The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Entcrwl at the IVwtofficv Rt The Dalle, Oregon, as econd-cla.. matter. 'Gotttne Into a Scrape." The red and fallow door which for sierly roamed through the Eaplish for ests had a habit of sorapinir up the nr:h with their forefeet to the depth of several inches, sometime even of iutif a yard. The strar.rer pass-mr throuch thes-e wood. was freqxK-r.t'y SCposed to the dancer of tumK:iv iaU one of the hollows, when he mirht o said truly to be "in a scrape." The coliere students of Cambridge, in their little perplexities, picked up and ap-i plied the phrae to other perplexinr tn&tters which had brought a man morally into a fix. TUe TrrffPt lfcr. In MeClureV Macaainc Prof. Henry Dnuuiaocd discsissos the question of where man pot hi ears. Nature, he Jjolds. scUcin makes aaythinir new; her ' lEetitoci of creation is to adopt something- old. So when land animals ueterm iaed oa. and aaturotart d rat to munufactur-.- ear? for thv-a.. she ffiau; whem era; of old breathing appa ratus. JSbv Prof. Drummer.,.', tentit.. that if water could pass thro-;h a hale in the neck, m.h as hav. snunc could pa likewise, thereupon she brought certain specie adapteu tn Jutr purpose to shor-. and set to work apon the five rili-iit and elaborated the whole in a hearine orran. This wa not a jaick process, but the slow labor of ape, but finally was produced Ike perfect ear. and man was not cr ated until the work was done. The Fifth Annual OF THK Second Eastern Oregon District Agricultural Society. c t r.y utH' at THE DfililiES, OREGON, October 10th, 1893. Continuing five days. a. s. McAllister. lresii!ea;. J. O. MACK, secretary. From TERIuIRfiL or- INTERIOR Points THE Clothier and Tailor. . Decided: v the Finest line of Hleekly GhFoniele, $1.12 ayear, These are Dull Times' Gents' Ru.rn.isni rig- . Goods, Tntnks and J a uses, etc., etc. AK. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES, Oil. in m Pais ffeu Qolumbia flotel THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House lately been thoroughly renovated and newi furnished throughout, and is now letter than ever prepared to furnish the lost Hotel accommodations of tiny house in the city, and at the very low rate of $1 a da3'. First-Class Meals, 25c. Office of the :'n and commodious opposition Stap to Dnfur, Kinprley, Typh Valley, Wapinitin, Warm Sprsnp- and Prineyillt' is in the Hotel and per'.:.? polnp t" I'rineville can save M.iV ! piuiip fii this Stage line. All trains stop here. WE DON'T WANT YOUR MONEY, RHILROHD Is the .;ut U' tuit TO ALL POINTS LAST AND SOUTH. Uriel: of Glas. In Switzerland there is now bein aiariuiactured a ria.-s brick or a brown ouildir.r block, formed or molded ilask shape with a short neck at each end. cnt inches in lerth. six inches in width and two and one-half inches in depth, with an air chamber throuch the center. The edres of the brick are covered, recessed or ribbed and grooved to receive when laid a suitable cement of plastic material of such character that after it ha.- hardened it -will constitute a suitable frame or settinp to keep the entire mass, roof or -wall, solidly together. The form or mold? there beinr two different I: is tae I)i:ii:ic Car I'.oute. It ruus Tiiroucr fes:ibuied 'Iralns every Cuy In the ysar to p. paul and Chicago NO CHANGE OF CARS.) Corj3fxjl of IiSninc Cars uusurpa-vsl. lul. can Drawing Eoom sleeper oi iatest equipment TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Ke: that cars be constructed, and in walct acconaodaUons are both Fret and Furr.l'ihttl for holders of Firs; and 2."ond-c!a;s Ticieis.and 1LEGABT BIT COACHES J. O. MACK, S FIjlE WlES and LIQUOR Just Noui. DOMESTIC KEY WEST CIGARS. THE C E I EBR ATE D PABST BEER FRENCH'S BLOCK. 171 SECOND STREET, THE DALLES, 01!. snepei are pleasing to the eve. the lines or ricres beinr clean and smooth and of sufSeient thickness or strength to stand a pressure of one hundred and ftftv to two hundred pounds to the f.v. Jn rs-poni? to the solicitation of a goodly nmntr of citizens of The Dalles I have decided to make this my home for the winter, at least, and hereby otfer srty servicer to those who are interested in iKUsie as instructor in both vocal and , instrr: . sural inuiic. Am prepared to : :e Jrrtriich. Italian or Orerraan methods. Cao give the very best of references. For term- and particulars a to time and place, call at the residence of Mr. C. E. BayarJ or Mr. Geo. W. Bowland. !! Cj.ake A. Mooee. A cintinnoas line, ennnecun? witc i: iiut alordinr direct and uninterrupted service WINHNS I BUT WOULD LIKE YOUR Attention! fuiiman sleeper n-.-ervanons on ecnre: in advance Uirnuph anv aceut of :hv road. THROUGH TICKETS point in America Encland and Zurojie can te purcnawsi at way r'ciet ofice of the cocpanv Full information concernins rate, time ot trains, routes and other deta:.!. fuml'-hrd or application to W. C. ALLAWAY, Apent D. P. i A. Nar. Co., Kesuiator, Tn liases. Or., or A. D. CHARLTON, A. t. General Passtcrer Act.. Portland. J?n son s vooi), vroon. wood ; grades of oak. fir. and s'.ab cord :.; iowest maraet rates at Jos. T. a Co. OSce .econd and Jeffer--eets. YOUR ATTENTION Ie called :o the :&o; Bagb Glenn, Deaier :n Glass, Lime, Piaster, Cement and Building Material of all kinds. -Crrl- tUe Fluent Line of- The Dalies Gigar : Factory ton platted r .i t r'."::iii at the Fori and Fulis of Hood river, with larre. -jcr.: ImJ. t,.i :;n.-taud klieyt. pood o!l and pure water.with shade in pmiu-. .. j-ers- : draiiiac.delichiful mountain climate, the centrul uttructinr. a u r..ui;t:i. lucnu'r Tesrt for nil Orvcon, t-jin; the neuret town to Mt H-.1 I: i.- i.i.pora.ieleo us a nianufnetuntic ceutor. bcinc the natural renter 1 - '..' . -jare cult of the Iks' cedar Hnd Hi Umber, iKy-.essinc m Jlmtis !;orw ;-me- i; its dashiue streams and wuU.'r falls, easily har:ies?ed. w .' -re ebear ui"::e pwer exists, there the manu factories will center, surruur.deij m xi. and elimato that cannot be excelled anywhere for fruit an : arriru.tu:. a:iii with trauportatiou already assurec you Tvill ilnd thie t;.i plate U n;at a jrfect home or Jiayins iuve:meii' TITLE PERFECT See me on the ground, or address me at Hood River Wasco County, Oregon. c W. RossWinans. FACTORY IsT0. 105. ; iCIGAES j orders from all parts of the country filled ' ort the shortest notice. of tnc Best Brand; n4anuiacturri, una The reputation of THE DALLES CI GAP. has become Srniiy established, and the demand for the home manufactured article is increasing every day. A. ULRICH & SON. PictnreMooldinsrs'Wood Sawing. To ot found in the City. 72 Ulashington Street. DT T I 1 Times innSe it all th- more ! I L- necessary to advertise. Thut 1 w what the most prosrejve of our tuine!i men think, and these same buv inest men are the moi: prosperous at alt timea. li y.)u wish to reach all the reople In thU neigh borhoo you can't du b;tter than talt to them through the column of the luar Ciieo.viclk. It biui i're than dnuble the circulation J any oihcr piijr, and adverthins 1c it pyit his b-25dln. We have bought the J. C. Meins Steam Wood Saw, and will fill all orders for sawing wood for stove or furnace uh at the old rate. Orders left at Maier Cc Ben ton's will be promptly at tended to, and will guaran tee entire satisfaction. JAf 'OB AVetLE. JOHN P.Kl'.IEIt. . L. YOUNG. : : JEWBLEB : : Wgtche and Jevelry n-paired to order on khort notice, uud latlafactlon guaranteed XT THK Store of I. C. NlcktiUen, lid ht. Tlif Dalle Assignee's Notice to Creditors. W. E. 'larreWoii. of The Dalle, Orejrun. hav 1UK trtli:ited hi roperty for the tAineflt of all liUcredltom, all prron uavint; claim atfainitt miu tirt- hereby notified to present them to mt under oatb. ut The Dallex. Oregon, within three tuonthk irotn date. A It. TUOMI'sON, Atnlgntv. AOffUkt c, iw,.-wtt Executors' Notice. Koticc H hereby iftven, that the undesigned have been duly up)lntel, by the Honorable the Couiity -'ourt of ac county, Oregon, txecu to of the wtate of Joim Duxter, Uci.-ea.ed: alt jtermns having clalma ugaltiHt ttdd estate are hereby reijulred to preicnt the mme, duly veri jlcland with jirojwr voueheni, to u or either, t Autelo, Wukeo county, Oregon, within fcix i.ifiuths from tlicduteof thl notice, 'i he Dalle. Or., Aug. 8, 1U3. JAMES ISAXTKK a.Mj JAMK8 WIJJTTKN. i xccutor of (be catate of John llaxter dec d U-I,w3t The Dalles Daily Chronicle, HAS A lAMILY OF 2000 EEADEES. They read The Chronicle to get the latest and most reliable news. And they read every line that is In the paper. That It what mate the Chronicle an Invaluable advertl-tng medium. The ricwjpaper that goes to tt.e family tireideii in the one lM) that the advertlnen of today patronize -' when they deaire V reach the people. When they want your trade their announcements will be found in the popor ttxi'i over our column and observe tne eriticd tlon of the truth of thin asiertim.. I'.ememU-r, a trade of a family of two thousand It worth asking for through tl.we (Gj) columnn, espcially o at our very TheDmlles o Wasco County. Oregon, The Gate City of th- Lu.pire is situated at the kead of navigation on the Midair Co.uu.Ma, and is a thriving, pros perous citv. ITS TERRITORY: It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agricultural and grazing country, its trad'- reaching as far south us Summer Lake a distance of over two hundred miles. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country along the eastern Blope of the Cas cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, the wool from which finds market here. The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping point in America, about 5,000,000 pounds wing shipped lust year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will lie more than "doubled in the near future. The products of the beautiful Klickitat valley find market here, and the country south and east has this year filled the warehouses, and all available storage- places to overflowing with their products. ITS WEALTH. It is the richest city of its size on the- coast and its money is scattered over and is 1-wing used to develop more farming country than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unBurpasserd. Its climate delightful. Its pos sibilities incalculable. Jts resources unlimited. And on these '.orner stones she stands. BURHAM & ROBERTSON Proprietor. Executor's Notice. i Notice U hereby given that the uudorMgned hu been aniKilnted bv the Countv Court of the htatc of Oregon for Wiw) County, executor of tiieeatuieoi cuinertne twgie, (leceatea, and all ' purtorm having claims againut tald estate ure I hereby notified and required to present the Mine, with the proper vouehern, to me ut the othec of Ma) h. Huntington & Wlliion, The Dalle, h aeo i ouni) , uretron, wjinm mx months from , the date of thU notice W II TAVWilt, I Kxtcutor of taid estate The Dalle. Or . July 'i', JsK b CityStables, Corner of Fourth and Federal Ste., The Dalles, Oregon. These Stables have on hand the finest Livery in Eastern Oregon, and can accommodate patrons with either Single or Double Rigs, closed Hacks or Carriages day or night. MORE ROOM. Alco, caii iurnlsh First Class accommodations to teamsters with freiuhc i or driving teams, having added to their stables larue feeding and wiigou room. OUR GREAT OFFER ! FOR 1894. And THE CHRONICLE pro poses to enliven them by j. trodnoing its newsy preset into every home in Wasco County. Circulation must be doublet and to do this we propose to furnish the Weekly Edition for the balance of this year and one year beyond for the already low price of $1.50. i 3'ear and a third 16 months- makes a GfEAT amount of the very best read, ing matter, comprisirg besife the world's news, valuable c formation on all subjects, ui the farmer and the orchardist and is the best medium for exposing our resources to the world. If this OFFEH Is not enough, our plan to is sue the Weekly in instalments of twice a week, should make your decision favorable at once. Sunday's. Monday's, Tuesday's and Wednesday's NEWS gra stale by Saturday night, and hereafter the Weekly Chronicle Part I. will reach you Wednes day evening, and Part II or Saturday evening. FOR The extra trouble and expense connected with this effort to please, which is considerable, we look to an appreciative public for the approval we are sure it will give us. While we would be glad of subscription money in advance, it is not necessarily enforce Subscribe NOW for 1894 And get the benefit of this special rate, which is practic ally for the (Qeekly Gto oniele, $1:124 a Year. PAUL KREFT & CO., DKALKKS IN PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And the Mont Complete mid the Luteal Pattern and DupIkhh i" Commercial Patronage Solicited. I"I'rw;tieal i'ainterH and J'ujer Hangers. None but the heat hruude of tw cmurvwu-n ihiuihb unu j. w. .ftiiiHury'a J'atnta tided in nil ur worn, u vc , the most fikllled workmen employed. AnentH for MuHurv Liquid J'tunit!. , , chemical comhlnation or noaj) mixture. A firm cIhhh article in al colore. , ordere promptly attended to. I Paint 3hon oorner Thirdand WBehinRtoa Bte., The Dalles. Om"1 l , ! THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERYl AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. Thla well-known Brewery le now turning out the beet Beer u"d east of the Cancadea. The latest appliuncea for the manufacture of good lie ful Beer hare Ijeea introduced, and on.y the flrBt-clawi article will bep he market.