The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 12, 1893, Image 2

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Tbe Dalles Daily Chronicle.
All note? line and Kvomins: dm- ami
A Valuable Storklnp.
Edward Hutchinson Robblns was
Ltiniliiir n( thp Miissnnhimotts hollst! of
OFFICIAL PAPER OF DaU-KS CITY. a accounts owing us must be settled on ,jWM.ut;Uives in Itna. ULs crandson.
A(L5tU"NTV, - or before November 1st, 1593, either in ho describes him as, a man of uutirinjr
Accounts kindness, "whose desire was to bless
'by mail, postage rr.j:rAii), i" aptanck.
Weekly, 1 year.
" 6 month.
IHtly, 1 year.
' 6 months.
n2' date will have to undergo costs of col
s co ' positively have money
We mean business and must
Address nil communication to " THE CHKOX
ICLE." The Dalle. Oreptm.
wheat, oats, barley or cash
.-,: v.m!i!nltic limuihl niter that and serve others," says:
,,,,1. ...... w r- i , -, .... , .....
vicjilicii iiri"vr, v nil miuw nun
well, told me once that when he was ;
clerk in a store in Itoston the old gen
tleman walked in with a gray stocking
in his hind, the foot of which was full
of s-ponish dollars.
" "Stephen, my little man,' said he.
fV-t ear if this for me: it's n new
The best salve in the world for cuts. ...tockiiic. and my daughter Cnssv knit teed. Not with words hiercly ; any
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever it for me. medicine can niako claims and prom-
"o MephcQ put u away and grand- 1!c.,. hat is done with the "ra-
father forgot it from that hour. Uut vorite Prescription " is this : if it
three months later he came into the MU ,Q beiafit or cm. in auv c,A$l
store in much affliction. : n.turncd. Can vou
"Stephen, my httle man,' said he. ur' V' t .1. .r.X;.,..
Tve lost a stocking like this.1 showinr "P. "tu .
"There is a tide in the affairs oj men which, taken
leads on to fortune."
Tho poot unquostionnbly hnd roforonco to tr,0
The Mkucantill Co.
I!nckleii' Arnica Ml .
It isn't in the onlinan tpap
that Dr. Piorco's Favorite Prescrip
tion comes to the weak ami suffering
woman who needs it. It's auaran-
Jiocv order ' j a. m. to 4 m. sores, tetter, chapped hands, eniltuain
snadiyu ' . to wa. m. TOrn?f ll5,d nil skin eruptions, and posi-
cuing or iiAitj? tivelv cures piles, or no pav required
train? colnc Enst 9p.c.a4!l':.E.! . 1 ' . .
.. 'west s j. m. and 5:So p. m. ' It is guaranteed to give periect sntisiac
ritase lor GoWendaie lion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
nnfnrmid w trm surir.srs 5:3a.ia. ner box. For sale by Snipes A Kin-
fl-earing for Lyie A Hartlaad .5;3i a. a. arv
" " ; Antelope .5.30 a. ra.
llSklr? T5ilr Thursday and Saturday. , " You " the M "rnl,,B ,
1 " Moadar Wedaesy and Friday. wjtn a bitter, bad taste in your mouth.
; ; I take Simmons Liver Regulator. It cor-
THUESDAY, - - OCT. 12. 1S93 ; rect5 tfae t,;:ou5 stomach, sweetens the
breath and cleanses the furred tongue.
Trom Clapp & Co.'s weekly market
letter of Oct. 6th we extract the fol
lowing :
Just received a scow load of choice
wood. Maiek i: Benton
the mate, 'and I'm so sorry! My daugh
ter Cassy knit them,' he said, tender. y.
'and I would not lose them for any
thing '
" 'I produced the stocking with the
Spanish dollars tied up in the foot,'
said Stephen, 'and there was no affec
tation about it; he reallv cared more
. about finding the stocking that ht
oak . . i i' 1 : . i , . ,. .. . ., i
for the money.' " Youth's Companion.
Shiloh's Vitnlizer is whnt you neeti for
dysiwpsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or
Primary receipts since June 30th have kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to
been about 61,000,000 bushels against ' give you satisfaction. Pri'e 74c Sold
about 105,000,000 bushels lor 47,000,000 ' by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists.
bushels less than last
season, same
time), and an average of about 52,000,
000 bushels for the previous seven years,
from 1S57 to 1591 inclusive. The visible
supply seldom begins decreasing as late
as it did this season. It seldom ceases
to decrease or reaches the maximum
point before about January Sth. This
liutl.e for Holit.
Sis-room house to rent,
located. Applv to
tf H
Chamberlain's Cough
"I consider
Remedy a specific for croup
pleasant to take, which is one of the
most important requisites where a cough
Klght Women Colonel.
The eight women colonels of the Ger
man army, who draw sword only
"enn-oceusionaily and their salaries
regularly, are: The empress of Ger
many, the dowager empress, wife of
the late Frederick III.: Princess Fred
erick Charles of Prussia. Qoeen Regent
Sophia, and Queen Wilhelmina of the
Netherlands, the duchess of Con
naught, the duchess of Edinburgh.
It is verv sister o: the emperor ol Kussta, ana
Queen ictoria of bnglana.
It's an invigorating, restorative
tonic, a soothing and strengthening
nervine, and a certain remedy for
the ills and ailments that beset a
woman. In " female complaint " of
every kind, periodical pains, internal
inflammation or ulceration, hearing
down sensations, and all chronic
weaknesses and irregularities, it is
a positive and complete cure.
To every tired, overworked wo
man, and to every weak, nervous,
and ailing one, it is guaranteed to
brine health and strength.
ii-Out Si i
iFiiinre k Can
lttiy your Groceries, Hnv. Grain ami
season the visible has decreased since remedv is intended for use among ehil-1 Cllli' Feeit nt Mater a- r.entmr.
To every sufferer from Catarrh,
no matter how bad the case or of
how long standing, the proprietors
of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy
say this : " If we can't cure it,
perfectly and permanently, we'll
pay you fS00 in cash." Sold by
all druggists.
Who are soiling those goods out at greatly-reduced ra
Pipe Wort, Tin Repairs ana
July 1st 1,756,000 bushels; last year it
increased 23,363,900 bushels. Weekly
exports from July 1st to September 29th
averaged over 5,000,000 bushels; last
week they were 3,500,000 bushels. This
week we think they will be about 3,000,-
000 bushels. Last season the average ,'
the first twelve weeks was 3.500,000 i
bushels; in 1S91, same time, average
drea. I have known of cases of croup Gomt Joi i-riminc.
where I know the life of a little one was If you have your' job printing done at
saved by the use of Chamberlain's Xhe Chuo.vicle vou will have the ad-
Cough i-iemedv. J.J. .Laorange. drug
gist, Avoca, eb. w cent notties Jor
iale by Blakeley & Houghton.
Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish.
Winter .muetuetils.
The Columbia whist club will meet in
1 r r-nf i 1 I
exports wereaoout o,ow,uw onsneis per F.prn;fv lian Mftn.iBV ..renin!- at
, - - . -
week, and for the five years ending
June 30th, 1S91, they averaged about
3,000,000 bushels per week. The bears
claim the 35,000,000 bushels of the visi
ble in Chicago and this city is Sve-
7 :30 sharp for the purjose of making ar
rangements for the winter's amusement
The club will be regularly entertained
and all members are requested to he
eights of the visible, and there is too '
vantage of having it done with the most
modern and approved type, with hich
we keep continually supplied. All jobs
under the direct supervision o: one of
the most successful and artistic printers
in the Northwest.
c. ---4
much wheat at speculative centers to; 7heittMv; word. Vuium ano - ..-r ,
expect a great advance; that Minneano-1 ad manr -.bins, but eomtnc ir.. v .
... , , , has been a -uflejer lor many year. r ' .-:-e
lis mills never ground as much nour or ;ribute en be added
sold it as cheapen Great Britain; hat ! g Z ,
until flour advances there is no good recommend Krau-e' Hcwduche Cajeui rs
reason to buy wheat ; that the world's j in
wueai auu crupj iui; seu:uu :iiurc m them. Your with re-1-.-ct.
than equal average seasons or average , . ,,W,1-I-1H
, . - Pub. AIUXUIK 1-
vearlv consumption ; that our govern- ; 0ld by nlj & Klbetiiv.
ment report has been underestimated at
inc the only jirerara:ion tba: has eve: a.r
taut relief. Have been Eiinr tan: ti r
ix month? and have never yetbendi?v.. .
tvjS ft- Is w zJB
a U B r.
j tar. rj ,zj
, ii . , --iK Your ueaier
'"1 IC" Kl ttiit. vii an ti..cai: , i 5jQTe Polj h
inat prices are low enongn, dui mat
while "the one man" assumes to dictate
for Mexican
what the people want rather than see
that they are executed there is no good
in buying anything. The bulls say the
bread-loaf was never lower in London or
at consuming centers; that consump
tion is large; that the best statisticians
are foreigners and buyers of food, and
they admit the world's crop is about
100,000,000 bushels less than actual
needs ; that Liverpool and other Euro
pean stocks and the amount afloat iias
begun to .decrease when ordinarily an
increase is customary ; that farmers'
holdings March 1st, 1S94, wjjl likely
show less reserve per capita than ever
shown ; that it is always true penty of
reasons appf-ar when prices are very low
why they should be lower. The reverse
is true when they are high, therefore
copper public sentiment and the great
variety of reasoning whenever it gets all
on one side, and especially so on wb-at,
which is now selling below cost of pro
duction, and below any known record
in the world's market. We think one
half ocr surplus has gone forward.
Perhaps some of our reader- won.!.
like to know in what respect Chamber
lain's Cough Kemedy I: better than any
other. We will tell you. When tt.i?
remedo ha been taken as soon as a co.d
has been contracted, and before r. as
become settled in the ;ytem, i: wi.'
counteract the -ll-:et of the ci-i and
greatly lessen its severity, and it's the
only remedy that will do this. Ir acts
in perfect harmony with nature an-:
aids natura in relieving the lungs, own
ing the secretions, liquifying the n.u
cous and causing us expulsion from tt,e
air cells of the lungs, and restoring the
-ystem to a strong and healthy condi
tion. No other remedy in the market
pOsSe:es thee remarkable properties.
No other will cure a cold so f;n;i K, .
For sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
Wood! Wood: Wood:
Best quality fir, oak and slab wood.
Leave orders at 133 Second s-treet ir
corner Third and Union. All order?
promptly attended to.
M.uee & Bestos.
Man and wife wanted to work on
ii-is-, una
CI.CC per Bottle.
. .." . Conchs Uour-fiif , .it,
t.oij r 'mntlr; re'""VfS VTlioi act su
, - j A-ttuim. I r t onsnni; tt b ... z.
v..; r. is cured thousand me- alloUie
fni-i- v.-:li cvhe roc li taken tat.c." .--. '
I v Iii-ur;.sts on Rt"an!nt-2. F Ln.' lit. .
i r tW, use SUILOII's I'LAIx-U. 'S. ct.
Jia-eyuu (..atiii-rti ? Thirpraf
teed to cure you. Price St .-. .
Is the
Of the Year
Slinn rm Tliirrl St.rfot. novt. flnrr upct nf Vrnn L r
liiacKsmiin onop.
For Sale at a Barifain.
Tho untlcM-sijrnod, having secured tho inat'lniicrv a
r ...t. i .. r...
n .1.. 1 1 11 :..
1,11 ...11 LA.L. . t . ,.1. tl. . J. 1(1X1. I 1 I L , . VkAkAAlI .'. 1
i 1 ,.r a i .... l i
ir r . l ii i . i i i 1 1 iiiiiiiii'' ii'i in1' tint
injiP almost a comploto rlioe factory.
i ii ir i 1'iiMf ir- in iiiiw u iii in 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 i iii mm i'i in u
Write for particular. at once, to
Tlio X Alios, Or.
111JJ u
S Ml
Easll,, QuiekiT,
Peraar.enllj Restored.
and nil '..e'rt... i ', r- ,i
Jrwn-ar y crrvi r .at'
orerwork. u. tu . .
worrr.ett Pui. ,srt-ug'i .
dt'7cIopmcut nut! iun
Cl-en e- try rgati ami
txirtlon uf tie hnar.
blnipl''. na'-ura. metbuot.
iwl inlKirr lmpuuthM.
2.UI1 reli-rear H,
cxplauatlun and prurfj
malk-d tusUtrd Irtr.:.
farm. Call nt HoodV stable.
Kor J'.eiit.
Originally Fresno was one of the "cow
counties," says Kate Field'u paper in an
article on California, and cattle and Rooms to rent at Kev. A. Horn's real
sbeep still form an important industry, , dence on Ninth street. o-23daw.
but its greatest wealth lies in raisins,
which may be called its raison d' etre. ;
In issli the Income of its people
amounted to $10,000,000, U.OOO.OOO of.
which came from ca
and ?1,500,OOD from
than ten years ago
England school teacher, transplanted to , 76 Court street,
Fresno, become possessed with the idea ' ezt to Wasco Sua Office,
of turning Fresno grape into raisins. ,
She lived long enough to carry out an! J"1 rtec-i..-.) the iaitt ,i.
inspiration which has so fructified that ' bmhngS jor Gentlemen,
John Pashek,
riTlI:Tie Merchant lailor,
1 1. ..'. inui' f iiurt"! t:i t...
lie ' ouuty i ii-i
A l lloltol..
Friii, k It. Olllinlile '(
E Hunt Mid W. II. i
'!', 'if tit
liutler, l)ffiillniit. ;
To Vout It. G(Ujife anii'J'.hoda '., -iljrf)taud
In the name of the tntc of Own
ch of you lire hereby rwiulrHl i.
Mir Ine orimiilutlil niwi bii.i: !. iu !,.
above entitled suit on or bwfoie the fin: o,,
the revulsr term of the t'lrfsnll ourt of tii. ntt
,,f iitvs;nn for V-o County, next folio :i if
(late heteuf, to-wit, on or Ijvfore tin-
!3tlt iluy uf .SimmiiIiit, lHICi,
!: the i lrruit Court of the Suite of Oregon.
for the county of Wasco.
W A MUler, 1
i 1' UeynoMb,
It'J'tulaut. 1
Tt I. J' Ur)fHrMt, tU alutet uumnl ilfjetidtml,
1 n the mime of the atnte of Oregon, You ie
in-ruby repaired tuvi-r und nner tho (Jnv
,.int filed iiL-nint ou in thenbovo untltlfl Milt
!thln ten dnyn from the dnto of the i-ervireof
?!:i iuiiimoii ujKiu you, if within Uil
eounty or if Mirvwi within ny other eounty of
t.'.iA ntate, then within tueuty dut from the
Mati-of the M.-n'lce of tblh numinonx uixin you;
,r if Mirved tt)ion you by iiubliciitlon. then you
r- rwiilrl to H,j.iir and u:twcr mid Com
, limit on the hrrt rluy of the next term of until
'ourt, after nix week' liuhllcution of thli- ium-iiiuiii-.
tii-Kit on Monduy. the
llitli liny November, 1HU3,
aiul!f)oii fall to mi in. utter, the lilnintit! will
b'I' totheeourt for the relief prayed for in
.uid ecimnUlnt. lo-uit for the foreelonure of the
iii-trtKHKu (!, r llel in nitld tonijiliiint, und for
tueimlHof the tiruinli-'n tbetein deerlbel, to--..:t
the -nutl, hulf of the n,uthwvt i.tinrter.
the iio-theiikt ijuarter of the Miuthwetit itiurter,
und the wmtowunt ijuurter of the mmthein-t i
-.uartvr, of fceetiou . lownshlti one North.
Untitle thirteen Kunt. Willnmette Merldiim. eon 1
tun ine one huudrwl mid .iixty iierea, und i-ltu
atl in Wiueo county, Oritfou Alx, the north
half of the northeut itiiirter, the northeunt
-luarter of the iinrthuet quarter, und the Miuth-
mt ijuarterof the northeimt (Urler of hvotlon
Totrjihhht ou North, KmiKe thirteen Knot.
illamutte ileridiHii, eontniiiiliK' one hundred
und xlxty iierea, mid Hituuteii in wuieo t-outit;
ttmuu. Hceordlni; luw mid the imr-tle o
thl court, und ttmt the nrKiflu of mltf aah- Ix-
i a. nl uimlled in imvnieiit of the umoiiut hetmil 1
;ti,f. niin inoriL-iiire. unu Ktiu uuiiiiiu. io-wii t ne num
of t&iA), und interest thereon ut the rHte of l
Daily and Weekly Editions.
retfiili for
THE CJ-JKOMCLE was establi ?hed for the ex
press purpose of faithfully represeiitinr The Dalle?
and the surrounding country, and the ati-fyinj
effect of iU mission is everywhere apparent It
now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher
man, Gilliam, a larjie part of Crook, Morrow and
Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other le
gions north of The Dalle-, hence it in the I'1
medium for advertisers 'd the inland Empire.
The Daily Cjikoxiclk is published every ere-
ning in the week .Sundays excepted at $fj.WF
annum. The Wkkkly Chko.viclk on Friday0,
each week at SI. 50 per annum.
For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., addre::
eil?ht ).-r l ent j.-r milium from "eiitumber
ir;. Hiin me lurtner num 01 ii,w.w, mm inter
eat therwu ut the rub; of eight tier tent tier un
n-iiii in(-e March Ju, and for an iittornry
fee of i,XtM. mid for tlie tiwta mid dlihurne-
lui'i.tit miidc und extH.-udel herein And that i
Tlio Dallos, Oroson.
todav 440,000 acres are devoted to raise una hi u large ainortment of Foricu and Am-r
grapes that this year will be worth S Vvm' T-, J,,r' ir,er '"r
Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty.
13,000,000 to packers and producers
Minerals end timbers are within its
boundaries, but Fresno means raisins,
and a woman ie the mother of them.
Two-thirds of this crop now comes from
this district, and very soon, they say,
nine-tenths of it w ill be grown there.
Jherwrf the j.hilnt 1! will iW 5 to the Court ,,,,.,,'t UKUiMt you fi.r miy. deficiency then- may
or the relief jirmed for In hi eomj.lHiut. to-lt M lumuirilt 'llut the ni.i.llcittlon of tho pnf
for H decree of lon.-clo.iii of that eertuii. nioM ,.mJ, f)f ...uilnU- u nfores.ild. mm
eRe deed inude mid exei-uwl bv ju u, the yu wl!l urther take notice that the Mm.
Hb,ve nmned jiUlutllf n thefith diij of Novem- itl H Mllt u wfvMl u, ytm u. ,,,
ber 1--M, ,,, the "r'wet .unirter o ;.;on eatmn. by Older of the Hoiiofiible S f..lird
U in township '2 oiitlt riitiw'e llei!t. MlttB. of B1,m ,;,,, 1h.iik
Wu-cn eounty. Oretrnn, and ttmt ald iiremlneii ,i..i ......i., t.oa B
Candy Factor?,
be mild 11 ,der mich furecloxtire dw-ree in th
manner provided by law und nee idiiiK to the
p.'Hi-tiee of Mid Court: that from the jinK.-i-.dii of
iich nule the pliitutill him-mul rii.enethe mm.
of five hundred (J4J0 dollnrn mik internt on
mild turn ulnc-e Ninemtier fith, lkMj, at the rule of
In per cent- lr annum nliHi n further Mini -if
ut UMi dollurH h u reinninuhU- uttonicr fee
for liiitlttilliii; till suit to fiire-'loe utd mort
Kiiue ami collect the note thereby necured und
herein mied uiion, louetner w: h plnliitut n cimtr
11 iiil (lulnir-iiienU made mid i'.t.-Mliil in thin
0!,7ht Attiirnejn for I'lumtll!
Notice. Timber Culture.
I .a. l.ASuOmcK.THK luu.r.h. Ok.,j
AlJKliat 111, 1-W j j
ompiitint nnviiiK nei-u euieieii m kiih unite
w II
A Leader.
Since it first introduction, electric '
bitters haE gained rapidly in popular ' 104 Second St., The Dalles, Or.
favor, until now it is clearly in the 'eajQTV Vinll 4Vi
among pure medicinal tonics and alter-: VJJJ. J) DG11 DTOXilLQYS,
stives containing nothing which per-, propbi9tors.
mits its use as a beverage or into.-ant, j Manufacturer of the llneat French and
it is recognized as the best and purest I
suit, lnclmllnif agcntlni; ct and expemenf Mnrrletti M. MnniliiiU iiKiiinit J'nwton Heed
ule, and tint plulntltf have judgment agamm I"r failure to cjitnply with law to 'Umber
vim. the wild Vnuik 1. Ullle.ple, lormiy deli ,ulture Knt ry .No. Silo. dutl .Murr-h ai. iwy,
Henry in the proceed
ififftMleto fcrttiWy fully all "I" the .NW'i of HfOtioiiVn, Towimhlp North,
c.i,i i tk' t m.h UiiK fr.itiu.i,.1.ul,. .Ill KllllL'flll r.HJlI. 11 . M .111 1 IIM!f) f.dUlltl. I IrH'fill
the rinht. title, iuterent and cmlm of you mid with n view to the fiim-elliitlou of nld entry,
vnir eodef-iidiiiit. each and all of you and 1',',, ",'lt u-Kli'B that defetidmit ha wholly :
them, and all other irtona claimlut? or to MM uu(i ueKleoiwl to plow or break or i-ultl- 1
claim by, throtiKh or under you or them, or , aiv M) r,,l' or th-rwlc, or jilmit with tit-en,.
eiiner, in unn tnnaia mortifiiKefl premise and ; : " i! 01 me 111111
evor part thirreof be lorecliel and forever ,,"";u inakirjK hl mid entry, any part of mild
Home Made
Kuitt of Portland.
medicine for all ailments of stomach,
liver or kidneyg. It will cure sick head
ache, indigestion, constipation ana drive
materia from the system . Satisfaction
guaranteed with each bottle or the
mrtnpv u-ill he refunded. "Prir-f-nn 1v ff)i-.
ner bottle. Sold bv Snines & Kin'erslv. . IFKESia: OYSTERS
imrreu irom the eiiiiity 01 redemption. J luit thel ii im ; "-'.-" fiuiiihioiicu 10
plamtilt be allowed to bid t wi.d foreclMuru "I'Wnr t thl OIlicw on the -.'liit (Uy of October,
nule and purchiue wild mortKiiKed, at I ut ,u " ,!'";k' 'V J? ii"ilHh
huoption. und that ukiii the nile of mild mort tenttmony concernlnij' iild uljwed fiilliiu
ifuifed I-remix; the Mircliftef (; let into the' 1 JW-'t JOHN V I.l.W In, ;cL'ntcr
rr 1 n ) it 1 i m 1 meuiateiy.auaiorHUc
Trowwl Frails, huts, tuus m Tobacco, as? 'r. w
', . , . , . . , Krarik l ollletipieaud
Can furnUb uny rf the.e goodi ut Whole-
uie or r.euu.
Taken Up.
Heatlur couk atovua cheaper than
mwmr mt Maicr & Iteutou'a. ,
nerved In Kvery Htyle
Ice Cream and Soda Water.
IWneaion thereof, and even" turt thereof, im
mediately, and for hucIi other and further relief
utelil cijUlUihle and JH.t
rel UlMin you. the mid
ltd Klilida Milt-Mil . bv nub.
Iieution in The Duller fimoM' i.r. new ntuiair
liiionaiie ureal ui Kline 1 H . t.n-" 1 u ty. 1
Ori-j-on, for ix con.eeiitive week, b order of One wirrel Keldlng utKiut Iwelre yeum old. and
ll in I. iiriidahmv, udK i-f md t ourt, iinnuiwi thin a mi mi ,i,m, , '.
which order w.-i duly inudo md entere.1 ai "rnnded thuii p on rut nhnulder. The owner
chuirb:r on tlieWth day of ncpti-intier. IM:, . cu 'vt thu milnm! by paying for till notice
iii'il'p Vi v v. up v i- I ,
AUoiueyn'l ir'l'talutltr ' Aufiut 13, WJ3 wtf
U, J COOi'liit,
UnnUINIvLL r r
Reasonably Ruinous Rates.