i m n i. it. f ill If t t 1 !f I : f f- !1 1 1 4! ' I' 'r 1 i ft! !;. I The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Hater! At tliu l'ostoOlcu at The Dnllo. Oriwii, ns sccomt-olnitM mnttcr. THK ItAl.I.KH OUK.IION SCIENTIFIC GLEANINGS. Tin: light of the full moon Is three hundred thousuuil times wcukcr tlmu thut of the sun,' when the hitter Is at sierldiiin. Tin: hydropraphlo oflluo ut Wnshlnfr ton Is disposed to attribute the hunt and drought In Europe this season to tho scarcity of Icebergs in the Ndrth Atlantic. I'i:ti:oi.i:um, which is popularly sup posed to he derived from coal, is, ac cording to advanced science, more probably the result of the action of water on metal. An ordinary transparent glass globe absorbs about ten per cent, of the light passing through it. Ground glass absorbs about thirty to forty-five per cent., nnd opal glass from fifty to sixty per cent. Snt .Ioiin' IjUIiiiocic says that "during the many years lie has had ants under observation, he has never on any occa sion seen anything like a quarrel Ins iween any two ants belonging to the same community." William Ahtoi: Ciia:jm:i:, the Amer ican explorers, has just made his llrst contribution to the geography of a .hitherto totally unknown part of Af rica. During bio last voyage of ex ploration he started from the mouth of ihe Tana river, in Hast Africa, and for fixty-flve days visited a region that had lieen wholly unknown to explorers. STILL LOOKING FOR A COOK. Vtm TorrlbloMlitnko of n Nnwspnpor Man In an Intelligence Oilier. "Our cook loft us a few days ago," nid a depressed-looking newspaper man the other day to a writer for the .New York Times. "Site said she couldn't live in a house the head of which lived so irregularly and kept auoh terribly bad hours, oven if his wife was ill. And there has been noth ing but trouble for me since. 1 had-to get my own breakfast this morning. That was bad enough, lint this after noon, as a direct result of the cook's unhappy departure, I was placed in n most embarrassing position," and recollection caused the newspaper man to look very mournful indeed. "I started for an intelligence olllco with the firm intention of getting a cook or leaving- for a tropical country where oue can live on raw fruit. ..Several -alleged cooks passed in review before me, but none of them suited me. While J was questioning one a good-looking, niodestly-dresfaod woman entered the place. Something about her appear ance struck me favorably. I said to myself: 'There's the cook I want,' and I started for her. I recall now that the manager made an attempt to attract my attention, evidently realizing my intention, lint 1 took no notice of her. jSIy state of mind was such, owing to this departure of our cook, that it never occurred to me that anyone else should want to procure servants. I touched the now arrival on the arm and said: 'You're the very woman I want for a cook. What arc your terms'." "Lord! Shu turned slowly around, put up a pair of those long-handled glasses I forget what you call 'em and calmly looked me over. 'I want a fill footman,' she said. 'You are tall. AVhat arc your terms?' "We are still without a cook." The Fifth Annual OK THK Second Eastern Oregon District kiciira u Socie AVI 1.1, UK HUM) AT THE DflliliES, OtJEGOfl, October 10th, 1893, 'Continuing five days. A. 5. MCALLISTER, l'rcslilont. J. O. MACK, Secretary. From TERMINAL or INTERIOR Points -THK- lien rail RHILROAD lh the. line to tiike TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOOTH. It In tiio UlnliiR Cur Koutc. It nniH Through vestibule! Trains ovcry ilny In the yuar to paul and Chicago (NO (J1IANU1C OK OA 118.1 Corimset of Dining Cars timurpimeil. I'ull man IkhwImk Hoom Blucpvrs of Intent equipment. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Heat that can bo constructed, nnd In which accnnimodatlniiH ru both Kreu and Kurnlahed (or holders of First and Herond-elum Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES A conttiiuotiH line, connecting with all lino nftonlliu; direct nnd uninterrupted service I'ullmuti Blecper reservation') can be m-cium In advance through any agent of the road. THROUGH TIGKETS Kuglaml and hurniKS can b A Word to I.Millei. ladie who desire a beautiful clear skin, free from pimples, holla, blotches xml other eruptions, should commence at once to use Dr. Guiin's Improved Tills. They will also it-move that heavy look about your eyes and make them bixht, iil will cure headache from vhi'.tnver cause it arieeu. Keiiionibor jmi are only required to take oue small jilt at bed" time, which is coated with pure siijihi and will not gripo or produce any unpleasant sensation, fjale at -'." rents by Blakcloy & Houghton. !)in A (iront I. Ivor Medicine. f)r finnii'H Tmnrnved Liver Pills are j) nro euro for sick headache, bilious iroinpluintfi, dyspepsia, indigestion, cos SivenosH. tornfd liver, etc. These nil ie insure perfect digestion, correct the Hver and stomach, regulate the bowels, Tinriu' and inricti the blood and make Mio ekin clear. They also produce u good appetite aim invigorate and jtronjjthen the entire Hystem by their 1onit! action. They only require ono pill lor a dosu and never gripe or sicken. Sold ut '.'5 cte. u box by Ulakeley & uioiiKiiton. To and from all point in America. '.uirlaml and Kurono can bo mi relinked at hut ticxctoincooi tuoornpauy Full information concerning rate, time ol trains, routes and other details furnishul on application to W. C. ALLAWAY, Agent 1), I', is A. Nav. Co., Kegulator ottlce, Th Dalles, Or., or A. 1). CHAltl.TON, Ai''i. (icncral Passenger Agt.. fortland, )ea ' The Dalles Gigar : Faetory PISST STRSET. FACTORY NO. 105. pTp A pool the Ilest Urands VyXJTx.XlO nianufactured, and ortleru from all parts of the country tilled rin the shortest notice. Tlie reputation of THE DALLES CI GAR ban liecome (irmly established, and the demand for the home manufactured article is increasing every day. A. ULRICH & SON. Wood Sawing. YOUR UTTEHTIOU Is called to the faot that Hagh Glenn, .bealer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement ami Ihiilding Material of -all kinds. Ctrr!" tltu Vineat hlnn ut Picture Mouldings To J found Id the City. 72 CXXcshinfltOD Sfcfat. S. L. YOUNG, : : JHWBLHE : : j WMcbe nnd Jewelry repaired to order on (hurt noUeo. ud tlifctloa guaranteed AT THB torn ut I. K, MUkelteu, SAIIt.TbaDatU I Wo havo bought tho J. G. Meins Steam Wood Saw, and will fill all orders for sawiiit; wood for stove or furnuco use at tho old rate. Orders left at Mnier & Ben ton's will bo promptly at tended to, and will guaran tee entire satisfaction. s-aviim Jacou Wetle. JohnP.Kuieh. The Dalles Daily Ctooniele. HAS A PAMILT OF 2000 EEADEEB. They reud TJio Clironlclo to uot tlio latest nuil most rollablo i.cwh. And thoy rewl overj- lino that Ik In tho iiajKir. That Is what innkox tlio (Jiiroiiiclo un invuluoblu udvertiiliiK medium, Tho iieurNimiier that koh to tho family llrosldcs In tlio 0110 Im that tho udverllscrH of today tutronUo ' when tlioy closlro to reacli tho ix-ople. When thy want your trudo their announcements will ho found in tlio puper. Jxiok over our columns nnd ohtervo tho verlllca tloa of tho truth of this insertion. HemeinUer, n trade of alaiiitly of two thoimaud -v V) Is worth atkliur for throimh theio rroS columus, csjiclally no at our very Qreap pdurtisii) Iiats. PHOTOGRAPHER First premium at tho Wasco count' fair for bwt portrait" and views. i u Times makes It all tho nioro neeessary to udvortlso. That in what tho .most nrosrrosilvo of nur LuiluCMM men think, and tuenn uhiiiii lnm. lucks men are tho most prosperous ut all times. U you wish to .reach all the reoplo In this neigh borhood you can't do hotter than talk to them throush tho columns of tho luu.v iihbiinh'i 'JtlisH more than double the circulation of any other paper, and advertising In It pays big. H. C. NIELSEN, Clothier and Tailor. bedded! v the Finest Lino of. Gents' Furnishing Goods, Tmnks and Paliscs, etc., etc. COH. HEOONI) AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES, OR. Jfeu Qoltimbia THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Has lately been thoroughly ronovnted and nowlj furnished throughout, ami is now bettor than over prepared to furnish tho best Hotol accommodations of any houso in the city, and nt the very low rote of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c. Ofllee of the fast and commodious opposition Static to Dufur, Klnj-sley, Tygh Valley, Wapinitia, Warm Springs and Prinovillo is in tho Hotel and porsoiiB roIiik to I'rinovillu can save y fl.OO by going on tliie Stage line. All trains stop here. J. O. MACK, FIJJE WlEp and LIQUOR DOMESTIC And KEY WEST CIGARS. THE CELEBRATED PABST BEER. FRENCH'S BLOCK. 171 SECOND STREET, THE DALLES, OK. MINHNS UK NKW TOWN hafi been platted on thn old eatnp ground, at the Korkh and I...,,.. ii. ...i .i .. ...I.,, i....... . i.. i. .... ,,... i . i .... ......... ., . ' and purii wiiter,wlthHhaduiu 1110(11.11011, perfect drnluiiKc.dellKhilul nioiintalu climate, the central attraction nm inoiiuUilu Hiiiuuier retort for nil Orcein, beliiK the nearest town to Jit. Hood. It Is unpariillclcc an 11 mauuiHCturlnt; center, IjcIiik tho natuml center for 1W) niiru miles of the best cellar and llr timber, pontine; inlllloiiN of horf.ioer in its ilaNhliiK ntreaniH and water falls, easily liarueMeil. Where cheap motive power cxlut.v, there tho niauu fiiotorles will center, surrounded by Mill nnd cllinato that cannot be excelled anywhere for fruit and agriculture, and with trnmportatiou already annurcQ you will llnd thin the place to make a jierfeot homo or 11 paying Investraeii' TITliE PERFECT See me on the ground, or address me at Hood River "Wasco County, Oregon. W. RossW inans. TheDhlles Wasco County, Oregon, Tlio Gate City of tho Inland Empire is situated ut tlio kead of navigation on tlio Middle Columbia, and iu a thriving, pros perous city. ' ITS TERRITORY. It is tho supply city for an oxtonsivu mid rich agricultural and grazing country, its trade reaching as far south as Summer Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles. The Largest Wool Market. Tlio ricli grazing country along tlio eastern slope of tho Ca cades furnishes pusturo for thousands of sheep, tho wool from which finds market hero. Tho Dalles is tho largest original wool shipping point in Amorictt, obout 5,000,000 pounds being shipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS. Tho salmon fisheries aro tho finest on tho Columbia, yielding this year u revenue of thousands of dollars, which will bo more than doubled in tho near future. sTho products of tho beautiful Klickitat valloy find inarkot here, and tho country south and eust has this year filled tho warehouses, and all available storago places to overflowing with their products. ITS, WEALTH. It is tho richest city of its sizo on tho coast and its monoy is scattered over and is being used to develop moro farming country than is tributary to any othor city in Eastern Orogon. Its situation is unsurpassed. Its olimato delightful. Its pos sibilities incalculable. Its resourcos unlimited. And on theao corner stones she stands. BURHAM & ROBERTSON Proprietors. CityStables, Corner of Fourth and Federal Sts Tho Dalles, Orogon. Those Stables have on hand tho finest Livory in Eastern Orogon, and can, accommodate patrons with o'ithor Single or Double Rigs, olosed Haoks or Carriages day or night. MORE ROOM. Also, can furnlah First OIiihh nccnmiiinilntlrt.u in iantnaieiva itrWli font! I or tfrlvintr teams, having added to their stables largo feeding and -wagou room. Cpercial Patwie Solicited. Sleekly GhroDicle, $1.12 a year. These are Dull Tines! WE WflHT YOUR JHOJIEY, Just Houi, BUT WOULD LIKE YOUR Attention! mm GREAT OFFER I FOR 1894. And THE CHRONICLE pro poses to enliven them by a. troducinjg its newsy presence into every home in Wasco County. out Circulation must be doubled,' and to do this we propose to furnish the Weekly Edition for the balance of this year and one year beyond for the already low price of $1.50. A year and a third 16 months- makes a GEAT .amount of the very best read ing matter, comprising beside the, world's news, valuable a formation on ail subjects, & especially for the stock-raisei, the farmer and the orchardist, and is the best medium for exposing our resources to the world. If this Is not enough, our plan to is sue the Weekly in instalments of twice a week, should make your decision favorable at once. Sunday's, Monday's, Tuesdays and Wednesday's NEWS gets stale by Saturday night, and hereafter the Weekly Chronicle Part I, will reach you WednesJ day evening, and Part II Saturday evening. The extra trouble and expense! connected with this effort to please, which is considerable, we look to an appreciative public for the approval we awl sure it will give us. While we would be glad of i subscription money in advsitt it is not necessarily enf Subsoribe NOW for 1894 And get the benefit of M special rate, which is practio 1 ally for the Oleekly Ghoniele, $1,124 a Veaf. PAUL KREFT & CO., TtU A 1 .VPS TV PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And the Moat Coinploto nnd the Lutont Putterim mul Denies in 7" A T.T. X A T "Fl Praoticnl Painters and Paper Hangers. Noue bu t the U'flt lr,l"f 6 cef $1 Sherwin-Williama and J. W. Miwury'e Pnlnta usod In all our work, w Ktl the moat skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid i " Faint Shoe oornar Thirdand Washington Sts.. Tho Palles. urel THE CPLEBRHTED COLUMBIA BREWERV, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This woll-known Browery is now turning out the heat Hir Jjjjl east of the Cascades. Tho latest applinnces for the manufacture of foij ful Beer hare been introduced, aud on.y tlio tlrst-elasa article win r i he market. SI for .0. t, 10. 1,1 lone : ItlU 4 Edition nth-. ible ia.1 ts, Du i.t.i IfWI If, ItOvis- mite ?onici redno n dl r-Asa CODE Bole . t'LOi Fort to M41 Co OI 41 to. W 1 1 an jpH b MM Mm mr.