The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 09, 1893, Image 3

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13u.siness is
and we are prepared for it.
Unde r we a r .
"Keep Warm.
Today we place 011 sale
"Keep Dry.'
"We have underwear
That will outwear
Any underwear
Sold anywhere.
L;i lies,
50 Cents to
$5 a Suit.
For wet weather, our
Are convenient.
Yon need a new umbrella.
Buy one. Don't "borrow."
Tim VlRllnul licatH Mm Vnlkyrln In tin
TrlraiiRiiliir Itnci'.
N'r.w Yoitic, Oct. ti. Special to Tin:
Ciwosici.i:. The Vulkyrie crossed Hie
lint! at 1 1 :'J") uiul live seconds inter tlie
Vigilant followed her. ThifiiH tho tt inn-
t;umv nice, mo second in tito series or
live international races for America's
cup. i ne aikyno took tno lean ny
four lengths, wliicli she maintained un
til 11 i'-'O, when, the wind freshening, tlio
Vigilant passed lier and at 12:150 was
one-eighth of a mile ahead. When the
stnrtinij point was ni:ain reached she
came in winner bv two irood miles.
During the race tliere was u strong wind
Mowing and the hopes of the Hritish
contingent received a cold dninpener, as
they believed, in common with many
Americans, that the conditions were
favorable for Lord Dunniven's yaclit.
The Vigilant lias so far proven the su
perior at every point.
For the Fall Trade
We arc now ready with a full line of
Ra&y!Wa&e Clothing
and all other kinds of Dry Goods
Wo are noted for the good values wo give
in Bleached and Unbleached .Muslins,
Shectint'S, Prints, Ginghams, Jioots and
Shoes. Hosiery. Gents' Furnishinga. etc.. etc.
D Mm
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
hutcri I ii the 1'imtotllci; tit Tlio Dnlluh, OrtKOti,
itH ki'cimtl'Cliu'H iniittur.
I.lH'ill All VUI (lhlllK
in ct I per line lor llrst limurtion, imil f Cent
KT.mi' i ir cacti mil)i.'iie.iit Insertion.
aj. i' i nites lur Iouk time notices,
A i x h. untli-uK received later than :i o'clock
rl) iipiiuur tlio (ullowlnn itny.
OCT. i), IBM
Tie liaihj und Weekly Chronicle may
ht found on sale at I. ' NirMxcii't store.
A Savory
rom M Ni'ollaiifOUK
i man with n imturi' uiululy vain
Will homctliiifs follow a notion
'In nwIiik liliuMilfon a imiiMiit; train
Wlien tin' oainc Ik nicely In motion;
And when lie arises, hoiiplmt mini,
I-rom where he tnmlilcd and ohakeu,
lllu Miiulf v as false as the one he had
,U the time IiIh )ileture win. taken.
Threshing i gmg on at Dufur today.
The ground is thoroughly fioal'.ed for a
rteptl of sixteen inches.
Washington toy dealer advertises:
"-)nr drums can't bo bent."
Utorney 11.11. Uiddcll will wield the
fuberon the Mouut-tineer in the nbbence
of Kditor Michel I. '
.MerthantH tU'siriiig to make exhibits
at the fair will be charged nothing for
space in the ia'.Uon.
.Messrs. Munis it Noltey shipped three
cars of cattle from Kultiuurshe it Co.'s
stock yards to the Sound markets this
Kliza s. l'ratt, wife of II. A. J'ralt.a
furuier resident of The Dalles, (lied in
Hood River valley Sept. HOth, at the age
of iii years.
Three and u third indies is a very
heavy fall of ruin. The skies are clear-int-'
and wo are reasonably certain of
good weather all through fair week.
Secretary Muck informs Tin: Ciiitoxi
ui. that owing to the late inclement
weather the time for making stock en
tries lor premiums will be extended till
Thursday morning.
Mr. T. C. I'arglier left this morning
with several men to drive out a hand of
slicop he luts near Mt. Adams to KllortH
burg, Wash., where they will be shipped
to eastern markets.
Wheat in stack will be it total loss, ex
cept that which was slacked carefully.
As the average Oregonitirr lias never had
to consider (lunger from this source the
damage will upply to most of it.
lieinombor Ilerr Aiunold on the Uttli
at the M. K. church. He is a violinist
Hceond to none that has ever appeared in
Tlio Dalles. -Reserved Heats can bo se
cured after tomorrow at .Snipes & Kin
ersly's. Tim eclipse wppourod today, us per
iigreernont, und wus observed by rnuriy
during the noon hour. Jupiter I'luvius
kindly drow imldo for a little while the
eloird curtains obscuring the sky and
there old Sol wud with i piece missing,
uh our satellite came in line witlr the
earth's range of vision.
It wus a Htrurige sight today, to see a
truck Httiek in the mud in this city in
October but such was the case. Mr.
Ciithcurt was hauling a load of freight
tlnough the alley, near tlio rear of the
I'ltygerald brick ruin, and onoof his hind
wheel dropped down to the hub in the
Hotl earth, ho much ho as to require
assistance to pull his truck load out
An rniiri-reilrntccl Storm.
This section was visited b the heavi
est and most severe rain storm since
last Thursday night that ever was ex
perienced in this country so early in the
season. The storm seemed to come
from the southwest and began about S ::10
Thursday night and continued, with a
slight cessation of a couple of hours,
until 'J :IiO 5 yesterday afternoon, when
iiwi i-IoikIm hemm to lift and now and
vxw C - I
then n natch of clear sky was discerna- . feet
bio, which betokened a clearing up and
partly fair weather. The rain guage
recorded I!.!!" precipitation for a period
of (Hi hours of storm. One singular fact
in relation to the heavy rain, the streams
scarcely felt the influence of the down
pour. The river rose slightly, but was
clear of wash or anything of a coloring
A Youhk I'olkH l'nrty.
A party was given Saturday afternoon
by Mrs.l.T. I'eters at her residence in
honor of two little visitors, Wilson and
Genevieve Mays. Despite the rain out
side, there was mirth indoors as the
little people played the games so full of
pleasuie to them. A delicious lunch
was served and each child was on its
best behavior. The afternoon went all
too quickly, and when the party broke
up it was the individual opinion of each
guest that they had hud a merry time.
Besides the guests of honor, Genevieve
and Wilson Mays, tliere were present :
Kmily Crohsen, Kdith Sutclill'e, Minnie
and Clara Groeliler, Helen Hudson,
I'.essie Luckey, Kay Jiunnell, Karl and
Carl Uiuehart, Linden Garretson, Har
old Thompson, Adelbert Moody and
Willie Pease.
J'o ICxlellll llui Tllim.
The following is the text of the bill
introduced by Mr. Ellis on Sept. 'JStli:
Jiy it enacted by the senate and house
of representatives of the United States
of America in congress assembled, That
section three of an act entitled "An net
to forfeit certain lands heretofore granted
for the purpose of aiding in the construc
tion of railroads, and for other pur
poses," be, and tlio same is, amended ho
as to extend the time within vshich per
hoiih In possession of lands forfeited by
said act shall be permitted to purchase
the same, in the quantities und upon
the terms provided in said section, at
any time prior to January 1st, lSt".
TiiuhIuk Cliliiiiiiilin.
Sunday afternoon the loiterers aiong
Second street were amused by seeing a
Chirruinun chiming a small boy up the
street und through devious alleys and
by paths. The Chinaman irr turn was
followed by u crowd of small boys hal
looing. Tlie boys had teased the China
rutin till enraged he sought to take out
it merited revenge, and it lie had caught
tlie youth nil might not have gone well
with him. During tlio fracas a window
in Huworth'H printing shop wus broken
by u missile throw by ono of the boys.
Each generation of boys The Dalles pro
d.ieoH contains a generous nharo of hood
lums. In response to tlie solicitation of a
goodly number of citizens of Tlie Dalles
1 have decided to make tills my homo
for the winter, at least, and hereby oiler
my services to those who are interested
irr music as instructor in both vocal and
Instrumental music. Am prepared to
use Ereneh, Italian or German methods,
Cuu give tlie very best of references.
For tonus and particulars as 10 nine atui
Dlaco, call at tlie residence of Mr. C . E.
i. i . if.. 'Ari f i?fu,iittii
iHiyuru or ;ir
A .Meniifi- to II u until Life.
A very dangerous deadfall exists on
Union street at the rocky cut. If no one
is killed before the rocks quit eliding it
will be providential. Shortly after noon
today :t ton or more of rock came down
in the same place as the Saturday cave
oiT and littered the sidewalk. There are
two places where the cliff overhange the
sidewalk yet more dangerou?, and should
it fall would bury the sidewalk several
deep. Seams in the rock slant
downward at a precipitous angle and
there is apparently nothing to hold them
in place. Tliere are Ecliool children
passing this dangerous cliff almost con
tinually, and should one or more of them
be killed, the general verdict would be
criminal carelessness. Instead, there
fore, of tempting providence any further,
the city council should immediately
order this danger removed. It is a con
tinual menace to life, and casually to the
city's exchequer.
Mrs. Kussell Moore returned Friday
evening from Chicago.
Hon. J. L. Story left this morning on
a business trip to the Cascade Locks.
Tlie mnrriaire of Mr. Chas. Stone and
Miss La Motte occurred in Portland last
Messrs. F. P. Mays and E. JJ. Dufur
returned Saturday from attending court
at Moro.
Mr. Jra F. Powers, a manufacturer of
Portland, was in tlie city all day yester
day and today.
Miss J'essie French returned this
morning to Portland to continue her
studies in the university.
I!av Logan, son of Dr. H. Logan, has
been "appointed second lieutenant in tlie
JJiehop Scott Military Academy.
Messrs. C. E. Payurd and John Mieholl
leave tonight for liepprier to attend the
Grand Lodge, K. of P., at Heppner
October 10th.
Mr. Chas. W. Haight of Cow creek
was in the citv vesterday and has gone
to Portland on the steamer Regulator to
visit lite exposition.
The condition of Mr. S. A. 15ynie is
causing apprehension aiiionghiB friends.
He is ill with typhoid fever and was to
dav removed upstairs.
iVcromiKinliiirntH of tho Native
When Out of Doom.
In Japan almost everyone, says the
Wavcrly Ma;rnxinc, carries a lantern.
I5y day and night it is dangling' at his
belt. It resembles a thin, Hat box.
Each end of the box is fastened to a
sort of paper, which, lying in folds,
forms, when drawn out, a lantern.
The Japanese usually carries alsoatiny
wooden box, shaped like a cylinder, to
hold his candle. A small medicine
chest, with half a dozen little boxes,
each containing a small portion of
medicine, a fan. a pipe and a short
sword, all form part of the outfit. The
belt of a Japanese is, therefore, a very
important part of his dres.
His slippers consist of a sole with a
worsted thread at the upper end,
through which the great toe is thrust
to keep the slipper on. His pillow is a
framework of whalebone, or some such
substance, into which the back of the
neck near the head fits. This is to
keep his knot of hair in order, for he
does not have his hair dressed ever1
day, and, therefore, is obliged to take
care of the piece, which is greased and
bound into a cue, the rest of the head
being closely shaven.
The rich Japanese send their chil
dren to school in inferior garments, in
order that the children of the poor may
not be ashamed to wear their shabby
Water Uiri of Two Oceans.
When the Panama canal was first
proposed, there wc a great cry about
the dangers courted in c.penin?-, v.i
such u 'Mitch,'' some extremists (de
claring that the "livc of milMont, of
human beimrs were at "-take.' This
general alarm was cau&ed by the argu
ment that the waters on the Pacific
side of the isthmus were hundreds of
feet higher than were thee on tlie At
lantic .side, and that the great rush of
water to even up tlie difference in the
level of the two oceans would drown
all Southern America and most of
Mexico and Yucatan. Would-be en
gineers and sensational editor.-, piused
their opinions or wrote editorials on
the subject. It now transpires, as a
result of actual urvey. thai the Atlan
tic and not the Pacific is the liigh?rof
the two oceans, and that in pine? of
tlie dill'crenee In inf hundreds of !.. ,
as had been uilirmed. the surface oi
the water on the east side of the isth
mus is exactly six und one-half feet
higher than it i on the western side.
."loileui (iRIVCK.
When once i'AUA in a Moslem grave
is never reopened on any account. To
remove the faintest chance of it being
thus defiled a cypress tree is planted
after every interment, so that the ceme
teries resemble forests more than any
thing else
Ail ei iii-im! Letter'..
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the postollice at The Dulles un
eaFled for, Satuiday, Oct. "th, 18911.
Persons calling for same will give date
on which they were advertised
The Balance of our Summer Importations now
Clearing Out AT COST.
Cor. Court and second sis,
Tie Dalles, Oregon.
Fancy Goods and Notions,
(Jests' puri7i5l7ii75 Cood$,
Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc.
now complete in every department.
All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices.
H. Herbring.
Terms Cash.
Ttiis Space
112 Second Street.
lino. V. Rowland.
Mits Claw: A. Mooiti:
Mis. Oeo. Phelps, who has been visit
inn her parents, in this city for the past
few weeks, returned to her home in
Portland this morning.
Miss Jeauette Meredith and Mrs. l.ej-g
of Salem, who were in attendance at tho
funeral of Walter French, returned to
their home this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Rohr arrived by
steamer Regulator Saturday evening and
were the guests of Mrs. Rohr'a father,
D. C. Ireland, esq., over Sundav. They
returned to their home in Portland this
Mr. Ii. H. Huntington and others re
turned from Moro .Saturday evening,
where tliev have been in attendance at
the district court. Mr. Huntington re
marked that he experienced ono of tho
worst dav's travel in his life, for the
heavens turned loose its aqueous gates
with seeming venneance, wliicli was
terrillc, made so by high, piercing wind,
wliicli wus so severe that umbrellas
were nowhere, and they were compelled
to take It without stint or remonstrance.
Columbia-'ieorgo Young, K Fair and
wife, Hood River; V Cederson, Mrs
Cederson, Rowena; JI Hanson, M C
Burns, J JJ Jliwisotit J'ylo; Mrs F Jtowo
and -1 children, Omiilm; M L Shtrltz,
Rhotuls Fish, Washington ; O Roups, A
15 howell, Camas; FF Wylie, Glonwood ;
J Ji Canity, V Htvynolds, August
Tremble, J'tilda.
If Vim Wulio "I' III till' Moilllnr
with a bitter, bad taste in your mouth,
take Simmons Mvor Regulator. Jt cor
rects tho bilious stomach, sweetens tho
breath and cleanses the furn tongue.
Rost, Jacob
Cline, O
Cook, Jtisley
Combs, .1 P
George, Will
Kester, O W
Johnson, X M
Meek, .1 C
Rrenner, It
Cornett. R
Davis, Mrs SUas
Fowler, A W
Howeth, Henry
Johnson, Army
Mavitv, C
Mires, Florience
Morris, Mrs Sarah A Newman, J J
Ron. Geo 1- t'.umer, a jv
Ryan, Geo
Skeels, .Airs S h
Stiirni, Jos
Sttirrge, Ir
Wright, Annie
M.T. Nolan, P. M.
All notes due and becoming due and
all accounts owing us must he settled on
or before November 1st, ISM, either in ii'its. bur lev or cash. Accounts
and notes remaining unpaid after that
date will have to undergo costs of col
Wii mean business and must
positively have money.
dawlm Tin: Dalu:s Mi:iica.ntili: Co.
Notlco t Hflliiquiml TiiAiiytr.
All delinquent taxpayers that don'
want their names advertised had better
come forward, as the roll will be pub
lislied on the 21st of this month.
T. A. Waud, Shoriir.
."ami liar Faces in a ATao 'ace.
f.nte Sjieciul Aieui (leneml Land Office.
). k. BAKN'i-rrr
Ji?e leal Estate, Lpar?, Iiuraree,
rarties having Property they wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Unit, oi
Abstract of Title furnished, will find it to their advantage to call on us.
Wo shall make a specialty of the prosecution of Claims and Contests
U'fore the Cnitcp States Lund OHice.
85 Washington St. THE DALLES, OBt
Woods jMiosxMioiiiXJ':.
'limCrrat UllglUll Ill'luody. ,
j'romiitiy mm jii-riiiaucmiy
curoii all forms of Krvaut
utorrhat, iMjwttm'i and all
effects of Abute or r.ixics.
llccn jirwrllMii over
.yniralii thounudnof cusif;
Mi!fi'fiiiJ Ar.aini. Ask
ilrugirht fur Voo4' I'liuiuliodlimj If 1m oirora
hOinuwortMi'MliiutfloliioliililueoorttiU, loavo liU
flWioiiKt t-torf, lucloio i.rloo In letter, auJ
ivowHUkuU by return mall, l'rtce, tuo jmekuKi.',
$lt.lx,e5. Mti'i(;Ii'i.n',f.ii(Ilcuiv. J'mujiU
lei In pliilu fcenleil cuuiloiie, W ceil to jiuMiiki?.
AiMria Tho Wood Cliomtinil Co,,
JlU Voo(livmdiivemie,lH'trolt Mlclu
8oM m 'l lui Uiillusb) llL'U'leyA, lli ut-'litwi
Socond St.
Tho Dallas, Or
The California Winehouse,
JJefirc and ltcr.
Is now open, and its propruilor will k11 his honu
produced Wine, at prices in the reach of cveryhi
Also, best Peanuts to bo found, (ioods
to bo Pure and KirsKJlass in every respect.
i '(Hi
Thompson's Addition,
i C7 JZZZ; Vr
I i