The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 04, 1893, Image 3

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During October
WE WILL have
Great Guessing Contest ! .
How luamy Seeds in our Pumpkin ?
How many Beans in the Jar??
Nearest guesser to the first, receives a
Gentlemen's Gold Watch.
Nearest guesser to the second, receives a
Ladies' Gold Watch.
One guess for every $1.00 invested in
ja all Goods marked
in Plain figures. I"
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Knterttl h tho lVintofflro at The Dallei, Ortgon,
Hh nyotid-cliiwi mnttcr.
I.ral AiiTortUliic.
10 Ceiiti ier Hue for llrnt lnortIoii, nnd 5 OntH
ir lino for ouch tiibNcciictit Insertion.
3K."c!nI ruU'i for lone Umu notice.
All loviu nntlct- received later than 3 o'clock
will iiiciir thu following diiy.
OCT. 4, lBD.'i
The Daily and Weekly Chronicle may
U found on sale at I, V. Nickehcn' ttore.
A Snvorv Meo From Mlxcellniicouii
I told my love it truth nlie llkl not well;
Hhetipokcnoword. 1 mlntl myeyesto witteh
Hit cheek 'k nl llusli. her lioom' wmry swell;
Hie rose to ko: her fiiiml whb on the lutein
When Mime mvlft thouKht of my fond Jove,
Or 111 reutiltted imtlenee bowed her bend:
Hhc fultered. juitmil with foot half nilmil to llee,
i neu iiirm-a,imu mom luiomy nrin ihbivihi.
-McClurc'n Miit'iizlne.
A Siamese twin npple is it curiosity at
Tin: CiiiiON'icLi: oflico.
The Epworth League hold n busliieBH
flllm ItH. ... i. I ! ...
W. A. Kirliy has received a lot of free
samples of coltolcnc. All uro requested
to give it a trial.
Regular weekly prayer meeting will
bo held in the Christian church Thurs
day evening nt 7 :30 o'clock.
Elder J. W. Jenkins will preach at
Endorsby Saturday evening t 7:80, and
at Dufur Sunday at 11 o'clock a. in. and
7 '."0 p. in.
A few more tickets for free crayons can
bo had of Jlcrrh). Come before the club
is filled. The regular prico of these
fiayons is $10.
A traiu of nineteen cars loaded with
cattle went to Portland this morning.
Larue shipments are being made both
Met and west almost daily.
It is said that while Llberati's or
chestra was nlavinir "Swanoo River'
Saturday night one of the inusiciuus fell
hiand was drowned. Portland Dispatch.
"'iberatl tuuBt hffvo been in excellent
spirits, hotter than wo thought Portland
can all'ord.
Herr Aamold, the Norwegian violinist,
played with remarkable purity of tone,
"frength and brilliancy, and was encored
nftor each number. lie is a master of
the violin, and proved what he has been
styled a Violin Virtuoso. Portland,
Oregonian, April 23, 181)1.
Mr. W. Gllhousen has just returned
from liia ranches and has been gather
ing up the petition! that were out for
signers for the oontinuing of the pros
cut tariff on wool and the extension of
the time for purchase of forfeited rail
road lands. Mr. Gllhousen was de
lighted to find that these petitions were
generally Higned.
Messrs. H1U, Burgess and Macken
nought in a line lot of beef cattle from
"out creek to Baltoiaribe & Co.'s stock
yards today, und were loaded at once on
cars for the Chicago market. The band,
wo understand, is part of the purchase
"'ado by Messrs, Hand it Co., who are
"uylng for eastern markets. Tills lot
""is 17 cars, or a train load, and will
. turougii on fast time.
T,uT !" M T Nolan'B Portofllco store,
" this line possesses much origin-
"ly His latest effort, ia amnu nil a
" WW M
window in imitation of a fair. A grand
stand, judges' box and stock Ftables are
the principal pieces of furniture, and
they are peopled with handsome dolls, -horses,
cows, sheep and even elephants.
The effect is quite pleaeing.
Dr. Sanders delivered the lirst of a
course of four short lectures before
the children of the public school
of this city yesterday. He talked
most entertainingly for thirty minutes
on "Structure and Development of the
Teeth." The other three, to be deliv
ered at irregular intervals, are consecu
tively : "Care of the Teeth," "Decay of
the Teeth," and "Restoration of the
A pony free-for-all race, purse $25, for
the boys, has not received scarcely an
entry yet. What's the matter with the
boys? There ought to be twenty-five
eritries or more for this race. The timo
for entry has really expired but it will
be extended if applications are made
soon. The rules aro that no pony shall
bo moro than Kl) hands high, and tho
manner of entry may bo learned by ap
plying to J. O. Mack.
Thu M'oiKlincn'ii Moclitl.
The Woodmen of tho World last even
ing gave tho first of a series of monthly
socials which was one of the most thor
oughly enjoyable events thus far this
Feaeon. Tho programme was impromptu,
but contrary to what might have been
expected, delightful. There .were some
130 guests present, who found pleasure
in music, dancing and the choice supper
which was prepared.
The address of wolcome was first by
Lt.-Adviser C. II. IJrown, followed by
the Mandolin club In one of their pleas
ing selections. Miss Kreft then gave a
recitation, which was well received, fol
lowed by soiiio sensible, timely remarks
by Mr. I). C. Ireland. His little talk,
though brief, was full of substance, and
reflected a genial good nature which
ever brims to the surface of that well
known Oregouian. The Mandolin club
again played a sweet selection, followed
by a song by Miss Myrtle Michell. Tho
lady was in excellent voice, and delighted
her listeners. The spread was placed on
two tables nearly tho full length of tho
hall and was loaded with everything
which could tempt tho apetito or con
tribute to tho pleasure of the veriest
IHguiitlon tho (I rent Hettrut of Life.
Simmons' Liver Regulator is tho only
medicine that relieved me after suller
ing five years with dyspepsia, sick head
ache and constipation.
Gko. S, Avhkh,
Delaplaue Stu,, Va,
Huaiu'siiuikj, l.t Jan. 27, 18W.
M J. J. Kkji-,
Hliuriwburtf, Ph.,
JJkah But I have umxI Kniiike'n llcmlucho
C'apnuleH for aome tlmo mid wuut to testify to
their value. 1 fried various well recommended
medicines, but KOt no relief until I used these,
and now would not bo without them for tea
times their cost.
Yours respectfully
And ii Grtnt Heal of ItunlnenK Trans
acted by the City Council.
Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish.
wooo'M xosiiioriprji
Tba Grail Bug lUb Rw4y.
IToisptly Mill permanently
cure 11 forms of Ktrvout
Wdktut, Kmittioiu, Sperm-
atorrhta, JaipoUncy awtall
ffVtof4iuM or XwotMtt,
Seen preeerlbed over 85
ears In thousand of cuei
. . . . r. . f I . ..a ww
Btfer ami After, Mdl0M 4 lMwn, Agk
druggUt for Wool' Pliouboaiaei tt bo oSere
eoraowortbleaniodleluoluploooottUl, levo uU
dunonoit etoro, luolow prloo In letter, and
we will tend by return malL lrloo, ono paclugo,
ill lx, SS. 0tiW!li'fie'IHun;. J'empU.
let in plalu pealed vuvelope, 8 ceuU pontaee.
Addrw The) Wood Cheiulcul Co.,
131 Woodward avenue, Detroit, illch.
Bold la The Dalle by Dlukeley it 11 ughtou
The city council met last night in reg
ular session, a full board being present.
It was a model meeting for the dispatch
of business. Aid. Kreft ,was the last to
arrive, and ho was fully adorned in war
paint, maintaining his belligerent atti
tude during the whole of the evening.
It was evident from tho first that he in
tended to hold the mayor down to strict
parliamentary practice, and tho mayor
accepted tho gage of battle, perhaps in1
excess of the alderman's expectations,
for his gavel beat almost a 1 tattoo in the
rapid disposal of tho several points of
business as they came up.
The first intimation of cholcr on the
part ot the alderman was over the read
ing of the communication from tho As
toria chamber of commerce, stating that
whereas the United States had caused
to be built a battleship to be named the
Oregon in honor of our state, to bo
launched about Oct. 20th, resolved that
tho Astoria chamber of commerco com
municato with tho boards of trade, city
councils and other state organizations to
co-operate with the Astoria chamber of
commerco to procure necessary funds
for the purchase and presentation of a
suitable testimonial, and recommending
that each of the above-named organiza
tions send one delegate to a convention
to bo held at Portland, Or., October 7th.
At tho conclusion of tho reading th
mayor stated that ho "did not believe
tho finances of tho city would warrant
any such "
"I move that tho recommendations in
tho communication be complied with,"
interrupted Mr. Kreft.
Tho mayor blushed a second from
surprise, hut quickly recovering, put tho
question, which was lost, and thence
forth his face assumed a set expression
and then there were two grim faces till
tho end of tho meeting. Tho unusual
diversion was too much for Joles, and
his customary loquacity gave place to
studied quictudo and an amused ex
pression. No action was taken on tho
Astoria communication.
Provious to this two petitions wore
read, ono lrom Messrs, Bradshaw, Wm.
Michell, et al., praying that tho prop
erty in tho vicinity of Fourth and Fifth
and Washington ho ', hotter protected
from fire. Referred to tho proper com
mittee The other petition was from
Nelllo Waldron and Frank O. Waldron,
praying that tho city execute a deed for
lots 1 and 2, block 3, Trevett's addition.
Referred to tho recorder to make out
deed if the statements in petition were
found correct.
The committee on streets and public
property presented n roport, recom
mending that on account of the present
condition of tho city treasury, the peti
tion for an arc light at the corner of
Third and Liberty be not granted ; also
that the inclined sidewalk recently
built on the bluff be not accepted bb a
donation to the city, as the city has
other steps adequate for tbe purpose,
Roport adopted.
The committee on health and sewers
reported the work on the sewer exten
sion completed by C. M. Fouts, who
charged 13 cents a foot for 1,400 lineal
The committee on streets and public
property roportcd as to the rock crusher,
that it bad been located on the old
brewery grado, workmen hired and that
it was now In successful operation. Ro
port accepted and placed on file.
Tho bills wero then rend, on motion
all those referring to the crusher be
handed to the finance committee in or
der to determine which of them were
subject to the county bearing half of
tho expense. The following were or
dered paid :
ft.AIMH I'.UI).
DougliiFt Dufur, tecorder's salarvsf 100 00
Dan Maloney, marshal 100 00
W A Muddron, st commissioner 7o 00
I I Burget, treafiiror U. 00
Geo IJrown, engineer fire dept. . 80 00
J S Fish, (Ire warden 12 00
P Kinney, labor 10 51)
D O Lamison, laltor 18 00
Antotio Kncthlev, labor 18 00
F M King, labor 4 50
F Piper, labor 13 50
M M Hayre, labor 22 75
R O'Connor, labor 8 25
N F Uarber, labor 0 00
K Davis, labor 7 50
R Fult6n, labor 1 50
C M Fouts, labor 31 33
O M Fouts, labor 31 33
J M Filloon & Co, freight on
rock crusher .7 12 50
Jos T Peters Co, mdse 72 24
L Payette, mdse and labor 4 35
Maicr& Denton, mdse 4 04
W II Young, mdse and labor. . . 3 25
Dalles Klectric Co, lighting sts. 250 50
E Jacobscn fc Co, mdse . 2 25
Dalles City Water Works, water
rent 32 00
Dalles Klectric Co, lights for
offices 3 00
J W Dlakeney, hauling 2 25
R E Teague, cartage 25
Geo J Drown, sawing wood.... 1 50
Jos Peters & Co, mdse 5 05
Maier & Denton, mdse 5 05
Mays & Crowe, mdse 1 85
Louis Payette, labor. 8 00
Dalles Elec Co, lights fire dept 0 40
E Riggs, labor 15 00
J K Page, special police 5 00
L L Rrahnon, feeding prisoners 5 20
R V Gibons, night watchman. . 75 00
J B Harper, " " 00 00
Sinnott& Fish, feeding prisoners 30 24
After reading tho bills, Aid. Kreft
spoke of several matters that should re
ceive the attention of the council. One
of these was the matter of sidewalks on
Eleventh street, a number of property
owners not having complied with the in
structions to build sidewalks. The re
corder was instructed to order same to
be built immediately. Mr. Kreft then
said there was a defective sewer on the
property of which Mr. Rorden was
agent, and at present occupied by Mr.
Lewis, on the corner of Ninth and
Union. The recorder was instructed to
serve proper notice looking to an abate
ment of the nuisance. The city marshal
was further instructed to enforce the or
dinance connecting all sewers, the own
ers of which had thus far refused to
comply with the notice already given
It appearing that there are several
team licenses unpaid, a motion carried
that the marshal at pnee enforce their
The petition of C. E. Bayard and
others then came up, praying for the re
moval of about ten feet of the west side
of Court street, unlawfully fenced, and
tho removal of the obstructions on tho
south side of Ninth street, between
Union and Court, consisting of a fence
in tho street adjoining the lots of Thos.
McGraw and Mr. Drews. On this prop
osition an animated discussion arose be
tween Aid. Eshehnan of the one part
and Aid. Krelt and Butts of the other.
Tho former contended that it was a nec
cessary improvement, while Mr. Kreft
said there was not an open street there.
Put to a vote, the petition was granted by
4 to 2.
Mr. Story then arose onlbohalf of Mr.
Mesplie, and stated that tho lattor's
horse had been impounded and sold for
10 without his knowledge. Mr. Mes-
plio mado a statement, charging that the
horso had never left homo and must
have been driven from tho placo. In re
ply tho marshal stated where ho had
found it on Ninth street, that ho had
advertised it ton days and notified Mr.
Tho recorder enlightened tho council
on tho charter law providing tho manner
in which a suit for damages shall bo
brought, and on motion of Aid. Hudson,
it waB decided that should Mr. Mesplio
consider himself aggrieved, ho should
proceed beforo tho recorder's court, as
provided by the ordinance
Messrs. K. II and V. H. French re
turned from tho seaside last ovening.
Mrs. N. Harris departed last evening
for a brief visit in Chicago among friends.
Mr. Harrv l.iebo was a passenger on
tho Regulator fur Portland this morning.
Jos. Staddleman, jr., left for a visit at
tho exposition in Portland this morning.
Mr. fi. Wilkinson departed for a brief
stuy in Portland on tho morning steamer.
Mrs. G. P. Morgan of tho Cascade
licka is in tho city among friends today.
Mrs. J. W. French returned last even
ing from her seaside summer residence
at Long Reach.
County Surveyor E. M. Sharp has
returned from doing survey work in
Southern Oregon.
Ed M. Wingato, who has been spend
ing the past mouth in tho city, leaveB
for Antelope tomorrow.
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. McAllister arrived
todny from their homo at Contention
and will remain in tho city a few days.
Frank Parish, a formor Dalles boy,
now studying for tho Methodist minis
try, wuh in tho city yesterday from Con.
Shlloh's VitrtlUer is what you need for
dyspopslu, torpid liver, yellow skin or
kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to
give you satisfaction. Prlfo 74c Sold
by Snipes & Kluersly, druggists.
Just received a ecovv load of cholco oak
wood. Maikk A Bknton,
For the Fall Trade
Wo are now ready with a full line of
Ready-Made Clothing,
cfeiSgbci Dress Goods,
and all other kinds of Dry Goods
SsWe are noted for the good values wo give
in JLSleached and Unbleached .Musi
Sheetings, Prints. Ginghams, Boots
Shoen. Hosiery. Gents' Furnishine. etc.. etc.
and )
The Balance of our Summer Importations now
Clearing Out AT COST.
Cor, conn and second sts.
Toe Dalles, Oregon.
wiir Dn
Fancy Goods and Notions,
Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc.
now complete in every department.
All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices.
H. Herbring.
Terms Cash.
This Space
112 Seooud Street.
Familiar Faces in a New Place.
Laic Special Agent General Land Office.
Jtye leal Instate, loap, Iiurapee,
Parties having Property they wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Hunt, or
Alstract of Titlo furnished, will find it to their advantage to call on us.
Wo shall mako u specialty of tho prosecution of Claims and Contests
beforo tho Unitep States Land OlHce.
85 Washington St.
st. I. C. NlCKELSEN,
The Dalles, Or
The California Winehouse,
Is now opon, and its proprietor will sull his homo
producod Wino at prices in tho roach of ovorybody.
Also, best Poanuts to bo found. Goods guaranteed
to bo Pure and First-Class in ovory rospoct.
Thompson's Addition.