al)c Dnllco VOL. VI. THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1803. NO. 101. Dalles Daily Chronicle. mt,U.!.- Dully, fundny Kpted. BY rCHKO.VICLK PUBLISHING CO. . ,n.l una imtiltiRtnn ritrecu. The DKlldl Uivp,"". irrn. "f M"l"crltln 16 00 TIME TAM.KS. KallroncU. la effect AUKBt G, 1MU. ttt kmv10r m. popart 15 :U0 r. m. WT UOUNN. . u Dtiimrtii 3:41 A. M. .h. .i ! voo a. m. iiiid cue lor the . .illdi X. ujri . ( rin Hut!- Own. leave dallr ik.i. ...... T lil . . . i t...i. i . nv Mirn ntiuv. rxri iil ?3U A K w 'w'1-;! ' ' r. . w j --- ... ........ 1.;: K.l l.iiv.n i. mi v. ... ... CKOFKSfllONAI.. H RIDbKU-ATTonKKY-AT-Iiw OClce . rmirt street. The Dalle, Oregon. nacre. rBAKKMCKinc. UW-Kooroi 42 ana 43, over roni i nrWVTT. ATTOHVEY.AT-LAW. 01- . .in"whntiii' huilfllur. un Ulr. The f I, .11UKTIJUTU!. n. e. ... .t r i v -on ph.. f. pt'fir.irH mocx liver a v. .i.,n- ArrnKKEY-AT-LAW Kciotni . French i (..' buk building, becond . Thf i).Ut. Oregon. R. ESHEULAN llOMXOrATHICi I'HYMCIAK UK! CVtilON, Cull" Iwvrwi rauiiiiji or nlrbt, rltr ut country. Office So. 36 ana K 0 II. POANK fHYBlClAN AKD KM- ira.v OflUe, room b una t i;nHjinu i iliiide&tti H. K. corner ;ourl nua vn .TP...,, liui inn nimr irrim Lilt ujiuci. .. kn.,.. a ... 1.1 a m i r. u.i1 r tn it V. M. DliAIl Pixtikt. Gk Riven lor the . , ...... rj!ett Tooth, Second Street. KOCIfcTIKS. v v pur., ru. la, a. r . a. .u. .iwi 8 rut nu4 'bird Mouduy ol each mouth ut 7 I . , i . i . . . ntl fl I ll'L If I. Mwt iu Mbmii jt Hull the third Wednebdnv OllEV.S NVOODiUX OK THE WOI'.l.D.- tl.r Mil I Tlln.v iv. T n IP M.i.ti every rriaHV evenlm? m t-.:iu o'laoclc. In K. - ... .- . .. . ...v T. 1,1 J ill V . II c II i tt. u V (I Trjr Mouduy evenliic Kt'v.a) o'clock, tu .....,.f, VWHIM 4 VVUH ailU AJVWUM ' i ri., rw wi ii mill n. Li. l;. kl'ftlT iv , .... r nn me Kveoua ud lourth weunes ottuclj mouth BtT.SOji. in. n riiKIBTIAN TKM I'l.KKNCl. "MO.V M'lll liUH't L'l'iTt Vrlrlnv iifturiuiun ... k4lv (vuuiiik rwui. Aiiare hivjwu. W1K 0. MJl. I. O. Ci. T Rrirulir IWfPtf lni..lh.n. L.l...w .. . ... T J ...vvMiiKn J HUH) II L r. a... lu:crilltV Hull.' I.v..r'kri.'n..r' Kwimd "'") vYeuiUK HI v .w. t u 11, HAN8KN, ' rKk. KlftNllrtli. M W 41 IT, , i.r.m .. . .. .. . . ' " ' U3' '0- "-I U- A- .leewi . .1 K Meet every Hunduv nf ternoou In ,aK of Hull. Hunduv Ea.lVf. .. CTTltr. I.. .. .. ..... " --..IUK Ui fnu K f,T l llllll. V ' DIVIHIOV. N'n. ir,7 Mituta In - V III I llllll l... .1- . ....H Ih Ml U'ijUiu. "tch month, ut t.hii w TIIK CHI'ltCIIKM. ;..; l 'lUKUII -Kev. Ktither JIkonb t ltor Ijw MiiHb uvery Himdtiy ut . ' "1KU .Miuih ut lll'jni v Vi-Hiiem ut bi i."t'l l Ill'Kf'll TTnlori mpwit. niinfikltli 'uih v.... lit ..r. ,. : . r.veninif I'ruycr on iriauy ui t iuu-mr (. iiuitcii-Kov. o. i. tay- "I UHLIir Mirltlltir uniiiflnftLi ..iii.M' Uillw it.uit a . . " . II 'il .1. rniniii iu.,.i..' - ' . .... "H. I'AJitlip Un...t.u.u o 11 . J . K w i... . . . ... . nirniiiii.u ii , . . . nkmuuiumuy invuea. Beam iroe. ''beri!!UltJ,,TUu,f J- Whiblkk, lxmtor. '! ' Be, wv.vrp' s'lav morning ut 11 . in. rlriinV " I'MJ-cr meeting every "onVT.1' " L "17:30 o'cloclc. A cordlnl In' l.i. li.M. 11 ... .. - . All lire ki5?A,i,.f'.AL I'UTHKKAN-Niirth Hreet. trjr oe, l 2:80 P-ni A cordlnl welcomu THE DALLES National Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. Prefiitlont Z. F. Moody ' VMcc-rresidont, Charles Hilton 1 Casliier, M. A. Moody General Banking Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YOKK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. C.llcction9 made on favoreble terms at all accessible points. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERAL HANKING BUBINKS8 Letters of Credit issued available in 'he Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on hew York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orablu terms. J. w. BCHINCK, i'reddent. 3 M. rATTCWON, Cuhier. First Rational Bank. - - OREGON VHE DALLES, A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on daj of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Portland. DIKBOTOKS. D. P. TuoMrso.v. Jno. S. Schknck. Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Likbk. H. 1. Be all. W. H. YOUNG, Biactcsmiin & wagon Slop General Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing Speciality Tiiiril Street opp. Liclie's old Staufl. House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his line at reasonable figures. Has the largest honso moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. . . Address P.O.Box 181.TheDallos J. F. FORD, ist, Of Deo Moinen, Iowh, writes under dnte ol March lfe'J3 : S. B. Med. Mko. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Gentlemen : , On arriving home last week, I found ..II .....n .....l ntivlniiulv meiiitinir. Our 11 1 1 linn . . 1 1 .i . 1. 1' p- . - - - - little Kirl, eight und oiie-lmlf yearH old, who hud wasted away to ii8 jiounds, h iwkti' xa'iA ulrnna lttwl M!nrnil. iltld Wall fleshed up. S. B. Cough Cure has done its worK won. iJoin oi mo ciuiiiruu It Vnnr K 11 PnlUPll V.Tl UH (Mired and kept away all hoarseness from me. C'.. ..!.... t n.i.i ti f.flilit IlllPO rau ;iu ii. w ti;i wiiv, nim i .- i...,. for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are Yours, Mm. & Mits. J. F. Ford. Ifvoiiwlnh to fix.' freh mid cheerful, ulid ready lor the Spring' work, clcatiku your Hyutem with thu Ileiidiieho nud Uver Cure, by Uklug two or three done each week. Bold under it positive guarantee. 60 centH ier bottle by all drugglntf. C. F. STEP-HENS, DLCALIK IN DRY GOODS Qlothing Itooti, Hlioe, lliti Kto. Fancy Ijood, fJofcion, Btc, Ktc, Btc. Seoond St., The Dalles. That Pie 1 had for dinner was the best I ever ate. Thanks to COTTOLENE, the now and successful shortening. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES. Genuine made only by N. K. FAIRBANK 4 CO., ST. LOUIS jid CHICAGO, NEW YORK, BOSTON. "The Regulator Line" Tie Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. THROTJGH Freigm ana Passenger Line Through daily service 'Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and' Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade IyjekB with steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock) at C a. m. con necting with steamer Regulator for The Dallec. One way Round trip I'AHHENGKK IlitTKS, 12.00 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at anv time day or night. .Shipments for wa'v landings must lxj delivered before 5 p". m. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, (ieneritl Agout. B. F. LAUGHLIN, Grueral Manager. THE DALLES, OREGON T H E ARTIC FACTORY SODA WATER AND I0E ORE AM. Candies and Nuts Hr SwSpecialties Finest Peanut Roaster In Tho Dalles J. FOLCO 2 38 2d Street At right bide Mr. Obarr'k restaurant. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, popular and reliable houso has been entirely refurnished, and every room has been ropaperod and repaintoi and newly carpeted throughout. Iho houso contains 170 rooms and iu supplied with every modern convenience. Rate reasonable. A good restaurant attaehoc to tho house. Frer bus to and from all trains. C. W. KNOWI.ES, Prop. APPEAL TO HUMANITY Aid Needed for the Sufferers hv the Storm, WANT THE .NECESSITIES 0E LIFE The National Red Cross Association Will Have to Eced 20,000 People for Eiulit Months. Ni:w York, Oct. 11. Miss Clara Bar ton, president of the National Red Cross Association, sends the following com munication from Beaufort, S. C. : "The problems confrontitm the Amer ican National Red Cro is how to feed, clothe, nurse and shelter upward of 30, 000 people for eight months; how we can feed these people, putting their weekly allowance at a peck of grits and a pound of meal for a family of seven, scarcely food enough to keep body and soul together; how hu can rebuild 6,000 houses, completely or partially destroyed. Based upon a thorough investigation of 25 per cent, of our district, we will have to feed an average of 20,000 people daily for eight months, and will have to re build 0,000 cabins. I quote from our agents' report of one of the islands, a smaller one; 'Nine families have lost their homes; not a board from them can be found. These families are crowded into other houses. 1 found 20 persons living in one cabin.' The sur vivors are in corn cribs, under trees and brushwood, and if shelter is not quickly provided death from exposure will be in evitable. Our funds and provisions are not sufficient to last a month, and the problem that confronts the nation can only be answered by the generous people of our country, if the poor, helpless, people of these islands are not helped not for a day, a week or a month, but eight months the world will ring with the huiniliating news that a famine ex ists in the United States." Created a Tanlc. Nkw York, Oct 11. A sensational collision occurred in midstream in North river this morning. John Jacob Astor's 6tcam yacht Norwwhal, going at full speed down the river loaded with prom inent society people bound for the yacht race, ran unchecked into the bide of a heavily loaded Pennsylvania railroad ferry-boat, cutting into the side f-ome six feet. The utmost consternation and panic prevailed on both vessels. Women ran screaminu' up and down the decks and some fainted. The engine of the yacht were reversed anil backed away. A hasty examination of the ferry-boat showed that, owing to the projecting deck and the cabin of the boat, the hull was not cut below the water line and was in no danger of sinking. The en gines were started up again and tho boat proceeded to her dock. The Norwhal sustained no injury beyond having her bowsprit broken and her nose twisted. She proceeded on her way. The blame for tho collision appears to have been with tho Norwhal. NEWS NOTES. Three-quarters of a million people at tended the world's fair Chicago day. Princo Bismarck and Ferdinand do Lesseps are both getting hotter. Tho indebtedness of the world's Col umbian exposition has been wiped out. A check calling for . 1 ,50,:JiO lias been made out, payable lo President Mitchell, of tho Illinois Trust Savings bank, which is thu trustee of tho exposition bondholders. Mrs. Mario Collins was killed by her husband, Patrick, in Sail Francisco Monday evening. Tho murdered woman employed nan janitressin a kindergarten. She wits engaged at her work when sho was approached by her husband, from whom sho had been separated. After a few words ho drew a knife anil literally cut her to pieces. Collins, who is a drunken, worthless fellow, successfully made his escape, Tho (Iroworks on Chicago day at tho fair wero probably the Hni'&t uvor sot oil. No expense was spaicd and tho mag nitude of the display was appalling. RoeketH were shot from every coiner of the White City, and the continual shower of colored (lio fell on every side, Tho set pieces were brilliant in the ex treme. "Old Fort Dearborn," "Old City Hall," "Chicago Triumphant" were tho features iu front of tho peristyle. Tho largest piece of the evening was tho "Burning of Chicago," which covered an area of H,00U equine feet. It was produced iu four scenes. The first illus tration "Mrs. O'U'ary's Cow," tho second "Kicking Over tho Lump." Thu lire starting thence was realistic and tho correct view of the burning of u city was depleted. Thu display closed with a picture of Chicago in ruins. A NEW ATTRACTION. Prune .V' MnyH llnvo 11 (limit Imitation of tho Ferris Wheel. 4 Peaso & Mays' center window is wortli coming miles to pee. In it is 11 very good reproduction of thu Ferris wheel in miniature. As it revolves slowly around its acle it makes a very pleasing oiled, and is perhaps tho best attraction yet of an attractive window at any time. It is about seven feet iu diameter, the outer edges being a light frame, braced across and to the center entirely with shoe strings. Suspended from tho circum ferenco arc twentv-four shoe boxes for cars, which require about half a minute for an entire revolution. Tho nxlo is mounted on two platforms, being a sub stantial framework much resembling that of tho original Ferris wheel. Tho production is the work of about all the attaches of the store. The Ferris wheel, 250 feet across, is the principal attraction at the world's fair. The thirty-six car riages of this great wheel are hung on its periphery at equal intervals. Each car is 27 feet long, 13 feet wide and 9 feet high. It has a door and five broad plate glass windows on each side. It contains forty revolving chairs, made of wire and screwed to the floor. It weighs thirteen tons, and with its forty passen gers weighs three tons more. The wheel, with its cars and passengers, weighs about 1,200 tons, or two and a half million pounds. The magnitude of this great weight may be understood when it is known that the 1,400 passen gers, which may fill the cars, have no more effect on its speed 'than if they were so many flies. There are several parties in The Dalles who have rode in the Ferris wheel, and they describe the sensation as being delicious, much the same as if they suddenly found they could fly. Pease & Mays deserve much credit for their unique imitation. It is under stood they got the idea from an eastern house, hut improved upon it to the extent of making the wheel revolve by means of a small electric motor, which makes all the difference in the world in the effect. They promfte another nov elty soon, but will give no inkling of what it will be. - I.UMtiess limine Close. We, the undersigned, agree to close our places of business fiom 2 o'clock un til ") on Thursday and Friday, Oct. 12th and 13th, the same beingjjladies' and children's days at tho district fair, at which they are to be admitted freo: Pease it Mays, Campbell Bros., Mavs & Cro'we, J I' Mclnernv, A M Williams it Co II Glenn, Maier & Benton, C L Schmidt, E Jacobsen. A L Newman, First Nat'l Bank, J II Cross, II Herbring, John C Hertz, Farley it Frank, Prinz it Nitschke, Chi isnian it Corson,N Harris, J O Mack, Jos T Peters t Co., M A Moody, C M Phelps it Co., French it Co., Henrv L Kuck, N Whealdon, S Frank it Co. II C Nielsen, Tho Dalles Merc Co, W E Garrettson, M T Nolan & Co., Ktoneman it Fiege, C F Stephens, Mrs A Schooling, Anna Peter. Noinetlilm; to lleinellllliir, If you're a weak or ailing woman that there's only one medicine so sure to help you that it can bo ijwimnWed. It's Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. In building up over-worked, feeble, delicate women, or in any "female complaint or weakness, if il over fails to benefit or cure, you have your nionoy back. It's an invigorator, restorative tonic, a sooth ing or strengthening nervine, and a safe and certain remedy for woman's ills and ailments, it regulates and promotes all thu proper functions, improves diges tion, enriches thu blood, dispels aches and pains, brings refreshing sleep, and restores health and strength. Nothing elso can bo as cheap. With this, you pay only for tho yowl you got. I'm- Iron, pipe, pinup, pliiiiililiiK kiiimIh of all klmlH Kit to Mulur .V llentim. "During my term of service iu tho army I contracted chronic diarrhn'a," says A. K. Benoing, of Halaoy, Oregon. "Since thou I have used a great amount of medicine, but when I found any that would give niu relief they would injure my stomach, until Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrlma Remedy was brought to my notice. 1 used it and will say it is tho only remedy that gavo mo permanent relief and no bad results follow." For Halo by lllukoluy it Houghton. It 11 y your eoril wootl tir.Mnltn- A Iteiilim. ONE MILLION LOBSTERS. Tim Annual Yield ir a Farm I.ylni: Off tin; Oi.'iit of Maine. There is a lobster farm or pound, as it is called twelve iturua in extent at iSouthport, Me. Thu Boston Globe de scribes this pound, the most successful on thu const, whence one million lob sters are shipped each year. The pound is formed by building a solid dam across a tide-water cove. This dam docs not quite else to high-watermark, but across tho top is placed a fence of iron rods, preventing thu lobsters from escaping. In the spring and fall busi ness is most brisk. When the fisher men bring the lobsters to tho pound, the "fish," as they aru called, are hoisted to the dam, measured, and those which aru more than ten and one half inches long, the legal limit, are thrown in. If a lobster is clever his life in the pound may be long and full of joy. If he is stupid he will be fished out with a drag seine and packed in a barrel, with a piece of ice for a pillow, and sent to Boston. The seine is made of stout twine and is weighted at the bottom with a heavy chain. Along thu top is a row of corks, which sustain the weight erf the siinu while thu chain drags on the bottom of the pound. A single cast of this seine will bring up lobsters enough to fill eluven barrels. Thu chain as it sweeps along thu bot tom stirs up the lobsters, which imme diately shoot backward into the slack twine. In taking them out the men wear heavy mittens, though even then they aru ofton nipped. In the pound the lobsters aru fed salt herring, men rowing about in skiffs and pitching the herring overboard. This is called 'feeding the chickens," and it takes about six barrels to make a light luncheon for the Hock, There are said to be a number of old hardshells in the Southport farm which for years have evaded the casts of the drag. Two of enormous size have become quite tame and crawl about in the shallow water. Tho age of the lobster is a debated question. The small mar ketable specimens are generally sup posed to be from four to six years old, but some lobsters are believed to live to the green old age of twenty-five years. Robert Mays has seed rye for sale at his farm in Tvtrh Vallev. 7t7 Guaranteed Ciiro. to We authorize our advertised druggist cnll Tip Iv'mic.'u "Vine Dioi'nvprv fnr Consumption, Coughs and Colds, upon this condition. If yon are afflicted with a Cough, Cold or 'any Lung, Throat or Plinar vmililn utiiI will nen tlnq nimpill- as directed, givinsr it a fail trial, and ex perience no benetit, vou may return tlie bottle and have your money refunded. We could not make this oiler did wo not l-nniv tlinf Dr lv!m' Xiw Disenvprv could bo relied on. It neverdisappoints. Trial bottles free at Snipes it Kinersly's. Tyjjli Valley Holler Flour Mill. Is in complete repair; always in store flour equal to tho best. Also old stylo coarse and fine Gra'iam flour, mill feed, etc. W. M. McCoiucLi:, Propr. til. 11.3m Xntlee to Delinquent Taxpayer. All delinquent taxpayers that don't want their names advertised had better come forward, as the roll will bo pub lished on tho 21st of this month. T. A. W.utn, Sheriff. Wanted. A ladv who understands how to do line sowini! can find employment of Miss Belle Hood, upstairs at Peaso it Mays.'.KSU Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is tho first medicine I have ever found that would do mo any good." Price 50 cts. Sold by Snipes it Kinorsly. Fresh oysters at A. Keller's confec tionery store. Have yum- pliiinliln anil tlnulni; done liy Jimmy llentuii, of .'Mulur .V llenlon. The Great EnglUh Ilcinody, i rromptly and permanently cures all farina of AVreoua llVnJtiiMJ.EmlMiinu, Svtnnr otorrhea, Jmpofeiu'i ciinl alt fjri'dad.lliiiju or Excesses. Wen prescribed oer 115 yenrln thousuiuHof easesj ;),,.,) Afi.r iaimoiilMi"""""""'- H'preanaJJttr. m(ilMna kn0icnt AsU ilniKuUt for Wood' l'litwiihodluei If bo offer t oniii worthier medlelnu In plneo of UiU, leavo liU illilionest ulnre, lneln3o prleo III hitler, and vowtllM'iid by return mull, l'rleo, one. pneknb'o, 81Hlx,8!i. Oiuiifl.'liiiiii;,sa)nillIiiiiiv. l'.uupU let In plain oaled envelope, U cents pontage. Addret Tho Wood V h 11 III lea I Vo Jl'l Woodwind n enuu, Detroit, JIlolu Sold In The Dnlkby IlliikcUiy A: ItniiKbton. I .WHICH who will do wiIIIiik for mo ut their j hollies will linilio K001I wiikus. Ilenlv with M'll udiliei-M'd, Hliiinpeil envelope, Ml Ss M II, Hlti:i) Mil. I.Kit, simlh liend, tint. ;itd ltv Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Baking Powder ABSOUUTE1Y PURE