5 ! -V ?- ' ft . -? II k tv-. i .v 31' The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OKVIOlAl. l'Al'KU OK DALLES CITY. AND WAM'O COUNTY. 8tM)Sl!irT10N UATKS. BY JCAIt, rOSTAIlK FRK!'AIDt IN ADVANCE. Weekly, lycnr I 1 JjJ ' 6 months ;5 3 ON) rwllr. 1 voir W " 6 month . 3 00 0 SO AddreM. nil commuulcrttion to THK OllltON ICLK," The Dalles. Oregon. I'oM-Offlce. OFT1CK HCIUltJ Uuerai Doltvcrv Window. . ... .mi. m. to 7 m. Money Onlcr " Sn.ni. to I v. m. Bundny ii n " '.'h. ni. town. m. CL03INO OF NAILS trains Koine East 9 p. m. and ll:4An. m. West 9v-n,-alul fi!!t.m. HUgu for Gotdemlale T:S0a. ni. " " l'rinevlllc 5:in. ni. " "Dnturand Warm Spring ..5:93 a.m. " fLeaTing for Lvlc A; Unrtland .8:80 a. m. " " " JAntctopc ... . .5:30a.m. Except Sunday. Tri-weekly. Tuesdav Thursday and Saturday, t " Monday Wednesday and Friday. HERRING ARISTOCRACY. Tho First Fldli of the Scnuoti Sold nt Very i HIrIi I'rlreo In Ilollnittl. ' Needless to say that, bolnp so nur-1 rmimli.il liv wnti'r. tlu Dutch nn rrrint I lovers of tlsh. Indeed, social mule Is indicated by the consumption of llsh, and strange to say that for this pur pose the humblest of all Hsh. the com mon herring1, has been selected. At u pood restaurant at Amsterdam 1 asked for a thoroughly Dutch dish, and to my prertt surprise a small raw herrinp was served to me, and for this straupe dish 1 was made to pay a very larpe price. In answer to my inquiries I was informed in a particular tone in dicative of somethinp surprisinp and wonderful that it was a new herrinp. I was furtheV told that nevr herrinp cost n few weeks npo as much as one dollar each. 1 protested that in Lon don new herrinp were often sold at one cent each or three herrinp for two cents. In answer to this I was smilinp- ly informed that in Holland herrinp MONDAY, OCT. 2, 1893 NEAR TO A REVOLUTION. mil Gom The senate is as far off from a conclu sion as ever and Senator Voorhees gives us the cheering intelligence that if n Tote cannot be reached this fall or winter he is prepared, like Grant, to fight it out on the same line, "if it takes all summer." If that is so the expensive sitting of the senate will be a greater burden than the silver purchase act. But the signs of the times point to an intoleration of this conduct. Sober thinkingmen are spring ing up on all hands who announce that we are nearer a revolution than since the revolutionary war. The million idle wage-earners who are suffering for the necessities of life are already menacing ns, the larpe mobs that assemble in our representative cities are only temporarily subdued by the police, the wound is not healed and their wrongs still fester. It is estimated that a million and a half of laborers are out of work at the present time, and a great part of the remainder Tiave been reduced to a narrow living. These men, unused to diplomacy, tin Bkilled in political trickery, though slow of thought or speech, are quick in action. It does not require much argument to prove to these men, narrowed by priva-1 tion and want, that the rewards of toil are not commensurate with what they deserve, and when a state of unrest is en gendered all along the lines, it will take but a spark to ignite their passions which will lead them to wrest from others by ( force what they have been deprived of by , circumstances. These fears are not ' groundless, there is much of realism in them, and no watchful observer can con- trovert it. The senate should take coun sel nf the ntritiiied condition the conntrv is now in, and do a little more law-irfck-! ing and less jaw-swinging. WRINKLES, and hollow ohcekB, and dull, sunken eyes, don't always moan that a wo man's old. Half the time they only show that she's overworked or suf fering. To such women, to every woman who is tired or afllicted, Dr. were not durinp the season any dearer; ' Tierce's Favorite Prescription safely only, though just as fresh, they were and certainly brings back health and not called a new herrinp. The point etrencth. It's a legitimate medicine is to eat a new herrinp. and a new her-, tjiat ;orrects and cures ; a tonic that rinp means n herrinp out of season, or j invj.orate8 and builds up ; a nervine the tirst herrinp that heralds the com-1 that800thoa ana strengthens. For afT"". "oh? aTone' S2r all tho derangements, Irregularities each. Then the price falls to half a and weaknesses peculiar to women dollar, then to twenty cents, to ten ; it is the only fuarantecd remedy, cents, to five cents, and Anally to one j If it doesn't benefit or cure, you cent or less. have your money back. . ... . 1 Jl A- V nen tne new nerrmp are nrsi an nounced Dutchmen impure of one an other: "Have you already eaten a new herrinp?" If you are able to answer "Yes" early in the season then you are considered a man of means and impor tance. Hut if you continue for lonp confessinp that you have not eaten any new herrinp then your kind and char itable friends conclude you must bo involved in serious financial difficul ties. Shiloh's cure, the Great Cough uiiu Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes & Kin ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses, only 25c. Children love it. Sold by Snipes fc Kinersly. mm A great many medicines " relieve " Catarrh in the' Head. That means that it's driven from the head into the throat and lungs. But, by its mild, soothing, cleansing and healing properties, "Dr. Sage's Catarrh Rem edy perfectly and permanently cures. uucu., ana Sl-COper Rctilo Oiros tIouh. Hoar3oncs.l5ore Yluont. Croup promptlv: rel'ovco Whooping Caugli nnd A.tiiui-.i. T r Consumption it Ii" rival: has cured thousands tr iercnl!o i.e: . failed; will csjhe you If taken in tirn-. t.oi . bv Druirzists on n citnrnnteo. Forl.an.i TiicJ: ( or Cheat, use SHILOH'S l'LAHiru. Sct2 0 H S LO H'SATAR R H lie Miners are leaving Butte by the hun-! dreds for South Airica. Last week -100 , tickets were sold to parties bound for the mining region of that distant country. j lave you catarrh? Th'remedv is iruaran- teed to care you. Price CO cu. lul'.-ctor frri For ale by Snipes & KlnerMy. This Is the Season Of the Year Ulhen Judicious Advertising Pays. e m SEE OUR STOCK OF Men's, Boys' and Youth s -a- clothing m Look: Over Tho man who Overlooks see Cur Stock of CLOTHING, and if he liuan't bought a Suit that is poorer, and paid More Tlian mo lie v VQU . . . who purchased your Suit of What is Yotir Idea of a Fall and Winter Suit for your own wear 7 YOU certainly have an idea of about what yon want. Who knows, perhupH we have the sumo Suit on one of our tables that you hiivo in your mind's eye. However. ti will bo well worth your inspect our Stock. time to i i w.re point tie moral i j. w A Am. mm- mmm mmw w V. I v j w4 YUUK ril 1 tJlllUJi u There is a tide in the aff airs of men which, taken at its flood T , , . . leads on to fortune" The anti-repeal men, though in the minority, have force enough to keep up a filibuster indefinitely. At present they seem determined to fight until the Voorhees bill is killed. VIGOR F MEN Brazil is still in the throes of the rev olution. It is impossible to know more, as the "Herald correspondent," "a prominent official," a "United States resident," and "ioreign minister," do not agree on any proposition. The agitation against crinolines was , ill-advised after all, and now that the newspapers have quit talking about it, ' the results are not at all as were anli-! cipated. The skirts have not increased i in diameter to any alarming extent, j and they look very neat and pretty. Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and all tlio train of IK from uorly errors or later cxcef. tbe rttulH of overuort, slufcnem, worry, etc. Fullstrenglli, development and tonu given to eery organ and portion of the body. Simple, naturalmethoda. Imiiiedlatelmiirovernent Feen. Failure ImpooMLI?. 2,fMj references. Ifcok. explanation and pnxtfn mailed (waled) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, U. Y. J Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat. J 'OUR OrriCCISOPPOITCU. S.PATENTOrriCCj J and we can secure patent in lesa tunc liua those J t remote trorn Washington. rawinc or pnoio., wun aescnp- ; e, if patentable or not, free o(J ' Scad model, drawing ftnn. Ul ailtfiu. II 111 ichirze. Our ice not due till patent is secured. A PAMPHLcr. "How to Obtain Patents," with ' Jcojt of same in the U.S. and foreign countries; scnt free. Address, opp. PATcrrromct, washinoton, d. c. Is called to the faot that Hagh Glenn, Dealer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement! and Huilding Material ot all kinds. C'nrrlM the Fluoat Lliifi of Picture Mouldings To De found in the City. 72 CUashington Street. W. E. GARRETSON. The poet unquestionably had referonce to the M. UM tJ U. Lf MAIM. U U M. -mMm km A at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, lift. 111 A. t 1 . . A A- 1 f MIC1IKLIJA01I 15K1CK UNION ST. ST. PliY'S Executors' Notice. iUDEuIY THE D.M.I.ES, OUKl.O.N. Re-Opens Sept. 4tli. lBOy. Boarding and Day Sohool for Girls. Hates jx;r A resolution to restore the parity of ( the legislative, executive and judicial tie- j partments of the government, with par ticular reference to the first two, was : the contribution of Senator Stewart to j ,.. bl() ,Jllt Ruiuiiu waiuiit4.il lain, nccn. xv cci-e forth that the independence of these branches must be maintained, and that the use of the power and influence of one department to control the action of another is a violation of the constitution. Termx of ten wceki-, tuiyuble in ml- . wince. . .. 1QH) onto) in ....i i.. ..i.i r...: liistriiraeiitiil Muule, SttiioKruphy, 'np'-writ-inj;, 'lcitsniiiliy, Untwins; ami I'liintljii; form extra chiirh'ft. Krenclj, (iennitii iiml Ijitlu liinKUiiKes, NcelL-work mid Vfjcal Miulc taught free. DAY SCHOOL, five, tlx, eiirht or ten dollars ier term, iu cording to grade. For irtictllar4, address S1STEII SL'I'KIMOH. Ss-l.tvSt Notice in hereby given, thnt the linderflgneil liiiw lieen duly unpointed, by the Honiirnblu the i oiintv Court ol Wiim;ii county, Oregon, ex ecu turn of theeotnteof John ll.ixter, deceiiKd nil ii-ihons having clxiniN iigitinot Mild u.wto lire licrebv reo.uiri'd to present the mine, duly verl llnl nm! with proper voucher'', to us or either, t AiitelotK-, yViim.-o county, Oiegon, Ithlu six moiitliK from tlicdntoof thin notice, Tho Utiles, Or., Aug. 3. iw:5. JAMKS I1AXTEII AM) JAMK8 VV1UTTK.V. Kxccutorx of tho entnto of John Ilaxter. deo'il. 8-I,W0t i Leadin a Jeweler.! Itll.K AUKNT Klllt THK 1 m-mtiv WINHNS Ni:V TOWN hii" Wn pliitlcd on the old camp ground, nt the horkH iintl anil puruwiiter,williHhiideln profiib All Watch Work Jewelry Made arrantod. to Order. 13 Hiiil Ht., Th litlM, t)r. IALLES CHRONICLE rpTTP i lllii alls of Hood rivet, lth !rgc,hlghtly lopi.broiid ntat.'Uiuid "Iluyii, good toll ill rillr.iU'iltor.lv III iiIiiii ..III inifllklilll. lu.rriV'Lllrillllllirt'.UU Ulllllll II Ollllllllll climate, tho central attraction no a nioiiiiuiln Milliliter recort for all Oregon, being thu nearest town to Mt. Hood. It I" iini'iiriillolcc in; n iniimifflctnrliiK center, being tho natural center for ISO n,uiirc mllw of the lx-.it cedar mid fit timber, tKiw.-Mliig inillloiiH of horc-i -nor in ltn ilimhlng HttcnniN and water falls, eailly harnesied. Whero rl , i,i niotlvu power exist, there the ruuii f HCtorlCM will center, nurrouini .1 by soil and olliuatu that cannot bo eir&W anywhero for fnilt ami iigrlullturc, mill with traiuiortatlon nlrtwlr wJ, you will llnd this the place to make n jierfect homo or n paying low"' See me on the erroTwi address me at Hood w"1 Wasco County, Oregoa TITLE PERFECT " 1 W. RossWinans, It is unfortunately truo that mistakes will occur in the newspapers. The Lin- coin County Times apologizes after this , llI.,.NKI.VKK,, t. ,,,,,, , .... fashion : "The Times was mistaken last week in saying that Fred Zilmer got his shoulder blade broken. It was K. Zil mer, and it was his collar bone not his shoulder blade, and It was not broken, but fractured, and the fracture was ad justed not reduced, and the whole oper tion was nerforined by Drs. Whitney & Turney instead of Kiddle as stated." HluitrsHUBU, Pa., Jan. 'J7, JbW. Ud J.J. Km, Kharpbburg, l'a., J)KAr. Hut I have usol Kruiue's Headache Capsules for some time and want to lentlfy to uieir value, i triea various well recommended medicines, nut got no renet until i used these, and now would not bo without them for ten times their cot. Yours respectfully ClIAItLKK T, ftglKiWICK, Karl's Clover Boot, the new blood purifier, giverfrMunew and clearness to the complexion and cure constipation. ac., S0c. and $1.00. Sold by Snipes & Kinerslf , druggists. for Kant. Five rooms suitable for housekeeping with bath, Central location. 12dlw J. M, Jili;.NTiN(i'ioK & Co. Cured at Home in Ten linys ly uilinln. Isterliifr Ilr. llalnos' Clolileu Kpeclllc. It can be given In it glass of beer, u cup of coll'co or tea, or-in food, without tho knowledge of the patient. It is absolutely hurmlens, ami will ciiect a permanent arid speedy cure, whe. her the patient Isu moderate drinker or an aleoho' o wreck. Jt has been given in thousands of caes, and In every instance it perf.-ct cure has fob lowed. It never fails. Tho system once Impreg nated with the specific, it becomes an utter lm possibility for the liquorap)etiotoexiiit. Cures guaranteed. 48-page book of imrtlculiirs free., Address tho Oouiin Hpkcikic Co., 1W Itueo Ht. Cincinnati, Oblo. Daily and Weekly Editions. AGENTS WANTED od salary and Commltiion for THE ONLY AUTHORIZED BlorahtofJOISG. BLAINE. Hy GAIt, HAMILTON, his literary executor, with tbo co-operation of his family, uml for ilr. lilaluo's CouiDletu Works. "T WKNTV Veiiim or ;ONGttKH8." ud bis later book, CIM). VltlVAV UINfJUMIONN." One prospectus for these 8 BHT iltXlVlMe book in tliotiu.r. Jcet. A.K.P.Joi4H0(lla,'took 112 order from first no calU; agwl's profit HtWfl.oo. Mrs. Hal lard 0 O., took.Jiorrlew, UBeulKustlii, In 1 day, profltiio.fi. K. N. Hkw ot Ma, took '.'7 orders in 2 days, profit 47.a5. J.vl'arlildK" of .Me. took 4.1 orders from SO calls, profit ma.nr, K. A. Palmer of N. Uak. took .VI orders in.'iduvs. tXOlitHUH.US. KXCLUHlVlCTKICUlTaitV Kiven. U you with to make kAHUi; ilO.N'KV. write immediately for terms to TbeHENEY BILL PUB. 00 mm, C05n. 0' JOY, mi. THE CHRONICLE was established for ttfe ex press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and the surrounding country, and tho satisfying offect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a largo part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as woll as Klickitat and other re gions north of Tho Dalles, honco it is the best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. Tho Daily Ghkonicle is published every o ve iling in the weok Sundays oxcopted at $0.00 por annum. Tho Weekly Ciikoniolk on Fridays of each weok at $l.o0 por annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., Qoiijmbia THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Huh lutely been thoroughly renovated nml fie!! fiiriilHhcd throughout, and In now butter tuan ever prepared to furnish tho best Hot! iiecominodutloiiH of any houso in the city, mid nt tho very low rato of $1 a day. First-PUss Meals, 25c- Ofllco ol the fiwt mid cotniuodious opposition SW to Dufur, KlngHley, Tygh Valley, Wupin" Worm Springfl and rrlnevlllo 18 in tlio Hoi nd personB going to Prinovllle cnti save M.OO by going on this 8tugo line. 4U trin stop here. P. BUNNELL, BiM Unrlr Tin iMiira md MM MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE- - c. Kiisa' fthnn on Third Street, next door west ol xouut, ri 1 Ul. I'l. jJiacKsmiin .7:10.