el)c Hoiks Cl)r0ttkk VOL. VI. THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1893. NO. 92. IIV ,HK OHKONIOI.K PUBLISHING CO ,t iccoml '""I Wiuihlnjttou Htreota, Tlio T.r r Hiilmorilitlon 10 00 SSSrth,WC" 6" iiaglo copy TIME TA HI. KM. ItallrnMlU. Incflcet AiiKiiNt C, 1S!:I. KAHT 1IOIJNI). WHAT UOUNII. , idti3:3'J a. u. Depart 3:l a. m tii IrciKliI" thai carry pawtonKorH leave 7tit wtntiit h:iji) a, M.,and one for the HTA(1I-Ni ptriMittU:, vlii. Hake Oven, leave tliiily (rlnwloiw, Mitchell, (.'onyon City, leave wWlttf. KliiKloy, Wiimlo, Wnplnltln, Wiirm Ul lyt?" VUlloy, lenvc uanjr, iuc fcM'" I - H. .1... urieicept Sunday ut 7 A. M, Oficetfumll linen at tho Umatilla Houku. IKOFKHfllONAL. II. 1!II)I)K1.1a-ATT0IINKY-ai-I.aw Otllco , Court Htreot, Thu Dalle, Oregon. W.DUfUll. fHAHK MKKKfM. nSFUU, it MKNEKKK Attoknbyh- at- II . 11. ........ ii ntiit J!l fivnr PoHt XnliulMliiK, Kutruuceou Washington Htreot SiDillefi.Orcfiim. . - iil'l'Vl'TT .TTMIlNFV.AT.I.AW. Of. A. icu in Hcliiuiiio'i building, up talri. Tliu itllxt, Orivou. i, fr xayn. h, h.kuntimuton. h. . vnmioh. f AYH. Ill'NTlNHTON i WILHON Attor .11 mysat-law Ofllcw, French' block over flM National Hank.. ' ti ' Dalle. Oregon. II II WIIAOX ATTOBNBY-AT-I.AW llliomj II , French & Co.'it bank building, Second twtt. The IihIIum. UreKOii. DR. KHlini.MAN (Hum jtorATHXO) I'hymcian uui huuiiKON. Call anawured promptly. iMorulBlit.cUy oreouutry. Offlco No.Jiwind XUpmmi block. vrtl DK, 0, 11. IIOANK-I'HYMCIAN AND BUB mon, Ottieii; Tuoma It and C Chapmnti I'jxi, Itesldenee: H. K. corner Court and Nrtn itrecta, nee )iid door from the corner. 06m hour 0 to 12 A. M., - to 6 and 7 to 8 1. M. DsllUiAM. Dkntut. Cias Riven lor the . t.ltili-hii extraction of teeth. Also teeth ou (lowed alumlmim plute. Hoomit: HIgn of ti Oolik-n Tooth, Second Htreot. w NOOIKT1KH. 7AW.0 U)lKiK, NO. lft. A. V. A A. M.-Mcoti; llmliiuil third .Mouuay oi chcii mimm m. , M.I.V.H IttlVAl, AltCH OHAITKK NO. fi.- uwuhimuuiiIc Hull the lliirn euuemiuy ol enc.U month ti jj. MOI'KRN WOOllMKS OK TilKWOUI.. ill, HiiihI (,'ninviiu.r9lMeothTueiidiiyuvun ItiKof each week In Fraternity Hull, at7::i0 p. m pOI.l'MllIA l.OlKiK, No. 6, I. O. O. P. Meet V.. ;Kt r""n vwuiiBut":.iunuiooK,iii k. oi l' liiill, corner HcyoiiU and Court Htreeta. c wminmiK oroiners are welcome. 11. C'uiuiiii, Heo'y. . A. 11II.I.h,N. (I. IPKIKNDHIlll' I.ODdK.NO. U., K. of I'. fleet ovurj- iiiiiiniay eviinniK at 7.ao oulock, Hi wnamm a InilMliiK, corner of Court and Rewind uiwia. nojournuiK uivuilwrH are cordially In "rt..,, W.H. CRAM. J). W . Vaiihk, K. of It. nnd H. C. C. A BHKMIII.Y NO. I'.7, K. OP U-Mecta In K. f. iiu.imii ineitecond and fourth Weduoa lti of each mouth at 7:;iu p. in. WiU'a.H.. CIlltlHTIAN TP.Ml'EKKNCP. . , I'fion will moot every Friday afternoon lo clock at the reading room. Allure invited. Hirmoii UhIru No. Nil. I. O. (I. T.-llegular . weekly ineetlnitH Krldav ut H r. u.. wrniy Hall. All are Invited. UlimaiiAN, C. T. U. O. Pi.kck, Ho TWK LODGE NO. a, A. O. V. W.-MccU - .riniuriuiy nan, over Kouera, an twooua - simuauay eveiilllgH at7:3l). ri. .. H. HAN8EN, i!YKHH, Flnnnnlor. M. W. J'NKHMITH I'OST, No. 82, U. A. K.-Mecta . ..viciy nuiiiriiHV ut n'a w w in riiat k hi ' FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKANHACT A OKNEHA1. HANKING BD81NK88 iMUim of Credit iHBiiod available in he Eastern States. Sight Exchanco and Telegraphic TratiuferflBoldon Now York, Chicago, St. Ix)u1h, San Francinco, Portland Oregon, t. . iii.. tr l. 1 i. . ' onuiim tyiihii.. huh vanouH poinia in ur ogon and WftHlilngton. CollcctioiiH made at all pointf on fav orable terms. u. HOHKNCK, 1'rcNldont. .1. M. I'ATTKKSON, ('aahler. first Rational Bank. VHE DALLES, - - - OREGON A General Banking IhiNineHS transacted DejiosltB received, HiibjecJ, to Sight Drult or Utiocfc. CollectloiiH made mid proceeds promptly remitted on uuj ol collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange (told on New York, San Francisco and Portland. BILIOUSNESS Who has not suffered this misery caused by bilo in tlio stomach which an inactivo or sluggish liver failed to carry off. THE PREVENTION AND CURE IS DIRKOTOKS. D. J. Tjiomphon. Jno. S. Schknck. El). M. WlU.IAMH, Gko. A. Likiie. H. M. Beam.. THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. President - -Vice-PreHident, CaHhier, - - Z. F. Moody CiiAitLKB Hilton M. A. Moouy General Banking Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. CnlliwiionH niude on favorable tcrinB at all accessible points. W. H. YOUNG, BiacksmitU & wagon shod General Blacknmlthing and Work done promptly, ami all worK Guaranteed. B. .f 1'.-.1':TMt'ulwuveryfiuuday afternoon In "the K. if V, Hull. (IKSANd VEKEIN Meota ovory Hunduy iljwiilng lu the K. of I'. Hall. B. i? K- 1V1HI0N, No. 107-Moeta in 4of . ' i' ' Unit tho llrat and third Wodnea- T1IK UHUltUIIKH. 8Tif'rK.KB UKail -Kov. Puthor HiioN .v QIIHT I'litit.t. I u.,...l,iu ii i 1 a. . . 1 f u "n iituuuii HOVt rimiur itnunn i'uHtor. aw Miinh ovory Htuiday ut Kli Mtutb ut 10;U0 A M VtH)r ut 'i'JlAl'l CHUIK1II Union Htroot. onnoalto Hirv Hiii i lluv' 1:11 HtitoUllo Hector, burvlcea khii I''r' Ht 11 unci 7:so r. m. Hunday l;r u'a A- x. KvuuIuk I'rnyor on Friday ut F'S "AI'TIHT OHUItUH-Huv. O. D. TAY k.,i. 10 i l iiHtor. Mornhiir nurvln.ia uverv Hub- School l ",,ey t 11 A. M. HttbbiitU HtmL ! wUSt?1 ",tor morning aorvlcea. oce ,? '"K Kr'' livening at I'aator'a real, jy- uiiltm acrvlces lu tlio court lumao ut CuSiJA.Tl.0NAl" OHUHOH-Hov. W. 0. . it .,,.7!,"' 1 ""tor Hor vlcea ovory Huuday at 1 1 Mrilce Vir ' Bl'""y bohool ufter morning 'f. HtraiiKoracordlally iuvltod. HouUtrtto. .M, 8url!.lU,MI-Kov- J- Wmibmsii, paator. Hy Snte uv.ury Huuduy morning nt 11 a. in, tfic lit TllSiMo'ofook-i h. Epworth Monyi.uluJ!lnin7:30 o'clock. A oonllul in' tou extended by both juiator and people OIIUIIOH-Hkv. J. W.JKNKINH. CWpi, I'eaohlng iu tlio (Jongroauttonaf VTuvitwl''' 1,,ly wt 8 ' AU M0 iSA1!!1' I'UTHKIIAN Ninth atreot, ""J One a vurumi wviuuiua Horse Shoeing Speciality TMrd Street, opp. LidIjd's old Stand. J. F. FORD, ist, Of Dea MolncN, Iowa, write under date ol March 23, 1IKW: S. B. Mkii. Mm. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Gentlemen : On arriving home last week, I found all well and anxiouflly awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, who had wasted away to 88 jiounds, ie now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. S. B. Cough Cure has done its work well. Both of the children like it. Your S. B. Cough Cure has cured and kept away all hoarseness from me. So give it to every one, with greetinge for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are Yours, Mit. & Mas. J. F. Foiin. If you wlah to feci f null and cheerful, and ready lor thu Hpriug'a work, cleanao your ayatem with tho Headache nnd Uvcr cure, by taking iwoor three doaea cnuh week. Sold under a poaltivc guarantee. 60 couta per bottle by all druggtala. House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kindB of work in liis line at reasonable figures. Has thu largest house moving outfit in Kastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181,The Dalles flnnie writ seminary, Tac'oma, ash. Boarding and Day School for Q-irls. Tontli Yoar Begins Soptember 14, 1893. For Catalogue uml Atliulttiince, apply to liquid or powder, which gives quick action to tho liver and carries off tlio bilo by a mildmove ment of tho bowels. It is no pur gative or griping medicine, but purely vegetable. Many people take pills moro tako Simmons Liver Regulator. "I have licon a victim to TlllIouRncss tot j-curn, and nller trying various remedies my only miccchs was In tlio uso of Him moriH Liver Itcgulutor, which never failed to relievo me. I speak not of myself, alone, but my whole family." J. 51. Fiu MAN, Sclma, Ala. J9-EVERT I'ACKAGK-e Hub onr Z Stamp In red on wrapper. J. U. ZEIUK & CO., PhlhulelpUa, Pi. ' Dally Evenlnc Chronicle is recoimlzcd . ux eMontlallr the home nutter for the jniien uiy joikh' jrt,it r? iins is noi a Dim reiiutatlou. Somei J VJIVlt, 2,0) of our best nltlzcns watch the columns of this r n nrn dally for the spiciest local news. It 1 Ml Jllv aucceedH in RleuiiliiR the field, and hence grows iu popularity uiid nn)iortaucc. Take it awhile, you who don't; trysomo of its premium oflers. "The Regulator Line" Tie Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH Mrs, Sarali K, White. H-'Jldlm I Principal. Freipnt ana Passenger Line Through diulv service (Sundays ex cepted) between Tho Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade Locks with steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock) at 6 a. m. con necting with steamer Regulator for The Dalles. I'AHSKNGKK KATKli. Ono way Round trip... .2.00 . 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings must be delivered before 5 p. m. Live stock shipments eolicted. Call on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent. B. F. LAUGHLIN, Ueueral Manager. THE DALLES, OREGON T H E ARTIC FACTORY SODA WATER AND I0E 0REAM. Candies and Nuts ut wholesale ciuotatlona, TOKACGO, : I : UIOAltH AND l I HH'KKl' DUINKH Specialties Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dalles 2 38 2d Street J.FOLCO At right aide Mrs. Obarr'a restaurant. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, popular and reliable houco has boon entirely refurnished, and evecy room haa beon ropapered nnd ropaintei and newly carpeted throughout. The hoiiBO contains 170 roomBiuidisBuppliecl with every modern convenience. Rates reasonable. A good restaurant attachec to tho house. Frer biiB to aud from all trftiUB C. W. KNOWI.ES, Prop. TRAILING THE ROBBERS Conclusive Evidence Against Two of the Laic Shore Participants, ONE OF THEM IS A WOMAN A Bill Introduced in Congress to Submit the Questions of Free Coinage to a Vote. . CoticZualie Kvlilrncn Against Him. Toledo, O., Sept. .'50. The authorities of Noble county, Intl., are said to be in possession of conclusive evidence to show that John Conners and Eva Flint, who were arrested at Kendallville last Wed nesday in connection with tho Lake Shore train robbery, are two of the par ticipantsin thedistribution of the booty It is learned that a number of railroad men were chief actors in the robbery of the train. It is stated further that the woman, Eva Flint, made teveral trips from Elkharl, Ind., to Chicago with large quantities of ballion, specie and gold, part of the proceeds of the robbery Jilt. COOl'Elt'S KKSOLUTION. It Provides for a Special Election to Determine the Sliver Question. Washington, Sept. 30. Representa tive S. B. Cooper of Texas today pre sented the following resolution, which was referred to the wavs and means committee: Wiiekeas, In the enactment ot all laws the will of the majority should con trol, and, Whebeas, There is a divided opinion among the congressmen of the United States, now assembled in legislative session, as to the will of the people on the question of the coinage of money by the United States; therefore be it llesotved, That the governors of the several states be respectfully requested to request or cause to be held an elec tion in their respective states the first Tuesday in November nest for the pur pose of ascertaining the will of the peo ple upon jthe question of coinage of money by the United States, and at such election those in favor of the free coinage of both t'oM and silver without discrimination against either metal shall have printed or written upon their tickets "for free coinage," and those opposed to free coinage of both gold and silver, without discrimination, shall have written or printed upon their tickets "against free coinage," and said election shall be held and the returns thereof made in accordance with the laws of tho respective states governing the elections of iepresentatives to the legislature of said states, and the re turns and result of said election shall be submitted to the congress of the United States by the governors of tho several states. Weather Summary. Oregon State Weather Service. The Dalles, On., September, 1893. Klevation aboe ea level 1J0 tcet. Mean tempcratuic, COA. Departure from normal, Maximum temjernturi', 101 ; date 1st. Minimum tenijierature, 3T; date Uttli. Mean of maximum temperature, 71.6. Mean of minimum teuiiierature, 4'J.O No. times maximum temperature, W or above No. times minimum temperature 3i or be low, none. Total precipitation, ineuea. Departure from normal csi'tw, .'JO inches. Total depth of uninvited snowfall, inches. l'revuillnB direction of wind, westerly. Total movement of wind, miles. No. of cloudless days, l'J. No. of partly cloudy days, No. of cloudy days, t. No. days on which .01 of rain or snow fell, , Dates of thiimler storms, nth. Dates of light frost, lu place ?M and 23d. Dates of killlni; or injurious irost, none Dates of solar lialos, Dates of lunar halos, S. L. Buooks, Volunteer Observer. A Disturbance Isn't what you want, if your stomach and bowels are irregular. That's about all you get, though, with the ordinary pill. It niay relieve you for a moment, but vou're usually in a worse stato after ward tuan before. , , This is just where Dr. Tierce's rieas- ant Pellets do most good, inev act in an easy and natural way, vory uiueieni from the huge, old-fashioned pills. They're not onlv pleasanter, but there's no reaction afterward, and their help liisis. Ono little sutiar-eoated pellet for a gentle laxative or corrective three for a cathartic. Constipation, Jnd gestion, Bilious Attacks, Dizziness, rick aim Bilious Headaches, are promptly re lieved and cured. , They're the smallest, tho eusiest to take and tho cheapest pill you can buy, for they're guaranteed to give satisfac tion, or'your money is returned. Yon pay only lor tno guuu you gin. - For a Junto back or ior a pain lu the Bide or chest, try saturating ft piece of of flannel with Cluunberlain'B Pain Balm und binding it on to tho atlected parts. This treatment will cure any ordinary case In ono or two days. Pain Balm also euros rheumatism, 60 cent bottles for sulo by Blnkoloyit Houghton. Uso Mexican Silver Stove Polish NEWS NOTES. Senator John B. Allen has renounced politics and will hereafter practice law. Republican anti-silver men in the senate have presented a strong front against a compromise. Tho Cdiur d'Aleno mines have re sumed, adding $100,000 per month to Spokane's monthly pay roll. A Texas representative wants the question of free coinage of Bilvcr sub mitted to a popular vote next November. The latest reports from Rio de Janeiro is that the rebel warships all opened fire on the city and much damage to prop crty resulted. Tho Irish flag was hoisted and pulled down twice Saturday on the roof of tho electricity building at the world's fair, but finally floated triumphantly. Silver mine owners of Aspen have pre scnted a sliding scale of wages, regulated by tho price of silver, but the men have not yet accepted it. According to this the lowest wages are $2.50 and the high est $5 per day. The ironclad Independent has cap tured the rebel warship Andes, which was seized at Buenos Ayres a few days ago by the rebels. The rebel officers oi the Andes managed to escape, but the crew was captured. Dr. Fogelsong, of Hillsdale, Mich., convicted ot poisoning his third wife, was sentenced to prison for life. The doctor declared he was innocent. It is now re membered that the doctor's first and second wives died under peculiar cir cumstances, and there is a suspicion he may have murdered them also. Dr. Gray, the most prominent physi cian in Tuskahoma, I. T., answered a call to a distant point and later the doctor's horse came home riderless. In dians reported the doctor had been drowned while crossing a river. It is believed the Indians killed him to pre vent his giving testimony in an impor tant case this week. In the public demonstration of the Amick treatment, which has been in progress in Cleveland, O., for the past two months, of ten consumptives one died, three are apparently cured, being now free from all symptoms of the dis ease; tour snow marked improvement, and two a slight gain. The greatest in crease iu weight was three pounds in four days. The demonstration has not yet ended, although Dr. G. B. Sturgeon admitted tonight that the treatment had already accomplished more than the Cincinnati discoverer claimed for it. NEWS OF THE STATE. The La Grande anti-Chinese agitators have been bound over to tho grand jury in the sum of .$100 each. A strange change has come over tho two Astoria murderers, Hansen and Reiter. Before conviction Hansen was completely prostrated and broken down, while young Reiter wore an air of callous bravado. Since they were found guilty Hansen has become seemingly resigned to his fate, while Reiter fills in his time winning piteously for compassion and pardon. A (iooil Thing to Keep at IIuuil. From the Troy (Kan.) Chief. Some years ago wo were very much subject to severe spells of cholera mor bus ; und now when we feel any of tho symptoms that usually precede that ail ment, such as sickness at the stomach, diarrhoea, etc., we become scary. Wo have found Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy the very thing to straighten ono out in such cases. We are not writing this for a pay testimonial but to let our readers know what is good to keep handy In the house. For sale by Blukeley & Houghton, druggists, Good Job I'rintlne. If you havo your job printing done at The CiutoNici.E vou will have tho ad vantage of having it done with tho most modem and upproved type, with which we keep continually supplied. All jobs under tho direct supervision of one of tho most successful and artistic printers in tho Northwest. WOOD," WOOD, WOOD. Best grades of oak, fir, and slab cord wood, at lowest market rates at dos. i. Petors & Co. (Oflico Second and Jell'or son streets.) HE GOT DOTH OF THEM. An Express Company' Detective Who Laid Out Two .Stngo Itobbora. "Ono day lu October, 1877, I was staffing1 it in northern California," said Thomas M. Spencer to n St. Louis Globe-Democrat man. "There were six of us in the coach. Wo were talk ing about Btagc robbers. Suddenly there was a halt and one of tho party said: 'Spenlc of the devil and he will appenr.' Well, owe all pot up and stood in a lino and gnvo up our purses and watches. The driver had thrown off the mall bag and the Wells-Fargo safe. There were two robbers, neither of them masked. They were not polite liko the knights of the road of ro mance, but swore continuously. The job was done in about five minutes, and the robbers told the driver to go ahead. We did so for a half mile or so, when one of the passengers, a silent man whom I had taken for a commercial man, said to the driver: 'Go slowly and wait for me at the ford.' lie tken pro duced a Winchester from the bottom of the coach and started back over the road alone. 'Who is he?' we asked the driver. 'Wells-Fargo man, I guess; never saw him before, but I guess he knows his business. If he comes back, he will have got them; if he don't, they'll have got him.' "Twenty minutes later we heard some rapid firing. We stopped at the ford. Nearly an hour passed, and then tho man who had gone back appeared on the trail. He walked slowly, as if In pain, and a bloody handkerchief was tied about his head. 'Drive bat and get the box,' he said to the driver. 'Did you get 'cm?' asked the driver. 'Both of 'em,' he replied. We drove back. In tho middle of the road where we had been held up both men lay dead. The Wells-Fargo detective, cal culating that they would stop to rifle the mail bag and the strong box, di vide tho plunder and then separate, had quietly walked back. One of them he dropped with his Winchester before he was suspected; the other got in one shot before he fell, and that had struck the brave man a glancing blow on the head. Our property was all re stored to us. We helped bury-the dead robbers by the roadside. The brave of ficer refused to accept the purse we hastily raised for him." FISH ALIVE IN BOILING WATER. A Novniln Sperlea Which Died on Heine Iilt Into n Cold Fluid. One of the most remarkable discov eries in the shape of a peculiar species of fish ever made on this continent was that made at Carson City, Nov., in 1S70. At that time both the Hale & Noreross and the Savage mines vere down to what is known as tho T','J00-foot level." When at that depth a subter ranean lake of boiling water was tapped. The accident Hooded both mines to the depth of 400 feet. After the water had all been pumped out ex cept that which had gathered in basins and in the inaccessible portions of the works, and when the water still had a temperature of 12S degrees nearly scalding hot many queer-looking lit tle blood-red lish were taken out. In appearance they resembled goldfish. They seemed lively and sportive enough when they were in their native element boiling water. notwith standing tho fact that they did pot even have rudimentary eyes. When the fish were taken out of the hot water and put into buckets of cold water for tho purpose of being trans ported to tho surface, they died as quickly ns a percii or oass would if plunged into a kettle of water that was scalding hot; not only this, but the skin peeled off exactly as if they had been boiled. Eyeless fish are com mon enough in all subterranean lakes and rivers, but this is tho only case on record of living fish being found in boiling water. Strength anil Health. If you tiro not feeling strong and healthy, try Electric Bittera. If "la grippe" lias loft you weak and wea."7, uso Electric Bitters. This remedy acta directly on liver, stomach and kidneys, gontly aiding thoso organs to perform their functions. If you are afflicted with sick headache, you will find speedy and permanent teliof by taking Electric Bitters. Ono trial will convince you that this is tho remedy you need. Large bottles only 50c. at Snipes & Kinersly's drug store. Wood! Wood! Wootil Best quality fir, oak and 6lab wood. Leave orders at 133 Second street or corner Third and Union. All orders promptly attended to. Maieii it Benton. Fresh oysters at A. Keller's confec tionery store. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Rovl Baking Powder ABSOLUTE! PURE j