The Dalles Daily Chronicle. PERSONAL MENTION. OFFICIAL l'AI'KU OF DAI.l.KS CITY. AX!) WACO COUNTY. SCUSCKIPTION KATKS. BY MAIL, rOSTAOK rilSrAID, IS ADVANCE. Weekly, 1 year JIM 0 75 0 K) C W 6 mouths. " 3 " . Dilly, 1 year. . .... " 6 months. .. . r.T " 0 iO Addrvs nil communication to " TUK CHUON (OLE,'' Tho Hullo. Orecoti. Tint-omen. orricr. nouns (ioneml Delivery Window . .; a. m. to 7 p. m. Money Otder " . .S n. m. to 4 ji. at. timidity u I) ' .y a. m. tolOa. tn. .Ions T.. IU:i:i;ti u. of Salisbury. X. V., is ninety your.', old ami weijrhs two hundred and thirty pounds. Chaumis Moxoky, still llvinp in Kinps county. 2f. Y., invented tin "monkey'" wrench, lie sold his patent for two thousand dollars. ,vkv. Smth. of Acton, Mass., is per- f; w imps the only man livinp whose father : fonpht at Hunker Hill. .Mr. Miiitu was , in the rebellion himself, and U eiirhty. Lrcirs Nicholas, who has just married Mrs. liishop. mother of the late mind reader of that name, is said to he preat-great-jrrandson of a Russian emperor. lUvinS. Vattkusox, of North Platte. , Neb., who is seventy-tive years of itfje and has been totally blind all his life, 1 has received letters patent on a device in the driving pear of a locomotive. CLOSING OP MAILS trains going Kast . . .9 p. ui. ami 11:45 a. in. " " West ..y p. 111. anil 5:Sup. m. Stage lor GoMcnilnle . . 7:30 11. in. ' " l'ri-.ievllle 5:fa. 111, Leaving (or Lyle A- Hurtliiiul .S:S0a. ui. The executors of the estate of the late Mrs. Theresa Fair, of San Fran I Antelope .5:30 n. m Except Sunday. tTti-weetly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday, 1 " Monday WeUneilay and Friday. MONDAY, OCT. 9. 1S93 The Louisiana storm is one of the most deplorable casualties that ever oc curred in our country, only equalled by the tidal wave at Lisbon over a century ago. Two thousand lives is a fearful demand made by angry nature, to say nothing of millions of dollars in prop erty losses. Give Ellis a chance. There are a few papers in tho state finding fault with our new representative for not introducing new measures. A greater trouble is con cerning those laws we already have, and we note Mr. Ellis is endeavoring to remedy one law that will give relief to thousands of settlers. This will be of more practical benefit than any new law he could possibly formulate. Somebody, a little cranky, says that the Oregon Press Association elected a Portland real estate dealer for its presi dent. Mr. Campbell is one of the oldest newspaper men in the state, and has successfully conducted a paper in Eu gene for over fifteen years. He is Oregon-raised, learned his trade when the old hand press was the order in the state, and is a credit to the newspaper fraternity, Portland Daily Dispatch. While it would be a good thing to dis pense with a share ot our Chinese popu lation, it would be wiser to adopt a preventative measure whereby our ports will be closed to immigration yet more undesirable, statistics show that 57 per cent of crime is committed by foreign-born citizens, and in this estimate the Chinese are scarcely mentioned. The old proverb will apply here as else where: "An ouuee of prevention is worth a pound of cure." The district fair begins tomorrow. While the times are harder than for many years, the best economy will be to patronize it liberally, both by your presence and in the matter of exhibits. Such action tends to produce an easier feeling, and put money in circulation, and it does not take a large amount to relieve the local stress. If each person hoarded what amount of cash was in his possession it would produce a con gestion ruinous to everyone's interests. An Astoria minister said there was a place in heaven for all murderers, and the Herald man frets about it considera bly. He says ; If all the murderers go fitraight to Abraham's bosom, as the Astoria assents of the Lord say they will, ! then the editor proposes to immigrate to the other place. If a man must live with Chinamen in this world and with murderers in the next, paralyse is not what it is cracked up to be. If a mur derer goes straight from the gallows to Heaven what inducement is there for an editor to try and be honest. If a man can. murder his wife in this world and wear white robes in tiie next, and have a mansion with all the modern improve ments, the sooner decent people buy linen dusters for the next world the better. If all the murderers go to Heaven and the lawyers to hell, how is a lawyer going to make a living'.' The above questions are respectfully referred to the Presbyterian Svnod that bounced Uriggs. We want to know something about this before we invest our money in the next world. cisco, intend to erect to her memory in Holy Cross cemetery, SanMatco coun ty, a mausoleum to cost not less than SOO.000. The decorations will Jbe very elaborate. Ha Never Iteott l)Niiiiullitt'il The above word penk volume ami cannot be aldo(nian tliitic-. hut mining from one who hn been a Aiilerer for many year, no further tribute can be added C1KNTLKMKN I have been a Mitlerer from headache for many ear and ran cheerfully recommend Krau-e's Headache Cap-uies a be ing the only preparation that ha- -.riven nlmn-t intant relief. Have been ulns them for about sis month and haw never yet been disappointed in them. Your with repeot. Will II. Tub. Altoona l'u. Mirror. sold by nipe A- Ki tiers ly. "During my term of service in the army I contracted chronic diarrlm-a," says A. E. Beneiug, of Halaey, Oregon. "Since.then IJhave used a great amount of medicine, but when I found any that would give me relief they would injure my stomach, until Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy was brought to my notice. I used it and will say it is the only remedy that gave me permanent relief and no bad results follow." For sale by Blakeley A: Hough ton. 'I consider Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy a specific for croup. It is very pleasant to take, which is one of tin mo-i important requisites where a coiiidi remvdy is intended for use among chil dren. I have known of cases of crutip where I know the life of a little one was saved by the use of Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy." .1. .1. LaGrance, drusr gist, Avoca, Neb. 50 cent bottles f-r sale bv lllakelev & Homrhton. QUEER ACCIDENTS. Whii.k a baby was being; photo graphed in Leominster, Mass., seven minutes after its birth, it spoiled tho picture by sneezing. A iioksi: belonging to Tom Hoc, of Waco, Tex., while grazing, became suddenly excited and madly rushed at his owner. Tom struck him on tin neck with his list and the animal dropped dead. A 1.0x0 period of illness so depressed a horse belonging to Alderman Mack llridire. of Sioux Falls, S. 1)., that the animal put his head through some har ness hanging in the barn and then dropped to the lloor. thus committing' suicide by strangulation. .Iamks of Koynlton. ()., saw his three-year-old daughter stand ing near a wall which wtis about to tumble. He dashed forward, bent over the girl to protect her from the falling bricks, and was instantly killed. The child received only slight injuries. A si:vKX-YKAit-oi,D child fell into an "There is a tide in the ajjairs oj men which, taken at leads on to fortune.'" Tho poot unquestionably had reforonco to tho L 9 'I ii Cnniitnrp ft fW iuimwiu u u ill Hi A TIRED WOMAN, just as much as a sick and ailing one, needs Dr. Tici-ce's Favorite Proscription. That builds up, stroimthoiiH, and invigorates the entire female system. It regulates and promotes all tho proper func tions of womanhood, improves di- old well more than thirty feet deep at cestion, enriches the blood, dispels Far Kockaway. L. L. recently and os- and pains, melancholy and caped with only a few bruises. The nervousness, brings refreshing sleep, water at the bottom reached to her imj rostoros health and strength, waist, in which she stood for more , , powerful restorative tonic --"-rt ......v....... . 1,,, ,rv iortmi tii'wm itQlin. alio rwiuniij, .., rescued. eially for woman s needs, and the only" guaranteed remedy for wo man's weaknesses and ailments. In all "female complaints" and irregu- a six-inch ebony base. The figure oi Fame standing upon a globe .surmounts thi lid. Tln invwliiif l!!ii.. litis mill Mer cury adorn the arms of the urn. under larities, if it ever fails to benefit or which are American eagles. The L. A. cure, you have your money back. W. emblem is engraved upon the back " The cup will be a perpetual challenge trophy, and the conditions under which it will be competed for will be deter mined upon by the racing board of the leaeue. It is the most valuable prize ever donated to the L. A. W. by any in dividual member of the organization It will be raced for nnuunllv A great many medicines "relieve" Catarrh in tho" Head. That means that it's driven from the head into the throat and lungs. Hut, by its mild, soothing, cleansing and healing properties, Dr. Sago's C'atarrh Hom ed perfectly and "permanently cures. r 1 f Tjs.oeD-?STO' Aiiut-reeabli) Laxative nnil NKUVK TUX ii . Sold by DruOTrtjts or sent by mull 25.. ice , and 51.CO per package. Samples free VV "STrt The Favorito ICCTS "C7T2K3 XL V ZH. J for tho Teeth and llreath. For iale by Snipe A- Ivliiernly. ISiieklen' Arnii-ii iulvii. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblain', corns, and all skin eruptions, and po tively cures piles, or no pay r'., It is guaranteed to give perfect .i?it.n tion, or money refunded. Price -" i-ei ; per liox. For sale by snip A Kn. erslv VIGOR of MEN 1 While the l'J-year-old son of .Mr- 1 ' A. Miller was driving a load of wood 1.1st Tuesday over the bridge near the .lake liichardson place one of tho stringers broke and the team, wagon and all that was in it were precipitated into thei-reek ten feet below. Mrs. Miller was on the load and had her baby in her arm-. The baby fell on one of the horses and the struggling animal threw it 'a distance of several feet. The child was bruised a little but not badly. The mother and son escaped with scarcely a scratch and so did the team and wagon, beyond the breaking of one of the standards, hut the Jiff Eajll), Quickly, Permanently Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, ami all the train rt r 1 fmnu-atlyrruri', ttif rt-ulta of overwork, 1. . . worry.ctc. yulttn.-iitu. iloveloprncnt an.! ton Riven tooeryi,ivai 'd portion ft t;. l.-.lj. filmplo.naturuliDetl.' 1. Imnieillatoinipr-.Terj.r fen. l-'nllurc Um-j" I le 2.(U) reternu.-. . . .,k. explanation ami pr tj mailed Mealed m-. This Is the Season Of the Year Olhen Judicious Advertising Pays. at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, MlCIIKbHAGII P.UICIC, - - UNION ST. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Wort, Tin Repairs and sot MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. t" . mi- 1 - a ...... t a A onop 011 1 mm oiii ut'i, nu. i cuuir wusi oi a ouiii; dc Kr J 1(HJKMJJ i Oil Oi SHOE FACTORS j For Sale at a Barcrai un. Tlic undcrsitriHid, li:ivinr secured (he Hiaehiiiorv an fixtures of what, wus iiit.(!iidec? for ;i fi rsl-cUiss suit fiu'tiirv will poll the same at, a bargain. Hero is an ou'inc ,u hnl Inv il A-iIi iirivc-n tirui'ni' .itirl 'i loi'iri. llTUllllli nf .1.1.1 niachinorv. lasts, lino shaftinir. nullevs. hell intr and find ings almost a complete shoe factory. 11... - 1 . r 1 1 1 .. i 1 . .. 1' .I" 11.. iieii" lr ilinu K)iv. ui Lin; mini muis iui iicu-l;.-m mn u ik n 1 (r .1 i.irifii-- fii iiiiw 1. 11111 ill ill. ifiiiriii ill iiiiw i-iiini AVnte lor jiarticulars at once, to n-i. 171xo IDnlloB, Or. m pERIE MEDICAL CO. 25t BUFFALO. H. Y. SUM MONS. 1111 M no rack was broken to Sentinel. pieces. Goldendale MEN OF AMERICA, Gk.v. Ojiant once declined to sorve us president of the I'anama ( anal com pany, with a salary of S'i.nw. because he thought its scheme impractieable. Tviavh Stkhmno Mokto.v is a ifrad uate of the I'liiverhity of .Michigan, class of 1855. lie was private secre tary to Lewis Cass before moving to Nobraska. Foit.vKr .MiJMioii.v, of Hmithfield township, .lulTerson county, 0., sixty live years old, has finished plowing thirty acres of land, using a team of horses, euch of which is thirty years old. Tho man and horses finished fresh. Daviij II. .SjitTH, son of the .Mormon prophet, Joseph .Smith, has buun an in mate of the asylum for the insane at Eltfin, 111., for seventeen years. He was a brilliant man and has written a book of jiooms and one of p&nlms, the latter biting now in use. I)ei;rvliij; Train'. We desire to nay to our citizen:, that for yean- we have been selling Dr. Kinjr'i; New Discovery for CoiiHiunption, Dr. Kind's New Life Pills, liucklen'fc Arnica Salve and Electric iiitturs, and have never handled remedies tluit sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, as we stand ready to refund the purcha-.e price-, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. There remedies have won their ''reat popularity purely on their merits, snipes & Kinersly's druints. (JiiipiI .Iiib l'riiitlliK SI Id the Circuit Court of tlniatnu- S orwRon for the Coiiiily of U'atcu A. V liolton, I I'lulntlir, : v. I Kriuit I. (illlst-nl ! Itlifxla tUU- Mile. W. t K. Hunt nnil W. II. 1 Itutk-r. lefemliinls. J To -Vfiiii- (HUttplt wlllhotla (itlteipi ,J tlie (ibm-'-naiiKd dtfentfimla : In the iinme oi tho utiite f Hrwiu, yon ui'il wc-h nf you .ire hurohy rviidlml 10 i(pi.,.-ir iiikI anxner Id-.- comiiUiiut III til Hiiiutt you in the Hlvf -litltled uit on or Iwfnn- the tint ilay of the K.-s-iilitr turm of the Circuit ( oiirt ..f the sLiU of (jreuon for Vnco Cuiinty, next followlmt tin il.iiu hertof, tu-wit, 011 or Iwforo tin- l.'ltli (lay of Novitinlii-i , 1 mi:;, nnil if vou full o to mnwur, Mr want thereof the iiluiiitltt' will ipply to tl.i- Court for th- i-.-li'-'f jiri).eil for In hi" rouipIiiiHt. to-nlt for 11 ilrftn. of ton-ulixiire of thnt -c-rtnni morl ZiK' itil liuiilt; anil ex. Us . i. to tin ubive iiumnl llutll! on the th iln ol .Sovnni twr, l-'jii, iiimii the tKirthwcui i;iniri-r ..i .x-tion 11 in tov. inhlp 2 -nuth mint.-11 .-it. u l .111 Vu;-. L-oiiuty. Mini that mnl pr. nn-w hv old 11 (h.-r Ml(3h foreolii'iirf ilwn.- in t! . miinihrr irovl(itil h law mid hi-'- uliu t.. 1 ,. pfML-ticvof isitlrl Court: that from tin-pn-.-.-u- ,,: mh-Ii MtU- the 1 lit 1 11 1 1 1 1 linvc nnil riutl.i- tl,.- un of tlvc niinlrtil (fVJin ilollnr.1 mill i n t.-r -"t on Mihl Mini tiitiL-u ;.ovinlr fitn, IvM, nl tin- Mt m In the Clri'Uit (.'oiirt of the Stiti; of oreK'in for thu eouiity of Wateu. ! W. A. Jllller. ) i i'lntntlif, I j v. E. I'. HeyimtiU, i ' Dfttiilitnt. J t To E. I'. Ht'inoliU, tkr abiive-immtd tiejimlanl. J In thu unmu nf Mm Hliitc of (iruKDit. Von i ru ' hfreby rwiuirt-il to ii.-ur mid mitvt;r tin; torn ' plnint tllttl iiualnt on in tlit'iibovo eiitltk-tl null I within tun tluy (ruin the (Into of thu M-rvlrt-nf ' thi niuinioiin upon yon, if i-orviil within thl count) or If Mjrvctl within miy other I'ounty of thl .ttntc, thn within twunty iliiyx from the (Int.-of the .'rvlcu of till), summon upon jnn, or If Mirvcil upon you hy puhllciitlon, thuii you , un- ruijulrtil to nppenr mill iiutwcr Mild Coin ! plaint un tin; tlmt iluy of the next turm of mill) omirt, iifti-r tlx wt-t-'k.' pillillcntion of thlh t-uiu-, iiioii. to wit on Moiulny, the llltli day Novoiulior, lHlia, ' and if you full to hi mmwer, the philutlll will "I'l'l; to the eourt for thu rulicf praytil for In ; .aid (joinphiliit, to-wit for the Inrefloiuri' of tin inorUMxc (lexiilhed In Mini compliiint. mul for tiH Nil.-of Un- pteiill"' therein ileurlln.(l, to 1 -It the xmtli half of the quarter, 1 tin- uorthuixt iiiurter of the xiuthweit iUiirter, 1 ami the noiitliwe-tt iiliirter of the noutheimt liliirt.-r, 01 heellon , 'lowiithip one North, l.iiiiKe thirteen l.iut, Wtlhimette .Merlilian, eon t lining one huinlrttl mul sixty ucrea, mill situ nteil in NSnco county, (nexon. Aluii the north . .ii I f of the iiortheiitt iiuirter, the liorthenxt 'purler of tht uorthivuMt iunrter, itnil theoiith t-Mut quarter of the northentt (pinrter of Section :;, liivn-ililp 0110 North, IlniiKt- thirteen l.ioil, S illmnette Jlerlillmi. (.'Oiitiiillluit one hiiuilreii mul ixty neruH, mill xltiuitetl in U' eounu . If ,.n l... ... :l. 1 ... Im..r ..ot i..-r moiiun. nl.o 11 further turn ,.i mul ixtv neruM. mill xltlhltetl ill . . j. ..,.v,.i ,i jxlv r(iV), ,()Iir)) a rwoimb!c iittoriie) - (.-. Or.Kon . weeonllllK to law mill the pmetlee of llIK LIUIONICI.K vou will have the ad- for l'mtitutiiiK thli ult to fun- low -uui,,,,-! 1 tin- eourt, and that the iiroeeeil 01 said aie be ,..,. , 1. ,.:.,.. :, ,r. 4i . K.W mul eollect the note thereby feeiired and ipplltil lu piiyuieiit of the amount eeiireil by JlltU.'ii 01 IialllU' It (lone With the most tmrein ued upon, to-rothe- wt;h plailttl.l eot alil iiiorlKiie.anil xtlU unpnld, to-wit thexuui modern and aiuiroved tviic with u-liicli mid dibur:meiitn unide inl exii-nnled in thl."' and I11tere.1t thereon at the rate of .uiu aipnnt.u l pt, Willi Willtli s(l(t w.AwUttK t,.rlii eoit- mid e-.i-.-n-eof fiKht K.-reent :r milium from Henteiuber Wil, we keep continuum- sunnlied. All iob and tint olalntlirhavoa juiWmcnt -aii,t . mul the further mini nf t.',luo.i), ami inter- . ... .... . .i.i-a.- ,. ,. i . m..u..i.. r... i.... ...p.-. t .1... v.,... t.r nit.iir ........ 011, ine won rrmiA i'. . oiin'iv, no iiu ovn ' t.n, h. ,n i,. ... ...h... i--. ....i.v . fio upon you by jiubll .1 i ... . . uiiu.ji uiu uireei supt.-rvision oi out- 01 ,.lvu,.y iu the procetds of alo to .ttify full all imm Miici- March J. IfsWl, and for an atlnriKiyn the lllOSt Slicct'sfu and nrtintic nrintoru .iid -iiuih that upon ueii inrecioture sum all of , 'e m .A.m, ami inr uie i.-oiin mm ui.inuri.o iiio iiuai miLtt-siui aim artisut printers r ti Ut(Ji imd olnim of sou .mil m.-ut- imido and exiM-'iided herein. And that 111 tilt- Northwest. w.ur eo-ief,.niliiiit i, each and ill! of oi. and plulntlll' will apply to the court for a juiIk them, and all other .-rou.i elnli.iliiK nr to ment aiilntt you for any deileleuey there may Tvl-Ii Vnllov llollor iM..i.r win 'l,''1 by, tliroiiKh or under yon or them, or I lenuiiiiliiK "(ter tho application of tho pro- ji.ii io7 i.iiunr iiiiur.11111, either, In and tumid tnorUfaKed and ' t"'!!" of 'il'l alt-111 uforeinld. Is in comti eti! rf.tmir Kent. a In uin. , cu-ry part therein he ioreeioe(i 1 .111 lorever I 1 "u win iiiriner uiku uoiiee nun ine sum ,, , . ' ' . , barred from the equity of redemption Tluit tl.e Hour equal to the best. Also old stylo phdntli! Us allowed to hid ataui foretdoMire coarse and fine Graham (lour, mill feed, Mft.&nM . ,1,1 inueiy, mm tor itoeo tjioui 1010 i.ianur leuei W'unted a to the Court may eem equitcible and juit. I Thli mwiuioiih Ii nerved upon you, the ,ild I . . , A lady who underatandH how to do ', l''lMle,''",,1.Vl?,!,'',,(:ll.k',', ' t,y i""' -N OtlCe.-"TimDer Culture fine ftnu-lntr nun fl.wl ..mnln.-m,.,,, r.f MlL 'cil on In The balles CllKONICM . a newipaper , .V ii Vi 1 ,-. ' ..t.ijo pumnriei weomy 111 iiaiiui iuyi niw.11 eon ity, IJt-lle Hood, upstairs ut Pease A .Mavs. ittvwm, fur ilx eonnemitlve weeki, h order of 1 1 w- '- Uradihaw, JiiiIko of ald ( oiirt, 1 UUIJ Daily and Weekly Editions. THIS CJIKONICLI-: was uHtublished for tho ex press purpose of faithfully representing The J allc? ' unci the surrounding country, and the satifyiiH! effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, (lilliiim, a large part of ('rook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalh-, hence it is the best medium for advertisers i'i the Inland Empire. The Daily Chuonici.k is published every ning in the week Sundays excepted at $0.00 f annum. The Wkkklv C'huonici.k on Friday- each week at $1.50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., addre THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO- Ttio Dalloa, Orejfon. n. on in thin xiilt Is Mirveii eatlou, by order of the Honorable W I.. Ilnid nhiuv, .Indue of mild Court, M.ild order beliiK oateo r.epieuuir -1111. MAVK, IIIJ.S'TINCTCJN .t WIIJ-ON. W-,7v AUornejn for l-lallitlll. A., an Captain Sweeney, U. S. Diego, Cal., eaye: "filiiloh's Catarrh Eemedy la tlie first mediclno I have ever found that would do nio any Hood." Prjce 50 ctH. Hold by Snipes & Kinorsly. Uoium fur ltuiit. Six-room house to rent, Contrallv located. Applv to tl " H. Ui.i:n,v. Wood! Wood! Wood! Ht-dt (juality fir, oak and slab wood. Leave orders at 13!l Second Htreet or comer Third and Union. All orders promptly attended to. Maikk A Bknton. Wunttiil. Man and wife wanted to farm. Call at Hood's stable. which order was duly uinile ud entered at cnaicn-.-rb on inewiii uayoi i-epieinoor. irvs. DLTCIl A MK.NKKKK, Attorney" for I'lalutilt'. I NOTICE. work on It Fur Kent. Rooms to rent ut Kev. A. Horn's resi dence on Ninth street. 0-L'.'Jdaw. , In tho County Court of tho Htate of OreKou, for U'ueo County, ' 111 the Matter of the Kitatx of William Hainlltoli WlUoii, Dectaud, i Notice In hereby idven that tho uinh-rMf,'iiu I, by an order of the County Court of tho Htaluof (iri-xoii. for Waac-o County, m.nlo and entered i September 7, 1W), win appointed nxwutor of the but will and tutmout of tho uilil William llamllton Wllxon. ilee.Mied . all iriom bnviiu. ciiilmti ait-iliiit a.ild finite ato lie'eby iin'lllid to I'. 8. ItANU Orrwr., Tiik IUi.i.ks, oni AllftUHt 1U, In!).'!. ( t'oillliblltlt lotvlttl. bt.ll uf thlu foil.... by ilarrlella ii. Mamhall iiKalntt 1'reiton lletd for fnlliiro to comply with law ai to limber Culture Kutrv No. .'1110, ilatnl Alareh iw, M'J, UKin tho SW;i of Keetlou 'JH, Towuihip'.' North, Itanxo II Kant, W. 31., la Waeo county, Ureiron, with a view to I iu cancellation nf mild entry 'ontcitaiit iillexlii't that defendant hui wholly falltiland nej,'ltItil to plow or break or cultl vale tor.-rop or otherwlne, or plant with trcex, tree khIh or ciittliiKii, iliirliif,- any of thotlmn Mlice uuikliiK til h mild entry, any rt of mild tract, tint Mild partlcN am hereby huiuiikiiiciI to api-arat thli (illlco on tho 'Jlit day of October, Jiy.t. at 10 o'clock A. JI.. to renponil mid liiruhh tentiinony couccruiliK mid alleged falluio. J-iwot JUII.N W. l.liWIH, litis iiiliter l!nl,.f( Mum. Inn, ur.i,.l ci precut loo ui r,o with the pinn-ir -nche Kobert .Mays hiiH Ht-ed rye for sale at therefor to meat thcoiiicu ol JM ... llu .i:mioii hlH farm in lygh Valley. 7t7 wil.on, ine imliei, oresm . t ix Taken Up. Trt-Hh oyaterri at tl niery store. A. Kellor'ri confoi- mou'h Iroin the r.ato of thl noil" iJated'l'he iMllo., Or., i-'uiit 7 1 U II h III M'INdTON. I Jteciltor of Will of n, II WlUon, dec (I y-nn5t Cue norriil kcI'IIiik bmt tHulve yean old, and brawled thuii P on left Hhoulder. Tho owner can have thu"auinal by paylni; for thli notlco ' AUK.Utl3.JMI.wU " J l'"0,,,;K' I A FIRST CLKSS ,u N'1 ii, CAN BE HAD AT THE Reasonably Ruinous Rotes