The Dalles Daily Ghponiele. OFFICIAL I'Al'LU OK DALLES CITY. AND WACO COUNTY K!liTt THE MARKETS. nt the smrtn iliir ulli In Tniile Wlii'iit limp ' r'E- Wkljr, 1 yens. " 6 month. srnscKirTio.v rates, by mail, iwTAer. rr.trAin. in advance. ...f 1 JO 0 7 0 M Dtir, i year, c to " C months. S ro JM;r OS) Addrc all communication to " THE CIIKON- ICLE," The Palles. Orecon. orncK novn General Delivery Window . .Sr.. tr.. to Money Onler Handay v ') p. tn. n. in. to 4 ; m. 9 a. xa. tolOu. ui. TnnAY. Oct. 10. The storm has hu.l a tv.irutyzinc oilVct on business iwul v n sequently triule has been very light and qniet. ?otne of our merchants are uet tinc in (nil ami winter iroods, which i evidence of nn anticipated improvement in the volume of trade to be hud. Trices have not chanped in anything in the mercantile line. The produce and provision market is fairly steady. Ksss are still firm and scarce. Extra fresh butter has a better inquiry, but quotations have not changed. Vegetables continue to arrive freely, with a downward tendency some kinds. Fruits, especially dried, have declined ' and will rule low on account oi the abundant fruit product yield during the , year. The poultry trade is licht, and the of fering is still lighter and prices remaiu steady at old quotations. The grain market is exceedingly dull, the rains have checked the movement, and wiiat has found its wav to market Eepeated calls on Attornev Olnev to ' " P" 0,1 st0r3?e- and blU jitlle uas yeeu sum. ciiiv-c- ini, t-i:r, . ii.t. j' decline lias taken plaee, and -13 to -10 CLOSING OF HAtI train; potng Eait .9 p. m. and ni. " " West .9 p. tu. and 5:?up.ui. 3Ukc for Goldeadale T:;!0b. m ' I'rinevillt S:3)s. w. " '"Dufuraud W am Sprmsrs .5:3!a. a. " tLeavlnft for Lvle & Hartland 5 ; a. m. " tAntelope a. tu. Except Sunday. fTri-weetly. Tuelav Thursday and Saturday. I " Monday Wednesday and Friday. TUESDAY, OCT. 10. 1S93 Here is a gratifying "item of news" to Oregonians: The mast of the English sloop yacht Valkyrie was made from an Oregon pine tree. "smash a trust," just as a guarantee, ot m-w-ifl fnirh hnvn nnt timHnrwl rp-mltc as vet. It is altocether possible that the : nts per bushel is about the range of onmar Mnorol Anae nnt iai-n tn fnb ! PHCeS OUereU. any step which may add to the compli cations of a business condition which is already pretty well disordered. "As quick as thought" has come to be. established in our language as indicat ing the superlative of rapidity, but Mr. Herbert Nichols, in an article on the Psychological Laboratory of Harvard, published in McClare's Magazine for October, shows that while we are per forming the commonest mental judg ments electricity or light could go half wav round the earth. Lieutenant Peary is about the only living American who has escaped the financial stringency. He is sure of his job for two years and possibly longer. He has gone where money is not needed and is supplied with clothing and pro visions for a long siege. He may be pinched bsfore he gets back between two ice floes but otherwise he will get along swimminclv. "Shekel" has been adopted into modern slang, and is used to mean monev, hire, payment in any sort ot currency or coin, but the old Jewish j ebekel is really a religious token. On one side it bears the pot of manna, on the other Aaron's rod, budding. The inscriptions are "Shekel of Israel" and "Jerusalem the Holy." It was first coined about 150 years before the birth j of Christ, and was worth in silver about I G2) cents. ! Eastern advices report a dull market with a disposition to make small purchases for immediate demand, i The wool market abroad is more en I couraging, from the latest advices re j ceived, markets are firmer and a better j feeling prevails among manufacturers. Consequently there has been a lively in quiry, although there has been no ad j vance in quotations to note. i "During my term of service in the ! army I contracted chronic diarrhea,' j says A. E. Beneing, of Halaey, Oregon. ( "Since then I have used a great amount , j of medicine, but when I found any that i would give me relief they would injure my stomach, until Chamberlain's Colic. Uholera anu Diarrtia'a itemeuy was brought to my notice. I used it and wiil say it is the only remedy that gave me permanent relief and no bad rest; ! follow." For sale by I.lakeley cc Hough ton. "I consider Chamberlain'? C -ugl Remedy a specific for croup. It i; vert pleasant to take, which is one of : ( mo-t important requisites where a u.. remedy is intended for use among i. -dren. I have known of ca?es of t .: where I know the life of a little one un saved by the u?e of Chamb" ' -Cough Remedy." J. J. Ln Gran gist, Avoca, Neb. 50 cent bottle- ; sale bv Dlakelev & Houghton. I'nltifntly lncorn-rt- "1 sec a mistake in your paper that 1 thottsrltt you mipht want to straichton up." said the man iu the linen duster, who had toiled up three flipht.s of Mairs to see the editor. "Well?" said the editor. "Why, it's jist like this: You say that when the balloon went up a cheer arose from a thousand throats and that two thousand eyes were cazintr upon the intrepid aeronaut. Now, there ain't ritrht, because I know they was three one-eyed men iu the partv and that only leaves on'y I. OUT eyes to be n-pusiu' into space. 1 'lowed yur. woui.! like to know." And the linen-dustered man trotted downstairs. - Indianapolis Journal. FLOWERS AND TREES. The water lily is larcel. used iu some parts of India as f.iod The fruit of some species that prow plentifully in the lakes of Cashmere is rich in starch nud has much the tlavor of a chestnut. The Jerusalem artichoke ha no con nection whatever with the holy city of the' Hebrews. It is a species of sun licnver and pets its name from the g-irasolo. one of the scientific names of that genus of plants. All the West India islands down to Trinidad just of! the coast of Vene zuela, are recognized by their flora und fauna as being; far more nearly re lated to the northern part of the west er world than to South America. The last annual circle of wood leaves an accumulation of livinc cells upon its surface, and toward midsum mer these cells produce an abundance of new ones until the aggregate is sufficient to form a new annual layer This process on common tree, requires about six weeks. T ID I f i - .iLUUi.v LY or. ASS. That's the way Dr. riorccV Pleasant P v 1 1 o t s ( o ni o . And it's u mora important point than you think. It keeps them al ways fresh ami re liable, unlike the ordinary pills in cheap wooden or pasteboard boxes. They're put up in a butter way, and they act in a better way, than the huge, old fashioned pills. No griping, no violence, no reac tion nftunvar d that some times leaves you worse In that way, they Sick Headache, "There is a tide in the ajjairs oj men which, taken at n 9 f j it y tends on to jortunc. Tho poot unquostlonnbly had roforonco to tho Ciii-Oil Si I -Mm Han - off than before, cure permanently, Kilious Headache, Constipation, Iu dicestion, Bilious Attacks, and all derangements of the liver, stomach, and bowels are prevented, relieved, and cured. They're tiny, sugar-coated gran ules, a compound of refined and concentrated vegetable extracts the smallest in size, the easiest to take, and cheajvst pill you can buy, for they're guaranteed to give satis faction, or vour money is returned. You pay only for the good you get. There's nothing likely to Le "just as goody 1 1 ii Ncvit l'.fi'M llitiiiiliiletl. ThffntKwe vrnrd si:iik volumes ana eunnot tx aid ni many thlnss. but cominp (rum nut wm has b.n!ti a utterur lor many yvnra, no further tribuu- can In' added- iESTX-EWKN 1 have teen a un'erer imrr. hwtdachc for many years and can cheerfully recommend Krau-e's Headache Cntxuie a be inc the only preparation that has rivet', almo-t lii'taut relief. Have been uiuc them tor about mouth and have never yet been disappointed in them. Yours with resjiect. V iu. H ni.EP. I'ub. Altoona fa. Mlrrur. ;old by -nijies & Kitiersly Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures Catarrh 'n the Head. Just received a scow load of choice oak Wiud. M.UEll iX PiENTO.S. Mexican ilver tftove Poiis! causes no Just. OREGON NEWS. u, -SdS&S ray, i rtt The Cuko.vicle has had occasion in the past to warn the people that forest fires are responsible for the diminution of the rainfall. Confirmation comes to day in the shape of "Forest Influences,'' printed by the department of agricul ture and kindly mailed to us, compris ing 200 pages of valuable matter. Speaking of the influence of forests upon water conditions it says : "In conse quence of deforestation, evaporation from the soil is augmented and acceler ated, resulting in unfavorable condi tions of soil humidity and affecting un favorably the size and continuity of nprlngs. The influence of forest cover upon the flow of springs is due to this reduced evaporation as well as to the fact that by the protecting forest cover trie soil is kept granular and allows more water to penetrate and jercolate than would otherwise. In this connec tion, however, it is the condition of the i forest floor that is of greatest imjiort- i apce. liere ttie utter anu humus mold is burned up, as in many, if not most of our mountain forests, this favor able influence is largely destroyed, al though the trees are still i-tanding." The Orecon will probably be presented with a silver service as a testimonial from the state. The mayor of Portland hss received a handsome steel plate engraved invita tion iroro the Union Iron Works, bear ing a finely executed picture of the Oregon, and the names of Mi-s Daii-y Ains worth and Miss EugeniR Shelby, who will be conspicuous fk'tires at tne launch, which will take plaee at 10:li; o' chick October 2bth. John R. Atw. d, who absconded from the Vancouver Transportation Company some months atro, has returned to Port land of his own accord and given him self up, saying he wants to be tried, and not have the crime hanging over him. He has visited Paris and other foreign cities, and enjoyed himself in a manner, hut could stand the smitings of con science no longer. v- " szftai ' ,r - Tannin, nnnraoiiesi, sr.n- Thi.'ii'. ' i.; 'Upti: t'ves Who- ; nirLin ' . -.uu:i. F -r CoiistTSij. tic . j. fci,; -. . . cured dioainnilHw . : all Jtl.e: . : .lirer.s yrift'a i: t ..- - .' ! .z,s-j!n a.' w-nnt. I I z. !J'... or Li,iA MM 8tIIL')il'l I LA' tta ZVZ-t - J ... t rii-' s. 13 r: -. This Is the Season Of the Year ttlhen Judieious Advertising Pays. at CRANDALL & BURGET S, Who aro soiling those Roods out at greatly-reduced raw MICIIELRACII I5R1CK, - - UNION ST. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Wort, Tin Repairs am floofii MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Jlirtr nn fPhirf1 Strnf tinvf rlrtnr uncf nf Vnnn f-i iJiaeksinitn evioj.). SHOE FACTORS 7 For Sale at a Br iro-ain. The undersigned, having secured M.vt,in'o of wh:it. viv, liilciu fi for ;i fi rsl-chis-! shoe tnefnrr . II .1 . ........ 1 " it' ; :.. 1 l.:i r in ..,1.1 1., 1 i ,..t r 1 UUIRT Ul -IU-IWU PUHUI , illlll it lllllll" illliuillll. Ul MIU' uuiehinerv, lasts, line shafting, pulleys, ings almost a complete shoe factory. Here is also one of the hest sites for fact or v of this kind to In 1 .1.1 1 i Tl ir n iwl (inii. ating Write for particulars at once, to 9-12 Mtmf 111 I k en n rr 1 Or, Ttio Dallos, -e 'mi .cMsiTh Th n'ra'-.!- i- u r tw:U uj i' .re i i'riae cti. iun. t'.i lor iil-I),v ""nln) .V KlinT-li John Pashek. SUMMONS. - ..UL A no III ie Merchant Tailor 76 Court Street, Ilex, door to Wasco Sun Office. Washington City places a high pre mium on morality. It is related that when IJepresentative Breckinridge ad dressed the house recently, at the be ginning of his speech there was a jron era! rustle of sensation in the air. Mr. JJreckinridge'i- tones were never mel lower nor more magnetic, his pictur esque periods rolled out with rythmic plentitude, his white locks tossed above Hashing blue eyes. The federal elec tions bill was a congenial subject to 1 modern and approved type, with which him, and he had a greater inceutive to we keep continually supplied. All jobt distinguish himself than usual, because under the direct supervision of one of there were strata of coldness through the most successful and artistic printers HtMurvliijr I'ruiit). We desire to say to our citizens, that I for yeare we have been selling Or. j King's New Discovery for Consumption, ; Dr. King's New Life Pills, Hucklen's Arnica Salve aud Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, its wo stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. There remedies have won thuir great popularity purely on their merits. Snipes & Kinersly's druggiets. (Juiiil .Joli I'rliitiiic If you have your job printing done at Tiik CmtONici.E you will have the ad- ! vantage of having it done with the most fZZHa jmt received tho Int't it- iw, in Suitings fo? Gentlemen, HMfl in- h lar.'v Mn-nrtmunt of Koriliti. uml Ami'r ir-uii Clut ha. whien he cnn rinili In U:dtrr for thio triut favor him. Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty. SUMMONS. in the Circuit Court of tUe riwtf of drewm (or the County of Veu. A. l U Aum, 1 I'laintiii". i Krnnk V. (WlIife . libMlu .ill.siife, W. K if 11 nx ri(S XV. it. 1 Lutlur. Dt'feiiiJtinU. J 7'w Van I). GUI', pit tuid'J'.Uwla UiUttpit.a tlu altovt-uauitd dsfptdtuiU: lu thenatnoof the stnto of Ormtun. you und each f you ure hereby reriulrtil In und .III-. .IT lot: ClllIMllnlMt tlll.ll H(,'ailiHt VI, II in L.. nlxAe iHilitkil uH on or Ix'i'otii the limt (Ihj- ,. in- riiUr turin of the Cinmil Court of tin- n' n.' ttm for Wiitco County, next follnwiiiir tin; dale lirof, to-wit, on or )k'.otu the Kith day of Novinlr, lHH.'i, mid if vou full co to nnsr.or, wimt tjn.Twif t'hi; diillitll!' will Bjnily to the Court f-ir th twlief priced fo in hi coinnl.unt. ti-nit for u ('i.i:ri.-t of ici.cclo' iiif of tiinl evrtJin molt ifnj;i. dkrvd timde und e.t''ut"ij Uy :'ou to tuu lit; ivc miini.ll ihilutiii on the mil flay of ..ovi.'in- lu thi' Circuit Court of thu Htnlo of Oregon, for tiie county of Wiisuo, Xi A lililur. ) lHixintiff, I v. ' t: V. Kcytioldi, ' H'Jendtml. J T.. J'. lieintoltU, the abavt-mmtd defendant, lu the nami: of the nUite of fiii-o You re hereby rwinired to upiKiiir mid n w tloi (2oia ' iiiiiiut iiHliit you in thfiilmvc o ..ll'tl suit Kitliin leu (In y from the diitu of uiu c viwof tni unitimu iiK)ii you, if i-oiv -t wit.iln thl comity or If curved within miy otoor (WUiitr of this Ktiite. then within tuuiuj dayn fro.,i thu ' date of the nervice of thl unniion tiiM.i you; or If ered uiii yon liy imh" .itloti. then you jure reiiilrxl to Ui)eiir nud miHuer .itld Coin ! plaint on the ilny of the next term of mid Court, lifter nix weeks' public .lion fit tills nuui i rnimn, to-wit on Monday, the llltli lliy Nov emlier, I Kill!, ' unillf jriiij full to "o itiiiuur, the iiliiintll! will j npjilv to the court for the relief prayed lor lu . ttid coruiliilut, to-wit for the: forkreloHUie of thu niortgaisf dwcrlted iu mild iniinilniiit, und for the Mile of the iirernl-c therein deicrll),.(i, to ;uit the mutli null of thu MiuthvveHt ounrtui, the iio-theH: ijunrtor of tin soutliumt ini tur, i arid the Miutiiweot i Hurler of the viuthc.ixt ' ouiirt. f. ot .-K.'tioii loiviiKhiii one North. 1 Unuice thirteen lant. MUumuttu Merlillmi, con i tulniiiK one liunilml nud .ilxty ncrun, nud nttu l atvd In Wiuuo cuunty, OreKoli. Al .o, the nortti blf of the iiortheii't iimrtr, the northeimt ; quarter of the ijiiftrter, und the south j aunt iiiiirtur of the northaiHt quiirter of fceetlon j lowimlilii one North, liitiiire thl'tcei, Kimt, , Wlllumette .Mi.-rldlnn, cim tn I uliiK one hundred Hud xtxty iio.vm, und Dltiuited In Vwiioo couulv . i'rion. it, 'Minlititr to luw und the practice of I tnli- court, und that the lirixntdK of said mile lie iipul.ed iu imyirieut of the amount secured by "i'i inori'fH'te. auii Ml" uupaiii, lo-wu inc Mini of j.vj.iii, jut thereon at the rate of ','lit lnjr cent tx-r annum from HeutemlT -.'.'d. I j - ami further Mini of J'.MUmju, and intur u thereon at tiie rute of vlifht jmt cent )wr ah nui.. niuce March'-ih 1 .!!, and for an attoinovH f'e of, aud for the coitu aud dlshnrtie in -i 1 1 iimde and exMi(led herein And that i toe piHiittlit will apply to the court for a jud'( meut iicaluiit you lor any deficiency then- nmy I lie leinalulUK alter the application of the pro I c d of hild mile as nfort-nild i i'iii win niriiier iiikc notice mat inc hum i JJJJUl Daily and Weekly Editions. THE CHKONJC'IJ-: was e.nahlisliud for tho ex press purjfOao of faithfully rupresontin The J aJ les and the surrounding ermnlry, and the sati-fyiiifr effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. Jt now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and othi-r re gions north of The J)allet-. hence it is tho best medium for advertisers in me inland Empire. Tho Daily Chuoxiclk is published every tu ning in the week .Sundays excepted at annum. Tlii Wi.'i.m.i.v f!itiivtiM i,- on JtViilnvs & each week at SI .50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO, Tlxo Ialloa, Oregon. U.-i, )-!, in in the nnttbtu-'l iii.irt,-- of Kc'lon i mou in thin suit in nerved iiihiu you by publl the audience. In the begin nim; of his oration Mr. Breckinridge attempted to dispose in short order of Representative Johnson. "With these words," he had Bald, referring to the republican, "I die niis9 him and his speech." Quick as a flash the man from Indiana was on his feet. With a tone that rang out sharp ly across the hall he shouted: "There re other things the gentleman would like to dismiss." Thon, after a pause, "But the people will not dismiss them." The Kentuckinn made no reply for a moment, when he said: "I do not know to what the gentleman refers." The republicans langhed at his answer ; tben.they trooped almost manlmouHly into the cloak rooms, leaving but emp ty seu-to 4Ue silver-haired orator whose irioral akirts have been no bauly singed. weatber tun- o to IMalilr in the Northwest. Wanted. A lady who understands how to do fine sewing can find employment of Miss Belle Hood, upstairs at 1'ense A Mays. d.tMMiO Wood! Wood! Wood! Beat quality fir, oak and slab wood. Leave orders at 13IJ Second street or corner Third and Union. All orders promptly attended to. Maikb & Bk.vto.v, Wuutod. .Man and wife wanted to farm. Call at Hood's stable. 11 in tmviiil'lp -J mil til time II eimt. V. .M., u Wb-co county. Orcum). und mid iircinlocs be .old u.ider ucli foreclo urc di-cr-e iu the iiionuer iiiovided by law nnd iicc rdiii'j to the lire Ttl'-e o." iudd Court: tlmt f 10m the proceed of ueh tjle tot ililntill' hnvcnlld receive the ulitn of tire bundled MM) iliillnrx nud Inler'.it on "id oiiw tlnco NoveiulBr lith, JhW, lit the nito of lo jh.t cent. Hir iiiiniim. ulao a further um of ioXi..- tnij dodurii an u reu.iotnih!e nttorney fee for liiilltiltlli-,' thin illlt to Iole'l.-ie mid tiiort cio mi, i order of the iioiioriihle W I,. Until i.iiiw JiidKe of mild Court, H.ld older helm: dui l heit;inlrir7th, ''M. MAVri, HUNTINOTON A WJION, !S",7w Attorney for I'lunitlil. Notice. Timber Culture. I' u r n u.ifi' Tuv n , , l.u t.. herein ined uwm. together with timlutilf contii i ... ,',, I,; "". und dloi;remiiUi mudu nnd ox-.;nded iu thb, 1 foinpliiint Imvlnir Ui-u entered t IIiIh oniJo suit, lneludlni; ccruliiK comIh i.nd f.x-;ii.c of by Mtirriuiui M. Jliimbull iiKlnt l'reton lleul 4le, nnd nliiltitltt huvi) a Judiiiiient iiifHlioit , for billiiro to comply with luw n to 'Umber- -ou, hiu iuii rrmiK u. .w nwpie, or iiuy (tiiii- lUUItuto Kntrv No. Ill 0. dilUil Murch M). liw'i. bS'l-f OI Kection 'iM. Tliwiln i In ' V.. I, fcu'ft und collect the liotethcichy ecurtd nud clency in the priK-eviia of iulu to kutinfy fully nil upon I till. V Wf tl UuiHim OM Tnurnul.l,. . '"',",,,i-'" .-...... ,ni ui ijuikc it, . . ji,, in iii:o county, urc.o i, tlie l.'.ll, ,!h.. I,if,.iil nnii ,'llllll of enn n,i,l ...1.1. .. 11..., , ! ' ... j ....ii ii view 40 iiiu uiiueeiiuiiou oi nam eutrv work on It For Kent. Vor rubber M HoutiiB. Booms to rent at Rev. A. Horn's resi dence on Ninth street. 6-23daw. Bobert Maya harneed rye for sale at his farm in Tygh Valley. 7t7 Fresli oysters at tionery store. A. Keller a confec- yoc co-defiiiJunt-i. euch nud nil nf you in id then, und m'I other ous cl. imlni; or to cli-'m by, throiub or under you or them, or cU.icr, in u.ifi lo mid mortrtrs'il pic-inl t- nud uvery fmrl tlivreof m fo,'.'Cloel forever bnriL J from ei.ultv of n deiiipllou, Tliat thu plnlliUll' f: iiilowifi to bid iitH.ud iiil- i( 1110 mle und puiciiiuo mdd iiiort3.Vl ptenil c-i, nt hlaoptiou, nud tuut Umiii thukiiluoi i. ld mint KHKeil iruinl.e toe pl'iciin Kt bo let Into thu ioteilou thereof, unit evcy ji.rt ttier-of, nn intdliilely, nud for nucfi other n lid futtiier i ji of im to the Court nmy teem Ci,ul t-i'jii; mid ;iin. Thin tiiiniiiiouM s nerved upon you, the t.ifd i-riiiil: 1. uHlc pieiiud ltbfKlii-iil'- pi -, bv pub llciitlou ill 'I he imll Cni:ONKI,i: u ieip.ier liiliilbihe lt !kl' lit D.ille . CH: . Wii.c u t , OrcKon, for i" couacnutlvd vivvt. . uv o ner of lion W I, llrudaluiu, judifu in ili ( uiirt, which order Him duly inudu mid cnteieil nt chmrber on tholMtn duy of hvplui ilier, 1 (u. Hi rl It 4V MH.vhKf.K, AtlornuvH for i'liilutltt' coutcHtuut nlleKlui; that defuudiiut hint wholly iitiieii ittiii iiegu-nteii to juoiv or brtnk or cultl vnte to crop or other wine, or pliint with treed, t.eo fietflx or cuttliiKH. flurliiK iiuy of thu time Mlicc inokiiiir iilx mild entry, anv imrt of niiii tfuct, thumilu jiiirtlbM iiru hereby niimmoncd to iippeur lit tbl Olllcu on tho ' day of October, lulu, nt 10 o'cloolc A. M., to renMiud imd furuhdi ivMiiiMinv i.-onueriiiio; ni'i iiiiCKCii nil 1 11 ri-. U lw,',t JoiiN W. I.KWIM, iU'Kiitur Taken Up. i dPR .no M CAN BE FIRST CLKSS HAD AT THE ..n IT" (ii norrul KcldtiiB about tviidvc jciim old, mid branded thus p on left nhonlder Tho oivnur cm n Imvti thu "iTiiltnal by pa Iuk for thin notice IJ, J ( 'I'Jl'l- I! AllBUHt J3, 1M3, wtf ' 1 CHRONICLE OFFICE Reasonably Ruinous Rotes