!)c Dnllco Chronicle .t,i T THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER i), 1893. NO. 98. Ka ll"llirJL. U ft! I III II 111' IIT- 1 IKl UMAAW' J IMihlhlio! Unity, Sunday Kxcoptcd. 4' C1II0NI0L1'; PUBLISHING CO, Dulles, OruKim. l,,iin (ir.Siilmorlitlin 10(H) -....,i Tiv mill"! ...... - I u."'----' ii TIMC TAIII.KS. Kulll'OllllH. Ill uflVft AllRIIHt II, 1MK1. KAST 1101'NI), ,,,. in th r si Depart 11:00 r. si, wi:st hounii. it u IliMiiirtK .1:11 A. M i. lix-m IrdRlit- Hint carry paxHcnHcrH leave '.it tv - twsi:.n. ; reiwviilt'. vlii llukc Oven, leave dally ft jati'iuK, .micneii, viuijuii nj , ..iit'h ,v. mill.. n aiiiiiiua. n arm I" I 'I....I, Vulliiv. If, IV,' llllllv. CiCCllt .... . , .i.m.,.. i. viiu, n.xvi- I vnrv ,u,v in liiu . .......li... r 1 , OlOT lor llll llllUH "t tllC lUillltlllll illlllBC. ntiinMDN.ti, 7 II MPIIt.l.lr ATTOKNKV-AT 1.AW-OlliCU 1, Court .Street, The Dulles, Oregon. LB. uuruii. . n-H-l'l' .1 MHKKCKE ATTOUNKYH AT- II ,,u I.,,,,,,,. 1" mill over l'Oht jfaliulMliiK. hntraneu (in WiiNMltiRtoii Btrcut ritiJAlIen, Oregon. . ..... . , ti , , ,it ti 1 mv:,l ii,iiniuir.i-fti-wi, yi A. Iwm .-clianno h ImlldliiK, up stairs. Hie I KiYh II h IIUKTINOTON. II. N. WJJ.HOH. imih, HINTIMiTON iV W1IAII atto li lt .ieyh at law - Olllrct., French's block over fcX.Niitlmml bitllk. ' Dalles. Oregon. II 11 WthnON ATTOllNKV-AT-I.AW-Kooms ft . trench A (o. b bunk bulldltiK, Second kaet, I lie linlkh, Oregon. V. KSltl.I.li AN HOM.IiOI'ATIIlO J'HYMlMAff " mm, I Mtiiini-.iv -i'nllu iitiKWercd nrmillitly lynriilBlit i'li.v ur country. Otllco Nii.3i.mul Hit lifliiilllll UilMk " Wa O Jl DOAN K - I'll YhTClA.v ani hui. 1 iikon Oilleu. roimiH f, mid 0 ClminiiHii let Isi-Bliluiitc H. K. c(,ruer Court niul fti.ih Hfr....,u li.ii ,iii fiiw.r friini thu corner. .ci hourh U to Ii! A. M., II to fi mid 7 to 1'. M. W'Al.I DKNTihT. (nth mven lor the "HiMenH ex taction o( tuvth. Also teeth l .'loweil aliiinlmim plato. Uoimih. nlKU u! Milieu Tootli, hecoliu tttreui. NOCIIJTJKS. Taw 'I '.i ni.i:. SO. U. A. K. i: A. M. MeelH ' lirNtaml tli'ril Monday o( each mouth at DAU.Kh U()Ai AUCMI OHAl'Tl-.I! NO. I,. MwU lu MiKiiiiu Hull thu third Wcilnebiluy Jteli HimiVli at" V M THE DALLES National Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OK. I'ni.iiilont 'A. V. Moody Vico-PreHidont, - Ciiahlkh Hilton CuHhior, M.A.Moody General Banking Business Transacted. Sight ExchannfiS Sold on NEW YOKK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collection!) inudo on favorcble terms nt all nccL'HHihle pointH. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKANHAOT A (iKNKKAI.IIANKINO IlDSINKHd SICK-HEADACHE crakes life miserable. All other uilincnts aro as nothing in com parison. "Women especially know Us suffering, and few escape its torture, THE RELIEF AND CURE IS LuttorH of Credit issued available in he Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Ixmis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. J. b. SCilENCK, J'reHldeiit. .1. M. ''ATTF.IISO.V, Cuk tiler. First Rational Bank. VHE DALLES. OREGON A General P.anking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on daj- of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on ew lork, ban rrancisco ami Portland. DIKEOTOKS. D. I'. TlIOMI'HON. JNO. S. Scuknck. Ed. M. Wii.lia.mh, Geo. A. Likue. H. M. Ukall. W. H. YOUNG, BiacKsmiin & wagon Siiop "I'H.N M)01)MV'v mi.' tup WOULD. - 31' lloodl am,,.S) w, Meets 'liieMilayi en of encli week m IriitviiUy Hall, at 7:110 1'. m flOl.l'.MHIA l.ODdh, NO. 0, I. 0. 0. I'.-Me.'lh L vwity 1-rlilay i'wiiIiik at 7:'.IU o'clock, In K. 11' im'l, corner heiimd and Court tftreetn. i.'miiiiiiik imuuii'ib are welcome. V i.oroii, hec y H. A. llll.W.N. (1. fu-ij .nmuuiy UVt'IlUlf? Ml Vl.fU tH'IiM'K, III IfmillHI K lllll (llliir ii...... I u .1 VWlb. httlOUrnlllC llli'lilly.rM tin m in 1 1 n 1 1 1 111. 1' V Vai'hk, K o It and H. C. ('. ISriKMMIV Mr l .1,-? I.- iw I t.... ... 1." P- m V hall tin) beeoud and mirth Wedlieh- fuui eacu laoiitii nt7,;ii) j,. m. h'OJlKN'K CII1UHTJAN TKMl'KKKNCK IMON Will 111. wit Mi'iipv Krlil.it- utt. r, iiiii, I po'cluek at the readliu; room. Allaru Invltwl. lliraun UdKe N, wi, t, o. O. T.-lURtllar i weekly meetlnn 1'rlday at b r. M a y;?lty Hall. All aro Invited. HltlHHAN, C. T. It. 0. Ki.KCK, Ku WlW- 1.0DCIK NO. II, A. O. U. W.-Mcots f, Vi "ul "an, over vuiiorn, nil oecouu f w'.niimilay uvunliiKii nt 7 :: ill- j ,, ll, IIAS6KN, L"-a Mykkn, I'lmmcler. M. W. Ifn NKS.MITH I'OHT, No. IV, 0. A. H. Meotx llj ' "'uuriuiy at v;u r. M., in inu i. in i . Hf 'l. JleulKi'vcryHiindiiy ulternoon In V IIidK of I', Hull. ftEfltui, .. . IT V r.ur iR-aicuifl uvury miuiuiv M eVl'll lit. I.. .1... ir ... i. if. .11 - r .i niu IV. Ol 4 . mm, j X h ''. DIVISION, No. 1C7 MuotH In K.nf Ii ii. .ii .i... ..... .i.i.i ic.i...... kvni . . i, in ioi urnv ami nuru i, wiiiun EL"' wli numtli. nt 7::ui v. m. TII1C OIIIIKVIIKH. fcTol't:T,:!tB t'llUlltill -Hov. Kather IIiionh- W UKKHT I'.iy.nr I..... kl U I.... ... i u ""Mil, i,i, .iiupn uiuj niiiiuns ,ii iiikii Miikh tit lUiiftiA. M. Veiem at PkuiV1'1''111'""" -Onion Htreot, oiipoHlto feivH . . '""''iiD.Hutclllliilluutor. burvieoM hlu ".'"t'"1 u A' r. m. sumlay fc H ' A, t, KvuitltiK l'niyur on 1'rlday at rli?,T,"1'T18'1, I'HIJKCII-Uuv. O. D. TAY- tih it'.i ,Nl"r' , wiiriuiig Hurvloi'H uvury hail tool i ,'" "''"''"my at 11 a. M. Katilmth yJr,. .'J11''11!1.101' 'tur uiornliiK M.rvIceH. toco 1 "B ''"day uveiilnif at I'aMtor'N reHl H, ' 1 mrvleuH In thu court Iioiiho at I x, , 'i v !.' "nlura- nvrv"'e,iuvurynuudayat U Fnct. .. . ' nouoay nmiooi aitur liiornniK I 'V n'nuiKerH emillally lnvltixl. Keats frtv. I, hari I . U,,U ,luv' J' WHIM.K1I, IMlHtor. h t l"1 ,5iao 0,,,l",,l ' Hl'worth "".liu'm!:. V '' ''raynr meutliiK nvcry Wi tn ln . 7:110 o'clock, a coiitlul lu ,U ih i-jctoiuK-U by both iiimtor mid iieonlo D"te.AN (IHI'HOH ItKV. .1. W. Jknkinh. nirclt V., ni, Iru"1'1'K In tho CoiiKrcKatlomi f11iiyinvitJ,t'ril,J iuy ut 8 M' A" ,u' E liipl'll'Ali I.UrilKltAN Ninth Ktrcit. Wj oi,g. 1 aiao Vm. A cordial wulcomo General Blncksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing Speciality Third Street, opp. Lietc's old Stand. - House Moving! Andrew Velarde LS prepared to do any anil all kinds of work in his line at reasonable figures. J las the largest house moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Addross P.O.Box 181. The Dalles J. F. FORD, Evanlist, Of Deh Moinch, Iowa, writes under date ol March '.';!, IMKI: S. 13. Mud. Mko. Co,, Dnfur, Oregon. Gentlemen : On arriving homo last week, 1 found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little, girl, eight and one-half years old, who hud wasted away to liS pounds, ic now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. S. Ji. Cough Cure has done its work well. .Both of the children like il Vnr K It finni'il fllll'H llllH 1'111'ud and kept away all hoarseness from nie. So give it to overy one, with greetings for all. Wishintr von nrosnerif v. wo are Yours, Mit. & Mas. J. 1 Fohd. If you wlHh to (eel fresh and cheerful, and ready for thu Sulnt;'H work, oleaiibo your tiyHtfin with tho Headache and I.Ivor Cure, by taking twooi tin eo dohcH each week. Hold under a io.sltlvo guarantee. 60 contb pur bottlo by all UniKBltn, C. F. STEPHENS, DRY GOODS ps lothing ItuotH, HhoiiB, HutH, Kto. Fancij ood0, potion, Ktc, Ktc, Ktc. Seoond St,, The Dalles. Man' people lake pills, which gripo and puree, weakening tho body. More take Simmons Liver llegulator, liquid or powder, be cause more pleasant to take, does not gripe, and is a mild laxative, that also tone3 up tho system. The relief is quick. It is Nature's own remedy, purely vegetable. "I never found unythlnp; to do mo any Kood until I used Simmons Liver Keguln. lor. It has been three years slnco 1 first used It anil I have not had .Sick Headache since. I sent my sister (who had Irom one lo two attacks of Kick Headache every Meek) one-hall of a pnekairc, and sho bus not bad It since. " C. S. Mounts, Browns ville, W.Va. 3-EVEItY PACKAGE-55 Ha our Z Stamp In red on lvrunper. J. U. & CO.. 1'liiladelphia. Pa. Dally Kveninc Chronicle Is recocnized as essentially the home paper for the j nis is not a mm THE linlles city lolks' Jnlr This is not a reputation. Somen JIVI L. -.000 f our best oltbens watch the columns of this r n OT7D daily for the spiciest local news. It J t 1 L.1a succeed in cleauini: the field, and hence prows in io)iularity and importance. Take It awhile, you who don't; try some of its premium oilers. "The Relator Line" The Dalles, Portlani ani Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH Freigiii and Psssenser Line Through daily service (Sundays ex cejited) between Tho Dalles and Port land. Steamer Jiegulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade Ixodes with steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock") at 0 a. m. con nect im; with steamer Regulator for The Dalles. l'ANHI!.NiKK K.TKS. One way Round trip. if 2 ,00 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings must bo delivered before 5 ji. in. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, deneral Agent. B. F. LAUGHLIN, iicral Manager, THE DALLES. OREGON T H E ARXIC FACTORY SODA WATER AND IOE OREAM. Candies and Nuts 'iu: Specialties FlnoBt Poanut Roaoter In Tho Dalles J.FOLCO 2 3 8 ad vStroot At right side Jlrs. Ohiiir'n rostauriiut. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, pojiular and reliable house i,.i .mi i.,ilt. 1'nfiiriiinlii'il. and evorv lil.n inivi, viiiiivi .......' ", - room has been rojmpered and rojmlntci and newly carjieted throughout. Tho house contains 170 rooms and is ujjIioc with every modern convenience. Kates reasonable, a good restaurant auaciiei. to the house. Fror bus to and from all trains. . ... C. W. KNOWIibS, rrop. MORE OF THE STORM Another Section of the State Suffered the Fate of Mere, FISHERMEN'S VILLAGE WRECKED Not a Vestige of a House Remains in the Vicinity 1'or Miles the Shore Is Strewn With Debris. Ni:v Oiii.KA.vs, Oct. 7. From fisher men arriving in the city today it is learned that another section of the state suffered the same fate as the unfortu nate Cheniere. It is the district known as the Louisiana marshes on Lake Dorgne, near Bayou Miucalo. There a number of fishermen banded together and erected a cluster of cabins conven ient to the oyster beds. The cabins are now gone and the occupants unaccount ed for, with a few excejitions. Not a vestige of the house remains in the vicinity and the shore for miles is strewn with the wreckage of luggers and other craft, while among the brush are to be Eeen bodies of sailors and others. Since Sunday night the survivors have suffered greatly from a lack of food and clothing and shelter. Supplies are flowing in from all sides, and several boats have gone today and will go on Monday to the stricken scene with rations and rai ment. Coroner Berry, of Plaquemine parish, reached the city today and said it was impossible to picture the situa tion in his parish, where the death list was long. Men, women and children are starving and hundreds of corpses lie on the river bank. New Oi:li:an. Oct. "). The return of several of the relief jiarties sent to the storm-stricken districts of the state fully confirm the news of yesterday. The corrected lists jut the total dead at 2,041. This may be increased by some 500 by subsequent news. The loss of life at Cheniere Caminada is now jut at 1,230; at Bayou Andre, 72, and at Grand Island, 24 instead of 10. Fears are en tertained for fishermen to the number of 200, living at Lake Borgne swamp. There is great complaint from through out the Bayou Cook section ol" the stencli of dead bodies lying in the swamp. A large number were bin ied, but there are still over 200 exjiosed. The damage at Chandlier island is more serious than thought at first. Nearly all the vessels anehoied there were wrecked. The United States quarantine station and the transfer steamer Walsh were desttoyed and everybody on quarantine was lost excejit the United States jhy bieians. The loss to the government is $lo0,000. The steward, nurse and three patients were drowned. Belief for sufferers jiouied in today. The city of New Orleans subscribed 2,500, and the parish authorities of Jefferson and Plaquemine voted money and at once sent relief exjieditions. A dozen of lug gers reached New Orleans from portions of the storm country today, all crowded with refugees. There aie now between 200 and 300 in town. TIIK AMICK TltlCATMKNT. Tho Medicine Sought After by I'liysl cluns From all I'aiU of llm World. Cincinnati. Oct. 7. The fame of this city as a center of medical researches lias gone to tho end of the earth. Dr. C. Howard Strong, of Cujietown, South Africa, has been here a week investigat ing tho Amick cure for consuinjition and takes back with him sulllcient medicine for 60 patients. He sails from -New York, October 11. Dr. Joaquin Duenas, secretarv of Cuba's delegation to the Pan-American medical congress, was also sufficiently imjiressed to order the Amick medicines, ami yet another dele gate obtained a supply fl)1' Venezuela. In far oil' Alaska an American ihysieiaii, Dr. Arthur Jordan, is slojijiing the rav ages of consiini)tloii amongst tho natives of his island of St. Ueoige with Amick's help. The Cincinnati discoverer's oiler, to lihvsii'iaiis everywhere, of a free tobt of medicines for any number of jiatioiits, is as eagerlv accejitediu the frozen north as in tho southern trojiics. Tlioy Will Sonio Huy lie Sncim. San FitANtist'o. Oct. 8. Tho Kussiaii steamer Ketick has in rived hero witli this season's catch of the Russian Seal skin company, owners of tho Cojijier Is land rockerv privileges. H is the most aluablo euro from the north that lias over entered this noit. On tho nuiinfest aro !!:i,8!i0 sealskins, valued at if 15 jier skin ; 1!M sea otter skiup, at sflOO each ; 4S0 bear skiiiei, and 800 sables, making a total valuation of over $500,000. This freltsht is all consigned to Alfred Krazer of New York, and will bo shipped over land at once. C'uptutn 'ichonlkoll re liorta that tho patrol in Belirlng sea lias been very strict near the rockeries this vear. Seals inside the thirtv-mile limit did not suffer to any great extent. tiik mooks win.i, km ni;N;in:i Tln Simnlsli Troops Will Have Sonic; Trouble In DIsIimIkIiik T'llelll. Maduid, Oct. 7. The Moors havo re appeared before Melilla. During tho night they cut entrenchments along tho crests of three hills at some distance from the fort, but on Spanish territory They have a strong jiosition, which can he taken only by a charge across a stretcli of open country. As tbev are well armed, tho Sjianiards will hardly be able to storm the position before re ceiving large reinforcements. Many oT the Moors are still in concealment, and others are occupving works. The strength of their skirmish parties arid rejiorts of Sjianish scouts indicate that the total Moorish force is at least 14,000. There was considerable desultory firing during the night, most notably when the Moors occupied Sidi Quariasch, a fortress which, half completed, had been abandoned by the Spaniards. Tho first shots were fired bv the Moors. NEWS NOTES. The Vigilant won the first of the series in the international yacht races Satur day. Her British competitor shows superior sailing ability in a stiff breeze, but the wind was light. The billiard match of a series of 10 games, 1000 points up each game, be tween Roberts, the English champion, and Ives, the American champion, came to an end Saturday. Roberts was the winner by the grand total of 10,000 to S.73S for Ives. In the senate Saturday Mr. Yoorhees arose and said : ''I desire to state this morning, in the hearing of the senate and of the country, that AVednesday next, after the meeting of the senate, I shall ask that it continue in session until a vote is taken upon the jiending meas ure, and I shall ask and expect the sen ators to maintain the necessary quorum for the transaction of business until the end of this protracted struggle is readied." At Livingstone Tuesday afternoon Jack Albright, a faro dealer, was shot through the head by Bertha King, a woman of the town. When the officers arrived they found the woman disrobed and in bed. She had her head buried in tho bedclothes and was weeping and hys terical. On the floor lay the smoking re volver, with one chamber emjity. Stretched at full length by the side of the bed was the body of Albright, with a hole in his forehead. He died tluee hours later, without having uttered a word. The woman is in jail. She ac knowledged the shooting, but claims it was accidental. Shedictated the follow ing telegram to her mother : "I am in jail and expect to be hung. Pray for my soul." Something to ltclllellllier, If vott're a weak or ailing woman that there's only one medicine so sure to help you that it can be guaranteed. It's Dr. rierce's favorite l'reseruition. in building up over-worked, feeble, delicato women, or in any "female coiujiluint or weakness, it it ever tails to benefit or cure, vou have your money back. It's an invigorator, restorative tonic, a sootli ini; or stientrtlienint' nervine, and a safe ami ceitain reined v for woman's ills and ailments. It regulates and promotes all the projier functions, linjiroves diges tion, enriches tho blood, disjiols aches mil nains, brings relreslung sleep, and restores health and strength. NothniL' else can bo as eheai). With this, you pay only for the ijood you got. A .Million I'l-li'iuls. A friend in need is a friend indeed and not less than one million peojile have found just such a friend in Dr. King's New Discovery for Consuinjition, Coughs, and Colds. If you havo never used this Cireat Cough Medicine, one trial will convince you that it has wonderful curative jiowers in all liseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs, Kiich bottle is guaranteed to do all that s claimed or money will bo refunded. Trial bottles free at Suijios ic Kinersly's drug store. Largo bottles flUc and $1.00. WOOD, WOOD, WOOD, Best iriades of oak, Ur, and slab cord wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T. Peters Co. (Ollico Second and Jeller- son streets.) Ask- vnnr ilenlor fur Mexican Silver Stove Polish. NEWS OF THE STATE. Dr. John I. Nicklin of Condon died Sept. ,'lOtli. lloseburg receives a world's fair medal for marble. Tho Portland Dispatch will shortly discontinue its daily. Cordray's theater, Portland, will have for itsgrand opening tonight the Calhoun Opera company, with forty artists. Oregon has sent a 21-ounco pippin to Bhicago to beat the big Arkansas apple. The Oregon giant's girth measure is 15f inches. A small boy was drowned in the sewer on East Second and Weidler streets, Portland, Saturday. It appears that the jiarents of the child sent him to a neighbor on an errand and in attempt ing to pass over the sewer ho fell in and was drowned before assistance could reach him. S. S. Grider's home, near Condon, burned last week, while he was working in the harvest field, and nothing was saved but a feather bed and two blankets. Mr. Grider seems to be particularly un fortunate as a victim of the fire king, this being the third time his home has been burned down. The insurance on the house expired two weeks ago. Lai Tai, well known to everyone in this country, left last Monday for Port land, where ho will remain with his uncle, Kong Tai, until about the middle of October, when he will depart for his old home in China. Lai is an unusually intelligent Chinaman and has always been liberal and honest in his business dealings while in this country. Antelope Herald. LOVERS OF THE WHEEL. A one-i.kooki) bicylist rode all the way on his wheel from San Francisco to Chicago. His name is F. S. Beedle son. Eu:ven" blind men lately rode in company 'on bicycles from London to Birmingham, a distance of one hun dred miles. Tin: winner in the military ride be tween Vienna and Berlin last fall cov ered the distance in seventy-one hours and forty minutes. Fischer, who won the bicycle race over the same road, took thirty-one hours to accomplish the task. The regular express trains make the trip in sixteen hours. Miss Dcm.iiv, an English bicyclist, holds the reeoril for long-distance rid ing by women. She made the distance of one hundred miles, between llitchin and Lincoln, in little more than seven hours, or at an average speed of nearly fourteen miles an hour. This, too, in regulation jietticoats, and not the new style of wheeling trousers. Washing ton Post. IntolliKfiici' of the Ape. A naturalist recently declared that we are wrong- in ascribing unusual in telligence to animals of thenpe i.peeies. "As it is the only animal with hands, it dues many thing's by instinct and habit and necessity that resemble the nets of human beings and mako it seem to us as if it is guided by intel lect. The ujie is hardly more intell' gent than the dog, If, indeed, ho knows as much, lie has a frift for imitation and a capacity for mischief, and that is the most human jxirt of him. But the nnimnl that really knows the most, or is capable of being trained so as to hhow tho most striking- results of edu cation, is the domestic j)ig." Perhajis some of our readers would like to know in what resjiect Chamber lain's Cough Remedy is better than any other. We will tell yon. When this remedo has been taken as soon as a cold has been contracted, ami before it has become settled in the system, it will counteract the effect of the cold and greatly lessen its severity, and it's tho only remedy that will do this. It acts in jiorfect harmony with nature and aids nature in relieving the lungs, ojion ing tho secretions, liquifying tho mu cous and causing its expulsion from the air cells of the lungs, and restoring the system to a strong and healthy condi tion. No other remedy in thu market jiossesses those remarkable juojierties. No other will cure a cold so quickly. For sale by Bliikoley & Houghton. Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for dysjiojisia, torpid liver, yellow skin or kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to give you satisfaction. Price 71c Sold by Snijies & Kinersly, druggists. Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no dust, Highest of all In Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. RoYal Baking Powder ABSOLUTE1Y PURE