Yo u r Soles On E)a rtli ? Saturday, September 30, 1893, We will place on sale our IShoes for Fall CAREFULLY SELECTED, HANDSOME, DURABLE. STYLISH, REASONABLE. CAN WE SERVE YOU? BARE FEET arc vol Dressy. Some novel features will make this sale specially interesting. Come and See our New Goods, peril nps we can Shoe you. r-Vi,l all Goods marked ! t T IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. literal 11 tliu I'oHtnlllrc at Tln DuIIuh, Oregon, iik second-chum mutter. l.oenl Ail vrrtlNliic. WCcM per lino fur llrnt tiniertlnn, imil U Cunt wrllin' fur each Hitlitriiunt Insertion. jpeeliii rates for long time notlccii. MS luciu iintlci'H received Inter tliim : o'clock lll npi'ear the, followliiK liny. SATIMJDAY, sept. ;to, i8:t The Daily and Werkhj Chronicle may bt found on nalr at I. ('. Xic.kehcn' utorc. SEPTEMBER SHORTS. City mill County NVtvK NiiIoh iif Minor Importuned. I worshipped at tier fi'ut. Vet run tln il"-y; I re.illeil not then How colli are they. Tln Oregon I'roHH AHBoeiutiou nirotn in l'c mllctnu next year. Hnud Uivi-r luiH to ontertuin 175 edit orH tmliiy, who arrived tliiH morning. W. 1.. Ward threshed an average ot 1S' UihIh'Ih per ncro from a larc,c iifld of voltuttur wlit.'ut thia full. Tlio oitizuim of Cuutervillo uro diHctiHS iiiK plniiH for inilucine; tl locution of it liu-Ko mercantile titore ut that place. Tilt) OtllollllUMlt of Uii) public hcIiooIh m tlio city for September is -MO. TliiH ih the luroHl for tlio correHpondiiiK month in tin. hiHtory of tlio city. Tlio I'nion I'uuilii: Iiuh withdrawn from tlio WeHtem I'aHHCiij;i)r AhhocIii tion, and it ih confidently uxr tiled that tin- fur will y i i,i. t,ittiir of niton. Mr. I). ('. IlDrriu will tako a Hiiap Hliot at tlio Htt'unuir Uoyulator tomorrow niic-noon about II o'clock and a luri;o pasauntj UhL Ih expected on tliut occa sion. The ciihe of tho Statu vh. Win. WatHon ib ejivon to tho jury ut 11:110 thia Wniiu;. At hint reports thoy ure Htill wt. Tho eiiho went to tho jury without ar&.nneut. ') voiine; nian font $1 to u firm of swindlers in New York to luarn how to lllllK'o iiiiimi.. ...til...... l. ir " n uuuia nuiii. jio re- wlvetl a cm-d (m which wuh printed: 'l'inll for HllukoiH tho HUII10 uh wo do." Notlunj. it) moro uucortain than wlmt railroad company will do. After do citllnoa Homo plan of action thu Hlihtuat tuprieo will throw thorn oil". TIuh mukoa it very diHanroeablu for roportorH, who, wliun they announce Homo coming ovont, like to hou it gone thioiiirh with. At the present HOBaion of ttio Oregon l'reHH AHHouiatioii a resolution wuh ollmed by J. b. Eddy that all iiowb I"'wh in the Htuto in roforriiiK to Chi iii'ho or MongolUm pheusantH hereafter J' "innate them uh Denny pheiiBiuitH, in '""or of o. N. Denny, to whom tho ll0or of importing them Ih duo. T'iu young gontlomon of the city huvo orK'mlzod a dancing club to be known an tlio OhryHunthemum club, and huvo so ared the .SohannohaU and will glvo the "fHt Huuial on Friday evening next, ilioy have arranged for the boat iihihIc " tho city, and have perfected plant) for nuuccBHfHl Horiea of wlntor'a entertain- "It'lltH. "o following perHonH wore elected "lrtorH of the Wubco Independent wniloiiiy ft. ti,0 mmug yoiu. ut th0 Btuk,(it).H. meeting today: IJobort "i "yu, n, j.', Lttughlln, J. J). Condon, D. M. French, 11. II. Riddel, Geo. A. I.iobo and Smith French. The board organized by electing I!. Maya president nnd II. II. Hiddell nccretstry. The recent ruin baa been of great ben efit, not reuniting, as feared, in nny Iohs to wheat. On the contrary, it bus made the roads good and stnrt''d tip the grass ho as to make fine pasture. In fields where the grain bus been cut, the vol unteer wheat Iiub grown to the height of the stubble, making excellent feed for cattle, horses and sheep. Early in the season Tin: Ciikoxr'I.i: spoke of the Columbia Itiver Fruit Company, and especially the vineyards of the company. Harvest time comes around, fulfilling tho prediction then made us to tho yield, and practical dem onstration as to quality is found in a box of the most luscious grupes ever grown, with which Hev. 0. I. Taylor has kindly remembered the editor. We aio reliably informed that ut the hiHt moment u bitch occurred among the railway oflicials, so that the trains, con fidently expected to resume tomorrow, will not materialize. It is canted from some dissatisfaction in the upper country over the time of their arrival. It is thought that the trouble will cause noth ing more than delay, and tluttNos. & and (i will bo running again soon, by which nuiiiboiH they are hereafter to I. j known, i unload of 7 and 8, as formerly. Anyone in this glorious country of free schools ignorant enough to ask "What part of Washington is Oregon in'.'" while taking in the world's (air is not a desiruble candidate for an immi grant. Oregon has been represented in the map of every child's geography for over sixty years, and if she hasn't so largo an exhibit as Washington it don't excuse their ignorance. We repeat: We don't want them, we have enough native ignorance of our o n. It. II. Webber, the well-known Dalles nurseryman, informs the Sentinel that seedless apples are by no means a nov elty in the horticultural world. Ho says that Mr. Jewett of White Salmon has seedless apple trees in bis orchard that must bo nine years old. 31 r. Web ber has raised them in his nursery for tho past three years, and has at present probably 5,000 young trees of this vari ety; but the quality of tho fruit of any ever seen by Mr. Webber, his own in cluded, is considered by him of a second rate. OnioerM ICIeeleil. The election of otllcers of tho Oregon I'reHH Association for the ensuing year resulted iii tho election of the following: President Ira L. Campbell, Guard, Eugene. First vico-president l.eo Peterson, Commercial Kevlew, Portland. Second vice-president Mrs. W. J. Ply male, Times, Jacksonville. Secretary Albert To.ier, Pacific Fanner, Portland. Treasurer C. C. Doughty, Observer, Dallus. Executive committer E, L. 10. Whito, Ohroulclo, East Portland; W. A. Wheeler, Odd FellowH, Portland ; John U. Heegle, Independent, IIlllsl no. lluukldii'l A nu e u rtulvn. The best salve in tho world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively tuires piles, or no pay required It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sitlo by Snipes & Kin erf ly PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Sberar of Des Chutes are in the city today. Miss Gertrude French is up from Port land, visiting with her parents. Mrs. G. A7. Uolton and children re turned from Long J5each last evening. Hon. IJobert Mays arrived today from Antelope. He says the rains have not injured the wheat. Miss Jeannette Williams departed for Portland on the steamer Regula tor this morning. She was accompanied by Misses Muie "Williams, Matilda Hol lister and Jennie Marden, who will spend Sunday in that city. Mr. L. Durham returned last evening from an extendrd visit among relatives in Iowa, and was accompanied by an uncle, Mr. 15. F. Durham, who visits the great northwest for the purj ose of advis ing himself of its resources, and having in vie of a selection of a location for a home. Mr. L. Durham lias been absent seven wreks from The Dalles and during his absence and seeing much ot the grrat U. S. domain, returns feeling more con tented than ever with his western home. He speaks of the depression in the east as much more serious than it is on the Pacific coast, and dullness in business exc ds that of our own city. norm, .mhuvals. Columbia J A Nicholson. C Kerg, II Jackson and wife, E McMiller, Frank Hayelton, W I) Dodyfelt, Frank Bult, Joseph Ysnot, Portland ; C J Duflington, Kansas; Andrew Prnther, It Densmore, J McC'lure. Mosier: Til Lurns.C Hook. T Jacks, Cascade Looks ; Win Howard and wife, J Durmollion, Nebraska; Mrs A J Walker and .'i children, Arlington; Dan Crcndergash, San Francisco. 1 I.Oht ll l.t'K- Robert Campbell, a young man 22 years old, lost a leg and came very near losing his life on the L'Sth while work ing with a threshing crew on tho farm of Cbas. Webeig, near WapinitUi. The accident happened about 3 o'clock in the afternoon. He was standing on tho table of the threshing machine, when by some mischance the empty derrick fork was swung around so that it would hit him. To save life or great injury he dodged it, and in doing so stepped in the revolving cylinder. As a result his leg was crushed and reduced to a pulp as far as tho knee. He was removed from his perilous position and Dr. Van derpool summoned, who amputated the leg above the knee. In .llfiiuirlaiii. n i:. i. ic. Line. In memory of Andrew Clemencu Snel- eliliiKcr, win) (U'imiUhI this lllo Sent iiiber ftjtli, IMU: Tills lovely Imd m youtijr, m) fair, I'alleil henry iy ear'y doom, Just iMtne tohliow liow sweat a llower In J'aiiidiM! could bloom. Kio sin roiild Ilium or sorrow fade pe.itli imiiio with friendly I'lire, An oneiilus laid to Heaven eoinoyod, And bade It blossom there. HI on on In thy bounty, Thou sweet aiiKel child, Jlv sonow uiibllKhU'di 'Jly sin undcllled. l.lko the dove to tho ark Thou bust llown to thy rest, 1'iom tho wild sea of strife To tho homo of tho blest. All will bobriitht fr him; Nothing to cause him aiu. O, Olomeiice, our darling child, How could no wish you here, attain! lieuduelie, Torpid I.I vol', C'oMIvciu'km. Simmons Liver Regulator, by its mild cathartic properties, rolloves tho bowels from obstructions and cures henducho, indigestion and liver complaint. Wan I ml. A lady who understands how to do tine sowing can 11 ml employment of Miss Dello Hood, upstairs ut Peaao & Mays. d,tf.o.:;o Moxican Silver Stove Polish causes no dust. NOTHING IN IT. Tim Orrnt AflvntiliiRf-fl Ulnlnicil tiy tlio Imrl y'nintiimy Chimerical. It is time (lie frnit-Krowcrs should tin derstand tho results apt to ho obtained through shipping with the Earl Fruit company, and for this purpose wo re produce a bill presented to one of our shippers by thu company: KIIII'MCNTK. 271)Oxch lliirtlcttiieiirsrrf. J1.40 . f,:!7 Ml f, (Jlaj.i.sr. " (it, J,;!-, 0 75-MiVj CIIAIiriKS, Iindlni,'.. .. ci rrellfllt. tl'frllf.rnl .mil 1li... "n cf. :oTnnilfrn, io j, reent ' i k; j.t -r, Iliilnticc to hlilppcr .. $S 79 The cost of boxes for this shipment amounted to Jo.OU, leaving tho net pro ceeds to the shipper, for 32 boxes of pears, $3.70, or a trifle moro than 11 ccntB a box. At carload ratCB, the ship per was chaiged nearly a dollar per box by the Earlo company. Fruit shipped by this company after reaching Green river goes to Chicago by freight. At freight rates from Tho Dalles, this fruit could have been shipped for 50 centB a box, and by express, which would arrive at Chicago as soon as a letter would, and ahead of the Earl fruit cars, but 90 cents. In addition the Earl company charges $125 for use of their car. The Union Pacific charges nothing. The Earl Fruit company charges a 10 per cent commis sion. This is wasted. The Earl com pany charges high rates for loading. An independent shipper would not be sub jected to it. So that in this instance the bill charged by the Earl company for their service is about half as much again as what any fruitgrower would pay inde pendent of their aid. There is but one way to do, and that is to organize a company at home, when still better rates could be secured than those quoted. We understand the Earl company gets a big reduction, which might as well be extended to the grow ers iiere as the Earl Fruit Company. 1! rooks Culling. Cards are out announcing the wedding of Miss Iva Catharine Drooks to Mr. Eugene J. Collins on October lltli at the Methodist Episcopal church. Miss Drooks has grown up from child hood in The Dalles, where Ehe is well known. She is the ncice of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Drooks, but has lived with them since so early an age as to be noth ing less than a daughter. She is blessed with an amiable disposition, is finely accomplished and endowed witli every womanly grace. Mr. Eugene J. Collins arrived in The Dalles less than a year ago, and is thus a Btranger to many old residents of the city and county. But he comes with a reputation of the highest possible char acter, fully borne out in his associations with us in the last several months. Of a good family, possessing a thorough academic and business education, of high moral character, and of courteous bearing, Mr. Collins needs not to have grown up among us to stamp him one of nature's noblemen. 1.'ii(ii in I'rint. Laughable mistakes sometimes occur in newspapers, and indeed in any publi cation, even the Dible. A heading in last night's Ciiuoxici.c was transposed, "Fun with a Chinaman" being placed over an item about Pease & Mays pumpkin and jar of beans. The same evening the Tillies-Mountaineer came out saying that Sam Burling had re turned from the country, where be had been showing his photograph. It is the part of foolishness for one paper to criti cize another about typographical errors, for all aro vulnerable on this score. I.a Cllppe. During the prevalence of the grippe tho past seasons it was a noticeublo fact that those who depended upon Dr. King's New Discovery, not only hud a speedy recovery, but escaped all of the troublesome after ellects of tho malady. This remedy seems to have a peculiar power in ell'ecting rapid cures not only in cases of la grippe, but in all diseases of throat, chest and lungs, and has cured cases of tisthmu and hay fever of long standihg. Try it and bo convinced. It won't disappoint. Free trial bottles at Snipes & Kinersly's drug store. Among the incidents of childhood that stand out in hold iclief, as our memory reverts to the days when wo were young, none aro more prominent than severe sickness. The young mother vividly re members that it was tho Chamberluin's Cough Remedy cured her of croup, and in turn administers it to her own oil spring and always with the best results. For sale by Blukeloy it Houghton. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cub, says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would tlo mo any good." Price 50 cts. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly. WOOD'H ilIOSlIIOIIJVXi irimflioui Miialiih Rniiiedv. 1'rouiptiy ana permanently cured all forms ot Ntrvoua Veakntu,i:mUtlont, Sperm atorrhea, Imiwtencv ami all tflitltvAouM or t xccMCS. liceu nrracrlbcd over Hi .venrtslll thollflauds of casesi 7?'Kla thu only ttet iabUand Joii- VtJjrtanJi(r. uaMne known. ABk . . m ... ii .l.jilnu. If tin riTnnl ilruitglsl lor w oon - - f,omowoithlfsiuuUleluoliijilocoorthis, louvo hU . . . .. . .I..a I.. l...l.ip niwl lllKUOIH'M More, IUI'1"U l ,v""l ni ,i i,v return null!. 1'rlco. ono nuckago. $ltilx,f5. OHrtWol-ir,(.e toujour. 1'uuiyU' lot In plalu fcoiiloil envelope, trail jiosiubc. Address Tlio Wood Clio in Ion I Vo yjl Woodward uvcuuo.Dotrolt, JlIoU. Bold in Tlio Duties by iilakoley .V Houghtoa. For the Fall Trade Wo uro now ready with a full line of ReadyIfflade Clothing, Blao&aig?odDress Groods, and all other kinds of Dry Goods Q mVo nre noted for the good values wo givo in iMeacneu ana unoieacheii Muslins. Sliepftniffl. Printa. ninrrlmlnu Itnnta anrf Shoes. Hosiery, Gents' Furnishings, etc.. etc. o The Balance of our Summer Importations now Clearing Out AT COST. cor. court and second sts. Tne Dalles, Oregon, S.& N. HARRIS. Fin it Wit, in h, Fancy Goods and Notions, Qepts' pun7i'5l7ii75 Qood5, Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc. now complete in every department. All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices. H. Herbring. Terms Cash. -p 0,L OPENJJVG 1593. Novelties in Millinery. Pattern Hats, Bonnets, Etc. SATURDAY, SEPTEJVlQEt? 30. Remember, yon arc expected. Very respectfully yours, 112 Second Street. ANNA PETER & CO. .Familiar Faces in a New Place. C. 13. BAYARD, J. IS. 13. Ante Special Agent uenetal Land UjHce. Bayard dte Sax-xiotty Jl?e leal Instate, Ipai?, Iruee, COLLECTION ACENCY. NOTARY 3PUBLJO. Parties having Property thoy wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Kent, or Abstract of Title furnished, will iiud it to their advantage to call on us. Wo shall make a specialty of tho prosecution of Claims and Contest;! before tho Unitep States Land Ollice. 85 Washington St. THE DALLES, OR. THE WORLD'S BEST LITERATURE IN- BO-O-K I. O. NICKELSEN'S. The California Winehouse, i Is now open, and its proprietor will soil his homo & produced Wine at prices in tho roach of everybody Also, best Peanuts to bo found. Goods guaranlwt! to bo ruro and lMrst-Ulass in every respect. Thompson's Addition. C. BECHT,