The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 06, 1893, Image 3

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    0 OUR
! OUR t
, Oct. 7, 1893.
Watches Given Away.
ri. all goods marked
v jn plain figures. 1"
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Hntonil n ihu I'lihtnlllcu nt TIib DiillcR, OrcRon,
,ih ki't'oiiu-uiiiKK mutter.
I. oral Ad vrtltliig
t'J ( L-nt'N per lino for llrnt Insertion, mid f Cent
it: Hue (or i'iioIi HiiliHC(ii(!iit lunvrtion.
ili-clii rates for long tlmu notlceK.
Ali Iiitiu noticed received Inter tlmu 3 o'clock
III iiiivut the, lollowiin; dii)'.
PttiilAY. -
OCT. 0, 189.'!
TV Daily and Weekly Chronicle, way
U found on mle at T. V. Nickelnen's More.
A Suvnry Miink From .MlKcellitneouit
N lVh ItllK.
"A woniiurK WllI'K tilt' will "f CillU."
mi Mtltt tliu tiiiiulhli lirit'Ht.
Tliu Kiimlnr(lh-Mill tlir Kiimliir(lK me
Vrc illploiuntN at IciiHt.
Mr. Net). Simonson luiH loented him
fioH uii))UHitu Lauor'n fruit Hlore.
Tliu Mignonette club will give it whist
party, innteud of a dance, in Fraternity
lm Umh evonine:.
U you know it local news item, tell it
t Uuuiisn'i.i: reporter. AVo deniro to
jmhlieh al w llt,wfi. 1
Tlie Junior League will postpone the
entertainment and pio Hooial until fur
ther notice on account of thudeuth of
Walter French,
Tlie funeral of Walter French will
take place from tj, ,jy rcaidem'c at
10.:!0 o'clock tomorrow nioruin. All
friends are invited.
lohn J mile will remove hiH barber
hIioji from tho Knot End to the building
fornierly occupied an it reHtaunuit next
t'J W. II. MuttH' Haloon.
Tlie nierry-tjo-routid arrived on the
Ki'Kiilalor liiHt ovenine; und will try for
"ttraction at the dimrict fair, which
tulu'H place on next Tuemlay.
Ia-hhoiih in paintine; are to bo given by
MisH I lolcomb Friday afternoon from 1
mtil :i, at room 7, over 1'eiiHo it Mays'
'lore. Terms are fit) cents per lesson.
1-tisl night's nvin was so heavy that
considerable daiiiagu was done to grain
"tucks, those which had beon carelessly
stacked becoming wet down to tho
'Hie netitloiiH u'liii'li luivii liiiim I'li'i'ii.
'"ted throughout tho country tmd signed
' be returned to Tun Ohuonici.k
ofllce, wj'.oi, they will receive tho jiropor
A number of persons uvntlod thorn
et'lvesof Mr. Ilerrin's coupon oiler of
yeHtorduy for free crayon. Tho couon
W'U not up pour again und the ehanco is
Ko aftor tomorrow.
I'Oslio Butler hai nindo arriuigemontu
wlioroby tho pours nnd apples which
mve dropped on tho jjromid enn bo util
ised, so that tho thrifty orcliaidist will
'"so nothing on this scoro.
Thlii city was visited with the heaviest
Uown Pour of rain lust night that ever
ws known at thisJaeuHon of tho your. It
JKn ubout eight o'clock and continued
"'I ultur midnight. Tho rata uago re-co"!od-),ofaninoh.
Judgo A. S. Bennett and Prosecuting
Attorney Wilson huvo returned from
J ran t court ut Mor0t In th(j cuao of
''ombreeo for ittaitHlaughter, tho de
oiiUunt was iiequltted, and Z. 1. Jones,
,nn'iiijury, Wft8 discharged.
'r,"'iig Is ut half mast on tho High
U'ool building in respoottotho memory
waiter I'lonuh, whoso death was un
noitnced yesterday. The expression of
grief is very approprinto, as Walter was
a prime favorite among his school fellows.
Aamold, as a violinist, is a revelation
in his particular field of the musical art,
as lias been demonstrated to hundreds
who have had Die good fortune to hear
his interpretation of Chopin, 'Wieniawsk
and Viettxtemps. St. Joseph Daily
.Vews, Oct. Gth, 1S00.
John Doe, that national bcapegoat, is
accused of a higher crime than usual to
day. A trial is being held at Justice
Schutz' court this alternoon, wherein
John Doe is accused of entering Mrs.
Beezley's house the night of October 3d
und appropriating various articles. The
complaining witness is Mr. M. L. Jamison.
The Epworth League has elected the
following officers for the ensuing year
Mr. S. Winzler. president; Mr. E.J
Collins, firpt vice-president; Mrs. K
Cross, second vice-president; Mrs. F
Uaworth, third vice-president ; Miss L.
Ituch, fourth vice-president; V. A
Kirby, secretary ; Miss Edith Handall
treasurer; Miss L. h. Hueh, organist;
John I'arrott, chorister.
Four horses came up on tlie boat last
ninlit to make entry for the coming fair
Their names and owners were: Tally
years old, owned by Jerry Youm:, IVine
villi! ; Fanny "years, owned by John
Throne of Pendleton : Vigilante and
Shakespeare, - years old, owned by Mr
Morris of Pendleton. These horses have
been on the circuit this year and won
sonio gooil races.
A character in Hazelton is "Jack"
McCatthy, where he runs tho daily
miner. His advertising methods are
oriirinal. as well as ellectuul. He was
anxious to get business from u linn that
advertised in his field, and wrote solicit
ing an order for his paper. Tlie reply
came, "Where does your paper go?"
With promptness "Jack" answered,
"To North and South America, Europe,
Asia and Africa; and is all I can do to
keep it from going to h ." lie got
the contract.
Sinnt'lliliii; WrtiiiB HoiiUMvht'rt'.
A fruit grower has received a letter
from tho Earl company leiiuestiug him
to find about more to put up to the
company, after selling hia fruit and
keeping all tho money for expenses, and
in case ho is out of money, as might
reasonably bo expected, after paying
his help and other expenses from last
year's capital, wants him to sign a note
for tho amount, bearing S per cent, in
terest, puyablo next year in fruit, to bo
again shipped by tho Karl company.
Tho gentleman announces ilutly that ho
will utt do it, und invites proceedings
that will compel him to do so. Con
ceding that what Mr. Clnrk suid in yes
terday's CituoNioiiK is true, that on ac
count of the poor prices realized for fruit
this year, shipments were attended
with loss, the sumo with California us
with Oregon growers, it is yet to be ex
plained why tho Earl company extended'
their Held to Oregon in the face of their
losses in California. Ordinary business
prudence should have suggested to them
that it wus no timo to reach out for
more business, when they were losing
steadily from the ou'tsot. The anger of
the shipper receiving tho bill is quite
nutural. No one likes to pay a tux for
the privilege of having their fruit sold.
Oh tho other hand those hero who
shipped independent of tho Earl com
pany got fair returns, and nindo money
out of the season.
Use Mexiciin Silver Wtove Polish.
A A I'tfran Ciono.
James Underbill, of Boyd, died at 9
a. m., Thursday, October 4th, 1S93. He
was born in Devonshire, Eng., February
2d, 1840, coming with his parents to the
United States the following year. Ho
was raised in Boston, where he learned
the trade of a wheelwright. He was the
second to enlist of the 110-day volunteers
in the U. S. army under Lincoln, and is
a brother of Captain Nimrod Underbill
who was killed in the battle ot Gettys
burg Julv 3d, 1804. Ho came to The
Dalles in March, 1S79, and has lived in
Wasco county ever since. He leaves a
wife and Eeven children, all of whom, ex
cept one son, were present at his bedside
at the time of his death.
Funeral services will be held at his
place Saturday afternoon, burial to take
place in the Dufur cemetery.
Mrs. S. A. Byrne is ill with typhoid
Mr. E. M. Wingate left yestesday for
Mr. Newt. Burgees of Bake Oven was
in the city yesterday.
We regret to learn that Mr. Corson is
conmicd to li's bed and m a verv unsat
isfactory state of health.
Mr. Ed. Williams and Miss Maie
Williams were passengers on the Itegu
lator for Portland this morning.
Mr. A. J. Anderson returned last
evening from a trip to iacoma, Wash.,
where he had gone to attend to the (lis
jiosal of fruit, etc., which be shipped to
that place a coujuo oi wccks ago.
Mrs. J. W. Kigby and daughter, who
have been visiting -Mr. Christian Nick
elsen in this citv for several davs. were
pushongerH on the steamer Regulator
this morning for lTniversity Park, where
Miss Kigby will attend the university
during the academic year.
Mr. Thos. Gavin, brother of Prof.
Gavin of our city schools, returned to
Portland this morning, having been a
visitor of the professor lor the past few
days. Mr. Gavin will, on his return
home, take a run to the world's fair and
visit his old home, which ho has not
seen for seven years.
HOTtJl, .UiltlVAI.S.
Cnliimliin (jlinrli'H Davis, if KiMijnI
I" I'iiiri'ii llnnil RiviM" AT I.unimia f
ooi, unuries j.uri, jonn eoasttn, John
Peters, A Jansen and wife, J Fitzgerald,
(liiKCMiln Lni'lvS! fl Smith. .1 llivrm li" It
Adams, D Dawson, J Hurly, Grants; M
l''lriii mill u'ifi'. W Elinn. A! Mlmn
J avior King, Anieiupo; v J. Jetty, J O
x' ii.. i I... v i " '
iMJijiuiii, vyuiujiiuu , u i;rvuiu, A i
Bairy. Portland; M Adler, Vancouver;
Nutlet) to l)i'lliiiiii'iil TitximyorH.
All delinquent taxpayers that don't
want their names advertised hud better
come forward, as the roll will be pub
lished on the 21st of this month.
T. A. Wabu, Sheriff.
Dlgt'Htlon the (ireut Seeret of Life,
Simmons' Liver Regulator is tho only
medicine that relieved mo after suffer
ing live years with dyspepsia, sick head
ache and constipation.
Gko, S, Aykks,
Deluplane Sta., Vu.
During my term of service in tho
army l contrnctea chronic uinrrluea,"
says A, E. Benelug, of Halaey, Oregon.
'Sincejtlienillliavo used a greut amount
of medicine, but when I found any that
would give me relief they would injure
my stomach, until Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhu'ii Remedy was
brought to my notice. I used it und
will say it is the only remody that gave
me permanent relief and no bad results
follow." For sale by Blukeley & Hough
Ask vour denier for Mexican Silver
Stove Polish.
An KiitcrtnltiliiK Amount of 1t Origin
Mini KnliMi'iiueiil IIMory.
.. ...
I'.iiiToit omiosRi.i:. As there seems
to bo eoiiHili'i iibli! inteiest taken in the
"M'edk'f-s apple nibjeet" by tho
cm: household, I will throw what little
light I can on the question.
I have had for the past eighteen years
a stock of what is known as the seedless
apple. Tins apple originated in Vir
ginia, and the old parent tree was living
and healthy about fifteen years ago and
was then i.j years old. The scions of
this tree wore brought to Wisconsin by
an officer of tho Union army about the
year 1801 and presented to Mr. Charles
Waters, who was at that time a nursery
man in the latter state, and by him this
variety was propagated and dissemin
ated through the western country. '.
nave in ncaring on mv place somo
twenty trees that are fifteen years old
Die trees are very healthy, moderately
productive, annual bearer, fruit medium
size, color dull russet red, flesh firm and
very solid, having no core or seed, quid
ity only second rate, a long keeper, hav
ing kept them under ordinary condi
tions nearly a year. Whether the apple
which has recently been discovered at
Columbus, Wash., is identical am not
prepared to say, having never seen the
fruit of the latter. Yours truly,
A. H. Jhwktt.
A Letter from Mr. Momlcr.
Mn. Editoii: I see in your paper
that the jury failed to agree in tho case
of tho state vs. Win. Watson for tearing
down J. H.Mosier's fence, he supposing
it to be obstructing the county road,
which can be proven it is not and never
did. When he hitched his team to my
fence and pulled downjfifteen yards of it
he knew he threw open seven hundred
acres of land, besides letting my sheep
all get together. Consequently my
ewes will lamb in January and the
lamb3 will be a total loss. I wish to
state that this fence has been built for
thirty-five years and I never knew there
was n law to uphold any man in tearing
or pulling down a fence on a person's
own property. I will say right here,
that if any man says I have fenced or
obstructed the public highway in any
way, Ebape or form, he is a liar and the
truth is not in him. The state and
county road was fenced up about a year
ago by one Milton Harlan, the road the
public travel is on my land, it was made
as a shorter and more convenient way,
has never been obstructed by me, and
Mr. Watson or any other man is per
fectly welcome to travel it. I hae al
lowed the public a road and gateway
through my premises to the depot in the
place most convenient for the general
hauling business, only stipulating that
the gate be closed by those using it. I
cannot see what more just or satisfactory
arrangements could be made. In con
clusion any interested person or parties
can see the grounds, roads, etc., and
judge for themselves whether I have ob
structed any county or public roadway.
Yours Respectfully,
.1. H.
Mosiiin, Oct. 5, 1S93.
Itcul IMnto.
State of Oregon to Solomon Ilouser,
west half section K5, township 5 south
of range 10 east, 1120 acres.
State of Oiegon to Rudolph Marsh,
swamp land, lot Ii, section township
.$ north of range 10 east, IJO.OO acres.
Dalles City to Nellie and Frank C
Waldron, lots 1 and 2, block II, Trevett's
State of Oregon to Solomon Uouser,
northwest quarter of section 1(5, town
ship 5 south of range 10 east, $200.
MlAItl'MICIKl. I'll., Jill). J", IM)J.
.Mn J, J. Ki:n.,
Slinritviiiirtr. 1'a..
1)i:aii sut -1 luts u unit Kriiusu's Mcmliinlio
CiijimiU's for Mime time nml wimt to testify to
llll'ir Vtllllu. 1 ini'U Hri'Mii nvu iiruimm ilin.t
iiii'illfiiii's. tm t L'nt no lellef until I llH'il thi'M'.
unit now won lil not lie without tlieiu for ten
times their eot. , ,,
Youth reieeiiitiiy T. KUDOWICK.
Sold by Snli'fj. .V- Kilurt-ly.
Wooil! Wooil! Wood!
Best quality llr, oak and slab wood.
Leave orders at K5.'i Second street or
corner Third and Union. All orders
promptly attended to.
M.uiut & Bknton.
Cuoil .loll l'riiitlliB.
If vou have your job printing done at
Tun Cinto.vici.i-: you will havo the ad-
antaL'e of having it done with the most
modern and approved typo, with which
wo keop continually supplied. All jobs
under tho direct supervision of ono of
the most successful and artistic printers
in tho Northwest.
Tj'jjli Viilley Holler Flour Mill.
Is in comnlete repair; always in store
flour eouul to the best. Also old stylo
con r so and fine Graham flour, mill feed,
etc. W. M. McCoitKi.ti, Propr.
For the Fall Trade
Wo nro now1 ready with a full line of
Black. oxacL
and all other kinds of Dry Goods
Wo are noted for the good values wo give
in Bleached and Unbleached Muslins, "
Sheetings, Prints. Ginghams, Boots anil ( )
Shoes, HoHicrv. GentR1 Furnishings, etc.. etc. j-
The Balance of our Summer Importations now
Clearing Out AT COST.
Cor. Court and second sis.
tub Dalles, Oregon.
Fancy Goods and Notions,
Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc.
now complete in every department.
All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices.
Terms Cash.
H. Herbring.
Thus Space
112 Second Street.
A recent discovery y on otij
jiliyslolan. Hucces.'uVu tweil
monthlu bu thousamls cf
I.aClcs. U tho only jrerfectly
euro and reliable innllduo dis
covered. Downro ct wiprlucljilcd druKstetn wlio
offer Inferior jiiotUclnos la j'laco ot tub. Ask for
Cook's Cotton Hoot Compound, take no substi
tute, or Jticloao $1 (iml 0 ceuw in I'ostaso In letter
and wo wllUvud, rcntud, ly return niu'.I. FulUealoil
liartlouliua lr jilolu tmvelojie, to Indloa ouly, ii
(ittunna. AUdrotii l'ondLllyOompuiiy,
No. a I'lilicr lllocl;, Potrclt, WluU.
bold til The Pulli'H by llliikeloy A Houghton.
Familiar Faces in a Arcw Place.
C. 13. BAYARD,
J. ale Special Agent General Land Ojlice,
Bayard db IBarneitt
Jl?e Ieal Instate, toap, Iurapee,
3XrO'X,.A.3i.-T PUBLIC
Parties having Property they wish to Soli or Trade, Houses to Kent, or
Abstract of Title furnished, will find it to their advantago to call on us.
Wo shall make a specialty of tho prosecution of Claims and (Jontcsttt
before tho Unitep States Land Ollice.
85 Washington St.
Socond St.
The Oallos, Or
The California Winehoase
la now open, and its proprietor will soil his homu
protluced Wino at prices in tho roach of ovorybody.
Also, best Peanuts to bo found. Goods guaranteed
to bo Pure and First-Class in every respect.
Thompson's Addition.
t Cj jd; yjr i 1 i .