The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 10, 1893, Image 3

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lousiness is
and we are prepared for it.
U n cl erwear,
"Tveep Warm
we place on sale
"Keep Dry.
We have underwear
That will outwear
Any underwear
Sold anywhere.
L.'i lies,
Ge: ilemen.
50 Cents to
$5 a Suit.
For wet weather, our
Are convenienc.
You need a new umbrella.
Buy one. Don't "borrow."
all Goods marked
in plain figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
i.iierii 11 the I'liHtolIlcf lit The Diillct.. OreRon,
tit. nriol-:!iiM' mutter.
I, m ill A il vri luliii;.
. 1" it iine for tint liiKcriltm, nnd ft Cent
ki . it r eiirh hulwiiuiint insertion.
3t." .1 r ,U" lor loni; time imtluux.
A k.. 1 itiiTB received Inter thou 3 o'clock
I. dh it tJic fiillow lnK diiy.
Tl I-.-I'VY
OCT. 10, Sf)3
Tit Iia 't awl Weekly Chronicle may
hf 'oundo.t sale at J. C Xirkeltcn's utore.
A Sm,iry
.11 1HN
New Itltk
rum Mlhrrlluiit'OiiM
Tii'' mm tlmt ImllH you "Tom or Ji K,''
' rove by tliiniis upon jour buck,
Hi w lie e .eeinh your merit.
"Mich 11 .iieii'l tl .t one tinrl net-J
lli'eri niueil a trieml imb-il,
T 1 nli in, or to bear it.
Njw if tm elegant time to advertise
ati'l it ')Mi;ht to bo continued till Now
new roof is being put on tin: old
Snyder rt"-tuuriint, next to the Cosmo
lxrtitMtlioU''.. to save the plastering.
1 Htw McKeiuion, a young man who
uu 1. ere hist spring helling u patent
' urn, i.iih recently been elected city
ii.w-hal of perry, a new town of 0,000
'Uf.itants in the Cherokee Strip. He
H ali-oii deputy U. S. marshal.
The Hard raw between tlio Vigilant
and alkyrie was to luive been tailed to
inonuw, hut in postponed till Thurhday,
t enable tl,t. ViKi,,t to repair a spar
wI.k . wan strained in yesterday's race,
1 1. Gibson appeared heforo E. Shut.
ih morning, charged with striking a
Irene), man. an employe of the Union
I'acfif road, with 11 pistol .Satu-day
evenuig on I ront street. Gibson nload-
1 not pullty and the ease wuh postponed
nti. !,Joivjck tomorrow morning.
Mr. Jenkins, formerly of Grand Dalles,
begun work on his corhet factory
fe the hluir. Atnresenthe is usinc:
J'Mi.lenee building for a factory. JIu
inure orders thiin ho IniH been able
'"lartoflll. A f,nv more rustlers like
this cit.v would be very acceptable.
Work men uro now engaged at tho
'"on street cut, throwing down the
r,ckiiHlungor of fulling. It in 11 wise
Prt'cautioii. 'J'he council proponeH to
W,(jLn t'lf tr et out to itH proper limits),
an1 "wo tho crusher to tho scene,
in another who action.
IJ" Sevens, tho expiessiiian, lately
eil'loyed at the flouring millH, Ih mlsa
"U "ud no one hero known hln where
"wuta or tho reason for his absence.
,l0 WH8 hiHt seen about 3 o'clock yestor
tltty morning ko1iiK toward tho depot
rou.h tho alloy botwoun First and
ond HtrratH. I
A wliiHt club of forty inomberH have
"a' u arrangements for 11 good time thin
jjter and each evening some member
' I'ltortuln the others with all tho re-
l 'lHit(.i) t0 ,nnko Ui(j HouHon i.j0Vllbt)(
ml Mrs, W. II. WiUon will 'entor
n tho (Irat UHHouibly of tho club.
'Ia i''' ,""(1,,ia"i 11 young uttornoy of
Wierif'11'0' '"'H UHt roU,rno(1 f"om tho
rum HMi' llu waH tlloro 1,1 tl10
nm 1" Se',u,,,,,,r KHh, and my a the
aro 1 of '"""I'I'oIntud peo)lo thoro
ihero wore fully J. 000
4ro lininuiiHi,
-"TIluyH thoro. Who Morn rlntiii' uriil'
fuJUr 11,10 for almoHt oihlK, Liuid
' I''" Woio fremumll
ten, -
made out for
A ui..
noon i t tlIal H iu IrorBH this ttftor.
-wio tioj.uty Hhorlir l'liiruuui unci
a jury of six men to try the right to a lot
of hay which was attached by the &herill'
in a suit wherein John L. Thompson
was plaintitr nnd J. V. Howlnnd defend
ant. Mr. John I'ashek has just received a
fine assortment of foreign cloths of the
latest patterns and we also noticed a
new fashion plate, which represents the
fall and winter styles for gentlemen's
wear. One thing noticeable is the long
cutaway skirt which reaches below the
knees. The I'rince Albert frock suit is
oven longer thnn the conventional styles.
In overcoats they ure longer than they
have been worn for years.
There are quite a number of voting
law students in The Dalles this winter,
and they have bardr d ; together in a
class for "quizzing" purposes. A meet
ing was held last night and was attend
ed by five young gentlemen of legal
tastes. Questions were asked on inter
national law and much profit derived.
It would bo a pourio of benefit to them
selves and pleasure to others if the
young gentlemen would hold some moot
courts during the winter 1 J which their
friemlH might, be imited.
Two small boys engaged in a fight on
the streets recently to settle the ques
tion of the championship of the town
"among the kids." it was said to be a
very gamey affair, lasting over an hour,
anil tho demoralizing event was watched
by fifty or more men. Every little
while the contestants would stop to Uke
a drink of water from the Epworth
fountain and wash the blood from their
faces. The fight ended in a draw.
Mr. C. J. Hays of Hood River was in
town yesterday proving up on his home
stead. While liere lie had a number of
troublesome teeth pulled and this or
something else made him so grateful
that lie paid arrearages on his subscrip
tion for two years past and ahead up to
the gladsome new year, 1M)G. Tin:
Ciii'.o.Niri.i: has no reason to complain ot
the financial stringency and anyone
wishing to see a f gold piece may view
the curiosity by applying at this office
before sundown tonight.
liny your euiil u 1.01I of .M lller .V llenlon.
Herman lloppiior of Portland is in
Mr. T. A. Ward is off for Hood Kiver
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Sherar aro in the
city today,
II. A. J'ratt of Hood I.'iver is in the
city today.
Miss L. Ilonrichhon of Portland is tho
guest of Miss iirooks.
Mr. M. A. Mcody left last evening for
Pendleton on 11 business trip.
JJ. S. Klmsev, wife and little eiil from
Antelope aro stopping at tho Umatilla
Miss Li.zio Fitzgerald, who has been
iu Portluud for tho lust fow weeks, re
turned homo lust night.
Mrs. John Maun of this city depart.' d
this morning on tho steamer Regulator
for Portluud, to visit u sick daughter.
Miss Jennie J -own, who has been
visiting Mr. und Mrs. Kutclllfo for a year
juist, loft for her homo in Now York
last night.
I'or ioeke( mi tilery u'l tlio keen (Hit
ter. Kvi'ry knife. urruntml ut fllulur A;
111) UN.
At Kudorsby, October 8th, to tho wifo
of J. W. Dickson, a U-pound son. t
A Fine I.IM or Kxlill.ltR---Cora J. AVInx
the Ouarler Mile l)nli.
The fifth annual meeting of the Sec
ond district fair began today. The wea
ther, which has been rainy and threat
ening for seveal days, cleared away and
the sun shone in a fairly decent manner.
The track was in a superb condition, the
rain having made it solid, and the upper
crust being dried by this morning's sun
shine. The attendance was not large
in fact it was exceedingly small, there
being at a safe estimate not over one
hundred and fifty on the grounds.
Tomorrow we hope for better. The first
race run was a quarter dash ; purse . 1 00.
Entries were Cora J. owned by McAtee,
Rockland Roy owned by Mclnerny,
Siretta owned by Mack and Hot Stuff
owned by Roynton. Cora J. was the
favorite in the pools though on the out
side Siretta wa expected to win. The
pool buyers were right, however, for
Cora J. won by little morn than a neck,
Hot Stuff second, Rockland Roy third
and Siietta last; time ''!'... seconds. It
was one of the prettiest races ever run
on these grounds; tho horses had a good
start and each jocky rode to win. We
go to press too early to catch the second
During the forenoon a Cmioxicj.i: re
porter made a ton- of the pavilion.
Although it was e.itlv in the day and
farmers from out of town had not time
to arrive, many exhibits were already
in place anil more continually
arriving. The number and quality
of the exhibits were surprising.
In the northeast end of the pavillion
Heniu was busy arranging his display
which is one deserving of special credit.
Ho occupies a spare about 1M feet long
by 13 f et high and the wall is lined
with several hundred photographs.
Above the photographs paintings tiro to
be hung. Mr. Herrin has shown praise
worthy efforts towards doing his share
to making the fair a succei-s and Iuih
planned his display in an elegant man
ner. The quality of his work is excel
lent. Xext to .Mr Herrin Is tho photo
graphic display of Earnest Drews, a
young ameteur of this city, who shows
great skill in tho manner of his work.
His sister has some very pretty paintings
done by herself those especially notice
able being a view of Multnomah falls,
another of Mill Creek falls anil 0110 of
Ml. Hood. The young lady shows
talent, and the combined display is one
of the best in tho pavilion.
Joe Southwell one of Wasco's staunch
farmers, has fairly moved his ranch in
to tho pavilion. A husty examination
of tho exhibit showed monstrous pump
kins, cabbages that made tlio table
weaken and beets. He also has a very
pretty exhibit of (il different grasses and
some tobacco leaves, together with Jeru
salem and broom corn, all giovvn on his
Another good displuy of grains is by
W. J. Davidson of Endersby. Ho has
four varieties of wheat and two of oats,
besides many different samples of peas,
meadow grass, etc. ; ulno three bottles of
home-made wine.
Passing to the fruit displays, tlio first
exhibit noticed was that of Mr. L. A,
Sandoz, whose place is 011 Mill creek.
His exhibit comprises sixty-four differ
ent varieties of apples, and occupies a
table twenty feet long. M r. Saudo ex-
kins and MpiaMi. He has twenty-four !
varieties of apples, the names of some of
them being unknown. Them was one
parliculiirlv choice apple called "late
harvest," which is of pure white color
and has a delicious flavor.
On tho middle :ub(. Peter Molir of
Hood River has his exhibit. All that
has been said of the others can be said
of Mr. Mohr. lie has thirty-four varie
ties of apples, occupying thirty-nine
plates, and is one of tho chief exhibitors.
All the floral displays were not yet
completed at the time of this writing.
Mrs. S. 15. Adams has a very full collec
tion of plants. One especially noticca
bio was a water hvacinth. Rovers of
llovvers should ask to see this. This dis
piny comprised a handsome shrub if
that it be called known as wedding
bell, which is in bloom all tho year, also
pink oleanders, a century plant, snake
cactus, Mexican salvia and other varie
Mrs. Marquis and Miss Snipes have
also good exhibits; the former showing
among other plants a genuine Canada
thistle, and the latter displaying lilies
and tube roses.
An exhibit of field and garden seeds
by H. C. Rateham of Hood River is a
very complete collection. He has over
forty varieties. Mr. Rateham also ex
hibits big carrots and corn.
Mrs. Stroud has eleven varieties of
home made jelly, which remind one of
Keats' exqnisito line "loosened syrups
tinct with cinnamon."
Twenty-nine jars of -jelly make an ex
cellent display by Miss Alice Roberts.
In the dairy display Mrs. Marquis has
fresh dairy butter and samples of packed
butter. Geo. Snipes and Pete Godfrey
have exhibits of butter. That it all
looks good is needless to say.
Oscar Angel and Joe Southwell have
honey combs on exhibition.
Miss Eflie Adams, 11 years old, has
samples of bread ; one made from po
tato yeast, and one from hop yeast ; also
soda biscuits.
Edith Randall, under 1G vears, exhi
bits eamples of fruit butter.
In the ladies fancy work Miss Snipes
has a very fine display, consisting of
crochet work, linen tidy, fancy work,
braided rug and knit shawl. She also
has a display of preserved berries.
Miss Drews has pieces of crocheting
and table scarfs.
Mrs. S. R. Adams has a monument of
shells and mosse3 collected from all
parts of the world.
A. A. Lown ol woouournnas an ex
hibit of sea shells.
Many displays are arriving continually
and the pavilion will be well filled by
the time the fair is under way. Mr. W.
II. Sharp, in charge of the pavilion,
says more space was taken yesterday
than any first day of previous fairs.
The products of the soil and samples of
the skill of our neighbors well repay all
the attention that can bp shown them.
notes or Tin:
The judges this afternoon were Hon.
F. P. Mays, John Marden and G. J.
S. R. Adams is chief marshal with
George R. Reed and Jack Meins as
Chas. Mcintosh ami McNanty
tend the entrance to the fair and collect
the tickets.
Pool selling was li'-'ht today as tho
sporting men wished to know how the
hoises run before placing money on
All the space in the pavillion will bo
taken before tomorrow morning, so those
who wish to make exhibits should hurry
in their applications.
Entries in the fancy work department
not noticed above includo 211 j ieces of
fancy work by Mrs. R. F. Gibons and
fancy and Mexican drawn work by Mrs,
W. E. Garretson.
'J'he band will piny tomorrow after
noon and all succeeding days so the long
waits between races will be made beara
ble by music. Tho Dalles has a good
band and they are expected to bo at
their best tomorrow.
Tomorrow there will be a running
race 'sti mile ami repeat. The eutiieu
already made aie Champagne, Rockland
Roy, I.ittlo Joo and Mretta. There will
probably be a special race for two year
olds though the entrees aro not named. 1
In tho live stock exhibit already on
the ground was especially noticed a pair
of roosters by D. II. Roberts, a big bull
by W. II. Rochhead.a Clyde stallion,
weight 17(10 pounds by T. W. (ilavoy.
Jom. Haynes, of Xausene, exhibits a 17-
months-old colt, weight RM), also a mare,
weight H50 pounds and a Rellfounder
stallion, weight R100 pounds.
Winter AniiieinenU.
For the Fall Trade
We are now ready with a full line of
Heady-Xttfade Clothing,
Blao&aiS?odDress Goods,
and all other kinds of Dry Goods
Wo are noted for tlio good values wo give
in Rlcached nnd Unbleached Muslins,
Sheetings, Prints. Ginchame. Roots and
Shoes. Hosiery. Gents' Furnishines. etc.. etc.
The Balance ot our Summer Importations now
Clearing Out AT COST.
cor. coin and second sis,
Tie Dalles, Oregon.
Fall ii Winter WMi,
Fancy Goods and Notions,
(Jepts' purpi5i;ii72 (Jooc,
Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc.
now complete in every department.
All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices.
H. Herbring.
Terms Cash.
Ttiis Space
112 Socond Street.
Familiar Faces in a Neio Place,
Late Sjiedal Atjenl Uenernl Land Office.
Bayetrci eft? lOariO-ottj,
Jf?e leal Estate, lpai?, Iiurapee,
I 'arties having Property they
vMMtruet 01 J itlo tui'iiisliei
wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Kent,
, will find it to tlnur wlv-antum to call on ia.
hibit is very good, and shows to tho best
it vu Wukii uji in ii Mominir advantage Wasco county's superiority in
with a bitter, bad taste iu your mouth, 1 tho lino of fruit. Ho also has a largo
take SiniuioiiH River Regulator. Jt cor- vegetable display,
recta tho bilious atouiach, sweetens tho A. D. Rolton of Royd has u very civd
brouth und demises the furred tongue. -Ruble display of tipples, pears, pump-
The Columbia whist club will meet iu
Fraternity hall next Monday evening at
7::J0shurp for the purpose of making ar
rangements for tho winter's amusement.
The club will bo regularly entertained
and all members are lequeuted to be
present. 3td.
lleulliiK mill t'iMili ntovim lieitier limn
over ut Miller ,V llenton'H.
Shiloh's cure, the Gieat Cough and
Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes c Kin
ersly. Pocket size contains twenty. five
doses, only -'.rc. Children love it, Sold
by Snipes & Kinursly.
I'm Mexican Silver stove Polish.
Wo shall niitko
11 specialty
In 'torn the
of the
States Laud
of Claims
ami Contexts
85 Washington St.
Second St.
Tho Dallos, Or
The Ifotfnia Winehouse,
Is DOW l
Also, bus 1
to bo Pure
Ask your dealer for Mexican bilvcr ThomDSOn'S Add
L f J(ios 1 1 tho i'Ua(?h 1' (n'orybuilv
UrW'oHnd. Ooodn gunraiiluul
"l"V, int.,. 1