p She Dnllco Chronicle THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1893. NO. 93. Dalles Daily Chronielt. fuhlKlici Dully, Hiimmy Kxcoptcd. ii r I OHUONIOLE PUBLISHING CO tasnwi ami WiiahliiRtou Strcota, The UllllUa, i -riiix of Hubnorlntlon ir. m lu.... T" Ifflonti., by curler y; ;;;, g M t'W TIME TAIU.KH. lUllroniU. Hi rlU-ot AllKMHt 0, ISU.t. IAST IIOUNII. i, .uri KRM ' IuiiirtK UslXJ 1 M WKHT UIIUNII, i irri3:3'Jji. . Il0.arUt Il.ll A. M irn I rclRliH tlmt carry iiiiaaonircrH lcnvo QWU "' , ... u.iui a i.twl jitii fir Mill ut ji a. STAI1KH. Lot wwvllic, vin. I hike Ovuu, lunvu dully wliefur", Kliiffitloy. Wnmio, WaplhltlH, Worm mi mil TyKli Vulluy, lcnvo dully, cxcci.t Ef'iiaUeniliVluj Waul!., leave every day o( tlie Be,orall IIuuh at tho Umatilla House. I'UOKKHBIONAI.. 1. KIDDKI.I'-ATTOllMlty-XT-l.AW OIllCO Court Hlreot, nie miuicr, urcuini. I -i l'ltti 1 ,iia ro iir. t r r ii i, ..r iir.nr.rnr. i lunii i a - ' liw uiHim. aim "yui . " tSalluiiiK, Ktitraiico on waaniiiRinii turuui rjiWIen, Oregon. . . m i a i nf 1 1 .1. HEN N Kit , All Uliri r. l -A i -ha . wi ll. Sen tn KcIiaiiiio' UultaiiiR. up atalra. The hlKOrtKuii. U.r.MlYa. B.a.lIUNTINOTON. H. 8 WJJ.BUH. If AYS. HUNTINGTON WILHON ATT OB II NKTrn-AT-uw -onicoH, rrcnch'a block over t National Hank. ' 1 Dime. ureRon. 11 WILSON ATTonNltY-AT-lw -Koomi . v-riMH'ii a- i'ii 'h bunk hiilldlnc. tiecuua l. The Dalle, Onitnn. kli. KSIIKIJ1AN (HoMator-ATIMCj 1'IIYHICIAN juiti kpjiaxoK. uaua anawurcu ihuihui, .... ..r..i, Mi. rtnif... Kn :u; nun ii iiff.ii. i. ui wiitiiiij. ..-. . ... ... L'!itiU7iin (jltx.'Jc. wtl I K, 0. 1). DOANK PHYSICIAN AND HUB- oko.v. Olllca: room 6 ana u untiprunu b Pnul.lA...... u IT .j..f.tr Pnlirt fltlll .. II.PIUVUVV . ' . . . I .....- ....... - brlii ilrvcu, aeoind door Irom the i-oruur. nourii u to 12 A. ai.t - ui o aim v iu s i . u. .fllllAl.!. Dkntibt. (iuH civcu lor the I. MlnU-aN cxtractlun of teeth. Alao teeth nitoivet aluminum plate. Hoonm: UIruoi iwcii'.'ii timiiii, heconu nirutic. HOUIKTIKB. raSCO l.()l)(i:, NO. 15. A. P. & A. ii. Sleutu llrt mill third Mommy oi eucu monin in k.M.l.Kh IU1VAI. Altdll tlltAI'TKIC NO. C ' Mueu In MuKinlt' llullllio third Wcdiieaday cnviii ititiu. ll ill , 21, imiri.' iinmtn l rmnj1 ii'jiiiT.n w.'..... t. lilllj,4l JF 1 IU. 1 VW .Ml. HoihI (jiimiiNi),r),MuetK'ruvdayuveu kof oicli week iu Fraternity Hall. ut7:.iu p. m. ()I.UMIIIA I.OIK1K, N0.5, I. O. O. K.-Meta uYvry rriuiir uvt'iuill! nl 7 !.JU O CIIH!!:, in K. hull, corner Bvconil mul Court HtroeU. piinilliK lirntliera are vc iMime. IfLouiiii, Hec'y. ii. A. llaw.N. (1. r . lUIKNlWHll' l.OIKJK.NO. D., K. of 1'. tteetis every Jlonilav oveuliur nt 7:80 o'c ixik. In kiiiuo'H bulldlnK, corner of Court and Hccoud fiojourniiiK nicmherH are cordially In 3d. w a i i. . u . W.Vadhe, Kof It. and H. ' 0. 0. 183KM11I,Y NO. 4fE!7, K. OK U-Meeta 111 K, L ol 1'. halt thekveond and fourth Wwlnim iTioIeiicli mouth nt 7:30 p. in. JOHKN'8 CIIKIHTIAN TKMI'KKKNCK I UNION will IlliWt nvnrv Krliluv iiltjiriiniin vuw ai me rvauuiK room. Aiinro iiivirhi. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TUANHAOT A OENERALBANK1NU HDB1NE8H Letters of Credit iaaned available in he Eastern States. Bight Exchange and Telegraphic iraiiBiorHBomoii inow iorK, unicago, Kt. Louifl, Ban Francinco, Portlnnd Oregon, tjoatiie warn... anci various points in Ur egon and Washington. Oollections made at all points on fnv ornblo terms. J. H. BOIIKNOK, I'rcAldent. J. SI. rATTKHHON, a uaaliler, first Rational Bank. VHE DALLES, - - - OREGON A General Banking BuHincsii transacted JJopoBltH received, Biibjoct to bight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly lUUllbbUU VJ11 UllJ 111 IJlJllUIJLlUll. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, ban Francisco and rort land. DIR ECTOKS. 1). V. TllOMI'HON. JNO. 6. bCHKNCK. En. M. Wii.IjIamh, Gko. A. Lieiix. H. M. Bkall. THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. President - - Vice-President, - Cashier, - Z. F. Moody CiiAitiiKH Hilton M. A. Moody General Hanking Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections made on favorable terms at all accessible points. W. H. YOUNG, Biacksmitu & wagon snop General Rlucksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. i do not Eat Pastry. 1 How often you hear this expression, and the ex planation that usually follows : "I am troubled with dyspepsia." The explanation is not far to seek. In the past Lard has been used as the prin cipal shortening in all pastry, the result dys pepsia. The dyspeptic need no longer be troubled, providing iiv-uii MMKu no. our. i. u. it. t. iteRUiar y ineoiing rriuay at tt r. M . 11 niu lllTitim. ACIUMAK, C. T. It. C. KJ.KCK, Ho fttllE I.0IXJK NO. 3, A. O. U. W.-Meotn -ji.iuriiiiy iiiiu, over Kciicra, an beoouu ulirday evenlnga at 7:3". . 11. IIAHMKn. LliJitgrta, Klnaticlcr. M. W, m NEBMITH l'OST, No. 82, 0. A. U.-MecU rjMMjr buturdny nt 7:80 p. u in the K. of 1'. v X If. K Meeta every Hunduy ufteruoon In J tho K. of p. Hull. JANO VKllKIN MiU ovorv iIiik iu the K. of 1'. Hall. Bundav 3. if LJ f- DIVISION, No. 107-MeoU In 'I K.rif 1 if.. ii . . ..-.. ti'. i. atBtL.,.1 1 ' "i" urav mmu iimu inoiuii. at 7:30 r. M. eI nea- T1IK UIIIJltUllKH. BTiflK!f8 uH0H -Uov. Knthor 11BON0. Ii J ... wW Maaa every Miinuay ut r lliRll Mill ut in-90 . w VxalmrK Ht ., , . Veapera at Pn'I'AP1'? ;()llKi -Union Street, opioalU) nt M. Wd 7i30 P. M. Huiiday Pvm, A. N. KveiiliiR Hrayor on Friday nt URloI ""'Tiht tJiumaii uov. o. i. tay- Lni ii iii ivuv ui w "'ii, inn tor. Morning aorvloaa every Hub- Urn J, ,."t',"!,,l?1 n't"' inornltis; aorvlcea. P i ,. ,'K ''"uay.ovemiin at riutom real Km7' u,,1h1 aervlcea In tho court houao at -PO&W1?1' RH-Rov. W. 0. W-M- m I i '"orJ b?Wcch uvery Bumlay at II Wfico ci !'.! BHiirtnjrBohool aftur mornliiK - ""WBraooroiniiy invltwl. Hoata free. &rw?,I!!l0UT,Uov.- J- WlUBt.KB, piutor. tadiJ e?uyeryHimday moruliiKnt 11 a. m. 1W tfl.w.Bi "i' lIook e Kiwortli E!'ly bvo'iS. fi ! mwMuK..oyory 'auou i ,,.!;. i '"iu ,1.loul'' a corqini lit' Kill. --".iiuvu ujr pom pa paator mid people Bl'iitisTiAK iun...,..r ..." :r: KH'eh each i0i,,,,.,r! ,n ,ho OongreKatloiml i". H Ml are hWANnici i. T " K'M.X iik,.' ''HHIKKAN-Nlntli titrcet, Kr-ioh'oQi K'JJSS10'' Bervleoa at UiWU.in Vl on? ' 3180 V'm A oortlrt vvoloomo flopse Shoeing Speciality Third Street, oiip. Lieiic's old Stand. J. F. FORD, Of DeH Moluea, Iowa, writes under date ol March '.'.I, 1SD3: S. R. Mkd. Mf. Co., Dufttr, Oregon. Gentlemen : On arriving homo last week, I found ull well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, who hud wusted away to 88 iiounds, is now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. S. R. Cough Cure has done its work well. Roth of the children like it. Your S. R. Cough Cure has cured and kept uway all hoarseness from me. So glvo it to every one, with greetings for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are Yours, Mu. & Mhs. J. F. Foud. If you wlah to feel frc.ih and cheerful, mul ready for tho SpriiiR'a work, cleanae your ayatem with the Headache mid Liver Cure, by taking tVo or three doses caoh week. Bold under a positive guarantee. 60 conta per bottle by all drugglata. a. House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his lino ut reasonable iiguros. Has the largest honse moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181,The Dalles 0. F. STEPHENS, DBALBK IN DRY GOODS ajp Clothing lloota, rtlioua, llata, Kto. Fancy (jood$, fJotion, Kto., Ktc, Kto. Second St., The Dalles. DOTIOLENE fe is substituted for lard in A the preparation of all food, j pfl It is composed strictly of highly refined vegetable oil and beef suet. When used as a shortening, it dj produces wholesome and & liealthful pastry. Physi cians ana expert cooks indorse it. Refnae anbstltntea. ! Send three cents In Mamp to N K , Fairbanks; Co.. CliIcaL'o. for handsome ' Coltolcne Cook Hook, containinc six I ' liunurecl recipea, prepared by nine eml- nent authorities on cooking. Cottolene ii sold by all grocers. N. K. riade only by FAIRBANK & CO. LOUIS ST, ind CHICAGO, NEW YORK, BOSTON.! "The Regulator Line" Tke Dalles, Portland ani Astoria Navigation Co. 1 j THROUGH Frejgni ana Passenger Line Through daily service (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. in. connecting at Cascade Locks with steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock") at 6 a. m. con necting with steamer Regulator for The Dalles. I'AMHKNOKK HATKS. Ono way $2.00 Round trip 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shinmonts for Portland received at nnv tin.A rlnv nr nicrht.. Shinmmitp for way landings must be delivered before 5 p. in. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent. B. F. LAUGHLIN, Genvrul Manager. THE DALLES. OREGON rEARTIC SODA WATER AND IOE OEEAM. Candies and Nuts yJttffS: Wt Specialties V - Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dalles J.FOLCO 2 3 8 3d Street At right aide Mra. Obarr'a rcatauraut. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. 'PI tu nlrl iin,illlill mill rill i 11.1)1 0 llOllRO AltlD Vf.U I'VJ'. ' ' ' I... lmati nnflrnlv rof iirnlshod. and everv room has boon ropaperod and repainte and newly carpeted throughout, alio House contains iyu rooms aim ib bumiu"' with evory modern convenience. Ratei reasonable. A good restaurant tittachec to tho house. Frer bus to and from all trains. ... C. W. KNOWI.ES. i-rop. A YOUNG GIRL'S FATE Burned to Death While Learning to Cool SHE WAS ONLY SIXTEEN YEARS OLD A Comprehensive Strike on the Chesa peake & Ohio Railroad Minor Mention. WiiiTTiKit, Cal., Oct. 2. A girl burned yesterday, while cooking in the Whittier state school, died at 11 o'clock last night. Doctors L. U. Harvey and J. Ii. Cook were in constant attendance. Her mother arrived during the night from Los Angeles, where the funeral will take place this afternoon. There was no place on the body larger than two hands not burned. Miss Dewolf, the principal, was the first to control the girl, who was frenzied by pain and fright, and remove the burning rem nants of clothing. The girl was 1G years old, bright, promising and a great favorite with the other pupils. Troubles of Labor. Memphis, Oct. 2. All the switchmen on the Chesapeake & Ohio road went out this morning, only onea?ard engine being worked. The coalheavers, wipers, section men and shop men are also out. The switchmen on the Louisville, New Orleans & Texas and Illinois Central re fused to handle Cheasapeake & Ohio cars and also went out. It is under stood the Memphis & Chattanooga switchmen will strike today. The strikers say they will be joined by the switchmen of all roads entering here be fore night. Cholera at Kuu Claire, Wis. Eau Clause, AVis., Oct. 2. The 10-days-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Moneon died Saturday afternoon. It turned black in a few hours. Attending physi cians say the child died from cholera, and notified the district attorney and sheriff. Refore they could hold an in quest, the Monsons buried the child in a cemeterv. It is probable that the body will be disinterred. Physicians to whom the condition ot the body and the symp toms have been described have no hesi tation in pronouncing it a caseof cholera. Eau Claire is on the path taken by emi grants to the Northwest. It is believed that the case came from perms left by these travelers. A Klfh Silver Mine. San Aktoxio. Tex.. Oct. ".--Work has been commenced on the ereat watron road which will connect the richest sil ver and lead mines in Mexico with Mar athon, Tex. This mine is a solid moun tain of ore 300 feet high and six miles long. At any point the ore can be taken out in almost solid lumps. It is situated three miles from the Rio Grande in Mexico, about 100 miles south of Marathon. The ore will bo hauled to Marathon, the nearest railway point, and shipped from there to the com pany's smelter in New Mexico. Troubles In lirazll London, Oct. 2. The Rrazllian lega tion in this city today furnished the United Press the following information received in dispatches from the govern ment at Rio de Janeiro, bearing date October 1st: "Tho insurgent squadron, under com mand of Admiral Mello, is still in the bay of Rio de Janeiro with its ngming elements weakened. Many of tho mem bers of the crews of the rebel warships are desertree daily. During the recent engagement between the land forces and the fleet the shoro artillery uauiageu some of the rebel vessels. Two steamers that attempted to land insurgents at Santos and on the island of Santa Cath- arina were repulsed. The land forces nre united to the novernmeni. ruuuc opinion is wholly opposed to the in- surgeute." The Itobelh' Story. London. Oct. 2. A miviito cablegram that the rebel ileot at Rio de Janeiro bombarded that city all day yes terday, resulting in further damage to tho cltv and great loss of life. Details . r 1 1 as to the ninouni oi uiiiimgu " nnmlinr of killed ashoro and alloat are not given; but it is presumed from the fact that firing was kept up an uay ine loss must have been considerable on both sides. The cablegram adds that famine prices for provisions prevail in Rio. Will Ho hliot In the Hack. Raucm-oxa, Oct. l.-The approaching death of Pallas, tho anarchist, who will bo shot in the buck next week, is being discussod throughout Spain. Tho police nrn well awaro ho has n number of sytn pathinore among a certain class oi tno notmlat on. This eauflOB them to nuiKe most thorough search lor proofs ol further outrages contemplated. Tho police have found positive proof that Pallas had accomplices among foreign anarchists. An Italian named Mancin was arrested today charged with being an accomplice. NEWS NOTES. The butchered remains of Miss Addio Gilmour wero buried in Colusa, Cal., Sunday. A cablegram from the French envoy at Rangkok announces the settlement of the dispute between France and Siam. The Monmouth Park Association has begun a libel suit for $100,000 against the New York Tribune and Times for publication of an article declaring it was a monstrous gambling hell. Kentucky's new code of laws went into effect vesterdav. It is feared ono of them will cause trouble, the law compel ling the railroads to furnish separate coaches for whites and blacks. A dispatch from Mobile, Ala., says that a very severe storm is raging there, Tho water covers the wharves, and the telegraph wires are down and the houses are unroofed. It is the worst storm ever known in the city. A south-bound fast freight train on the Cleveland, Chicago & St. Louis road yesterday morning ran into three freight cars carelessly left on the track near Edgmont, Ohio, making an ugly wreck, killing two trampsnd fatally injuring two otUers. The commercial National Rank of Portland opened its doors for business again yesterday. This bank resumes under the most favorable auspices, with plenty of coin, and the management is greatly strengthened by its past un pleasant experience. Frank Dekum is still president. President Cleveland has signed the proclamation setting apart a large tract of land as a forest reservation, under the act of March 3, 1891. The reservation will be known as the "Cascade forest res ervation." It extends from the Colum bia river 200 miles southward, about 20 miles in width, taking in the Cascade range. Hereafter no settlement will be allowed within its boundaries. NEWS OF THE STATE. Perry TomlitiBDn was arrested in Portland for beating a balky horse to death. Capt. V. W. Rhoades, light house inspector, died at Boston Highlands Sunday. A $1,500 farm will be rallied off at Moro on Nov. 4th. It belongs to Mr. Henry IJuro, and chances are selliug at $2.50 each. Capt. A. II. McGregor, who was in Portland recently, says that while out on a whaling expedition a year ago above Alaska there was an open polar sea he could have crossed, but he was whaling not exploring.' Tho natives told him there was an open sea about one vear in five. Now that Miss Daiey Ainsworth has been appointed by Governor Pennoyer to christen the new battle-ship Oregon, to be launched in San Francisco Octo ber 28th, Mr. Irving M. Scott, manager of the Union iron works, desires a young lady of Portland to press the but ton to set the ponderous machinery in motion. Mrs. Walker, widow of the late W. H., in life one of the firm of Stnver & AValker, was married In Vancouver, Wash., on Thursday of last week, to a youth known us Jack Squires. Squires is about 20 years of age about the ago of Mrs. Walker's oldest son and Mrs. Walker is in the neighborhood of 30 to 38 years. East Side, Portland, is to be liberally supplied with churches. At Mount Tabor Villa the Methodists and Advent- ists are erecting neat churches, an Evan gelical church is being built iu Tibbetts' addition, in Poise's addition u church of the Sacred Heart is under way, and in Holladay's addition the Dominicans are building another church. Digestion tho Orcut Secret of I.lfe. Simmons' Liver Regulator is tho only medicine that relieved me after suffer ing live years with dyspepsia, sick head ache and constipation. Gko. S. Avkks, Delaplano Sta., Vn. THE OLD MAN CONSEItVATI VK. Olmlatone Will On Slow In the llattle Agnlnat the Ilonao nf Loril. New YonK, Oct. 1. Harold Frederic cables tho Times from London : "Although politicians have talked with Roman firmness about continuing tho battle of the parties in the country resolutely and nt once, and making the whole recess vibrato with their oratory, nothing has come of it. Outraged nature asserts itself in spite of their ardor, for the people are tired and they will not listen, so it seems that there is a chance of having October devoted to the humanities and to amiable leisure, with nothing more exciting than a little pleasant chaff between tho two camps. In the hush which has fallen upon par tisan strife the only noise heard is the rattle of Gladstone's reel. As the big house-of-lords fish flash spiritedly away into open waters the radical onlookers are at no pains to conceal the feeling that the grand old angler is letting out too much line and playing the rod far too gently. They had hoped for a sharp, immediate tussle, and, by faith, could almost feel their hands on the gills of the peerage. Rut Gladstone was alwayB conservative, always keen to do things in bis own way. He thinks it better to go slowly. His speech in Midlothian was a wet blanket to those earnest cap tains who were for marching out and smashing the upper house forthwith. It has damped the radical powder right and left, like a sea mist. The liberal federated association had issued a flam boyant fighting appeal to the party, but Gladstone's speech took all the stiffening out of it, and An accident by which the printers shortened the last two words of the signature to "Federal Association," imported into the thing an element of the ridiculous which the opponents were not slow to jump at. Under these depressing yet amusing conditions the great advertised battle with hereditary privilege stands adjourned till November. The Senate Threatened. Washington, Oct. 1. The following printed circular was received by every representative, senator and public offi cial in Washington today: "There is a time in the affairs of men when patience ceases to be a virtue. Down with the United States senate, enemies of the people." Although no skull and cross-bones headed the circular, the words were printed in large black ominous-looking type. The letters containing the cir culars wero post-marked New York. NEWS NOTES. A $40,000 fire occurred to the Standard Oil company, through a box car catching. Corbett is in nctivo training for his fight with Mitchell. An organization, to bo known ns the National League of Commercial Travel ers' Clubs, was formed in New York yesterday. The famous English locomotive, "The Empress," now on exhibition at the world's fair, will run the New York Central's "Flyer 99" 10 miles for a purse of $1,000. Unaucceaaful Attempt to Eaeape. Fokt Smith, Ark., Oct. 1. "Kid" Wilson and Henry Starr led an unsuc cessful attempt to break jail today. They wero assisted by John Pointer, Alexander Allen and Frank Collins, condemned murderers, and Charles Young and Jim Fair, negroes. They refused to go into the cells at dinner time, and the guard fired, shooting Young in tho fuce, but not seriously in juring him, Pointer, Starr and William Wilson begged to be shot. .Strength anil Health. If you nro not feeling Btrong and healthy, try Electric Bitters. If "la grippe" has left you weak and weT7, use Electric Bitters. This remedy acta directly on liver, stomach and kidneys, gently aiding those organs to perform their functions. If you are afflicted with sick headache, you will find speedy and permanent relief by taking Electric Bitters. Ono trial will convince you that this is tho remedy you need. Large bottles only 50c. at Snipes & Kinersly's drug store. Wuuteil. Man and wife wanted to work on arm. Cull at Hood's stable, It Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Baking Powder ABSOaULTfElY PURE 11