Tiie Dalles Daily Chronicle. OKKIOIAl- VAl'KK OF 1MM.KS CITY. A NO WASfO COUNTY. SUnSCUIl'TlON HATK8. RY MAtL, TOSTAOK rRSI'AIP, IS ADVANCE. Weekly, 1 year MM ' 6 months 0 T6 3 0 SO Daily, 1 year 6 CO ' 0 months S DO per " ON Address all communication to " THE CHUON ICLK," The Dulles, Orefiou. INmt-OIDco. ' OFFICE HOURS- General Delivery Window . . .S a. m. to 7 p. tn. Moci'v Onier " S n. m. to 4 p. tn. Hitnday i D " . . . .9 a. m. tolOn. in. CLOSING OF MAILS trains going Knst. ..9 p. tn. ami 11:4A a.m. " " West 9 p. in. and S:SOp. m. Stage for Goldcndale T:S0a. m. " " l'rlncvillo .S:SOn. ni. ' "Dutttraiid Warm Springs ..&:&) n. in. " fLcavlng for l.yle A Hartland..S:S0n. m. " " " Antelope 5:S0a.m. Except Sunday. tTri-weeklv. Tuesdav Thursday and Saturday. I " "Monday Wednesday and Friday. FRIDAY, SFPT. 29, 1893 WHEAT WILL RISE. From Clnpp & Co.'s weekly market letter we glean the following valuable facte concerning wheat : r Based on government reports, exports of wheat and flour since June 30th, 1S93, equal about oS,000,C00 bushels. Never before were exports exceeded in the same period. Average yearly exports for twenty-five years past, ending June 30th, equal 118,360,000 bushels ; for five years past 144,359, 145 bushels ; for the previous five years but 122,420,110 bush els; and for the past decade 133,3S9,G2S bushels. Apparently the credit panic caused unnaturally low prices, stimulated ex ports, and depleted this season's surplus tne past eighty-four days more than one half any surplus we may have had to spare between June 30th, 1S93, and June 30th, 1S94. Exports for the years from 18S5 to 1891 inclusive, show 53 per cent, were made the last six months of a calendar year, or 03,000,000 bushels, and that 60,000,000 bushels were ex ported the last half of the crop year ending June 30th. Primary receipts since June 30th have been about 42,000, 000 bushels. Ordinarily about one third of our crop movement reaches pri mary points before September 15th, and about one-half between June 30th and December 1st; only about 35 per cent, of the yearly crop grown reaches pri mary points in a crop year. About 71 per cent, of the receipts at the 21 pri mary markets yearly arrive between June 30th and December Slut, and but 29 per cent, the second sis months end ing June 30th. In 1879 the acreage was 32,545,950. No year since (except 18S5, when there were but 34,189,246 acres;, was the acreage as small as this season. The reported yield per acre in 1876 and 1SS5 was 10.4 bushels; in 1SS1, 10.1 bushels: now it is 10.7 bushels. No other season in the past twenty-three years was the yield below 11.1 bushels. The average yield per acre for the past decade was 12.24 bushels, and for the previous ten years was 12.5 bushels. Government j reports show this season's crop equals but 327 pounds of wheat grown for each one of 68,000,000 people, and that the yearly consumption of each person is , 4-?3 bushels, that seed requirements for ' this year's crop was 54,000,000 bushels. ' This practically shows any or all ex- J ports made after June 30th, 1893, must come from supplies left over from previ ous crops. The world's average price of wheat or bread never averaged lower than since June 30th. We believe consumption will soon overtake production, that as radical changes in values will take place as occurred lust season in cotton, or re cently in hog products. Wheat is be low coat of production. It does not spoil by keeping, or go out of fashion. We consume a million bushels daily. The world's consumption is 6,000,000 bushels per day. LITTLE CHANCE OF PERJURY, j Why Clrcunntnntlnl Kvltlonoo 1 ItPRimled by Many l.nw.vr h Strong. Writers in the law periodicals are ad vocating all sorts of strange doctrines tit present. "One correspondent thinks that elrcumstnntlal evidence should have scarcely any weight. His argu ment is that when direct evidence is given there is only t lie perjury of the witness to bepunrded against, while In circumstantial evidence there are both the possibility of perjury and the lia bility to a wrong inference from the circumstances. The strength of cir cumstantial evidence, according to most writers, however, is that there is little probability of perjury, as the cir cumstances frequently are slitrht in themselves ami not likely to bo dis torted by the witnesses who do not know of their full eiToet. The New York Tribune regards it as probable that many more unjust convictions have taken place from perjured direct ( evidence than from mistaken infer ences from circumstances. Ardemtts . Stewart, m the American Law Reg ister, belittles the value of expert evi dence to an even greater extent than most previous writers. English law yers, writing to the London papers, have advocated to some extent a strange plan for doing nway witli all oaths in legal proceedings, on the ground that perjury is so common that simple declarations to which the same penalties for incorrect statements might attach would be just as valua ble as testimony given under the pres ent form. Another new theory which TAKE HEART, If yoti'io ti miA'oring woiimti. The chron ic weaknesses, pain ful disorders, and del ion to dt'iange- , nionts that come to woman only have u positive remedy in Dr. Pierce's Favor ite Proscription. If you wilt faithfully use it, every disturb ance and irregular ity chn bo perma nently cured. It's a legitimate medicine for woman, carefully adapted to her delicate organi zation. It builds up and invigorates the entire system, regu lates and promotes all the uroDcr func tions, and restbrcs health and Btrength. " Favorite Prescription " is the only remedy for woman's ills that's guaranteed. If it fails to benefit or cure, you liavo your money back. com E W SEE OUR STOCK OF Men's, Boys' and Youth s CLOTHING l Which is the best to try, if you have Catarrh a medi cine that claims to have cured others, or a medicine that is has found its advocate is that in crim- backed by money to Cure 'OU inal trials, except for treason, the de-, The proprietors of Dr. Safe's fense, as well as the prosecution, shall r, U , be conducted by public officials. This I Catarrh Remedy agree to cure your Catarrh, perfectly and per manently, or they'll pay you $500 in cash. suggestion is rather more startling than any of the others, and is even more unlikely than they of adoption. It may be that in the superabundance of law periodicals, writers find it easier to invent a theory than to make some valuable contributions to legal liter ature. 1,11 Grle. During the prevalence of the grippe the past seasons it was a noticeable fact that those who depended upon - Dr. King's New Discovery, not only had a speedy recovery, but escaped all of the troublesome after effects of the malady. This remedy -eems to have a peculiar power in effecting rapid cures not only in cases of la grippe, but in all diseases of throat, chest and lungs, and has cured cases of usthnm and hay fever of long standihu'. Try it and be convinced. It won't disappoint. Tree trial bottles at Snipes & Kinersly's drug tore. Tyeli Valley Kller Klimr Mill. Is in complete repair; always in ."-tore flour equal to the bet. Also old tyle coarse and fine Gra'iiun flour, mili feed. etc. V. M. McCohki.k. I'mjtr. tl 1.11.3m (null .lull 1 rill t ill i;. If you have your job printinc l"n- m Thk Ciikoxici: you will lin tin- .m vantage of having' it done with the im-i modern and approved type, with uliiel. we keep continually supplied. All jidw under the direct suurvisioii of one of the most successful and arti-tic printers in the Northwest. This Is the Season Of the Year lUhen Judicious Advertising Pays. Look: Over The man who Overlooks SCO Cur Stock of CLOTHING, and if he hasn't bought a Suit that is poorer, andpaid More Than mo ne v vou . . . who purchased your Suit of What is Your Idea of a Fall and Winter Suit for your own wear V YOU certainly have an idea of about what you want. Who knows, perhaps we have the same Suit on one of our tables that you have in your mind's eyo. ti will bo well worth your inspect our Stock. X flj. WILMS SCO. BFNeed "we point the moral?" oweved v k A. A 4 w mm mmm W OT fc -w4 YUUK H 1 1 EJll lUJl i "There is a tide in the affairs oj men which, taken at its flo I leads on to fortune." TiiS-3-b AnnsrccablhLasutive anrt NERVE TUNIC. Sold by DruKirista or sent, by mail. 23c. iOc , anil SI-GO per package. Samples free If ft Mft Tbo Favorite 5CCTH PC7T2S2 H.W DlViortueTectnandllreatn.Sic. For huIo by Hnlpes & Kluor!). Caveats.and Trade-Marks obtained, andall l'at-J ent business conducted for Moocratc Fees. nun r m r w naantlTr II DmNT fl Tf IT T ' J and we can secure patent in less time Uian tlioie J remote trotn niuningion. , Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip- Jtlon. We advise, It patentable or not, Irec of J charRC. Our fee not due till patent is secured, t ' A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain l'atents," with' cost of same in the U.S. and foreign countries J tsent free. Address, :C.A.SNOW&CO.j OPP. PATENT OFflCC, WASHINGTON, D. C. Is culled to the faot that fiagh Glenn, D-aler in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement and Building Jluterinl of nil kinds. !rrl the Flrifnt Line of j Picture Mouldings To be found in the City. 72 LUashington Street. W. E. GARRETSON, III Tho poet unquestionably had reference to the ulosi-Oni Side ! 1 mMm k Can at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-red ucod ri M1C1IHL1JAC11 1JH1CK, UNION ST. 1 Now that the German einneror has . i,..:u 1.:,. ! uuuu iijiiiiuiuin jurL uuiil iui 111a 1.1111- dren at Potsdam , he might use it for himself whenever lie iets one of his whims to play the warrior. Idaho sheepmen have formed a strong organization and have unanimously signed a petition and tent to congress praying that the tariff on wool remain as it is. Oregon wool men should do the same, and at once. Russia has put a stop to the proposed effusiveness of the French people over their arrival at Toulon and intimates very broadly that they don't wunt to be slobbered over. Consequently France's parade of Ituesia's friendship will fall short of its brilliant spectacular posei bllities. One hundred and fifty Philadelphia manufacturers, led by Mr. Wharton, banker and financier, will trado their influence to the silver senators to pre vent repeal if the latter will throw their force with the republicans to prevent tinkering with the tariff, The price is considerable, but it shows how much they' value protection. As a local min ister Mid recently, when you cant beat the devil, the next best thing to do is to go into partnership with him. JTor Kent. Five rooms suitable for housekeeping with bath. Central locution. ldlw J. M. Huntinoto.v & Co. of MEN Easily. Quickly, Permanently Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and all tho train of ptIU from early errors or later cxcss, tie results of overwork, nick near, worry.etc. FulUtrenetii, development anil tun Klven to every orifan a::d portion of the bodj. Slin pie. natura 1 methods. Imnivftlstolmiirorernrnt mru. i'allurolriipoiiillile. l.lti references. Hook, explanation and proof.) maUtd (eeoled) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N. Y. Executors' Notice. Notice In hereby Kivtn, thnt the tiuik-Mlstiwi I have been duly niipoiiiU.il, by the HmioNible the i County Court of Wiik'o comity, Urexon, exi-cn- VIGOR VOL y A KKKIls. (Iliseman S Marders, Saloon and Wine Rooms Tho Dalles, - OreRon. P, . RWR R1 MM.K A (IK NT It THK I MINHNS It IC NKW TOWN lm l"en liluttHl on thr old cumi Krounil, nt thu Korku itnil KuIIm o( lloixl river. " Itli liiruu, hli.'litlv lotx.broiul NtreutMtiid iilluyh, kikI xoll niiil nir: wnter.wi t Ii nluid i-1 ti profiiifiin, M'rIcit drill iuu;t',iljfKbi(iil jiioinitnln clliiiittv, the centrnl iittriiiitlou imn inotiiitiilti kuiiiiiiit rtmort Inr nil Orexoa. LkiIiik the nenrvHt town to Mt. lloixl. It l uitiiiriilloleu iik 11 iniiniiliiniurltt center, IjeltiK thu uutural collier for l.'i , .itro inllin of the bvat ccdnrialK tllillntr. 1mi.im'),.h!ii!? inilHiniK of hori.. ..or 111 I1n ilfiHhtiM Mtti'iiniN lltldTI - fnllx, easily hiirncud-il. Whf-re .up iiiolive power cxlKtK, there tkt'J incioriCK win ruiuer, niirruuio ,1 ny nun 111111 ciiinniu tnai caniigtww-j anywhere for fruit and iituli nlture, niul with triuiUKirtatlou nlrcMa yon win nun cm mo iiiii't' to nuiKe a Jieriect noun; or n piijiai 7 All Watch Work Jewelry Made JBr;orttivu;Hi Court streets. corner of fecund and arrantod. to Order, MX h.moiul Ht., Tim Dulf, Or. See me address Wasco on the gros me at HooqJ County, OreR fTlTTP HJj DALLES p Daily and Weekly Editions. llUiUUUU. Columbia 1 j 1 1 nucei. TITliE PERFECT W. Ross Winans )eroiiH hnviiiK cluiniH hkuIiiu itiild estate are hereby reiilred to present tho tame, duly veri fied and with proper vrniehtrn, to iu or vlthv, t Anteloie, wutco county, Orvxnn, within six months from the date of thin notice, The IJallen, Or., Auk. ib'M. IAMKS I1AXTKK JAMhH wjutti:n, hxeeutor of the estate of John Jlaxter. dee'd. K-l,w3t AGENTS WANTED on salary and Commission for THE ONLY AUTHORIZED Biography of JAMES G. BLAINE. lly GAIL HAMILTON, his literary executor, with the co-operation of bin family, unrt for ilr. !iltie'HOmpleteWork,"TWJSMTY VKAltN OF coNttUKHN," and lii later book, "I'D MTICAL DINUUHHIOMN." One iiroineclim fort bene a JIKMT KKLLINd bonk in the mar ket. A. K. I'. Jordan ot Me,, took 11J order from llrxt.llO cnll; uKont'iirotitieo.ao. Mr.Ilnl lard of 0 took ) orileri,, Wheal JtuiIn, iu 1 day, tirnllt U-4a.Hr. K. N. Itlco of )lw, took '.'7 orderi! In 'i days, profit H47.ua. J. i'artrldito of Me. took l.'l oriler from 'M chIIn. nrotlr H7n.ur,. K. A. l'almcr of K, link, took M orderb In 3 dnvn, nrolltHUH.US. KXtJI.IJHI VK TKItltlTOUV Klveu. If you wl-ili to miiku I.AItdi: .MO.N'KV, write imineillatciy lor icrniH to The HENRY BILL PUB. 00., KOIVICS, Cong. I THE CHRONJCLJi was ostablislied for tho ex press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and the surrounding country, and tho satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalles, lionco it is tho ' best medium for advertisers in tho Inland Empire. The Daily Chhoniole is published evory eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $6.00 per annum. The Weekly Ohjioxicle on Fridays of each week at Si. 50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., Tlx DalleM, THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Hun Intitlv Ilium I linrnm.lil v i-iiiwiviltell Sid ' fiirniHlied throughout, nnd 1h now 1t evdr nreimrud to fiiriiluli tho W" iteeoniinodiitionH of nny house in lj' eity, und ut thu very low row ' $1 a day. First-Class MeftleJ Ottlee of tho fiiHt und commodiouH opioflUija H to Dnfnr. KIiil'hIbv. Tvch Vnlloy, WF"f1 Wiirtn Htirlnim and Prlnovllle it) in the Hot" und pomoiiH going to Prineville can 4.00 by going on this Stugo lln6' All trains stop here. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Work. Ttn Repairs anflfi MAINS TA.PPED UNDER PEESSUR2B. Shop on Third Street, noxt door west of Young Blacksmith Shop.