The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 13, 1893, Image 1

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    al)c Dalles
NO. 102.
Dalles Daily Chronicle.
rut.lltitl pailr, Sunday Kxrepted.
..n.1 and w MtiliitiKUm Hlrecli.. TJic
Dalle. OrcKon.
1 triii "f fu'iHltlii
tr, on
iontu bTf-"i w
Ie copr
reflect, !!
jcinT IIOUNI).
L t ,UfiT ' Uciwri 12:00 l M.
w KhT l:"i !'
, .Arm- " H- Depart S: II a. m.
KT.ninou Irciptits Unit curry pamiciiecr leave
r -L h.iul t w tut ,?ii. fnr tht
..... ..I.. tl.itr.. flviill luafli itnftf
I, of T3v' v....., ....
Mitchell, Cauyou City, leave
1 A 1 Trt
Pfralur kmKler, Winnie, WnjilnltU, Warm
p ad Tvgu Valley, leave dally, exi-eH
IJsi'ii)iileiiJ".ie, Wimlu, leave every day of tlic
ttivnr .iiilHlUV HI I A 91.
Icitttlut .u iinei at the Umatilla Hoime.
National Bank,
Cashier, -
Z. F. Moody
M. A. Moody
General Banking Business Transacted.
Makes lifo miserable All other
ailments arc as notlnny in com-
ji.irison. Women esptciallv know
i ' - V .
us Miiieriug, and low escape its
Sight Exchanges Sold on
Collections made on favoreble terms
at all accessible points.
n I' 1 1 1 1 1 I ATTORSKV-IT-Li w OBlee
1, court street, The Hull-, Orecou.
TrlK, A .m r.:s r.r .r, attubpib - i-
MW-Kmima 42 anu i. liver iwi
6uUdiiiK, Kutrance ou Wakhincton Street
kfclloi Oregon
, lev Hi M?.'mnno bulldiUK. up stair. The
, Onvou
It.lXlYK B B.ia'NTlKGTOH. 11. B. w ZUiuri.
Rl urn at law -Ottleoh, J-'ruuch'. Muck over
BMXaUunai Haul.. 't Dulled. Oregon.
. ViMii'b A. f'i. K hank bulldlHE. second
kwt, i he i.ile Orccou
M.'id M. Hurnv -l 'hIIi answered tiromiitly.
I j uriHKlit. cm- or country. Othce No. aCand
Chapraau tloci w"
i K H 1) O A N E I'll VMCIAS akii HCB-
uto.v Olllc; room. 6 and G Chapman
I Kenlduuce' H. E. corner Iourt and
rtfi itn-et. hecitid door from the corner.
Ic Souri. U to 12 A. M., 2 to 6 and 7 to B 1'. 2u.
w .VU.- Uk.vtibt. - Oa Biveu for the
faimltna eitructlou of teeth. Aluo teeth
ldjed aluminum plute. KiHmi.. HlKU ol
1 uo.jrii I ootn, becoud oireet.
Letters of Credit issued available in tie I
Eastern States.
Sight Exchantro and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St.
Iiouis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon,
Seattle Wash., and various points in Or
egon and Washington.
Collections made at all point? on fav
orable tenne.
J M. pATTCn'-ON,
First Jiational Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
DepositB received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
rew "i ork. ban irancipco and r"ort- !
Many people take pills, which
gripe and purge, woakehing the
Iiody. Moro t;iko tSimrnons Liver
Regulator, liquid or powder, be
cause more pleasant to take, doe3
not gripe, and is a mild laxative,
that also tones up the system.
The relief is quick. It is Nature's
own remedy, purely vegetable.
"1 never found nnytiiinc to do mo any
pood until I used Simmon Uver lunula
tor. it lia. been three ycnr since 1 Ilrst
used It and I have not lind Sick Hendncho
since. I sent tny sister ( ho had from one
to two attacks of Sick Headache everv
week) one-half of a package, and sho ha's
not had It Mu.ce," C. tf. .MoiiKis, Urovois
vlllc, W.Va.
xa-EYEiir rACKAOE'as
Han our Z Stamp In red cm iiriiuprr,
J. U. ZJOLIX 6: CO.. I'KiIidclphia.J'a.
P for four vears. Ife thinks the silver
iiiuii n in iv,ufi' if -n si villi iviii nu
through tliis administration.
Senator Allen Holes llie Floor
TUT? Dally Evenine Chronicle is recocnized
I fl L. as essentially the home paper for the
"""-,") miss LJff.t rr ini i not n ona
reputation. Somen UlVl L. -.C0 of our best
altlzens watch the column', of this nn nm
daily for the -piciest local news. It IMl L.K
succeed" In cleiinlne; the tield, and hence riows
in popularity nnd importance. Take it awhile,
you who don't; try some of its premium oflcrs.
D. '. TlIOMPbON. Jno. S. Scuenck.
Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Likbk.
H. M. Be all.
Biacksmiin & Wagon shod
!"The Regulator Line"
Tie Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.
'AM KtE, NO. 15. A. P. A A. M.-.MeeU
Unit a 1 third Mouduy ol euch month at 7
k.U.t.t.e. r.OYAl AKC11 CHAPTER NO. f..
t Meet. In Mkmh e Hull the third Wednesday
leach uiuntUaf; y M.
I .Mt HiMKllamiiNr Vi. MiH.tsTiiehdaveven-
?ijftnch week in Fraternity Hall, at ":W p. in.
lOI.f M1UA 1.01M.K. so f,. r.f). O. P. Meeth
k vtf7 Friday equine ut 7:a0 o'clock, in K.
1 hitii, corner nucuiul ntul I'mirt Ktrit'tK.
IjouruniK brother" are welcome.
, ' J' (HI, s y H. A. IlILLd.N. O.
rKIFMiStni' l.nnr.p vi n l- ,.i hu..,i.
c try .Monday evenliiR at 7:3U o'clock, lu
!-.aan s bulldiiiB, cori" . f ( . urt and Second
km oojoiirnniK memo..s i u cordially lu
te W U I'm kl
i. ii- .. ' . a,
ji W acsk. K of K. and B. C. C.
1 WKMHI.Y NO. wr K. OK L.-Meet In K.
A Oil' hall the hef'ntirt ntirl fntirth Wwllii'H.
pi o! each month at 7.;10 p. m.
BTflVll'V J iin.mmi..i ...........
IV Ti 'i L"nl31M. lUU LULKtl.
I, , IMON w-IH meet every Friday afternoon
piocluek at the ruidiiiR room. Allure Invited.
Iirmou IKj;e No, 601, I. 0, (i. T.-IU-RUlar
-".; uieeunKn Friday at o r. u., w
taitv fin! i n ..... i ....i.:
r-CBKisMAN, v. T. II. C. Fleck, Ke
P-W-K I3DOE NO. 8, A. O. U. W. Meeta
L UlrHturtiltf ....... v.kll...a ... c.t.init
m.. Wt " J ....., iivi, wu uwvuu eveuliiK" at 7::iu.
r. .. 11. HAr3.n.
H JIyeks, Financier. M. W.
General Blacksmithing and Work done
promptly, and all work
Horse Shoeing Speciality
Third Street op. Liete's olcl Staufl.
T-A SKiiMlTH POST, No. !TJ, 0, A. K. Meeta
jj-'ij cuiuraay ui ;ju r. v., in me k. oi i:
X Meeta every bunday afternoon lu
he K of p. Hall.
JKSA.Sf, VF.KKIN Moeta everv Bundav
"einiiBlu the K. of P. Hull.
3, F. DIVISION, No. lC7-Mceta n
Ufni ' 1 "ail mo Ilrst ana tuira neanea
CL0!tC' month, nt T.M p. m.
I o.t,Th 18 I'llUHOH -Kuv. Father IIronh
Ii w ... ,"ltor' Low Jlk" uvery Sunday ut
UlRh Miuii, at 10;30a,(. Veiir at
F'luA1'1 t Ht'lK'H -Union Street, opjKislto
Ri... ',uv. r.uu, hutciiintltecior. servicea
liil.ii. :"7 Rt 11 "d ' Hmalay
IK, i. , r.veuliiR Pruyurou Friday ut
Pul uJ;,,'r,8T MIL'KCH-Hev. 0. L. Tay-
Wh , i ". """""& aumuea livery ni"
L.. 'In' aendmn v ii . w Unlil.utli
inoruiiiK servleeH.
f.or.1 .';i'!i'iny nt 11 A. M, Habbath
'rtr n,. . ,lIU"' laomltiK mrvleeH.
tiii n I1' '"K Frhfay uvoiiIiik t Puator'a rest-
i i,' l lllOU service In tlm nmrl Iuiiii.iiiiI
tei'ATIONAL CHUHCll-Kev. W. 0.
K. hi ii V . oervieeaevury nunuay m ii
"let JJ' hunelay School ufUir mornluic
. ntruimemcordlully Invited. Beuta free.
U, ' i'.'lUJlCH-Uey. J, Wiiiklkh. puator.
lilli.,i.,.. ' " ri
"HiwIhu..; . ' ' rnjur ineeiiiiK every
hutiuu "".lnK.,li 7:80 o'eitMk, A cordial In
PHL "kuilwl by both pastor and j-eojilo
"J'fi. '.ru";llilf In the ColiKU'Katlouul
llv t, ,1 . 't0"1" ")' t 8 I-. M, All uru
! iwu
SVfcTA,'iit,AI' MITHKKAN-Nlnth utreet"
Uy Hky rw rML18?
F vt.u iw 1..U1. a uuriuaA wuiouinu
Andrew Velarde
IS jirupared to do any and all
kinds of work in his line at
reasonable figures. Has thu
largest house moving outfit
in Eastern Oregon.
Addross P.O.Box !81.The Dalles
J. F. FORD, Evangelist,
Of l)ea MolncH, Iowu, writes uuder date of
March '.-J, lb03:
S. B. Mkw. Mf. Co.,
Dufur, Oregon.
Gentlemen :
On arriving homo last week, I found
all well and anxiously awaiting. Our
littlo girl, eight and one-half years old,
who had wasted away to 38 pounds, Is
now well, strong and vigorous, and well
fleshed up. S. B. Cough Cure has done
Its work well. Hotli ol tne emiurun iiku
it. Your H. Ii. Cough Cure has cured
and kept away all hoarseness from me.
So give It to every one, with greetings
for all. Wishing you prosperity, wo are
Yours, Mit. & Muh. J. E. Foitu.
If von wish to feel fresh nnd cheerful, and ready
for the SprliiK'H work, cleanse your system with
the Heudache uud Uver Cure, by takliiK two or
three doses each week,
Sold under u positive guarantee.
60 cents pur bottle by all druggist.
Freigni ana Passenger Line
I Through daily service 'Sundays ex
. cepted) between The Dalles and' Port
i land. Steamer J'egulutor leaves The
I Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade
JX'ks with steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
I (Yamhill "treet dock) ut 6 a. m. con
necting with steamer Regulator for The
One way
Kound trip..
if 2 ,00
... . 3.00
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Shipments for Portland received at
any time day or night. Shipments for
way landings must be delivered before
5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicted.
Call on or address,
tieiifral Agent.
Ot'iirrul MHiiHKor.
Candies and Nuts
ut wholesale
4 j II ( t It 1 1 IIIIH .
C. F. STEPHENS, 'Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dallea
iP Qlothing
ItootS, Nliotta, llHta, Kto.
Fancy Efood, Jotion,
Kto.. Kto.. Kto.
Seoond St., The Dalles.
2 3 8
2d Street
At right side
Mrs. Obiirr'
rest mi runt.
The St. Charles Hotel,
This old, popular and rellablo house
has been entirely refurnished, and every
room has been ropaperod and repainte
and newly carpeted throughout. The
hoiiHo contains 170 rooms and is supplied
with every modern convenience. Hatet
reasonable. A good restaurant attachec
to the house. Krer bus to and from ah
C. W. KNOWI.ES. Prop.
flic Silver .Men Have the Worst of
It in the Matter of Showing
a Oiioriiin.
Washington, Oct. l'J. All nightlong
Senator Allen of Nebraska held the
floor, interrupted bv an occasional
'demand for a roll-call, which dragged
the sleeping senator- from the adjoining
cloakrooms. Ciray dawn at (5 a. m.
found Allen f-till holding the fort in tJ (
great struggle against unconditional re
peal, as he had been doing since dark
ness fell last night. lie had broken all
previous records. For 121.., hours he held
the lloor continuously. The longest
time any senator had previously occu
pied the floor was on the occasion of the
force bill fight in 1P91, when Faulkner
remained on guard hours, though the
Intter had a breathing spell during the
absence of a quorum. Allen seemed al
most as fresh as when he began. Hi3
voice was still loud and strong, and the
great strain seemed not to have afl'ected
his physical or mental vigor. An efl'ort
was made shortly after by the anti-silver
men to reach an agreement with the
silverites for a recess until 10 o'clock,
but the latter declined the ofler. As
the hours passed, Senator Allen's powers
of endurance amazed his auditors.
It was 9 o'clock when Martin began
his plea for the free coinage of silver.
At frequent intervals he was interrupt
ed by demands for roll-calls when it be
came evident a quorum was not in tne
chamber. During one of the intervals
Stewart read a letter warning him to
deEist in "obstructing legislation" or he
might be blown up with dynamite.
The reading merelv provoked a lauirh.
At 1 :30 Martin was still speaking. The
programme of the silver men is to have
Teller or Jones lollow Martin and Stew
art follow them. Thev aert thev are
in a position to go on, and that the phy
sical endurance question having been
forced upon them, thev are determined
to carry it to a legitimate conclusion.
Stewart, Jones, Pugh, Morgan and other
silver men who were not present last
night were taking their regular rest and
camo in this morning, while Teller, Wol
cott, Dubois and others who were in the
chamber all night went home to sleep
and rest. They have the best of the sit
uation, as they only need enough men
to keep the talk going, while the oppo
nents of silver must at all times be
ready to muster a quorum. In this the
silver men do not aid them, as they de
cline to respond on the calls of the roll
to establish the presence of a quorum.
Another Horn or the Dilriniiiii.
Washington, Oct. 1-. A report is
current on the floor of the senate that
the silver democrats who have acted
with the real senators in making a
quorum will early this evening announce
a determination to no longer pursue
this course because of the futility of at
tempting to get a vote. If this is done
it will place the responsibility of main
taining u quorum entirely upon the re
peal men, and, of course, increase the
difliculty of continuing the session.
Ulackburn visited Carlisle today for the
purpose of urging the necessity of a com
promise in view of the evident impossi
bility of getting a vote by a continuous
session. It is said Carlisle expressed
tho opinion a vote could be reached, and
did not promise more than to consider
the suggestions.
It is definitely slated that at 10 o'clock
tonight Voorheea will move a recess
until 10 o'clock tomorrow. H i gener
ally supposed tho recess will he used for
tho purpose of eU'eeting a compromise,
though tho repeal men say not, but that
they will go on Indellnltely from 10 a. in.
to 10 p. in. daily until the silver men
get through with speechmaking
Will ho No 'oniil ninle.
Washington, Oct. 1'-'. An incomplete
canvass of tho senate at '2 p.m. indicates
the general opinion that the continuous
session will last ut leant through tonight.
Voorhees denounced unqualiildedly
tho statement published in some quar
ters to thu effect that Carlisle and Goi
mon had agreed on a compromise to ho
put through tho senate by Voorhees.
Ho declares tho adinluistiatiou is not
seeking a compiomlse. Harris Iiiih pro
posed an amendment to suspend silver
purchases till the silver now in tho
treasury is coined, then to coin a blank
amount monthly, doing away with all
small notes. Silver democrats are not
inclined ,to accept the amendment.
Jones of Arkansas will introduce an
amendment for the coinngo of $2,500,000
A (iiinjr of Tlirin Mitkft Tliltim Lively In
AkIiIiiikI, Or.
Asiilani), Or., Oct. 12. A hundr d
tramps arrived here on a freight tram
from tho north last night, and on tho ar
rival of tlic freight train from the south
this number was increased. About 11
o'clock a body of them moved ngaitiot
Chinatown with tho intention of chasing
the Chinese out of town. They had
broken into tho buildings and got 10 of
the Chinamen out in line before an
alarm was given. Officers, aided by a
few armed citizens, succeeded in quiet
ing the disturbance, but tho tramps had
already stolen some sf-10 from the China
men and had robbed the wash-bo '
They left for California on a fre'I t
train this morning.
The Union Pacific Goes Into Other
Hands Today.
The Failure Thought to he Due to
Watered Stock-Railroad Collision
in Michigan.
Thos. Gilbert makes the first convic
tion from Sherman county for peniten
tiary honors. Judge Dradshaw gave
him two years in Salem.
The Western Association of Baptists
has just closed its annual session at Mor-
mouth. The attendance has been ex
cellent, and much interest has character
ized every session.
Albert Forrester, who was workir,
upon a boom above L-i. J. irullinger's
mill, near Oregon City, clearing away
drift, when he slipped and went over the
dam, and after floating about in an eddy
drifted down stream for a considerable
distance, and was drowned almost within
reach of help. lie leaves a wife and one
youngchild to mourn his untimely death.
A band of gypsies recently drove their
team and wagon on to the ancouver
ferry from the Oregon side. After the
ferry started the team became frightened
and backed the wagon and its occupants
into the Columbia river. They were
rescued by the boat hands and landed on
the Oregon side again, where they built
a fire and dried their clothes.
A. L. Hembree, who was tried for the
killing of John Kinifick, February 14th,
1S93, in Sherman county, was pronounced
not guilty by the jury. There was a
lack of testimony showing that Hembree
was the murderer and tho previous bad
character of Kinifick showed that in the
melee at Jos. Elliott's house over the
card game Hembree's actions were justi
fiable. Judge Bennett appeared for tho
defendant and W. II. Wilson for tho
J. Arrell Johnson, of Topeka, an
nounces that ho has discovered a liquid
preparation that will change the color of
the African and make him a whito man.
He says he has experimented on two
negroes, and tliat ins preparation uiu
tho woik. He expects to go south and
make his fortune.
Hpeclal to Tin: Uhuokicli:.
Omaha, Oct. 14. ltailroad circles are
agog over tho news that the Union Paci
fic has passed into tho hands of a re
ceiver, for such is the fact, tho necessary
papers having all been made out at 10
o'clock this morning and delivered, ap
pointing Mr. S. II. II. Clark, receiver.
Mr. Clark has been president of the
road for several months and his well
known integrity of character makes his
appointment giveiiniversal satisfaction.
Fifteen years ago he waB division super
intendent on the mountain division of
the Union Pacific, stationed at Chey
enne, but has risen by swift stages to be
one of the foremost railroad men of the
day. Stock of the Union Pacific has
been steadily dropping for several
months, until it has reached a point
comparatively valueless, but it was sup
posed that by their recently inaugur
ated system of rigid economiea
they would weather the storm. Too
much water in their stock, it is thought,
is at the base of their failure, as in the
present season of depression, the road
could not stand it, though safe enough
in ordinary times.
Two Trains Collide in Michigan anil a
Largo Number Killed.
Jacksox, Mich. Special to The
Chuoxicle. Meagre news has just
reached this point of a frightful collision
near here by which 150 people are
killed. Nothing further can be learned
at this time.
Lateii A corrected estimate places
the number killed at 43 and the injured
Robert Mays ha seed rye
his farm in Tygh Valley.
sale at
Something to Ititiiiemhur,
vou're a weak or ailing woman that
there's only one medicine so sure to help
vou that it' can be guaranteed. It's Dr.
ierce's Favorite Prescription. lu
building up over-worked, feeble, delicate
women, or in any "female complaint or
weakness, if it ever fails to benefit or
cure, vou have your money back. It's
an invlgorator, restorative tonic, a sooth
ing or strengthening nervine, and a safe
and curtain remedy for woman's ills and
ailments. It regulates and promotes all
tho proper functions, improves diges
t on. enriches tho blood, dispels aches
and pains, brings refreshing sleep, and
restores liealtli and strength.
Nothing else can bo as cheap. With
this, you pay only for the good you get.
I'm- Iron, l'lpi', pump, plumbing Kuoila
of all IuiiiIn go lo tinier X lleiiton.
A Leader.
Since its first introduction, electric
bitters has gained rapidly in popular
favor, until now it is clearly in tho lead
among pure medicinal tonics and alter
ativescontaining nothing which per
mits its use as a beverage or into'uut,
it is recognized as tho best and purest
mcdicino for all ailments of stomach,
liver or kidneys. It w ill euro sick head
ache, indigestion, constipation aim drive
maleria from the system. Satisfaction
guaranteed with each buttle or the
money will bo refunded. Piiceonly 50c.
per bottle. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly.
Heating uiiil rook kIimi-n I'hriiper Mum
nviir ut .11 lilt r Ar lleiiloii'n,
Tygh Valley Holler
in complete repair;
Perhaps some of our readers would
like to know in what respect Chamber
lain's Cough Itemedv is better than anv
other. We will tell you. When this
remedo has been taken as soon as a cold
has been contracted, and before it has
become settled in the system, it will
counteract tho effect of the cold and
greatly lessen its severity, and it's tho
only remedy that will do this. It acts
in perfect harmony with nature and
aids nature in relieving tho lungs, open
ing the secretions, liquifying tho mu
cous and causing its expulsion from tho
air cells of the lungs, nnd restoring the
pystem to a stroHg and healthy condi
tion. No other remedy in tho market
possesses these remarkable properties.
No other will euro a cold so quickly.
For sale by Plakoley it Houghton.
Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no
Flour .11111.
always in storo
flour equal to tho best. Also old stylo
coarse ami lino Cira'mm flour, mill feed,
etc. W. M. Mi'Coitici.K, Propr.
til. 11.3m
C, nm iinteeil Cure.
We authorize our advertised druggist
to sell Dr. King's Now Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds, upon
this condition. If you aro allllcted with
a Cough, Cold or "any Lung, Throat or
Chest trouble', and will use this remedy
as directed, giving it a fail trial, and ex
perience no bonollt, you may return tho
bottlo and have your money refund :!.
We could not make this olfor did we not
know that Dr. King's Now Discovery
could bo rolled on. It never disappoints.
Trial bottles freo at Snipes & Kinorsly's.
Iluy your eoril wood of Mulor.V lleiilun.
the niill.H, Or., (let. I'.', I HUH.
Ciiniiiieiu'liig 1'VMiiy, Del. Ill, Uiu l., I.
V A. N. Io, will nkII Kxeiii'Mliiu TieluilN
In rurllaiiil ami Hotiuii liieluillng ml
mlhiiiiiii tu tlm Kiusllioii, fur Nil. OO.
TioKetx limited to Oi l, :.'Htli.
Alien n lliiUoU on hiiI. i ul Ilin Ol'l'IOK
ONI. V, ami eniiiiot I mi hail on liiiunl,
W. CJ. A I, I, A WAY, (1. A.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.