The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 11, 1893, Image 1

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    Sl)c Dalles
V()I,. v i.
NO. 100.
-4f ft.Mll PhffAf10lft
Ht,llli.-I lii.Hy.Hitmlti- Kxccpted.
. niim.t and W iu.tiliiKtm Street, The
Trrl "f .SlllC!l'illllll
nun'.!), W ""'
f A IK)
.... 5(1
1 1 M 1" TAIIl.KS.
, cfltTtAuRniitO, lhii.'i.
.r i v m ' v- novum n :oo r. m.
u i.r iiccnii.
unit J."1 a 11 Depart SMI a. M.
twiiIocai irelp'itu that rurry iwm;iikmi leave
i . tti ' Mt h'iJ a. 31. aud one lor the
. .. j. ft .ii t r
., t-jtvuu Mh. Hake Oven, leave daily
.. i . f
' - ... Mitiihf.1l fWiTivrm (Mtr. ll'itvi.
L ,. ,1
fcftfur, KiUiihU');, Wmnlc. Wujtlnitln, Wnnn
Uitifof urn lit tho L milium uouhc.
National Bank,
Of DAU.ES city, or.
Cashier, -
Z. F. Moody
Ciiaklics Hilton
M. A. Moody
General Hanking Business Transacted.
Sight Exchanges Sold on
Collections made on favoreble terms '
at all accessible points. !
Makes lifo miserable. All other
nilinents are as iiothinc; m com
parison. Women especially know
its Buffering, ami few efclpo its
11 ItJiPKLL ATTOitscr at law Office
CouH street, The Dalles, Oregon.
i nriT'K ruAK niniriE
rtLK. ds j r.r t.c. Anunsivn - a i-
tiw-KiHima IJ uud 43. over l'ost
f-Bniirfmr. I titrimri! on Vtuhhluctoii Street
.i vimmm'k building, tip Uilr. The
Xxi, Orii; ju
.'1 iivk t u w unicfo, Kreneh'n block over
PjxJitiona linns. ' Dalle. Orecou.
H Y 10 S ATTOKNKlf-AT-I.A'W Room"
. FtMit'i A (o.'k bank building, becoud
2t. Th iiallen Oregon.
At'.. KPliUL&AN HOM.KO-ATHItl rill lUUIAS!
J fliul MTKntit: fiiilM nnsivered oroiuiitlv.
'implant! bluet wt!
UUD I'll A I, K - rilYmCIAW AMJ hUK-
nrnv fttfi.... f. ntirl f. 1 IhnlttlllLIl
.xi n k roriier Court imd
HUUIJ -j in a. i. i w HUU i .
1 HI v i Hentji"t. Oisk Kiven lor tnc
iinri nlumlntim jilutc. Koomi.: blcn of
idi-D TiKith.Hecond Utreet.
Am t ,li , 1 . NO. l.'i, A. ! . A, A. M.-Meulu
V. ii i . 'u.rd Monduy of each month lit ,
V ..Vte 1'.. .1 A If I II I II. 11' II IE Ml I.
J M....."t t. . ...... V,'.l.....,u..
: i!M.ii mi ill. ui - ii f
n WUOliMV.N OF Till: WOULD.-
"U MtlJK 1,.1K,K, .NO 5, I. o. O. F.-Mwtk
eiT) J riutij I VfiUliK lit T :t0o Clock, 111 Ii
nil.. I'nriUT ciiMinil lit ui Court htrLicth
Letters of Creilit issued available in he
Eastern States.
Sight Eschaniro and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St.
Ixjuis, Sun Francisco, Portland Oregon,
Seattle Wash., and various points in Or
egon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
J. M. I'atti:i:.-o.v,
First Rational Bank.
A General Ianking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San Francisco and Portland.
I). P. TlIOMl-aON. JNO. S. SciIKNCK.
Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Likhk.
II. M. Bkall.
BiacKiiifi & wagon Sfi
j Many people take pills, which
gripe ami furge, wvakoiii'icr the
l)Oi ly. More take Simmons Liver
Regulator, li-juicl or powder, be
cause more pleasant to take, does
not gripe, and is a mild laxative,
that also tones up the pystom.
The relief is quick. It is Nature's
own remedy, purely vegetable.
"I novor found nnythlnt; to do me any
pood until I u-c(l Miiiiiioin Liver Ki-RUln-tor.
It has hit n llucc years Mncc I llrst
utfd It and I have not had .Sick Headache
Miice. 1 sent my slsur (who had Irom one
lo two attacks of Sick Headache every
weekj one-half of a packnue, and she has
riot had It since." C. H. iloiiiiii, Urowas
vlllt, W.Va.
SKVi:itT l'ACKAGK-43
Han our Z Stump In red on vniprx-r.
J. II. iCUXl.N A; CO.. t'l'uidtlphu. Pa.
TUC lHy Kveninc chronicle li recocnized
I j' t, h e-.t'iithilly the home liaiier for the
Djles City folks' tlSur; This is not ti had
reputation. Somen UiVl L, 2,000 of our be-t
oltUen.s watch the columns of this D n nm
dally for the Kfiielest local news. It V t J
succeeds in cleaninR the Held, and hence glows
In )Ki)iulurlty und iuiiortance. Take it awhile,
you who don't; try sonic of its premium oilers.
"The Regulator Line
The Dalles, Portoi anfl Astoria
Navigation Co.
' in iii-i n iiri! ui iiiittii.
' ..ii' u -ec j II. A. lun.,N. (i.
i'..ih i.i'uiii., mj. 'j.,n. oil".- : i tr in
CTCrv .-viniirlHi ..i' ... - .ii ..i..l..... It.
.,,.,,.,,4, ..,.r ... . (ntrl ,1,111 m.H.jiu
..,: uii'iuuers lire f!oruiiLiiv iu
" V l HK. K of I! iitirt U ii i
K iiV.iilll Y NO IV.T, K. OF 1 .MectH In K.
" " -'"HI IH t iHJ II, HI.
iV0'?... ''HltlhTIAN TKMl'KUKN'Ci:
i4 nrt'h v tit i.i, i ... ii.t. ... i ..4
.nr.ll.MAN, I. . -J . It. C. Fl.K.CK, He
1I13T l .......
1 te . i A. O. U. W. Meet
airiitiTiiitt. ii. .ii - ..i i i.
lift.,. .ii i.-i jvtuiuir, nu cwuiiu
""-isursdny evenliiKu ut TMU.
rt II. HANSKN, ...
-m.r.n, ininucier. M. w.
Ml ' J . . . fJi ., III hMV .k. 't .
a. ,i .nceiKevery huuuuy uiicriioou in
v III I- Hun,
r. r . . .
Clllllinra 1.. .1... ....
win n. oi i . iiiui,
1 l . i - '. iriui.i 4111. ,111 ,'ivvin ill
l..f ' .111,1 lilt, 1 THl HUH LI111L1 llUUIIt'l'
' ii;u iwiiil i ,,i u
'J All... .. . ' v...,,, ,--. I ll.HVl
I. V ...i.n v,.w j ...
, mil ii . . . . . . . ' .
."riuiiif vi . rr
b """t m. LveiiliiK rrnyer on I rlduy ut
hi itii. i , . . . .i
. mi in fni 1 1, t ,,i . . . i
Itt i!'!:'"1 r'rluay uvenliiK at I'lmtor'H renl-
m.U ' L "Kill SerVlceH III llin nmirt hiillMl lit
C0cSi,iV,i,'y.'r,!)NAI' (!iiunoii-Rov. W. (!.
t,(j 7 !.' herviee every Klllldiiy lit II
Frric Kir1;.1' Huwlny Holiool after moriiliik,'
hl"'"iKurHeoidliaiy Invited. KeutH free.
. t5i;,ii!'"n9,'-'v. J. WniHi.i;ii, piiKtor.
M, u.." u" "very nu udiiy moruliit:iit 11 a. in.
at f.!HUJ"-'0 "'oiwk I' M. Kpttorth
"""Inv ... . i layer meet IliK every
""cii I ,.lf! 7:20 "'eliK-lc. A cordial In
ll. ub.'mted by Uith pantor and .vo.Io
CIIIM'CII . in... I i l,.u.,ui.
Sa""!h mu (;ouireKiitloiial
,n,:'"ly Invited' "y Ut 8 A" ",U
f'.''AI, U'TIIKHAN -Ninth .tr.nt.
rJ?n1r iel,J.i' l"IK'r. Kervlcen at 1 1 !lio a, in.
C Tr one? i'm ,l',n' A welcomu
General P.lacksmitbing and Work dont
pioiuptly, anil an worK
Horse Shoeing Speciality j
TWril Street, op. Licbc'soluStaiiu.
s. House
Andrew Velarde
IS prepared to do any and all
kinds of work in his line at
reasonable figures. Has tho
largest liotiso moving outfit
in Eastern Oregon.
Address P.O.Box 181,TheDalIos
J. I. FORD, Evanplist,
Of lies Moines, Iowa, writes under date ot
March lb'jS:
S. 13. Mim. Mkc.i Co.,
Dufur, Oregon.
Gentlemen :
On arriving home lust week, I found
all well and anxiously awaiting. Our
lint,, i.irl i.Iirlii inn! iino. half vears old.
limn ri ' , v-.t,.' i
who liad wasted away to lib pounds, is
now well, strong and vigorous, and well
fleshed up. S. 15. Cough Cure has done
II Id. Hi nf 1 1n. iliildren like
it. Your S. U. Cough Curo has cured
and kept away all hoarseness from me.
So givo it to every one, witli greeting
lor all. wisinng you prosperity, vu are
V f . . I l.' I,,..l,
j uurw, ;uu, iv num. u, i j ui.i"
If eon wish to fi'i'l fresh und cheerful. and read)
for tlto Hprlntc'f work, cleanse your syiitcM with
tbu Headache and Liver Cure, by tukliiK twooi
three dosed each week.
Sold under a positive KUarnutcc.
60 cents per bottle by all drui;glstn.
! Freight ami Passenger Line
Through daily service Sundays ex
cepted; between Tho Dalles and' Port
land. Steamer liegulator leaves Tho
Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade
Iicks with steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Yamhill sheet dock') at 6 a. in. con
necting with steamer liegulator for The
One way. . . .
Kound trip.
... . 3.00
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Shipments for Portland received at
any time day or night. Shipments for
way landings' must lxj delivered before
5 p". m. Dive stock shipments solicted.
Call on or address,
Uuneral Agent.
(l.'lierut niuiiHKr.
Hoot, filimiM, llatx, Ktn.
Kto., Klc, Kto.
Second St., The Dalles.
Candies and Nuts .::.V:;,::,;
1 1
a i r
'JOItACOO, i !
Flnout Poanut Hoastor In Tho O.tlloH
2i Stroet J.FOLCO
A i riant side
Mrs, Obair't
The St. diaries Hotel,
This old, popular ai'd reliable boubu
has been entirely refurnished, urd every
room has been rupapored and rejiainti
and nowlv earjieted throughout. Tho
house contains 170 roomsnndia Httppllec
with every modern convenience. Hates
reasonable. A good restaurant attaehec
to tho liouse. Kror bus to and from all
trains. n
C. VV. KNOWI.ES, Prop.
One of tlie Forts at Rio Has Sur
A Yottii" Italian Mstcrioiisly Mur
dercd and His Hotly Found
in the Street.
Kto Janliho, Oct. 10. One of the
forts iu the bay surrended to the insur
gent fleet today.
The fort which surrendered is Fort
Villegainon, situated on an island in Rio
bay. It surrendered for lack of supplies.
The guns are old style, not capable of
doing much damage.
Mysteriously .11 u rile red.
Xr.w Yoiik, Oct. 10. The body of
Leonardo Daerto, a strikingly handsome
young Italian, of apparently high class,
was found lying in Mulberry street early
this morning. Much mystery sur
rounds the cause of death. It is be
lieved to be another Mafia murder.
Four Italians have been arrested on sus
picion. The I'eary Heard I'rom.
London, Oct. 10. A letter from a
member of the Peary expedition has
been received by Morganblatt of Chris
tians. It says: "The Falcon reached
Kowdoin bay, Murchison sound, August
ou. iv uiugent snooting -'u tons oi wal
rus meat for the use of the dogs during
the winter have been secured. A cache
of provisions has been established on
the inland ice for the use of the sledge
party on the lourney in the spring.
Lieutenant Peary is going with fifty
dogs to establish other depots, and try
to penetrate half way into Independ
ence bay. The liouse built at McCor
mack bay by Lieutenant Peary's party
in 1801 has been demolished by the
Eskimos. Mrs. Peary is enjoying fine
health and vigor, and takes part in
most of the sporting trips. Mrs. Peary
will remain for the present in the house
at Dowdoin bav."
Our Superiority AeUtiiiivlnlKed.
London, Oct. 0. The Daily evs. re
ferring to thejsecond race for the Ameri
can cup, .says :
'It seems to bo all over with the Val
kyrie. She has been beaten again under
conditions that furnished a good test of
speed and seamanship as could have
been desired. It is impossible any
longer to believe that she is as well built
and as well handled as the Vigilant.
Our yachtsmen and yacht builders must
again go to school in Ameiica. Some
secret of the American mind iu this
branch of sport we have yet to master.
The fact that the Valkyrie had to make
more tacks than the Vigilant seems to
point to the handling rather than tho
building as the reason for the superiority
of tho American boat."
I'reHidiMit Cleveland Censured.
San Fuancisco, Oct. 10. The state
anti-Chineso convention resolved that
President Cleveland and cabinet be cen
sured for non-enforcement of the Geary
ael. Congress will be called upon to re
fuse extension of the time of registra
tion. Organizations in sympathy with
the movement aro requested to insist on
tho Geary act being enforced, and a com
mittee of eleven members will be formed
to carry out the icsolutioiis.
lfr i iiIiIiit tteiithur stuif K Alaler
A: llentoii.
"During mv term of service in tho
armv I contracted chronic disirrlni-a,"
says A. K. Iieneing, of llalaey, Oregon.
"Hincoithen 1 have used a great amount
of medicine, but when 1 found any that
would givo mo relief they would injure
my stomach, until Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhea Itemed was
brought to my notice. 1 used it and
will say it is tho only reined that gave
mo permanent relief and no bad results
follow." For sale by lllakeley c Hough
ton. .Not ire!
All notes duo and lu'comlng duo and
all accounts owing us must bo settled on
or before November 1st, ISM, either iu
wheat, oats, barlev or cash. Accounts
und notes remaining unpaid after that
date will havo to undergo costs of col
lection. Wo mean business and must
po-itively havo money.
... . . . ...
(lilWllll Till: IMI.I.LS .UKHl-A.MII.H V.IJ.
IliMiMt u's Arnica unltt'.
Tho best salvo in the world for cuto,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tlvoly cures piles, or no pay reijulied
It is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price L'5 cents
per box. For salo by Snipes iN; Kin-ersly
Tim Viilltyrlo Lends Today.
Ni:w Yomc, Oct. 11. Special lo Tin
CiiitoNici.i: It was definitely settled
last night that the third race would oc
cur today, as scheduled. Tho weather
conditions are about the same as tho
first trial of the first race, viz., no wind
which renders today's race extremely
listless, nitiiougn there seems to he no
diminution of attendance, both on shore
and afloat. The race todav is little
more than a drifting contest, in which
the Valkyrie leads. If the wind holds
out the same as at this writing the boats
may possibly finish within the time
Champion of Tygh lililRC.
EniTOit CniiONicLi: Our usual quiet
berg was disturbed last Wednesday after
noon by two boisterous individuals
whom we will call Bismarck and Brother
Jonathan. Bismarck belongs to Kingsley
while Brother Jonathan belongs to
Juniper Flat. They met at the black
smith shop and quarreled over some
cattle. Bismarck's temper getting the
upper hand of him, he struck out with a
right bander, knocking Jonathan out on
the first round. After a few seconds
Jonathan picked himself up, armed with
a club, and took after Bismarck. Bis
marck seeing blooa in Jonathan'.' eye,
retreated at a two-forty gait never look
ing behind till he found he had himself
fortified in Mr. Kelly's cellar and held
the fort till Jonathan started for his
home. Then Bismarck crawled out of
his fort claiming first knock down, first
blood and the championship of Tygh
We are getting more rain than we
were looking for. It commenced a
steady down-pour Friday evening and
still continues, which will certainly do
harm tounthreshed grain, of which there
is a great amount yet unthreshed. If
we don't get more threshing machines
here we will not get done before the
snow lues, ihoso that have summer
fallowed grain are getting big yields.
Leon Rondeau's grain is averaging forty-
two bushels to the acre. L'no.
Kinosluv, Oct. S, ISO!).
liiirnlni; Out Mump.
Answering an Indiana and a Minne
sota subscriber in regard to burning out
stumps with the aid of other materials,
we give the following methods:
Common black machine oil is some
times u.-.ed in this way: Witli an inch
and a quarter auger boro four holes in
the largest stump, letting tho auger
stand at an angle of forty-five degrees ;
bore eight inches deep; fill the holes
three-fourths full of oil and plug up
tigiit. Also pour from a third to a half
a pint ou top of stump in a foot circle,
letting it spread well. After five or six
days kindle fire ou top of tho stumps
and see them disappear.
Saltpeter is used in this way : In tho
fall bore an inch or an inch and a quarter
hole, according to tho size of the stump,
vertically into the middle of tho stump
eighteen inches deep, and put in an
ounce or so of saltpeter; fill the holo
with water and plug up. In tho spring
take out tho plug, put in a gill or more
of kerosene and set lire to it, and tho
whole stump, roots and all, will bo con
sumed. This process applies to moist or
green stumps ; old dry stumps will not
bo penetrated by the saltpeter.
Another method that proves very suc
cessful is to boro a two-inch holo into
tho heart of tho stump, fill the hole
with sulphuric acid or crude petroleum.
If witli acid it will destroy tho stump in
a few months. If tho oil is used tho
stump is fired after it becomes saturated
with the oil, when it will burn out good
and clean. So Ihoso say who havo tried
it. Farm, Field and Fireside,
h.iiiietlilui; to Itiiliiiiiulii'r,
If you're a weak or ailing woman tlmt
there's only one medicino so sine lo help
you that it can bo yimnintt'fd. It's Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription. In
building up over-worked, feeble, delicate
women, or in any "female complaint or
we.iknets, if it ever fails to benefit or
euro, you havo your money back. It's
an invigorator, restorative tonic, a sooth
ing or strengthening nervine, and a sufo
and certain reined for woman's ills and
ailments. It regulates and promotes all
tho proper functions, improves diges
t'oti, enriches tho blood, dispclH aches
and pains, brings refreshing sleep, and
restoies health and strength.
Nothing else can bo as cheap. With
tills, you pay only for the ijood yon get.
It it y your eoril wood of Jluler A' llciiliin.
Ferdinr.nd do Lesseps is said to be
dying at his country house.
Now Orleans has raised a storm fund
of about $75,000 in all, and steamers,
luggers, skiff's and trains havo been sont
in every direction to extend relief.
Tho holy tnon throughout Morocco are
preaching a war of extermination. Thev
expect tho Moors to drivo out nil
European infidels and givo no quarter to
Spaniards captured in Batclo.
The second anniversary of the death
of Parnell was fittingly observed in
Dublin Sunday. The procession was
headed by a black draped wagon, upon
which were piled memorial wreaths sent
from different parts of the country, as
well as several from the United States,
Canadaand from Australia. Theoflicials
of Dublin and Cork attended the cere
monies in state.
Mr. Frank Menefee is in Goldendalo
today on legal business.
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Macallister came
up on the Uegulator last night.
Mr. H. S. Wilson left bv statre this
morning to attend court in Goldendale.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Sherar of Sherar's
Bridge went to Portland this morninfr
on the boat.
Mr. Jo. MacEachern. a former lesi-
dent of The Dalles, is in the city today
from Portland.
I?OV. John Wbisler lnnvivq fnr Tlpnror
tonight on a visit to his family and vtill
return about Nov. 1st.
Mr. R. E. Haworth of University Park
will spend the week visiting his brother
Mr. J. F. Haworth, of this city.
Mr. W. B. Winifrra. a vountr lawver
of Portland, is in the city attending a
special Hearing oetore Judge iiradshaw
From a letter to a friend here Dr. O.
D. Doane expects to be home bv the
20th inst. from their eastern trip and
Mr. E. S. Brooks, brother of the
editor of Tub Chuonicli:, came up last
night from his home at Winter, Jackson
county, to attend the wedding of his
daughter this evening.
Columbia II Bowell. Columbia: A
Coon, A J Peten-on, Tom Jones, Sam
Jones, Celilo: Mrs liurford and two
daughters, O E Burford and wife, Cen-
terville: 31 D Clenvland. J T Wilson :T
S Williams, Vancouver; McKav, G II
Ming, v bertanner, , Polanoll. Peter
D.iv, Wm Abbott, Dan Hill, L J Orm
dofl' and wife, Portland ; Wm Rand, M
Y JfobortEon, flood laver; O Agce,
Roseburir; Sterling Dark, E J Spencer.
Win Kistner, White Salmon ; E
llawkes, Pendleton.
Mr. Watson's Side of the Story.
Mosir.i:, Or., Oct. 10, 1S93.
Enrroi: CmtoNicLi: 1 note Mr. Mo-
sier's letter of October 5th, and in roply
will call his attention to some of tho
facts brought out in evidence. Mr. J.
II. Mosior and John' Martin testified
that some seventeen years ago they
(J. II. Mosier and John Martin) agreed
that road now iu dispute should run
iround a certain hill, on condition that
said work was done by Martin, who was
acting in tho capacity of superintendent
of construction of Tho Dalles and Sandy
road, consequently had tho right to
change and accept the road. As above
stated, Mr. Mosier and Mr. Martin tes
tified to those facts. Mr. Mosier fur
ther testiliedlthut he changed this same
road for tho purpose of getting it away
from other people's property. That
this change in road covered a distance
of ISO feet; that he put, a fence across iu
two places, where it has since been torn
lown. Now comes Mr. Mosier's letter
in Tin: Ciiiionicli: stating that that
fence has been where it is now for tho
last thirty-five years, and tho man that
says that road has been changed "is a
liar and the truth is not in him.'' It
would appear from these facts that .Mr.
Mosier slates,; his own testimony was
The above will represent tho consis
tency of Mr. Mosier's testimony and
statements. Yours truly,
William Watson.
Tyi;h Vulliiy Holler flour .M III.
Is in complete repair; always iu store
Hour equal to the best. Also old style
coarse and lino Gra'iam (lour, mill feed,
etc. W. M. Mct'oitKi.i:, Propr.
I'm- Iron, pipe, pumps, plumliliiK kooiU
of nil IiIiiiIm k t Miller ,V llentoii.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. '