The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 06, 1893, Image 2

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Hie Dalles Daily Chronicle
Weekly, 1 year M SO
" ti month 0 ,i
i 3 0 So
l)tly, 1 year. . . ' W
" 6 months. . . !'. 00
per " 0 60
Address all communication to " THK CHHO.V
ICL.E," The Dulles, Oregon.
.8 n. m. to 1 1. m.
ii. ni. to Ida. in.
Oeneral Delivery Window. .. .S . m. to 7 i. m
Mousy Order "...
Hundny v.? D " . .
trains going East. . . .9 t. in. and 11:44 a. m.
" " West anil fi:so p. m.
Stage for Goldcndalo 7:80 n. m,
" l'rlnevlllu 6:S0 n. in.
' '"Dnfur anil Warm Snrlngs . ,fi:S0 a. in.
" t Loving for Lvlo it a. m.
' " J Antelope 6:S0n. m.
Exeent Snndav.
tTrl-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday
OCT. G, 1893
Uelva Lockwood confesses to GI? years
of experience in this wicked world. She
was born in New York, taught school at
14 and was married at IS. Her youthful
characteristics, according to her own ac
knowledgement, included a fondness for
walking on top of rail fences, a fear
lessness for snakes and an inability to
keep her face clean.
A pattern-maker of Tacouia named G.
R. Cowles has devised a process by
which he claims he can produce a cord
of wood worth $2, 17,000 cubic feet of
gas, thirteen Backs of charcoal and two
gallons of tar, worth altogether f!S. He
claims the machine can be used for do
mestic purposes by attaching it to a
stove, and that sufficient gas can be ob
tained during the cooking of three meals
to last all dav.
The Cincinnati Enquirer says: "It
' is easy to fall down. It is often hard to
' get up. And you usually fall down
much more rapidly than you get up.
Therefore any one that expects that
good times are to return to us in the
twinkling of an eye is making for him
self ' a disappointment. The recovery
while steady and reasonably rapid, will
not be at the rate of an express train, or
even as fast as the record of Xancy
Not many people know what Mr. Iieid,
of Maine, intended to do if he had failed
to win the support of the majority in the j
light over his rulings as speaker of the 1
Fifty-first coneress. He has confided to j
Mr. Robert P. Porter, who writes an I
article about Mr. Reid in McClure's
Magazine for October, that he had made j
up his mind, in case of failure, to resign j he blyly amputated the tail of the
his speakership and his seat in congress. : iiut-Kiii-jm,
"For," says he, "if political life con
sisted in helplessly sitting in the speak-
CnrloiiH UUtory of Its Introduction Into
Our rolltlml Vnrnltuliir.v.
The word "roorback," which bobs
up toward the end of most political
eampaipiis in connection with the niiil
iiifr of opposition lies, has u curious
origin. Nathan fluilford, once u well
known citizen of Cincinnati, was an
active whip politician and editor of an
energetic whig paper. On April 1 of a
certain year he published a circum
stantial account of experiments by a
(icrtntm chemist mimed lSnorbaeU.
Hoot-back had been examining the
chemical constituents of eggs of differ
ent birds, supposing it might be possi
ble at last to compound a hatchable
egg. According to the story, after
putting many of his nianutaeturi'd
eggs to the animal heat of different
patient mothers, lie aflast happily suc
ceeded in hatching one egg. and pro
duced a living bird. The story then
goes on to describe very minutely the
strange creature, anatomically, physi
ologically, and every other way, imi
tating the scientific style used in simi
lar cases. The story read very well,
and was copied into many other pa
pers, and after going the rounds of the
press in al1 parts of the United States
it was at last (after three or four
months) discovered to have been iirst
published on the 1st of April. The
Ihiquirer of that city immediately
lixed upon Father Guilford the name
of Roorback, which was thereafter
held to mean a political liar, although
the story had nothing to do with poli
tics. Iieing well stuck to, the name
became at last pretty well fixed, and
Mr. Guilford was for many years well
known in the political Held as Old
Illtcovrry or an Inm-iilous Gcutloiniin on
CatluTme's Tour of Inspection.
Some great man in Russia, Prince
Pottiiuhin or another, was commis
sioned by Empress Catherine II. to
colonize the regions adjoining the
river and provided with the requisite
funds. These funds he diverted from
their proper use. When the empress
came on her tour of inspection she
passed down the stream in slow
and impressive fahliion, borne in a
state barge. Every afternoon she
aighted a neat and charming village
on the bank, and. going on shore, was
hailed by a band of prosperous peas
ants in gala attire. Passing from
house to house, she would see an
abundant meal smoking on the board,
frequently including a roast sucking
pig. There was, it is true, a cer
tain similarity between one village
and another; but this was easily ex
plained by the fact of all being de
signed by the same government archi
tect. And so the inspection went on,
with complete satisfaction to all par
ties concerned, till a malicious person
in the imperial suite happened to be
think himself of his penknife and
while the intelligent cottagers were
busv answering Catherine's questions
er'e chair and seeing the majority with
out the power of legislation, I had enough
of it and was ready to step down now."
Lord Dunraven is clearly within his
rights when he elects to give an English
pronunciation to his yacht. Those hyp
ercritical Americans who learnedly
lecture him on the Scandinavian deriva
tion of the word Valkyrie may as well
desist. No rule of correct speech is
better established or ought to be better
understood than that when a foreign
term becomes naturalized its pronuncia
tion may properly be naturalized. We
do not call St. Louis San Loo-ee or Paris
Par-ee. A great many unfortunate
Americans have suffered from the grip,
but they are less to be pitied than those
who have been affected, in a double
sense, with la grippe. The most culti
vated students of Dante in this country
and England pronounce the name of his ? W1" P",auBU """nguer our
. , , , . , of the I mted Mates next winter. J he
In the next cottage the
i family wasabout to regale on the tail
less sucking-pig! The main resul'
was that the empress ever after looked
with great disfavor on, not Petemkin,
but the ingenious gentleman with the
IIa.vs vox ISi'l.ow recently said that
composers of comic operas ought to be
divided into two classes "those who
plagiarize from the barrel organs and
those who write for them."
Ruiii:xst!:i:;'s new ltiblical opera,
"Moses," is to lie produced in its en
tirety, but in concert form, by the
Philharmonic society in llerlin next
fall. The performance will extend over
two evenings.
"Tiik Girl I Left liehind Me" has
been played and sung in England since
1700. Its original name was "lirightou
Camp." It is an Irish air, but who com
posed either the words or the music is
now unknown.
Patti is now at Craig-y-Nos castle
studying the new opera by Sig. Pizzi,
which she will produce during her tour
heroine In three syllables, not four.
opera is entitled "Gubrielle," and the
scene is in the reign of LrmU XIII. In
the first act Mine. Patti plays the part
of a nun.
Miss Ejijia .Sk:i:i:i.s, the Indian phi
lanthropist, has three proteges, who
are wonders in the musical world.
The crying need of the age is a dollar :
easy to get and hard to let go ; a dollar ;
that will pay four dollars' worth of debts 1
and then come back by means of a string 1
attachment; a dollar that snuggles easily '
.i t, r, ii t ... ! 'I'lir.t ..en .lw M Illiil I (1 in. tf, fi.wl
in me hock oi joiiii nmiui, uui winters i 'vo ...uvju.u., Krmik J lilllwtiilu
like the manna of old in the safe of a 1 hui' n.ko. nltflitinguleH. Of real , ui.o.1.1 ( w.
.. , . , . i ii .i i Mn Llieroliee origin, they nave the richest
railroad president; a dollar that will buy , ()f cor(j(1 ljrJ htt,8t ()f
some flour and meat while it buys much j ,)1(ialt oyc.suni reddest of lips.
whisky and tobacco ; a dollar above draw-1 . ,
!:..: . ..... .i..i.i !.....ifl A iturlunci.
mural m.u , uuuui h lH.t wJ,t you want, if VOUr Htomacll
The I5lo ilv In IMiitn, Whoso Iliinlm Arc
I'.'ft .Miles Anurt.
Were it not for a decided difference
in the color of tho water you would
never know when the Atlantic is left
and the Uio de la Plata entered, says a
writer to the l'hlhrtlolphhi Record.
The high-rolling, white-cupped billows
tire the same and no land is visible,
for the great river which .lames Diaz
de Soils discovered is one hundred and
twenty-live miles wide at its mouth,
though with an average depth of only
fifty feet. Sebastian Cabot, who ar
rived in the year 1520, soon after the
natives had murdered poor Don Sol is,
dubbed it River of Silver, not on ac
count of its color", which might have
won for it the more appropriate name
of Golden river or River of Chocolate,
but because he had wrested quantities
of silver from the Indians who swarmed
its banks, and naturally imagined that
an abundance of precious metal re
mained in the vicinity. In point of
fact the terms Argentina and Rio de la
Plata boilx meaning the same thing
with reference to silver) are misno
mers, for no metals of any sort, pre
cious or otherwise, are found along the
banks of tho mighty stream or any
where near it. and the scanty argentif
erous deposits in the hills of the inte
rior have never been worked. The In
dians aforesaid probably obtained the
silver which so excited Spanish cupid
ity from Peru and llolivia, by some
primitive system of internal commerce
known only to themselves. To this
day metals do not figure in the exports
of the adjacent countries rruguay,
Paraguay and Argentina, but such
prosaic articles as hides and tallow,
horns, woods, preserved and refrig
erated meat, etc. for their wealth lies
solely in grazing facilities and fertile
rni .1..,,. ,"n
is lmd ruiottjrli,
with the ordinary
nill. Mut tlii? hav
ing it down iH
worse. Ami, after
all the disturlmiit'i',
thoro'n only a little,
temporary good.
From 'beginning
to olid, Dr. I'lorco'si
Pleasant Pellets
nro butter. They'll.1
thu smallest am
easiest to take
tiny, sugar -coated
granules that any
child is ready for.
their work so easily
1 and so naturally that it lastH. They
absolutely and permanently cure
' Constipation, Indigestion, "jiilioiiH
I Attacks, Sick umf Uilious Head
aches, and all dorangementH of the
liver, stomach and bowels.
J They don't shook anil weaken tho
I system, like tho huge, old-fashioned
pills. And they're more effective.
One little Pellet for a eorreotivo or
laxative three for n cathartic.
I They're (uaratiteed to give satis-
faction, or your money is returned.
'There is a tide in the. ajairs oj men which, taken at
leads on to fortune."
Tho poot unquostlonnbly had rofordnco to tho
-m mm & lin
Ml I'll I I
o .it :
The makers of Dr. Sage's
Catarrh Remedy say : " If we
can't cure your Catarrh, no
matter what your case is, we'll
pay you S500 in cash." Now
you can sec what is said of
other remedies, and decide
which is most likely to cure
you. Costs only 50 cents.
C.-ji., aac
St.00 per noiao.SWlJaSjgg
Cures Couslw, Hoiirsuni",, ijori- Tin out,
CrmiiMirnniptlv: re'Ive Winn pine INuijrh
nnd A-t:ir.m. Tt Co:i.:iii(.:;mi it 1ms n
riviil: linn cured tliousiwuU v. i n-nll iithcr..
fuiifl; will cem:e You If tnkca In t;nr -ioh)
by Iiruirgists nn ni'invrante". F rlaielkick
cr ciicsi, uw suaini'-i i'i.AU".Lf.. :v cts.
IlnveyouCatniTli? ThIromc'v is prtmrai:-
teed Co nuro vou. l'rlco tOeK. lnUMtnr (ni
For snle by Hnlie & KIiiitI.
Easily, Quickly,
Permanently Restored.
nnd all tin- train of rvlls
from early crrorsor later
eceses. thu rnulln of
overwork, slckm-ft.
worrv.rtc. FulUtretiKili,
development ami tun.,
Riven tiioery cjrjfanimil
iMirtlon of the Iwilj.
Simple. tmtiiralMCthmta.
seen. Failure lir.ixjk'll.l".
',iui references. Ii. it,
explanation unci prxjfj
malleillBealed) f ret.
Executors' Notice.
Notice Is hereby kIvuii, Unit tin .iinlerl(;ii(.il
tinte bt-vu duly iiii)iilnt il, liy the llniiniulile the
( onnty Ciinrt of uco county, oivyim, e.neu
tori ni thu es'ntu of John Jliixtei, ilifcuml. nil
iKTMiti), hitvllltc cl'illim iiKiilllst Miiil e-hile are
hereby rejiiirttl to jiroelit the same, duly veri
lied nnd with Jiruer voucher, to i;h or either,
; Aittuloirt-, vneo roinity, Oieuon, within lx
mouth'' from thudiituof this notlic,
Tlio Dulles, Or., A UK.
JA.Mi:s 1IAXTKII Allli
K.Mecutor.s of thucstntuof John llnxter.dio'd.
Is the
Of the Year
In tho Circuit Court of the Stnte of UreKoii for
Ihe County of Vneo.
A. I) llolton, 1
while the owner Hita in tho shade and
HpitB at a cVuck in the jiuvernent; u
dollar that will circulate without de
preciation, will buyahoes for baby while
it buys fun for a iniin in places where he
can't take Iiib wife, a dollar which will
surely repair the waste of sloth, appetite
and bud judgment ; a dollar thut conies
to the lap of indolence like womiK to the
craw of a featherless robin ; a dollar that
will remove the sentence pronounced
upon Adam, reverse the order of nature
and transform the nature of men. This,
little children, is about the sort of a dol
lar wanted, as we glean from perusal of
our able and esteemed contemporaries,
and to provide such a dollar is the job
before congress, says the Tulare Register.
liuoklen'a Arnica Halve.
The beat ealve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
ores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded, Price 25 cents
per bos, For sale by Snipes & Kin
waly.. WOOD, WOOD, WOOD.
Best grades of oak, fir, and slab cord
wood, at lowest market rates ut Jos. T,
Peters & Co, (Office Second and Jetlbr
son streets.)
and bo well are irregular. That's about
all you get, though, with the ordinary
pill. It nitty relieve you fur a moment,
but you're usually in a woru statonfter
ward than before.
This is just where Dr. Pierce's Pleas
ant Pullets do most good. Thev act in
an easy and natural way, very liill'erent
iroiu ine mil,".', oKi-iastiioued pills.
They're not only pleasantor. but there's
no reaction afterward, and their help
laMs, One little sugar-coated pellet for
a gentle laxative or corrective three for
u cathartic. Constipation, Indigestion,
liilious Attacks, Dizziness, Sick and
Bilious Headaches, are promptly re
lieved and cured.
They're the smallest, tho easiest to
take and the clieapett pill you tan buy,
for they're ijuaranleed to give satisfac
tion, or your money is returned.
Yon pay only for the good you get.
UeNorvliiir 1'rulHi:,
We desire to say to our citizens, that
for years we have been selling Dr.
King'H New Discovery for Consumption, .
Dr. King's New Life Pills, Uuckleu's
Arnica Halve and Electric Hitters, mid
have never handled remedies thut sell us
well, or that havo given such universal ;
satisfaction. Wo do not hesitate to
guarantee them every time, us we stand
reudy to refund the purchase price, if
satisfactory results do not follow their
uso, There remedies have won their
great popularity purely on their merits. '
Snipes & Kiuersiy's druggists, 1
, i
llutler, HefendMuU.J
Tu I'mnk J). (llltetple nml'.Wurta (IHtajite, of tin
iilMit.-niimul tleeititaitU:
In the iiiiiik) of thu Htiito of Oregon. ou mid
eh of vou lire hereby reiiulred lo npjjeiir nnd
matter Ihu complaint llkil nKnliixt jouluthe
nbovis entitled Milt on or hefoie the Hrxt day of
thu recuhir term of the Circuit Court of the Mute
of Oregon for U'iuco County, next followlne; the
iUIu heteof, to-wit, on or before thu
llttli day f November, ikii.'I,
mill If vou full hi to uiiKUur, for wiiut
thereof thu ihillltlll' will iipply lo the Court
lor tho relief prayed for In lilt (;ompbiliit, to-uit
for a deeiee of lortolomris of that certain mort
Kiiko deed niudu and executed by you to the
nb! named ilnliitlltou the mil day ol Novem
ber, Is'JO, ilHin the northwest lliirli;r of Ketlon
II in towiDihip - fcoutli rmmu II cant, W. .M.,)ii
Wan'o county, Oregon, nnd that Mild premUes
bo ohl under Midi fonuloMiiu decree in the
manner provided by law mid una tillni? to the
practice of said Court; that from the proceeds of
Mich sale tho platlitlir have mid receive tho sum
of live huudicd ,VJ0) dollars ami Interest on
aid sum slncu November nth, IbW, at thu rate of
in per cent, per annum; also it further sum of
sixty fi) dollars us u leiisoniihlo attorney's feu
(or limlllutliiL' this suit to foruelovu raid mint
KKO and collect tho nolo thereby i-ecu red and
heieiu sued upon, together wl h philntlM's costs
ami illtbuuemeiits Hindi) snd executed In this
suit, including accruing costs and uxcutuof
sale, nnd tint pliillltliniave a Judgment against
you, thu mild Frank 1). lilllesple, for any dull
cleucy In the process of sale to satisfy fully all
said sums; Unit upon such foreclosure salu nil of
the right, title, Interest and claim of you and
our cO'Uufviidalits, uuch nnd nil of you ami
them, anil all other nurtous chllmliiL' or to
claim by, through or under you or them, or
cither, In mid loald morlgngwl preiiilus nnd
every part thereof bo foreclosed mid forever
barred from thu equity of redemption. That thu
pbiliillll' bu allowed lo bid ntsalil foreclosure
salu nnd piicchnsu snlil niorlgnged (ireuiUes, at
hlsoptlou, nnd that upon thufaluof said mort
gaged premises thu purcliiaer ho let into the
possession thereof, and overy p.irt thcieof, lin
medlalely, ami for such other and further relief
ns to the Court may teem eijiiltublu and jint.
This siimmous is served upon you, thu said
I'mnk 1). olllesiiluiiud Hhtsht (illlespl , by pub
lication in 'I hu billies CumiNH;i,K, n iimtHpaper
puhlishu i weekly nt Dulles City, nco i u ty,
Oregon, for six t'ousecutivu wveks, h outer of
Hon, W, I,. Jlriiilshnw, Judge of said Court,
which oiilur was duly uuiilo sail enlercd at
cliaii'bers on thu'JOth day of nepteuilair, IW.I.
lll'l-I'll A MKNIII'UH,
Altonioys for 1'lniiillir
In the Circuit Court of the Statu of Oregon,
for tho county of Wanco.
W. A. Jllller. I
vs. t
V.. 1'. Iteyiiolds, I
JtranlllHl. )
Tit I!. 1'. HriinoUU, lite utmvc-uiwtrtl ilffnutwtt.
In thu name of the htnte of Oregon, You to
herehy required to np.'iir nnd answer thu Com
plaint llled iignlnt you In tin; nliovu entitled suit
within ten days from the ilatu of thu service of
this summons upon you. if served within this
county: or If served within any other count of
thi. state, then within twenty days from the
date of thesurvlcu of this summons upon you,
or if served iiin you by publication, then you
ate required to appear nnd answer said Com
plaint on thu first day of thu nuxt term of said
court, niter six weeks' publication of this Hum
laoiii, to-wit. on .Monday, tho
mtii day NovoiniMu . inn:!,
and Ii you full to so answer, the plalutlir will
apph to the court for the relief prayed for in
aid 'complaint, to-wlt for thu loreelosiiruof thu
mortgage ilcmrlbcd In r ulit complaiiit, mid for
the sale of thu ptcmhrs thetcin described, to
wlt the south half of the southwest quarter,
the northeast quarter of the southne.U quattcr,
and thu soiitnwest qiinrtur of thu southeast
quarter, of hccllon 'is, lowtishlp uau North,
llaiige tlilrteen l.'nst, Willamuttu .Meildiau, cou
tainiug one huudicd nnd sixty acres, anil sltu
atnl in neo county, Oregon. Also, thu north
half of tin northeast quarter, the uiirtheaHt
quarter of the northwest quarter, mill the soutli
esst qiuirterof thu northeast quarter , of heetlou
.'U, Township nuu North, limine thirteen Cast.
Willamette .Meridian, coutiiiului; otiu hundred
and sixty acres, and situated In Wasco county,
Oregon; according to law mid thu practice of
this court, ami Unit thu proceeds of said sale bu
applliilin payment of tliu amount secured by
said mortgage, anil still unpaid, to-wlt the sum
of f."M.W, null Interest thereon at thu rate of
fight per cent s-'r milium from Kcptmuber ;Kd,
ls'.i:i, mid the further sum of W.IOO.M), mid Inter
est thereon at thuratnof eight tier cunt per an
num since .Mnrch'JO, 1KKI, mill for mi attorneys'
fee of ?:;uo.oo, and for the costs mid disburse
ments nimlc nnd expended herein. And that
the plalutlir will apply to tho court for a Judg
ment against you for any ilullciuncy there may
his icmaiiiliig after thu application of thu pro
ceeds of said salu as nforusiild. mA
You will further taku notice that thu Num
inous In tills suit Is served upon you by publi
cation, by older of thu llouoriihlu W. L llrnil
shaw, Judge of said Court, sild oritur being
dated Heiitvuibur'.'7ili, l-Oil.
s2S,7w Attornujs for liiiilitill'.
Notice. Timber Culture.
I'. H. lANh Okfici:, This, (it,, (
August in, lh'j;l. j
Complaint havlnif Ik-cii cntured ut this Olllcu
by Marrlettn M, .Marshall against Preston iteed
for falluiu to comply with law us lo 'Umber
Culturn Katry No. iilio, dated March ai, IWJ,
upon thu N W4 of Heetlou 'iH, Township 'i North,
Itaiigu II iCnst, W, M,, in Wnsco county, Oregon,
with n view to thu cancellation of said entry;
contestant alleging that defendant has wholly
failed and neglected to plow or break or culti
vate to crop or otherwise, or plant with trees,
tree seeds or cuttings, during any of the tlmo
slncu making bis said entry, any part of said
tract, thu said parties urn hereby summoned to
appear at tills olllcu on thu 'Jlst day of October,
1MM, at U) o'clock A. M., to respond and (iirnlsh
lesiimouy concerning nun uncgcii imiiiiiu
J-lwflt JOHN W, i,KVIH, Itcgl
Assignee's Notice to Creditors,
W. K. (iiirruUou, (if Tho lliillcs, Oregon, hav
ing iisslguetl his property for' thu bunelll of all
tils creditors, all jiersons luiving claims against
him nru hereby untillcd In piusuut thuui to urn
under oath, at Thu Dalles, Oregon, within tlucu
months limn (lute.
A. It, TilOMITiON, AoHgaeu,
AlIKllst 0, lK!M..wllt
p ub nil m r. ncuuiiu a u nun
dm.. rn fPliv-l ii-inf novt rrty wttui rf Viniiin f. v.
lilacksmitn cnop.
For Sale at a Bargain.
n i ,i i ? . . l it ...
i ill1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ims '' it . iulviiil' h)f!t:int!ii n MiLrnmriv iii
1 1 i.i i vi s oi wiiili. wjis 1 1 1 1 1! i t nn a n rsi-i;iua? niiuu nw.mi
i ti . i . i ii .... ...,......
Will KIMI I. Ill SM lilt1 III, 31 I HI I!'il I II. I It!H! ID llll VilitilliL ilfl
- - -v, v- ; i t 1 i i i I
II 1 I I f I' 111 'I 1 I-1 II I I 1 I 1 1 II .1 I Wl . J I Ilfl il I iLI I' I' LL1I II II I' VI 11
tMK.ii nitMT fuif m itui (JiidtT nwr nn i un't" i inu.i nw iii i 111
iiiuvmiiivi j -.-w ' ' 1 r ' 1 ,
injiP almost :i coinplotc shoo i actor
i' 11 iw :i mi 1 1 1 1 1 1,111 iii-:iii ni iiim 1111 nuiii,i:nniuiii w
" " , t 1 1. 1 l 1 l . . . . j
iw 11 ImilyMitl 1 I I 1 L' 'Mil 1k III. W 111 Till 111 I.IIIW I 'I II llll
Writo for partieuhirs ut once, to
- 4
Daily and Weekly Editions.
THE CJ-JKONIOLE was osLablisliod for the ex
proas pill'pOHU of faithfully roi)rosonting Tito Dalles
and tho surrounding country, and tho satisfying
ollbct of its mission is ovorywhoro apparent. It
now loads all othor publications in Wasco, Sher
man, Gilliam, a largo part of Crook, Morrow and
Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re
gions north of Tho Dalle, honco it is tho best
medium for advertisers in iho inland Empire.
Tho Daily Giiuonkm.k is published overy ere
ning in the week Sundays excepted at $6.00
annum. Tho Wkkki.y Giiuoniulh on FridajJ
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