ljc Dnllce. Chronicle Vol. vi. THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1893. NO. 97. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. l-uidMinl Itiills-.Himiliiy Kxcupted. II v (UK OHKONlOliK PUBLISHING CO .., -wornl iiiul WiiHhtiiBtou HtrcatH, Tliu llalles, OrcKim. Turin" ofHuhiie.rlilliili it, month, lij'rmL-i jlnnlefoW .10 W) TIMi: TAH1.I5N. liullniitilo. In 02i-tt AllKtlHt Ii, IS1.).!. KAhT IIDtJNI), i, i, mih W j r. . Impart II :W) v. 11 Vi:nT IIOIINII. ,r,ju3 .'a.m. Dupuru :i:tl a. m rinloCJii IrclK'its tlmt curry inmhuiiKurN leave . ... t.ii.1 . i mill tmii fur tint mi or in " - - iTiHillH. (jfrincvlilc, vlii. Iltiko Oven, leave dally 'fc.lnn-'i'il"-'. Mitchell, Canyon City, leave 'f: i i.,.,. I. U-.imli. Wuiiltiltlii. Warm put mill Tywli Valley, Iravu dally, except fgiiiuMciiiliilv, Wash., leuvu every iUy n( tin: akticvpt humlay at i a. . Oliwtor nil llii-.v. nt tin; Umatilla House. II riiori:sflioNAi.. II ll,,.tltl t A TT lllllll' V. IT.I .1 11'. , Court Ktrrot, The Dulled. OrcKuli. Ollliu I OUFUII. THANK MKNKPKK. UFUK, A MKNKFKK ATTOKHBYH- AT- j u lliimii" U ami 4U, over I'oHt Ellulli!liiK, l.ntrmn:enn WaihliiRtoii Btreut RtDtlln, Ori-Kim. i IIK.SNKTT, ATTOKNKY-AT-l.AW. 01 A. 4oj Hi fehaiiiuri, huUtllug, up utalrs. The muci, Oregon I.MUYS II. N.IIUNTIMMTON. II. . WII.HOH. UVo, III NT1NHTON A WII.HON ATT0H .l siYh-.iT law - OHlce, French' blixjk over tatNltliiiml HilllL.. 'I Dalll'h. OfllfllM. l U II.HON-ATTOItNr.Y-.4T-I.AW annul" . Vrttieh .tl Cn.'l. lllltlk lllllllllllK. KeCOIld sttwt. Uehallei,, Orexou. DB.KJ1KI.MA.N (IIOM.KOIMTIUCJ I'HYMICIAH ai isuuiiKOH. -(.hIIh uiiNWuml promptly. Jiorciitht city or cnuiit.-y. Olliiu No. HMind .ttiptun block. wU DK 0. 1). DO A N' K- rilYMCIAN AND HUH icos Olticu; riioiiih f mill fi (Jlininnaii S.i Itcfililuiit'u h. h. corner :mirt iiml Four!! itreetn, hw) mil door Iriiin the corner. Oltliotn U to 1'.' A. M.i '-' to 1) anil 7 to 1', SI. 1 illll'AM. DKNTihT. - (las Kivt'ii lor thu . i,Mli.l...K i-rlnii'tinn (if teeth. AlhO toot 1 1 i asnwuil uliiiiiliiiim jilate. Hoouih. Bleu of i.i.l I. U......t..t UI....I, VUlUUll 1 IMIlll , I?l.l.llHt lltlWfr. HOCIlVl'IKh. U'Ai-l'O I 'IlKil., .NO. 10, A. I . iV A. .M.-.ui-uir " tlmt alia tlilnl Mummy m umii nionui in r v. DM.l.Vl)AI AltlMI OHAI'TIvH NO. . llwuin juwinic Hull tliu third Wediuwiny ol h inuntri nt 'i 1' M. III.KS SS'liODMKN OK TI1K WOltl.D. .ri il IIiilCiimtiNo. W.Mi'oth'liirhdavovun IliKofciict' Hixk In FMlernlty Hall, tit 7:110 . in. pOl.r.MlilA l.Olmv;, SO, fi, l.O. O. Mculh V., "!"',' rltlny m-iilm; nt Tiauo'uliwk, In K. (il I llllll. I'lill.i.r I I ,....- fnJiiiiriiliiKliriillieiN t,te wulciiiiir. 11 (,l.iiU(iii, hir y . A. 1IIM.H.N. (1. LM'.ll.MIHllIl' I.OIK.K, NO. !)., K. of 1'.--Mf0tn "-'very ilouilay uumiIiik at 7:1!0 o'rlock, In 3CHHiino s ImllitlriK. corner of (.'oiirt iiml Hi-comt ttr.n.th U..I....B i ... .v. v iiiviiiuvim arc coriiiauy in- 1. W Vadnk, K of It mid H. C. (J. A tv)h;V.lt.1 N0- lv-7' K- i-.-Mit!t in k. on hall thoKronil mid fourth Wudncx IT of each in in til at 7::ui p. m. W0pJS?mV V,!,UIKT,AN TK.MI'KUKNOK tt3o'clix:k nt the rendliiK room. Allure Invlteil. Hrmiin 1ku No. Mil, I. o. (1. T.-lteKiilnr . weekly meetliiL'N Krlil.n- nt k i- af pMttlllty Hall. AllV.r wi.r..! till II I N U A I V .' I.. ...... C. , n. t I i.r.i.ii, ,iJ UII.K l.ODOK NO. 3, A. O. II. V.-.Meet b l-ralernlty Hall, over Kfllem, nil Becond Tliumilay uvuiiIiik'h t 7::ai. r, ., H. HANHKN, in nil, rimini'litr, M, W, J'H-MITH I'OHT. No. If.', (1. A. H.-.Mects l!l III l r. M.. Ill IIIUK.OI I . J), ,;, MeeiNisveryKuiiduyiiftcriiooiilii if tliu K. of I' Hull. (iKSANll VUUKIN MiftM overy fiundnv il. VWIR In thu K. Of 1'. llllll, B. "i-' !' "IVIHION, No. lf.7-MeetH tu aitnf. I' '' Hull thollrHt and third Wwlnea "'vncli month, at 7:3or. u. TIIK OIIIIUOIIKN. STh!H,1:!!h 1KJII - Uov. Kntlior Hhonh U m ii . '1 or, Uw JIiish uvory Hiiiulay tit If.' M, ''Hh Miihh nt 1U;30a,i VcHiern nt STKiIA,'M,('lll1IU)H -Union Htreut, opposlli) itery u '; , "." i'. wiiuiliiio Hector, berviccH 7.30 lJ-A- - HveiiliiK 1'iny ft; THE DALLES National Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. I're.Hiilont Z. F. Moony Vl(!ti-PrOHi(l(l!lt, ClIAUI.KH Ull.TO.V CitHlmir, M. A. Moody General Hanking Business Transacted Si'iit KxchitiiKtiH Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO anil PORTLAND, OR Collection!) niiule on favoroble terniB ut nil itccoHHililo pointH. FRENCH & CO. BANKERS. TKANHAOT A KENKKAl. IIANKINO 1HIHINKHH Iitture of Criidit iHHtiud iivnilablt) in he EiiHturn Statea. Sii;lit Esehiint'o und 'J'elegrnphic I niiiHlerHHOldon Pesv orK, (Jliicugo, ht. I)tiiH, Sun FruniiiHeo, Portland Oregon, Sisuttle WuhIi., und vuriouH points in Or egon und liHliuiKton. Colli'CtioiiH Hindi; ut nil pointH on fuv onihlo terniH. I. ti. HCHCNCK, 1'renldent. .1. M. I'ATTIIIl'-O.V, CBHliler. First Rational Bank. VHE DALLES, - OREGON A General Hanking BiisineHB transaeted DejioaitH reeeived, HUbject to bight Draft or Cheek. ColleetioiiH inudti and jiroeeedH prom fitly remitted on duj' of colleution. Sipht and Telegraphic Excliange Bold ou ev l ork, bun i'ranciHuo und i'ort-huid. DIKBOTOKS. I). P. TllOMI'HON. J.NO. S. SOIIUNCK. Ei. M. Wiu.ia.mh, Geo. A. Lii:he. II. M. IJUAU.. W. H. YOUNG, 1? p fow"fb. AVoid Soc!Jei Jbaistry? i(e ?R0BL is Solved jby tfie (Droducti'on, of our NevV Shorten in. Wiicf rriaKes fthtj cvisp, hea!ti fatwfiolesome jbaslry; You canT arfora to do REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES. EM. K. FAIRBANK &. CO., ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO, NCVJ YORK, BOSTON. BiacKsmiifi & wagon stiop Generitl Illackmnithini; and Work don' promptly, and all work Guaranteed. 3'? Hopse Shoeing Speciality Third Street, op. Liclic's old Stand, House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepiifed to tlo any and all kinds of work in his lino at reasonable figures. .Has tlio largest house moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. . Addross P.O.Box 181,The Dalles !tn i. ii iinilMV 'iiiyur on Krldiiy nt ItA I'TIu'n , iiiii,, i. i t ii n' i v. 1 mi i. . Mill' lUil ivtiv i U)i MornliiK wirvlOiiH ovury Hub- School I, A0 "'It-'iay tit it a. m. Hnlilmth W in i '1''11!1'!1!' "" imirnln CorvlceK, Jn'v '"K , rl,1,l' "VOIlllIB iitl'iwlor'H lOHl- h,' Ull," xurvleoN In tho court hoilho ut Cc!iiVfi,;i.T,PNAI' OHUIUIII-Kov. W. (I. Hik, ,'' ' Hiiiiilny Hchool iiftor inornlnK . "IrniiKCTH corilltilly litvltcil. Hen Ih free. M Li!i.!!?,UJIIT,uv' ' Wiiimi.MIi, laiHlor. Sdnv ? vryBuulny mnrulUKiit II n. in. If? fat T.! l'-!!V'0i'flloiK- ! m. Kpivorth "'lo i !"' Imr t 7:3t o'lilonk. A uor.lliil In' tpm i ustuinibii by both paiter iiml peoido ,Q' ' torA N. ,3 ' H ( J 1 1 - K IS V. J. W.JKNKIHH, tHU .hiIi, 1 ,'w,0.h,.'K III tho CoilKtt'KiltloUill Wlyinvltwi" y wt a v' ,Ul Mro jfiVtv0'.1,1' LUTHKItAN Ninth Ktreot' fill A Horn, iiuut,. u....i,.,.., t.ui ' Hurvlciw tit lliSOii.iii, m, A cuiilltil wclcomu "The Regulator Line" The Dalles, Portlanfl anfl Astoria Navigation Co. THROUG-H J. I FORD, ist, Of Dvm Molne.-,, Iowa, wrlWs under date ol Mnrch '.'3, lb'ja: S. 1$. Mud. Mro. Co., Dufur, OruKuu. Gentlemm : , , , , . :,.. lininii luuf. u'li.tlr. I fnlliid Vll 11III1II ,..iv , .-"-- - - all woll and anxiounly awaitini;. Our ... . at, 1 I. . .11 lictlu Rirl, oiKUt ana one-nan .visum um, who had wasted away to !18 pounds, 1h inv.i- n'lill uii-nni. mwl vii'iiroiiH. and well lleshod up. S. J!. Coutfh Cure has done its work woll. -Both of the children like ii v.Mtr K it f'nui'li (linn has cured and kept away all hoarseness from mo. So nivo it to overy one, with reetin for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are v., nt.. ., M..u i i,' ir.iiMi. 1 uui n, m h iv hi im. ... . . If vim m-!nIi to feel fresh mid tiheerflll.tiud ready for thu KirhiK'H v,ork, itlemiho your hyHtum with thu lleadiiohu null l.lver Oure, by tiikitiB twoot three doheH enoh week. Hold under u noiiltlvu KUtiriillteo. &0 cuutK )iur bottlu by till itnm'KlHlK, C. F. STEPHENS, UlfALlCR IN DRY GOODS ff Qlothing llonlH, HIiotiH, llntH, Ktu. Ktc, Ktu., Kto. Seoond St., The Dalles. Freipni and Passenger Line Through daily service Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles ut 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade licks with steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dulles City leaves Portland (Yamhill stieet dock) ut ( a. m. con necting with steamer Regulator for The Dulles. I'ASSliNOKK KATES. One way Round trip. . . . ,..if2.00 . . . 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipmouts for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipmente for way landings' must be delivered before 5 p. in. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, Uonural A gout. B. F. LAUGHLIN, Uenerul Mmiuger. THE DALLES, OREGON ARTIC FACTORY SODA WATER AND I0E 0KEAM. Candies and Nuts "i-laix1: Specialties Klnost Poaiuit Roaster In Tho Dalles 2 38 2d Street J.FOLCO At right bide Mm. Oharr't retitnuriiut. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, popular ami reliable house has been entirely refurnished, and every room has been ropapored and repalntc and newly carpeted throughout. The house contains 170 rooms and is supplleo with ovorv modorn convenience. Rates leasoimbre. A good restaurant attachec" to the house. Krer bus to und from all trains. C. W. KNOWI.ES, Prop, KILLED HIS MISTRESS The Murderer Then Blew His Own Brains Ont, A TRAGEDY IN STOCKTON, CAL Incendiaries in La Grande-Pallas, the Anarchist, Shot in the Hack. Stockton, Cal.. Oct. 0. A Portuguese named Al Rogers attempted to murder his mistrcsf, a French girl named Alice Tifiare, shooting her twice in the head, also inflicting wounds with the butt of the pistol. She will die. He then shot himself through the bruin. The I.a Grande Tire. La GnAMn, Or., Oct. G. While re turning home last night, OI?un, the miller of tho Alliance Flouring Com bany, heard a man whistle and run alone the platform of the Hamilton- Rourke elevator, also one inside the building. His suspicions were aroused, and he notified Titcomb, the agent, who accompanied the marshal to the eleva tor. Mischief was evidently intended, for the door was unlocked and open. Some advanced the theory it was an in cendiary, on account of the fire of Wednesday, but nothing proved this idea. Others thought it was robbery, the robbers supposing money to be kept there. There is no clew to the men. The heaviest losers of Wednesday niu'htare: A. H. Conley, 25,000 bush els; J. L. Caviness, 1,000 bushels, no insurance; Pacific Coast Elevator Com pany, a few thousand bushels left from last season. The fire is believed to have been incendiary. There was no fire in side the building for L'4 hours. They will not rebuild soon. .Shot iu the Hack. Bakcxlo.va, Oct. G. Pallas, the an archist who September 24th made an at tempt on the life of Captain-General Martinez Campos by throwing two bombs at him, was shot at S o'clock this morning, according to the sentence of the court-martial which tried him. From first to last he icfused the minis trations of the priests, sneered at their exhortations, lauuhed at their pictures of the future state of the unrepentant, and marched to the place of execution singing an anarchist song, as if to drown the words of the holy fathers of the church who walked by his side. The execution took place in an enclosure near the castle of Moimuich. A large body of troops with small arms formed three sides of a squat e facing the death wall, against which Pallas was placed. Out side the line of troops crowds of people gathered, though not so great as it would have been but for the fact that the place of execution was not announced in ad vance, with a view to prevent an oppor tunity to Pallas' anarchistic friends from plotting a dynamite outrage in connec tion with it. The preliminariesarranged, the firing squad were drawn up, with fun loaded. Pallas was placed against the wall, his back to the firing squad, a sharp order was given, the guns came to the shoulder, and as the commanding officer's sword Hashed downward a vol ley rang out, and Pallas fell forward dead. Then tho body was lifted up, the troops marched away and nil was over. Northern I'tii'llli' TiiiIh ICohbern. Tacoma, Oct. 5, The light with North em Pacific train robbers resulted in the capture of three men and tho killing of tho other. This occurred ednesday night about 10 o'clock, near Java, tho second station on tho Great Northern line west of Summit Rocks. After the robbers had left a cabin near tho sum mit, a posso of S5 men closed around them. The robbers pushed westward, no doubt with hopes of crossing the Rockies and escaping into tho Flathead country. When the posse at Java sighted tho robber-', the latter were or dered to surrender. They refused and the olllcers opened lire. The robber killed was John Chipniuii. Hun Hull, alias Mattocks, is shot through the thigh and not expected to live. "I consider Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a specific for croup. It is very pleasant to take, which is onooftho most important requisites whero a cough remedy is intended for use among chil dren. ' I have known of cases of croup whore 1 know the lifo of a little one was saved by the use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy." J. J. UGrunge, drug- gist, Avoca, Neb. fiO cent bottles for sale by Hlakeley & Houghton. Karl's Clover Root, tho new blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to tho complexion and cures constipation. 25c, 50c. and $1.00. Sold by Snipes & Kinorsly, druggists. NEWS NOTES. THE CHURCHES. The Franklinville, Erie county, N. Y., No preaching services at the Congre- canning company put up !S0, 000 cans of gational church tomorrow. Sunday sweet corn, or fourteen carloads, school and young people's meeting at Wednesdav. I the usual hour. A collision occurred on the Louisville it Nashville railroad on the (5th at Geth semane, Ky., in which two trainmen were instantly killed. Mrs. Cleveland is out again and has so far recovered that she takes an occa sional drive with the president. The baby, too, is doing well. "White Rose," wife of "White Hull," chief of the Iroquois tribe of Indians, while riding in a race on tho fair grounds at Berwick, Pa., was thrown against the railins enclosing the track and received fatal injuries. Three burglars were discovered by two policemen in the act of robbing a store at Grand Island, Neb. The thieves opened fire, wounding Policeman Joseph Smith in the leg. The officers returned the fire, killing one burglar. Advices report that Chili is sending 400 cavalrv horses, eight Krupp guns and 10,000 Mannlicher rifles to Bolivia. This is taken to indicate an alliance hos tile to Peru, the two countries Chili and Bolivia believing that in her pres ent straits Brazil could not lend a help ing hand to Peru. NEWS OF THE STATE. Programmu of services at Christian church Sunday school at !):.'50 a. m. Sermon at 11 o'clock; subject "Living Epistles." Prcachingat 8 o'clock p. m. ; subject "Harps on the Willows." Half hour song service, beginning at 7:.'i0. A hearty welcome is extended to all. Methodist Episcopal church, comer of Washington and Fifth streets, Rev. J. Whisler, pastor. Sermon by the pastor at 1 1 p. in. and 7 :130 p. m. ; Sunday school after morning service; Junior League at 5 p. m.; Epworth League at (5:80 p. in.; class meeting Sunday at 10 a. in. and Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. ; prayer meeting i Thursday at 7:130 p. m. Seats free. A cordial welcome to all. THEY It Wns LOST THE WRONG MEN. The financial depression has caused a cancellation of theatrical companies con templating a Pacific coast tour. The county fair at Chehalis has thus far been a failure on account of the rain, which set in the first of the week. Had it not been for this untoward circum stance the fair would probably have ex celled anv of those held in former vears. The opal fields on Burnt river near the farm of Airs. Eugene Smith are attract ing considerable attention and the prec ious stones found there carry the fine and variagated colors that make the Mexican opal so valuable. Several per sons are prospecting the fields and with good success. The quiet little city of Lebanon has been thrown into excitement over the shooting ol Andrew Vail by himself. Vail says he shot himself accidentally as he went to scale the fence, but the gen eral opinion is that it was a premedi tated case of suicide. The cause assigned is that he was jealous of his wife. One of the most prominent lager beer saloon-keepers in Portland Etated to a Telegiam man that within the past six months the retail sale of beer in Port land had dropped 50 percent. This he attributes to the involuntarv idleness of t small army of laboring men, who, ho illeges, are the largest percentage of beer consumers. A Million I'rlemU. A friend in need is a friend indeed and not less than one million people have found just such a friend in Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds. If you have never used this Great Cough Medicine, one trial will convince you that it has wonderful curative powers in all diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs. Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that is claimed or money will bo refunded. Trial bottles free at Snipes A Kiuersly's drug store. Largo bottles 50c and $1.00. "During my term of service in the armv i contracted cnronic diarrmua. says A. E. Beneing, of Halaey, Oregon. "Sincethen'Iihave used a great amount of medicine, but when I found any that would givo me relief they would injure my stomach, until Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrluea Remedy was brought to my notice. 1 used it and will say it is the only remedy that gave me permanent relief and no bad results follow." For sale by Blukeley A: Houghton. Ituckleii't, A rutin nuliu. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, suit rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Snipes A Kin orsly Only tho CJood Sailors Who Dc- scrtoil tho Foreign ISoaU. The number of desertions that actu ally occurred while the foreign ships of war were here has not been pub lished, but since no complaint has been heard from the commanders generally the number cannot have been large. Down at Old Point Comfort, just as the ships were weighing anchor to move up to this city, a reporter of the New York Sun asked the captain of one of the English ships how many men he lost iu Virginia. "Only four, sir," said the captain, "but they were the wrong1 four. When we dropped anchor here I called up a number of men that I had had my eyes on for a long time, and I said to them: 'Look here,' I said, 'j-ou're a bad lot. You're always making' trouble aboard ship. I'll tell you what I'll do with you. I'll give you five shillings apiece if you'll cut and run when you go ashore here.' "That's what I said to them, but they're with me 3"et. You can't get rid of bad pennies like them. They'd rather stay and stir up mischief. It's the good men that we lost, and more of them take French leave in New York. It's the ambitious, push-ahead fellows who thinlc they'll get to be Vanderbilts if they have half a chance those are the kiiy.l that turn lip miss ing every time." The South American Hummock. Picturesque as the hammock is, it can hardly be said to be popular in this latitude, even when the heats of sum mer commend its use. This arises pnrtly from the fact that the hammock commonly sold is not made upon scien tific princples. The South American hammock is twice as broad and half as long again as any, one sees upon lawns and piazzas hereabouts. When prop erly swung- this lurgv hammock enables the tallest man, by taking a diagonal position, to lie straight and almost level, with the head slightly elevated. To lie thus in such a hammock is to in sure safe and comfortable sleep. IN PUBLIC LIFE. PitKSimiN'T Ci.kvki.an'I) receives from ten to twenty letters a day containing recipes for reducing his obesity. Wii.i.i.vm V. Haiuhtv, the chairman of the democratic national committee, has not taken a holiday for ten years. Miss. A.v.nii: Moohi:, who has the reputation of being the only woman president of a national bank (Mount Pleasant, Tex.,) is described as a dark eomplexioned woman, with peculiarly brilliant eyes and soft voice and gentle manners Phivati: Si:ci!i:taiiv Laxdis, Secre tary Greshnm'.s right-hand man who sits on his. left, however, by the win dow enjoys the confidence of his chief to an unusual degree, oven among- statesmen who know how to put a privato secretary to the greatest possible use. Wood! Wood! Wood! Best quality fir, oak and slab wood. Leave orders at 13;i Second street or comer Third and Union. All orders promptly attended to. Maikk it Hkxton. won ii, wooii, woo ii. Hest grades of oak, fir, und slab cord wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T. Peters A Co. (Ollico Second and Jell'er sou streets.! IIoiiki) for Six-room house to located. Apply to tf Ask your deuler Stove Polish. for Ittllll. vent. Centrally II. Gi.r.NN. Mexican Silver Mexican Silver Stovo Polish causes dust. no I'u r limit. Rooms to rent at Rev. A. Horn's resi- deuce on Ninth street. G-2:idaw, Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Baking Powder ABSOLUTE! PURE