CAN ..YOU.. GUESS? During: October WK WILL IIAVH Great Guessing Contest! How jniany Beans in the Jar?? THE PRIZES. jjjj? Nearest guesser to the first, receives a Gentlemen's Gold Watch. Nearest guesser to the second, receives a Ladies' Gold Watch. One guess for every $1.00 invested in Q SHOE LEATHER $ at RIGHT PRICES. iA ALL GOODS MARKED fc. v I in plain Figures. i 1 PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. ttmil n tin) I'mtonine nt Tliu Ilullon, UrrRUU, tin KWdinI-cliuM miitti:r. Iiiicitl All vrtllii(:. lOL'tnti llnu (or Ilrnt Itmertlon, mill 6 Cents Kf line (or nidi tmluuiiuoilt tunurtloii. Special rates lnr Irmtc tlmo notices. All Iwiu notices received Inter tlinn !J o'olnek l!lPwir t.'iu following day. MON'DA V, OCT. 1803 Tlie Daily and Weekly Chronicle may be found on nule at I. V. Nickehcn's More. OCTOBER OLIO. A Savory AIa 1'riiin NmvH It 1 1 n. nilKctiltiiiMinuii To Unit it olnip tlnit owe ymi nisli You'll luivu to hunt with can.'; Hut ( you nwo it mini a hill You'll moot him uvorywliun1. A Ktvsxt deal of wlicut in coming in hin tlio country. A muulier of our oiliona woro in ut- toiulmiro ut tliu Hood Kivor fair. SwMuon lost u subject today and tlio V'nUei htatoj Ruined a Swede John Through conntotion was luid today hetivoon Portland and Spokane ovur tlio telephone Hno. Tliu steamer Regulator' took MO head of mutton sheep from Lylo, Wash., this moniintf for tlio Sound markets. Tho recorder disponed of two drunks iiml two viij-nuitH this morning in tlio mini I way, and tliu same nuinhor Sat urday. Cool mornings and evenings give notice to tho festive housefly that ho Jliould begin thinking of 1i!h 'futuru ex-Uteiu-o. Tliu farmer scratches his hoad and vonrtora what ia tho ditloroneo in a good "op of wheat ami -10 oontH, and a poor we anil III) cents, i huaincHs uiuotlng of tho fiuunoo wnitteuof tho CltiiHtian churoh will ..... v.,vmnh ut, rt u 11,11 liiu ruoui f tho ensuing your will hu selected. Hon. 0. M. Cartwright Iiiih brought iioni iiih J lay creek ranch IMS paiilHh niorino buckH, which will ho ')IIec! to varlotiH Hhuuiiuun in tho "PPr country. Tliu nightly mootinga ut tlio Christian "lurch cloaod with tho Sunday owning Wrvlce. Tho membership Iiiih more "an doubled, tho numbor on tho church rolls now being 77. Tliu Moody party will bo tho lust at Woud Cap Inn thin aoaaon. Tho summer "Wboon unprofitable to this hostelry, "w.iig to the financial Btrlngency and 'no HttrnctionH at Ohlcngo. The llrat carload of fruit ovor shipped lrom Hood Kivor left on the 23d nit. It as shipped by Messrs. Perry, Warren, ml and Ulytbe, and bore thin legend : 1 i full of prunes from Hood Klver, UrcKon. What's tho matter with you?" Tim ladles of the Congregational will give a musical social on Wednesday evening of this week In eiianuo'a ''"II. over Brpwn'e grocery , , ' A program bus been prbparod niio occasion, and refreshments will served after the concert. Admission mts. Lrn iVry 'Hioor-looklng worm was lite i1, 1,1 by JlH,B L,ubo tl,lfl morn" an I lH wlwut tluJ 8,,ftP of m U(lt,or lal iftu ,Mcl' 1,1 ,0,,Ktl The head Hko a bull dog'B and the markings of tho eyes in brilliant colors make it look spectacled. It is of a chocolate brown color and has eight short thick lugs. The Union Pacific haa put on tho Has aalo on tho I'orthind-Iionneyrille routo on the lower river in place of tho Asto riun. People with bills were hopeful that the October collections would be good, 'out find that money is no more plenti ful than it was a month ago. Herr August Aainold, the Norwegian violinist, who is to play in tlio Method ist church October Kith, is not. unknown to our people. Shortly after the big fire two years ago lie played in the court house and was well received. Thoao who attended will remember that ho is a very Hkillful iiuiBician. According to the Dispatch, M!bs Kose Michell received the thanks of the Press Association' for Rending a badge to the handsomest man of the convention. If true, the heroism of man finds no more fitting example than this, " here U00 editors vote themselves inferior in personal charms to oifb of their number. The Spat tan boy who allowed tho fox to gnaw his vitala or the liomiui who held his hand in the flame till it was con- sunii'd is tame coin pared to the reported action of the editors. However, wo are inclined to doubt the report, for Alias Hose says sho would have been com pelled to give a badge to each, to be hon est with heraelf, if asked to choose the handsomest man. Ki'iin'inlxT tin' 1'iilr. The district fair begins October 10th, and comprises the counties of Wasco, Sherman, Gilliam, Crook, Alorrow and Umatilla. In thiscomprohensivedistrict there is ample Held for the display of almost every product that can contribute to the comfort of man. Any individual having anything movable in his posses sion which is a good representative of Ills calling, whether it is the output of a mine, tho product of the Hold, skill of any nature or stock animals should ex hibit it at this fair. Fifteen hundred dollars are given by the state for agri cultural exhibits, which ia a generous mini and should of itself stimulate rivalry. Aside from this it should bo everyone's pleasure who has becoming local pride, to place on exhibition those products which will reflect credit to his home. It is gratifying to state that, notwithstanding tho hard times, every indication joints to a successful fair this October. Anutlior HuuKlng Jury. Tlio jury in tlio case of Slate vs. Win. Watson disagreed, resulting in three for acquittal and threo for guilty as charged, The case, which has cost about $300, over one of the simplest points of law, will thus have to be tried over again, with no more, assurance of a result than before. The Fox case was uleo triod twice, being a mere question of assault. There wus no tuoro evidence adduced in the second trial than the first, but five inon out of six thought dltlorently tho second time than the first. Jury trials as u whole would thus seem to be of a hit and mlsa policy, and not dependent at all on judgment. Win. Watson re moved a fence he supjiosod to be on a county road. Wub ho guilty or not? It seems, with two days given to evidence, six men ought to unanimously determine the question in tlvo minutes. Wiuituil. Man and wife wanted to work on farm. Call at Hood's stable. it Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish. PERSONAL MENTION. Martin Donnell is in town from Gol dendale today. Mr. F. P. Mays, wife nnd children re turned from Wallowa Saturday. Airs. E. C. Pentland of Independence and two children are in the citv visiting Mrs. S. L. Iirooks. Mr. E. Schanno departed for Hood River this morning in the interest of the fruitgrowers of that section. Air. Itowo of the Rowe Lumbering Co. was in the city yesterday and departed on the steamer Regulator this morning. Deputy Sheriff J. H. Phirnian went to KhoVar's Bridge this morning to te-tify in tlio case of the State vs. Gilbert for burglary. Mr. C. C. Ilobart, superintendent of the state portage railway at Cascade Locks, was in tlio city over Sunday and returned on the Regulator this morning. llOTKI. AUKIVAI.S. Columbia C J Gschwern, 8-Mile ; J O WritHinan. Albany; L O Call, AI Lo nard, A C Joicc, Wamic; J II Rowe, Roseburg; David Prendergast, San Fraocisco ; G A Taylor, Butte, Mont; Robert Breuall, .1 Cunningham, U Fair. Butte; Airs Alley, Charles Wallace, S Morris, Win Butts, G Thomas, John Thomas, Hood River; O Hndley, P C Cameron, C Chapman, White Salmon. l.'ImM'il liy lli'iir. Saturday night three bears killed four of J2. Uilhousen's sheep at the camp on upper Mill creek near Johns' mill. One of the two herders in charge commenced shooting with a rid j and tho other, hav ing no better weapon, cemmeuced hurl ing rocks. All of a sudden tho bears assumed the offensive and tho gun re fusing to act tor some reason the boys (led to camp. They are reinforced by this timu and will have it out with the cheeky lords of the Cascades. ltrllt Khtlltti. Eugene G. Whlto and Emma G. White to Alary E. Chandler, laud in section 2, township north range 10 east ; $4 ,000. DlKi'illon tli irfiit Si-crt of Li(t. Simmons' Liver Regulator is the only medicine that relieved me after suffer ing live years with dyspepsia, sick head ache and constipation. Gi:o. S. Aykes, Delaplano Sta., Va. Tim Kurtli'H .Motion. Taut the earth's motion has an ap preciable effect upon artillery lire, do llecting tho projectile from a straight, may be news to many, and as puch would probaby seem a novel no tion. It has, anil the exact nature and extent of the effect is uu important point of study with artillery experts. An English army expert told of the re sults of many interesting experiments along this line in a paper read before the Royal Artillery institution tho other day. Firing from north to south there is a divergence of projectiles to the left duo to the earth's rotation, and llring due north tho divergence is to tho right. The extent of tho "pull" varios at different points on the earth's surface, and with projectiles fired nt different snoods mid elevations. In England a deflection of five inches is found to occur with tlio projectilo of a twelvo-pouudor in a four thousand yard range. Tygh Vulley Kullur Flour Mill. ' Is in complete repair; always in store ' floip; equal to the boat. Also old sty'e coarse and fine Graham flour, niill feed, etc. W. M, MuCoitKi.u, Propr. tiuum Wiiutod. A lady who understands how to do fine sowing can find employment of Miss Belle Hood, upstairs at Pease & Mays.'tl.JiO Mexican Silver Stove Polish cames no dust. A FINE EXHIBIT. The llotxl lllvor Fair Kuppclnlly flood for Applet). The Oreaonian, in speaking of tho Hood River fair, which it calls really an applo show, says: "The exhibit of apples was simply wonderful. More than .100 varieties, nil of more or less excellence, were to he found upon tho various tables, and to each lot was attached a card giving tlio common name of tho apple and tlio placo where it was grown. Tho, fiuit varied in sizo from tho smallest crabs, which resemble good-sized currants, to the variety known as the Gloria Mundi, some of which, by actual measurement exceeded 15 inches in circumference. The color of each was rich and beauti ful, and as far as could be seen from out ward inspection, not a single apple was marked by a blemish or eaten by worms. Of all the varieties, tho Gravenstein, a fall apple, is held in the highest esteem on account of its fine flavor. The Twenty-Ounce is the best apple for cooking purposes, and, as its name im plies, it is a big one, yet not eo large as the Gloria Mundi, which reignB su preme for size. Tho King is the fincBt applo for both eating and cooking. For winter uselthe Yellow Newtown Pippin stands above all of its fellows as an eat ing apple. These are the principal varieties now sent east to supply the demand for fine fruit, and they appear to fill tho bill. AI. B. Rand.'a fruit raiser living on the Washington eido of tho river, had on exhibition a half dozen Maloms, a new variety of apple recently brought over from Germany. They were very similar to Gravensteins in flavor and somewhat hardier. An exhibit of seedless apples, grown near Hood River, attracted great attention. A feature of the show, however, was the exceptionally large number of fine, hardy seedlings on exhibition. They indicate that most of the orchardists have been very careful in the selection of seed and in caring for the young trees." Air. II!rhrlng Ilcturns. Air. II. Herbring returned last night from his eastern trip. He combined buBineBS with pleasure by stopping at Chicago after buying his fall and winter stock of goods in New York. He in forms us the stringency is more severe in the east than on the coast and money hard to get on any terms. A friend of his who pays out $3,000 a week for help has to pay 3 per cent, discount on his checks to get the coin, as the banks with which he has deposited have not the money on hand. Speaking of our ex hibit at Chicago, Air. Herbring said he felt humiliated and ashamed to acknowl edge to anyone who frequents the fair that he was an Oregonian. The fruit is badly decayed, and while it may have been good when it first arrived ia so no longer. Fresh beautiful fruit arrives in the California building every day. The only creditable display of Oregon was its timber. Oregon has no building at the fair, and no one knowB where the state headquarters are, and altogether, Ore gon's candle is entirely hid in the bushel. The meagreness of the exhibit is worse than none and Air. Herbring thinks the people of the state have been penny wise and pound foolish. AitvuriiMMl l.cttum. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the postoflice at The Dalles un called for, Saturday, Sept. 23d, 1893. Persons calling for same will givo date on which they were advertised : Anderson, Carrie L Crewell, Airs Nettie Dtttenlirlfer. F B Fitzgerald, Elaine Alyers, Aire B W Geier, L A Rotlierv, C E Johnson, Eliza Wilson". William AleCalie, James G ra h a m AI rs E in ni aS We 1 1 zo pof , Charles Schanbachler, F B AI. T. Nolan, P. AI. lluckleu'K Arulcu (julve. The best ealvo in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, und all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Snipes & Kin- orsly. l.ll Cilppf. Duriiik'tlio prevalence of tho grippe tlio past seasons it was a noticeable fact that thoso who dopended upon Dr. King's Now Discovery, not only had a speedy recovery, but escaped all of the troublesome after ellects of tlio maiauy. This remedy seems to have u peculiar power in effecting rapid cures not only in cases of la uripno, but in all diseases of throat, chestand lungs, and has cured cusos of asthma und hay fever of long standing. Try it and bo convinced. It won't disappoint. I-ree trial bottles at Snipes & Kineraly's drug store. ook'sCotwoo COMPOUND. A rcoont discovery tv W iibrsU'lan. Sftcet$tfuuy ue Monthly by thousand of 'lAiMet. lo i? only pcrfoctly c.f.. n...l r,.lln!iln mrdloluo dls- .. V - - covered. Bowwo of unprliwljucq tlrupsisu ww offer Inferior inodtclws In place of tUU. Ak for Cook'l Cotton Boot Compound, tubstt Mc, or luc!oo SI ftnil 0 couta in postage la lottor MMlwo will cud, Boalwt, ty return nmll. Fullsealod particular!! ill pln'u cnvelopo, to ladles only, 8 it wans. AildruM V a i 1 h II V O o in p n V. No. S 1'lauur Uloek, Potrolt, iUolj. Sold lu The Dulles by iltuU'ley A; II ukIUou. Forth e Fall Trade Wo are now n?aly with n full lino of Heady-XH&de Clothing, :BlrtoyiSgbcaL Bress Goods, and all other kinds of Dry Goods Ql Wo are noted for the good values wo eivo in Bleached and Unbleached Muslins, Sheetings. Prints. Ginghams. Boots and Shoes. Hosiery. Gents' Furnishings, etc.. etc. D The Balance of our Summer Importations no-w Clearing Out AT COST. cor. Coin and second sis. Toe Dalles, Orcjon. S. & N. HARRIS, 1 Gils, i Winter Dr? Fancy Goods and Notions, (Jepts' purr;i$l7ir; Qood5, Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc. now complete in every department. All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices. rm, Cash. H. Hearing. t MX OPENER 1 Novelties in Millinery. Pattern Hats, Bonnets, Etc. SATURDAY, SEPTEJVIBE 30. Remember, yon are expected. Very respectfully yours, 112 Second Street. ANNA PETER S CO. Familiar Faces in a jVew Place. C. IS. BAYARD, J. E. BARNETT I.ale Special Agent General Land Office. Bayard Barnetty Jtye leal Instate, Ipap, Iurarjee, COLLECTION ACEISTCY. - - - O W A. 3E. Y 3P TJ 3ES Ha X O . - - - Parties having Property they wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to liont, oc Alistract of Title furnished, will find it to their advantage to call on us. Wo shall mako a specialty of tlio prosecution of Claims and Contests lioforo tlio Unitep States Lund Ollice. 85 Washington St. THE DALLES, OR. Second St. I. C. NlCKELSEN, Tho Dalles, Or The California Winehouse, i Is now open, and its proprietor will soli his homo- 4 X produced Wine at prices in tho reach of everybody, d, 2p Also, best Peanuts to bo found. Gootls guaranteed r f to bo Pure and First-Class in every respect. Thompson's Addition. G. BECHT.