BSE f I; 1 -it The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OSTRICH FmMING IN AFRICA. official I'.U'F.r. of iuu.ks I ITY .1KB WAC(J COUNTY. I'lrt.T Million noUnr' Worth of l'luittr ilxiHirtt'il In tlu Thirty Yonr. Ostrleh farming is one of the impor tant industries of South Africa, which, snisCKUTloX R.VTKs. as yet. furnishes the bulk of the os- by xaii., rciTAOE rr.KrAtn, is advance. trieh plumes for the markets of the Weekly, 1 year J world. The American Agriculturist p jo thinks there are probably two hundred t CO j thousand domesticated ostriches in o j Cape Colony. Each bird is supposed to net his owner forty dollars per annum. fi months. 3 " rullv. 1 vciir. . " 6 month. ... .. 7' per " 0 & Address all communication to " T!TE CHKON ICL.K." The Unite., Oregon. rotonicp. orncK noun General Delivery Window . .. .mi. in. to Money Order Sunday vi 1) t. m. a. tn. to 4 i. tn. V . m. to ton. m. CLOStNO OF MA1U traliu goiuR Eit .9 p. m. amUlt-lo.i. m. West Stage lor Gotdendale iTineviiit- The inclosures in which they are kept are usually built of stone, but where stone is not abunduut wire fences hnve been employed with eqiml success The birds are commonly plucked once every eipht months, yielding onepoutni weipht of feathers each; but many fanners only pluck sixty feathers at a time, so as not to cause too much irri- HF V'N 111 com JFST FULL of improvements Dr. Pierre's Pleasant Pellets. To bocin with, they're the smallest, and tiro easiest to take. They're tiny, suenr-ooated E W SEE OUR STOCK OF Men's, Boys' and Youth s o 1,. ni. and 5:S0 r. m. ' 7:Srtfl. 111. tntifin mill r.,,lt-l,,,r i ntlnllllim! mil. 5:K0a. ni. i i, .. :..!..: . i 1.1, nnti.bilioiiH rrranules. senreolv lanrer "DufuraiidWarmSi.rine? S:.T0a. m. ' T '"J"' ' -. " t Leaving lor I.vle & Hartland 5:son. m. the birds and lessens the next crop ot than musiniu seeut. .cex enim E rt'sundav" 5An,clopc 5 :S0 n-m-' feathers. The birds in these larpe is ready for them. Triweekly" Tuesday Thurrfay and Saturday. ! fields tind plenty of food, rarely havinp ,,,, , they're taken intetd I 'Monday Wedneiay and Friday. , to bc fed with mealies, beans, lucurne . J'a"' 'lI.ltr ulcJ .M?n, insu.m i or other cultivated food products. f disturbing and shocking the sys- 30 1S93 ' The number of epfrs laid varies from tern, u.e uui mi u mm., eas mm i eic-hteen tn tw.mtv-four. the male bird natural way. 1 here'B no chance lor 0 CLOTHING SATURDAY, :FPT. HELP TO RESTORE CONFIDENCE Constipation, Indigestion, exeavatmcr the nest in some sandy spot, but both birds assisting in lasts. the incubation, taking turn about Nilions Attacks. Siuk or Rilimis The New York Recorder would like to ISut it is during this period of incuba-1 TlL,n,r.ielCS nnd nil derangements impress upon the mind of every one of tion that the plumes are at their best. of tb(J j- 8t0mach, and bowels its readers the fact that he or she can and many of them are utterly spoiled promptlv relieved and perma and ought to contribute individually to 'or commercrnl purposes. Of late years I . I . . , , . -. nrtihcial incubating has been resorted ' "-iui restore business confidence und quicken I tQf ni)(, with porfLct succesSt for it has ' They're put up in glass vials, the return of good times. ! ))een found that fewer etrps are spoiled whieh'keens them alwavB fresh and It is not really so much a question of by this method and that the young ' reliable unlike the ordinary trills in natural wav. There's no chance for - v rcaut,d- Tsi i Loo lv Uve r The man who e u.l TM. 1 . .. ' 1. ..1 1 ..., 1 ,.:,.,..,, currency as ui cuiiuucuue. mc musiiicss iua uuiuitu m. u-.v tuiuu.-. v...... , yyodcir or pasteboard boxes of the country, by far the greater por- those brought up by the birds them- tion of it, is not done with metallic I f Ives- ine ueo1 a V wrh KJ"eu , uw7 re "ie eapesi puis you ,nov r,i,t ,th , n,i nrp,m ,,,,.1 from Cal,e Colo.v durmp the past Cl,n buy, for thev'ro guaranteed to nrone, but with paper and credit and .. . . .-stimated at over fiftv I '.:..r - : I . . K;iLinLili;LIIJII. Ill ,11111 I J l l I I l if, million dollars, the total weight beinp j rettirnutl auoru twelve mmtireu tons. i confidence Congress can, and we believe it will do a great deal to strengthen the vast fabric of credit and confidence on which business activity alwaos has rested, and always must rest by stopping promptly the issue of paper moneys on a false short weight basis of intrinsic value. The people themselves must do the , ,,,, ., ,.rllltllu.. Test, and every man should do his per- i I vou havc vour jol) prjming done at sonal share toward the great patriotic I Jhe ' CititoNicLr: vou will have the ad work of re-establishing confidence. , v.nit...,e of iiavi,1B' u ,i0 with the most turn of good times should resolve to ob- Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to give you satisfaction. l'ri'e 7-lc Sold by Snipes Khiersly, druguists. ivery man who believes m his conn- motleri. aml .,r0ved tvne. with which try and wants to promote the speedy re- j ..... k.,e!, ..ontimifill v sitnnlied. All robs ! under the direi-t supervision of one of serve these rules j the iiiost sueeessful and artistic printers You pay only for the good you get. e Northwest. t.V' .n IT. F ui- t-ji f tV-SJ M W,afeU.'rOR case it viul ncT c Cj Spread no evil reports and believe jn none until you have verified them at i first hand. Look on the brightest side of every j event, whether it be notice of a bank j suspension or the report of a cholera t ship arrived at quarantine, and refuse ' to accept the darkest version of it. If you have money hoarded and owe debts, pay up those debts nnd put so much money in circulation. If other persons owe you money and you know them to be solvent and hon est people who can and will pay if they are not crowded and forced to realize on ' AnneTabtolAstitivocnUKEItVL luMO , . , , . , . ;oldby Dnik'jiijtsorsent ny mni. Zjc. toe . their assets at a shameful sacrifice, don 1 1 and 31.00 per packace. .Samples tree crowd them. ! KO If eyery reader will lay these lew j Eaniple rules to heart and go to business ' r,,r "ale '5' s,,,,ek '"'"r-i and work resolved to put them in forctr the increased momentum given to the movement now on to restore confidence ' and revive business will be very great. : General confidence is only the sun, ' total of individual confidences. If you want to see general confidence, set the example of being confident yourself. Every American exhibit of manufac tures at the world's fair is a tribute to the protective tariff policy which has built up the productive industries of this country in competition with the established manufactures and the cheap labor of Europe. VIGOR " MEN TftifS Easily, Quickly. NwVrlSl Pe'raanentI)' Restored. fty . X" iffy lllr. lair-nn ' NERVOUSNESS, '"-r-i n-rmi ii-v This Is the Season Of the Year Olhen Judicious Advertising Pays. Overlooks Cur Stock of CLOTHING, and see if he hasn't bought a Suit that is poorer, and paid More monev Tli an vou . . . who purchased your .Suit of . . . What is Your Idea of u Fall and Winter Suit for your own wear 7 VOU certainly huvo an idea of about what you want. Who knows, perhaps wo have the sume Suit on 0110 of our tables that you hnvo in your mind's eye. However! ti will be well worth your time to inspect our Stock. HJJILLilS&CO X "Need" vfV X I I we point the moral?" YUUl n i l hjl I lUjl ; "There is a tide in the ajairs oj men, taken at itsjlml leads on to fortune." Is called to the fact that The poet unquestionably had roferonco to the WGleM'Cli8i-0iiiSilp Pfuler in Glaus, Lime, Plaster, Cement ami liuihiinK Material ol all kimm -OiirrlM" tl FliiBut l.liin of- d; 1 rmtiKo ictnre Mou To tie found In the City. 72 LQashington Street. Fnrnitore & Cm and all the train or 'vl'i tram tarly errur3 or later eacef8, tlif refults c' ruei-norfe, slcknc-,, Horry.etc. FulUtreuipi., developrnent antl inn Riven to o ery crgan ar J jmrtlon of thi Ixxl-. f-lmplp.natiiralinetlio'J. Imnitnllatolrntjrovejntnt fo, Failure fmijsll,k Sfut references. Jx)fc, explanation anil pr'Ij mallei! (scaled) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. M. Y. J Caveats.and Trade-Marks obtained, ami all I'at- J ent business conducted for modcratc Fees. 'OuROrriccisOPPOSiTE.U. S.PATCNTOrncc' nanni-t-nnii J and wc can secure patent m less umc taantaosej til L PnUUtTViiN J remote from Washington. , VI. L. UHlinLIOUn, Ei si. jnin wm. Smith & Wesson, the famous revolver manufacturers, recently eent a notice to their thousands of employes sfitinj: thatJ - iriRtend nf elosintr tlieir works tlinv lind ' decided to make a 10 per cent cut wages instead. At the beginnini: of tiit circular are found these words: "In TilK lJ.u.l.Ef', oiieon view of the probable reduction to be j 1-ifc-Optsris Sept. 4-tli, ISfOtt. made in the tariff within the near future. t, ,. , - , and the eonsen.ient innrea.nd .nn.r.oH. ! Boarding and Day School for Girls. tion, we do not deem it advisable to in crease our stock of goods at the present cost." Then follows the terms of the proposed reduction with the conclusion that it is hoped that it may prove only temporary "but no positive assurance can now be given." It will bo seen that the Sherman law does not figure in this case to the remotest degree. It is the threat of tariff destruction and nothing more. In commenting on the situation the Uoston Herald remarks that the employes were thankful to bo able to accept a reduction in wages as a shut down waB generally expected. 2'ice democratic times these, when a working man is forced to choose between two evils. ' bend model, drawing or photo., with detcrip- Jtion. We advise, if patentable or no:, free of J cnargc. uur icu noi uuc 1111 paicm is schjicu. AD.usu.n. "How to Obtain l'atcnts.'' with Jcos: o( same in the U.S. and foreign countries sent free. Address. OPP. PATENT OrriCC, WASHINGTON, D. C. 5 !L eaamp Jeweler at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who aro soiling thoso Roods out at greatly-reduced rate .MiciiKLPani r.uicK, - - r.vioN st. WINHNS HtM.K AOKNT I'Ull TIIK h ivii:i.n. WM. u . icii:r.s . (iliseman & Wanders, Stilooii ami Wine Rooms UK J.'KW TOWN Iiiiv li:tl lilntlcil oil tlir old I'liinii moiinil. nt tlio FurkH mni I'llllnoi lliiixl rivut, nil liiruv.HIKIIllV lotn.liruiiil hlrttlthilllil III hyh. coihI mil nun iiiriMviiii:r,viiiiHiiniiiiiii itoiiiniim, .-rieiaiiriiliiui;i'.ilollL'lit ill niiiiiiiiaiii (.'iiiiiiiiu, tuu cuiitriii iittmctloii iimi iiiniiiitiiiii Miniiiiur rerort fur all (ireKnn Tre-TTHUT- The Dalles, OroKon. Ilutt x"-'r Tenus of ten weeks, jmyiiMe 111 Ail vuiiue. Iluard nnd Tuition $111 m ' - , , . . Hntraiic.-fe.-'TOMble but oneej m i 2T-Nortliv-fi corner of m.toiiiI uud lied and bedcllnir .', f Court streets. liutruuieiiul Muic, RtenoKriiphy, Tvj-vrit iiiK, 'U-ivKrHihj', l)riwinii nnd I'nliitlin; form ' exini ciiiirf;. i reiicli, (lunimti ami Ijitm liinj,'iiaj;e, Nc.illo-worl: mid Vwal iluur , tauiilit frvu. i DAY iCHOOI.. ! I-Tve, tlx, ciifht or ten rlollnrh iy.- turrn, a.-1 cording to urude. For iMirt!(;iilnr, aiidret SISTEIi SUI'KIJIOIJ. : 0-1S-.V.U All Watch Work arrantod. Jewelry Made to Order. i:iH hmtoiul Nt.. Tliti l)ulltH, Or. Ti D A no 0 WNICL HtroiiRtli ami Ileultli. If you are not feeling strong and healthy, try Electric Bitters. If "la grippe" has loft you weak and wear", use Electric Bitters. This remedy acts directly on liver, stomach and kidneys, gently aiding those organs to perforin their functions, If you are afflicted with sick headache, you will find speedy and permanent relief by taking Electric Hitters. One trial will convince you that this is the remedy you need. Large bottles only 50c. at Snipes & Kinersly's drug store. Tygb Valley Holler Flour Mill, Is in complete repair; always in store DKi-'NICKNNKSS.or tin- i.iniJOK II A HIT Ciirml at Home In Ten Ihjm hy ikIiiiIii. IxtoriUK Jtr. IlitlliKH' Ctolilou Spcrlllo, it cult li glvon in u glass of Ixi-r, amp of coil'wsor U-a, or in UxA, witliout the knowledge of Hie patient, it is abtoliitely linrmlfhii, ami will cllfcct u nnuiint and nfdy cure, whether the patient bit moderate drinker oraii alcoholic wreck. It ban leeii given in thousands of cac, and in every instance n perf.-et cure lias fol lowed. It never fall. Tlio nyntcm oucolnipreg. nattd with the specific, it becomei, an utter im ixisiilbillty forthe liiiiorapetltetoe.l(t. Cures guaranteed. 4vpago book of partleularH free,. Address the fioLDJiN Hrjtt'lKIC Co., IVj Ityce fit. Cincinnati, Ohio. ULIUl Daily and Weekly Editions. U'lng the nenreit town to .Mt. Iluod. It I uiiputiilleltc iih it m u nil fn-ttitinn center, being tint until ml renter fur I'JI ntu miles of the bent cellar mult' timber, iMissyssing iiuIIIiiidi nf liote - ,it In Its ilitihlug ntiennih uinl vtUl fnlli, eatlly harnessed. Whnu i" p uiutlve power exist", there tlici"!1 factories will reutT,tirri)tin' u soil and rlliniito that eiililiiit ten anywhere for ftillt and ngrli ulture, aiiii with traiUMirlatluli lredjfjjl you will lliul this the place tu make u perfect iiouic or a piiylujU'" See me on the grot, address me at Hood W Wasco County, Oregon TITIiE PERFECT W. RossW inans. AGENTS WANTED cn Salary and commission for THE ONLY AUTHORIZED Biography of JAMES G. BUM : llyOAII. HAMILTON, his literary executor, with the co-ojeratIoii of his family, and for Mr. nialno'H Complete Works, "TtVKNTV VKAItH OF (iO.NOHKHK," and his later book, "I'D. I.1TICAI. 1MHI1IIHHIONK." Olio prospectus for these .'1 1IKHT HKI.UNd book in the mar ket. A. K. I. Jordan ot Me., took ll'J orders from llmt 11(J calls: agent's Mrs. Hal lard of O., took Jfi orders, l.'ifiwil Itussla, in 1 duv. prolimyu. :..'. K.N. Itlcoof Mam, took '.T orders ! Ill " iIhvu t.nillt mi.".1. I l'rt,(.li. .( !.. flour equal to the best. Also old style tuok 1.1 onlem from : caiu, proiit W7.i..-..' coarse and fine Gra'ram flour, mill feed, aoMKSiWIi ! m Urn MexiTan (Silver Stovo Polish. , Tho nEHEY BILSffi?' 00., HM. OtHB. THE CHRONICLE was established for tho ex press purpose of faithfully representing Tho Dalles and tho surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of Tho Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advortisors in tho Inland Empire. The Daily Chuoniolk is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $0.00 por annum. Tho Wkkkly Ciihoniow: on Fridays of each week at SI. 50 por annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, otc, address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., Tlie XXillGM, Oregon, flew Qolumbia jHotel. THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House IIhh lately hemi thoroughly renovatm! niid furiiiHlied tlnoiiL'limit. and in now wW ever prepared to (iirniHh tho ltoat HoW iiceoiiiinodutioiiH of any houmi I" ',e eitv. and at tliu verv low rate of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, m (lllli o nf tin, fnul niwl iviiiiMinillnllH ODDOSitiOIl to Dufiir. KlneHlov. Tviih Valley, Wiipln""' Warm KpringH and J'rinovlllo Ih in tho Hotel and peraoiiH koIiij? to J'rinovlllo can 1F4.00 by koIK on thiH Stag" lln0 All trains stop here. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Work, Tin Repairs and pin MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Street, noxt door woet of Young Blacksmith bhop. , & Kb"