Are Yo u r Soles On E)artli ? r3 AM 1 Saturday, September. 30, 1893, We will place on sale, our gShoes for Fall CAREFULLY SELECTED, HANDSOME, DURABLE. STYLISH, N REASONABLE r CAN WE SERVE YOU? BARE FEET arc not Dressy. Some novel features will make this sale specially interesting. Qotne arid See our New Goods, perhaps we can Shoe you. Vi ALL GOODS MARKED .!. T ' IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. Tbe Dalies Daily unronicie. tterat h tin- 1'ontofllre ut Tlio Ih11c, Oregon, '- iik kiiioiiil'duHK mutter. I. mini Ail v.irtlMlnc- Wl'cntH jut llnu (or first hmertlrm, mid fi Cent illni! lor eiich M)liit.'(tiont Iimertlon. sficcim ritti-H (or long time noticed. All lix'iii uiitlcoM received Inter than 3 o'clock tlllapii'iir tho (nllmvltiK liny. HIIDAY, - SKPT. 1!!), lBO.'l Tk Daily and Weekly Chronicle may &; found on ale ut I. V. Nickeheu't utore. SEPTEMBER SHORTS. ICltjr mil County N'W Note of Minor Importance. HUWATlf!( VV TO JIATH. Tliim (lepiirtwl Mliiwiitlm In tint liiml of tlu ImcotiiliH, To ttiu IiiihI of liiiminomu women: Ami Im ninety iliyn ruturulm:, a tllvorcelet liu brought with him. T s ifi) liu k'livo tin: liii-lm, s-'lt tier Imck unto her iiiii-iun, In tin' nutHklrtK of CIiIciiko, Whuixt continues to steadily arrive. Sunday Uic Northern Pacific will ro wnw Uh double duilv trixin service. A number ol citizens will leuvo for tho Jlood lt'tvur Inir tomorrow morning I lit) nun htxs tint vet diunnL-od thu wiieat to tin extent worth mentioning U rami excursion to Uood Itiver fair tomorrow. JieKtiutor leaves txt 7 o'clock. Tlio dux- iinijHHiiKcr trains commence rtiiuiiiiK through The Dalles upiin Sun day. Ir. G. C. Ksholimm hua moved inn otlieo to Xo block. " French bank Twenty-ono hundredths of an inch of ram fell in the hist twontv-fotir hours jn ll.ln ..!..!.. ' io vicinity, ChinumuM are poor hop picker, MII10N C0IIICS Hill hwlinnu ut.l - ...... ilf U (lttl 'Irk the cleuuost. Lev. J. W. JenkiiiH Ih moving his ana faetory across thu river and will fate il at The Dalles. Tiie rain of hint night xvas quite ox Knatvo in urea and wo four danutgo Iiuh been ,1(" to K"dn that is buin thrashed. Alex i'argher brought in 2,500 sheep tOtlaV, wllil-ll wiirn l,..wl..l .,.., I x iv iuiiviui uu lixi n aim to tho Sound country via hipped Kalinin. Mrs. Holon Iiuh returned from Uma "Ha nutl opened up her former boarding lotiHo tinaiii oppoaito tho Union Htroet lodKliiK hoiiHo. Owing to tho lurgo movement of mt the Union Ptiolflo linn boon coiu 'lcd to put on un oxtru freight truln two6n Stnrhuckaud Unmllllo. MusHm. Kfloley and Dubois reaped 624 mahola of will)at from 70 acres on 8 Tho varloty la Chili club, on '"Winer fallowed ground, and was sowed the full. John McOracken, who was lain upon 1 Bn 'kward horao and fraoturod his Ima been liore for the pust month returned horte today. He Is now ,n cruteiniH. Jncluillng tho lodge of Pythian women 2 '"Htftutod in Walla Walla, thoro 0 now in oxlstonce 18 grand temples, j Btutes, British Columbia and New '3 000' Wlt'' ft me,nborBh,P of over x'rf!Urr AUK,wt AnoWi the qplebrated "rwoKlan violinist, will glvo an outor '"'"out in the Methodist church tho Kith of October, under tho auspices of tho Good Intent society. Local talent will UHfilBt. Tho Subject of the sermon at the Christian church this evening will be "Drifting from God." All who arc try ing to live the Christian life, xvill find this n very helpful lesson. Come nnd bring your neighbor. It seems from an article in the Mc Clnro's Magazine, for October, that Lord Dunraven is an old nexvfrpaper corres pondent, and that he hunted with Buffalo Bill, long before Ned liuntline made the latter known to the effete east and perfidious Albion. The American Kail way Union held their first regular meeting last evening. The new union startB out with a charter membership of 48. The officer? are: Joseph Beedy president, W. W. Young vice president, B. A. Benedict secretary and treasurer, Dan Wilson inner guard, M. M. Say re outer guard. A driver came in town yesterday with six horses pulling txvo wagons loaded with five tons of wheat. As good prices are realized for hauling, the teamster said it has been so long since he "seen" a dollar that the minute he yets paid he is going to give all his cayutes a drink of whisky. Tho trial of J. 11. Moier vs. Win. Watson is progressing today before Jus tice Schiitz. A large number of wit nesses are piofrcnt. The morning session was entirely taken up with the testi mony of the prosecuting xvitness. Mr. J. JI. Mosler. A large number was in at tendance. J. C. Nickelson has handed us a beautiful pictorial pamphlet, issued by the Hamburg-American Packet Co., descriptive of places and objects of in terest in Algiers, Naples, Genoa, Alex andria and Jigypt entire. Mosques, temples, oblisks, natural wonders and inhabitants are pictured and described, in an artistic manner. Tho little book is a gem. An itemized bill of the "Ludy Manag ers for Washington" reveals the fact that they bought several hundred dollars worth of corsets and other dress goods in Chicago and had thorn charged to tlio state. This is u stand-oil' for tho night shirts charged to the State by h'egent Smith, of Agricultural college lame. Walla Walla Union. Dr. W.JC. Ivinehart has just performed a very critical operation on tho 10-year-old daughter of Mr. W. V. Johnson. Bho had trouble with her kneo joint, the bono being diseased and having re pouted abscesses. Amputation is ordiii' arily considered necessary in such cases, but tho operation xvill probubly leave hor with tho use of her limbs, barring a stiff joint. Considerable amusement xvus occa sloned on First stroet today by a mis chief loving American and u bland Ohlnoser. The Chinaman's horses got detached from hi wagon, and whenever ho tried to back them up alongside tho tongue tho American would push the horse aside, The animal being bctxvoen, the Chinaman could not see what was the matter. The Celostial was reinforced finally und the wag had to desist. Ituuklun'n Aruii'K Hitlvv. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever soi os, totter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per lior, For sale by Sulpes & Kin-etsly PERSONAL MENTION. Chas. Butler, the sheepman, is in the city irom I'ort loxvnsenu. Mr. Kuykendall, whose farm house burned a lexv days ago, is over lrom lucoma. Mrs. E. P. Roberts and daughter left for Portland this morning where the latter will be placed in the hospital for treatment ol her eyes. Mrs. C. W. Tavlor, xvho has been visiting her sister Mrs. J. T. Peters, left for Fresno, Calif., where she will visit a month with relatives. Mrs. Geo. W. Thompson and family departed last nicitt tor Uoliax, WaBh., xvhere Ehe will join her husband and re main during the coming winter. Mr. J. B. Mowry of Moro is in the city. He reports not much over half of the threshing done and there is yet some grain standing uncut, in Ins county. Mr. L. E. Pratt of Salem who has b?en in the citv for the past few davs attend ing a land contest case, returned home this morning on the steamer Regulator. Mr. A. II. Jexvett returned from an extended trip to Eastern Washington, Oregon and Idaho in the interest of hie nursery business and left for his homo at White Salmon this morning. I'ev. G. W. Barnhart. xvho has been assigned to the Dufur M. E. church, re- ceutlv. called on Tin: Cinioxicu: office this morning. The reverend gentleman is to be congratulated in the appointment to that favorable little city. Mesdames W. H. Wilson and O. F Donnell left bv the Ketitilator this morning for White Salmon, xvhere they will viwit Mh. Wnrnnr. Till Mrs. Ilnn. noil's departure for Goldendalo she is the guest of Mrs. Js. t. Huntington. IOTi:i. .XllltlVAhS. Col mn bin Hotel. L Behmer. Clove land. Ohio: A Edwards. E Edwards. Stevenson ; J. B Vermillion, Willaby Willaby Lexvis, E Carter, Trout Creek ; C C Bo'xvett, Junction : Henry Nachand, J Bravles. xN . Braxies. Sj btunin. J Stoetter. Portland: E It Smith, Gus Buck. D Osxve . Cascade 1-ocks : William Watson, J'J L ugan, uuy i'iko, Mosier; T.l Wi'vi on. C uvton: U Clark. Van couver ;H C McKauey, John Williams, Hood River; Charles Gregory, Balti more: u J'eierson, JA'auvsue, uoi. ; will Evans, Nelson; A II Jexvett, White Salmon. I'll 11 with ii C'liliianiiui. Pease it Mays have fixed up thoir center xvindoxv with a puuiptfin and a jar of beans. A gentleman's prizo of a gold watch xvill bo given to the one guessing nearest tho number of seeds in tho pumpkin, and a ludy's prize of a gold watch for guessing nearest tho num ber of beans in tho jar. It is an honest contest, and xvill create much amuse ment. Guessing xvill cease tho last Saturday in October, and each dollar's worth purchased entitles any customer to a guess. llt'Hiltu'lit', Toril(l Liver, Coutlvtiiioaii. Simmons Liver Regulator, by Its mild cuthartic properties, relieves the bowels from obstructions and cures headache, indigestion und liver compluint. Ho for tin' 1'hIi- I Hood River horticultural fair Sept. 20th and 30th. Fair for round trip 60 cents. 1). 1'. & A. N. Co. Shiloh's cure, the Great 'Cough and Croup Cure, Is for sale by Snipes & Kin orsly. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses, only 25c. Children love it. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly. Wood! Wood! WoucU Best iiimlltv fir. oak and slub wood. Leave orders at 13U Second street or corner Third and Union. All orders promptly attended to. MAIKlt iV UK.NTON. UkH Mexican Silver Stove Polish MARKET REPORT. Fhiday, Kept 20. Tho local trade for the past few days, has been intermittent in character, and has had it quieter fono although It in an improvement over former periods. Merchandise dcalcrH report unchanged prices, tho produce market is abundantly supplied xvlth nil varieties of green fruits, etc. Country produco is weak and prices are nominal, eggs aro dearer and scarcer. Tho wheat market continues quiet nnd quotations are unchanged from last re ports. Tho wheat delivery is active and largo, nearly all receipts arc on storage, tho farmers preferring to hold rather than sell. Tho mills aro buying for milling purposes, and are paying from 47 to 48 cents per bushel. Portland's market is moderately active and unchanged in quotations. There is a large amount of tonnago in port and on the way sufficient to meet requirements. It is said there is a larger number of Hated vessels for Oregon wheat, than formerly. The strong tone prevailing for higher freight rates on tonnage,which is firm at 40 cts, with an upward tend ency has an unfavorable effect on values for better market prices. Ulcil on tho way. A family named Nicexvinter, consisting of a man nnd wife, arrived here last week on their xvay to the loxver Umpqua country. They had travelled with a team from the Grande Rondo valley coming over the mountains. The man was taken with fever, and was uncon scious most of the time after passing the summit. The lady drove bravely on un til they reached a hop yard above Spring field, and being in destitute circum stances, the crowd of pickers raised a purse of $8 or $10 and sent them on to this city, xvhere the man could get shel ter and care. Arriving hero the Woman's Relief Corps took them in charge, procured a dwelling and nicely housed them xvhere the man could be nursed. He xvas given the kindest care, but their assistance xx-as too late to save him, and his death occurred Saturday night. Eugene Register. I'ouml n Skeleton. On the 20th ult. Saral. Price of Bigge, discovered a skeleton n short distance from his hotel. The xvinds had lately bloxvn the sands away from the skeleton and left it exposed. It is supposed to be the remains of a white woman buried there by emigrants many years ago. It is related at Biggs that a fexv years ago a man who lived in Portland xvas here looking for his wife's grave. Mr. Price boxed up the bones and xvill take care of them for a time, xvhen, if they are not called for, they xvill again be in terred. Moro Observer. 1)1 EI). News is just received in thiB city of the death, this morning, of Wm. Alli son, Union Pacific agent at Hood River. WITHOUT HIS BALANCE WHEEL. MUorli'K of the Would He Cay Doc Whose Wife's In the Country. When a man packs his familj' ofE to tlio country he revels in his secret, wicked Koul over the thought that he is going to have a high old time, xvhen lie will make sure that there aro still cakes and ale and that ginger are still hot i' the mouth. This delightful de lusion lasts about three days, accord ing to the San Francisco Argonaut, or at most a week. He eats one or txvo craclc dinners, prepared by an accom plished chef; the result is a parched throat, a headache and other premon itory symptoms of indigestion. Ho mingles in the gay and festive throng of which he xvas an ornament in his callow days; he is astonished to find how empty-headed the young men are and how stupid and vulgar the women. Is it possible that he ever enjoyed that sort of society'.' It gradually breaks upon him that he hns outgrown tho joys of the coulisses and that ho can no more relish thu rather liberal jokes of Aspasia than he can eat candies. Ho drifts into his club, where he finds a lot of old fogies xvho say dull things in a dull xvav upon dull topics. He Hies headlong from it fiend xvho wants to discuss the tanll with him and takes refuge in his empty home, where ho finds that the single servant xvho had been left in charge has drunk up nil the sherry and forgotten to make his bed. Karl's Clover Hoot, tho new blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to thecomiilexion and cures constipation. 25c, 50c. and .$1.00. Sold by Snipes A Kinersly, druggists. Ask your dealer for Mexican Silver Stove Polish. WOOD, woi, wtTon. Best untiles of oak. fir, and slab cord wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T. Peters & Co. (Office Second and Jeffer son streets.) Mexican Silver Stovo Polish causes no dust. WOOWH IXOSIXXODIfr.E2 Tho Great Knum Hemy. Promptly na permanently cure U forms of AYnxjm I Weukneu. EtnUtiont. Bvtrm' atorrhta, Impotencu and all tfftct' o4ove or MffiiM. ixcu jriw.TJUru uvvr vrnralti thouiawlaof cnsBflt tr' ,it niedtelnt H'lioicii. Alk drtigtrUt for Wood'" rJiouihqdlnei If bo offer somowortulwsmoJIcluploplncoof ttit, loavo his tluboncn store, lucloso prioo In letter, una will rend by return mall. J'nce, cno pacKogo, bU.CS. Oil tnHJKli!- "in cure. j-uui;ju In plain nenlod envelope, W ovuu posiafo. JUidrtw Tlio Wood Oliumlcul Co,, IU1 Woodward avenue, Detroit, Minn. Bold In Tlio Dalles by Blakeley iV Uoub'litou, wo lc( Jtl For the Fall Trade Wo are now ready with a full lino of Ready-Made Clothing. Dress Goods, Black, ctzxcl. Colored and nil other kinds of Dry Goods CHEAP FOR CASH Q Wo are noted for tho trnnd vnlnnn wn rvn In Bleached nnd Unbleached Muslins. Sheetinirs. Prints. Glnehnmo. Boots nnd ( I Shoes. Hosiery. Gents' Furnishing?, etc.. etc. V y The Balance oi our Summer Importations now Clearing Out AT COST. Cor. Court and second sts. Trie Dalles, Oregon. S. & N. HARRIS. H 1 bills, Fancy Goods and Notions, Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc. now complete in every department. , All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices. Terms Cash. H. Herbring. ALL OTENIMq 1S93. Novelties in Millinery. Pattern Hats, Bonnets, Etc. SATURDAY, SEPTElWBESt SO. Remember, yon arc expected. Very respectfully yours, 112 Second Street. ANNA PETER & CO. Familiar Faces in a jVcw Place, C. 13. BAYARD, J. E. BARXETT Late Special Agent General Land Office. Bayard eft; Barnett, Jf?e Ieal Instate, loai?, Iiurapee, & COLLECTION ACENCY. KTOTARY ITJTJLIO. Parties having Property thuy wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Hunt, or Abstract of Title furnished, xvill find it to thoir advantage to call on us. Wo shall niuko a specialty of tho prosecution of Claims and Contests before tho Unitep States Land Ollico. 85 Washington St. THE DALLES, OB. THE WORLD'S BEST LITERATURE IN- BOOKS. AT'. I. C. NICKELSEN'S. The California Winehousc, Is now opon, and its proprietor will soli his homo produced Wino at prices in tho roach of ovoryhody. Also, best Peanuts to bo found. Goods guaranteed to bo Puro and First-Class in ovory respoct. ' Thompson's Addition. c. BECHT.