiikhip me North.
reunite thirti-en Kimt, Wllluinette .Merldliin, eon
tUiiiliu; one liuiidred und idxty ncres, uud nltn
, ntcd in iiki-o eoiiut) , Oregon Ainu, the north
br.lf of the nnrtheuit iunrtir. the northeuiit
ijuurter of the nnrthwext iiiurtcr, und tlie Miuth
twit qnarter of the liortheuit ijuartor of hectlou
( 33, Towimhip one North, Hmiue thirteen i;it,
lllaiiiutte ilerldimi, eontniniui; one hundred
i und Rlxty ui-ren, uud kltmileil in Wuco eountj ,
ji-i;im, ui.-utiriiiiiK iu iuw mm nil- priieiu-e o
thin court, and thut the iroceedi of mild mile 1
upplled lu puyuient of the umouut kecureil by
mid miirtttiice. and xtlll minuld. tn u it the hum
! of vi.j, uml interest thereon nt the rule of
eicht )jr (-out x-r iiunuin from SeptemlM.-r Mi,
)!.;, and the further mun ofl'.MOu.OO, mid ltter
int thereon ut the rule uf eight tx.-r i.-ent jr an
iium Mlncu .March -M. W,, mn! for un uttorneyk'
fee nf .'o.M, mid for the init.i and dlnbiirhe
mentk made uud expended herein And that
the pliilntiir will unnly to the court for n iudir
iiietit HKuiimt you lor nny delieioncy there may
te icrniilnini; iifp-r the upiilieatlun of tho pro-eii-dk
of biiid mile uk uloreiald. -c
Ynu will further take notice thut the ntim
moii in thli milt In nerved Umiii you by inil11 '
ouiinii, by order of the lloimrithlu V I llnid l
khaw, Judh'e of mild Court, kuld order bulni;
(luted nepteinlier '-'7rh, I !. 1
Attomeyk lor i'liiliitlll.
THE CHKOMCLK was established for the ex
press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles
and the surrounding country, and the satisfying
efTect of its mission is everywhere apparent It
now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher
man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and
Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re
gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best
medium for advertisers in the Jnland Empire.
The Daily Ciihomclic is published every eve
ning in the week Sunday- excepted at $0.01) jier
annum. The Wkbkly iJhkoxjcli! on Fridays of
each week at SI .50 per annum.
For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address
Tlio Xctllojs, Oregon.
J.ate Special Agent General Land Ojhe.e,
.Familiar Juices in a ATexv Place.
j. is. baknett
Jl?e Ieal Estate, Ioap, liurapee,
huviiur been entered ut thik onke -Piirtiwi liuviiiL' JJrotfrty thoy witili to Soil or Tnwlo. Jiousuti to !' '
, c,? I ! i,K'!r, ?!, X:! ' AUtroct of Titl funiisl.,,,!. will find it to their udvimtaK to cull on
luiture hntrv .So. :illO, d.iti-d .March ai. isn'j, I ... , ,, , nm,tcs!J
Ulion the .N WL of Kection . Tim'iikhln'j Vi.rtli. 1 Vn vim U .. ,,..,...:..U.. ,.c it ,.C fll,, nil mid L0l10
in; l Ull! LI1U UIIIU-JI OUllVH JllHI
85 Washington St. THE DALLES, OB.
Notice. Timber Culture.
I . ri. l.A.sii OFfiei;, Tin: Iui.f.i:n, O11..1
AiiKiikt in, is'j:i
by Miirriettu
lor liilliire to
niiuiivien 10 e i.'iiueenaiion 01 kind eiitiv
r:oiiteitulit ulli-Klii" thut defendant link wholly 1
fulled and ncKleclcd to jilow or breuk or cultl-1
vale lo crop or othcrwUc, or plant with trccn. I
tree keedk or cuttliiK. during nny ol the tliuo 1
klnte uiakluK hU mid entry, any putt ol kuld !
tract, the mild purtlen uru hereby Huiuiiioned to'
iipi-ar ut thik Ollicw 011 thu 'Jlkt duy of October. I
h'M. nt 1U o'clock A. M to rekpond uud fiirulkh
tektlinony conteriilni; mid aliened fulluie.
'Jlw.'it JUIIN W. I. i:VIH, HtKlktcr.
The California Mnchoasc
Taken Up.
One wirrul gelding ubotit twelvi) yeurx old, und
branded thui p 011 left ulioulder The owner
C4ii have thii"unlmnl ly puylnu (or thin uotlcu
Is nosv open, and ita proprietor will sell his home
produced Wine at priceB in tho reach of everybody.'
Also, best Peanuts to bo found. Goods guarantoou
to be Furo and lMrst-Olass in every respect.
Thompson's Addition,