Iras'': r 15' lA P J Htm iff. if If The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL l'Al'KU OK DALLES CITY. AND WASCO COUNTY. StJUSCRIl'TlON KATES. BY MAIL, niSTAOK PHKl-Atl), IN ADVANCK. Weoklv. 1 vcrt f 1 G mouths. u 3 m t Dally, 1 year. " 6 mouths. . , per 50 tl 75 0 SO C 00 3 00 0 50 Address nil communication to " THE CHKON ICLE." The Dulles, Oregon. 1'ont-Omco. OFFICE HOUUS Gaucral Delivery Window Sr. m THE FUNERAL OF AN ANGELITO. In l'nriiRtiny tho Ii'nth rn Child Is Con HlUcriMl ii ."Mutter or ltrJolriUK. about inshlu the two liclls iiis'ulu to riiiff out joy- Mouev Order Huudny . 1) to T p. in, .S n. m. to 4 p. ni. 3 ii. m. toiun. m CLOSING OP MAILS trains going East. . . .9 p. m. mid 11:45 a. m. " " West . .9 p. m. and S:S0p. m. Stage for Goldendale 7:80 n. m. " Prinevllli). .fi:R0n. in. " "Du(uraud arm SprinRs . .fi:S0 a. m, " t Leaving for Lyle it Hartlaud. .8:30 a. m, " " " jAntelope 8:30 n.m, Except Sunday. Tri-weekly. Tuesdnv Thursday and Saturday, t " Monday Wednesday and Friday. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 4, 1893 A PLEA FOR PAUL KREFT. Alderman Kreft must have been a lit tle worked up last evening previous to the time be entered the council cham ber. His voice and demeanor at the meeting was very Hostile, lue mayor held him in check as well as he could, bnt it took some vigorous pounding on more than one occasion. Mr. Kreft's ire was aroused when the council failed to take any action on the Astoria com munication from the chamber of com merce, which real I v was an unfortunate oversight, as the lack of any action amounts to a virtual Bnub. The gentle man was again brought to his feet at an apparently flippant remark of the street commissioner, and the councilman be gan to score him in an artistic manner when he was again brought to earth by the rapping of the gavel. Mr. Mad dron was unfortunate in hie phraseol ogy, as the point he intended was not brought out by what he really said. After all, Mr. Kreft is easily excusable. He has served the city faithfully and well for two years, and, in common with all councilmen, has received no salary and scant praise. He hue given the city's interests more attention than hie own business. The city map has been his world's geography and the charter and ordinances his old and new testa ment. He knows every bit of defective sidewalk in town and can locate every nail that sticks up. Name any corner in the city and he can tell just what shape the crosswalks are in, what is needed and just what it will cost to fix it. He knows all about every bad sew er, who has not complied with the law and why. He has never been accused of endeavoring to farther his own ende at the city's expense, nor will he ever be. The only measure ever presented that could benefit him, an arc light at the corner of Ninth and Pentland, was tabled on the grounds of economy. And who tabled it? Paul Kreft. Paul Kreft needs no plea and he is ex cusable fer an occasional cranky spell, unless during it somebody justifiably kills him. Then would the city have cause to deprecate him.' "While wtitulerintf recolcta one inornhifT tin. iild church botrun ously, as if for :i wedding, writes Fannie H. Ward to the Chicago Tribune. Looking- through the gateway 1 saw u procession coming, at a cheerful jog trot, down the sandy lane, which is 1 bordered with grass and luxuriant , .shrubs. They were nil women and ' girls, not a man among them, soil could not bo a wedding some with babies in their arms, others with ehil-1 dreii trotting at their sides, the little , boys wearing ponchos, the women and ( girls dressed after the Paraguayan 1 fashion of skirt and camisole, every one barefooted and with a black shnwl or square of white cotton draped over . the head. They udvaneed with laugh-, ter and gayety, almost on a gentle ; run; and the young woman who led j the cortege carried on her head a little , coffin enveloped with linen embroidery, edged with nanduti lace, and strewn with fresh red roses. It was an angelito, a "little angel," and there fore no cause for sadness, for through-1 out all Spanish America the death of a child is considered rather a matter for , rejoicing. So, while the bells clattered j more merrilv than ever, the joyous 1 MUSICAL MATTERS. Gounod, the great French composer, has been far from well for some time. Owing to his advanced ngc, seventy five, grave apprehensions ure felt con cerning him. Vadkhkwhui hns gone to his home in Poland for rest and recreation, lie will remain in retirement until Octo ber, when lie is expected to make his reappearance in Paris. ,li:x.vv Li.M) was one of the first per sons to travel in a private car in this country. She hired a car, had the seats removed and fitted it up with her own luxurious household furni ture. "There is a tide in the affairs of mcnjvjiich, taken at deads on to fortune, t --w - -J Tho poot unquostlorrably had roforonco to the 1TOW DO YOU DO ' when vou buy shoos or clothinc? PAi.r.KKWsui has earned in London ' Don't you go to tne pmce n you ... ... i .1 !. ...1. Unat flint tne distinction of hemg known as a "guinea man." With the exception of Eubenstine he is the only man whose performances command a guinea for seats in the stalls. can find it ) where thoy toll you that vou may wear tho articles out, ana then, if" you're not satisfied, they'll refund tho money? Why not do the same when vou buy medicine? ' Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Dis- A Striiniro Luke In Africa. COVCl'y is Bold Oil that plan. It's -unto Assal, one of the finest salt tho only blood -purifier so certain lakes in the world, in the district of and effective that it can be guar Oboek. East Africa, only a few miles nntttd tn benefit or cure, in evcrv case, or you havo your money back. from the head of the Ituvof Tadiouiah has been bought by Mr. Chefneux from the French government. All along the edge of the lake, which comprises only sixteen square miles, is a bed of near ly pure salt about a foot in thickness. group passed the turnstile, traversed , The water of the lake is so surcharged ' you're tne eioisture oi tne cnurcn ami naiteu beside a shallow hole. Looking into it we saw that its sides were a sandwich of different layers and strata of bones and broken cotlins, smoothly cut by the spade, and that the heap of fresh earth beside it con tained a skull or two (one with long black hair clinging to it), some old joints and marrow bones, a baby's shoe, bits of coffin, shreds of clay-soiled grave clothes, and other recuerdos of the for gotten dead. A grave digger, wearing a long, brown-striped poncho, placed the rose-strewn box containing the ange into the hole and proceeded to shove', the dirt and bones in upon it, incidentally pushing in the hairy skull with his bare foot: now and then get ting in to stamp down the loose earth and make all snug and secure. Then the group left the cemetery, still gay and happy, the mother without a tear in her eyes, but chattering with the rest not because she was lacking in natural affection, but because she be lieved with unshaken trust that her baby was not there in the damp earth but safe in Mary's arms, where she would one day find it. She carried with her a black wooden cross, with the embroidered linen that had draped the coCin wound about it. It's not like the ordinary sprincr medicines or sarsaparillas. All tho year round, it cleanses, builds up, and invicorates tho system. if bilious, run-down, or uys- with salt that it is impossible to sink peptic, or havo any blood -taint, in it. The bottom iu annarentlv a bed i nntliinp; can onual it aB a rcmedv. - n i ' Clsi-Onl Salni 1 i -mm nitiure k Cn at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are soiling theso Roods out at sroatly-roduced rat M1C11EL11ACH MUCK, - - UNION ST. in Mum Miii. i no neavy waters lave, , , the base of jagged und precipitous' mountains which descend to the edge I The Worst cases OI Chronic of the hike, making it almost impossi ble to travel around it. Mr. Chefneux will probably carry on his work by 4ln 1 1 Tt tf TT1 II f f 1 i MilXIt it..- 1 1 ...1 dredging in the salt bed at its bottom, i So Certain IS It that US mak- ers oner 5500 reward ior an incurable case. Catarrh in the Head, yield to Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. rM lam The senate is the only body in the United States where the minority rules. There is no especial objection to cloture in other assemblages. Mt. Hood is now in Oregon but not of it. It is included in the new national forest reserve. If they don't remove it to the world's fair we can stand it. Norway may soon join the world's re publics. Surely no men are entitled to liberty more than the stalwart Norwe gians whose kindred have done so much to make America what it is. Godspeed the republic of Norway. NEWS NOTES. Two engines ran together at Catusa qua, Pa., the result of wrong signals bv Watchman Thomas Bias, causing a bad wreck. John liny, fireman, was kille and Herbert James was crippled for hie. Bias, seeing the result of his mis take, went home and shot himself. President Wheatcroft and Secretury friedlander, of the National Benefit Trust association, organized last spring under the laws of Colorado with a capi tal of 1,000,000, are under arrest charg ed with obtaining money by a confidence game. La Grippe During the prevalence of the grippe the past seasons it was a noticeable fact that those who depended upon Dr, King's New Discovery, not onlv had speedy recovery, but escaped all of the troublesome after effects of the malady. This remedy seems to havo a peculiar power in effecting rapid cures not only in cases of la grippe, but in all diseases of throat, chest and lungs, and has cured cases of asthma and hay fever of long aUndihg. Try it and be convinced. It won't disappoint. Free trial bottles at Snipes & Kinersly's drug store. Buokleu'a Aratca Halve. The best salve in the world for cuts, brouM, sore, ulcere, salt rheum, fever MMM, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains, eorna, and all akin eruptions, and posi tively eurea pllea, or no pay required It ia guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box, For sale by Snipes & Kit A WONDERFUL VOLUME. ' A Blbln Copied by :i .11 (ink Centurion Ago mill Now in Washington. The most beautiful volume among the half million in the congressional library in Washington is said to be a Bible which was transcribed by a monk in the sixteenth century. It could not be matched to-day in the best printing office in the world. The parchment is in perfect preservation. Every one of its thousand pages is a study. The general lettering is in German text, each letter perfect, its ir, every one, in cold black ink, without a scratch or blot from lid to lid. At the beginning of each chapter the first let ter is very large, usually two or three inches long, and is brightly "illumin ated in red and blue ink. Within each of these capitals is drawn the figure of some saint, some incident of which the chapter tells, is illustrated. There are two columns on a page, and no where is traceable the slightest irregu larity of line, space, or formation of the letters. Even under a magnifying glass they seem llawless. This precious volume is kept under a glass case, which is sometimes lifted to show that all the pages are as perfect as tho two which lie open. A legend relates that a young man who had binned deeply became a monk and resolved to do penance for his misdeeds. He de termined to copy the Bible, that he might learn every letter of the Divine commands which he hud violated. , Every day for many years he patiently pursued his tabic. Each letter was ; wrought in reverence and love, and the I patient soul found its only companion ship in the saintly fuees which were ' portrayed on these pages. When the ! last touch was given to the last letter ' the old man reverently kissed the page and folded the sheets together. The . illustrated initials in perfection of form and brilliancy of color surpass any thing produced in the present day. ! With all our boasted progress, nothing 1 either in Europe or America equals it. I 23ctc, uucta., ana 51.00 per Iiottlo. Cures CourTis, nonriiiie',i,orr Tlnimt, Crnui promptly: re'u'ves Wlinnpliiir CohkIi and Astlimit. 'r r Ooiikiuhj tli.n it 1ms i rive!; hr.suiircrt thoinriiil.s w icier.II other fuilert; will cuke voo if tuUca In time. Soi l by DrusTRlsta cm ariiaruiitca. ForLmtielluc!: or Ciif3t, uec sni mil's i'lastli:. is cts. g H ! LO Hf S1-CA7A RRH liir-e you cuturrti 't Tul renii.ilv it tfnitrnti tceii to care you. PrlcaMcu. liiltctor tr.-n Kor al by Hnlpen .t Kliirly. VIGOR MEN Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, anil all the train of Mil Irom early error nr later execs;!,, Urn result ot overwork, sicklies, worry.etc. FulUtretiirtli, development mid lone Kiven to every organ ami jiortlnn of the ln-ily. rilmplp.nritiinilmetlmiti. limned lutuimiiroTcinrnt neon. FnllnrnimiOS'tllilr. i!,UH refereiKTfi. limb, explanation unil jjrix.f j mulled (Huutal ) free. ERIE MEDICAL CC. BUFFALO, N. Y. This Is the Season Of the Year CUhen Judicious Advertising Pays. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Wort, Tin Repairs and ooo MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third otreet, next door west of Young &Ka j-uacKsmun onop. SHOE FACTORY For Sale at a B a ream. Jho undersigned, having secured the machinery and! fixtures of what was intended for a first-class shoe factory will sell the same at a barirain. Here is an cneiue ami . i boiler of 10-odd horse power, and a large amount of sk machinery, lasts, line shafting, pulleys, belting and find ings almost a complete shoe factory. iere is also one of the bestjsites for successfu atmir a lactorv ot this kind to be lounct m this com Write for particulars at once, to SUMMONS. Executors' Notice. Motiee Is liereby Klvcn, that tl.e .iiulcr-lKiiiil )' vebivn duly njiiiiiiU(l, Iry the Jtonomhle the ( iimitv (.Hurt iif Uimeo ooiuity, Ole-on, exieil- ro of the estnte of Jnlui llnxtur, ileeeiicil . nil I rMin hnviuir claim niptliist miIiI ctntc nre hurt-by required to pri-M-'iit the mine, duly u-ri-II-1 mid with liropur voucher, to u or ultlmr, t Antelope, wn.i'o county, Ort-Knu, within lx months from the (hite of thlK notice, The ihilk-H, or., Auk. ::, wx .lAMKn llAXTIWt AiH) JAJihs wiirrrnx, hxtciilors of the t-Htntu of John lliixter.dec'rl. 6-1, wol SU-VLIVIONS. A JIlKturliunce I-n't what you want, if your Hloinacl) and bowel, ure irregular. TIiiu'h about a you net, though, with the ordinary pill. It may relieve you for a moment, but you're usually in a worhe Htate after wurd than before. Thin iii JUHt where Dr. PierceV I'lenti ant PelletH do moot t;ood. Thv nut in an easy and natural way, verv (Hflerent from the huge, old-fashioned pilln. lliey re not only pletiHauier, but there, no reaction afterward, and their helij Inula n. 1 1 f . 1 . ...... ..........I . it .1 wtiw llbklQ Buuni UUULL'U III. HOT Ifir In the Clicuit Court of the ntnte of Orison for the County of Wiik-o. , A. 1) Ilolton, rimiitin, I VH. Trunk J. filllcMiie , ItllOdll (illl.Mil.!, v. Hunt iiinf V. 11. : llutler, Dffuiitliintb.J Ti Frank 1). OttletjitcuMllKhmla (llllctinr, f u,r ubuve-iiaiiitrt tlffenlunt: In tlie inline of thu Ktiite of OieKou, ymi nud e.ich of you are hereby leiiulrid to atiiiear mid aiiNwer the coiniilalnt II led neitlimt you In the above entitled Niilt on or befoie the find day of the regular term of tho Clicuit Court of the htate nl t krfi'riii rir U'ii.iui Cinmii. .... ..n dutf hereof, to-wit, on or before tho lath luy of November, lHia, and if you fall mi to aimwcr, for want thereof tho iilaiiitlir will njijily to the Court lor tho relief prajed for In IiJh coiiilalut, to-wlt for a decree of loreelo-iiro of that certain uiort Kii?o 'leed made and executed by you to tho above named iilalutiH'ou thu (ith (lay of Noveiu her. Into, upon the northwvNt ((iiitrtcr of netlon I I in toiviixhlii a kouth raiiKo II eaht, V, .M.,lu iik;o eounty, Ort'K.-iii.iind that hald iiifiiilh-H bo hold under Mich foreclomiie decree in ii,',. liianner iirovldtd by luw and ace idlni: to the a gentle laxative or corrective three for !,r"V(1,"",'f.b",(1.:,)Urt! that from the iirocetdti of I BililUrAtta m . fi,' 1izzl0fi8. and "'im hlnco Xovoiuber (ith, wm, ut thu rate Bilious HeaducheH, are promptly re- i ' ' ,,r,tV!i "'"' further muho lieved and cured. ?, Wfi ,"l""ri' ,"K " 'itinlile attoruey'K feo In the Circuit Court of thu Statu of Oregon ior tuo county oi unco, W. A Miller. 1 J'lahitiff, I vh. J K. I'. Iteyuoldn, I Drendant. J To K. '. llctnoltl, the tilioie-numal drjemlant, In the name of thu Htate of Oregon, Vou rru hereby rcotilred to niinear anil nimwcr thu Com )hiiiu tiled attaint you in thu above entitled nuit wiEiiin ten unya irom tuu (lute oi inu hurvicuo mis huiiiiikiiin upon you, u xerveu wiiiiiu nil cmiiitv. or if served within aiiv other couutv o thlh htate, then within twenty dnyH from the date of the m.tvIcu of thin niiiiiiiioiin iihoii you or ii herved iiiii you hy iitililleatiou, then you ure reiiuircu 10 upjicar aim iiuhwit miki plaint on the llfBt day of the next term of Niitd . court, alter hlx weekh' publleation of thlh Hum moos to-wit on .loimay, tuu I lath liny Novtitnlter. IHlta, I and If you fall to mi iiiiiiwcr, the philntltl will 1 iipph to the court lor thu relief prayed for in l a!d complaint, to-wlt for thu foreulohiiii' of tin luortpiiic dencrlbed in hald complaint, and for wiumim'oi nie prumiHrx iiieieiu oehcrioeii, 10 wit the noutll half (if thu Millthwent (llurter the iiortheiiHt niiiirter of the houthwcHt i uur tcr and the houtuweHt ouiirter of thu hoiithc.iht iiuarter, of Hecllou Vh, I ow'llhiili onu .Nortll fiaiiKu thirteen Kaxt, Willamette Muridhu m tiiinliiL' one hundred and tdxtv aoteh. and hltu ated In Vaeo county, Orei'ou. AlMi.thu north half of the iiortlieai-t quarter, the uortheiiNt iiuarter o the iiorthwext iiiarlur, and the houth- eimi iiiaricr oi tne noriiieaHi iiinrtor oi bcellon w, lowiiHiup one isortu, iiaiii!() tuirieuii i.iihi Wllaiiictte Meridian, coutaliiliiK one liuiidteil and hlxty acrt-H, nud hlttmtcd In Wasco county Uri'Kini; aeeonlllii; to law and the practice of thlh court, and that thu procculx of hiild hiiIu lie applied in payment of thu amount hecured by mini oioriu'iiKu, nun nun unpaid, to wn inu huiii oi i.tiU.iM), and intercut thereon at thu ratu or clKht per cent per nullum from hupleuiber 'J.'d, itj.), nun me iiirtner huiii oi ,ioo.ih), and niter' eht thcMinn at thu ratu of ulifht per cunt per all niiin hliicu .March .'(), IN'Jii, mid for an attorneyH feu of fiixi.oo, and for the coMk nud dlHburhu. nieiitH iiiadu and expended herein, Anil that me minimi will aim v to thu court for n iib- ineiit aKaliiNt you for any deficiency there may he lemaliiliii; after thu application of tho pro ceeds 0f hM, M1(, IIH uforeHiiid. m on win iiirtnur iiiku notice tnat tne hum moim In thU milt in hurvi'd upon you by jiiihll cation, by order of the Honorable YV. L. Ilrad hIihu', .IiuIku of hald Court, hiild order IhiIiik uiiii-u nepieiillMir 7lll, MUM. JlAVri, HUNTINOTON WIIJiON, ,7w Attornuyn lor J'lutntill'. Sheriff's Sale. iievea ana cured. ,; '. " .r J " -:"""''1""0, mioriioj-K W They're the nmalleHt the eaHieat to ' ttWAt, take and thu p.hntup ni wm ...... i..... here n hiicd iinon. ti,in.tii.,r .i i, ..r..i...i,.V. ' for they're guaranteed to yive uatiBfac, u1 ,,i.&'i,.l,lV,l,g ""."lu uW!l In'thlH tion.or your moneviHreturneil. ' an:, Vi..fe..'' l-'''f r. i ou pay only lor the good you get. Ml mi.1 thplaintiiflmv... you, the Mid Vriuilc j. (illltJplu, 'i y ,il H i thi. iL-iit tm,; i.1 . " " . " ;'""uru bine an or B,,V Vi '"tweHt iiiiduhi in of you nud . ..... co-OeftmlMiitH.eucli and ,,l ti , J 2 in.l . ."" "tuur iierMiiiH cluliuluir or lo Htm c ulm by, throuuh or iimi. X . . 'T,"l .V' . 1? lu ''"her, in nud to mild iuortaud ..r, ,ii ", HtrengtU itud Utntlth ii you are not leeling Htroni; licalthy, try Electric BitterH -,-1 ......I J t . llUrt tln.r..f ! l,...i".- i.i-;i l. . w iwivuiuiw nlalntllt Mih. ,..,,1 ; ."."' lorw uwure directly oa liver, Btoaiach and kidney., j use Electric Bitters. This remedy acts' und forever hut the foreclohiire gently aiding those organs to jnarforin ! n!Mi ll U.ot. ., it ii;. , ... liifdUte y. alldforllf.lllltl,,.r,,,, t.,..V... ": sick headache, you will find spe ncrmftntnt tllf in- tnt-lm. ....v. J 44IUULIlt; ......,,..,.,, .IIUIMIIlUf l.HKOKI- I.I.. II tin T... ... ... I llltlll I lli. I (,..... I .... l..l, ..,. ... miwn. UIIU trial Wl conv lien vnn ' V, .r."'''.r''.." H)'.wai.eo that this is the remedy you ittlen only 50c, at SnipcB unuc Htoi'11. oiiuiiiera ior i-iitiiitiii, wiit, viuunii: "-;ii'n 111 inu HiuiuH t l UOKl('j,i, a newi i, ii,er convince you ' g.WhS . nee Large Mjr. -Jj r . 1 KltKii-IyV oluiirher- on tliuWth day of riepUmihur. i".;i I M'H'U A l UNUKKK, ' lly virtue of 1111 execution United out of the Circuit Court of thu htutu of Ortnon for Wimco couutv. 011 thu lath duv of Auuunt. 1H03. Ill 11 hiilt theieln iiendl UK, wherein J. M. IluntlDKtoii, iiiiiuiuutrutor 01 tne otiuiiu qi niiwi i-rnnier, uo cuiiNt'd, lh plulntltr, und Uoo. T, I'rather, I II, I'ritther and Hainuel Clarlt ure defenduntM. ukiii a decree rendered nud entered therein ou thu nth day of June, IHIK1, to me directed, oomuiandlnu me to null thu property herelnulter duerlbed ah hereinafter net forth, to tHfy u JudKinuiit Klvcn by hnid dwireo in favor 01 haia piuiutlll and iinalnat Hiild dofendunt- (ieo. T. I'rather and 1 ii. I'rather, (01 91160.00 nud aecrulnx iutercHt at ten hit cum. pur annumi una .ou cohih 01 hum nuit, and 1)00.01) attorney' Iee, I will, on Nuturduy, Hitwber MS. IHVa, nt the hour of 2 o'clock p. 111., ut the Courthoime at p lui door I,, Uulleh city, Wu-co county. OriKon, Nell uiuiio auciiou m inu iiiKiicat iiiouer, ior uiihli land, all of the followliiK denerlbed reul nron. (irty, to-wlt; IxiUt 1 . uud IS, of Jilock '.'J, of the town 01 jiooq Kivur, ill huia county and htate, together with ull tho tencmentH. hercdltuinentJ mm umiurieuuucc- mereuuio oeioiiKiiiK, or In any wine appertaining, to witUfy miid JudKinuiit, eohtu and utUirney'h feen, and if the piocee In thereof tiro ItiHumulont to -iitlufy thu Mime, I wlllul-o, atnald tlmu and place, und upon hald term-, null, nubjeot to 11 iiiorlKHKe huld bv thu fiild Hum uel Clark, defendant, all of thu follow Inifdeiiorlhedreiiliiroiierty, to-wlt: i-otliof the hald town of ilood Itlver, 8-lOwSt Bheilirof Withno eiiuuiy, Ohvuii, !)-'J Tlio Xctllos, l Of. I 11 DALLES Ml Daily and Weekly Editions. THE CHKOls'JCJJi. was established for the ex press purpose of faithfully representing Tho Dalles and the surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. I' now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a largo part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re-.. gions north of Tho Dalle, hence it is tho W medium for advertisers in tho Inland Empire. f The Daily Ciikoniulk is published every f; ning in the week Sundays excepted at $0,OOP annum. Tho Wkkkly Cjikoniclk on each week at $1.50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address Tlao Zetlloif Orocon. irri(.avii Job FIRST CLRSS JO I pi .a NT'" CAN BE HAD AT THE CHRONICLE OFF'0 Reasonably Ruinous Rates