The Dalles Daily Ghroniele. OKKK'IAL 1'Al'KK or PAU.E; AN'll Wi'fO corsTV. CITY TBSCRU'TION RATKs. ET HAtL. FOJTAOI mjirAtP. IN ADVANCE. Wecklv, 1 vear. ....MM " 6 month. 0 75 3 0 SO Dlly, 1 yen?. 6 TO " 6 months. S ft1 AdJwj all cammuulCAtiou to " THK CIUtON ICLK," The lail. Oncon. I'o.t-Offlci'. orncs HofK? Oeuerai Pelirory Window . iu. to Alocev Onler Sunday w D p. m. f k. m. to A j. m i a. m. toll's, tn CLOSING OF JtAlt i traiu? polus East .9 p. tn. anil U:4ia. m. , West 9ji. a;, and I StAce for Goldemlale .. 7. SO a. in. ' Itincvillt .VSOu. tn. ; " "'UuiUTatid N arm sprlno 5:S0a. tn. " tU-HTluc forl-vle A Hartliuid .b:!X&. la. ' t Antelope 5:30 a.m.' Except Suudav Tuesdav Thursday and Saturday, i I " Monday Wednesday and Friday. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 11. 1S93 A lVtrlllt'tl MmuttiiR 1'oriMt. Then? art? M'veral places iti the west iti Colorado. Now ASe:;ic i. Arizona and Ttah iti particular where largv petrified, airatized. silicified or jnsper iied tree are found. These are h injr down. Not -o with the potriiled forest of Custer county. Idaho. This forest of stone, according1 to the discoverer. Mr V. H. Schermerhoru, evtns to have all been staudiusr at a time when the whole .-ection wa overflowed with n stream of plastic clay. This clay settled around the trunks of the forest giant-, eouvertinc them into stone, leavinp the tops sticking out. In the course of time the fumes from the plastic mass. which i of volcanic orijrin. transformed the limb.- to stoae aUo. and now the whole is a standsntr forest of .-olid rock. .V Yt'niiilerTnl Tent. Two Americans in the employment of the government of Itritish lolninbia recently r.ecompU,'heii a feat hitherto deemed impossible by crossinp the Sel kirk mountains ia the depth of winter. The object of the trip was to ascertain it it were jtossible to lay nut a pack and cattk- trail over the range from Golden to Kalso. The men traveled one hundred and fifty miles on snow shoes, fifty miles over the wildest mountain country, where p:uciers abounded. They found a pa-.- at an altitude of sis thousand live hundred ice: that is practicable for cattle and pack trains in summer. The thermom eter was below zero during most of the trip, which oceY.picd nearly a month. "I consider Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy a specific for croup. It :s very pleasant to take, which is one of the most important requisites where a couch remedy is intended for u.-e among chil dren. I have known of cases of croup where I know the life of a little one was saved by the use of Chamberlain's Couch Remedv." J. J. LuGrnnge. drug- JVSTICE -LYi MERCY. A husband and wife were on trial in a New York court the other day for aban donee their child. The wretched, father and mother stolidly awaited the result, the judge and the bailiffs, the lawyers and the jury, and the spectators frowned npon the miserable pair, wondering how such inhumanity could be possible. In the nurse's arms the little victim a boy eight weeks old lay gasping for breath. His pinched and pallid features stamped him as a child of poverty and misfortune. The judge gazed upon the heartless parents, and then upon the half-starved infant. What sentence would fit the o TT 1 1 - - . . - i - ... j Avoca Nct) ,K) cen. IKJ-Jw ,r measure out stern justice to tne parents , ;aie by ijawejey Houghton. and sweet mercy to their offspring? It ' was a puzzle for a human judge aided j Shiloh's cure, the Great Couch and only by human wisdom and human laws. . Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes a- Kin Bat another judge was about to inter- j ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-five iere. Suddenly the nurse gave a startied ' os?. only 2hc. Children love it. .-old cry. The court officers rushed to her .v Snipes & Kinersly. side. The child was! While the human judge bad been wondering how he could punish the parents and help the little one, the decree of a higher court solved the problem. The angel of death gently glided down the aisle of the gloomy old court room and lightly touched the friendless babe. The suffer er was rescued saved from the dangers and trial th-t menaced it in the outer world. The judge saw that the inereitul Kuril to Sutlafy. i man who had undertaken to climb : certain steep dill' on the Shetland i .land to (rather wild fowls' epes was neither very experienced nor very brave, although he boasted of bclnjr both. He pushed upward, however, bri .l;ly, without looking behind, till he hoi irot up about a hundred and tlfty feet, when he stopped to breathe. The pause was fatal to his self-possesion. and he called out iu tones of terror: ' Men! men! I am poiwj I nm point:" (lis comrades, having; been thus warned, moved the boat out of the ivay. so thnt the poor fellow came sheer lown into the deep water. Miphty .vas the plunge, but at lenpth he rose .o the surface, when he was instantly :aupht hold of and dragged into the boat. After many pasps and much splutterinp of sea water from his mouth, his only remark was: "Eh. men' this is a sad story I have lost my snuff box!" When tilt' World FiU to rice-. The leadinp Enplish scientists, .lone. Hilton, et al.. are figuring on the proK abilities of the earth finally eollapsine as a result of the modern craze of tap pine nature's pas retorts. They arpue that the earth is a huge balloon held up. in part at least, by heat and inter nal pases, and that when nature's ereat pas main is eventually exhausted the earth's crust may break in and fall into millions of frapmeuts. Ugh: Tin very thoupht of such a calamity is startling. They arpue that the steady belching forth of millions of feet of pas every hour of the day and uicht is surely caustnp a prcat vneuum some where not far beneath the surface, and that sooner or later the thin archway of earth crust will pive way. Then will occur the prand climax of n'.'. earth'. v i-. inn-ties. l'.uy your (J rocirlt,t Hit, f.riili. .nil Chop Fei-tl at Miller A: Uentiin" irf . i vr vti 7'c an ace Up the system after La ' G rijiju'," piieuinonia, levers, and other prostra-1 tini; ai'iito (lis- j oases; to build up needeil llcsh and ' streiiclh. and to restore health and vigor when you feel "run-down" and used up, Uu best tiling in the world is Doctor i Pierce's Golden i IMedical Discov-1 erv. It promotes all the bodily J : unctions, rouses every organ into healthful action, punties and en riches the blood, and through it cleanses, repairs, nnd invigoratos the entire system. For the most stubborn Scrofulous, Skin or Scalp Diseases, Dyspepsia, i Biliousness, and kindred ailments, ' the " Discovery " is the only rem- edy that's guaranteed. If it doesn't benefit or cure, you have your j money back. Isn't it safe to say that no other I blood - purifier can be " just as good ? " If it were, wouldn't it be sold so V "Twv is a tide in (he ajairs oj men which, taken at leads on to fortune." ,tsfica The poot unquestionably had roforonno to the c isi-OBt Sale Fflriimm & Ci Can you think of anything more convincing than the promise that is made by the j proprietors of Dr. Sage's Ca- j tarrh Remedy ? It is this : If we can't cure your Ca tarrh, we'll pay you $500." at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who aro soiling thoso goods out at groatly-roducod rat MICHHLUACH BlilCK, - - UNION ST. D. BUNNELL Pipe Work, Tlq Repairs ana Mi MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young it lilacksmith cnop. Use Mexican Silver stove Polidh. WIitt-r Anui-fintiit-. n side of the problem had been settled, and The Columbia whist club will meet Fraternity hall next Monday evenine at 7 :3G sharp for the purpjie of uiaki:)'. ar raii'.'ements for the winter's amusement. The club will be retrulariy entertained and all member; are requested to be present. 3td. ljtxnt: " uii'J M : t 1 ' i' v ! '.jt's: 1 - ten; t v rau;. U. , ;1 ic.Mi?i saip..w' tree 1.H ir lortheTtft-tb aadiir'-'atn.ijc. Kor ! by STilp.. A- Klner-H. j H11 Ni-vr I!i-n I)NnpMiintHil, ! Thoabiive word- -ta volumes ana cnunot be . that he could administer justice with- "! mny shiriT. but c mia? from one who i . . ... , . .1 h burn a -uflerer for ranr.y yir, no lu:;her I out iear 01 harming the innocent. A -.ributc can be ildi i jB.vTLBMB.v 1 have been a sml'erer from 1 hendachv for many yrar.- and ran t'ttrfutl; t rrnmmcnd Krau- Kil.i"be Cap-u e ite 1 ine the only preparation tnat ba vivei, Int i i lntaiit reaes. riuvr wku uslug tneat . t. .i:t ' cnud's wntte sout took its nijrnt irom the dark court room and a little later the ! gailty parents walked with downcast heads to a prison cell. Justice and mercy had claimed their own ! j An adveaturousitrip across the English channel in a tiny collapsible lifeboat has attracted much attention for Lieut. Sayce. His smah craft wa- fitted with a miniature foresail and still smaller mizzen, while a double paddle was also in requisition. The Midge is eight and a half feet long, with a' beamjof .To inches, and weighs just under 35 pounds. She is canvas-decked and inflated with air by tubing to render her unsinkable. i month; and havr never yet been dn.-i intui i iu then; Yonr with repwt. ; W IU. H -itr, 1 Pin. Altwi:i.t In Mirror, s.-ld by -nipo- a: Kier-:v. COURTESY IN A HOST. A Vomlerlul Watch. ; A mechanical marvel lately exhibited in St. Petersburg ii a musical watch which was made by a P.ussian peasant ' in the reign of Catharine. It is about j the size of a hen's- eg?, and contains a ! representation of the tomb of Christ, with the Roman sentinels. On prese- inc a spring the stone rolls away irom the tomb, the bcntineis fall down, the angels appear and the holy women en-1 ter the sepulcher. and the same chant which is sung in the Greek church on Eater eve i aetu-.l!-- r rf.irrafl. This Is the Season Of the Year Olhen Judicious Advertising Pays. SHOE FACTORY or Sale at a Ba rcrain. rf.i I'll. i . . a uiiui;iaij;m'w, nm niu rccuicu lilt: HUH 11 till 1 iiu. f , t 1 ) 1.r. r I' ii.l, ol it.oj. 1 II I rir j-.I . at itlnf:.. fw.t. rm.i.iww H. 1.1 V.1 IWlill iir' 111 lUIIUVM 1111 ll III M-V 1113 UUV l(H UJ, , will soil the same at a bargain. Merc is an engine a boiler of iU-odfl horst.' jiower. and a laryc amount ofs machinery, last?, line shafting, pulley?, belt Ins and hivl- inirs almost a complete shoe factory. Mere is also one of the best sites for atin a factory of this kind to be founr Write for particulars at once, to uicce.--fully dm in tin- C0UDL7 ii-i: Tlao IDallos, Or. SUMMONS. H ..11L M John Pashek, He Shlncd Ills Ijue-tt' Shoii S-rant Itefu.ed. The independence displayed by serv ants in America invariably forces, it- A .Million I'rl. iuK. A friend in need is a friend indeed and not less than one million ieop it have found just such a friend in lr. King'- New Discovery for Consumution, If you have never used this 'ireat Cough Medicine, one trial will convincu yon that it has wonderful curative powers in all distjasoe of Throat, Chest and Lungs. Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that is claimed or inouey will be refunded. Trial bottles free at Snipes tt Kinerglv'B drug store. V Large bottle .Vkj and tl.6o. for Mexican Silver iveli on the attention of visitors from Europe. a weu-trnown omciai o; tne tngiisn ; Coughs, and Coid; pohi omce ieiih a very izwm siory on this point, says, the I'.oston Traveller. Some years ajro he visited America on bu.siness and while staying at New York he was the guebt of a prominent oflieer of the Western Union Telegraph company, a pentleman whose name is familiar to most Americans. When the Englihhman retired at night he placed his booth outside the bedroom door, where they were duly observed net morning by his host. who ashed his wife to get one of the servant.-, to clean them. I'chops some ofj ourrenders would Oh," replied the lady, "he must got ; Hkf to know iu what respect Chamber them cleaned at the corner of the ' Iain's Cough Heniedv is better than anv street, just a, you do." ; other. We will teil vou. When tht'e ".o. my dear." remarked her hus-: reinedo has taken'as hoon a a cold band. "I can't ask .Mr. to do that. ' , ,v . . , . . . . Just offer one of the servants half a ,ns contracted, and before it has dollar to clean them." become settled in the systuin, it will "I have done so." Miid the lady, "and ! counteract the ell'ect of the cold and they declare they won't." greatly lessen Ha severity, and it's the "Well, if they won't I must." and I onlv remedy that will tU OiU. Ir o...u in perfect harmony with nature and Ask your dealer Stove Polish. in the Cltrult Court of the Suti of Oiegnti, tot the county of V.micu. W A. Miller. jnainlif. i v. K. P. ReynoUts, i DtJtndaM. ) Tn K. P. JiepnottU, tht ahote namtd dtftndout. In tbc name of the state of Oregon. You te betvbjr required to irjr and nnawer th Com plalot Died wnint you in the ubove unUtlwt suit within tun ilny iruni the date ol the tervlceol this miTmo!i ujion fou, H erwl within lbi cuuuty; or if rvl within any oUiur unuuty of tidx ataK-. thtm rithin twttnty days fnnn tbv int.- lit the M:rfee of thU ununon upon you , or if erl ujkjii you by publlcntioii. then you air rejutrl to ani-air and anowpr tnitl fmn plaint on the lust nay of the nuzt L.Tin of Mid ourt, after tlx w-ek' publication of thU uni luuiut, to-wlt on ilondaj , the irtth iiuy .noixiiiImt, lHii:;, umi! l.' you fall to no answer, the plal::tit! will applj to the court for the relief prayed for iu .aid i.'oropiaiut. ti. w it for the forei'iuiiure of Die irtlcagerie?i':luoil in id eoropliuut. ami for ttieuilf of the prvmi) therein uerttd, to wit the Mill Iti half of the -.iithwyt i.uarler, the no:tlieii'. nuarter ut' the uutliiit iiuiirter, In the Circuit Court of the awte n; uretfim lur I and the 'iiituwt iiinrtur of the koutheatt the County of VViucu imrtr. of section 'S-, lowunhlp one North, A V Bolton ) ' 'M"'J"r thirteen Kant, Willamette Meridian, eon FlMintfu Milling 1(1111, 1IU u.ic, niiu l4U v. I Frank V. (Hllesyfe i Itboda ujlUaitie, W- ? i E. Hunt hWI W. U. 1 J Hutkr. Defendanta. ) i ne iviercnani laiior.; 76 Court Street, to Wasco Sun Ofice. C-Haii jut received the latev v ie n Suitings for Gentlemen, . i.Q h'a iartre aor;mc:it of tr. iai a:.d Amer ' I'un ' ilh, wbioii lie can hn.i, 1.. (ni fur' thv thnt favor bbn. Cleaning end Repairing a Speeialty. ; SUMMONS. ated in W aeu count) . Oresuii. Alto, the north half of the uorthetMt iiuartur, the northutint iitartur of the mirttnvuat quitrtur, nnd the louth east quurt.'r of the northiaiit fjunrtor of ccfiiicm SI, Townnhlu one .Nurtl.. Itainte thirteen Kust. Willamette Meridiuii, contninliie one hundred JJUUO Daily and Weekly Editions en 1 forthwith the American hei.wl his quest's booth and iKjlished them in a ' liighly creditable htj'le. i On the morning of the Englishman's , departure his friend accompanied him to the steamer, und, just ah the whistle , wns blown to indicate that all but pas sengers must io on shore, whispered in his ear: "I'll tell you soinethinf? that will , amuse you. I have cleaned your boots all the while you have been in New I York." ' aids nature in relieving the lungn, open ing the secretions, liquifying the mu cous and causing its expulsion from the air colls of the lungs, and rest -ring the system to a strong and healthy condi tion. Soother remc Jv in the market possesses these reumrkahSe propertied. Soother will cure a cold to quickly. For sale by Ulakeley & Houghton. (ood .fob rriiitiui;. Tn mint if. oiuftjiu ana ,ma oi!.4pit . ,,j iK aU4 Hlxty uott)t HUti aitutited in w c..uun aiMV'.-mivMn uiwiuuaM. i oregon according to Inw Htid th- pruetlee ol in the numuof the itate of Orexun, you and ! tbli court, und that the pru'eedn of -n i J i-h1.- w eaeli of you nro hereby reiuirel i nppetir miO l applieil in payment of the uiuouiit keeurvd by ,muer the eomntilnt llltd hzMih' you in ihe id murtKa(,'e, nnd atlll unnilil, to-wit the nam abue entltlwl suit on or befoie the daj- u." ! of tSMxi). nnd liiterunt thuteou ut the rate of the leuulir term of the Circuit ( ourt of tin nU eUlit er rout er iinnutn from hepteiulMir -.'.'d, .f Oieoii for Vueo (,)Uiit , next follow u the '"- and the furthor nam of J,io.w, and Inter dale hereof, to-wlt. ou or before the , est tliurton at the rate of elhl ir cunt j-r hi. THE ('HKONIC'Ll-: was estahlisliwl for the ex press purpose of faithfully representing The I'alle and the surroundinjr country, and the af l-fyinir effect of its mission is everywhere apparent I now leads all other publications in Wasco. Her man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrmv aiu. Grant counties, as well as Klickitat ami other re gions north of The Dalle-, hence it is the be1 medium for advertisers in ihu inland Empire The Dailv Ciiijomclu is published every e'r ning in the week Sundays excepted at ?fJ')l annum. The Wkhklv Chuonici.u on lriday each week at $1.50 per annum. For advertising rales, subscriptions, etc.. addr THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO-. Tlao Dalloa, Oregon. KItli iluy of Nimiinlier, IKll.'i, and if you fail o to answer, uaut (ii.-r.,f tlie pinintilt' will apply to the ,nirt fur the telief prated for in hi eouipiaiiit. h. ult fur 11 ilc'.Tt-.. of tmeclirtiiri; of that certain inort U.isn iiwl rnade and exteuteil by sun to tne uhiw named iilnluttiron theOth day of Nuvi-u. her. Jto, upon the northwest ijuarp'r of n-en ,, II in towtixhlp '.' south raueu U enit. V M.,in Mateo county. OrettJli. and that aid pr-mi.i. he mild Under Mich fnreclonurc deirue iu the tnnnner providel by law und nee rdiiut to the practice of mild Court, that from tin- prixe.-dn of U"li uie the plailltllt haie and reeei'.e the niim of live hundred (I'uOi dollari. xnii inter-it on aid mtm since NmemlAT fith. l'.o. at tne rate of J)eervliiK 1'rulne. We deelre to eay to our citizenH, that for years we have been selling. Dr. Kiug'e Sew Discovery for Consumption, Dr. Kinfe-'fi Sew Life J'illfc, Ihicklen'g Arnica Salve nnd Electric Hitters, and liave never handled reinedicE tliat tell oh well, or that have given Huch universal uatiafaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, at we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. There remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. Snipes & Kinersly's druggime. Wuutetl. A lady who understands how to do fine sewing can find employment of .Mies Belle Hood, upataird ut l'euse & MnvA'"'"y nm. miiee Mutch an. lf'Jtf, nnd for an attorney iw j.fu.M), and for the eost Hint diihiiriM n.entn uiadu and expended herein And that ti.e plailltllt will nppl) to the court for a JihIk iii.-ut ugalnat you ior nny dellclunny theti may M- lenininliiK after the application of the pio een, ,,f said mle a nforittiild "i 01 will further take notice that the sun, lu' ii- in thin milt l terved iiKin you by puhli emi.ih, by order of the lluuoralile I., ilriiil - in. .Indue of mild Court, mid order betnt? daud nepteniUjr'.Tth, li'i. JlAVri, HL'.NTIMtTON A WIIO.S, Atturm) for I'liiiutlll. : Notice. Timber Culture. K. tx.T eelit. tor alinuin. u lo a further mil, I If you have vour job print ng one at ;'xt u iiwiiiib:e attorney , iw , -, .,, , . for inititntinc thin unit to furef .aid luort- ! i Ht- uhhokici.e you will have the ad- w and collent the note thereto nvcuted and I vantage of haying it done with the ,uoh ftH I modern und armroved tvie. with which inoludlue uwruiuK co.i and we keep continually suimlied. All ioU 1SS In vXnirJ!Zut, "n1 I'JV! V j under the direct supervision of one of d'.ur, j in the Northwest. f. n. I.Ajfn Oiti'.k.Thi: Ii.w.i.i:, 'in., i AliltllHt 'J, In'., , ' oiniilalut IiuvIiil' Iceu entered ut thin (ifrti i. h ilurrlettit M. Marahall nK'drnt l'reiton I ceil I the IlIOHt HllCCeSuful ami artistic printers tiht, title, iutereiit iiivl olulm of yrm mj with a view Vi ilie eam.-ullation'of .aid entr n the Xnrt iifMt. ii.. . " .i' ' ' . ; ' ; L CC '. "'" ' ""ieKi '- uai iieuiuuiiui .a wholly . ........ w.,.,,.,,H , , (uiii.1i nun laviecieii to p ow or break or eu ti cairn b,tl.roiiKli or under ou or them, or van. to crop or otherwhe, or pi, t wl h t I" either, in and towdd m''tWKel preii.l.,9, and tree twl, !.r cuttli.. durliin any of the (line ever part thereof las lore, lined, and forever . tllice iiiakmi; lilii mVIiI entrv inn' t.r . Vii.i Thot the traet, the halil partlen are hereby autrirnoiied to ' Wood! Wood! Wood! Heat quality fir, oak and slab wood. Leave orders at 133 Second street or corner Third und Union. All orders promptly attended to. Maibb A Hknto.v. Wnntod. i Mun and wife wanted to work on farm. Call at Hood's stable. H For Kent. Rooms to rent at liev deuce on Ninth street. burred from the enultv of redcrnntlnn Pianuiu iai ai oveii to niu iiixu i lorwiloniire - appear at thl OMioo on the aiiit day of OutolVr ale and purchac mild niorUfiiKed preinl.e, at , l-.wt, ut In o l:k A. M.. to rentrfmd and i iV ',,,,' lilaopttuti, and that llixiti the nio of nld inort ' ttl riiniiv rr,Ti.,,r,,itif kiilfl 1 1 ..... .1 f..ll..... f.iKed preuilnei. the purchase! in- ut into JfnrtiV resi o 'odaw. the poweiMjfin tnertoi. iiii'i every uri thereof, im uitrdlat :i , and for uch other mid f urthur relluf ! a to the ourt iniiy teem etiititil nnd iuit. i Thl b aerved Un you. the talil t rarlk Ji .i!lepie and l,li'la ' .!.epl . b pub ' licatloti ii. Ine iiullm I iiuomm.j. a iie'...,i..r I'tlbiithe . HeeKi; ut Ihillua it.- i. tj , OreKon. for ior cueciltl e ve.- lur of Jl'il. W i, llrrtdthau, jiidKi .,. i ,iurt which on. h duly n iev d tnter..J ,.t em '"no: the..'' da 11 i-ei,' -t i.. Ill r' I sWntit, AttOUie, f J',(ti t, JOHN W. UUi, ilejjluter Taken Up. i JDPR I n JU" M CAN BE FIRST C LASS NT' I NT'J HAD AT THE Hue tnrrul KeldliiK iitmut n.elve Jtiiri oid. anil branded thiu P on -t minuider 'ihe owner i;ai. have theTihUnii bj p. . (..t' i if tl.n notiee CHRONICLE OFFlC1 Reasonably Ruinous Rates.