Kntcrl nt the I'otoBict! t The l)nllt. Orvvon .i ccoud-cla matter The Dalles My Chronicle. The Annual F'MiR' or Tin: Sccoud Eastern Oregon District AoTicullural Society. Clothier and Tailor. Till: lAl.l.Ks oki:o THE FIRST LIGHTNING ROD. Jt AVim Nut Invrtiti'il l) ItouJ.jniln rrtttiU lliv A 31ct lVllo llt-lit-vr. Almost everybody believes that Frankl-.ti was the inventor of the lipht ninp hhI: and. in this one particular nearly everybody is mistaken The first l:;-htiit:K" eon.hietor was not in vented by the penius who is said to have "caupht the liphtninp wild and played with bolts of thunder." but by a poor Hohemian monk who lived at Senttenberp. who erected his liphtuiup catcher on the palace of the curator of Preditz. Moravia, on June 1."). 1T.V1. The name of this inventive monk was Prohop IMlwbch His apparatus was composed of a pole surmounted by an iron rod supportinp twelve curved branches and terminating in as many metallic boxes tilled with iron ore and inclosed with a wooden box-like cover. This was traversed by twenty-even iron-pointed rods, the bases of which were connected with the ore boxes. This entire system of wires was united with the earth by a larpe chain. The enemies of Dihvisch, jealous of his success, excited the peasants of the neiphborhond against him. claiming that his invention was the cause of the dry weather that was ruininp their crops. When the inventor lauphed at them and refused to remove it they put him in prison and then destroyed his work. M-Melsen used a triple-pointed rod years before Benjamin Franklin ever thought of a liphtninp rod. . . Decidtmlv the Finest Lino of. v;u. i;k nm at THE DJUiiiES, OREGON October 10th, 1893, Continuing the day.-. A. S. MCALLISTER. iTesulent J. O. MACK, secretary Gents' P-uniisliing Good: Trunks and I aliscs. etc., etc. COK. iKC0n AND WASHINGTON. THL DALLKS, Oil. Hleekly Ghroniele, $1.12? a.yeat. Tnese are Dull Tits1 From TERIfllNRIi or INTERIOR Points Till' Qolumbia Hote Nort era h Ulll RHILROHD THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Has lately been thoroughly renovated and newlv furnished throughout, and is now butter than ever prepared to furnish the best Hotel lUTomtiirtdutions of any bonne in the city, and at the very low rate of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c. Otliit! of the hist and comiiudiouH opposition Stup to Dufur, Kiiii:slev. Typh Valley, Wapinitia, Warm Spring and I'rineviHe is in the Hotel and person- u'ointr to Prineville can save H-M bv iminp on this Stum1 line. All trains stop here. WE DOflT i the litii t- tv !T0 ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. It U the Dinins Car Koine It run ThniugS estibuleu lniint every cay in tee ysar to J. O. MACK $i paul and Chicago j FIpE WlMEg and LIQUOR TirE llrst encyclopedia was Pliny's Natural History." which contains 3u. 000 facts compiled from 2.000 books by 100 authors. Movahle scenery was first used in theaters in 130s. It was invented by Tialdassare Peruzzi. and displayed in Home before Leo X. .lust received a scow load of choice oak wood. M.UEr. & Bekto.v. NO CHA.V.E OK CAUS.j Composed of Dinin? ( ars ucurpaeil Pull xr.aa drawing Room sleepers uf iatus: cquipraeut TOURIST SLEEPING GARS Be: that can bo constructed, and in whtct accommodation are both Free and Kurnlshti! (or holders ol Firs: and second-class Tickets, and ELEGANT BAY COACHES DOMESTIC And KEY WEST CIGARS. THE CELEBRATED PADST BEER. A Woril tn I.liilii.'-. i A continuou line, connecting with all liner. aSordins direct and uninterrupted rvice Ladies who desire a beautiful clear Ekin, free from pimples, toils, blotches .and other eruptions, should commence -at once to use Dr. Gunn's Improved Pills. They will also remove that heavy look about your eyes and make them bright, and "will cure headache from whatfver cause it arises. P.etneniber yon are only required to take one tmall pill at bed time, which is coated with pure sutrar and will not yripe or produce any unpleasant sensation, sale at '2o cehf- by Klakeley & Hcttcrhton. 3m Pu.'ltnan Sleeper reservation can to securvi in advance through any agent of the road THROUGH TICKETS I England and Europe can be i To and from al. point in America England and Europe can be pureha.-ed at any ;icet 02i ce o: the company A treat Liver 3X-tllclue. Dr. Gnun's Improved Liver Pills are a euro cure for sick headache, bilious complaints, dyspepsia, indirection, cos tiveness, torpi'd liver, etc. These pilis insure perfect digestion, correct the liver and stomach, regulate the bowels, purirv and enrich the blood and make the skin clear. They also produce a good appetite and' invigorate and strengthen the entire system by the': tomc"action. They only require one p"'.l for a uie and never zripe or sicken. .Sold at Ho cts. a bos by Ulakeley & Houghton. Full information concerning rate, time or train, routes and other detail furnished ou application to W. C. ALLAWAY, Agent D. P. A. Nav. Co., Regulator omce, Tht Uallea, Or., or A. I). CHARLTON", Ass't. General Pas'eneer Ast.. Portland. cn The Dalles Cigar : Factory FACTORY NO. 105. ,.. YOUR ATTEHTI0J3 Ie called to the fact that agh Glenn, Deiwer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement and Building Materia: of all kinds. CuMm- the Kint Klue of Picture Moaldinffs To De found in the City. 72 Uiashington Street. pTp t pD of the Best Brands VxVjTjrxJ.tO manufactured, and order:, from all parts of the country filled on the shortest notice. The reputation of THE DALLES CI GAP. has become firmly established, and the demand for the home manufactured article is increasing every day. A. ULRICH & SON. if l.1 S. L. YOUNG, Wntcbe and Jewelry repaired to order on short notice, and satisfaction guaranteed AT TIU! 'ntorr nt I. '. NlnlcoUnu, iii! St. Th Dnlle Assignee's Notice to Creditors. Vi E. (urretoil. of The balles, Oreffun. hav ing umIktiicI Mi property for the iK.Mtent of all hUorwlitr, all i.-rnm liavni!; claims nxaiiwt hint ri hereby untitled to jireaent them to mo under tb. at The liallfm, Oregon, within three month- from (lute. A. It THOM's'o;:, Ainec. Augu tt .. J;0:i..Hiit Executors' Notice. IV. 1,'otiet . hereby (,'lven, that the ttuderslfjiied liavr Ia i. inly itiipolnted, by the Jlonorublu the Uountv i . urtof Wasco county, Oreon, execu tor i,-- i.i- .tale of John llaxter, ile:eueil all immmi claniit u(,'almt mid estate are lieiel'y re iniretl to pretviit the iame, duly von fild w.u. iroier vonohers, t u or either, t Aiiuloi'. vuiro county, Oreaon, within ix Jilf.iiths :rn:. the ditto of thin notice, Ihe J)nli, (Jr., AUR. a, le!K. JAMBS ItAXTER AJIU jaiu.b warn k.n. Estcntor of the estate of John ISaxter. dec d. 8-l,w.1t Executor's Notice. otlL i hereby kIvcii that the iinder.'ilnl htu Uffii npHiiited by the County Court of the btutt ft Orwtuii for Worn) County, executor of the estate of ( iithurlno Mk1o, d.-eael, mid all j'ml) Imvitip claims nnltut taid (.-statu tiro lii.-reb) ii, 'lined und reiiulred to jiroent the conic, with tho projier oitchers, to mo tit the ntlitDOf )ltivs, Ilmitiligtolt A. Wllion, 'I ho Dallejf, l'wi ( iiuiitv, Oa-Kou, within lx miiiithti from tut date of tnl notice. W. 11. TAVI.OI;, IJxecntor of knit) estate. The JmIIm, Or., July 'Si, t'J3.-: Wood Sawing. c We have bought the J. C. Meing Steam Wood Saw, and will fill all orders for sawing wood ior stove or furnace use at the old rate. Orders left at Maier d: Ben ton'fc will )n yiromptly at tended to, and will guaran tee entire satisfaction. Jacob Wetlk. JoiLV P. KlilEIJ. s-Cidlrn The Dalles Daily Chronicle. HAS A PAMILY OP 2000 F.EADEES, They read The Chronicle tr. get tt.e latest and moat reliable r.etrs. And tney read every line that i In the parr. That h what makes tho Chronicle an invaluable advertMbK medium. The newipaper that jrocn to trie family flresldeB i the one () ,httt 'lvartiori of tfxlay putronle when they doalre to reach the jople. When they want your trade their announcements will be found in the paper. Ixiol: over our columnx and observe the verifica tion of tho truth of this assertion. IternemUT, a trade of a family of two thou -and i worth asking for through tnee columns, oipcially tj at our very PHOTOGRAPHER First premium at the Wasco county fair for bent portraitHjand viewe. Times maki It nil tho more neceaiarv to udvertlke. That la what thu inot urfL'resrtlvo of our hunluta men think, and theiu kame btik- Iiivm men nrr the moit proiK-roun at nil ttrnos. u you wnu to reucn nit tne reopie in tin neigh borhood you can't ilu U-tter than talk to them through ihucolumn of tho Daily ciiuo.sili.k. It hai more than double the circulation ol any other aier, uud advcrtlnliiK lh Jt jiayn bl(f niiLL FRENCH'S BLOCK. in sp:cond street, THE DALLE.-., OK. MINHNS 'IIK NKW TOWN hai Ikvu platted on the old ramp cround. a: the Korkv and i Falls of Hood river, with larce,si(?ht!y iot.brimd tr...-t,aiid alleyi, ewxi mjII ' and piirewater.withhhadein profiHloti.perfei'tdratniu'e.delichtful mounutln climate, the central attraction am mi'tiutani sunimer resort for all Oregon, being the neure.-it town to Jit. Ho.!, It i unparallelec a a matiufacturiUK eenter, belnt: the natunl center fur l;D fquare milw of the best felarand flr timber, po.?inE millions "f hor-pme" It. it dashing tteam and water falls, eailly harue.-ed. W here cheap nmti'.e nier exists, there thu manu factories will center, u.-rwutulHl ..!. and climate that cannot be excelled anywhere for fruit and ticrlruiiure. am! with trati'portation already ai-iured you will tlud this the plan. v nun.- a perfect home or a paying luveatmcti' See me on the ground, or 2 address me at Hood River. Wasco County. Oregon. WAJiT YOUR PJ1EY, And THE CHRONICLE pro poses to enliven them by in. troducing its newsy presence into every home in Wasco County. out Just flora, Circulation must he doubled and to do this we propose to furnish the Weekly Edition for the balance of this year and one year beyond for the already low price of $1.50. A year and a third 16 months- makes a GEflT BUT WOULD ' liIKE YOUR Attention! amount of the very best read ing matter, comprisiug besidfs the world's news, valuable tv formation on all subjects, ani especially for the stock-raiser, the farmer and the orchardist. and is the best medium for exposing our resources to the world. If this TITIiE PERFECT W. RossW inans. TheDmlles Wasco County, Oregon, Tho Gate City of the Inland Empire it. situated tit, the bead o navigation on the Middle Cuiuinbia, and is a thriving, pros perous city. ITS TERRITORY. It is tho supply city for an extensive and rich agricultural and grazing country, its trade retching as far south as Summer Lake, a distance of over two hundr-d miles. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country along the eastern slope of tho Cas cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, tho wool from which finds market here. The iJalles is the largest original wool shipping point in America, about 5,000,000 pounds tairig shipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries ure the finest on the Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will 13 more than doubled in the near future. The products of tho l;autiful Klickitat valley find market here, and the country south and east has this year filled tho warehouses, and all available storage places to overllowing with their products. ITS WEALTH. It is the richest city of its size on the coast and its money is scattered over and isleing used to develop more farming country than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate delightful. Its pos sibilities incalculable. Its re-sources unlimited. And on these corner stones she stands. UKHAM & R013ERTvSON Proprietor. CityStables,1 Comer of Fourth and Federal Sts., The Dalles, Oregon. Thoso Stables have on liand thu finest Livery in Eastern Oregon, and can accommodate patrons with either Single or .Double .Rigs, closed Hacks or Carriages clay. or night. MORE ROOM. Also, can furnish First Class accommodations to teamsters with freight or driving teame, having added to their stables larno feeding and wugou room. ()() o ( (g)(2) (S)(Q) Is not enough, our plan to is sue the Weekly in instalments of twice a week, should make your decision favorable at once. Sunday's. Monday's, Tuesday's and "Wednesday's NEWS gets stale by Saturday night, and hereafter the Weekly Chronicle Part I, will reach you Wednes day evening, and Part II on Saturday evening. FOR The extra trouble and expense connected with t'his effort to please, which is considerable, we look to an appreciative public for the approval we are sure it will give us. While we would be glad of subscription money in advance, it is not necessarily enforce Subscribe NOW for 1894 And get the benefit of this special rate, which is practic ally for the Ifleekly Gbroniele, $1,124 a Year. OUR GREAT OFFER ! FOR 1894. PAUL KREFT & CO., DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And the Most Complete and the Latent Patterns and Designs in TTITA.H.Xj paper. "J'raetical I'alntorH and Paper I limners. iN'ono but the best braiidH of the Klierwin-Williams and J. W. Manury's Paints used in all our work, and uoiu " tho most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints, w chemical combination or soap mixture. A llrst uIiihh article in all colors. ordorH promptly attended to. Paint SIiod corner Thirdand Washinou Sts Tho Dalles. 0re"0i THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'n Commercial Patronace Solicited. This well-known JJrowory Ih now turning out tho boHt Ueur and i'otM eaat of the CuHcadcH. Tho luteal itjipllancoH for tho inunufauturo of t?0011 heal'"' fulUeerhuvo been Introduced, und on.y tho lirHt-elftHH urtichi will bopceuOB he market. lit