VOL. l)c Dnllco p Clientele, VI. THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1893. NO. 96. Dalles Daily Chronicle. hihtlKlii'l 1 i n 1 1 y , duniluy Kxccptcd. .. ....... h-w-ii t.' iirmi iqtitxt-! rr nvoiul ami Washington Streets, Hallos, Oregon. Tho Venn' (if Huborlltlon month, by carrier. rle copy ..16 00 .. 60 .. 6 TIM K TAItl.KH. lUltroMtl. Ill cllcct August C, lS'JJ. KAST H0UM. .irriw lO'M l'. M. Departs 11:00 v. M WK.ST BOUND. i,.urtriw J.JJ .v. m. Departs a:41 a. h --i.-..,. lr..lir)tlu thiit niirrv iiriNanllirnrN lpjtvn lot the uetat 8:00 x. m. ,111111 out1 tor tne STAUKN. KiucTille, via. Hake Oven, leave dully r..tl. 1,, .lull. nvniiit ."ni.'iA.i.4 . i.. Wuh aavn nvnrv (lav nt rrn KHOFK8MONAI.. 11. iUUPELLATTOHNKY-AT-LAW Office Court Street, Tho Dalles, oreRou. LI. DO FOB. nuNKmnini. uvr Kiwm vz anu , uvei i-u.i UUUUlllKi .UirailUV UII IIMIUIIgHIU limp, iirmrim. I - BENNETT, ATTOKNKY-AT-LAW. Of V. dm in .-chaimo's building, up ttaln. The F. r. MAT. H.S.IlUPTinuiu.l. n.o. niwvi.. Alo, Ill'MINUlUti K niuiun vnu- NEYs-AT'IiAw unices, rrencn muciuici 11 WlLaON Attobwky-at-law Room . trench A Co.'s bank bulldrhg, becond i t'jiiL-i v iv fifnuvnnirnipi I'nviirnilN mill BUKUKOH. WBIU USWCreu uiuuiu;i ..(..I.. it.. - ... niUno Sf.Mtltl hunt tu.i liliilr WII K ii ii iiii i I. vf.VBir.rAN inn nun JKO.N. Ofllce; rooms 6 and 6 Chapman cours j to u a. n.i i io o auu i w i . si. iDUAI.L Dkntist. (ia Riven (or the uaiuless extraction ol teeth. Also teeth ..J I ..I I . . ... ..In... Ifinmu. U1..TI .11 uuncii niuuiiuuui iiimv. .w.ja. u.. w. HOU1KT1KH. uruttuil third Monday 01 ecn mown ai 7 THE DALLES National Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. President - Vice-President, Cashier, Z. F. Moody GllAKLKH HlLTON M. A. Moouy General banking Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. CollectiotiR made on fuvoroble tonus nt till accessible pointB. BILIOUSNESS Who has not sufibrcd. this mi-sory caused by bilo in tho stomach which an inactivo or sluggish liver failed to carry oil'. THE PREVENTION AND CURE IS FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TltANBAOT A (1KNKKALIIANKINU 11UHINKHH Letters of Credit issued available in he Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on Now York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, oeauie .vusii., aim various points in ur egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. J. b. HCIIXNCK, President. J. M. 1'ATTEltfON, Caihlur, First National Bank. VHE DALLES, - - - OREOON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day ol collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on Neve York, nan rrancisco and Portland. JJ IK KOTO hi . D. P. Thompson. J no. S. Schknck. Eii. M. Williams, Gko. A. Likhk. II. M. Bkai.l. W. H. YOUNG, Biacksmitn & wagon shop General Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. 1.1. KH kfVl t tniii nil 1 li'nvu MM r. 1 e it iv iiiiii.ii.' ..... mi . . c .r.i.i ii Mt. Hood ChuiiiNii.M. MwilHTiieKdHVuven every Friday evenlnc at 7:30 o'clock, In K hHll, corner Second and Court streets, !b'vti3irii' rnimv K?n n v nni lf.uiiu every .Momlnv eveniue at 7:30 o'clock. Ii Till H nni Hiinir. rnrniir ni i:mipr nun miviiiiii W. H. CUAK. W.Vausk, K. ol K. and S. C. C. of 1. hall tho second and fourth Wed lies ol utch mouth at 7:30 p. in. UNION vrlllmeet every Friday afternoon uw m iuu reauinK room. Aiiaruinviwu, teekly meetliiKs Friday at 8 r. M., a it iirii aii urn l iivikwi fa....... . .. nt t ft T5. 5 iLT. llDflK Nfl 3. A . n. IT. W. MttM ID f Puru.ii I Mr Hull mra. U aI Iiipu An Uuiitn il II. HANSEN. - ra n nni a.' lUBUblci a A w . NKSMITII POST. No. 82. Q. A. H. Meets 5IV HMIIinluV r 7Kfl V U . II, ttm K . flf I' OK 1.. E. Meets every Sunday afternoon In u.ol l'. null. vvwiliijt In tho K. ot P. Hall. Sunday 0Jf F. IHVJBION, No. 167-SIecta In K.llf l Hull II... ....I thlrri U'latnu. TIIK CIIUKUIIKH. Wir.KH CHUHCIl-Kov. Father Hkons itsT Pastor. Low Mess every Sunday at II lull Mass at 10:11)1. u. VmtKrs at III Ml ii Ii... ---. -W.I. WII iw,,i'l'i 'lull iiv. K i UniHiii.DiMii a... iiuosl te -ii . imiiiNu mvwii wui iivw IBIlIlilny at 11 A. H. mill 7'HOP. U HiiiiiUv HT HA PTIH'P nil II llMI ti.... n ti m. .... iiiiwiimii iiuv, iy. iAi' u'n, 1'antor, ilorillliL' servlaaa uverv Hh. St III!) ueuilumv lit 11 1 u UaMmlh U'l'UllllL' HlllHV AVAMlno u U..ln.l. union services In the court houso at CUHT.M i'.ur(A,.1 HU0H-Bev. W, 0. r iy duiiuoi uiier monunir - 'aiiMvrseoraianv iiiviiki Umi. UQ fit it.ort -. 11. Knumrtrt l;.r.,',v'"Kl7:iW O C OCK. Aconilfll In. I, uy iotn iwator and poopio 'iZ,'"11 uy 8 . All ire l.lfpirvn a vr VTJ..A1. .a . 0e. !" wmim WfWHI Horse Shoeing Speciality Third Street, opp, Hebe's old Stand. House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS propared to do any and all kinds of work in iiis lino at reasonable figures. Has the largest house moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181, The Dalles liquid or powder, which gives quick action to tho livor and carries ofl'tho bilo by n mild move ment of tho bowels. It is no pur gative or griping medicine, but purely vegetable. Many people tako pillB moro tako Simmons Livor Itegulator. "I havo been a victim to IUIIouRiieRS for yearn, ami niter trying vurloiiH ruiuudlvH my onlyaucresH wan hi tlio uso of Him. mons lilvur Iteijulutor, which never fulled to reiluvo ino. I speak not of m.VKelf. ulone. hut my wholufumlly."-J. 31. I'ill. man, Heliiiu, Ala. 3rEYEKY l'ACKAGK-W nun our 7. Rtatnp In rail on wrnnr. J. II. ZKUJN A CO., Pblladclpbrj, Pa. ' Dally KvenliiK Chronicle Is rccnsnlzcd . ns esucntlallv Ihu honii! hhimt fur tln j.uie iiiiy Unas iniir tiiih is not il mil in ittv. i.ijiii Mium. I vim r iiivui ..r i..... y,'. .......... ii'iiiivi i 111 ' -WU ill nut iivh oitizens wntch the columns of this dp'lyfor the spiciest local nuivs. It succecti.s in gieauiiiK me llolil, mill hence (trow in popiiinriiy una importance, rake it nwhlle, you iviioiioiri; irysomooi its premium oners He Regulator Line" Tie Dalles, Portlani and Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH J. F. FORD, Evamelist, 01 Dea Mollies, Iowa, Vfrltett under date ot March 23, 1893: S. B. Mud. Mko. Co., Dufur, Oregon. QentUmen : On arriving home last week. I found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, who had wasted awav to 38 pounds, is now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. S. B. Cough Cure has done its work woll. Both of tho children like it. Your S. B. Cough Cure has cured and kept away all hoarseness from me, So give It to every one, with greetings for all, Wishing you prosperity, we are Yours, Mil, & MitH. J. F, Ford. If you wish to feel fresh and cheerful, Riid ready for tho Spring's work, cleanse your system with tho Headache and Liver Cure, by taking two or three dosea each week. Bold under a posltlvo guarantee. 60 cents per bottlo by all druggists. C. F. STEPHENS, IN DRY GOODS Clothing HooU, Hlioes, Hutii Kto. Fancy (jood$, flotion, uu mu vtc. Soond St,, The Dallw.v Freifliii ana Passenger Line Th ron eh dully service (Sundays ex cepted) between Tho Dalles and Port land. Steamer Itegulutor leaves The Dalles at 7 a. in. connectint; at Cascade Locks with steamer J)alles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock) at ii a. m. con necting with steamer Itegulator for Tho Dalles. 1'AHMKNOKIt KATKrt. One way ?2,00 Hound trip .1.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings must lie delivored before G p. in. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, Onnnrnl Agent. B. F. LAUGH LIN, General Manager. SPANIARD AND MOOR Another Battle is Expected Place, to Taki THE LOUISIANA STORM HORROR The list of the Dead Will Reach Thousands A Lover's Crime. rf the Maduid, Oct. 5. Tho Hussar regiment of Cadiz garrison was ordered last even ing to mnko ready to embark for Mellila Captain General Martinez, do Campos has informed the government that be has recovered entirely from tho wounds indicted on him by tho anarchist Pallas .iiid is able to uhruiho full command of the citadel. Tho tribes continue to gather near Mellilln, and another battle is expected to take place soon. TIIK KTOUM lIOItltOK. THE DALLES, T M E ARTIC OREGON CANDY FACTORY SODA WATER AND IOE 0EEAM. at wIioIushIc imitation. Candies and Nuts Specialties TOIIAMJO, l l I VIOAHH ANI I l HWKKT JUUNKH Flneat Peanut Roaster In The Dalles S2 8 8 I Ml PA 2d Street J. rULUU At right side Mrs. Obnrr's restaurant. The St Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old. ooniilar and reliable house has boon entirely refurnished, and every room has been rojmpered and repaintri and newly carpeted throughout. Tho house contain! 170 rooms and is supplied with every modern convenience, Ratei reasonable, A good restauraut attauhec' to the house. Frer bus to and from all trains. D, W. KNOWIiEi, Prop. New From tlm Frightful fluid I'IIcn up till) Dtmil. Nr.w Oulhanh, Oct. 5. The storm horror continues to grow in the frightful loss of life and property hour by hour as reports come in, though it Is believed tnai approximately tne iuu uetails are now at hand. In Point a La Hache county the death list is swolen to 80, with a prospect of reaching 100 before all are heard from. At Shell beach and St. Malo island the loss is about 30. In Mississippi sound and vicinity probably a score are reported. Chautoleur islaiida were swept away, with a great loss of life and property. Tho loss of life in Cook Bayou country will approximate 200. The country is swept clean of houses, and scores of fishing smacks were destroyed. The news from Grand Isle this morning places the loss of life there not above U5, all negroes; property (lainnge $100,000. At Chunieru tho pop ulation was about 1 ,100 and tho loss of life is 1100 to 1,000. Seventy-two were drowned in the Chinese camps on Buyou .Sonet and Bayou Amlre. It is estimated tlio aggregate Iosh of life in the storm is between 1,'j 100 and 1,500. The property osh is several niiflioiiH. There were !!00 or -lOO llshiug craft, of which half were wrecked. ThU cripples the oyster in dustry, and an oyster famine for a time in this city is looked for. Fifty- hevon bodies were found in tne vicinity of Grand Prairie, and at tho old quaran tine station at Bayou du Font 10 more wore drowned. Collins are out of the question, and the unidentified are turied in trenches. Tho suflerings of the survivors is being relieved us much as puHsible, and a second shipment of supplies was sent this morning. Dead bodies are floating around on every side. The situation isuuparallcd in tlio history of tlio south. A FIoiuIIhIi I.oviir'H Crime. lAMKH'row.v,Ind., Oct. 5. Oscar Dar nell took Miss Lizzie Manner out for a buggy rido Tuesday evening. Ho pro posed to go to another place and get married. They drove to Lebanon, but tho girl did not want to marry unless lier paronts wero willing. They started to return homo and reached a point one mile from .Tumcslowii ; still she refused to marry him unless tho coremony could bo performed at homo. He drew ids gun and shot her in tiie mouth. After shooting ho cut her throat and dragged her to a strawstack in a field. Hero he tried to revive her, but she remained unconscious, and ho carried her to a house close by and awoke tho family. Darnell returned to tlio strawpilo aftor a doctor had arrived and shot himself. Ho was lying dead when found. The girl is still alive and has rovived enough to tell what is known of the caee. A Woiiiuii NliootN Another. Nkw Youk, Oct. -l. About -1 o'clock yesterday afternoon a fine-looking, dark complexioned woman walked nervously and down in front of rso. 21 Last MARKET REPORT. An Ell Vet of tho fllrliiKcney la tlm Ilo iiiiiiiiI for C'uMi for Muiiy 1'rinliicts. FitiDAY, Oct. 0th. Although there is a tairiy steady mismess in progress in nearly all departments of tho morchan disc trade, ut the sumo time tho effects of tho late depression is still noticablo and transactions are, conservatively con ducted in consequence. Healers are cautiously feeling their way towards abolishing the credit system, and indue ing buyers to pay cash on purchases by "Cheap for cash." Flour, sugar, coflee meat ami lard havo become cash arti cles, and our dealers are demanding spot cash on purchases Prices remain steady in all lines of merchandise. In the provision line there is an upward tendency. In bacon quotations have advanced to 18 cts per lb for clear tides. Hams are a trifl lower. Lard is quotable at 10 cts Colleen continue to command a steady price, with a strong disposition to turn dearer, owing to tho Central and South American complications. Sugars syrups and all other lines ol groceries are unchanged in quotations. The produce market keeps well stocked. Prices have not changed ma torially, more than potatoes are slightly lower. EggB ure slightly dearer, with limited supply in sight. Twenty cents per dozen was paid yesterday for good fresh eggs. Poultry deliveries are light and the market is not very satisfactory to either sellers or shippers. Old fowls are in fair request at $2.25 to $3.25 per dozen and spring fowls from $2 to$2.G0. There is no inquiry for turkeys. Poultry dealers make no special oiicrings and speak of 0 cts per lb us the probuble market Ducks and geese are uncalled for, the only demand for the former being from tiie Ciiiuanien, and are quoted at to o,50 per dozen. Fruit, such as apples, grapes, are in large supply are nominal. The export fair for mountain cities. L NEWS NOTES. pears and and prices demand is Butler has up Eighty-six street, tho rosldonco of John Peursall, an ofllcor attached to tlio Eighty.six street police station. Tlio woman said nothing and continued walking until about 4:15, when Mrs. Pearsall, who was a beautiful woman of ail years, stopped out of the door. Tho strange woman fired four shots at her from a revolver, killing her almost in Btuntly. Thou she walked to tho police station and Bald to tho sergeant: "I have shot Mrs. Pearsall on Eighty-six street," and then placing the rovolvor on tho desk, added, "and this is what I did It with." She gave tho mono of Mrs. Catharine Fitzgerald, and her ngcS as 40. She is tho wife of J. G. Fitzgor aid, examiner of records in tho corpora tion counsel's ofllce. Sho claims that Mrs, Peursall has alienated tlio ailec tlons of her husband. Just received a scow load of cholco oak wood, Maikk & Bknton. made arrangements to handle windfalls of apples and pears, and in this a mar ket is ollered. The grain market is f-omewhat stag nant, with a free delivery for storage. A limited quantity lias changed hands at 45 to 50 cunts tier bushel. The mills being the principal buyer. On Portland there has been a brisk export business carried on during tho past week. Quota tions havo dropped 2 to 2l.j cents per cental owing as is said, to a inclination, in Fiiiropuun markets, to buy sparingly. There are many conflicting crop bureau statements throughout the old world, that really, the markets are rendered sluggish and apparently lifeless, which reacts on our own, thereby keeping values on tho ragged edge, so to speak, which are below tho cost of production, iloldoro are feeling tho condition and situation more or less, and show a dis position to let go of their product in many instances, which is believed to be a wise conclusion. Tho wool situation is unchanged, as is also tho market quotations. Live stock for slaughter, is moving freely for export east and west. About 5,500 head of mutton sheep havo been boughtat $1.50 to $1.85 per lid, and over 800 head of beef cattle sold at prices ranging from to 2,!4 cents per lb. gross was shipped from this point during tho past week, which indicates a fair movemedt in the stock line. A Million KrlonilH. A friend in need is a friend indeed and not less than one million people havo found just such a friend in Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds. If you have never used this Great Cough Medicine, one trial will convince you that it has wonderful curative powers in all diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs, Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that is claimed or money will bo refunded. Trial bottles free at Snipes & Kinersly's drug storo. Largo bottles 50c and $1.00. Shlloh's euro, the Great Cough and Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes & Kin ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses, only 25c. Children love it. Sold by Snipes & Klnersly. Mexican Silver Stove Polisii causes no dust. Tho little town of Hogan, Ga., has been demolished by a cyclone. Nine houses were blown down. George Barnett was killed. Tho senate committee on foreign rela tions recently considered the appoint ment of J. J. Van Alen as ambassador to Italy. It is understood they reached a favorable conclusion. United States Marshal Blanchard, at Detroit, Mich., has been instructed to send a Chinaman, found guilty there be fore a United States commissioner of be ing in tho United States in violation of law, to San Francisco for deportation to China. The rivalry rfmong brewers to obtain medals at the exposition is causing a lively war. Attempts are being made, it is said, to influence the judges. The big browers, it is alleged, are willing to expend $250,000 in securing medals for their products. The Vigilant (United States) and Valkyrie (English) sailed tho first of a series of five races for America's cup. Both yachts failed to cover the course in the time limit, six hours, and it was do- clared no race. The Valkyrie beat the Vigilant by a mile. The Pan- American Bimetallic League is in session, in bt. .Louis. "No Inter national Bimetalism With Great Britain Included Ib Possible" was the title of a paper read for the author by Captain C. A. Power, of Kansas. Its argument was that "Great Britain as a creditor nation controlled the world." OREGON NEWS. of Sixty-five arrests have been made the La Grande Chinese evictors. Miss Eugenia Shelby, Portland, baa been selected by Mayor Mason to touch the button which is to launch the war ship Oregon in San Francisco shortly. Miss Shelby is a native of Oregon and granddaughter of the late Gen. Lane. John Hanson, convicted of wife mur der, and John Iteiter, convicted of the murder of Victor Snelling, were sen tenced bv Judge McBride at Astoria Wednesday to be hanged in sixty days. Within four months from the time they committed their crimes they will be dead. J. B. Metzlerwns nrrested in Portland for having an obscene picture in his possession, which, it is alleged, he bowed to Leopold Bloch, the 10-year- old sou of J. Bloch, with intent to cor- upt tlio morals of said minor. The rime with which ho is charged is a penitentiary ollense, thejowest penalty being a tine of $1,000. Uddo Nordstrum, an Astoria lad 8 ears of age, was accidentally shot by his elder brother Wednesday with a 18-ealibro Colt's revolver. The bullet penetrated the abdomen, inflicting a fearful wound, and the little fellow is not expected to live. Both lads were on their way from school and found the gun lying by the roadside. On account of the lateness of tiie season several threshers throughout this county ill hereafter run Sundays as well as the egular working days, as the season is far advancod and farmers are clamoring to get their grain threshed bo that they can haul their wheat to the market be fore the inclemency of the weather pre- or.ts them from doing so. Moro Ob server. I consider Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy a specific for croup. It is very pleasant to take, which is one of the most important requisites where a cough remedy is intended for use among chil dren. I have known of cases of croup where I know the life of a little one was saved by the use of Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy." J. J. LaGrange, drug gist, Avoca, Neb, 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakcley & Houghton. Karl's Clover Koot, tiie new blood purlfior, gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures constipation. 25c, 50c. and $1.00. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. Wuutod. A ladv who understands how to do fine sewing can find employment of Mies Bello Hood, upstairs at Pease & Mays, u.u-v-au For Kent. Rooms to rout at liov. A. Horn's resi dence on Ninth street. G-23daw. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Baking Powder