The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 07, 1893, Image 2

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!. & Vt-
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Weekly, 1 year ? l fo
" 6 months- 0 .o ;
3 0 SO
!.ily, 1 year W I
" 0 month. . . . 3 W
per Oioi
Addrv all communication to " T1IK 0IIU0N
IOI.K," The I.llo. Oregon.
npo, can become u possibility: Once n
wook tho mistress paste? in the little
bluek hook of the ciermuii timid servant
u stamp of low tlenominution about live
eents which is bought from the govern
ment. When the maid falls ill or prows
old the government will redeem these
stamps, thus making a small mud for
sickness or old age.
(ieneral Delivery W'lmlow
Money Order '
B'liuUy M "
.mi. m. to 7 p. m.
.. n. in. to -l p. m.
it. m. to 10 a. m.
tTAins koIiir Kat . .9 p. tn. and 11 :45 .i. ai.
" " West . .'J p. iii. and 5:80 p. m.
BtaRO (or (ioldendale 7:30 a.m.
" ITluevlllo. . 5:30 a. m.
" "Dulurand Warm Spring ..5::Ma. m.
" tl-vlng for I.yle & Hartlatid .5:S0 a. m.
" ' ' J Antelope . 5:30 a.m.
Except Sunday.
fTri-weeklv. Tiienlav Thursday and Saturday.
I " ' Monday WeilncMlay and Friday.
OCT. 7, 1S9I5
From the day when the extroulinary
session of the Fifty-third congress com
menced there have been efforts looking to
compromise in the matter of iiuancial
legislation, but until now the efforts had
every appearance of ineffectiveness and
the proposition lacked earnest support,
but it seems as though the movement
toward compromise had assumed deli-
, at ...l. - : t
ime snaue. .uun who art; uiimuus iur . . . . i,.,-.,.,..,. Vmim ivi .,sv,-rts.
legislation insist that both the intense j jR1 knouiea ,,j)0n the door of n physi-
A Miss Shelby of Portland has been
selected to touch the button at the
launch of the war ship Oregon. The
Telegram says it is the most fitting
choice that could be made, as Mis
Shelby is tho granddaughter of the late
Gen. Lane, etc. What about the Aber
uethys, the Xesmiths and a host of
others, who pioneered to the great Pa
cific coast in lS-Cl, '44 and '45 tho-e
who braved, blazed and hewed out the
great state of Oregon'.' We congratu
late Miss Shelby, a very estimable lady,
upon the honor conferred by the au
thorities, but we must, nevertheless, not
forget that there were those who planted
the country's banner on these shores
long before IS ID. whose names are
dearer to old Oregonians than that of
the hero of Uuena Vista.
lie Hob a Doctor of n NlchCs Iteit to
Secure mi Klglit-MUi Klde.
The meanest man in nil the world
lived some years ago at a small town
near Zurich, in Switzerland, if the
story that is told of him be true. One
dark and fogrv nisrht. so the ehron-
and silver men will have to sur
render a little of that for which they
contend or the session will be resultless.
The proposition likely to be adopted if
frank expressions of opinion by legisla
tors of prominence have any value will
be far from satisfactory to those who
represent the silver interests, but it will
be very much better for them than the
mere unconditional repeal of the silver
purchase law of 1S90. It seems as
though an agreement will be reached by
which the purchase of silver will be sus
pended until all the silver now in the
vaults of the treasury department has
been coined, and when that has been
accomplished it will take something
like eight years to do it at the rate of
$1,500,000 a month: the purchase of sil
ver is to be resumed at the rate of 2,000,
000 ounces per month until the total
silver currency in the country is -?SQ0,-000,000.
The compromise also provides
that there shall be immediately a gold
bond issue to the extent of .?200,'000,000,
and the result will, it is claimed, be a
sufficiency of both metals. That the
administration will agree, in advance of
legislative action, to such a compromise
is not at all likely, for tiie president has
declared with all necessary emphasis his
desire to have this session do nothing
but repeal unconditionally the obnox
ious silver purchase act. But if such a
compromise came to him with the ap
proval of both houses he would undoubt
edly sign the bill. That a compromise
like that outlined would go through the
house of representatives is certain ; that
it will go through the senate is quite
The steamship companies have ad
vanced rates on Chinese passenger? from
35 to .f4l, and doubtless wish they
would hurry up with that Geary law.
The Welcome says: If there is any
way on earth or in the L'. S. to choke
off this senatorial yelping, let 'em have
it in heroic doses, uive 'em cloture
or any other gag. Shut off their wind
and still their jaws. Voting is just the
panacea this great country is a-squirm-iug
McClure's Magazine for October will
be of especial interest to members of the
W. C. T. U., for it contains four pictures
of Miss Frances E. Willard, showing
this distinguished lady at four periods of
her life. The beautiful, serious face of
Miss Willard at twenty seems to have
been prophetic of her noble and useful
eian of Zurich, and when the medicine
man appeared in response to his sum
mons lie cried out: "Oil, doctor, make
haste; my wife is dangerously ill!"
The doctor, noting the unpleasant
quality of the night, uttered a sup
pressed prowl of impatience, for the
village to which he was summoned was
about eight miles out of town. How
ever he decided that there was noth
ing for him to do but go, so he ordered
out his carriage and the two drove on
throucrh the damp, cold night, .lust
before they reached F the husband
of the sick woman alighted on some
pretext or other but did not return,
and after driving into the village the
physician found nobody who needed
his assistance. A week later he re
ceived a note, without signature, ex
plaining the mystery:
"Dear Doctor: I am exceedingly
obliged to you for giving me a lift in
your carriage, for I found it impossi
ble to procure another conveyance and
it was a dreadful night. I hope you
will forgive me this once."
A.MOM. the otlleial family of the new
( oivnn ministry at Washington are
Messrs. Vi llluiti, ChowChielctind Chang
lion;,' Whang.
K Wu.iim.M has conferred upon'
William Stelnway, the great piano
maker of New York, the cross of the
Order of the Ued Kagle.
A l'niwcii journalist, M. bardeaux.
proposes to walk- from Paris to Chicago,
by way of Siberia. It is his intention
to cross the llehring straits on the ice.
Till: ex-Hmpress Eugenie exhibited
some amiability of character in Paris
the other day by climbing live llights
of stairs in an apartment house to call
on Victor Duruy, the academician, who
was ill in bed. Duruy was one of Na
poleon llt.'s ministers and the devoted
friend of his family.
'I'm: emperor of Uussia has very un
expectedly announced his intention of
seudiiiL' the ezarewiteh to represent
the imperial family at the English
royal wedding, having probably been
induced to do so by bearing' that Prince
Henry of Prussia was to attend on the
part of Emperor William.
M.mi:. Cai.i.iiu'.iioi: Pauui:n, who came
here as the Greek delegate to the
woman's congress, is recognized in her
native country as the first woman there j
who tried to make way for the entrance i
of women in the various trades and
professions. She represented ten so- 1
cietiesat the late congress, all pltilan- ,
thropic or educational, and most of ,
them under the protection of the queen ,
Ilescrlliod the Chiii-frc-i.
Speaking of railway rates, some one 1
tells this story: In an advertisement ,
by a railway company of some uncalled-for
goods, the letter 1 was
dropped from the word "lawful." The
notice read: "People to whom these
packages are directed, are requested
to come forward and pay the awful
chnr"V- on the same."
"There, is a tide in the a airs of men which, taken at i(sjj0(j
leads on to fortune"
The poot unquestionably hnd roforonco to nio
The Most Smut oka
Skin and Scalp Diseases, the
worst forms of Scrofula, all
blood-taints and poisons of
every name and nature, are
utterly rooted out by Dr.
(..olden Medical Uis
For every disease
by a torpid liver or
blood, it is the only
remedv so certain and effec
tive that it can be guaranteed.
If it fails to benefit or cure,
you have your money back.
Eczema, Tetter, Salt-rheum,
Erysipelas, Hoils, Carbuncles,
Enlarged Glands, Tumors, and
Swellings, and every kindred
ailment, are completely and
permanently cured by it.
IlisMnt Sale lis-
I FDnhR Harm
To every suiTorer from Catarrh,
no matter how bad the case or of
how long standing, the proprietors
of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Kemedy
' T T in miti'f miri it
J IT Kllll V Villi V IVf
and permanently, we'll
$500 in cash." Sold by
say this
all druirgists.
SIS V-rf-- A.-JV,I )T3JM
Annirreetible Laxative unci NEItVK TUNIC.
Sqld hy DriKfffistaorsent by mall. CCi...C0e ,
anil S1.00 l'r puckiiKe. Samples free
Vft HA T" Fnvorlto TOOTH FC77T52
A.W H.W for the Teeth and Ureatb.Sjc.
1'nr bI" ' iili A- ICIm.t-.Iv,
Judging from the designs, nothin
afloat on either fresh or salt water will
be able to touch in Iiuagnificenro the in
tenor finish of the big North America,
as the first boat for the IJuff.ilo-Duluth
route will be called. The saloons, the
ladies' cabin and the dining room arc us
fine as the best and most elaborately de
Higneu iioteis in rev xorK. There is
one staircase that cost $1,500.
Though the money necessarily ex
penueu in keeping our rock crusher
busy would return tenfold, it is perhaps
at this time too great a burden to keep
It employed indefinitely There is
no good reason why the general gov
ernment should not make roudmaking
the object of appropriations. Congress
appropriates millions every year to im
prove rivers and harbors and the benefit
thereby is enjoyed by but a smull num
ber in comparison to those benefitted by
good roads. The government should fa
vor navigation by land us well as by
Under a "paternal" government like
Germany, where every girl in domestic
service is compiled to have her little
book, under the surveillance of the po
lice, showing where she has been em
ployed and how long she stays in each
place, with the necessity, too, of proving
by this book, for a new employer, a
competent character or otherwise, the
following old age inmir ancu, said to have
been ordered by tho emperor three years
A r.VEL'MATtc bumper, to lie u-ed on
trolley carh. to knock carele.-s pedestrian.-,
out of the way without hurtir.c
them, has been contrived by a Halt.
morean. Fouii railway companies, the (ircat
Western, the Great Eastern, the South
western and the Northwestern bring
into London about JU.UUU.OOO gallons of
milk every year.
Fivi: hour.- is the runnintr time be
tween lloston and New York on the
Shore Line of the New York, New
Haven & Hartford railroad an aver
age of forty-six miles an hour.
Only five pa-sengers lost their lives
on liritish railways in 1S01, but there
was a veritable slaughter of railway
servants. Over fluo employes were
killed and more than :i,Wu injured.
Driu.vf. the first six months of this
year 1, OH miles of railroad track was
constructed. The Jtaihvay Age thinks
that this indicates a total construction
for the year of at least :;.00 miles,
which it consider a good record, con
sidering the tim- v
A lIHturliiinue
Isn't what you want, if your -tnmach
and bowels are irregular. That'n about
all you get, though, with the ordinary
pill. It may relieve you for a moment,
but you're usually in ii worm Hate after
ward than before!
This is ju-it where Dr. Pierce'.- Pleas
ant Pellets do most good. Thev act in
an easy and natural wav, very difFurent
from the huge, old-fashioned iiill-.
'PI. ....,,.... .,..1.. . 1,..., l ...
I ,u uuv uiiiv jiie.i-.iuiei . imil mere s
i no reaction afterward, and their help
1 lnU. One little sugar-coated pellet for
! a gentle laxative or corrective three for
j a cathartic. Constipation, Indigestion,
j I'jjlioiis Attacks, Dizziness, Sick and
I Hilious Headaches, are promptly re-
lieved and cured.
they're the smallest, the e.:sie.-t to
t ;k- and the clieupeti pill you can buy,
for they're i)wirunteed to give satisfac
tion, or your money is returned.
You pay only for the ynad you get.
Iurvliij; 'riii-i!.
We desire to say to our citizens, that
for years we have been helling Dr.
Easily, Quickly,
Permanently Restored.
anil all the trainer
Jromi-arlyerrur'HirlAt t
eicvsses, tiiu remit, or
overwork, sl'-lcn.- .
worrv.etc. Full!trt-:.ii.,,
iloTclopment au: i. q
Riven too ery rraii a:nl
iHirtlon of Im t'lj.
simple. naturalr:ie. '.
Ffcc. Failure lni.o 1 !.'.
8.UO references. V--t,
explanation an! pr-Aj
mailed (sealed) rrti .
Is the
Of the Year
N. Y.
I:i th' i.irciiit Cntiri f tho Statu oi irv.;u: for
i he Comity of Wmco.
A. 1) HolMn, 1
rinlntlli; I
. i
Frank ji. iilleiilu
Itf:inln ilUMe. W.
K. Hum mid W. II.
linllcr, Defendant.
To fiaui J. (ItlU'iilc iiHit'Uluxlu UHf:ih .of tin
nftoi i iuiint. ilefauiantt:
In tli-iimiie u( tho i-tute of UreK.iil. ymi uml
each of you me hereby rerjulrtil to uieiir anil
iinhuer ihu comiilalut lllnl u.iiiiKl on in i lie
tjow entltltil suit on or byfou; tin; tirt iluy of
t!..- r-ifiilai term of tho Circuit! 'oitrt ! tin- nl.tti
n( ureiroii for Wnco Ccillllty, next fullimini; tlje
!a:o hereof, lo-ttlt, on or b'.'foio tin-
tilth ilny of" Noviimlior, 18!::,
anil if v. ii fail -o tn atisuer. tor want
t!."r-..f til" tiialutlt!' 1U IHly to tin- Court
for tin- relie' prawil forin hli ciuiiinint. ti.
i ir ailei-re.of lorieldtiiro of tliateertam nmrt
W' cleeil mailt- .mil exeenttil 1a v..ii tn tlii
iiiy jv- iianii i) ilHiutiH'o:i tin-ith iln hi Novi-iu
lr. 1"VJ, i-hii tin liortliv,el quarter ol m Udii
li in tiwnhli ninth rntii:' II eut, u y. , m
Wan-., eoiwitv. tireK-iu, uml that wnl pr.-iu.- '
Ij.- o!il ii ile'r mull for'.'c:lo-iirc- ili-i-ri-i- in tin
manlier iroviltil hy law nml hit iiIiiiix to the
pnictie.. of nihl Court; that from tin- prM-eeiN of
wh wilt" th- tilatntlir have anil rc-ei lve tin- uiirn
luiniiriil ilicj)i ilollnri, mm lnter-,ton
of mm.
nihl mm Mnco .N'oveniher th, IhW, fit tin- rate ol , '""I "Ixty iicriw, nml tltuuti-il
in i?r cent, tut iiuuiiiii: nli-o u further mm of Hto) iloilarx n n reukonahit' iittorm- s feu
for intitutiii tllli Mill to foru-luMi mm inort
Ifaae anil rolled the nolo therehv ami
lien-in "iicil uiion, tci'jellier Willi luainiui m-oi-
In the Circuit Court of tho Ktnti" of OruKOli
. for tho county of Wuk'o.
1 . A. Jllllor, 1
K 1'. Ituynolils, I
Ixfttiilnnt. J
To I!. J'. lietitQldi, (Ac uixii'e-iKii.iei ilefewltint.
I In the nmm; of tho httti of Oretrou, You mi;
liereljy rcoulreil to mit.-nr mm nntiuer tnu Coin
; plaint lllkil nh'iiliit you in thuiilmvu (' Milt
wiinin ieiiMiiyn iroui mo uaio in inu -i.-rvii.-i in
this MiiniiHiiiM upon you. If serveil within thin
county or If i-erveil within any other coutit of
tnu. tutf. then within twenty ilnyh iroui tiie the rervleo of HiIh .-iinuiiiius iiihiii villi;
or Ii M-rwtl upon you hy puhllcatloii, then you
are re'iillrnl to apiir nml nniwcr talil Com
plaint on tin- llrst day of tin- next term of -alii
curt, after six week'H' pulilieatiou of us hum
inoii-., to wit on Monilii, the
l.'ltli ilny Ni.veinlier, lHIKS,
anil i( you fall to so uuser. the nliilutlH' will
I appl) to the court lor Iho relief pruyeil for In
mill I'ouiplaiiit, to Hit for the fortelo-un- of the
I innrtira-je il-i-tlheil in salil couiplalut, ali'l for
jthenaleof tin; preuilr therein ilecrllieil, to
it Hie couth naif of tho quarter,
tin- itorthe.iM iiiarler of tin- soilthueit quarter,
ami the oiitlii"it quarter of the koutheait
quarter, n: fceetion lownshlti nno North,
Kiiiitr. llilrti-.-n l.ait, Wlllmnotto jlerlillaii, con
tiiinmjj one iiiinilrnl mnl alxty ui-re-i, mill iiill
I atul in a-tii county, (m-iton. Almi. thu north
Iml t ol tin- uorthenit quarter, tin- northeiiit
quarter of tin- northwest quarter, anil thoouth
cwt quarter of the northeiiit quarter of heellnn
1 li, 'lown-iilp one North, Kmiiki' tliirteell Knit,
! Uillaini-tte Jleriilhin. i-onlaliiliik' one
in niucn c-ouiuy
lirev'on, iiei-orillinr In law nml the praetli-e of
tlii- c-ourl, mnl that the prixeid of fahl tale la-
appllcil in payment of tho amount securei! hy
salil moitiraire. anil still lllinalil. to-wlt the xuni
of taU), nml intenait thereon at tho rati) of
ami ilifljiirteineiits iiiaile Mid oxim-ihihI In tltl- ! '"'llt l""r ,'t-t l"'r milium from heptemlier '..'il,
Mil, ineluilini; net-ruin,; rust ami cxiiviih- of I ami iin- iiiriner Mini on.-.iw.w, mm iniiir-
i lie. ami th it plallitlll iiaMin jllil','meiit a-imust
oi, me vain 1-railK l. ninenpie, inniuy oen
i-n'-y in tin-proeeuli of sale In satlily full all
King'n Xew Discovery lor Coniiiiinption, iiilumn. that upon such foreclcnure sale iin of
t'i..,.'u v. . r ;r n-n, ! i , ""' HK'it. title, interest mil nlaim of you ami
Dr. Kings .No- Life Pills, Jhicklen's i,r eo iiff.iiiiaiiti, each mnl nil of you ami
Arnica Salve and Klectrlc Hitters, and
have never handled remedies that fcell a?
well, or that have given such universal
satisfaction. We do not heiitate to
guarantee thorn every time, as we stand
ready to refund the nurcha&e price, if
satisfactory results do not follow their
use. There remedies have won their
great popularity purely on their merits.
.SnijKis & Kinoraly's druggists.
tliem, ami all oilier perums claimlm; or to
cialiii in , throiiKh or ninler yem or tiiem.or
either, iii mnl to salil inort,'a(,'eil premlus ami
ever;, part thereof he lorceloswJ ami forever
h irreil from the equity of reilemptloii. That the
plaiutill s allouiil to bl'I iit salil forteloiiire
'ah- ami piirc-fniso salil iiinrtKHKtil preinUon, at
hihoptlon, ami that upon tho salo of sahl inort
KukuI pieinle the purchiioer Ui let into tho
pc,sehkoii theteof. ami every part thereof, Im
iiuiiliitely, unci for such oilier mnl further relief
as to the Court may teem equltahle ami just,
'iii is nummoiis Is serveil iiihiii you, the salil
I'rank I). (illlciiloanil Ithncln (illlespl , h puh
llcatloii In The balles (.'iikonicm:, ii nuwpaer
puhlinhoi wMkly iit Uallea City, Wimeo c-oii ity,
irezon. for ix eoiiseoutlvn weeks, hy orilor of
lion. w . i iiraiwuov, jiiuku oi tain i.ourt,
which order wan duly made, mnl entered at
Good Job rrintiiiK-
If you have your job printing done at '''""". ti.oMth day of Heiitwiiiwr, , im:j.
Tut: CiiitoMCLK vou will have the ad- Attorney for I'lalutlil.
vantage of having it done with the most ' "
modern and approved typo, witii which NOTICE.
we keep continually supplied. All jobs
under the direct suimrvbdon of one of '" lw HJuto of uWou,ir
the most successful and artistic printers i In tho Jlutf-r of tho VMu nt I
in tho Northwest. WUUm llmulltou WIUoii,.in;
t ,wuw i iieieu) iiiveil unit mo iiihivihikhu i,
,,... ., ,, , ..... hy mi order nf the County Court of tliu hlato of
Tygh Valley Kollor Flour .11111. Orexoii, for Wiueo County. mulu mid enlered
1 In I-nmnll,r.,nlr. nlwu l uW.r.. 'l'r 'W- al'-illlU-l uxeo.ltor of till-
- .,..-- , ..v., ... ,w.u jii.i win min ic-iiaineni hi ino s.iii i iiumn
Hour ermal to the best. Also old style
coarse and fine Graham flour, mill feed,
etc. V. M, McCoitKiii:. F'ronr.
til. 11.3m
Just receivetl a scow load of choice oak
wood, Maimi: k Hi:, ton.
est thereoii at tho mtct of c-iitlit x;r cent iiermi
Hum Mnoo Mareli ii). isyij. iiud for mi ntlornoyh'
fee of (ai)Mi, ami for the cost mid dlsliurso-mi'iit-
noiiie ami expended herein. And that
the plnlntlll' will apply tn tho court foriiJudK-
ineiii axainiii you lor any iiencionoy inereiuiiy
to leinaiiiliu,' after tlio nppllcatloii of the pto
ccciIh of said mle as aforesaid.
Vou will further talco iiotlco that tho Hum
raons In this suit Ik served upon you liy puhll
catloii, hj order of tho llonorahlo W f,. Ilrnd
sliaw, .ludie of said Court, h.ilil order hcliiK
dated HeptetnlK.-r'-Ttli, ltw.
Wi,7w Attorii(iyn for I'lulnllH.
Notice. Timber Culture.
I'. 8. IaNlOmc;K,TllK JUM.ks, ()u
Aumist in, ihai. (
Complaint ImvlliL' been en tern I ut tills (lllicn
hy ilarrlettn il, Marnlmll nKalimt I'rostou Kenl
for failure to comply with law as to 'limber
Cultuio Kutry No. .'1110, daUil March VH, IMJ.
ui-iii the NWJj of Becliou Towimhli'J North,
ItaiiKi: II Kant, W, i III Wufcci county, OreKou,
with a view to thu cancellation of said entiy;
contcitaut nlleKliiK that ilefendaiit lias wholly
iHlleiland ncMkcteil to plow or break or cnlti
vato to crop or otherwise, or plant with trcoH,
trio seed or enttliiK". durliiK any nf the time
Miico makliiK his said entry, any part of said
tract, thu said parties nru hereby suminomil to
apK-ar at this (illlcu on thu 'Jlst day of October,
Ih'J.i. nt 10 o'clock A. M.. to respond and lurulsli
tettliuouy ooiiceniliiK said alii-Kcil fnlliiic,
U-lW-it JOHN W. l.fiWIH, ItculMor.
Taken Up.
Ua III 1 1 till i Wlleon. ill-cciseil ; all iiersoiu huvniir
(laluniiii,'4lut said cxliito nru lieiehy noMllcil to
present tr.e hi'iio with the nmin-i vouoheis
inereior to me at thuollieo ol il', lluuii .Ktiin
A, Wilson. Tho lialle-i, Orwn . niii.n x Dim sorrel kcIcIIiik about twelve yearn old, ami
liioillh" from Ilin Diltli llfthUlKltl' liramlcil tliuu D on left nhonliler '-i. .. . .
IMIid The Jiallu., (r , fc'eii 7 )vi.i, nrmiuui iiiiih p on leit Hiiounier. I ho owner
II. ri 111 .'. il.N'd'Kl.S, i ''"I li'tvo tho animal hy pityliiir for this notice
l-.Xfiltor of Will of m II. II im,, ilen'il, j), coopku
J-s'St Aiiuutt lit, lWl,.wtf
Who are soiling thoso poods out nt Kroatly-roducocl ratos
Pipe WorK, Tlii Repairs aofl Boofii
Shop on Third Stre(t, noxt door west of Young it Kusj
lilaoksmiLh Shop.
VVAvV.' '
For S;ilc at a Bargain.
The untlorsi'Micd, li:ivinj; secured the miU'liium uiul
fixtures of wh:il was intended Tor a first-class shoe fiulovy,
will soil the same at a hargain. II ere is an engine and
boiler of -10-odd horse power, and a large amount of slioe
machinery, lasts, lino shafting, pulleys, belting and find
ings almost a complete shoe factory. ,
Mure is also one of the best, sites for successfully oper
ating a factory of this kind to be found in this country.
Write for particulars at once, to
Tlxo Ivlloj3, Or.
Daily and Weekly Editions.
THIS OHKOiMCIilO was established for tho ex
press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalle?
and the surrounding country, and the satisfying
effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. If
now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher
man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and
Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re
gions north of The Dulles hence it if', the best
medium for advertisers in the Inland Kmpire.
The Daii,v CiiijonhmiK is published every eve
ning in the week Sundays excepted at $0.00 w
annum. The Wkkki.v ( liiuo.virnK on Kriduys of
each week at $l.f0 per annum.
For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address
Tlxo Dalles, Oroson.
Reasonably Ruinous Rates.