The Dalles Daily Chronicle. ATTRACTION OF THE ABYSS. OFFICIAL VAI'KU OK DALLES CITY. ANI WASCO COUNTY. HUIliiCUU'TlON KATES. BY MAIL. POSTAGE l'llKl'AII), IN ADTASCK Weekly, 1 year 1 60 " t mouths " 3 " DaIIj-, 1 year " 6 month. .. " mt " Andres nil coinmuntcntlon to " THE CIUtOK ICLK," The Dulles, Orejroh. I'unt-Oflli'ii. omcK Houns fleuernl Delivery Inilow 8 a Moner Order Sunday it 1) m. to 7 i. m. . . .S n. m. to 4 )'. m. y a. in. u lu n. m. CXOSINO OF MAILS trains going East 9 ji. in. mid 11 MA n. m. " " West S)i. m. and 6:80 p.m. 8Ugo for Goldcndale 7:30 n. in. " Drlnevlllo 6:S0u. m. " "Dufuraud arm Springs . .5:80 a. ni. " tLearing for Lyle & Ilnrtlaud. ,S:S0 a. m. " " " lAntclopc 5:30a.m. Except Sunday. tTri-wcekly. Tucsdnv Thursday nnd Saturday, I " Monday Wednesduy and Friday. THURSDAY, OCT. 189: WORDS, WORDS, WORDS. There is pending in the house a bill to reform the methods of public printing. The bill 1ms already been debated one day, nnd it could be pushed with out any trouble if it were not for the purpose of the democrats to take up the bill to aid fraudulent elections instead. The printing bill is a non-partisan measure agreed upon by joint com mittees of the house nnd senate after several months consideration of the sub ject. Mr. Richardson, chairman of the house committee that reported the bill, has assured the house that it would save $200,000 a year in the cost of printinc and binding. It has cost the people 13,674,939 to do the public printing in a year. Of this sum there was expended for congressional printing nearly $2,000, 000, the greater part of which, of course, goes in payment of the printing of the Congressional Record. There is no in tention on the part of congress to econo mize any in the printing of the Record, but it is safe to eay that a large part of the sum which congress expends in a year for printing might be charged to unnecessary waste. The silver debate illustrates that fact. Up to this week 4,000,000 words have been printed in the Eecord in merely recordingjthe debate alone. Senator Stewart has uttered at this eesBion 225,000 words on the silver ques tion. At least he has inserted that many in the Congressional Record. The three days' speech he delivered aggre gates 100,000 words. No man is able or bright enough to utter 225,000 words on the silver question to any advantage to the public. If 215,000 of those words were stricken out of existence the public would be a gainer. But the printing and binding of thi vast aggregate of nothingness illustrate the great need of printing reform There are nearly 1,000,000 copies books and bulky documents printed b tne government stored awav in rooms because no one lias the authority to dis tribute them. But, with all this nee of urgent action, the democrats refuse to allow the bill to be brought up. Why People I.oiik to ntxr Ttu'insrlvrH from High l'luccs. Chovroul's well-known experiments with the exploratory pendulum and tho divining' rod bIiow that if we repre sent to ourselves a motion in any di rt rf. recvion tue muni win uiiu(um:iiiii o &o realize it and communicate it to the soo pendulum, snys a writer in the o 60 i Popular Science Monthly. The tipping table realizes a movement we are an ticipating1, through the Intervention of a real movement of the hands. of which we are not conscious. Mind reading, by those who divine by taking your hand where you have hidden any thing, is a reading of imperceptible motions by which your thought is translated ' without your being con scious of them. In cases of fascination and vertigo, which are more visible among children than among adults, a movement is K'guu the suspension of which is prevented by a paralysis of the will, and it carries us to suffering nnd death. When a child I was navigating n plank on the river wit bout a thought that 1 might fall. All ut once the idea came like a diverging force, projecting itself across the rectilinear thought which had alone previously directed my ac tion. It was as if an invisible arm seized me and drew me down. 1 cried out and continued staggering over the whirling waters till help came to me. The mere thought of vertigo provoked it. The board lying on the ground sug gests no thought of a fall when you walk over it; but when it is over a 1 precipice and the eye takes the mens- : ure of the distance to the bottom, the 1 representation of a falling motion be- , comes intense, and the impulse to fall corresponding- so. Kven if you are safe, there may still be what is called the attraction of the abyss. The vision 1 of the gulf as a fixed idea, having" pro duced an "inhibition" on all your ideas J or forces, nothing is left but the figure ; of the great hole, with the intoxiea- , tion of the rapid movement that be- : (rins in your brain and tends to turn , the scales of the mental balance. , Temptation, which is continual in children because everything is new to them, is nothing else than the force of an idea and the motive impulse that . accomnanies it. 1 FIGURES OF INTEREST. Tin: population of Germany nvorngcB ' 'J."7 to the square mile; in the United States the average is only 18. Nkaulv ir percent, of tho t),3l(,5(7 foreign-born residents in the United States are living in the 1121 cities of' largest population. t Tin-: total number of Chinese in the United States in 1SS0 was lOo.-Ul.V The total number in 1SIH) was only 107,475, a gain in ten years of but !),010. ' Si.vci: the centennial year, 1S7H, the number of newspapers in Now York state has nearly doubled. There were l.OSS published then and thcrenre 'J,lol now. Tin: largest block of coal ever mined was recently brought from the bowels of the earth at lioslyn, Wash. Its size is twenty-four feet in length, five feet eight inches in width, and four feet i eight inches in height. It weighs over 1 41,1)00 pounds. THE ARTIST'S CORNER. Oni:r.ic sculptors often used eyes of glass or crystal lu the laces of their statues. The oldest existing statue is one of wood, admirably modeled, colored and with eyes of crystal. It is of a man named Ra-em-ke, an Egyptian, and dating from about II. C. 4000. Tun early representations of Christ in painting were purposely devoid of all attraction; in the eighth century I Adrian l. decreed that Christ should be represented as beautiful as possible. Is the Vatican at Rome there is a marble statue with natural eyelashes, the only one with this peculiarity in the world. It represents Ariadne sleeping on the island of Naxos at the moment she was deserted by Theseus. Is modeling the horse for his eques trian statue of Gen. Grant, for the Union League club, of llrooklyn, the sculptor, Wi'liuru Ordwuy Partridge, has had casts made from a living charger kept at his country home in Milton, Mass., where he is at work. I FACE AW J) pro URE mow tt, it you're a licahliv woman. They' if hnvo u bounty of their own, no mutter what, your features. Perfect, health, with its clear skin, rosy checks, am bright eyes, iH enough to inuko any woman attractive. i To get, perfect 1 health, use iiuth r fully Dr. Pierce's Favorito Prescrip tion. I hat regu lates nnd promoted all tho proper func tions oi woman hood, improves di l petition, enriohes the blood, dispels aches nnd pains, 'brines rofresliiiier sleep, nnd restores health, flesh and strength. For periodical pains, prolapsus and other displacements, bearing down sensations, and " female com plaints " generally, it is so effective that it can be guaranteed. If it doesn't benefit or cure, you have vour money back. Is anything that isn't sold in this way likely to be " just as good." leads on to fortune" The poot unquestionably had reforonco to the For every case of Catarrh which- they cannot cure, the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh liemedy agree to pay 500 in cash. You're cured by its mild, soothing, cleansing, and or you're paiu. healimr properties. FLIGHTY JAMES. ,SSU is something perennially fun- mWiiiaiim e estimate of young poets by lW.WSSMtla ul menus, some anec- . iiis3 ecu a case it viul not cube. 73 ot A Boston paper prints the following letter received in that city from an edu cated.farmer of more than 30 years' resi deuce in eastern Kansas, a gentleman of comparative wealth and a man often elected to public offices in his own county and state. What he writes was not intended for the public and is more significant for that reason. Tho letter bears, date of lust week and says: have nothing to write from here. It ib the same old story of drought and cranke, both of which Kansas is noted for. It has become an old story not tho old, old Btory but a new version and a very bad one. An Indian Ii3 years old told me that Kansas was not a fit country for an intelligent white man to live in ; that it ought to be left to his people, or to be settled by all the fools from the older states. The latte fate befell it. Of course, I am one of .the fools, but I am by no means infatu ated with Kansas; have lived here ove 30 years and wish to leave the state and go to the Pacific coast, but my family will not hear of it. This bit of laud that we own they think is all there is of earth. They do not realize that in ten yearH from now it will not raise 'cow peas.' There is but 30 acres of it now out of the 100 that will raise a crop of anything. Tho Kansas farmer has ex liausted his land; 'knows that there is something the matter, but does not know what the trouble is. lie is look ing for a Moses.' " The Earl of Dunraven seems to be a model landlord he is an Irish landlord, too. We learn this from an article in McClure's Magazine for October. C. Kinloch Cooke, who writes the article is a friend of Dunraven, and speaks by authority, says that his property Is probably the only ono in the south of Ireland on which no .outrages have ever been committed, - ' MI ..eeBalcVGbamrlaln's Cough Keeedy a 'specific for croup. It is very pleasant to take, which is one of the weft important requisites where a cough nuaKly is intended for use umong chll 4ft. I have, knewn of eases of croup where I know the life of a little ono was mmi by the use of Chamberlain's Oef ii Remedy." J. J. LaGrange, drug fiett Avoca, Neb, 50 cont bottles for ,bjr JJlakeley St Houghton. Modest Opinion of Dr. l.owi-ll in Ilcgard to Ills Aftcrtrnrd Distinguished Son, There 113 in tn their person tionate partisans, to be sure, find a nightingale in every bush, and applaud genius in any versified production, but the majority of sensible fathers und mothers wait for larger and maturer results before expressing their delight. A brilliant young essayist lurnishes a case in point, relates the Youth's Com panion, from his own experience. He was apparently becoming famous ut :i rapid rate, and some one congratulated his father on the fact. 'I wish Tom would stick to his law study," said the old gentlemen, testi lv. "Sometimes I think he's a born fool!" A writer in the Critic says of the fa ther of James Russell Lowell: "I was in Rome and Florence at one time with Dr. and Mrs. Lowell. He was under deep depression, and sensi tive to small vex.-.tioiis. I received one day quite a number of letters from Boston, and the doetor, grieving that he had none, insisted upon my reading him some of mine. '"Among them was one from my brother, giving an account of com mencement, and containing some ex tracts from Lowell's manuscript class poem, which he had lent to my broth er. My thought naturally was as I read it: " 'This will delight the doctor.' "Quite otherwise. The doctor said, sadly: " 'I am very sorry and disappointed, .lames promised me when I left home that he would give up poetry and stick to his books. I hoped he had become less flighty!' " Very lirarcfiilly Done. When Lord Erskine was made a mcmVicr of thai highly honorable body, the Fishmongers' company, of London, lie made an after-dinner speech on the occasion of his first appeurance among them us a member. Upon his return he baid to a friend: "I spoke ill to-day, and stammered und hesitated in the opening." "You certainly floundered," was the reply, "but I thought you did so in compliment to the fishmongers." Ar. nr.-feaule Laxative nnd NEK V E TUN 10. 5olii hv rn: --r-stB or sent by mail ic. tOc , itio Si C '(r pr.cla'.ire. Samples free uii Tvltft Tbo Favorite SOOTB ?ora8S Jf &L JortlioTeottiandlreutli.:c, for aln Ity Knlpe VIGOR F MEN Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and all tho train nf rvi from early errurnrliiLr exceues, ttio results ot overwork, HlokruR.-,. worry.ctc. FullttreiiRlli, development ami luim Rtvcn to every ori;an and portion of tlic body. Simple, natural inetliuiU. Imniedlatnlmprnvi-moitt teen. Fnllnro Imiios'lble. iyuo references, lioulc, explanation ami pnwifj mailed (scaled) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N. Y. Executors' Notice. This Is the Season Of the Year GUhen Judicious Advertising Pays. SUMMONS. w. i:. 1-. Iotlre Is hereby ulvun, Unit tlic uiiilctaiKiitil 1 t- been duly tiiiiiolnteil, by the lliinonibli! tin--i.nily Court (if used county, Uieuun, vmuii ih ul tlioeMnte, of .lolm lluxlur, (Iteensid; nil I rMiiid liiivini; cIiiIiiin iiHiiluat mild (liile nrt; hereby reijlrul to present tho mine, duly verl if 1 nnd with tirnier voucher, to Us or either, t Antelojie, VviiH'o county, Orcnon, within nix , iiioutliH (ruin the (Into of thi iiotlee, Tho iMlles, Or., A tic. !1. li'J"J. I .iAAIES HAXTUIt JAMKS tViUTTK.V, I KNecutorn of lliu i.-ctnte of John Uuxter.dee'd. I 8-l,w5t SUMMONS. In tho Circuit Court of tho Htntu of Oregon for the County of Wiimm), A. I) Iloltou, 1 nullum, ' I'miik D. CillleMile . Uhodu (illl.Mde, W. i:. Hunt mid w. It. Duller, Defuiidniits. J , To I'rtuil; II. llltelleaiiit',l:ltjtlaOIUtillf,o thr. (ibme-immul (I'fairtiwts: In the mono of the Htntu of Orcitoii. you mid each of you nrc hereby reullirul lo iippenr und nnsuer iho coniphilllt 1 1 led nK' you lu tho nbovo entitled milt on or Itefoiu tho lllitt ihty of , the n Kiilnr term of the. Circuit Court of the Mute , of OriK'm for Wiiumi County, next following the I 'hue heieof, towlt, on or before, tint lath iluy of Js'ovoinbor, I Will, nnd If you full k to iniHWer, for want thereof tho philiitil!' Will iipl'l til tho Court , for the icllef pinsed for lit bin complaint, to-wlt for Hikcrccof lorcolnxiiro of Unit terliiln lunrt K deed uimlu nnd executed by you to tho nb i ve mimed pliilutllt on the iitn day of .Noveiri A lllHtnrbuiico Isn't what you want, if vonr stimuii-li and boweh are irregular. Tliat's about all you et, thouuh. with the ordinurv pill. It may relievo you for a moment, but you're usually in a wortu H.tate after. ward than befoie. Ihis is iuHt whore Dr. I'iereeV Plcnw. ant Pellets do most good. Tliev act in an easy and natuial wav, vorv tiifiuriMit from the Inure, old-fashioned hIIIh. They'ro not only pleaeanter. but there's 1 "lrt ""r," ,IU Mw,Vvct qimrter ; etlim . . . : " miwiv n I it t mi' tit. lit wilt tit imi Mini 1 I mimI . V I In no reaction atterward, and their help w,c county, drcKun, und thut wild prcmYncH Wilts. UllO little Hlieill -coated nit hit for be Mild u ider kiieli fore(doaurii deereu in tho a gentle hxatlve or corrective three for ' umulvr lfvlded by luw nnd una rdln to thu a cathartic- fV.naflm.Hn,, I inll,r..ui,... 1 1""'1" " wild tourtt tlmt from tho proceed of w.....,w.,,,.,w.,, .iiiuuvnLiuii. i niii'ii kiiitt tin, tiiiiiftfiif ruiei, iififi rwi iv nil. wmn lilllOUH AttackH. DIz.llieHH. KicL- mill 111 flvu liuoilnil it.MIQI ddlbirH mid lnlerMt on UlliouB Headaches, are nroinntlv t 1'1 innmlnco Nnveinbcr otli, Ib'JO, nt thu nitoof 1 in veil nnd i.nrxd ni ir cent. )mr iiliuuiiii Hlso n further hum of aM..... .... ,i ii... ... .i .. ... , '.' . ...... y, iiicy ib mc mi uueHi. tue oiiHiesr. ti lor h nut iil tn m hint to toru'doho hiiIii mort. lake and the cheupett pill you can huv. I t,'M,!C'i !"'"-''t tho note thereby kenured nnd for they're auaranteed to iive Hutlif.w. in' Vltd UM'"i '"Kotber wl li iiUtntlirw contH iui im ro tjuaruiiieeu to tive waiiHl'ic- nnd dUhuriemuiiU iniido mid oxeouted In thl lion, or your nionoy iH returned. milt, lududliiK iicctiiIdk mid uxjiciuoof i on pav only for the nood yoil uet. 1 "Il'' plnlutltr liuvo u JiidKinent uKuliiHt , iclenoyln thu procvuii o( nitleto utl"(y fully nil lienurvluK i'roUu. "iild hihiim ; thnt upon mich foreclonuro milu nil of Wo deHlro to fiav to our nltizn H,t I J'K1.'! ""V- hilerent mid eluliu of you nnd ,,iiir uu-uui uiiiium, eucu nuu nil oi you nun lor yeuro wo Imvo been Belling Dr. King'e New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. Ivlng'o New LUo Villa, Bucklon'o Arnica Salve and Electric Hitters, und have never handled remedies thut soli oh well, or that have given audi universal Bfttisfuctlon. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, us we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results: do not follow their use. There remedies have won their great popularity purely on .their inurlts, Snipes & Klnoraly's druggielB. Illelll. 1111(1 nil iitliur itfirannn nlfllinliiu or in v "I'll bj'i throuuji or under you or tliuiu, or either, In mid to mild mortgaged ptcjnlCH und uvery imrt thereof bo forecloned mid forever burred troiu tho wiilty of redemption. Thut thu pliilutllt bo ullovvi-d tn bid ntkuld foruolo.iuro fiilo uinl purchiiHO mild mortgiiued preiulcH,iit blHoiitlou, mid thut iimiii tliumleof bnld imirt KMKcd priMiilhCH thu puroluitur bo lut lulu the poKH'hjiiiu thereof, und ovoy p.irt tburcof, im media ely, mid for imuh other nnd furthur tullcf iiMothu Court nuiy keuiii eiiiltnlilu nnd jimt. lid HiimiiioiiH u nurved upon you, thu mid nri".'.k 1; Ul IvupJonml UllodH (illleil , by pub m'i1 "." "'V ",llu,' i"OMt!.K. il licit hplipor imblUhu weukly nt Dulle City, VViiwi i u ly, Uri-oii, (or hx uoiucuiitlvu nvuku, by oilier of ..!!!! U' i llriidilmw, JudKii n( mild court, Which older U'm iln lv . ...,.i ...i ... chuirberk on tliuyoth duy of huiitumbor. isai. I'll MI It & MKNKKKIC, AlWrnuvH (or 1'luliitllt'. In the Circuit Court of thu Htntu of Oregon lor tue county ol wiihco. ,. Mlllur. I rintnttjr, vm. , lieyuoldx, I jirjemmm. J Tn i:. J'. IteytmliU, the abnvc-ntwietl ikjenthmt. In the mum) of thu Htntu of Oregon, Von i re neieliy renii red to iiiiiiuiir und uliMwer thu Coin philiit tiled iiK'ilnt you In the ubovu entitled suit wiinin leu uiijk iroin inu iiuiu oi inn servicuoi this MimmoiiK upon you, if served within thlN county: or If served within nny othur county o this htiitc, then within twenty ilnyx from the dnte of the servlcu of tills suminons iinoii von or if served upon you by publlcutlou, then you ure ieiiureii to uppeur mid utiHwer tun I plaint on thu duy of thu next term of snli court, uftur nix ueeks' piiblicuthlll of this hum moils, io-wii on .Mouiiuy, tuu lath day inlidr, 1HIIII, mid If you full to so unswer, thu pluiutlll 'will uppiy io inu court lor inu leiiei prayed lur in Mild comiiliiiiit, to-wlt: for the forechiNUiu of tin mortKiiKc ileKTlbed In mid compliilnt, nnd for uiesuicoi mo liromisrs inerein iiescriiied, to wit. the south uulf of thu southuent oiinrter thu northenst (iiurtcr of tho iiinrter, mid thu scmtiiv.est iiuurtur of thu Himtheiiht iiunrter. of riectlou 'A, IowiinIiIii one North, iwiiiku uiiricen i.iihi, vv iiiumuitu .Meriuimi, con liilnlm; nun hundn-d nnd xlxtv iicicn. nnd situ i ut' il in Wimeo county, Oreuou. Also, thu north I half of thu northeast iiiurter, the northeiist iiunrter of the northwest iiuirtur, and the ninth- eMiKiuurieroi inu iioriiieust ijiinrtur ot riectlou i, Towiihlilp ouo North, Uiiiiko thirteen KiiMt. Wlllumetto Meridian, coiitaliilm: nuu hundred und Hlxty iicreK, mid ultuuted in Wnsco county, Oreiroiii uccoidliii; to luw ulid thu nrunticu ot tills court, ulid that tho iirocccilx of hmIiI hiiIii Iui upiiiicii lu piiymeiit of thu umouiit Kccured bv siilil inortKMKe, mid ntlll itnpihl, to-wlt thu sum of t."J0.on, und Interest thereon ut thu rutu of clKht per cent per milium from September Tit, inj.i, uiiu inu niiiiier uiu oi f',iun,uw, mid iinur est thereon ut thu rutu of eight per cunt per nil- niiiiihincu.Murchai, juwi. und for un uttornuyH' feu of fiijo.w, und for tliu cunts null disburse- nieiits mndu und expended huruln. And thnt inu piuiuiiii win apply to tint court for u Judg ment nguliist you for uny dcilolunciy there inuy bu icimiiiiiug uftur thu nppllciitloii of thu pro ceeds of hiild bale us uforusuld. n)4 mi win iiiriuor iiiKU noucu unit lliu mini inoiiH In this suit Is surved upon you by publl cutlou, by otder of thu lloimtublu W. L Hrud Hhiivv, .ludgo of siilil Court, sild ordur being (luted r)entemberl!7th, 1 !):!. JlAYH, HUNTINGTON' A WIKHON, AttornojH (or riaiiillir. Notice. Timber Culture. 17. H. li.vNb Ornve, Tiu, oi , . , Allglist 11), Ih'J.'!. Complnlnt liitvlnir beoirentored ut this omen by Miirrlotta 41. Mumhilll ugiiliiNt 1'reaton Kced iui niiiiiiu iu comply -wiiii .nitv as to 'limner Culture Kntry No.' 11110, duUil Muroh W, itwj, upon thu N VU of fieotlon S8, Township '.' North Itiingo It Knsf, W. M., Ill Wusuo county, Oregon With il view to thu cmicelliitlon of hiild em, v. e i-wiui-iHiiiH iiiieKiug uiui (leieniiuni lias wholly Mllwl mid iieglvdlcil to plow or break or ciultf. yulu to nrop or otherwUe, (ir pluut with trues, treo seeds or cuttliiKs, during nny o( the time Miico milking hs sulii entry, uy purt o( hiild truct, thu said tmrtluH wo hereby summoned to iiplicur nt this Otllco on thu 81st duy of October, ItUJ. nt 10 o clonk A, M to ruspoud and furnish testimony concerning wild alleged (allure. U-lw.1t JOHN W. I.KWIH, lleglstor. Assignee's Notice to Creditors. V. I!, (iiirrolson. of 'I'll, i I In 1 1, ,u tin....... i jug unsigned his jiropurty (or thu buuellt of nil i s creditors, nil iiursous liuvlng olulms uuulnst nuu ure nureby untitled to jircsiuit thum to mo urn or oiitli, ufTho Pulles, Oiegoti, wltbli. t ir" immwin iiuiit I HUV,,uW..tCtu'rn,,S(JJ,'A-1 :OisirttSjlei- I Tmiinvnnn 0 fl nr Mime a bar at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are sollinc theso Roods out at Kreatlv-redtioH f BtL MICIIELIIAOH HUIOK, - - UNION ST. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Work. Tin Repairs ana RoofiOi MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Street, next door west Blacksmith Shop. of Young & Km' SHOE FACTORY Sale at For a Baroain. Tho undersigned, having secured the maehmory and fixtures of what was intended for a first-class shoe factorr, ..Il ll .1... . ... 1 il i " ... ! 1 win sen uie same ai. a uargain. jiero is an uniuu ana boiler of '10-odd horse power, and a large amount of shoe niaciiiiiery, lasts, line shafting, pulleys, hoi ling and find- ings almost a complete shoe factory. 11 ereis also one of the best sites for successfully oper ating a factory of this kind to be found in this county Write for particulars at once, to l).12 Tlio Xtllojs, Or. H DALLES IB Daily and Weekly Editions. THE CHKONJCLE was established for the ex press purpose of faithfully representing Tho .Dalles and tho surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant countios, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of Tho .I)alle, hence it is tho beet medium for advertisers in tho Inland Empire. The Daily Chuoniclk is published every ow ning in the week .Sundays excepted at $0.00 p annum. Tho Wkhki.y OitimwmM.' nn FYidavs o each weok at $1.50 per annum. For advertising rates, yBubscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO, Tlxo Dalles, "Bp, jo"1 if CAN mt FIRST CLHSS HAD AT ..a NT'"' N T i - I 11 1 II THE 7' .At p u d n m i n i cr oc iie Ronbly Ruinous Rts.