The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 07, 1893, Image 3

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    c OUR t
1 OUR t
Till I i
Ilk : HA
Watches Given Away,
all goods Marked i.
in plain figures. "v
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
s itcrii! ii the l'ostotlleo lit Tlio DiiIIuh, OrcKon,
i:h icimil rliiHi mutter.
l.iiriil All vtrtllliK.
i' ' tii-i Hue lor llrst lniertlnn, mul n (,'i'iitn
it ii-i'iii'h iil)Sfitn:tit iiiHcrtloii.
K hi vies (nr Iiiiik tlnui lintlcoH,
A i ' ii notices, received later tlnui :i o'clock
L Hutu ir t!ie fnllowlni; day.
OCT. 7. 18(t:i
TV Uatli and Weekly Chronicle may
if found im nale nl I. ('. Xickelxen's More.
l s.uury .'Mums I'rimi .MIhciiIIhiioimih
Nimvh IIIIh.
' .ml' ii from tin' city trln.d Hi;litl mlil the
t ri-cs ,
A I lied the initiKcnt mlor that limited on the
l l i me iinciL'iit farmer with arms o hrown
mul hare.
i tli ii t wondrous (lower Hint scculn the
morulni: nlr"
4 i d, licil the ancient farmer 'till the tears
leil down Ida cheek,
V- win that's: u jiolccut, I've smelted It
it n week '
'I'lie Regulator took Ti'Ji) suck's of wheat
Wow Uuh morning. This load in in
hwk vj net out of the ruin.
Itain ttUa uiUn 11)1011 tliu jitHt iu:d tho
"DJUHt, but Wi, would ho willing to
postpone it for u month or ho.
l-rout'li cc Co.'h hank wuh closed in
reipeel to the memory of Walter French,
whoso funeral uccurr :1 today.
IJi'V. I'. 11. MoOtilly Iihh heen called
to I he pastorate of tin, Christian church
n Huh city for the ensuing year.
Milton Aiken wuh bound over to the
rand jury under .fl'OO bonds, charged
with taking itrticles from Mrs. lieu.loy'H
house, wlule oeeutiping the iiier
A" annular eclipse of tho huh occtirH
tomorrow. Tliu alumnae says it will bo
flS'l'llo over tho WHHlnrn l.nlf of Vnrtl,
America, hiu w doubt it if thin ruin
11"' rainfall since 8 lilt) Thursday nh'ht
jf'" 'i p. 111. today linn heen 'J. I inches.
ie fall over thin urea iH unprecedented
'"the hinto n (if mul
Tlio Imudsoino white dog belonging to
Al Hettiiitjen wuh found dead in the
Pnl tliiri morning. Tlio ciiuho Ih 1111
xnmvn, unleHH it wuh from di.igUHt witli
wtiuther mi l democratic adminis
tratiuu. Stiver let up 0n advertising, in the
Hx-rut of success. Advertising that does
let up i()V,. )lllVf)f To Hl0J( UU, HU0 Jl0W
11 wtJikH iH like throwing a doublo eunlo
1,1 the witter toHouif it will Ihmtj you
t0vt the prohlom but Ioho yuur kuUI.
MIkhouoIIo elub kvo 11 whiat
ply hwi uvuniiiK in J'ratuniity liuli.
vu tablet) wmo occupied and tliu oven
's ieut in car(H ,UK thuiciiiK. Ah
"OHt Of t,0 y(,K ,)0,, ,,rufor (1,UIUJK
" wiiwt a lurKor crowd will bo on hand
11 next mooting
hill".' yo,U,K ",un cI'l'Hi who ioHt
11. J iu t,lu tliroHhim? nmcbino, near
tlo n"'"1 n(u,rwm, Hiilliirod aiujmta-
tlo !' 1 tlM' ",,xt (,u' ,lUor l,L'r"
low, 1 ,1lUHl,ouk f tlio oporution fol-
' " ulWH()1' ' Hi" lunputntion, wuh too
wat for hiri Hyntom to boar.
follow nuniud ltlandford, wIioho
' 10 ionld bo Uhuno-fruud, ho.uIh uh
lu " 'lKriuii, nettluK forth toduv'H
hi. w."' .' "0t:t:ulo''l ralna, HliKht
do, - f'"'0 "KOH." U'h Kood wo
1 1'liui piunieu uot'ordiiit' to tjovorn-
I inont jirotiOHticatioiiH. Tho teinjiera
turo and foreciiHton the Oregon inn tow
er in tint bo did'erent from wliat it in on
The funeral of Wither French tool;
place this morning from the family resi
dence. The Horvieoa were conducted by
Itov. Mr. WhiHlor. lie Hpoke of tho
lioroinm the boy ditipluyed throughout
all hiu HicknoHH. Xo courage cotiltl nave
been greater than that with which
Walter French mot death.
AutiHt Aumold, the violin '.rt.uoso,
pive 11 very enjoyuble concert lant niiht
at AndruH Music Hall. The proarunime
confiiHted of familiar helectioiib of cham
ber mimic, many of them exceptionally
fine. H'ih t'ehnique goes it good way
boyond what the majority of nolo play
oth are cajmble of, and hiH conceition iH
artiHtically corr"i:t, and hp is undoubt
edly one of the reatent violinists. Kan
hiih City TimeK, October 8th, ISM.
IHnilhlrnllH Ullllis.
There iH now no doubt that the late
heavy ruins will be very destructive to
tho farmers' interests. The weather
conditions of this year have conspired
to defeat them, while all tho time hoitl
ine; out tilhtri 11 promises of a bountiful
harvest. The spring was a full month
1 behindhand, making harvest time that
much later than usual, while the heavy
rains just in threshing time are ahead of
time for tho fall seas-on. Some of the
farmers have been fortunate enoui:h to
finish their threshin;, but. many are iu
tho midst of it and will lose a large per
cent, of their crop. Tlio rains, however,
are benelieiul l-j the stock interests.
A I '! 11 III 1- I'li'ln.
Pease & Mays enjoy a trade all the
year round equal to the best in the city.
Tlio reason is because they have made
their name a household word by keep
ing it continually before tho public,
which, combined witli good business
methods and a desire to pleaho their
patrons, form the keystone to their suc
cess. It is impossible to pick up Tun
OiiiioNii'i.i: for the last two years which
does not contain their name boldly dis
played 111 tho advertising columns, with
u JdeHoriptioii of some H.rvieoable or
novel goods which they carry in stock.
Tho junior member of the tirm agrees
with P. T. I'.ariiuni and A. T. Stewart
on the advertising proposition, and it is
bearing Uh lotfitimato fruits iu giving
thorn 11 popularity second to none in tho
Htato within their liold.
In rcHponso to tho solicitation of a
goodly number of citizens of The Dalles
J huvo decided to mako this my homo
for tlio winter, at least, and hereby oiler
my services to those who are interested
in music us instructor in both vocal and
hiHtruniontal iniisic. Am prepared to
use French, Italian or (ionium methods.
Uun give tho very best of references.
For terms and particulars us to time and
place, cull at tlio residence of Mr. 0. K.
Jiayurd or Mr. boo. w. Kowlund.
Miss Clauk A. Mooiti:.
7d lw.
HIIA Hl'HlllMUl, I'll,,, lltll, 'J7, lt'.r.'.
Ma .1, .1. Kkii.,
HlntipslmrK, I'n.,
DK.tll Kill I liiivn llbctl KrnilMi'H Headache
CapMiIcK (or noiiik tlnui ami want to icHtlfy to
their viilno. I tried various well recoiiinieuileil
incitluluch, hut tjot 110 relief until I iimm! tliexe,
11111I now would not he without tlieiu (or leu
Vuiith ii'MiccKully
Hold by MnlpeH KllieiHly.
IIiKMllllll tllll i III lit HllCICt 11 r l.lfd.
Slninions' l.ivor Regulator is tlio only
uiodiolno tliut relieved 1110 uftor HiiH'or
lug flvoyearH witli dysiejiHin, nick liead
mihuitnd coiiutijiatloii.
Ci:o. S. Avitus,
Delapluno Stu,, Vti.
Ubo Mexican Kllver Stovo 1'oIIhIi.
linker Olty'N .Mllltln.
Lieut. Jiiudfil returnea ttns morning
from linker City, where ho had been
witli Col. Thompson to examine the
qualifications of Captain Isador Fuch
and Lieut. Ellis of F company. Thev
pushed a very creditable examination
Col. Thompson came back as far ae Pen
dleton, wboro be took the next train for
Weston to inspect the company there.
Mr. Kiddell speaks highly of the treat
ment they received at the hands of the
citizens of linker City, and says there
are a whole-souled, generous and hos
pitable comiuunitv. The Baker com
pany is the only one in Oregon which
has been Jin actual service, as they
were called out last spring to suppress
the Malheur riot. On this occasion
they acquitted themselves witli honor to
themselves and the Etate, and linker
City is justly proud of her company.
This extract from the linker City
Democrat would indicate Messrs. Kiddell
and Thompson enjoyed themselves while
absent: "Col. Thompson and Lieut.
Kiddell were met at the depot on their
arrival by Major W. S. I!loweisttnd es
I corted to the Hotel Warshauer, where
during tlio afternoon the gentlemen had
the pleasure of meeting many citi.ens of
linker City and their visit made quite
Robert Mays has seed rye for sale nt
his farm in Tygh Valley. 717
Mrs. Lewis and Miss Lewis returned
from a trip to Astoria last evening.
License to wed was granted ICdward
Pair and Irene Ganger by the clerk
Miss Mary Frazier departed for Hood
Kivor this morning for a short visit in
I that place.
1 Mr. Pletohor Faulkner wont to Port
land yesterday, where he will remain
over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. McAllister wore
passengers on tho Regulator for Portland
this morning.
Mr. Amos L'nderw ood of White Salmon
came to tho city last evening to be
present at the district fair.
Mr. Maurice MclCein, of tho law firm
of Cox, Teal k Minor, is in tlio city on
his way to Portland. Ho hits beeii at
tending' court at Moro.
Mr. FVaiik Sharp, having completed
his contract of surveying tho Tillamook
countrv, returned last evening with a ver
itable "Tillamook Coat." Mr. Sharp
intends to stock his ranch with this kind
of animals.
Misses Gertrude and Jiessio French
and Frank French caino up from Port
land to attend the funeral of Walter
French. Others from abroad iu attend
ance wore Mrs. Meredith, Miss .leaii
notto Meredith and Mrs Lcgg of Salem.
iiotki, .uutiv.u.s.
Sklbbe G Fultervill, Portsmouth, 0 ;
Jl L I'uillo, N .1 Lonian. Mosior; Ernest
Sundiuoior, Chan Karl, Alvia Fedoror,
.lohn Johnson, Portland; Alfred Glese,
Looks, Or; Willis Walniin, Luvag Niseu,
Coutoivillo; Homy Luttiiiuun, John
Noliu, High I'rairio; .1 L lirock, Wiu-oo;
0 Mavity, Uoyd; .1 W Wayne, Pontile
ton; H Kustor, Kingsleyj Joo Wood
ford, ISluo Mountain.
Columbia Junius Huwloy, David
Smith, G L Smith, J It Taylor, Dan
Sheer, Fred Schtilz, Portland ; John
Jackson, F Swurz, John Pain, A Delur,
CuhciuIoh; G F Young, C It Hill, Van
couver j Samuel Culver, K Fair, Oregon
Shlloh'a euro, tho Great Cough and I
Croup Cure, is for salo by Snipes it Kin-1
orsly. Pocket size contains twenty-llvo
doses, only -00, Children love it. Hold
by Snipes & Kinorsly.
FroHh oyHtors at A. Kollor'H confoc-1
tlonory atoro. 1
TIiiim- 11I :iiIc:ik I'ei iiicatiMl I Tf . "f
Willi 11 I).nii;,.r..UH f.'M. D J A- Q 1
L11C JL 1
The following tcli'L'tntn needs 110 ex
ilanatinii :
Woiii.d's Faiu, CiiiCAtio, 111., Oct.
Warn all farmer" who have returned
from the fair with samples of grain for
seed, to burn them immediately. A
dangerous pes t permeates the whole ex
hibit iu tho department of agric.iltuie.
G. V. Calhoun,
Incentive Commissioner.
OIirytHtitlii'iniitn Cluli.
11 '
Wo arc now ready with a full line of
The first social hop given by this club
was hold hist evening in Schanno's hall.
An unusually pleasant time was had,
and it is hoped Jthnt those voting men
will givo a good ninny more of these
pleasant gatherings, during tho coming
long winter months. Those present
were: C. J. Crnndnll and wife, II. S.
Wilson and wife, C. W. Dietzeland wife,
W. E. Garretson and wife, Mr. Schutz,
Mrs. L. Ii. Gushing, Mrs. .1. Marden,
Misses E. Story, K. Stanley, C. IJooth,
G. Sampson, L. .Sampson, M. dishing,
May Gushing, I). Freddcn, A. and E.
Schmidt, L. Rowland, C. Davis, A.
Schanno, E. and Ii. Glenn, A. Henry,
P. Drews, P. and Ii. liucl.ler, G. Lnuer,
M. Sterling, Messrs. E. Sterling, J.
Bonn, G. Bonn, W. Fredden, R. Row
land, C. Fritz, .1. Weigel, F. Weigel, V.
Marden, W. Gentry, L. Schanno, E.
Drews, C. Clark. V. Schmidt, W. Vogt,
F. Dictzel and F. Garretson.
A Narrow Kfccape.
This afternoon, as Mr. A. Iiettingen
was coming down through the cut on
Union street a large body of rock slid off
the cliff just in front of hnn. If
he had gone a few yards fur
ther he would have been crushed
to death. This is another argument fr
the placing of the rock crusher where it
would do double purposes, open the
ttrcet and crush rock for rilling up holes.
1 1 K 1 ! I5AI5Y.
Dresis GroodLs,
and all other kinds of Dry Goodn
Wo are noted for the good values wo irive
in Bleached and Unbleached Muslins,
Sheetings, Prints. Gint'hnins. Boots and
Shoec Hosier;. Gents' Furnishines. etc.. etc.
The Balance of our Summer Importations now
Clearing Out AT COST.
cor. court anil seconcl sts.
The Dalles, Oregon,
I hae 11 friend of schoo!-i;lrl lay,
Those duj of joy,
Who owns 11 mo-t cii trancing crn:c
Her baby boy.
She jiliitis hi future fortune's prize,
Itcvjilte hi' youth,
And --hows me with exultant eves,
His lutes', tooth.
She cares 110 more for novels new;
With !mi!iner bliind
She culls my kind ntteution to
His dimjilcil hand.
She ask1; me what I 'cully think
About its nose,
And should they be so very jiiuk,
The buby's, toe.-'.'
1 tell her of the latest iilay;
Her eyes row dim;
She Interrupt me for to say
It looks like "hiin."
She puts the ilull'up'm its nead
And (rets H scare
It surely can't be irrowintr red
The baby's hair'.'
Of art I speak she looks nway
With hurt surprise:
Tor are they blue or are they sray,
The baby's (.yes.
And if I venture to sujrgct
That he's un jiiit.
She'll clasp hiin fondly to her breast
So close and Unlit.
And then, in that superior way
That tires one so,
She II fjoun ami suiiloat ineaud say:
"That's all you know."
New York Herald.
i:in-ctR of Ciivp Air.
The remarkable physiological eilects
of cave air are well known. A traveler
who visited the Mammoth cave in Ken
tucky savs that on einerg-ing the sense
of smell was intons;!ied to such an ex
traordinary degree that 1110.4 common
objects such as trees, plants, animals
and even people had strong individual
odors, mostly unpleasant. One tree
could be easily distinguished from an
other by its e'liaraeterisUc odor. Tlio
I'licet lusted about half an hour and
then passed oil'. The guides say that
this is a usual experience. Other
writers have noticed a similar effect
from tho sudden change from tho pe
culiar oxygenated air of the cave to
tliut of the outside world. The sense
of smell is greatly intensified in almost
every ease. This intensification of ol-
lactorv perceptions is explained oy tlio
rarity of olfactory stimuli in tho cave.
On emergence, in accordance with a
physiological law, the perceptive pow
ers for tiiese particular stimuli, having
rested, are intensified, so that odors
too delicti to to make an impression un
der ordinary circumstances are jwwer-
fullv felt.
Not ice!
All notes duo and becoming duo and
all accounts owing us must bo settled on
o,' before November 1st, ifciu, oiinor in
wheat, oats', barley or cash. Accounts
and notes remaining unpaid after that
date will huvo to undergo costs of col
lection. Wo mean business and must
positively have money.
dnwlm Tin: D.i.u:s Mi:ucantii.k Co.
Xollcc to I It'l In i tit'll t 'J'ii. piiyc 1 .
All delinquent taxpayers that don't
want their names advertised had better
come forward, as tho roll will be pub
lished 011 tho 21st of this mouth.
T. A. W.uii), Sheriff.
: Dff Ellis,
Fancy Goods and Notions,
(Jepts' piiri?i5r7ip2 Qood
Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc.
now complete in every department.
All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices.
H. Herbring.
Terms Cash.
Thus Space
112 Second Street.
Familiar Faces in a Ncu Place.
j. is. BA.KiTiS'r'r
Jfye Feal Instate, Ioai?, iQjurapee,
C. 13. BAYARD,
Ltite Special Ajent Henerul Land Offtve
wood'h iiiosinoiiisrj
The Great KnglUIi Remedy.
rroniptly and pormauontly
emeu nil forms of AVnous
'eaknrts,t:mMoM, fjxrm'
atorrhett, Jmjiotencu and alt
tfftft vfAl'uae or .rviwai.
Uorii prescribed over 1'5
yenisla tltousiindmif ruses
vtjore ana sijenr. fif lll(JtcfM knomi, Ask
ilniBBUt for Wood lliounliodliuij If I10 otlorj
tonifc wortlilesoiiiBdlelnoliiplacoof thin, leiua Ids
iltnioiicst tdoro, Inoloco prleo lu letter, mul
wo will wml by return mull, l'rleo, oiio pnekafiv'i
$tiijt,6f'. f)ii0ii'(lili'oi',toIHi'iv. I'luiipU
Jul In Jilulu (.filled envelope, tS centa poatac.
Addrcus Tho Wood CIumiiIimiI Co.,
I!U Woodwmd avenue. Detroit, Mleh.
' tioUl in Tlio iiallcs bniraTa'lTy"7Jrii'ii;litoa
Parties having; IVoperty they wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Rent, 01
Abstract of Title furnished, will find it to their advantage to cull on us.
Wo shall make a specialty of the prosecution of (Jlaims and Contests
beforo tlio Unitep states' Land Ollice.
85 Washington St.
Socond St.
The Dalles, Or
The California Winehouse,
Iri now opon; and its propriotor will fell his home- A
L produced Wino at prices in tin ivach u( i very bod v ..L
Also, bust Peanuts to bo found. (Joods imrautml M
to bo Pure and First-Class in every respect.
Thompson's Addition. C- BECHT.